#Circuit Board Fossil
zegalba · 1 month
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Peter McFarlane: 'Circuit Board Fossil' Series (2012)
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53v3nfrn5 · 6 months
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Peter McFarlane: ‘Circuit Board Fossil Series’ (2012)
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dvnzook · 1 year
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I used blender to design some rocks with its fancy rock button. The circuit texture was made with a displacement effect on a cut edge. I’ll make a post with the textures so people can see what I did & steal em if they want.
I started 3D printing these but realize my FEP has a ripple in it and I need to do some maintenance. But I’m tired and disappointed.
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twothpaste · 10 months
fic bit featuring Claus and Nana. a scientist and a paramedic debate the former's relentless work ethic, despite a No Good Very Bad Lobotomy-Induced Chronic Headache. 😏😖🙄
The process is a softer affair than it used to be. When the world population clambered by the billions, pharmaceuticals comprised a labyrinthine industry. Bloodthirsty minotaurs n' all. Ruthless steel compaction, from the milling n' grinding to the pretty penny on the opposite end. Stuff's still made of powdered plants, mostly. They've still got laboratories, concocting the rest. Factory lines, however, were a centuries-prolonged growing pain. As was the chokehold on your very biology. We're post-apocalyptic anarcho-communists, for Christ's sake. Get with the times. Y'need pills, just take 'em.
When the Commander clambered from its recharge station, it took what was fed to it. And asked for nothing more. Any pang or spasm, no matter how severe, warranted not even a note in its data log. Biology was superfluous. Far as it was aware - ruthless steel had always trumped flesh.
Claus comes to. Six on the dot. Darkness strobing like sun spots. An aching exhale, through a clenched windpipe.
Their left brain says:
- [ Loading Status Report… ] -
- [ <STATUS: "Migraine."_> ] -
Their right brain says:
Zolmitriptan makes it into the running, this morning. Alongside painkillers of an entirely unrelated ilk - dosed low, for his eighty or ninety pounds of biomass. There's the Adderall that almost works like a charm. The SSRI that failed him, the other night. Cyclosporine's what keeps his insides from breaking out into unrestricted civil warfare. A calcium supplement might accompany his lunch. Assuming he can stomach it. Ocean waves send the cramped bathroom roiling, and his guts right along with it. Yellowish wood walls, closing in tight, parrot the creaks in his joints. Or vice versa. Or vice versa… Cold fingers knead the right temple, with blunt faux-nail tips. Incidental luster stings like tarantula hawk.
A ghoulish countenance greets him in the mirror.
He grins back. Crooked teeth n' all.
"G'mornin', sunshine."
The Commander wouldda headed to work nonetheless, bright n' early, on nothin' but a stern order. Claus does it on a cane. N' a belly full of get well soon.
See? Softer.
As they don their lab coat and step outside, the upper bunk remains utterly undisturbed. Hardback volume nestled somewhere ajar in the covers. Sweet dreams of omelets and Middle Earth carry on, and on. Lucas' slumber is as nigh-sacred as it is boulder-esque.
Rhinos predate hippos by thirty-four million years in the fossil record. Prototype Rhinocerocket models, likewise, predate Hippo Launchers by about twenty-two months. With New New Pork shrinking, year by year, tighter quarters had driven both clades to territorial disputes. A contributing factor toward the latter's increased aggression, Claus hypothesizes. They've gotta wonder if similar bloodshed arose along the Nile, when planet Earth simmered to a fever pitch. Or whether Noah took care to board 'em on opposite ends.
(They consider these things in meticulous detail, mulling them back n' forth between circuits n' neurons, to distract themself from the dawning sunbeams. And the nauseous discrepancies beneath their boots, trekking uneven terrain. Both of which gnaw incessantly at every periphery.)
Sanctuary Shipment Part 2: Electric Boogaloo begins in - [ <3 DAYS, 21 HOURS, 27 MINUTES, 49 SECONDS_> ] -. Hippo Launchers, as I'm sure you've gathered, will not simply march onto a ship 'cause you asked 'em nicely. N' those Rhino whistles do fuckall to charm 'em. They'll have to bring out the big guns. Literally. It's an old Pigmask blaster. Standard issue. The heavy sort, that pink suits used to haul around. Yank out all the laser beam cartridges, and replace 'em with a transformer n' a capacitor. Ain't aimin' to hurt 'em. No pain nor irreparable damage is due upon any chimera. 'Specially not on Dr. Westwood's watch. Tune the copper coil just right, n' the big lugs'll doze right on off to sleep mode. No fried wiring. No ruptured batteries. Their artificial hearts won't skip a single beat.
Of course, should he miscalculate his extremely precise adjustments, this chimera may be in for an absolute boatload of pain and irreparable damage.
Claus ain't allowed to work on the EMP Gun unattended. Which is fair, he thinks. Totally reasonable. He most certainly and definitely has no restless qualms about it.
If he wants his electronics specialist, he'll have to wait another four hours. Sheep sleeps in almost as late as Lucas, when given the luxury. His weapons specialist, however, retains the circadian rhythm of a true soldier. Hell, Hox was prob'ly up long before the accursed sun clawed its way over the horizon to chew on Claus' frontal lobe. Now, if he can just find her…
"Hi, Claus," chirps a dearly familiar voice, from the elevated walkway to his left. Pitchy, yet even-keeled. A far cry from the ex-colonel's gruff zeal. "Good morning."
"Hah.. Uh - Mornin', Nana!" Their headache strains in unheeded protest, as they swivel sideways n' up-ways to face her. Cane wobbling ever so slightly. "You're out early! Whatcha up to?"
"Restocking first aid supplies. Bronson got a papercut in the mailroom yesterday. He's on those blood thinners now, you know. Have you ever seen any slasher movies? It was like that. We went through so many sanitizer wipes."
