#Complexion revitalization
4 Tips For Looking Great on a Budget
A lot of people associate looking great with money. And while it’s true that going to the salon, buying the latest fashion, and going to see a plastic surgeon is no doubt pricey, this isn’t the only way to look great. With the right strategies, you can look your best without having to spend thousands. If you’re someone on a budget who still wants to look great, here are some of the best tips for…
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billa-billa007 · 9 months
Truffoire and Healthy Food Equals Perfect Skin
Healthy foods nourish skin from the inside, making it better apt at fighting environmental damage, stress and premature aging. On top of applying Truffoire skincare like White Truffle Day Cream and Black Truffle Instant Repair Syringe, that nourish your skin on the outside with beneficial blueberries, green tea, avocado oil and truffles, add these ingredients to your diet as well, to maximize the benefits. Invincibly healthy, radiant skin is the results of Truffoire skincare and healthy foods!
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sscplherbals-blog · 18 days
SSCPL Herbals Skin Lighting Face Wash - Rejuvenate & Revitalize | Order Now!
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Experience SSCPL Herbals Skin Lighting Face Wash for a firmer, youthful complexion. Advanced ingredients lift and firm your skin. Order now at www.sscplherbals.com! Embrace the confidence of tightened skin with every cleanse.
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skinzeyofficial · 5 months
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Indulge in the rejuvenating essence of Skinzey's Deep Nourish - Rice Water Toner, a skincare masterpiece designed to transform your daily routine. Enriched with the timeless beauty secret of rice water, this luxurious toner offers a harmonious blend of deep hydration and skin-balancing properties. Immerse your skin in the natural goodness of rice water, renowned for its nourishing and brightening effects. As you apply this exquisite face toner, feel the gentle embrace of clean beauty, free from harmful chemicals.
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Deep Nourish preps your skin for a radiant glow, ensuring a revitalized and luminous complexion. Elevate your skincare experience with Skinzey's commitment to excellence and unveil the radiant beauty that lies within.
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candylandphotos · 10 months
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Beauty Clean Makeup Routine Model Blonde Freckles❤️
"Unveiling a radiant transformation, this blonde model's clean makeup routine accentuates her freckles and inner glow, celebrating natural beauty at its finest. 💄❤️✨ #CleanBeautyRadiance"
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monicascot · 10 months
Truffoire combines the power of healthy food with their proven quality skincare products to achieve perfect skin. By incorporating rare and effective ingredients into their formulations, Truffoire offers a unique blend of luxury and nourishment for the skin. With a focus on providing the highest quality products, their skincare range ensures optimal results, making it a go-to choice for beauty connoisseurs and those seeking a holistic approach to skincare. Experience the transformative benefits of Truffoire’s innovative solutions, where the fusion of healthy food and premium skincare creates a radiant and rejuvenated complexion.
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advikayurvedanatural · 11 months
A Dynamic Duo: Unveiling the Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel with Vitamin E in Skincare
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When it comes to skincare, the quest for natural and effective ingredients is ever-present. Among the diverse array of botanical wonders, the combination of aloe vera gel with vitamin E has gained immense popularity in recent years. Both aloe vera gel and vitamin E are known for their exceptional skincare properties, and when combined, they create a dynamic duo that can work wonders for your skin. In this article, we will delve into the synergistic benefits of aloe vera gel with vitamin E in skincare, exploring how this powerful combination can enhance your beauty regimen.
Understanding the Power of Aloe Vera Gel and Vitamin E:
Aloe Vera Gel:
Aloe vera gel, derived from the leaves of the aloe vera plant, has been used for centuries to treat various skin conditions and promote skin health. Its natural properties include:
Hydration: Aloe vera gel deeply moisturizes the skin, leaving it soft and supple.
Soothing: It calms irritated skin, reducing redness and inflammation.
Healing: Aloe vera accelerates the skin's natural healing process, making it ideal for treating minor wounds and burns.
Anti-Aging: Its antioxidants help combat free radicals and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Non-Greasy: Aloe vera gel is lightweight and non-greasy, making it suitable for all skin types.
Vitamin E:
Vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant, is renowned for its protective and reparative effects on the skin. Some of its remarkable properties include:
Antioxidant Defense: Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals, protecting the skin from oxidative stress and premature aging.
