#Commander Peeps
virtkha · 6 days
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assorted peeplings
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dvcky-duck · 11 months
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line up of all of them as bugs! hehehh idkk
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fortjester · 1 year
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everyone PLEASE take a look at these tlt pieces I got commissioned by @b1cr1ptic for my dead cav club au and please also weep for how awesome they are
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freebagels · 8 days
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I honestly don't know how to complete the chart, but I had a revelation
Do you see my vision?
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They are having a great time
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karpkorner · 1 month
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"Hashtag free the nipples" Its her. She's the Commander saying it.
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ryzies-ralley · 11 months
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@eyeballcommander @head-chef-watchdog-quincy @albertbutyoucancallmebert @theyeontheskullship @mortisnothere @haterempiretherapist
Been up real Late Recently and spent those sleep deprived nights binge reading random ask blogs. These watchdog ones are oddly fun for me so I drew some random posts I thought were funny
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kazachokolate · 5 months
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and now we'll never know the first name of commander Peepers
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superbellsubways · 1 year
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I DREW MY PHONE FOR THE FEST good luck guys 😁
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cloudydayjoy · 6 months
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phantom-of-the-keurig · 3 months
My downstairs neighbors must think I’m getting absolutely railed into the mattress rn with the way I yelled DADDY when Wolffe showed up 💀
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darkmatternova · 9 months
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An unlikely duo..or well trio, when Warp can show up on time 😒
Me and my friends for a while now have said we could see Bo and Warp being good friends, almost like an older sister figure! We also said the same about Gravatina 😅, so meet the two who keep Warp in line LOL
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dvcky-duck · 10 months
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decided to redraw/redesign the bug versions of Lord Hater and C-Peeps
hehehe idk
also happy late 10th anniversary! :D
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sysig · 9 months
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He deserves a bit of everything, as a treat (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Up front - that first one was very inspired by one of Kurole's sketches of him - absolutely spectacular use of shapes ahhh <3 <3#His iris dripping directly into his tears?? Excuse me I die immediately#I did a full study later since as noted that one was from memory lol - not quite! Kurole's shapes are so pretty ♪#Peeps' shapes are some of the funnest to move around! He's so stretchy and squishy lol#He's so fun to pose#At first I was just going to doodle Peeps in the outfit the Watchdogs drew him in for The Cartoon because cute!#But I figured it'd be easier if started with the actual shapes they used - dissect how they lay on each other and all that#Turns out the bean form is also very cute hehe <3 They can try to make him as stereotypically dorky as they want! He's still the cutest!#He is quite handsome in the same outfit at his usual proportions tho#Not me always enjoying characters in glasses/putting characters in glasses#Of all the features I myself have that'd be the last one I would expect to be So about lol#Plus the little heels on his boots?? I can't believe the Watchdogs were Completely making a mockery of him hehe ♪#Maybe mocking him a little bit for being short but he loves heels! He loves feeling tall!#And they match his shirt? Fashionable all the way around ✨#Last one of him on Ziziks and trying(? maybe?? Lol maybe not) to relax#Open tourist-y shirt over loose swim trunks >>>#Gotta dork it up with the visor gloves and boots tho lol hopefully he put on sunscreen too#What would burnt Watchdog skin look like anyhow :0 Redder?#You just know he's still on call even if he managed to get some time off - and if he was forced off he's on call by choice lol#Little workaholic
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freebagels · 19 days
"We need butches in shows" there's literally a butch in woy and you are all focusing on the eyeball twunk instead
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zoruui · 2 years
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thinking abt night dual wielding false “darksabers” 😳 like what if these were imbued with sith magic, and like a parasite, they slowly possesses the wielder if used long enough...the shorter saber functions as a dagger, with the other as the primary sword.
more lore under the cut!
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fun fact, long exposure to the sabers triggers the host to not only undergo a unique kind of rapid “decomposition” but the inky tar their bodies turn into develop force neutralizing properties. attacks like force grab, choke, or lightning are relatively useless. these properties will fade if the host is kept away from the sabers. if an opponent attempts to dismember the host with a lightsaber, the lost limbs can regrow or reattach. the kyber crystals of lightsabers that come into constant direct contact with the tar become prone to “infection”, which would eat at the crystal itself. infected crystals eventually become unable to be ignited.
what other little information exists of these sabers have largely been lost to time. palpatine once expressed some interest in them and wanted to see what they were capable of, but of course he wouldn't test them on himself. so what better candidate to do so under the guise of “relocating an asset to a secure location”  than commander night- a reclusive and disposable clone who already operated more or less out of the public eye. however, when even palpatine himself was unable to control the sabers after they’d attached themselves to night, he decided to lock them away in the ruins of a sith temple. if he couldnt have them, no one could.
centuries later, night isn’t much more than a mindless vessel of sith goop and a myth. it’s in the sabers’ prideful nature to seek out challengers, and so they lie dormant until a new, fresh and living host enters the temple. stormtroopers or even scavengers who make the mistake of setting foot into the temple simply never come back out. 
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