"Sounds like a bloodbath."
"It was."
"I bet the doves were totally traumatized."
"They were. And I figured, well. If I need to restock there, I may as well check everyplace else. I'm headed to the transit ship, next."
"Aw, same here. I'm lookin' for Hox. Have ya seen 'er?"
"No. Why are you down there?"
Claus, hardly perturbed, grants his lowly surroundings only a cursory glance. There's a marked sinkhole next to him. And a big pinkish-whitish hunk of billboard signage. So bleached with age, you can scarcely read the words "YOU HAD ME AT BACON." (Come to think of it, the Harbor's garbage is a trench knife to his right eye's nerves, too.)
"Oh. Heh. Shortcut," he answers.
Nana's ponytail's already comin' loose in the breeze, sending wild strands of blonde across her face. She squints through the thicket. Inspecting her old friend with about as much scrutiny as the litreage of rubbing alcohol available in each work station's first aid kit.
"You look awful."
"Well, shucks, thank ya."
"You've got another migraine. Don't you."
"I resent that accusation," Claus retorts. Leanin' back, shruggin' his arms wide, in a show of lackadaisical cowpoke bravado. Only for his balance to lurch beneath him. And for his head to sear with a particularly potent throb, when he jolts to steady himself. He opts to cough, instead of whimper. "Ah-ugh…!"
"I'm surprised Lucas let you by."
"Hngh.. Luc's asleep," they remind her. With a little shushing hiss, and an index finger to their lips.
"Come on. Up here. I'll get you an ice pack at the med bay."
"Nah. Don't worry. M'fine."
Their winking thumbs-up is less than persuasive. Folks like Jill n' Bateau love to mistake Nana for a terminal case of social agnosia, on account of her tactless tirades. Makes 'em feel real psychologically savvy. But they're simply incorrect. She can tell the difference between an earnest smile and a set of clenched teeth from a mile away.
"You know you don't have to do this to yourself, Claus." They seem to perk up, at that. Their one eager eyebrow, beckoning forth a forehead wrinkle or two. "You could take the day off, or at least stay in bed until you feel a bit better. We don't need you working yourself sick -- "
" -- Dr. Westwood!! We need you over here! Immediately!"
Nana doesn't flinch at the brash bark, or the imposing presence, or the heaps of curly hair that've erupted abruptly beside her. Just glances sideways, expressionless. Heartfelt sentiments sink in her chest, as she sees who's actually snagged Claus' attention.
"Heyyy, Hox! I was just lookin' for ya! What's up?"
"Found somethin' weird out by the Junkyard. You'd better come check it out."
"Aw, yeah? What kinda weird?"
"Weird weird."
"Couldja be more specific?"
"'Fraid I can't. No one on staff right now can identify it. If yer askin' me, I would describe it as ooey-gooey, Mx. Look, with all due respect, can you just get the hell over here?"
"Ten-Four, comrade. Agh. Ughff…"
Their metal hand clatters onto the walkway. Followed by their cane, sideways, clenched in a fist. Boot treads gnash and heave, from garbage to pristine timber. Eighty or ninety pounds of biomass. The other hundred n' ten or so's all metal n' plastic. And every remaining bone's got somethin' to say about it. Climbing used to be Claus' strong suit, back in the days of yore. Nana could offer him a helpin' hand, up top a beachside oak tree, and the little hooligan'd take it as an insult. This morning, he grips tight. Nearly pops every one of her knuckles, as she hoists him up n' over the railing.
"Hah.. Whew. Thank ya, Nana. 'Preciate it."
"Sure," she replies. Dryly.
She spots his limpish leftward lean, sparing his opposite hip, as he rises back to his feet. Hox's limp leans right. Conversely.
"Make sure they take it easy," says the paramedic to the ex-colonel. Doctor's orders. "They've got a migraine. Just so you know."
"A migraine? Huh. I didn't know cyborgs got headaches."
"Oh. Claus gets them all the time."
"Alright, alright! Ha, jeez, y'all! I toldja, I'm fine…! I promise I can handle a little ooey-gooey."
Hox snorts. Nana rolls her eyes.
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pandoramusicbox · 4 months
Magic tech.
Magic tech in music box. It is a relatively new thing only becoming a proper field of study after the witch wars.
With smaller magic tech adjacent things having existed.
The thing with magic tech is that is dose not required an affinity for magic to use
Most pre magic tech was simply the use of laquim for batteries of sorts and dolls. But dolls and automatons are their own can of worms
The earliest form of modern magic tech is probably magical “guns” that use carved and polished laquim plates to fire of its “shots.”
An interesting thing about the world is that they likely started useing clean energy (ie wind, solar, geo thermal and hydroelectric) before fossil fuels would be used. Simple because of how thier world conceives energy.
So magic was also used on trains
All of those things are thought of as being part of the Elemental theory of magic, so it’s likely that when there became higher demands for energy and electricity they went to those options earlier as to them that’s where energy comes from.
Solar was probably a later addition to thier energy harvest compared to wind and water, and thier ability to put lightning in a bottle
Electric plants must be swarmed with electricity spirits
But back to magic tech.
So magic tech produces a unique issue. That is the fact that magic normally needs organic material to be channeled. This is actually the same issue that arises with wands. Wands are made of wood, bone, shell or other things like that because it is difficult to move magic through inorganic material (with the exception of laquim and apparently copper, copper is a relatively good conductor of magic.)
So a good deal of magic tech uses organic material in it’s making
Another thing that allowed for magic tech to become widely available is for the invention and then innovation of spell tags
A lot of magic tec used magic circles and runes as “circuit boards” of sorts to enscribe certain commands.