Moisturizing: It helps retain skin moisture, preventing dryness and promoting elasticity.
Scar Reduction: Vitamin E supports the fading of scars and blemishes, promoting a more even skin tone.
Sun Damage Protection: Its photoprotective properties shield the skin from harmful UV rays.
Anti-Inflammatory: Vitamin E reduces inflammation, making it beneficial for sensitive or irritated skin.
The Synergy of Aloe Vera Gel with Vitamin E:
Combining aloe vera gel with vitamin E creates a potent blend that maximizes the benefits of both ingredients. The synergy between the two enhances their individual properties, resulting in a skincare powerhouse. Here are the key advantages of using aloe vera gel with vitamin E:
Intense Hydration: The combined formula deeply nourishes and hydrates the skin, helping it retain moisture for longer periods.
Enhanced Healing: The anti-inflammatory and healing properties of aloe vera gel, coupled with the scar-fading abilities of vitamin E, accelerate the skin's recovery process.
Increased Antioxidant Defense: The antioxidant-rich combination provides heightened protection against environmental damage and premature aging caused by free radicals.
Soothing and Calming: Aloe vera gel's soothing properties complement vitamin E's anti-inflammatory benefits, offering relief to sensitive or irritated skin.
Improved Skin Texture: The blend promotes smoother, softer skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Incorporating Aloe Vera Gel with Vitamin E into Your Skincare Routine:
The beauty of this dynamic duo lies in its versatility. You can incorporate aloe vera gel with vitamin E into your daily skincare routine in various ways:
Serum: Look for serums that contain both aloe vera gel and vitamin E and apply it before your moisturizer for an extra boost of hydration and antioxidant protection.
Moisturizer: Choose a moisturizer enriched with aloe vera gel and vitamin E to nourish and protect your skin throughout the day.
DIY Face Mask: Create a homemade face mask by blending pure aloe vera gel with vitamin E oil. Apply the mask once a week to promote skin rejuvenation and radiance.
After-Sun Care: Use a product with aloe vera gel and vitamin E to soothe and repair the skin after sun exposure.
In the realm of skincare, the pairing of aloe vera gel with vitamin E has proven to be a game-changer. The combined benefits of deep hydration, antioxidant defense, scar reduction, and soothing properties make this duo a must-have for any skincare enthusiast. By embracing the power of aloe vera gel with vitamin E in your beauty routine, you can unlock the true potential of natural skincare and unveil radiant, healthy, and revitalized skin.
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B.B Clear Exfoliating Soap with AHA 6.70oz / 190g.
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A3 Lemon Skin Cleanser – 260 ml
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oftenwantedafton · 4 months
The Perfect Girl - Dave Miller/William Afton x Female Reader
Chapter 3
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - no explicit content in this chapter
Also available on AO3
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Wednesday afternoon. Your first shift since the beginning of the week, when Dave Miller had pulled you into the abandoned pizzeria.
When he’d kissed you.
You tell yourself you’re not looking for him when you walk through the mall. You deny how often your gaze goes out of focus at random moments when you remember how it had felt to have the older man’s body pressed against you. The feel of his mouth and his tongue on yours. Your stomach flips. Your cheeks flush. You still think he’s creepy and weird. You’re still inexorably drawn to him. It’s all so confusing.
You retrieve inventory from the back room to put on display. The summer clothing line is ready. Shorts and tank tops and swim wear. Colors like lemon and raspberry and peach sorbet. Tiny prints with flowers and fruit. A box full of new sunglasses tinted in summer shades, some bearing tropical images on the lenses like palm trees and sunsets. Nautical bangles and pendants and post earrings in the shape of seashells and sea creatures. Canvas sneakers and strappy sandals. Cute new purses that you’re already eyeing for yourself.
Dave’s there when you return to the floor. Just in the doorway. Leaning. Arms folded. Messy hair and shadowed eyes and that mouth that you now know the feel of.
You try and fail at a smile. Stumble over a word of greeting. He takes a step forward. A pair of teenage girls enter the store and he scowls. Turns and leaves with a jingle of keys.
