#Claire was 19 and a college student just trying to find her brother and ended up with a kid to take care of
ugetelynx · 27 days
“Don’t compare trauma!” “Those comments were probably under a Leon video though” YOU DON’T GET IT NONE OF YOU ARE GETTING IT OH MY GOD.
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Fire Keeper: Chapter 18
Douxie x fem reader
Masterlist in Bio!
Series Summary: You are Jim’s older sister who is taking a break from college and has moved back home to Arcadia. You end up joining Jim and his friends on their adventures.
Chapter 18 summary: You take the trip to the past!
A/n: So it’s a really long chapter 6,336 words, I don’t know whether to say sorry or your welcome. Also I have no clue how shops were in twelfth century Englad so...yeah. Anyways, enjoy!
“Sorry, this is a lot to process! Pets can talk? The world is ending? Again?” Toby asked as you and Douxie met up with him at the book shop.
“Not the best timing, I know, but we need your help all the same,” Douxie said.
Toby looked at Douxie confusedly. “Douxie? Y/n?”
“Toby!” You hugged him tightly.
“Wai- hold up! I thought you worked at the cafe, or were, like, a model or something,” Steve questioned Douxie.  
Douxie chuckled. “There's a lot about me you don't know.”
“Whoa!” Toby gasped as Douxie used his cuff to show off some magic. “You’re like Y/n.”
“What?” Steve asked incredulously.
“Come on, then. The answers to all your questions are within.” Douxie gestured for them to go inside.
Steve scoffed. “Yeah, right. In a bookstore?”
You all walked in to see Merlin levitating some of his books. “Ah! There's flying books!” Toby exclaimed.
“Whoa!” Steve gasped.
“Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! So cool! So cool! So cool! Ooh, what's that?” Toby fanboyed, admiring the cool displays of Magic.
Merlin scowled at Toby when he picked up something. “Put that down! Thank the ether you're here! We haven't a moment to waste.”
“Whoa! Crusty, creepy dude!” Steve exclaimed.
Merlin ignored Steve. “Though, I had hoped for more, Hisirdoux.”
“I tried. I couldn't find the changelings or the aliens. I'm pretty sure most left the planet,” Douxie explained.
Toby waved at Merlin. “Merlin, it's me-- Toby Domzalski! You know, War Hammer, Guardian of Arcadia, Geology Club president.”
Merlin sighed. “No one could forget you, chatty.”
“And Steve Palchuk, Creepslayer!” Steve announced.
“I have no idea who you are,” Merlin dismissed. “But we're desperate. Thankfully, we have the brute.”
“Yum!” Aaarrrgghh grunted, admiring Archie.
Archie swatted at Aaarrrgghh. “I'm not anybody's lunch. Got it?”
“Wait, where's Jimbo and Claire? I thought they were with you,” Toby asked.
You opened your mouth to answer, but Merlin beat you to it. “Answers forthcoming. Make preparations. We've a journey ahead. And don't-”
“-but, Master-”
“-'but, Master' me,” Merlin finished.
Douxie sighed. “But... are you sure you want to count on these children? They're clearly not ready for this.”
Steve scoffed. “Excuse me, college dude, these children fought off a 50-foot extraterrestrial!” Steve hit the helmet off of one of the knights. You were surprised to see that the knight reacted.
“Dude, let go of its head!” Toby ordered, trying to help Steve.
“It's got my head, too, man!” Steve cried.
“Just put it back!” Toby yelled and Douxie sighed, exasperated.
“Master, I'm ready for this,” Douxie promised.
“Doubtful,” Merlin said.
“I've spent years preparing, centuries-“ Douxie started.
Merlin cut him off. “Silence!”
Douxie frowned and you gently patted his back with your good hand.
Merlin sighed. “I mean, silence, all of you. Can you not hear that? Something wicked this way comes.”
You went to the window with Douxie to investigate when you heard a shadow mephit growl. It pounced on the window, only to be thrown back by a shield.
“Shadow mephits? Hisirdoux, did you lead them here?” Merlin asked.
“No, no! I mean, I don't think so?” Douxie chuckled nervously.
“Yes, we did,” Archie answered.
“He found us. The barrier won't hold for long. We must make egress! Tobias, take my things!” Merlin ordered, levitating Toby and up to the roof. “All of you, to the roof!”
You quickly ran up to the roof, fully aware that you would need to protect Toby and Steve if any climbed the building.
You used your good hand to blast a few of the mephits off the roof before Douxie, Merlin, and Archie arrived.
“Stand back!” Merlin ordered, throwing the ship out onto the roof. Glass shattered and the green mist exploded out and then condensed.
“Whoa! Ship just got real!” Steve marveled.
“Everyone on!” Aaarrrgghh called, throwing Steve and Toby on. You levitated on, blasting mephits as you flew.
Eventually you were all on the ship and Aaarrrgghh was trying to get on while the shadow mephits attacked. You and Douxie blasted a few, finally helping Aaarrrgghh up. Steve fell onto Merlin and the ship stopped moving.
You looked over the edge to see the Green Knight standing in the street. “Boy...” he rasped. Suddenly he sent the shards at all of you and you shoved Douxie to the ground.
“Look out!” Merlin grunted, finally getting the ship to move away.
You slipped a bit at the sudden speed, almost falling. Thankfully Douxie caught you, but he grabbed you by your hurt arm. You hissed in pain.
“Oh! Y/n, I’m so sorry,” he apologized.
You brushed it off despite the tears in your eyes, “It’s alright.”
“No, here, let me heal it.” He looked so eager to help so you slowly extended your arm to him. He held it gently as he began to perform a healing spell. Your arm was surrounded in a blue glow as Douxie healed it. You immediately felt the pain fade away. It felt like aloe had just been put on a bad sunburn.
Unfortunately Douxie pulled away. “Alright, good as new.”
You gave a small smile. “Thanks.”
He nodded and opened his mouth to say something else when Merlin slowed the ship down.  
“Awesome sauce!” Toby exclaimed as he and Steve whooped. You grinned at them, it was nice to see them happy.
“This is so cool!” Toby called as you watched Arcadia grow smaller.
“What the heck is that?” Steve asked as Camelot came into view.
“Welcome, young squires, to Camelot,” Merlin said.
“Camelot? As in anceint-old-people-times Camelot?” Toby asked.
“Excuse me, I have a question. How is this castle flying right now?” Steve asked.
“The Heart of Avalon. Its magic keeps Camelot aloft, powered by time itself,” Merlin explained.
“You get used to it,” you called to Steve.
Merlin flew the ship past one of the towers and he waved at an old knight standing there. “Sir Galahad, how look the skies?”
“All quiet, my old friend!” Galahad replied.
“Keep your eyes on the horizon,” Merlin called, turning the ship to enter the castle.
You screamed a little as Merlin sped up. “I say, coming in a little hot, don't you think?” Archie asked.
“Rubbish!” Merlin yelled. The ship entered the castle skipping on the floor and you were glad you held on.
Douxie helped you off and you honestly didn’t want him to let go. You were just so tired, you needed the extra support. Thankfully, Douxie didn’t let go of your hand and you were grateful he was there with you.
“Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” Steve yelled.
Toby gasped, admiring the grand castle. “Whoa!”
“It's been 900 years since I was last here. Hasn't changed a bit. Except for the flying part,” Douxie said.
Steve laughed. “'Nine hundred years'? Yeah, right. You're like, what? Like, 19?”
“Give or take a few centuries,” Archie said, jumping off Douxie’s shoulder and turning into a dragon.
“So, how many things can your cat turn into?” Steve asked.
Douxie smiled. “That depends. How many things are there?”
“Uh, cool, floating castle ship, but what's the grave danger you keep talking about?” Toby asked, trying to get to the point.
Right after he said that Claire, Blinky and Mao walked in. “Ah, there you are,” Merlin said.
“Claire!” Toby exclaimed.
Claire rushed to hug him. “Toby!”
“Arghumont!” Blinky called, running to hug his own friend.
“Blinky!” Aaarrrgghh called back. Aaarrrgghh pulled all of them into a group hug.
Claire gasped in pain. “Not so tight.”
“Oh, sorry,” Aaarrrgghh apologized, letting go.
“Whoa, hey, Steve's here, too! How 'bout, how 'bout some love for Steve?”
“Oh. Hi, Steve,” Claire said, unimpressed.
“What happened to you guys? Wait, where's Jim?” Toby asked, finallly noticing that your brother was missing. You felt a tear slip.
“This way,” Claire said, gesturing back the way they came.
“Jim... What happened to him?” Toby asked, observing the gem Jim was encased in.
“We were ambushed. Some ancient, dark warrior. An unstoppable knight clad in green who struck down Master Jim,” Blinky explained.
Douxie turned to Merlin. “Master, is that the same knight we saw at the bookstore?”
Merlin nodded. “One and the same. That onyx shard is working its way towards his heart. I placed the boy in stasis, stalling its progress... for now.”
“If I had my Shadow Staff, I could've saved him,” CLaire said.
You let go of Douxie’s hand to hug her. “Don’t blame yourself, I should have done something, but I didn’t.”
Toby glared. “Who is this Green Knight? How do I get my hands on him?”
“I do not know. The Green Knight said but one name, which chilled me to the bone, Morgana.” Merlin explained.
“Oh, I hate that lady. Wait, I thought we kicked her bewitched butt to the Shadow Realm?” Toby asked and you could see the poor kid shaking with anger.
“Which he appeared not to know, but he bore the emblem of Camelot. Come with me, quickly. I fear the answer lies in the past. A dark menace is coming, one even I cannot face alone.” Merlin gestured for all of you to follow him and you took hold of Douxie’s hand again.