Prior to the witch war magic circles where relatively rare and where difficult to get right. Even though there are many methods to make them.
Spell tags on the other hand created standardized and “cheep” magic
Laquim stones are used in a large deal of magic tech as they are good at storing magic. Usually they are used in polished forms.
Carved laquim is used as raw crystal have a tendency to grow…
Hence why it is called “growing crystals”
this growing crystal normally grows slowly if not in areas where it is exposed to a lot of magic on a regular basis.
the advent of chemestry it became easier to make chemicals that artificially could mimic the organic materials that magic likes to work with, and better metallurgy refined metals into forms that magic can travel though without causing issues.
I have a lot of work still remaining on how magic tech works, but this is a general outline that im satisfied with for now.
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Mega Man X ReActivated Preview
A Legacy's Beginning
April 14, 21XX
I still have yet to discover the missing link in my research. It has been weeks since I set off on my archeological expedition. Recently, I happened upon a breakthrough in my  study about the flora of the Mesozoic period. I simply need to find a certain fossil to verify my findings. My calculations have brought me to an isolated location out in the wild. Here I have been actively searching for days upon end.
So far, all I have managed to find is mountains upon mountains of dirt. Many of this region's (excuse me) unique lifeforms have managed to discover me, however I do believe I can do without their hospitality. I had wanted to locate evidence of life, but not this kind. It does make me rethink my choice in wardrobe, something I need to take note of for my next expedition. 
I fear this whole endeavor has been a blatant waste of time. Perhaps I should pack up my supplies and return to my home. I can go over my notes and locate another area to find the evidence for my theory. After all, what did I expect to find in such a -
Much to the surprise of Dr. Cain, he felt his foot slip through a softer patch of dirt. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to journal while walking. His whole body was thrown forward into the now exposed hole. He didn't yell as he slid downward. This was not the first time this had happened.
What was shocking to him was hitting a cool, tiled floor. You didn't run into one of those in the wild every day. Dr. Cain quickly popped back up, at least as quickly as he could at his age. He picked up his hat that had fallen during his descent and brushed the dirt off of it before placing it back on his head.
Surveying his surroundings, he let out a small gasp. From what he could make out from the little light from above, he was standing in the remains of a robotics lab. For a room seemingly lost to time, the technology within it seemed to rival that of modern times. Either the owner of this lab was ahead in technology or society had not improved technology as much as they thought they had.
Dr. Cain approached a table littered with pieces of metal and circuit boards. He picked up one of the metal pieces and was thrown off by how much it weighed. This was not the lightweight material they used today. He returned the metal to its place and ran a hand over the table. Layers of dust stuck to his hand, which he wiped against his shorts. 
To the right was a desk covered with piles of papers. A supercomputer was mounted on the wall around it, though its monitors had long since expired their warranty. The model was ancient, but it seemed to have been upgraded from its original state. Cobwebs hung from nearly every surface, giving Dr. Cain flashbacks to that colony of… he moved on from the thought.
His eyes landed upon a photograph on the ground, sticking out of its broken frame. He picked it up and instantly recognized the man in it. Dr. Thomas Light. The Father of Robotics. Dr. Cain tried his best to stifle the fanboy in him. There were a few smaller figures in the image, but the picture was too aged to make out who they were. He felt a twinge of guilt for imposing on the century old lab, but as an archaeologist it was kind of his job to lurk and explore this kind of stuff so he continued. 
Dr. Cain turned around, just now noticing the huge metal cylinder there. Its long side was facing horizontally, giving the archeologist the impression of a bed. A very strange bed indeed. For some inexplicable reason, it greatly piqued his curiosity. He approached it, circling to see it from other angles. Slowly, he reached out and wiped some dust from its surface.
Suddenly, the lab came to life. Lights flickered on, casting a blue glow to the room. Cain could hear the faint hum of technology working. A projection of Dr. Light came up a few feet from where he stood. He figured it was life sized, making the Doctor a lot shorter than he had imagined him to be. He ran a hand through the projection. It was incredible holographic technology for being from 20XX.
Despite the overwhelming feeling of awe, Dr. Cain managed to pull out a screen to record any message that played. He worried he would not be able to activate it again later, so he wanted to capture it. He frowned a little, seeing that he had cracked it slightly more during the fall, but he didn't mind too much as long as it worked.
The voice of the man himself. It was like a time capsule. There were plenty of news reports and videos of Dr. Light from when he was alive a century ago, but something about this message seemed more personal. 
The hologram flickered before shutting off, as though it was never there. Dr. Cain verified that the message properly recorded before putting his screen away.
X. Dr. Cain never recalled hearing about an X in terms of Dr. Light's numerous robotic projects. Then it came to him, as if a switch had been flipped in his head. He turned his attention back to the metal cylinder. Towards the top, there was a clear change in material. A small section was made of a strong glass, as it was still intact after all these years.
He cautiously wiped the years of dust from the glass and peered through. He had revealed a slumbering face. He was amazed by how realistic it looked. It resembled that of a 14 year old boy. He wore a blue helmet with a large red gem at its center. Dr. Cain could already tell this was in fact something - no - someone very special.
Dr. Cain smiled. "Hello there. Nice to meet you, X."