Break time. You’re not hungry. But it’s an excuse to leave the store. You recognize his footsteps behind you. The great, brisk strides he takes with those long legs. Polished shoes clicking on the ivory flooring. You turn around. You’re standing near one of the hallways with the custodial closets. Storage. Seasonal store displays and broken rental strollers and mops and buckets and wet floor signs. Dave takes your hand and pulls you into the hallway in one sweeping motion, never missing a beat. Key smoothly slotted into the lock on the closet. Pushes you inside, into the darkness. The door clicks shut.
It smells like chemicals. Cleaning supplies. You don’t dare move forward for fear of tripping on something. You can hear the security guard’s breathing.
“I’ve missed you,” he says quietly. He reaches for you. You turn in his arms. “Did you miss me?”
Your heart is pounding. “Yes,” you admit.
He makes a little humming sound, like he’s pleased with your response. His lips find yours in the dark. A little more aggressive today. You find yourself not minding. You cling to his tie, feel the stainless steel clip holding the dark fabric in place. He lets you breathe. You can feel his smile.
Then he releases you and the door opens. Light from the hallway. He’s already gone.
William Afton using the alias Dave Miller sinks into the cafe chair with less of his usual grace.
He’s tired. It’s not easy, working a full shift and then laboring on his special project in the late hours when everyone has gone home and the mall is meant to be empty.
You sit across from him and it revitalizes him. The task is worth losing sleep for. You smell like ripened peaches today. An early taste of summer. He despises the heat. It’s terrible for his fair complexion. He does not like the feel of it, the arid Hurricane air that leaves his skin damp and his brow salted. He thinks you must be the opposite. You’re wearing canvas slip ons and a yellow dress printed with sunflowers. How lovely it drapes over your frame, the sleeves loose and fluttering. So light and breezy. Such tiny, delicate buttons. How much he’d love to rip through them, let them scatter to the floor.
“Dave? Are you okay? You look exhausted.”
“I’m fine,” he says, his reverie broken. He watches you bite into a dark chocolate covered banana slice. Something from one of the frozen vending machines. You wince at the cold and put the remainder in your mouth. The rapidly melting chocolate stains your fingers. You lick them clean. He wishes he could do it for you.
You seem to have an affinity for chocolate and sweet things in general. He’s always had a bit of a sweet tooth himself. He’ll make sure to always keep the pantry and fridge in the hidden living space he’s creating stocked with something sugar laden for you.
“How come you’re still wearing long sleeves? They must have short sleeved uniform shirts.”
“The air conditioning,” he says dismissively. It’s not the real reason, of course. The scars have to be kept hidden.
“Want one?” You remove another coated slice from the wrapper. He nods, his fingers curling around your wrist, trapping you. He bends forward, gently clutching the offering in his teeth and pulls. Consumes it in its entirety, able to feel the iced treat traveling downward, like swallowing an ice cube whole. Doesn’t relax his hold until he’s lapped the chocolate from your fingers.
“Dave…” He watches your eyes dart around to see if anyone’s watching. He grins at you.
“Delicious,” he says.
You don’t say much after that.
Afton walks you back to the store and follows you inside of it. “Where’s the staff restroom?”
“Oh, um…” He sees you hesitate. Wondering perhaps why you’re asking to use that particular one. “It’s out back to the left.”
“Show me.”
“Dave…” Again, with this. Looking scandalized. Whatever customers are in the store are preoccupied. Your coworker is engrossed in a fashion magazine resting on the counter. “I’ll be right back, I’m almost done my break,” you say. The girl doesn’t even look up, nodding. “You’re not supposed to be back here,” you hiss at him when you’re both out of sight. “Make it fast.”
“Is that how you want it? Fast?” He leans his back against the door and pushes it, dragging you in with him. It’s not a large room, just a sink and toilet, very little space to even stand for one person. The security guard crowds you against the sink. “Well? Is it?”
William loves watching the way you swallow when you’re nervous. So much saliva filling your throat. How much he wants to fill that throat.
“I’m supposed to be back to work.”
He shrugs. “You still haven’t answered me.” He tucks his lips beside your ear and rests a hand at the v of bare flesh the dress leaves exposed at the base of your throat and beginning of your chest. He can feel your heart beating like mad. “How do you want it?”
