#Claire Booker
bookerplays · 2 months
Long-lived poetry mags: Spectator, Dreamcatcher, The Journal
I’m delighted to have poems out in three magazines which have proved to have real staying power. Granddaddy of them all is The Spectator (continuously published since 1828). Feisty York-based Dreamcatcher has been wowing its readership with poems, art and short stories for 28 years, and The Journal (formerly Contemporary Anglo-Scandinavian Poetry) has just celebrated an impressive 30 years in…
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wordshaveteeth · 6 months
It was easy to understand why women feared men with their physical strength and lust and social powers, but women, with their canny intuitions, were so much deeper: they could predict what was to come long before it came, dream it overnight, and read your mind.
- Claire Keegan, Small Things Like These
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denimbex1986 · 3 months
'...A Different Man (Aaron Schimberg)
Following recent parts in movies like Fresh and Sharper, Sebastian Stan has nabbed another starring role in A Different Man, directed by Aaron Schimberg. This is the director’s third movie and will also feature Renate Reinsve, best known for her starring role in The Worst Person in the World and Adam Pearson from Under the Skin.
The movie follows a budding actor named Edward who becomes obsessed with what he could’ve had after he undergoes major surgery to remove tumours from his face. Despite having a new face, Edward loses sight of his identity in this gripping psychological thriller...
Small Things Like These (Tim Mielants)
Claire Keegan’s historical drama novel Small Things Like These has been adapted for the big screen by screenwriter Enda Walsh, with Tim Mielants directing. Cillian Murphy, who has recently picked up plenty of nominations for his leading role in Oppenheimer, will star as the film’s main character, Bill Furlong.
Murphy plays a coal merchant who makes a shocking discovery at a convent nearby. The book was shortlisted for the Booker Prize and was heavily praised, so we have no doubt that the movie, which also stars Emily Watson, won’t be anything less than great...'
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Geneva Poole
face claim • lily james
love interest • newt scamander
house • hufflepuff
fic • ignoring the end
tags • fic: ignoring the end // oc: geneva poole //newtxgeneva
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Claire Booker
face claim • abbey lee kershaw
love interest • theseus scamander
house • ravenclaw
fic • dancing in the light
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tags • fic: dancing in the light // oc: claire booker // theseusxclaire
Bridget Whisper
face claim • kiera knightley
love interest • vinda rosier
house • slytherin
fic • revenge of fire
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tags • fic: revenge of fire // oc: bridget whisper // vindaxbridget
Evie Wood
face claim • annie hathaway
love interest • eulalie hicks
house • gryffindor
fic • the way of the world
tags • fic: the way of the world // oc: evie wood // eulaliexevie
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Augusta Dumbledore
face claim • sophie skelton
love interest • queenie goldstein
house • gryffindor
fic • memory of my enemies
tags • fic: memory of my enemies // oc: agusta dumbledore // queeniexagusta
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Zoey Hunt
face claim • annabelle wallis
love interest • credence barebone
house • slytherin
fic • result without a leader
tags • fic: result without a leader // oc: zoey hunt // credencexzoey
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booksperience · 8 months
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(via Reading Booker Shortlist-2022)
(Written on October 17, 2022) It’s been on my bucket list for years to read the Booker-shortlisted books of the year once declared. And I could only achieve it this year. The following are the six books on the Booker shortlist-2022: 1. Treacle Walker by Alan Garner 2. The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida by Shehan Karunatilaka 3. The Trees by Percival Everett 4. Oh William! by Elizabeth Strout 5. Glory by NoViolet Bulawayo 6. Small Things like These by Claire Keegan The order of the above list is as per how I liked them. In my view, Treacle Walker by Alan Garner stands out as the best in terms of literary value, hence its top position. If I were the sole Booker judge, I would have awarded the prize to Alan Garner. However, I guess this year’s Booker might go to the next title on the list, The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida by Shehan Karunatilaka. It would then be the first ever Booker for Sri Lanka. Here are the synopses of the books: Treacle Walker by Alan Garner: It explores the friendship between an older man and a little boy. There is a beautiful portrayal of the innocent and carefree world of childhood. Different time periods blend seamlessly. Spaces mix as well, and the real world at times looks magical. There is hardly a solid plot or a fully rounded story, but the sheer exuberance of language in this thin volume beats all others on the shortlist. The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida by Shehan Karunatilaka: An intriguing story unfolding against the backdrop of the ethnic strife among the Tamil, Sinhalese, and other communities, and the civil war in the Sri Lanka during the nineteen eighties. It uti... (Read full text on booksperience.org)