Author's Note
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sroloc--elbisivni · 1 year
So do you feel like talking about a Transformers AU you’re writing? Any AU.
asjgjdh one i am writing no unless you mean one that's partway published because turtles is still kind of eating my brain so right now in transformers i am writing 1. mushroomverse 2. fathomless 3. that's it. fathomless is currently either self-explanatory or spoilers and i never know where to start with mushroomverse.
oh i guess technically i have the romance novel TFA au! that's started. haven't worked on it in earnest for a while but it exists! it's plotted out in my head as a series of four shipfics in a cybertronian high society divided not on gender lines but on 'land management' vs 'military'. autobot and decepticon affiliation has nothing to do with it. the decepticons are like. Scottish nobility.
so we go from JazzProwl friends to lovers mutual pining to MegOp 'love and hate tension 'you profited off my family's ruin and ugh now you're HOT' to one that's just a comedy of errors involving BlitzBee and ShockBlurr (one of those chained idiot plots where person c is helping person b, who c has a crush on, help person a, who b has a crush on--a=shockwave b=bumblebee c=blitzwing) and in the background the chaperones are distracted from this mess by Bulkhead getting seduced by married couple Strika and Lugnut who love him for his brain and his body.
jazzprowl side of this au is Mutual Restrained Longing and Respectful Intellectual Exchange. jazz is a sea captain prowl collects fossils and they go to lectures together. megop is Belligerent Sexual Tension and Good Things One-Upsmanship. optimus was supposed to go to military school but his family lost all their money and so he's back for his second season after he left his first very early to help blackarachnia, so he's no longer a shy young thing and he's very over these fawning young military officers who can't even beat him in a strategy game.
Ratchet and Arcee are chaperoning the canon autobot team. they have their work cut out for them. i may or may not ever write this more than the one scene i already have (start of Jazzprowl one, below the cut) but if i do it will be so much fun.
“...and of course, for embellishments, our establishment is up to date on all of the latest trends, my lord. Circuit boards are especially popular right now—one may arrange them to convey any and all manner of messages, with of course varying levels of discretion depending on their placement.”
Prowl was barely listening. He turned in front of the mirror as the modiste prattled on to Ratchet about current fashions, skirt held up in one servo so he could better watch the dark swish of the fabric. He had been skeptical of the merits of clothing, but he supposed he could see the decorative value. The dark fabric flowed like oil. Like the ocean.
“Prowl?” Ratchet sounded annoyed, but that wasn’t a sign he’d let them leave yet. He’d sounded annoyed ever since he’d found Bulkhead and Bumblebee in Prowl’s kitchen, and that hadn’t stopped him from shepherding Prowl off of Yoketron’s derelict estate and through all the forms and fancies that preceded a season in Metroplex. “You got an idea on the stenciling?”
“The point of this is that I present myself as a suitable candidate for conjugation, isn’t it?” Prowl asked. He didn’t look away from the mirror, turning again to watch the swirl of mesh floating around his plating. “Whatever is fashionable will be fine.”
Ratchet sighed. “If all I needed was an assembly-line opinion, I would’ve brought your measurements and not you,” he grumbled. “The point is that you find someone who can tolerate your personality. You have to show a little of it for that to happen. Primus knows you’ve got plenty to spare.”
“I don’t have time for—” Prowl clenched the fabric tighter, catching himself before he could turn in a temper. Ratchet was trying to help him. Prowl needed his expertise.
Seeking harmony with the universe, Prowl released the fabric, smoothing his servo over the wrinkles in the mesh. It did smooth beautifully. Like sand washed by the tide, before the sheen of the water faded.
“Ammonites,” Prowl said, into the silence that neither the modiste nor Ratchet had broken. “You can pattern it with ammonites. I’ll send you a design if you require one.”
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shadeslayer · 1 year
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Thunderbird (2008) Thunderbird II (2010) and Thunderbird III (2015) by Wally Dion (Saulteaux) circuit boards, plywood, nails
These are the Thunderbirds. They have existed in the past and continue their existence today. For thousands of years, people have fashioned mythologies in an attempt to understand the power and significance of the Thunderbird. Viewed collectively as fossils, or as living prophecy, Thunderbirds are pulled from the tar sands of Northern Alberta, hydro-fracked from the bed rock of the Marcellus Shale and resurrected from the uranium mines of Northern Saskatchewan to live again among human beings.
From Wally Dion's website.
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polysciencehub · 19 days
Engineering Plastics in Electronics: Meeting the Demands of Miniaturization and Durability
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In the dynamic landscape of electronic devices, where smaller, lighter, and more durable products are incessantly sought after, the role of engineering plastics is paramount. From smartphones to wearables, and from laptops to medical devices, engineering plastics play a crucial role in enabling the miniaturization and durability that consumers and industries demand. In this article, we delve into the realm of engineering plastics in electronics, exploring their significance, challenges, and future prospects.
The Significance of Engineering Plastics in Electronics
Electronics have undergone a remarkable transformation over the decades, transitioning from bulky, cumbersome machines to sleek, portable gadgets. This evolution has been made possible, in part, by the use of advanced engineering plastics. These materials offer a unique combination of properties such as high strength-to-weight ratio, thermal stability, and electrical insulation, making them ideal for a wide range of electronic applications.
Miniaturization: Shaping the Future of Electronics
One of the most notable trends in the electronics industry is the relentless drive towards miniaturization. Consumers crave devices that are compact, lightweight, and yet packed with powerful features. Engineering plastics play a pivotal role in this endeavor by enabling the design and manufacture of intricate components and housings that are both lightweight and robust.
Challenges and Solutions in Miniaturization
However, miniaturization poses significant challenges for engineers and designers. As devices shrink in size, the space available for components decreases, placing greater demands on the materials used. Engineering plastics must not only be capable of withstanding mechanical stresses but also provide excellent dimensional stability and resistance to environmental factors such as temperature fluctuations and moisture.
Durability: Ensuring Longevity and Reliability
In addition to miniaturization, durability is another critical aspect of electronic devices. Consumers expect their gadgets to withstand daily wear and tear, as well as occasional bumps and drops. Engineering plastics excel in this regard, offering exceptional toughness and impact resistance. Whether it's the housing of a smartphone or the casing of a medical device, these materials provide the durability needed to ensure the longevity and reliability of electronic products.