You still don’t answer, your lips parting. Needing more air, perhaps. He decides he’ll answer for you. His lips crush against yours. He can still taste the dark chocolate from your snack earlier. The scent of peaches is heavy in his nostrils. He lavs your throat. You whimper. He kisses the place his hand has just vacated, that tempting bit of skin above the start of those tiny buttons. He wants so much to fall on his knees before you. Devour every inch of you.
Instead he steps back into the hall. Leaves you flushed and breathless. Pushing you a little further along the path of wanting.
The clerk at the counter doesn’t even notice when he leaves the store.
A Friday evening. You’re on the roof of the parking garage. No other cars are around. Dave follows behind you. You think it must have been him following you all along, all those other times. He’s so good at avoiding being seen. It occurs to you that given his job he must know the layout rather intimately. Every camera, every blind spot. All of the shadowed places. You know them now too, because of him.
The skin beneath his eyes is so sooty. It always is lately. As if he’s not been sleeping. Keeping late hours.
He enters the passenger side of your car without asking. It’s just assumed he’ll be here with you, because he wants to be.
You push the keys in the ignition and turn to face him.
“Are we ever going to…” You begin, faltering.
“Are we ever going to what?” He smirks.
“Go anywhere together?” The smug look fades. Clearly not what he was expecting you to ask.
“You want to go on a date? With someone old enough to be your father? You’re embarrassed if I touch you in public, forget kissing.”
“I’m not,” you mumble, but it’s true. You’re not ashamed, just…uncomfortable. Nothing with Dave is ever casual. There is no quick peck on the cheek or brief embrace that would be considered proper in public. Everything is intense, heated, lingering. They are not the kind of gestures you think should be seen by or shared with others. “And yes, I would like to go somewhere that isn’t in this stupid mall.” It’s begun bothering you. The stolen kisses. The sneaking around. You feel like you’re entitled to something more than that.
“And then what?”
You frown. “What do you mean?”
“What else do you want from me?”
“I want to know what I am to you.”
The security guard sighs. “I don’t care for labels.” He pauses. “I was going to wait to tell you, but the reason I’m so tired is because I’ve been working on something. For you.”
You blink in surprise. “For me?”
“Yes. But it’s not quite ready yet. So you’ll have to wait a little longer.”
“You’ve really been staying up all night working on something for me?”
He nods. Some dark tendrils of hair fall forward. Your fingers itch to tuck them back into place.
Dave rests his fingers beneath your chin. He gifts you a softer smile this time before his mouth covers yours. You finally surrender to what your fingers have been craving and slide them through the dark hair. It’s warm inside the car. He’s warm. His mouth moves to your neck. You wonder when he will finally put his hands on you, in places he shouldn’t. You’re afraid of him doing it. You wish he would anyway. You’ve begun to think about him now when you’re in your bedroom at night. The last thoughts before you go to sleep. Sometimes touching yourself and wishing it was his hand instead. Wondering if he’s doing the same.
You rest a hand tentatively on his thigh, midway up. He notices, drawing back slightly. “You think you’re ready for that?”
Are you? You think so. You want…but still. Still so nervous. You’ve never gone all the way. Not done much beyond heavy petting. You’d been waiting for the right person. Was Dave Miller the right person?
“I think it will happen soon,” he promises. “When the time is right. After I give you your surprise.” His lips find yours again.
You think about your curfew. Your mother will wonder where you are.
You keep kissing him.
Middle of summer. William Afton has made considerable progress. On his special project. With you.
A lot of what he’d needed was already in the restaurant. Converting it into a living space has gone smoothly. The plumbing is already there. Sink, toilet, and now shower. The rest is so much easier. New queen sized mattress, box spring, frame, sheets, comforter. Two large closets, one for linens, one for clothes. A recliner. Bookshelf. Still empty, but he’s got plans for that. Small kitchen area. Table, two chairs, fridge, microwave. Cabinets for dishes and silverware. Lighting. All very traditional. Like a generously sized college dorm room or first apartment.
Until the other things are placed.
Soundproofed walls. One-way looking glass. Security cameras. The iron ring set in concrete on the floor. The chains and shackles. He tests the length. What will and won’t be out of reach. Adjusts the cameras. A wall for privacy for the bathroom area. The rest is exposed.