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eva248 · 1 year
Lecturas de mayo. Quinta semana
Txalaparta / Agustín Pery Riera. Editorial Pepitas de Calabaza & Los Aciertos, 2023 ¿A qué huele la niebla en esta novela? A maldad. A maldad pura y dura. Un policía nacional euskaldún —cualidad muy apreciada, por escasa, en el Ministerio del Interior— conocido con el sobrenombre de Txalaparta —por el ritmo y la contundencia con la que golpea a los detenidos—; su hijo, un adolescente…
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lilianeruyters · 2 years
Booker Prize 2022:  My personal favourite
Tomorrow the judges will reveal the winner of the Booker Prize 2022. My personal favourite? Claire Keegan and her beautiful Small Things Like These. #ClaireKeegan #SmallThingsLikeThese
Tomorrow the judges will reveal their choice for the Booker Prize 2022. I must admit that the diversity in the novels on the short list makes it hard to predict a winner. I read the entire short list and there was not one novel on it I would begrudge the prize. I might not have understood them all, I might not be a fan of a particular genre, I did appreciate their unique addition to the world of…
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9racereads · 2 years
The Booker Prize Shortlist 2022
Let's chat the biggest literary award of the year -- the Booker Prize shortlist 2022
This post may contain affiliate links, meaning that if you buy something, I might earn a small commission from that sale at no cost to you. As always, my links support indie bookstores. Read my full disclosure here. Thank you for your support. There is much abuzz in the literary community, as one of the most prestigious awards around announced its shortlist yesterday. So let’s talk about the…
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beaft · 5 months
11 16 17?
11. What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
probably "rebecca", by daphne du maurier. i've been meaning to get to it for literally years and i'm so glad i finally did. "crime and punishment" also counts. and "slaughterhouse-5". (i'm assuming "out for a while" can be stretched to mean "out for literal centuries".)
16. What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
fucking... "house on the cerulean sea". if anyone ever recommends me that book again i'm going to bite them.
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
i wasn't expecting to like "the last house on needless street" as much as i did - i picked it up from the little free library expecting a generic crime thriller, and was blown away by the quality and complexity of the writing. also the novella "small things like these" by claire keegan, which is not my usual kind of thing at all, but absolutely deserved the booker nomination.
books asks
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Cumpleaños 🎂
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¡Feliz cumpleaños 44, Rosario Dawson!
Rosario Isabel Dawson es una actriz y productora estadounidense. Nació el 9 de mayo de 1979 en Nueva York, en el seno de una familia latina marcada por los orígenes puertorriqueños y cubanos de su madre. La madre de Rosario Dawson nunca se llegó a casar con el padre de la intérprete, pues por entonces solo tenían dieciséis años.
Sin embargo, años más tarde sí que lo hizo con un constructor llamado Greg Dawson que fue quien dio el apellido a la actriz. De ese matrimonio, Rosario Dawson tiene un hermano llamado Clay con el que pasó toda su infancia y adolescencia.
Muy joven empezó a hacer carrera en la industria televisiva. De hecho, siendo solo una niña apareció en 'Barrio Sésamo', y ya con quince años tuvo la suerte de que estando en el porche de su casa su camino se cruzó con el del fotógrafo Larry Clark y el director y guionista Harmony Korine.
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Precisamente este último la invitó a participar en una película que, finalmente, se convertiría en el debut de Rosario Dawson en la gran pantalla. Se trataba de "Kids", un polémico largometraje que dividió a la crítica estadounidense, pero que a la estadounidense le sirvió como carta de presentación.
En 1998 trabajó nada más y nada menos que con Prince en la reedición del single '1999' y, lo cierto, es que desde entonces ha participado con numerosos artistas como actriz de sus videoclips. Mientras tanto, Rosario Dawson seguía intentando hacerse un hueco en cine y televisión.
En la gran pantalla se sumó al reparto de "Side Streets", "Light it Up", "Down to you", "King of the Jungle", "Josie and the Pussycats", "Las aceras de Nueva York", "Miércoles de ceniza", así como en 2002 fichó por la segunda parte de "Men In Black". En su filmografía, también encontramos títulos como "Love In The Time of Money", "Alejandro Magno", "Sin City" o la adaptación cinematográfica del musical "Rent".