Addressing Environmental Concerns
While engineering plastics offer numerous advantages in terms of miniaturization and durability, the industry is also cognizant of the environmental impact of these materials. Efforts are underway to develop sustainable alternatives, such as bio-based plastics and recyclable polymers, that minimize reliance on fossil fuels and reduce waste. By incorporating eco-friendly materials into electronic devices, manufacturers can meet consumer demand for sustainable products while maintaining performance and reliability.
Future Prospects and Innovations
Looking ahead, the future of engineering plastics in electronics appears promising. Advancements in materials science, including the development of novel polymers and composites, continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in terms of miniaturization and durability. From flexible displays to biodegradable circuit boards, the possibilities are endless.
In conclusion, engineering plastics are indispensable in the realm of electronics, where they play a pivotal role in enabling miniaturization and durability. As the demand for smaller, lighter, and more robust devices continues to grow, so too will the importance of these versatile materials. By addressing challenges such as environmental sustainability and embracing innovations in materials science, the electronics industry can continue to harness the full potential of engineering plastics in shaping the future of electronic devices.
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dcwaterpump · 6 months
TOPSFLO Fuel Cell Generator Coolant Circulation Pump Solution
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Market Overview
As power generation equipment and backup power supply, fuel cells can be widely used in transportation and industrial fields, greatly alleviating the energy pressure caused by the depletion of fossil fuels. Its zero-emission and renewable advantages make it one of the most potential energy supply solutions. The preferential policies currently implemented by various countries have promoted the rapid development of the global fuel cell market.
The system can be simply classified according to the internal electrolyte of the fuel cell: Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC), Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC), Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC), Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC), Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC). Currently SOFC and PEMFC are the most popular research directions.
Market pain point
Research and improvement of fuel cells have always focused on improving efficiency and system operating stability, as follows:
Stable high-temperature operation: The precious metal catalyst of the fuel cell must be at an appropriate temperature to show good activity and stability. In order to ensure the most efficient electrochemical reaction, it usually needs to be stable between 80 and 95°C. If the temperature is too high or too low, the power generation efficiency will be reduced.
Precise control of water volume: In the actual operation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), the dynamic water volume in the system is difficult to control. If excess water is not discharged in time, the membrane electrolyte will be flooded. If too little water is not replenished in time, it will reduce the overall performance of the battery and even have a negative impact on the life of the membrane.
Long-term stable operation: Fuel cell systems are usually designed for long-term operation. The core components of the system, such as the proton exchange membrane, need to have continuous operation performanceand a lifespan of several years to decades.All other accessories need to match its performance.
Leakage and cleanup: Core components are expensive, and system use requires regular maintenance and cleaning, and a special monitoring system. Once the pipeline liquid leaks, the electrochemical reaction will be interfered with, and even the key components of the battery stack will be corroded and damaged, polluting the environment, causing maintenance and economic losses.
TOPSFLO Fuel Cell Water Pump Solution
Circulation water pumps play an important role in fuel cell systems, and TOPSFLO brushless centrifugal water pumps perfectly solve the needs of multiple uses:
TOPSFLO brushless dc water pump has been measured to operate continuously for 3,000 hours at a high liquid temperature of 95 degrees, and can easily cope with the high-temperature liquid circulation requirements of the battery system. TOPSFLO TL-C01 micro brushless dc water pump circuit board fully considers the temperature rise margin in the design and material selection, and has divided the strong and weak currents. It is matched with internationally renowned brand electronic components to help the system continue to maintain a stable working state.
In response to the different water management requirements of the fuel cell system under different loads and working conditions, TOPSFLO fuel cell generator cooling pump with PWM speed regulation function can be customized. That is, the battery system sensor dynamically controls the water supply of the pump based on the monitored battery load and environmental conditions such as flow, pressure, temperature, and liquid level to ensure efficient operation of the system.
The laboratory testing service life exceeds 20,000 hours, directly matching the long life requirements of the core components of the fuel cell. The moving components adopt wear-resistant design to greatly reduce operating wear. For example, without carbon brushes, self-produced ECM brushless motor, imported graphite bearings and ceramic shafts with good self-lubricating properties. Extends the life of cooling components and significantly reduces the risk of equipment repairs and downtime.
In order to ensure no leakage, TOPSFLO fuel cell generator coolant circulation pump are 100% air tight tested before leaving the factory, and the ultimate pressure can reach more than 18 Bar. As a rare moving part in the fuel cell system, high-quality water pumps can reduce the risk of pipeline leakage in the fuel cell system, ensure that core components work in a safe environment, and reduce system failure maintenance costs.
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Wanna to get pump expert recommendation or apply free sample? Contact us now:
Offcial Web: http://www.topsflo.com/
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Charting the Path of Sustainable Development: Hydrogen Peroxide Market Dynamics and Environmental Impact
Hydrogen Peroxide Market Overview
Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) is a chemical compound with a variety of industrial and consumer applications. It is a pale blue liquid, commonly used as a disinfectant, bleaching agent, and oxidizer. The hydrogen peroxide market is driven by its extensive use across various sectors, including healthcare, paper and pulp, textiles, food processing, electronics, and water treatment.
Market Drivers
Healthcare Industry: Hydrogen peroxide is widely used as a disinfectant and antiseptic in the healthcare sector. It is employed for cleaning wounds, sterilizing medical equipment, and as a mouthwash. The ongoing emphasis on healthcare and hygiene has contributed to the hydrogen peroxide market growth.
Paper and Pulp Industry: Hydrogen peroxide is utilized as a bleaching agent in the paper and pulp industry. It helps to whiten paper products and remove impurities, contributing to the production of high-quality paper.