Once you were all. Inside the new room Merlin spoke again. “You are all now soldiers in a war started centuries ago for the world of magic. Once, the realms of Magic and Man clashed in endless bloodshed. King Arthur sought to wipe out magic that ravaged the lands in his war against Gunmar. I brought what few spellcasters I could under my protection to spare them from the sword.”
“Including myself. Oh, and Morgana le Fay,” Douxie added.
“She was the finest student I ever taught... until she tried to kill me.” Merlin looked down. “Thankfully, in my all-seeing wisdom, I created a secret weapon-- the Trollhunter Amulet. The war came to a standstill and I imprisoned Morgana at the Battle of Killahead Bridge. This Green Knight that assailed us was clearly born of dark magicks but I have no memory of him, nor what connection he could have to Morgana. We know not what he is nor why he pursues us. Though, his presence is a dire omen of things to come.”
Right as Merlin finished his speech a bell began ringin frantically. You all looked away from what Merlin was showing you and gasped. Suddenly the castle was struck by something and you fell to the ground.
“What's happening?” Claire asked.
“Have you never been under attack before? To the battlements!” Merlin ordered and you immediately complied.  
You got outside and saw another giant floating castle. It was all dark and creepy.
Archie gasped. “Oh, no! I think we have something of a problem.”
“Oh, fuzz buckets,” Douxie cursed.
“No... the Arcane Order... they found us!” Merlin said and for the first time ever, you heard pure fear in his voice. “Everyone, get to safety, now!”
You moved to put Mao inside and you heard Merlin shout a spell. “Fulgur praeca!”
The castle shook again and you fell. It suddenly got a lot colder so you sped up. The castle shook and you ran into Nari.
“I need to go help. Can you take Mao?” You asked.
“Of course.” You placed your familiar in her hands and took off running back to Merlin and Douxie.
You arrived outside to see a bridge of ice spanning the gap between the two castles.
“They're boarding us! We must break free! Steer us clear at my command!” Merlin ordered and you summoned your fire spell.
“I'm on it!” Douxie called back.
“All of a sudden, flying castles aren't so cool!” Steve screamed.
“These foes' powers are beyond us!” Merlin grunted as a blast of fire came at the two of you. You sent your own fireball back at the black castle.
“Merlin!” You heard Nari yell.
“No! Nari!” Merlin protested, running towards her as you continued to blast fire at your enemies.
“Archie, find the staff or we are all dead meat!” You heard Douxie yell.
“What do you people think I'm doing?” Archie retorted.
“Archie, I'm running out of time, here!” Merlin yelled, trying to cut the ice bridge with his sword while you did your best to melt it.
Finally Archie called, “Got it!”
You and Merlin jumped onto a tower that rose past you.
“Surrender, Merlin,” some creepy thing ordered.crof
“Never!” Merlin growled.
“Merlin! Merlin! Get everyone to safety!” Galahad called.
“No, Galahad! What are you doing?!” Merlin protested.
Merlin and you watched sadly as Galahad used his tower and his life to cut through the ice bridges. You and Merlin ran back to the castle as the bridge you were on was destroyed.
“Farewell, my old friend,” Merlin whispered. “Hisirdoux, now!”
You watched as a green portal opened up to show a completely different forest beneath you. You didn’t have much time to admire it though, you had to keep fighting.
Ice rained around you as you tried to send more blasts of magical fire at the black castle. Suddenly one of those ice shards hit you, sending you over the edge of the castle.
From there you pretty much just straight up tumbled into the portal. You screamed as you fell through the portal. You did your best to slow down your fall, but the landing still hurt.
You slowly got up from the ground and looked up at the portal in the sky. That was when the panic set in, the portal back to your time was slowly closing.
You were about to do something about it when you heard voices. They didn’t sound familiar so you hid behind a tree. Fear coursed through your veins as you waited for whatever was making the noise to come into view.
Men and women dressed in shiny metal armor eventually appeared and you crouched down. You didn't know where you were, or when for that matter. You were lost and alone.
Suddenly you heard screams from above you and you looked up. You watched as Douxie’s magic lit up the bright sky, slowing his descent. Unfortunately he crashed to the ground ahead of the group of knights.
This was bad, you needed to warn them about the knights. You did your best to run through the trees, but by the time you arrived to see Steve, Claire, Douxie and Jim, the knights were already there.
“Advance!” A knight called and suddenly a ton of knights were surrounding your friends. You got ready to attack, but you held back for a second. You would wait for Douxie to make the first move.
“Got them,” a knight replied as Steve screamed.
Douxie sighed. “It means... we are lost in time.”
One knight got off of his horse. “What manner of sorcery is this?” He asked. Weirdly enough, he looked like an older version of Steve.
“Sir Lancelot, um-“ Douxie started and you relaxed a little, Douxie recognized this guy.
“He's so handsome,” you heard Steve whisper.
“I- We-“ Douxie stuttered.
Lancelot seemed to realize something. “Wait! Aren't you Merlin's errand boy?”
“Apprentice,” Douxie corrected.
“He's like an angel-man. Whoa!” Steve whispered. Suddenly you heard a large crack and the green gem that was holding your brother broke.
Lancelot gasped. “The devil-?”
Jim groaned. “What? How did I-“
Claire rushed to hug him. “Jim! Are you okay?”
“Troll! Troll! To arms!” Lancelot called and you got ready to defend your brother and friends.
“Wait! Chill out, lads!” Douxie called in an attempt to calm everyone down.
Lancelot didn’t seem to understand. “Chill? Out?”
Douxie sighed. “Take a breath, all right? He's one of the good ones.”
“There are no good ones,” Lancelot growled. “Monsters are forbidden in Arthur's lands. You'll hang before the king for your insolence.”
You were unable to hear anymore as your friends were arrested. You watched as Jim was unfairly imprisoned in a wooden cage and the rest of your friends were herded away.
You carefully followed them from a distance, but when they got to Camelot you realized that you wouldn’t be able to just waltz in through the front gates with them.
You sighed in frustration. You didn’t understand why everything had to be so difficult. You just wanted to relax for a little while.
But, you had work to do, so you snuck into Camelot. You made your way to an area without many guards and used your magic to get over the wall.
By the time you got in, your friends were nowhere to be seen. You did your best to inconspicuously search the city, but as time passed you didn’t have any luck. With every second you grew more and more frustrated. You were in an unfamiliar place, your brother was injured and possibly dying, and you couldn’t find your friends.
You weren’t going to cry though, you had to stay strong. Sinking to the ground just to cry wouldn’t solve your problems.
You took a deep breath and began to think. You needed a plan, a plan would help you calm down.
First, you needed to blend in more. You had been getting many odd looks from those you passed. You didn’t blame the people. You were covered in dirt from your fall and you had dried blood all over your face from your fight with the shadow mephits back in your time.
Eventually you found a well and you took a clean looking rag from a woman. Using it you did your best to tidy up. Once that was done, you went to go get something better to wear.
You felt bad shoplifting, but you needed to fit in and if you thought about it, you hadn’t a doubt in your mind that your brother and friends had been taken to the castle.
You were obviously in the wealthier part of Camelot, so it wasn’t hard finding a dress shop. If you were gonna be stuck in ancient Camelot, you might as well have fun and dress fancy. You could always find something simpler later.
You stood up straight and did your best to make it look as if you had a purpose. Thankfully no one paid you any attention as you walked in, but you didn’t expect that to last long. While you were cleaner, you weren’t dressed for the time.
You would need a distraction and thankfully magic would give you one. You mice in your head did the hand movements. In seconds you heard squeals come from the back of the shop. You hoped that would keep whoever was here busy for a while so you went and looked for a dress.
Eventually you found a dress that you liked. It was an orangish peach color made of silk with silver embroidered swirls on the bodice. You also grabbed a sweater made of tulle, the same color as the dress. You finished off the look with a silver belt.
It was remarkably easy to take with a little help from your magic and you were able to get away without ringing any alarms or whatever they had in Camelot.
You used your magic to put the dress on and began to make your way towards the castle.
The second step you had come up with was finding a way into the castle. You felt you would be able to get in with the way you looked. Your hair was an absolute mess, but with a little magic it would be easy to hide.
You were able to find a side entrance and you were able to get in. It gave you confidence that your plan was working so well. Now that you were in the castle, it was time for step three.
Step three was the part where you would look for your friends auras, but that quickly became complicated. There were a lot of auras buzzing about the castle and you couldn’t identify exactly where your friends were.
So you would have to modify your plan. You’d wander the castle until you were able to find them. You’d be able to identify their auras if you were closer.  
You started by making your way through the first floor. You’d make your way through the castle one level at a time.
While this was supposed to help eliminate any possible frustration, by the time you made it to the third floor tears were pooling in your eyes. You couldn’t find their auras and it was difficult to be sensing so many at once.
You were crossing a bridge, wishing you had stolen a handkerchief for your tears when you came across Douxie’s aura.
You were immediately relieved. Though you were still worried about your other friends and Jim, you had at least found Douxie.
Oddly, you heard Merlin scolding him. “Hisirdoux, do you have feet for hands? All the Slorr juice? You know how long it takes to milk one of those?”
“Sorry, sir. I was just trying to save time,” Douxie said and you got confused. Why was Douxie talking to Merlin like that? Maybe he was trying to cover up that he wasn’t from this time period?
“Your cutting corners has only cost me time,” Merlin said, continuing to scold Douxie. “It's hard enough creating Arthur's new weapon without your mucking about. I need you in the workshop, and you're milking the Slorr.”