The timing of his completion is perfect. No school to worry about. You’re working more hours. Saving up for the college you won’t be attending come fall.
He’s still done nothing but kiss you. The restraint he has is tremendous. He thinks you’re quite addicted to the kissing by now. How much he enjoys pulling you into the shadows for a taste of that mouth. And now you’ve gotten brave enough to touch him. Your hand on his thigh. A signal.
Maybe you won’t need much persuasion.
But if you do, well.
Afton piles the chains back in the center of the secret room.
He’s ready to take you.
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Achieve Radiant Skin: Exploring the Wonders of Innovative Skin Care
In a world where beauty is often conflated with wellness and self-esteem, a radiant, healthy complexion has become more than just a desired aesthetic. It’s a physical manifestation of inner health and well-being. As technology advances and our understanding of the skin’s physiology expands, innovative skincare products and practices are emerging, each promising to unlock the secret to glowing…
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ptn-imagines · 3 months
Anything with nsfw with Cassia x fem reader? We were talking about voice kink but what about scent kink? Pwetty pwease
So... I'm not sure if this is entirely what you meant when you said scent kink, but it's my best interpretation of it.
Also, I should warn, I try my best to fill requests while keeping in line with the characters, so this may not be as... well, tender as some of my other NSFW imagines. If you would like me to write more official, proper, in-a-relationship NSFW headcanons with Cassia, feel free to ask!
NSFW below the cut, as well as a whole lot of Cassia being herself (obsessive over fragrances).
Cassia x fem Reader with scent kink
Even after several months of education and treatment in the Bureau, Cassia is nowhere near ready enough for a real relationship. Her worldview is just too deeply distorted to be easily remedied. It's a pity, but maybe someday…
However, one thing Cassia can grasp, and shockingly well at that, is sex. In fact, it seems to have become something essential to her, much as a human needs oxygen. You didn’t really understand why that was until the first time she approached you.
Cassia is usually a person of absolute, ethereal beauty. That made her pale, ashen-faced complexion on that day all the more shocking to you – you’d never seen her like this before.
Of course, that didn't compare to the shock you felt when she asked for sex. With you. Something about your fragrance? You didn't really get it, but Cassia seemed to be earnest in her request and she was pretty, even in her current state… What did you have to lose?
Cassia dragged you off to some broom closet the second you said yes and fell on you with all the intensity of a ravening beast. She seemed desperate, pupils blown wide, pretty much tearing your clothes off you…
Which made you all the more confused when she suddenly stilled. You noted she was trembling as she leaned forward, taking a long sniff of the junction where your neck and collarbone met.
“Your fragrance is… divine,” Cassia whispered, her breath hot against your neck. “So rich… and vibrant… but it still lingers… Mm, I… need you… Need your fragrance…”
The lighting in the broom closet was terrible, but even so you could still see the fierce blush crawling up her pale skin. So sickly before, now she seemed revitalized all of a sudden. You were too stunned to do much other than stand there as Cassia drank in another long inhale of your scent. Briefly, you wondered if this was what Cassia's idea of sex was…
Until Cassia fell to her knees, and placed her mouth on you. It couldn't be comfortable in this cramped space, but the perfumer didn't seem to notice; her tongue works your folds like a god. You'd wonder how Cassia got this skilled if you weren't too busy trying to not alert the whole Bureau to what was going on by your lewd moans and cries.
(Regardless, the answer would be that you were not the first person Cassia had pleasured, and desperation was a fine motivator to reach perfection.)
She'll clean every last drop of your arousal diligently, and when it becomes clear there is no more, she'll abruptly stand up to leave. Your bleary mind half-notes she doesn’t swallow. Even if you offer to pleasure her in return, she'll decline and quickly depart.
The next time you see Cassia, she's vibrant and full of life, and the perfume she's wearing is familiar to you, but it takes you a moment to place why…
When you do realize where you know the scent from, you turn as red as Cabernet's hair. How had she managed to extract a perfume from the arousal she'd licked off you?!
Cassia notices you and approaches, asking what you think of her new scent– which is named after you, dispelling any last doubt of the “primary ingredient.”