Textile Industry: In the textile sector, hydrogen peroxide is used for bleaching textiles and removing stains. It is also employed in dyeing processes and as a finisher for certain fabrics.
Environmental Applications: Hydrogen peroxide plays a role in water treatment processes, helping to remove contaminants and pollutants from wastewater. It is also used for soil remediation and air purification.
Food Processing: The food industry employs hydrogen peroxide as a disinfectant and preservative for food products, packaging materials, and processing equipment. It aids in extending shelf life and maintaining food safety.
Electronics Industry: In electronics manufacturing, hydrogen peroxide is utilized for cleaning and etching circuit boards, removing organic contaminants, and ensuring the quality of electronic components.
Market Challenges
Safety Concerns: Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizer and can be hazardous if mishandled. It can react violently with certain substances and cause fires or explosions. Proper storage, handling, and transportation are essential to ensure safety.
Environmental Impact: The production of hydrogen peroxide involves energy-intensive processes, which can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the disposal of wastewater containing hydrogen peroxide requires careful consideration due to its potential environmental impact.
Competition from Alternative Products: In some applications, hydrogen peroxide faces competition from alternative chemicals that offer similar or improved benefits. Manufacturers need to continuously innovate to maintain their market share.
Market Trends
Green Chemistry: The focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility has led to the development of "green" hydrogen peroxide production processes that aim to minimize waste and energy consumption.
Niche Applications: Researchers are exploring novel applications for hydrogen peroxide, such as in the field of medicine, where it could be used for wound healing and as a potential treatment for various ailments.
Bio-based Hydrogen Peroxide: Some companies are investigating the use of bio-based feedstocks to produce hydrogen peroxide, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and lowering the overall environmental impact.
The hydrogen peroxide market continues to grow as its applications span a diverse range of industries. While safety concerns and environmental considerations persist, innovations in production methods and expanding application areas offer opportunities for sustained growth and improved sustainability in the market.
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upsolar · 1 year
Enjoy Energy Independence | Off-grid solar systems Australia
“Unplugging from the Grid with a 5kW Off-Grid Solar System Kit.”
100 up Off-Grid Solar Australia proposes to explore clean, dependable, and affordable alternative energy sources. One such kit is the 5kW Off-grid solar system kit, intended to supply sufficient electricity to run a small business or an entire house. We will examine the components of a 5kW Off-Grid Solar System Kit, including the Steca inverter, Jinco solar panels, and Pylontech US5000 Lithium battery bank in more detail in this blog post.
A 5kW Off-grid Solar System Kit: What Is It?
A complete freestanding solar system not linked to the electrical Grid is a 5kW Off-grid solar system kit. It is intended to use solar panels, batteries, and an inverter to create and store electricity from the sun. A prewired 5kW Steca inverter, a switchboard, a standard PowerPoint, a 15A generator plug, four 16A DC circuit breakers for connecting the panels, a 120A DC breaker with cables for connecting the batteries, a Pylontech US5000 Lithium battery bank of 5kWh, solar panels, and a mounting frame are all included in the kit.
The 5kW Off-grid Solar System Kit's Features
Steca Inverter: The prewired Steca inverter, a premium inverter built in Germany and renowned for its dependability and efficiency, is part of the 5kW Off-Grid Solar System Kit. The Steca inverter converts the nonstop current (DC) electricity generated by the solar panels into contrasting current (AC) electricity, which can power numerous electronic devices and appliances in your home.
Jinco Solar Panels: The kit includes high-end, effective, long-lasting Jinco 470W solar panels. The vast, 1.9m by 1.16m, weather-resistant panels are made to survive severe weather. Depending on your house's or business's energy requirements, this board can support a minimum of two panels and a maximum of twelve panels.
Pylontech US5000 Lithium Battery Bank: A Pylontech US5000 Lithium battery bank with a 5kWh storage capacity is included with the 5kW Off-Grid Solar System Kit. Lithium batteries are an excellent option for off-grid solar systems because of their efficiency and durability.
Mounting Frame: To survive severe weather—the solar panels are fixed on a robust, long-lasting frame. The frame is simple to assemble and adjustable for sun exposure.
A 5kW Off-grid Solar System Kit's Advantages
Sustainable Energy: The 5kW Off-grid solar system kit provides clean, renewable solar energy as an environmentally responsible replacement for conventional energy sources.
Energy Independence: A 5kW Off-grid solar system kit allows you to create electricity and lessen your reliance on fossil fuels because you are not dependent on the electrical Grid.
Cost Savings: The 5kW Off-grid solar system kit can reduce energy costs over time. Even though the equipment may have a considerable upfront cost, your savings on energy costs will allow you to return your investment eventually.
Reliability: The 5kW Off-grid solar system kit offers a steady energy source, even in remote areas without access to Grid electricity.
A 5kW Off-grid solar system kit is an excellent choice if you're seeking a dependable, cost-efficient, and sustainable source of electricity. With premium components like the Steca inverter.
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heideglass96 · 1 year
Learn how to Get Discovered With Portable Power Station With Jumper Cables
You understand that when you install solar panels after which the roof starts leaking within a couple of years, the price of uninstalling and reinstalling the solar panels, cables, and racks becomes an additional expense that would have been avoided. It is manufactured from hundreds of rocky planetesimals from 1,000 kilometres (621 mi) to a couple meters throughout. Below the photosphere is a layer of "supergranules" as much as 30,000 kilometres (19,000 mi) in diameter with lifespans of as much as 24 hours. In early 2014, utilizing data from the Herschel Space Observatory, it was found that there are several localized (not greater than 60 km in diameter) mid-latitude sources of water vapor on Ceres, which every give off about 1026 molecules (or 3 kg) of water per second. For instance, if you're in a house that has limited roof space and sits on a huge property, chances are you'll want to spend money on ground-mount solar panels. It may be attainable to detect escaping water from the surroundings of a recent influence crater or from cracks in the subsurface layers of Ceres. 1993), Effects of the Venusian ambiance on incoming meteoroids and the impact crater inhabitants, Icarus, v. 112, p. Asteroids, comets, and meteoroids are all debris remaining from the nebula wherein the Solar System formed 4.6 billion years in the past.