As Merlin walked away you ran over to Douxie and hugged him. “Douxie! I’m so glad you’re okay!”
“Um?” Douxie mumbled and you realized that he wasn’t hugging you back.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, pulling away from him.
“I don’t mean any offense, but who are you?” With that you moved away from him, finally noticing that this wasn’t your Douxie.
You chuckled nervously. “I’m so sorry! Um, would you believe that I, uh, that I have a friend named Douxie that looks exactly like you. I mean what a coincidence. You know I’m, um, looking for him right now and I’m gonna go continue to look for him, seeing as you aren’t my Douxie. Haha, Bye.”
You were about to turn and leave when you sensed another aura. This other aura just so happened to also be like Douxie’s.
You turned back, just in time to see a Douxie who looked like the one you knew grab the other Douxie.
“Hey! Aah!” Archie protested and Douxie held his hands up in defense.
“Um, hey, me,” your Douxie said, chuckling nervously.
Past Douxie yelped. “Doppelgänger! You-you're me. I'm me!”
“No need to panic,” your Douxie soothed.
You stepped over to them. “Now, this is the Douxie I was looking for,” you explained.
“Well, how-- how... Wait, this can only mean one thing-” Past Douxie started.
“Time travel paradox!” Both Douxies yelled and you chuckled.
Archie sighed. “Double Douxies? This is a disaster!”
Both Douxies glared at him. “Give me a break, Arch!” They said in unison. “Oh, wow. This is wild!”
“Let's focus on the here and now. Where having two of us will be-“ Douxie started.
“-will be a logistical nightmare,” Archie cut in.
“I agree, uh, so the easiest solution...” Past Douxie trailed off.
“Is for one of us to go away till I return to my time,” Douxie informed.
Past Douxie nodded. “Great idea! But which one of us-?”
Your Douxie cut him off. “Interminus nocti sluumberso!”
Past Douxie suddenly fell asleep and your Douxie put him in a closet.
“I know this looks bad,” Douxie told you and Archie, “but I swear I've got this under control.”
“If that were true, things in the future have really changed,” Archie said.
Douxie laughed sarcastically. “Just don't go blabbing to Merlin, okay? I need to stay incognito. Aah!”
The cabinet burst open and past Douxie fell on Douxie.
“I’ve got it,” you promised, already levitating him back into the closet.
Archie chuckled. “This should be fun to watch.”
Suddenly you heard Merlin yell, “Hisirdoux, what is taking so long?”
“Just cleaning up another mess,” Douxie called back.
Douxie sighed and put his hair up into a bun. “Swore I'd never do this again,” he muttered, and you laughed.
“You look fine,” you soothed, taking his arm.
“So, I see you’ve got yourself a dress,” Douxie said. “I was looking for you, but I couldn’t find you. I was worried something bad had happened.
“I’m fine,” you promised when you felt Douxie’s aura spark with guilt.
“Good, I’m glad.”
“How’s Jim and everyone?” You asked.
“Oh, uh, Jim’s been arrested, but right now everyone else is fine. Steve is being trained by Lancelot and Claire is now Morgana’s handmaiden.”
“Morgana!” You hissed, worry for Claire suddenly overwhelming you.
“Don’t worry,” Douxie soothed. “She hasn’t gone bad yet.”
You hesitated. “What’s the plan then?”
“I’m gonna take you to where I used to live and then we can all meet up later to figure everything out. I’m gonna try and steal the time map to get us out of here.”
“Alright, but if you need any help don’t hesitate to ask.”
“I won’t,” Douxie said, leading you into a room. “Here you are, home sweet home.”
You looked around the room, it was off a decent size, but it was awfully drafty. “Nice place,” you said, taking a seat on a window bench.
“Thanks.” Douxie smiled. “Be careful if you go outside. You look like royalty, but people will question where you’re from.”
“Aw, thanks. You be careful out there too,” you called. “Will do.” He gave a little wave as he closed the door.
You gazed around the room, trying to think of something to do when you yawned. Suddenly you were very aware of how tired you were. If you thought about it you hadn’t slept in over twenty four hours.
You lied down on the bench and closed your eyes, easily drifting off into much needed sleep.
You immediately sat up when you heard the door open. You looked around, confused at the sudden noise. Douxie was standing there frozen in the middle of the room.
“Sorry, Y/n. I didn’t mean to wake you,” he apologized.
You yawned. “It’s fine.” You looked over and saw Steve sitting in a chair. “How long have you been here?”
“Not long, I didn’t want to wake you.”
You nodded, grateful, but soon your kind smile turned into one of disgust. “What is that smell?” You asked.
“I, uh- I forgot how much I hate milking the Slorr,” Douxie muttered gagging at the smell he had trailed in. You mimicked him, plugging your nose.
Archie recoiled away from Douxie. “Ugh! Please!”
You looked over to Steve. “How was your guy’s days?”
Steve groaned. “I think Lancelot broke my everything.”
“And I still don't have the Time Map. One wrong move, and we will screw up history without even knowing it,” Douxie grumbled.
You were about to try and sooth the both of them when Claire burst in through the door. “We have to change history! Arthur's had enough. The trolls are gonna die at sunrise!”
“Oh, blimey Balroths! How are we supposed to stop this and stay inconspicuous?” Douxie asked and you could see the panic in his eyes. You felt bad about all the stress that was on him.
Claire sighed. “It wouldn't be a problem if I just had my Shadow Staff. I know you said to lay low, but we can't let Jim die.”
“No we can’t,” you asserted. “Douxie, I’m sorry, but we will have to change history.”
“Yes. Let's see what this future Douxie is capable of!” Archie cheered.
Douxie nodded. “You're right, sod the rules. It's time for a dungeon break.”
The four of you snuck down to the dungeon and you watched from behind a post as Lancelot and Galahad laughed.
“No way!” Galahad grinned. The two of them were focused on their conversation so you decided to make a run for it.
“Ah! Oy! Young gentleman of Palchukia, join us in our nocturnal libations,” Lancelot called.
“We are looking for the Holy Grail!” Galahad took a drink. “Oh, well, it's not in that one either!”
Steve chuckled and began to saunter over to the knights. “Steve, no!” You whisper-shouted at him.
“Where do you think you're going, buddy boy?” Archie asked.
“Dude, I'm keeping the guards busy,” he whispered, “while having a righteous time! Ha! Yeah-eah! Drinking with knights! I'm so stoked for my first brew...uh, today.”
“I don’t condone this.” You glared at Steve before going after Douxie and Claire.
Archie sighed. “This is going to end badly. Ohh, I can’t wait.”
“This is going to end badly,” you muttered. The four of you continued to run, eventually coming across the section of the dungeon Jim was in.
“Jim! We're breaking you out,” Claire announced.
“Your stay in Terror Tower is over, mate,” Douxie said, conjuring magic knives for himself and Claire. Douxie cut open Jim’s cell.
“And presto, one liberated troll,” Archie announced.
“Hahaha! Take that, death! I elude you once again-“ a troll shouted as Jim freed her.
You hugged Jim tightly. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, no need to worry.”
“A big sister always worries,” you said before going to free more trolls.
As you freed the last one you heard Steve shouting/rapping. “My lord Arthur's in the building. Watch out, y'all, he's here to do some creep-killing. Get out of here.”
“Now, now, everyone just stay calm,” Douxie said in an attempt to sooth the trolls. Unfortunately his attempt completely failed.
All of the newly liberated trolls panicked and began to stampede out of the dungeon.
You were pushed up against the wall as the trolls left. You looked over to Douxie. “What now?”
“We do our best to help them.” You all ran out of the dungeon and into Camelot. When you got outside you say that the sky was fading from a light purple to a blue. You heard the metal armor of guards clanking after you.
“Is this part of your plan?” Archie asked.
“I'm improvising!” Douxie yelled, fiddling with his cuff.
“Quick, through the alleys! They can't catch all of us!” Jim’s friend called. You followed Douxie as Claire helped Jim.
You turned down a path, but stopped when you heard more clanking.
You looked to Jim one last time. “Stay safe!” You called.
“I will!” He promised.
“Did you see where they went?” A man you assumed was King Arthur asked.
“Quick! In here! This way, sir! Don't worry, sire, I'll freeze them on the spot,” Douxie offered, he messed with his cuff.
“Then do it! This way, men! Charge!” Arthur ordered. Douxie spun his cuff as Arthur and his men went to run after Jim, but at the last moment he cast a spell, opening two blue portals. Arthur and his men charged into them, only to appear out the other one. “What trickery is this now?”
Douxie sighed. Oh, fuzz buckets! I must have cast an Infinite Hallway by accident. You know how frustrating magic is. Uh, let me-let me just find the right spell.”
“Wizard, remove this enchantment or I'll remove your head!” Arthur threatened. “You! Girl! What are you doing?”
“Uh, me?” You asked.
“Yes, you!”
“Well, I’m-I’m terrified,” you cried. “This kind young man has been helping me.” You put the back of your hand to your forehead and pretended to look feint.
You leaned on Douxie and whispered. “Their auras are gone, you can let the king go now.”
Douxie did as you asked and Arthur and his men ran off. “Come on, we can’t let them get to the gate,” Douxie said, grabbing your hand and pulling you to a nearby house.
“Up we go,” you mumbled, using your magic to help you climb the house. You, Douxie, and Archie made it to the top of the house just as Arthur was about to reach the gates. Thankfully Douxie slammed them down just in time.
“Men, after them! Get this open at once!” Arthur commanded. You watched as Jim and his friend tried to run away, but they stopped when the sun hit the bridge.