Otra faceta de Rosario Dawson a destacar es su trabajo como actriz de doblaje. De hecho, gracias a ella ha logrado especial presencia en la gran pantalla. Ha puesto voz a Wonder Woman en las diferentes películas de animación de la que ha sido protagonista, tales como "Justice League: Throne of Atlantis", "Justice League Dark", "The Death of Superman" o "Space Jam 2", entre otras muchas.
Respecto a su carrera en televisión, también cabe decir que es especialmente abultada. Su debut en la pequeña pantalla se produjo en 'Punk'd', si bien su primer personaje en una serie fue en 'Gemini Division'. También ha participado en 'Daredevil', 'Jessica Jones' o 'Iron Fist' y 'The Defenders', en todos ellos para dar vida a Claire Temple.
Ahora bien, lejos ya del universo Marvel, Rosario Dawson ha trabajado en 'Jane the Virgin', 'Weird City', 'The Mandalorian' o 'Young Rock'.
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Rosario Dawson es uno de los rostros públicos más conocidos en Estados Unidos por su incesante activismo político. De hecho, este le ha llevado a ser detenida en más de una ocasión por participar en determinadas protestas y manifestaciones que finalmente se saldaron con la intervención policial.
En 2004 fue arrestada por las protestas de la población contra George W. Bush y en 2016 volvió a revivir la experiencia en la llamada Primavera Demócrata, una marcha organizada en 2016 desde Philadelphia a Washington para demandar el derecho a voto de muchos sectores, entre otras muchas peticiones. Aquel día cerca de un millar de personas fueron detenidas y, entre ellas estaba Rosario Dawson.
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Lo cierto es que este incesante activismo de la estadounidense no solo le ha dado quebraderos de cabeza como los que hemos contado, sino que también ha sido el responsable de muchas alegrías. Y es que, gracias a su implicación política, Dawson empezó a salir en 2018 con el senador demócrata Cory Booker, quien en 2019 inició la carrera a la Casa Blanca por convertirse en el próximo Presidente de Estados Unidos.
Esto llevó a la actriz a adoptar una postura aún más política si cabe, ya que si bien finalmente no fue así podía haber llegado al Despacho Oval. Sin embargo, Booker retiró su candidatura a inicios del 2020 y ella pasó a apoyar públicamente a Bernie Sanders.
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pyreache · 3 months
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ㅤㅤ⸤ 🩸 ⸣ ⸻ 𝒑𝒚𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒆, an independent and private multimuse. ft canon and original characters from different medias, likely sporadic activity and low effort. dark themes will appear, proceed with caution. by kiki, she + her, twenty8+.
carrd, atlas, prompts, board. blogroll, klaeus, elenaes. sideblogs, sunaed. muse spotlight, aurora (!!), bella, nimue, sam, varina.
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before interacting.
i am mutuals only, please respect that. do not interact if you're under 18, 21+ preferred.
basic etiquette and human decency please: no weird or gross behaviors, and be respectful.
while triggering topics will appear and be tagged, keep taboo subjects away from me. (r.ape/non-con, p.edophilia, i.ncest, etc.)
banned: i.an somerhalder and a recast klaus. exceptions can be made for multis that have a tag for them i can block.
mutuals are welcome to tag me in anything ever, send in countless memes whenever, message me at any time and request my d.iscord. basically if we're mutuals, "bug" me whenever and however you want 🤍
my formatting is simple, and i'm fine with icons, iconless, gif icons or gifs. answered asks can always be treated as a starter, feel free to rb them or start a new post to create a thread!
accessibility: lmk at any time if you need me to adjust anything for your comfort, it won't bother me at all. on my end, it would be super helpful if you don't use tiny icons or courier new font with me.
shipping and dynamics of all kinds are my lifeblood, so lmk at any time if you're interested in shipping with me.
there will be a heavy focus on my original characters, with canons taking a backseat by default. please do not try to interact with only my male muses.
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amarande floresca, pureblood vampire, camila queiroz, secondary.
aspasia, the dark urge / seldarine drow druid, tbd, primary.
aspyn verona, hunter, sasha luss, secondary.
aurora provenza, black market doctor, danielle rose russell, primary.
booker darcy, hunter / half demon, chris evans, primary.
briar kesta, reincarnation of aphrodite, danielle campbell, primary.
callan wisteria, private investigator, dylan o'brien, primary.
cassiopeia claremont, reincarnation of the goddess of the stars, claire holt, primary.
fern roque, serial killer of abusive men, bruna marquezine, secondary.
julieta noi, ghost hunter / streamer, kitty chicha, secondary.
luminita, gifted vampire, demet özdemir, secondary.