If a solar system comprises an inverter (each grid-tied system accommodates an inverter), it is best to consider its substitute after every 12-15 years of operation. In 2004, Columbia voters approved a renewable power ordinance that will steadily enhance town's renewable power provide over the years. Prevent battery from over charge, over voltage, discharge, brief circuit and reversed polarity. IP67 rating for the battery and electronics and IP56 ranking for the wiring compartment. The TP-solar battery charger is even made higher with its constructed-in circuit board. Whether you’re hoping to lower your home’s carbon footprint or benefit from a federal solar tax credit, there’s never been a better time to consider putting in solar panels on the roof of your house. For example, Iowa has a photo voltaic tax credit score of 15% of the cost of a mission ($5,000 restrict). Dual-axis monitoring methods have a better value than single-axis programs, since they use a extra complicated mechanism. Both of your have great skills and the time you of us dedicat to the duty is spectacular.
The ability uses three Rentech Type-D water tube boilers and three night time time preservation boilers. It takes time and endurance to see results. “We’re starting to see the identical forces shift over, specializing in solar farms,” says Dave Anderson, a researcher with the Energy and Policy Institute who tracks fossil-gas-funded disinformation about renewable energy. Dave Jacqué (2003-09-26). "APS X-rays reveal secrets of Mars' core". Like all electrical producing amenities, photo voltaic facilities produce electric and magnetic fields. This energy system relies on pine sine wave AC outlet to provide stable energy to a wide range of gadgets. You can now discover a spread of personal solar and wind power generation technologies that can be carried out at the house stage, offering sufficient off-grid power and a cleaner vitality. The cells generate DC output which often range from a hundred to 365 Watts. When you evaluate them to rooftop solar panels, the ground mounts have a a lot larger output.
Two TNOs have been visited and studied at shut vary, Pluto and 486958 Arrokoth. solar generator vs solar battery comes with one photo voltaic panel, a Charge Controller, Battery cable, self-tapping screw, and two more expansion screws. If the battery is useless, you don't have anything to begin generator when the facility goes out. You possibly can by no means have the same vitality usage as one other particular person with the identical house size as yours. However, you additionally need a solar charge controller that must be rated for the same power together with your solar panel. Annual Sale: As much as 20% Off Yeti Power Stations, Solar Panels, Solar Generators, and Home Backup Systems. Beyond the comfort, dwelling photo voltaic technology also serves to alleviate the facility challenge that is present in most developing international locations. In this vein, governments across the creating world have applied a various degree of solar intervention initiatives to help mild up communities that would not have access to electric energy. Two potential source regions, designated Piazzi (123°E, 21°N) and Region A (231°E, 23°N), have been visualized within the near infrared as darkish areas (Region A additionally has a vivid middle) by the W. M. Keck Observatory. As an example, two Tesla Powerwall 2s should cover all or nearly all the demand most often.
The answer to that is fairly easy: Yes, this is theft and it's unlikely that Tesla will put up with it for long. On the other hand, even in case your system does have a FastBoot BIOS, there is no guarantee that your pc will begin up any faster than it did under Windows 95. Windows 98 hundreds big chunks of browser code during boot-up, and since Microsoft doesn't give you any method to uninstall IE, you can't get around this drawback. Use the Explorer a thousand in your house even you probably have electricity! Additionally, the amount of sun your property gets impacts how many panels you want to generate enough electricity to power your home. The appearance of highly effective solar panels, small sufficient to mount on your roof and the development of supporting parts to aid in its optimum operate have allowed house solar expertise to change into the favourite of most individuals wanting to change to an off-grid, inexperienced power system. 3. Cloud, snow, and foliage cover can have a significant effect on the quantity of power produced by solar panels.
Generally is a bit slow charging three units. This compact, portable battery charger was designed with fast battery charging in mind. The Sunway Solar battery charger is designed with a constructed-in blocking diode that in the end prevents reverse charging. It is engineered with a blocking diode constructed inside the unit to maintain reversing the facility from your battery. Georgia Power is committed to the communities the place we stay and work. The solar collectors, shown in the above photo, are rather more compact than photovoltaic (PV) modules, but these generate the equivalent energy of a 3-kW PV system. The limited data available are extra per cometary-fashion sublimation. Electric power generation is quick moving away from the standard modes (coal, gas, and fossil gas) to a extra pure form, using Wind, Water, and Solar. They provide one among the most affordable energy generators out there, especially since they manufacture their products themselves. One of these a lot-wanted applied sciences is the photo voltaic dwelling system.
One sensible answer that the new technologies have proffered is the concept of scale. Solar battery storage lets you use the vitality you generated during the day to energy your house at evening, and in addition gives you a backup supply of power in case you have a blackout or other difficulty. You'll need to considerably enlarge and upgrade your manufacturing facility RV battery financial institution for a proper system. Need something to avoid wasting the day in the occasion of an emergency? If you're utilizing the average American home for heating, cooling, and lighting, this means that you simply might want to spend about $1,000 per 12 months just to keep the lights on and the air conditioner working. Dunham, Will (2007-03-15). "Immense ice deposits discovered at south pole of Mars". Corporate IS types will appreciate Windows 98's Virtual Private Networking -- a safe, encrypted networking protocol that permits telecommuters and remote-office workers to go browsing to a Windows NT server related to the Internet. Housekeeping: Keeping Win 98 Alive Almost every day, one thing in Windows goes awry: Deadwood files litter your drive; software program bugs make the OS unstable; and harm to the Registry can sink your system. For those who intend to carry it in your out of doors actions, then it is best to choose one that you can slip in your pocket or stash in your backpack.