The sun slowly spread, forcing the trolls to retreat closer to the gate Douxie was struggling to keep closed. You added your magic to his, and the gate glowed both blue and orange.
Unable to get the gate open, the knights put their swords and spears through the opening, trying to stab the poor trolls. You and Douxie gasped for breath as it became a struggle to keep the gate shut.  Soon it became too much and you had to let go.
Suddenly, the day began to get darker and shadows spread across the bridge, paving a path for the trolls to get to the forest. You turned around, looking for the aura that was casting the incredible display of dark magic only to find Claire. You pulled Douxie towards her.
The two of you jumped from roof to roof till you managed to get to the bridge she was on. You could see the strain she was under and you raced over to her. Douxie caught her just as she collapsed.
“By the seven rings, how did you manage that?” He asked and Claire groaned. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy!”
“It’s gonna be okay, Claire. Jim and the trolls are safe.” You soothed.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“I’ll check.” You closed your eyes and focused on Jim’s aura. You felt a shift and opened your eyes. Your projection was standing behind a tree.
You looked around, trying to get the gist of what was happening when you saw Gunmar and Bular standing in front of Jim. “Little king, these Wild Woods are my domain. I command the souls of all under its shade, and I decide who lives or dies!”
You saw shuffling and looked over to see one of the gumm-gumms kill a knight. You gasped at the horrific sight and Jim looked over to you. His friend helped him over to you.
“Y/n!” He whispered.
“Stay safe Jim. I’ll send more messages later okay?”
“Okay, I love you.”
“I love you too.” You gave a little wave to Jim as he left and you continued to watch the rest of the encounter play out.
“You can only push us so far, human,” Gunmar growled.
“This isn't over!” Arthur yelled, retreating.
“War is coming!” Gunmar retorted and you stopped projecting before he could see you.
You felt the shift and you were once again standing with Claire, Douxie and Archie. “He’s gonna be okay. All we need to do is figure out a way to get home.”
Douxie nodded. “Let’s go. Arthur is going to be furious when he gets back.
Claire took a step away from the two of you. “I want to go thank Morgana. I’ll meet up with you.” She went off and Douxie offered you his arm.
“I was right, Arthur is furious. He's locked down the castle,” Douxie said, pacing.
“Luckily, he thinks you're so incompetent, you can't be a suspect,” Archie pointed out.
“At least we got Jim and the prisoners away safe,” Claire added optimistically.
“Yeah,” you agreed. “It’s not all a loss.”
Douxie turned to walk out the door. “Where are you going?” Archie and you asked in unison.
“To get that TIme Map. Hopefully with Arthur on the hunt, I've got a chance to finally snatch that thing,” Douxie answered and you grabbed his arm.
“I’m coming too.” Douxie nodded and you and Archie followed him to Merlin’s tower. You unlocked the door and the three of you snuck over to the vault. Douxie opened in only to find an old gnome skeleton in it. Douxie closed it again and tried to open it, only to find an old horn. He continued trying to no avail.
The both of you sighed when he opened it to a bird’s nest full of eggs.
“Looking for this?” The three of you jumped and turned to see Merlin holding the time map. “Or perhaps this?”
Merlin took the sleeping Past Douxie out of a cabinet and you noticed he had given him a pillow.
“Oh, fuzz buckets!” Douxie cursed.
“Have you any idea what you've done?” Merlin asked. “I knew my apprentice was an ignoramus, but traveling through time? Time!”
“Hey now!” You yelled, defending Douxie. Merlin ignored you.
“I think we handled ourselves just fine, all things considered. And, technically, it was your idea,” Douxie explained.
Merlin pointed his finger in Douxie’s face. “Well, then, you must have botched it up! My planning is flawless.”
Past Douxie spoke up, “For the record, Master, I had nothing to do with this. He did, which is he, and... ugh! Time travel, so confusing!”
Merlin went over to the time map and winced as it flashed red. “Aah! The timelines are in complete disarray!”
“Look, I can fix this, I swear!” Douxie promised.
Merlin shook his head. “Ah-ah, your meddling has already wreaked enough havoc on history.”
“Then surely we can use the Time Map to change things back, and then it'll all be as it was,” Archie suggested and you nodded along to his plan.
“It doesn't work that way. The map only offers glimpses of possible futures. There are no detailed instructions,” Merlin countered.
“Oh, come on, it's not that bad,” Douxie said optimistically. He tried to grab the time map, but Merlin swatted at his hand.
The timeline flashed to show Arthur's death and all of you gasped. “Aah! By my beard! Not that bad, eh?” Merlin asked.
“Oh, fuzz buckets,” Past Douxie cursed.
“Fuzz buckets,” your Douxie agreed.
Merlin walked over to the door. “Your little dungeon break must have changed fate. Now, unless I stop it, the king will die!”
So, tada, thanks for reading all of that. Honestly there’s a very high possibility that the next chapter will be even longer. He-he. The next chapter is gonna be really great and I’m so excited to write it. Anyways, I hope that y’all have a fantastically wonderful weekend.
Also the scene where Douxie heals Y/n’s arm was inspired by @furblrwurblrrequest:
i! I'm curious to see one where doux kinda cares for her wounds? like a quick little fluffy one while they're on the ship after they get away from arthur? idk aaaa
P.S. if you want to be on the taglist feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.
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rcncgaades · 3 years
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↪ brief introduction to prudence eaton.
full name: prudence camryn eaton.  nickname(s): prue, percy ( vastly preferred ). age: twenty-eight. date of birth: 19 october 1992. zodiac sign: libra. place of birth: blackpool, lancashire, england, united kingdom. ethnicity: white. nationality: british. gender: cis female. sexual orientation: homosexual. romantic orientation: homoromantic. religion: she was raised in a protestant household but her family was never all that tied to actively practicing religion and it was never something percy considered all that important to her day-to-day life. as an adult she’s definitely more agnostic leaning than anything. education: bachelors of science in zoology ( university of derby ), masters in biodiversity, evolution & conservation ( university college london ), dphil in zoology ( university of oxford ). occupation: research zoologist & wildlife photographer.  language(s) spoken: english ( primarily ), french, german, russian, polish ( learned to the point of being able to carry on conversations during research projects across continental europe ). accent: she has a thick and immediately apparent northern english accent. she hasn’t lived in the united states for a significant period of time and it doesn’t take anyone more than a word or two to realize percy isn’t american.
face claim: amelia eve. hair color: blonde ( she dyes it brown on occasion but for the most part it’s blonde ). eye color: green.  height: 5′3″. weight: 120 lbs. build: slim, athletic. tattoos: an intricate tattoo of a lion on her back ( here ), a half sleeve flower themed tattoo on her left arm ( here ), a small tattoo on the inside of her right bicep of the sun rising/falling over the ocean inspired by a drawing her baby brother gave her when they were children ( here ). piercings: she has traditional ear piercings in her firsts and seconds, she has a nose ring in her left nostril; she had an eyebrow piercing for a long while but took it out when she began guest lecturing and occasionally teaching in earnest– it’s healed up since then. distinguishing characteristics: her accent, how bright and warm she is, her tattoos & piercings, how smart she is ( or so she’s been told by many, many people after speaking to them for all of five minutes ).
label: the adventurer. positive traits: adventurous, articulate, brilliant, charismatic, charming, compassionate, considerate, dedicated, earnest, empathetic, forgiving, genuine, hardworking, intuitive, loyal, passionate, sociable, sweet, warm. negative traits: ambitious, competitive, proud, sarcastic, stubborn. assertive, boisterous, excitable, haughty, obsessive, possessive, silly, superstitious. goals/desires: to make a positive impact on her community, to live a better life as an adult than she did as a child, to spend the rest of her life doing things she loves, to fall happily in love. fears: failure, proving to everyone where she grew up that she’s just as useless as they’d always claimed, disappointing her little brother, never seeing either of her brothers again, becoming anything like the worst parts of her parents. hobbies: spending time with her family, smoking ( both weed and tobacco cigarettes ), cooking, baking, gardening when she has the time to do it and the weather’s right for it, hiking, reading, doing research of almost any kind, spending time with her friends, going out– drinking, dancing, anything that lets her be social, watching nature documentaries, listening to podcasts, playing video games, learning new things, knitting, sex.   quirks: she talks with her hands extensively, she self-corrects out loud if she uses british slang for something rather than the american equivalent, she rarely raises her voice for any reason at all, she can rattle off her favorite animals and fun facts about them at any given moment with no preparation whatsoever, she almost always has some pop song or another stuck in her head and can be heard humming it until she remembers the words. likes: animals of all kinds, mystery novels, nature documentaries, david attenborough, expensive liquor, pot brownies, baked goods of almost every kind, horror movies, music, flowers, being around people, sex, flirting, star wars, most marvel movies, rpg based video games, podcasts, true crime documentaries, her little brother, being a chef, learning anything new, talking to people about things they’re passionate about, her adopted parents & family. dislikes: her older brother, her childhood, people who don’t respect her & the hard work that’s gone into getting her to where she is in life, dark chocolate, milk, toxic people, accidentally killing plants, being alone for long periods of time, boredom, people who pick fights just to pick fights, bigots.
father: simon james ‘sj’ garrick ( biological ). mark william eaton ( adopted ). mother: claire ophelia ashby ( biological ). rose katherine eaton née prescott ( adopted ). sibling(s): jack charles garrick ( older ) & thomas rupert eaton ( younger ). michael andrew eaton ( older, adopted ). pet(s): a bernese mountain dog named jason & an australian cattle dog named piper.  financial status: upper middle class.