Still, once the shock wears off, a deeper part of your mind supplies that thought that Cassia wearing the scent of your arousal is… kind of hot? Really hot, actually, if the fact you're already getting aroused again by the thought of it is any indication…
So when Cassia asks for sex again, you figure: What harm could one more time do?
Of course it isn't one more time. Cassia's addicted to your scent, and you're addicted to that feeling that crawls down your spine and lights a fire in the pit of your stomach (and between your legs) when she wears your scent.
This little thing the two of you have… You don't know when it will end. But you hope it isn't anytime soon.
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hyaffiliate · 11 months
Achieving a Radiant Complexion: A Simple Nighttime Skincare Regimen
In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to overlook the significance of a proper nighttime skincare routine. However, dedicating a few minutes before bedtime can make a world of difference in achieving healthy, glowing skin. Let's delve into a straightforward nighttime skincare routine that will leave you feeling pampered and your skin revitalized!
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Cleanse: The First Step to Radiance
The foundation of any effective skincare routine is cleansing. Before heading to bed, ensure your face is free from makeup, dirt, and pollutants that have accumulated throughout the day. Opt for a gentle cleanser suitable for your skin type. Gently massage it onto your face using circular motions, focusing on areas prone to oiliness or dryness. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water to preserve essential oils.
Aprilskin Carrotene IPMP™ Hydromelt Cleansing Balm
JUNO & Co. Clean 10 Cleansing Balm 10 Ingredients Makeup Remover 
La Roche-Posay Toleriane Purifying Foaming Facial Cleanser
Exfoliate: Unveiling a Fresh Canvas
Exfoliation is essential but limit it to 2-3 times a week to avoid overdoing it. A gentle exfoliant will remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and enhance the absorption of your skincare products. Look for products with natural exfoliants like jojoba beads or alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs).
SkinMedica AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser 
Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant - Exfoliator
Paulas Choice--SKIN PERFECTING 2% BHA Liquid Salicylic Acid Exfoliant
Tone: Balancing the pH
After cleansing and exfoliating, toning comes into play. A toner helps balance the skin's pH levels and prepares it for better absorption of serums and moisturizers. Choose alcohol-free toners with soothing ingredients like rose water, chamomile, or witch hazel.
PCA SKIN Nutrient Face Toner
THAYERS Alcohol-Free, Hydrating Lavender Witch Hazel Facial Toner
SOME BY MI AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner
Serum: Targeted Treatments
Serums are packed with potent ingredients that target specific skin concerns. Whether it's fine lines, hyperpigmentation, or dehydration, serums offer a concentrated boost of active ingredients. Gently apply a small amount to your face and neck, letting the serum work its magic overnight.
COSRX Snail Mucin 96% Power Repairing Essence
Paula's Choice CLINICAL 1% Retinol Treatment
Derma ProGenix Advanced Anti-Aging Skin Care Serum
Eye Cream: Soothing and Refreshing
The delicate skin around the eyes requires special attention. Apply a nourishing eye cream to help reduce puffiness, dark circles, and fine lines. Use your ring finger to dab a pea-sized amount around the orbital bone gently.
IMAGE Skincare, VITAL C Hydrating Eye Recovery Gel
Dongyu 5% Caffeine Eye Serum and Under Eye Roller Cream
QOI Dark Circle Eliminator
Hydrate: Locking in Moisture
Moisturizing is crucial to keep your skin hydrated and plump. Select a night cream or moisturizer that suits your skin type, whether it's gel-based for oily skin or thicker for dry skin. Massage it into your skin using upward strokes to promote better circulation.
COSRX Snail Mucin 92% Moisturizer
Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance
PCA SKIN Collagen Hydrator Night Cream
Lip Care: Soft and Supple Lips
Don't forget to show your lips some love! Apply a nourishing lip balm or treatment to keep your lips soft and supple throughout the night.
LANEIGE Lip Sleeping Mask
Overnight Mask or Face Oil: Nourishing and Repairing
For an extra boost of nourishment, consider using an overnight mask or face oil. These products provide intense hydration and repair your skin as you sleep, waking up to a fresh and revitalized complexion.