magdalena primrose, mortician / exorcist, alexandra daddario, primary.
nimue, ancient forest witch / shapeshifter, megan fox, primary.
opal undergrove, witch, yaya dacosta, secondary.
rhysand eoin ó cuilinn, vampire, chace crawford, primary.
river mihal, werewolf, alina kovalenko, secondary.
sila prakenskii, mobster, tor thanapob, primary.
varina leucothea, siren princess, dakota johnson, primary.
caius, twilight, regé-jean page, secondary.
damon salvatore, tvdu, giancarlo commare, secondary.
edward cullen, twilight, gong jun, secondary.
emmett cullen, twilight, michael evans behling, primary.
isabella swan, twilight, antonia gentry, primary.
jack ryan, bioshock, jensen ackles, test.
lara croft, tomb raider, yaya sperbund, primary.
sam winchester, supernatural, jared padalecki, primary.
stefan salvatore, tvdu, paul wesley, secondary.
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bookerplays · 3 months
Interview for Quill & Parchment + Artemis 31
Being interviewed forces you to take stock of why you write, what you hope to achieve (if anything) by putting words to paper. Poet and reviewer, Neil Leadbeater, set up some stretching questions for me in his interview for American-based webzine Quill & Parchment.  “What are your future plans as a writer” brought me up short. I realised I didn’t have any plans; just writing, more writing, more…
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wordshaveteeth · 6 months
Before long, he caught a hold of himself and concluded that nothing ever did happen again; to each was given days and chances which wouldn’t come back around. And wasn’t it sweet to be where you were and let it remind you of the past for once, despite the upset, instead of always looking on into the mechanics of the days and the trouble ahead, which might never come.
- Claire Keegan, Small Things Like These
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denimbex1986 · 3 months
'Cillian Murphy's new movie Small Things Like These has debuted to critical acclaim, earning an impressive 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
The new film, which marks the star's first major role after Oppenheimer, focuses on Ireland's Magdalene Laundries, which were horrific asylums run by Roman Catholic institutions between the 18th and late 20th centuries.
The movie is told from the perspective of Murphy's Bill Furlong in 1985, as he starts to discover harrowing secrets in his town and learns some "shocking truths of his own".
Small Things Like These, which is based on the Claire Keegan book, premiered last night (February 15) at the 74th Berlin International Film Festival, landing the highest possible score on Rotten Tomatoes (at the time of writing).
The first reviews have heaped praise on Murphy's performance, as well as the film's tackling of its subject matter and examination of the complicity of bystanders to horrific events.
Here's what critics have been saying:
Time Out
"It’s a profound performance by Murphy – perhaps even more so in fewer words than Oppenheimer – as Bill’s anger burns with tragic urgency. The question lingers: will you look or look away, act or stay silent?"
"A genuinely profound low-key gem which will be remembered long after the champagne and sequins have been swept away."
"It’s Murphy’s exquisitely pained performance, unclenching by fine degrees into something like grace, that gives Small Things Like These its eventual, fist-in-the-gut power, even as the film evades melodramatic confrontation to the last, ending elegantly at a point where many other stories might choose to begin."
The Hollywood Reporter
"Led with aching sensitivity by Murphy, this is a somber, unhurried drama that takes its cue from the seeming quietness of the title and is all the more intensely moving for it."
The Daily Telegraph
"Small Things Like These is a tight-lipped Irish drama even more suffused with sadness than the log-line implies, and shouldered with hypnotic grace by a very special Cillian Murphy in his first post-Oppenheimer role."
The Times
"Cillian Murphy, still in the midst of Oppenheimer Oscar hoopla, adds another startling performance to his résumé in this stylish production based on Claire Keegan’s Booker-shortlisted novella."
The Film Stage
"Murphy gives a characteristically tender, interior performance as a man burdened with a conscious even heavier than his considerable knitwear."'