( TW: teenage pregnancy, infidelity, drug use, overdose )
By all accounts— by every metric Percy could use to quantify the fact as an adult— Simon Garrick and Claire Ashby had never been ready to be parents. Was anyone ever really ready to be a parent? It was a question Percy had asked herself constantly as she’d gotten older but it had never been her place to judge– her parents hadn’t done her any favors but for at least some time they had tried to be present and helpful and Percy could never fault them for that. Blackpool– a seaside resort town on the English coast– had been home to Simon and Claire as long as they both could remember but they had remained strangers to one another until they met through a mutual friend when they were seventeen years old. The attraction had been immediate– a spark neither of them were prepared to deal with but allowed to catch and ignite the moment they met, an encounter that resulted in an unplanned pregnancy and a great deal of responsibility neither of them wanted staring them both in the face. Simon dropped out of sixth form promptly to begin working in earnest and provide for the family he certainly hadn’t expected to have but was willing to work to support nonetheless; Claire, after informing her parents, remained in school at her parents’ request though their relationship became strained from that moment on.
When Jack was born the couple was delighted— Simon took to being a father rather quickly and seemed to enjoy it while Claire was an absent mother at best in spite of Simon’s many attempts to help her feel more present in their son’s life. It was no secret to anyone at all that Claire was cheating on Simon with what was rumored to be every eligible man in Blackpool and though Simon was heartbroken by the rumors and the confidence he felt in their truthfulness– he never brought the issue up with Claire– choosing instead to look after their son and try to hold their family together as best he could. It was yet another accident that marked Claire’s second pregnancy when Jack was five and though Simon wasn’t even reasonably confident that the child was his he again prepared himself to be a father as best he possibly could. Percy was born on a cool October morning and from the moment she uttered her first cry her father was devoted to her and for the first time her mother dove headfirst into caring for both of her children with a zeal she’d never demonstrated prior.
Though they were on the poorer side they were happy for a great deal of Percy’s initial childhood and seemed to be primed to be that much happier when Claire found out she was pregnant with her third child when Percy was seven. It was yet more of the same in the Garrick-Ashby household until Tommy was around two and Claire eloped with a family friend and informed Simon plainly that she couldn’t handle being stuck in a dead end town with a dead end life and three children she hadn’t wanted in the first place. Simon was devastated but for the first year or two following Claire’s departure he managed to hold both himself and the family together rather well. Percy– already a brilliant girl intellectually and a spot of sunshine in the world as far as her father was concerned– began to help around the house to take some of the worry away from her father even going so far as to look after her baby brother whenever she wasn’t at school. Jack, who was sixteen, more or less stopped coming home and though Percy was aware he was essentially living with a friend’s across town she considered his absence in her life nothing short of abandonment and even as an adult holds a deep resentment towards him for that fact.
Things for the Garrick family began to unravel slowly— Simon began to spend what money he earned from work on cocaine and other drugs– he was still present and still loving but Percy found herself more and more becoming a parent to Tommy rather than a sister. When she was twelve Simon’s habits escalated to a rather expensive heroin addiction that Percy could hardly process, let alone deal with and though she tried her best to raise her brother and herself it was difficult for a child to raise another child. She was nearly thirteen when she came home from school with Tommy in tow to find their father had overdosed in their kitchen— an overdose that would, even after her frantic call to emergency services, eventually lead to his death. Without extended family to look after them and with Jack’s refusal to take on the responsibility of raising siblings he hardly knew both Percy and Tommy became wards of court.
Percy– already with a reputation for being a brilliant student– threw herself into her studies with that much more zeal as she and Tommy adjusted to life with their first foster family; her IQ was tested and she was placed into progressively more advanced courses until she was taking university classes part-time by the time she entered year eleven. Her foster parents supported her fully and there was frequent talk of adoption for both herself and Tommy— who was easily the most important person in her life bar none. She was very nearly eighteen by the time the adoption paperwork was processed and both she and Tommy were officially members of the Eaton family. Though she was reluctant to leave Tommy behind when she’d been his primary caregiver for so many years prior to being placed with their adoptive family it was the encouragement of her adoptive parents Mark and Rose that finally reassured Percy to the point of feeling comfortable applying to universities about as far away from Blackpool as she could get without leaving the country. Higher education was a world of splendor for Percy who had always been so fiercely curious and sharply intelligent– she finished her undergraduate degree six months earlier than most of his graduating class before moving on to study further.
Animals and zoology had been passions of hers from the moment she visited a zoo for the first time on an outing with her parents when she was still very young. She was fascinated by animals of all sorts and wanted to know everything about how to care for them and preserve the environments they called home. It seemed the logical choice for her to follow her chosen course of study as far as she could-- and when she was twenty-six she walked away from Cambridge with a degree in zoology to her name and several research positions made available to her over the whole of continental Europe and beyond if she chose to take them. Traveling across Europe to do the thing she loved more than anything in the world was a gift Percy had never had any inkling of taking advantage of and she eventually began to give guest lectures at universities in major cities near her work sites as well as develop a passion for photography she found delightful to explore when she was researching in far away countries she’d never imagined even seeing as a child. When her research positions drew closer to their deadlines and the projects she’d been working on were finalized she began to search for another place to call home-- eventually settling on Turtle Bay due largely in part to the fact that Tommy had found his way to the area for college and Percy couldn’t think of anything more delightful than doing work she loved with her little brother at her side-- even if the work is a bit more sporadic than she’d like-- she’s always been able to look on the bright side of things and she doesn’t see that changing.
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leonkennedystuff · 5 years
not alone p.2 (leon kennedy x reader)
Summary: wherein reader finally confronts leon about ada wong
Warnings: angst, swearing, underage drinking, descriptions of mental illness, mentions of broken family (?)
Part 2 of 2
holy crap, you guys. This is probably the longest chapter I’ve ever written in my LIFE. I got so carried away making this oops I’m sorry but wah! I’m so happy it’s finally done! Hope you guys enjoy!
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Weary (E/C) eyes staring blankly outside the window, the budding feeling of depression pays you another visit– like a viper, it coils around your scorned heart tighter and tighter, choking you. 
It’s been 6 days since that horrid fight with your longtime boyfriend, Leon Kennedy, and your insatiable sadness was the only friend you let in and comfort you. You knew you were coping with this unhealthily, you were aware you were setting yourself up for disaster, but you honestly could care less. You barely felt the discomforts anyway; you didn’t give no mind to how weak or hungry or tired or numb you felt all over. You just didn’t have the energy or the will. You felt, for a lack of better words, dead – and the last memory you had before you died was that fucking fight.
On that same night, you left your shared apartment; you packed a bag and practically had to force your way out because Leon kept trying to stop you, blocking the door, pleading with you to talk your problem through. Despite how vulnerable you were feeling though, you didn’t budge – refusing him his request, refusing to hear anything else about his standing with Ada Wong. 
Relentless attempts after relentless attempts, he figured his pleas were falling on deaf ears. He eventually lets you go. Watching you leave - it was like the biggest part of his heart left with you. He’s never felt so empty, and you weren’t doing so well either.
That was the last time you’ve seen or spoken with Leon; his messages on your phone, the calls you were rejecting - they continued to grow almost hourly, but you had no plan on answering them. Not now, at least. You needed to heal; reading his words or hearing his voice, your emotions would overshadow your logic. You knew you’d succumb to how much you missed him and you had to be stronger than that.
Currently (and for the past 6 days), you’ve been squatting at your best friend’s apartment. Claire Redfield has been your constant person ever since you were children; your family and the Redfields have been long-time friends and you got along with her just like your parents did. You’ve never trusted anyone the same way you did her, at least not until Leon entered your life almost a decade after.
When you met Leon, you were 19 and had just moved into a new city to pursue your degree in Nursing. You were no philanthropist but you always wanted a career that revolved around helping others, it was a striking similarity you and him shared. 
One night long ago, you were invited by some classmates to go drinking in a bar, a bar that was a favorite among students because they didn’t check ID – and that was when you saw him for the first time. 
You almost smile at the fond memory.
He was with a bunch of loud, intoxicated and rowdy cadets from the police academy not so far from your school, he stuck out like a sore thumb because of how awkward he looked with them. Definitely, the comradery with him and everyone in that group was evident but he just seemed so out-of-place as the other guys hustled around, trapping him in the middle of their wild antics. Although you thought it was funny, you also remember feeling bad for him.
It was around 2 in the morning when you decided you really had enough drinks and were going to call it a night. 
Despite the protests of your friends, you bid them a woozy goodbye and started heading out of the still cramp, neon-signed local bar. You barely made it a foot out the door when your drunk body doubled over, the urge to puke out the excess alcohol making your already dizzy head spin more. This wasn’t your first time drinking, absolutely not, but this was the first time you drank more than you could handle. 
Did you regret it? Even with the throbbing hangover you had the next day - no, you don’t, because if it weren’t for you getting so shit-faced, you don’t think you would have had the interaction you did with Leon.
“Someone really enjoyed their night,” A pleasant voice resonates from behind, teasing you. Too out of it to check the face it belonged to, you remain as you are – your knees on the rough pavement while your head hovered over a bush. “That makes one of us,” He notes, his mild amusement and his voice drawing closer as he walks to where you were.
“Do you need help?” He asks, his badinage tone now mixed with a hint of genuine concern. When you feel him settle beside you, bending a knee so he was at your level and so that he can take a better look at how wasted you were, you finally turn just enough to see who this enigmatic joker was.