Hands and Feet: Extending Skincare Love
If you have a few extra minutes, pamper your hands and feet as well. Moisturize them with a rich cream and put on cotton gloves and socks before sleep, allowing the products to deeply penetrate and hydrate the skin.
Paula's Choice Radiance Renewal Night Mask
LANEIGE Water Sleeping Mask
Beauty Sleep: The Ultimate Secret
Finally, the most essential part of any nighttime skincare routine is a good night's sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted rest to give your skin and body the time they need to repair and rejuvenate.
Remember, Consistency is Key!
The true magic of any skincare routine lies in consistency. Don't expect overnight miracles; instead, practice this easy nighttime skincare routine regularly and patiently, and you'll soon notice a radiant and healthy complexion that makes the effort entirely worthwhile.
So, go ahead and treat yourself to a little nightly skincare ritual – your skin will thank you for it!
P.S Highlighted are my personal favs
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fandomhop · 1 year
hello friend, what is fable? you seem to like it a lot and i gotta be honest i dont know the first thing about it. now,, i COULD ask google but i think that you could explain it better mhm mhm
[Oh boy! /affectionate]
[So, in a general, overall statement, Fable is a series of games from the 2000's-2010's. It's a quintessential bit of adventure fantasy, and totally progressive of its time.]
[Fable, as a whole, is about making your own sort of path within the story, and having your actions reflected on the world and yourself. It has a cool morality morphing system where, when you do something good or bad, not only does it affect the funny lil' NPCs around you, but it also reflects on your body. Do enough good actions, your complexion becomes glowing and you have a halo, do enough bad and you become more demonic looking.]
[There's actually both a deep and semi-shallow amount of lore. The first game was deffo built upon the bending and twisting of stories and folklore- you know, fables- and the games after followed along centuries after that, showing a world trying to grow past it's story built roots, but not being completely rid of them, even as technology grows and advances.]
[It's also British as hell. But, like, in a fun way! There's a fun and wonderful mix of light and darkness, sincerity and satire, sadness and humour. There's these beasties called Hobbes that are these sorta ugly things that act silly in and out of combat, but they also eat human flesh and are rumored to turn children into them. Some of them turn into kamikazes and they like teddy bears.]
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[Also you can kick chickens (they're fine, don't worry about it, they have reinforced feathers)]
[Your character is a Hero (with the capital H), a person who is born to be able to deal with the struggles of protecting or commanding respect of the common man. You can wield and utilize Strength, Skill and Will, the trio of combat skills. The combat is a bit simple, but it's also fun and easy to get into. You can also upgrade with experience points to get better with your weapons and will powers.]
[I think the story, world, and characters of Fable: The Lost Chapters are extremely iconic, but the character building and development starts to really shine in the later games. All the games have wonderful setting appearance, though. Looking at pictures of Fable are these beautiful settings and desktop/screen background worthy scenes. The people look a bit silly, though.]
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[Also? This game series is also progressive bc of its LGBT+ rep. The first game got called out for letting the male only player Hero marry a man, so the next game include bisexuals. Fable 3 lets you adopt children, regardless of your spouse's gender. There's a potion that lets you trans your gender (available only once in a quest after the main quest) and no one bats an eye to it (if you have a straight spouse, they won't immediately divorce you as long as you treat them well, but they won't have sex either.) There's a quest where you help out a guy find a suitor who is secretly gay, and the end of the quest is him coming out to his dad and being accepted. You can wear clothes of either gender, and get tattoos, hair, and facial hair regardless of your sex. (there is a cross-dressing statistic, but the Brits love a bit of cross-dressing humour.)]
[Now, I will not lie and say that they are perfect games, there are some flaws with them, and Fable 3 gets a bit of a bad rap for it's heavy streamlining, but I can genuinely say that these games are cherished a lot. Fable 2 is my go-to favourite game ever, and every once and a blue moon, I will be revitalized with a longing for the series. If you wanna get into it, I think it's a fun time for an old-ish game, and I really hope the new one that's coming out in {*looks at wrist*} the-yet-to-be-announced-future will be as cherishable, even if it's slightly different.]
[Also? Like, every time I (re)enter an interest/fixation, I make a little Fable AU in my head to consider what kind of heroes the characters might be.]
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monicascot · 11 months
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luviaeverything · 29 days
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