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hlfmoonshine · 3 months
connections :)
angelina & ivy & fleetwood & honey & veronica & graceland all musicians or songwriters and could easily have friendships and opinions between the group especially about who they are dating or keeping around them at the time. fans, rivals, producers, songwriters, dancers, bands, the options are limitless. hell, journalist? chicken shop date shit? asmodeus & lila work together at the supernatural version of the good company. patrons, supernaturals in need, there's a lot of room to play with these two. bo & sawyer & maggie & sosh & tyler & libby laura & susanna & lori & ward & ingrid & nellie & drew obviously all live on the golden ranch, or have spent a lot of time at the golden ranch. rival ranchers? rodeo competitors? an ex from the past, buckle bunnies, the law, conservation officers, locals, a well of options. booker & rory & coen & josie are all part of the eden family. very messy. lots of connections to be had. significant others play best in this production, especially when coming from coen's corner. boone & claire & odyssey & lydia odyssy and lydia are close friends of boone, who slings weed, especially to lydia. claire disapproves of all three. someone buying drugs? a friend from a party? someone claire's chasing but who knows boone better, honestly, this can get really messy if we want it to. cobie & icarus & royal & millie & elena it's called the nepo club. you can be born into you, you can be adopted as a pet, you could try to save someone from the club. lots of space to play here. seeking additional nepo babies, someone from the outside, savior, pet, someone who got out of the life, just, there's so many options here? money can get you basically anything tbh. darius & francis & erik & lila all work at or are connected to the good company bar (nonsupernatural edition), or to the landon crime family. an assassination target? someone saved from death? someone owing the landons? someone looking for safety or protection from the landons? someone caught in a bad deal who has to be brought in? dima & lev & roman & lena & sasha three brothers, all working for koschei the deathless (which leaves a lot of room to mess around with) and two sisters, all working for the baba yaga (who has a longstanding rivalry with koschei) someone who's playing both sides or someone who works for one side but loves the other (hello romeo & juliet lovers), someone who is getting pulled into the life. halen & lita & alice hello dysfunctional and judgmental siblings. much drama. this is another where the significant other really can play well. these three do not play well together, so anyone walking into that is walking into danger. lena & madelaine & maryam all working in the medical field, easy to tie together actually. even easier to form connections with in that same field. doctor, nurse, tech, admin, patients, family of patients. hello hospital nonsense. koa & perry small business owners stick together. and frequently talk shit together over coffee or cosmos. favorite customers? worst patrons? connections galore. honey & poppy & romeo i don't know if you know that i love a set of siblings. meet the girlfriend? meet the boyfriend? meet the lover? please, the messes and miracles made with these three and their extended connections are a dream. winnie & lila sisters & witches who lead familiar lives, with different opinions. i would love to see some confrontation between a connection of these two.
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xcziel · 6 months
tuesday new release for november 7:
i spent half the evening monitoring the line at the midnight release for iron flame AND trying to sneak in snippets of jungkook on jimmy fallon (lol) since i had my phone bc i was also taking photos for the party
sooooo yeah. but there's LOTS of stuff out today
iron flame, book 2 of the empyrean saga by rebecca yarros is out! as is the holiday edition of fourth wing (red! very pretty! also: sprayed edges!)
latest installment in christopher paolini's eragon series, murtagh, plus the large hardcover illustrated eragon to pair with it
my name is barbra, a brick of a memoir ($47 list!) by la streisand
remembrance a collection of the correspondence of ray bradbury
resurrection walk new mickey haller AND harry bosch law thriller from michael connelly
novel the future, by naomi alderman
new naturals by gabriel bump
so late in the day: stories of women and men by claire keegan
the olympian affair, a new cinder spires novel by jim butcher
"clive cussler" released the corsican shadow
ben mezrich - the bringing down the house poker story guy- release breaking twitter, possibly one of the most topically relevant books today
teddy and booker t. about roosevelt and washington "blazing a path for racial equality" from bestselling historian brian kilmeade
h.w. brands new book on the history of american politics founding partisans
love redesigned by lauren asher, first in new lakewood billionaires series
chestnut springs series book four reckless by elsie silver
katee roberts' first in a new series hunt on dark waters
in YA we have:
the second book in the lightspark series by alex aster, nightbane
sequel to the way i used to be by amber smith, the way i am now
powerless by lauren roberts
and a paperback teen romance from ali hazelwood, check mate
same as ever: a guide to what never changes from psychology of money author morgan housel
the fund, about ray dalio, bridgewater associates, and wall street shenanigans by rob copeland
class, a story of single motherhood and higher education, by stephanie land
lyrics by paul mccartney is out in paperback
world within a song from jeff tweedy
living the beatles legend: the untold story of mal evans, longtime beatles roadie and personal assistant, by kenneth womack
and new d&d heroes' feast: flavors of the multiverse cookbook
and finally: SYSTEM COLLAPSE is here!!!! the new murderbot story from martha wells!!!!
to paraphrase: un-follow me now, this is gonna be the only thing i talk about for the next week. ive been waiting forever it feels like. fuck.
(a tiny exaggeration bc i know i will also be obsessed with jk and standing next to you for the next little while but you get the idea)
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