For a second, you felt like you sobered up at the mere sight of him. Initially, from his attire – a plain white shirt clouded by a navy-blue windbreaker and fitted black pants- you recognized him as the awkward dude from the big crowd, but your attention shifts from that after your gaze falls on his face.
My God �� you wondered just how drunk you were to have your beer goggles be this misleading. There was no way, you thought, that anyone could look this heavenly.
A dirty-blonde guy with fringes framing his fresh face looked to be the same age as you; he had a small smile on his plump pink lips. He was saying something, his mouth was moving, but it’s like you’ve suddenly turned deaf. You were so fixated on his looks.
You note how structured his features are, like a sculpture, his jaw was ample and strong and contrasted well with the fullness of his rosy cheeks. He had beauty marks decorating his clear skin, two on his neck and one small one beside his celestial nose. The real star, though, were his eyes. They were bluer than blue, like sapphires and moonstones.
Who the hell was this dude?
“So, are you going to tell me or should I just guess?” He cocks a dark eyebrow, his playful demeanor returning. Snapping out of your trance, you just blink at him, confused.
Oh right, he was talking.
“What?” You manage to find your voice but hate how raspy it sounded even to your own ears. He chuckles, looking down. His long eyelashes flutter as he subconsciously checks your body for any wounds or bruises you may have gotten in your buzzed state.
“I was asking for your name,” He repeats himself, clearly finding the cute but besotted girl humorous.
Your own cheeky personality coming out, you give him a curious squint. “What’s it to you?” You question, “I happen to be very familiar with the saying–“ You lean forward a bit to be dramatic but stagger a little. As if on instinct, the blonde holds you by the shoulders. It was almost impossible to ignore the flurry of sensation building under your skin where his hands were. “-‘stranger danger’,” You finish off with air-quotations, keeping your cool.
The guy laughs again, the luxuriance of it making your own mouth curl upwards in a smile.
“Maybe you’ll feel better knowing I’m training to be a cop?” He offers, riding along with your banter. You shake your head, “No, I’ve heard stories of serial killer police men. All charming and dutiful and handsome – you could definitely be in the list and I’m not risking it,”
With that, Leon’s face lights up with a surprised expression. You also note how his confident demeanor suddenly shifted into a coy one. You nearly raise your eyebrows in question but realize soon after why. 
Damn your drunk tendencies!
Now amply embarrassed, you open your mouth to apologize but were cut off with his bona fide smile. “You’ll just have to trust that I’m going to be one of the good ones,” He says, his voice softer but seemingly warmer. “I’m Leon Kennedy,” He introduces himself, earnestly outstretching a hand for you to shake. You take it, a blush undoubtedly heating up your face.
“(Y/N) (L/N),” You respond.
That night, Leon walked you back to your dormitory and the rest became history. It didn’t take long for you both to develop the feelings sparked by the night you met – it was only a matter of a few months until he finally confessed the obvious affection you had for one another. You both agreed, though, to remain as friends until you both graduated.
Your ‘remain as friends’ phase lasted almost 2 years, but you didn’t mind because you were so in love with him and he, you. You’ve never been happier. When you graduated from college and him from police academy, he wasted no time asking you to be together. 
You couldn’t wait to finally tell Claire all about it; you’ve updated her that there was someone you were seeing but left it at that until you and Leon were official. You planned to meet with Claire the day after Leon left for Raccoon City, also the day that she’d be coming back from the same place to check up on her older brother, Chris.
Of course, everyone knew about the tragic events that lead to the death of hundreds and thousands of people in Raccoon. When the outbreak first spread, you heard about it in the television and nearly fainted in the hospital you were working as a trainee nurse. You thought you could die right then and there – your body and your heart unable to cope with the distress plaguing your head. For nights on end, you couldn’t sleep and, the rare times you were able to, it was due to fatigue from crying so much. 
You couldn’t fathom the thought of either Leon or Claire in danger, hurt, or worse.
When you received the most gratifying news though that they both made it out alive and clear from the horrific infection, you felt lucid. You don’t remember crying as hard as you did that day. When you found out that Claire and Leon actually ran into each other during the outbreak, you started to bawl again. They took up the deepest crevices of your heart.
You scoff softly at that.
Look how that now turned out in your favor. Half of it was broken beyond repair.
Suddenly, for the nth time this night, your phone blares in the dreary guest room you occupied, disrupting the welcomed silence. Your reverie broken, you sit up sluggishly on the bed too big for one person, your gaze indolently shifting to the vibrating device beside you. You didn’t need to think twice or wonder who it could be; your heart was already clenching knowing it was him.
With the heaviest feeling settled in your chest, you bring yourself to push your phone away, to push Leon away. To think nearly six years of your life was spent being with someone who might not have been entirely set on you after all…
You lay back down on the soft, silky sheets and close your exhausted eyes until the only noise left was your wounded sobbing. Inconsolable, dismal, helpless.
Alone with your wayward thoughts, another painful feeling creeps up your chest – although he was a persistent and tenacious man, you were sure he’ll eventually tire from reaching out just to have you ignore him. How long will it take until he finally gives up? How long will it take until he’s moved on from you? Will he be with Ada?
Too lost in your own sorrow, you almost didn’t hear the soft knocks resonating from the other side of the door. “(Y/N)?”
Startled, you bring your pounding head up. For a moment, you weren’t sure whether you imagined the sound. “Yeah?” You croak, your voice scratchy and barely there. You’ve misused yourself for the past few days and it was beginning to show.
“It’s me,” Claire leans her cheek on the door, pressing an ear to the wood. “Can I come in?”
You prop yourself upright a second time and a sudden wave of vertigo hits you. You lean back on the headboard, your vision dancing with stars. You wait until the dizzy feeling passes before you reply. “Of course,” You say, finding it a bit ridiculous that she had to ask permission in her own place.
Not a moment after your thumbs-up, the door creaks open and a crack of light from the hallway floods the room, illuminating your friend’s sympathetic face. “How are you holding up?” She checks on you, entering the room fully. You see she brought a glass of water and a cookie on a plate.
You smile, genuinely touched by the sweet gesture. Claire makes her way to you and settles down on the bed; she brings her feet up so she can sit with her legs crossed. The mattress rocks slightly as she shifts to a more comfortable position, turning the bedside lamp on. You wince at the orange light.
She hands you the glass of water, which you gratefully take from her hold and sip from, and places the huge chocolate chip cookie towards your body. She looks almost expectant but you pretend not to notice; you really couldn’t bring yourself to eat. 
Claire knew what was up though and, thankfully, she didn’t try to push it. It was always something you appreciated about her – she wasn’t overbearing, she didn’t try to impose or force anything. She just gives her 2 cents and leaves it to your better judgement; you respected that a lot.
“Still the same, unfortunately,” You crack a halfhearted chuckle, trying to sound better than you really felt. You look down and away from the sad look in Claire’s eyes, obviously seeing past the fabricated act. Wanting not to dwell in her scrutiny, you reach for the still warm cookie and break off a small chunk, bringing it to your mouth. It tasted heavenly – her food always did, but you couldn’t enjoy it.
“It’s good,” You comment with a nod, your eyes still anywhere but on the brunette girl in front of you. Of course, you were trying to evade the conversation that dealt with talking about how you were feeling.
You open your mouth, to apologize for being so detached, but her hand suddenly on your thigh catches you off-guard. You look at her to see her smiling. “How about we take a walk? Maybe visit the ice cream shop right before the curb? I’ve been wanting to check the place out,” She suggests with a thoughtful cock of her head, her dark brown hair swaying with her movements. 
She leans in a bit, her knowing expression deepening as she gives your leg a pat. “And it’ll do you some good to get some fresh air.”
Claire had a point, you acknowledged. Although you didn’t want to, going outside would probably help distract from your stuffy thoughts, especially considering that you’ve been camped in this apartment almost the entire time you were here. You note that Claire probably blew her plans off just to accommodate you. This is the least you can grant her.
“Okay, yeah, let’s do it.” You crack a smile, shifting your weight so you could swing your legs off the bed. Claire, who looked a little surprised from your answer, blinks before a big grin appears on her face. She gets up as well, “Alright! Just let me get changed,” She says, gesturing to her olive-green baseball tee and black sweatpants. 
You chuckle, nodding.
When the door closes behind her, you swap your pajamas as well for some leggings and a grey hoodie two sizes too big on your frame. Your hand moves its way to feel the letters of the police academy Leon attended bolded in the center; you didn’t realize you’ve packed it but now it’s the only thing you wanted to wear.
You let yourself. Considering you didn’t allow to talk or reach out to him, this will help you cope.
You sigh. You just couldn’t believe how complicated it’s gotten.
After taming your (H/C) hair into a ponytail and trudging out of your room, you enter the living space and the first thing that caught your eye was a small white envelope in front of the main door. It was most probably slipped in through the crack.
You walk towards it, your heartbeat picking up speed for a reason unknown to you. Crouching down to get a better look, you take it in your hands. It was plain until you turned it over.
A red kiss mark.
Your breath hitches – you knew point-blank exactly who this was from. No doubts, no second thoughts. 
Why the fuck has she sent this? How did she know where you were? Did Leon tell her about your fight?
“Unbelievable,” You hissed under your ragged breath, clenching your fists. With your stomach churning, your eyes brim with tears as you angrily tear it open. Your chest felt so constricted, it was almost painful to breathe.
               Hope you don’t mind that I told him your whereabouts.                                                                                  -A.W.
Just one sentence – just that one sentence was enough to get you bawling your eyes out. Even though it lacked reason for you to be this heavily affected, it was the mere fact that it meant Leon had reached out to Ada again. You visibly started to shake. 
You’ve had enough of this shit.
“You ready to head ou-“ Claire’s smile falls the moment she saw your slumped and trembling figure by the door, her crystal blue eyes growing wide with worry. She practically runs over to you, dropping to her knees and draping an arm around your shoulders. 
You were inconsolable, violent sobs rocking your body.
“(Y/N), what –“ Her sentence was left hanging in the air as she saw the poorly torn white envelope and letter in your hands. She cautiously takes it from your iron grip and reads what was written; her anger flares right away.
Before she had the chance to bust out her profanities, a loud series of knocks resonate from the door. Claire gets up and, because she was too overcome with ill feelings, didn’t bother to check the peephole. She swings the door open and immediately wished she hadn’t.
Leon Kennedy stood before her; his impossibly blue eyes were rid of any warmth – they looked exhausted, lidded and tired, and the dark bags under them seemed to weigh them down more. His body was stiff with tension, his usually groomed hair was in its messiest state she’d ever seen and, really, just his whole aura was thick with dread. 
He was a mirror image of you.
If it weren’t for how angry and disappointed Claire was with him, she would have felt bad seeing him in his weary state. Claire always looked so highly of Leon; she saw how pure, sincere and brave his character was in light of the events they experienced in Raccoon City. 
So, when she found out he was the man you were seeing? She approved of the relationship right off the bat, loving him for you. Claire knew, though, about the problem with the woman in red but she didn’t realize how bad it actually was to have this whole thing happen.
“You have a lot of nerve showing up here, Leon,” She scowls, chastising, crossing her arms over her chest. He looks down and takes the harshness of her words; he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t expecting this to happen. “Can I please see her?” His voice was hoarse.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,”
“It’s okay, I want to talk to him.”
Claire twists around to look at you. Your eyes were hard on the man whose heart had just skipped after being unable to see you or hear your voice for nearly a week. He recognizes the hoodie you had on and the ache in his chest tripled.
Despite your own heart jumping, your fury overclouded any feeling of longing. The letter crumples under your hand.
Claire gives you an expression as if to ask ‘Are you sure?’ and you nod. With one last look at the crestfallen male, she turns on her heel and leaves the premise to give you both some privacy.
“(Y/N)-“ Leon starts, taking a step towards you. You backtrack harshly.
Couldn’t he take a hint?
“Where’s Ada?” You grit your teeth, trying to keep your melting composure together. So much for a proper greeting. “I’m surprised you’ve bothered to come here, or that you even thought of me at all.”
Leon’s already fallen face sinks further, your words deepening the terrible pain the last few days have imbedded in him. If you only knew what the man’s been through; he could barely function not knowing where you were or who you were with or how you were doing and it showed in his present state. Ada, or at least the interaction you assumed happened between them, never reached reality.
“(Y/N),” He sighs, arduous, running a palm down his slightly stubbled cheek. The fact that you were so near but he couldn’t hold you made the inside of his chest itch. “Please, stop being like that. I want to talk this out. Properly. I don’t want Ada to be in this conversation,” He says, unable to keep the frustration from appearing in his tone.
Your anger grows. “That’s rich coming from you, especially when you hired her as your personal investigator,” You bring your clenched hand up and finally show to him the letter. “Here-“ You nearly hiss, taking a step towards him so you could press it to his chest. “You can thank her for coming through, as always.”
Leon studies the paper and his eyebrows furrow immediately. He shakes his head, looking at you perplexed. “I haven’t spoken to her ever since-“ He pauses for a split second, his jaw clamping ever so slightly, “-ever since we fought. I don’t know how she knows anything, or how she knew I was trying to find you.”
Despite your rancorous feelings, your chest prickled. You weren’t very surprised, but it softened your hardened exterior to hear his efforts. He always prioritized you, but the reason why you were so unwilling to move on from this was because of how prioritized Ada was too.
Noticeably gentler than a few seconds ago though, you moisten your dry lips. You knew Leon was telling the truth not only because of his honest eyes, but because he was just an honest person, especially when it came to you. But you just couldn’t wrap your head around how Ada was able to find out about you and Leon’s current situation and how she tracked you down.
As if he could tell what was plaguing your train of thoughts, he offers an explanation. You don’t know, though, if it made you feel better. “Ada – she’s a mysterious woman.” He acknowledges, cautiously moving closer. 
You stay where you are and it made him almost sigh in relief. If this proximity was all that the situation would allow, he’ll take it. “She has her ways, she has her own methods of knowing things.”
He shakes his head, “But enough about her. Please. I don’t want to talk about her – I want to talk about our relationship, because that’s what matters the most to me.” He says. 
You remain silent because you want him to continue and because a lump was growing in your throat.
You know from years of knowing Leon that he wasn’t the type of person to be vocal with his affection; how he grew up rendered him to be kind of awkward when it came to his feelings, he always had a hard time talking about it in general. It became especially more difficult after Raccoon City and you never tried to pry or change that; so, the rare times he did verbalize about what was in his chest, it was so special for you.
Leon takes a deep inhale, running his calloused thumbs over his fingers. “I-I’ve taken you for granted. All these years, you never left me, not even when our lives got so complicated.” He closes his stinging eyes, feeling his chest grow heavy as memories of his past played through his head – all the people lost, all the places now in ruin, all the missions he’s taken that always scared you half to death with worry. They were scars he had to live with.
“I don’t think anyone’s ever cared for me the way you do. It’s something I was never really familiar with,” He falters for a moment, wanting to compose himself. You, on the other hand, already had tears falling down your cheeks. You knew he was talking about his family and his upbringing – it was such a sensitive topic for him and your heart ached.
“-but it gives me so much hope, you know? It gives me more reason to want to end this whole attack on humanity. It’s contagious, how selfless you are.” He sighs, shifting his gaze to the carpeted floor. “The reason why I’ve been talking to Ada again is because she has information regarding new B.O.Ws being created somewhere. It’s stupid – maybe I should have just told you but I never include or disclose to you anything in my line of work because I don’t want to risk your safety.”
“You make me a better person, (Y/N), the love that you share so generously – I could only wish to reciprocate it all back to you. I-I’m trying, and I’m sorry if you have to suffer my inability to but I-“
Leon fails his words, his beautiful blue eyes glassy with tears. You’ve only ever seen him cry once your whole life, when you reunited after Raccoon City.
Without a moment more, you dash forward and wrap your arms tightly around the vulnerable and visibly upset man. You press your head to his chest, your tears – at this point – coming down like a waterfall as you listen to the beat of his heart. The heart made of pure gold, the heart that you loved more than anything in this whole fucking world.
Leon overlaps your embrace, one hand cupping the back of your head and the other snaked around your waist ardently, like he was afraid you’d fall out of his grasp again. 
He kisses the top of your head, his lips lingering for a few moments before he closes his eyes, feeling like a thousand pounds just lifted off his shoulders. He was light-headed, the warmth of your touch he craved so much felt like paradise.
“I’m sorry too, I just- I got so hurt but I never should have left the way I did,” You sob, not caring how you looked like. “I love you, Leon, more than anything. I don’t want you to ever feel like you’re lacking or that your baggage will ever be too heavy for me to carry with you. I’m not perfect either- I have my own shit, I have my own issues as well, but I know you’ll be there to help me out.”
You wipe at his eyes and he captures your hand, kissing it tenderly before intertwining his fingers with yours. “I promise I’ll be better,” He looks at you with commitment, his gaze unwavering and honest.
You smile, pledging to do the same. You trap his warm face in your palms and kiss him lovingly on the lips, your heart soaring. He deepens it.
You knew there were still going to be countless of bumps in the road ahead of you and Leon, some small, some big, and some worse or as worse as this but, no matter what, out of the billions of souls in this earth, it’s only him you’d ever love this way.
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iamandco · 5 years
  2011 “MELANCHOLIA” MAGNOLIA PICTURES  In recent years, speaking about mental health has become more common than in the past . Removing the stigma behind talking about these issues is prevalent in our society and no longer is the phrase “they’re just sad” taken so lightly.  Experiencing depression, anxiety, or any other mental health issues cannot be easily explained. Causes can be a result of trauma, abuse, grief, or even family traits, but can also arise from various other factors.  The most outworldly positive people can also fall into a state of constructing negative thoughts about their lives and the world. Sometimes doing your best still isn’t enough and this can be a spiraling effect. Everyone has a story to tell and no one is the same .  Below I have listed 10 movies that provide different stories focused on depression. All except “Prozac Nation” depict fictional stories.    PHOTO: COURTESY MIRAMAX FILMS  “Prozac Nation”  With a 2001 Canadian release date and a 2005 U.S. release date, “Prozac Nation” is a film based on the autobiography of journalist Eliazbeth Wurtzel, who at a young age began suffering with atypical depression and controlled her mental health through prescribed drug, Prozac.  The film stars Christina Ricci as Elizabeth “Lizzie” Wurtzel and Jessica Lange as her mother.  Lizzie is a 19 year old journalism student at Harvard University. She comes from a broken home and hasn’t spoken to her father in four years. Her mother is neurotic and extremely hypercritical. Her relationship with her parents has complicated her mental health and her relationship with men. Lizzie begins drinking, pulling all nighters to write, and alienating those around her. Her emotional stability begins to drop and she begins getting psychiatric help which leads to her receiving a prescription for Prozac.  The prescription drug helps Lizzie with her depression and suicidal thoughts, but she begins to wonder what life would be without them.  You can buy or rent “Prozac Nation” on iTunes , Amazon Prime , or Vudu .   PHOTO: COURTESY Eric Lee/Fox Searchlight Pictures  “Little Miss Sunshine” “Little Miss Sunshine” is as dysfunctional as can be. Rated R and released in 2006, the movie showcases the Hoover family as they road trip from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Redondo Beach, California for a “Little Miss Sunshine” beauty pageant.  With little to no money, the family decides to roadtrip to their destination in their old yellow Volkswagen, which has more car issues than expected along the way.  The family of six is portrayed by Greg Kinnear, Steve Carell, Toni Collette, Paul Dano, Abigail Breslin, and Alan Arkin. Each character, despite the youngest, has their own mental health issues, which adds to the dysfunctionality of the family.  Sheryl, the mother, is overworked. Her husband, Richard, is a Type A personality attempting to become a life coach. Her gay brother, Frank, has recently moved in with the family after a failed suicide attempt. Her son, Dwayne, has taken a vow of silence until he becomes a pilot. Richard’s father, Edwin, now lives with the family as well after being evicted from his retirement home after having been caught snorting heroin. The youngest of the family, Olive, dreams of becoming a beauty pageant queen and is coached by her grandfather Edwin. They must all come together to get the youngest Hoover, Olive, to her beauty pageant on time to compete for the title of “Little Miss Sunshine.”  Along the way, they all must learn to deal with each other in a healthy way or fall apart while doing so. You can buy or rent “Little Miss Sunshine” on iTunes , Amazon Prime , or Vudu .   PHOTO: COURTESY THE WEINSTEIN COMPANY  “A Single Man” Starring Colin Firth as George Falconer, “A Single Man” tells the story of a British English professor living in 1960s Los Angeles and dealing with his partner’s, Jim, death. Unable to cope with life, George decides it's time for the end. He goes about his day, getting his affairs in order, and preparing to commit suicide later in the evening. He ends up spending his day with people who can see just how sad he truly is, including a male prostitute, one of his male students, and an old female friend named Charley, portrayed by Julianne Moore.  George is able to come to terms with his grief regarding losing Jim, but unfortunate events lead to an unlikely ending.  “A Single Man” was the directorial debut for fashion designer, Tom Ford, received positive reviews and holds an 85 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes.  You can stream, buy, or rent “A Single Man” on Showtime , iTunes , Amazon Prime , or Vudu .   PHOTO: COURTESY Brigade Marketing  “Veronika Decides to Die” Released in 2009, and starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, “Veronika Decides to Die” follows the story of Veronika, a 20 something with a successful life full of materialistic things.  Despite all her success, Veronika suffers from depression and finds no meaning to her life. She decides to overdose on pills as a suicide attempt.  To her surprise, Veronika wakes up in a mental health institution, having survived the overdose. However, her attempt at suicide has deteriorated her health and is at risk of an aneurysm, which could end her life at any moment.  During her stay at the hospital, she becomes close to another patient, Edward, who suffers from schizophrenia.  As her relationship with Edward deepens, Veronika begins to find new meaning to her life and a newfound will to live.  You can buy or rent “Veronika Decides to Die” on iTunes , Amazon Prime , or Vudu .   PHOTO: COURTESY FOCUS FEATURES  “It’s Kind of a Funny Story”  Released in 2010 and starring Keir Gilchrist, Emma Roberts, Zack Galifianakis, and Viola Davis, “It’s Kind of a Funny Story” follow 16 year old Craig Gilner during his one week stay in a hospital psychiatric ward.  Stressed because of school, his father’s expectations, and his overall adolescence, Craig finds himself ready to jump off the Brookyln Bridge and commit suicide. Instead of jumping, he willingly checks himself into a mental health clinic, at first unaware that he must permanently be admitted for a week long stay.  Because the youth wing is undergoing renovations, he is placed on the adult floor, with patients of all ages. While dealing with his depression in the hospital, Craig meets and befriends two individuals. One, Bobby, a middle aged man with suicidal tendencies, and Noelle, a teenage girl also dealing with her own personal demons.  You can buy or rent “It’s Kind of a Funny Story” on iTunes , Amazon Prime or Vudu .   PHOTO: COURTESY SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT  “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”  Released in 2012 and described as a coming of age film, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” was named one of the best films in the year by MTV, Us Weekly, and Complex magazine.  The film stars Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, and Ezra Miller.  Logan Lerman portrays Charlie, a teenager about to start his freshman year of high school in 1992. What his peers don’t know about Charlie is that he spent his summer in a mental health care institution and that the year prior, Charlie’s bestfriend commited suicide.  From a young age, Charlie himself has dealt with clinical depression and anxiety, for reasons unknown until the end of the film.  Charlie is shy and finds it difficult to make friends, other than his English teacher, who immediately sees Charlie’s love for literature.  During a football game, Charlie meets two seniors, Sam and Patrick, who happen to be step siblings. Charlie is immediately accepted into Sam and Patrick’s friend group.  When tensions between Charlie and his friends arise, he finds himself alone and falling back into a depressive state. After regaining his friendship with the group, Charlie’s mental health continues to worsen but he does his best to hide it.  When the school year ends and his friends go off to college, Charlie is once again left all alone. His emotional state plummets and he breaks. Haunted by repressed childhood memories, Charlie experiences a panic attack that sends him back to the hospital.  You can buy or rent “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” on iTunes , Amazon Prime , or Vudu .   PHOTO: COURTESY AP  “The Skeleton Twins” Starring Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig, “The Skeleton Twins” follows Milo and Maggie as they try and figure out where their lives went wrong.  The movie starts with their individual stories, Milo leaving a suicide note and cutting his wrists in Los Angeles. Across the country, in New York, Maggie is about to swallow a handful of pills when she receives a call, alerting her of her brother’s failed suicide attempt.  Maggie travels to Los Angeles to visit Milo in the hospital and invites him to indefinitely live with her in New York. Their interaction at the hospital is their first in ten years, having lost communication years prior.  In New York, Milo meets his sister’s loving husband, Lance. Throughout the movie it is shown that Maggie’s seemingly perfect marriage to Lance is one sided. While he is the perfect husband, she doesn't feel worthy of him and cheats as well as takes birth control pills to prevent them from having children, which he dearly wants.  Meanwhile, Milo attempts to rekindle a relationship with Rich, his high school Engish teacher, with whom he had a sexual relationship at age 15.  Maggie and Milo’s newfound relationship with each other eventually reaches a tipping point. The two must come to terms with their destructive life choices which until now, they have been using as methods of coping with their depression.  You can buy or rent “The Skeleton Twins” on iTunes , Amazon Prime , or Vudu .   PHOTO: COURTESY AP  “Cake”  Showcasing Jennifer Aniston in a dramatic role, “Cake” follows Claire Bennet years after surviving a car accident that killed her son and sent her into a depressive state. The death of her son complicated her marriage and years later, her husband has finally left her.  Claire now suffers from chronic pain due to the accident and attends a support group as well as takes physical therapy classes. She takes many medications and even travels to Tijuana, Mexico to purchase additional pain medications. Claire has become an angry person and really has no close personal relationships, other than her housekeeper, Silvana, who has stuck by her side through it all.  When a member of her support group, Nina, commits suicide, Claire befriends her widowed husband, who is angry at his deceased wife for leaving him and their five year old son. Throughout the movie, Claire experiences hallucinations of Nina.  Events lead to Claire overdosing on pain pills. After her hospital stay, another hallucinated conversation with Nina makes Claire come to the realization that despite everything, she was a good mother to her son.  You can buy or rent “Cake” on iTunes , Amazon Prime , or Vudu .   PHOTO: COURTESY MAGNOLIA PICTURES  “Melancholia” The New York Times described “Melancholia” as a film that portrays the “acute anguish and the paralyzing hollowness of depression.”  The film was released in 2011 and is the second movie of director Lars von Trier’s unofficially titled “Depression Trilogy.” Inspiration for the film came from one of his depressive episodes in life.  The movie is told in two parts, following the stories of two sisters, portrayed by Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg. The events of the film are surrounded by an impending disaster, the destruction of Earth by a collision with the planet, Melancholia.  The film opens with Justine, portrayed by Dunst, who is experiencing the happiest day of her life, her wedding day. However, Justine is anything but happy. She finds everything in life pointless and is therefore incredibly impulsive. Her sister, who paid for the wedding, is struggling to deal with the fact they are all about to die.  The movie as a whole, and the fake planet about to destroy Earth, serve as a metaphor for how destructive depression can be.  You can buy or rent “Melancholia” on iTunes , Amazon Prime , or Vudu .   PHOTO: COURTESY OPEN ROAD FILMS  “Side Effects”  Different from the other movies described, “Side Effects” tells the story of a woman who faked her mental health issues. For fans of movies like “Gone Girl” and “The Girl on the Train” I definitely recommended giving “Side Effects” a watch for a story like no other! Released in 2013, the movie stars Rooney Mara, Channing Tatum, Jude Law, and Catherine Zeta-Jones.  The film follows Emily Taylor, who after her husband is arrested falls into a depressive state, attempts suicide, and begins to find help from a psychiatrist. When her husband is released after four years, she hopes her life will go back to normal. But when it doesn't, she falls into a deeper state of depression. Her psychiatrist, Jonathon Banks, decides to prescribe her an experimental drug after all other prescriptions fail to help. However, the side effects of the new drug ruin Emily’s life and Jonathon’s reputation and career.  You can buy or rent “Side Effects” on iTunes , Amazon Prime , or Vudu . *** Mental health is no joke and should be taken seriously. I encourage you to reach out to your friends and let them know that in any case, you are there to provide support and help.  It is important to note that World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10th every year and if you need to talk to someone or want to refer a friend, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255 and is available 24 hours a day. 
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