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mountaintour · 2 years
An Activity Tour in heaven Mountains
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Heaven Mountains are an area west of Sydney in Australia's state of New South Wales, as well as are understood for their remarkable landscape. The area is house to high high cliffs, eucalyptus forests, waterfalls, as well as stunning towns with guesthouses as well as galleries. Katoomba, a village in heaven Mountains National Park, supplies a stunning view of the Three Sisters sandstone rock development. The Blue Hills are a popular daytrip from Sydney, yet a weekend break is required to absolutely experience its appeal. There are numerous hiking trails, beautiful hunts, and the world's steepest railway, and there are even a variety of activities for visitors to participate in. If you're up for an obstacle, you can try an abseiling tour or go caving with heaven Mountains Journey Firm. Taking a bike flight is additionally an enjoyable activity to do in heaven Mountains. Read more about day tours from sydney on this website.
Bike paths are ideal for biking as well as heaven Mountains City Board has a web site with maps and also courses for bikers. There are many scenic tracks that result in an attractive sight, and you can also lease bikes to discover these paths by yourself. Checking out an arboretum like Mayfield Yard is one more means to take pleasure in the mountains. You can likewise stay in a glamping camping tent there if you want to be totally submersed in nature. In loss, the gardens are at their most beautiful and also vivid. While you're at it, make certain to explore the Jenolan Caves, one of the globe's largest caverns, with limestone developments, subterranean rivers, as well as fossilized remains, and also the Cathedral chamber. Its acoustics are unmatched. You can likewise most likely to the Sydney Zoo and Featherdale Wildlife Park, which are both located in heaven Mountains. 
You can discover more about the pets native to Australia on a day journey, or experience the all-natural elegance of the Blue Mountains while appreciating the landscape. Later on, you can proceed your trip by catching a ferry ride on the Parramatta River, which introduces the Sydney Harbour. The Blue Hills are a wonderful location for families. There are many tasks to participate in, from helicopter trips to led walkings. There are excursions to fit all preferences and passions. You can also take a private charter if you favor. The most effective method to see the views is to locate one that is best for you. Another beneficial attraction is Katoomba Falls, where you can hike a two-kilometer circuit path.  Discover more on the best Heaven Mountains activities today.
The walk takes you past the picturesque falls as well as includes a glamorous five-star hotel. If you're traveling from Sydney, you can also capture a train to the area. If you 'd rather stay near the action, try out hill cycling in the area. Rappelling is an activity that includes climbing cliff as well as rappelling down them using a fixed rope. Heaven Mountains National forest offers a Half-Day Abseiling Adventure, which allows you rappel down high cliffs with a 30-meter decrease. The scenic tour consists of all tools as well as national park fees. For more information about this topic, click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excursion.
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wecucalaxag · 2 years
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Explore best of Ngorongoro Tarangire and Serengeti Safari Packages!
If you have ever dreamt of holidaying in Africa, then how could you forget about the Serengeti? Countless wildlife movies have been shot in the Serengeti for different reasons. This is the home of the Great Migration and is perhaps one of the last true natural wonders on Earth.
Serengeti National Park
Serengeti National Park is a World Heritage Site rich in wildlife. It is home to more than 2 million ungulates, several thousand lions; thousands of leopards, hundreds of cheetahs, and almost 500 bird species within 15,000 square kilometers.
Ngorongoro Tarangire
Tarangire National Park and Ngorongoro Crater National Park are a combination of the best Northern Circuits that the tourists can enjoy the best wildlife experience. Both the parks are located in the northern part of Arusha that are adjacent to Lake Manyara and Serengeti National Park.
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  Are you planning for an Ngorongoro Tarangire and Serengeti Safari? Then, you should choose the best packages associated with these both Ngorongoro Tarangire and Serengeti parks. Join us with Afromasai Eastern Safaris Limited to explore the best Serengeti and Ngorongoro Safaris involving 10 days!
The plains of the Serengeti are dotted with trees and kopjes from which majestic lions rule the kingdom, taking a look at the Great Migration or spot the elusive leopard in the riverside forest. See it all from the air and soar above the plains during a sunrise hot air balloon safari. There are accommodations in all price ranges, and the night Lion Roar is free. Few places have such pristine natural wonders, exciting wildlife, and world-class safari lodges and camps.
Best of Safaris Attractions of Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro crater & Empakai
Book the Best Serengeti and Ngorongoro Safaris are perfect for - Adventure seekers, Wildlife enthusiasts, and Birding.
·         Day 1:  Arrival and Pick up from the Airport in Arusha & overnight stay at Zakinn Eland Hotel
·         Day 2: Move from Arusha to Tarangire – watch the scenic views of this unique Elephant and big wild game such as lion, Buffalo, Zebra, and Giraffe.
·         Day 3: Drive from Burudika to Serengeti – watching the historical site known for the numerous hominid fossils discovered by the Leakey family.
·         Day 4: Full day Serengeti national park safari watching millions of large animals at this mysterious wildlife sanctuary and seeing lots of wild games.
·         Day 5. An entire day enjoying at Serengeti game drive
·         Day 6: Full game drive at Serengeti National Parks
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·         Day 7: Journey from Serengeti to Ngorongoro
·         Day 8: Hiking in Empakai crater
·         Day 9: Journey from Ngorongoro Crater to the Arusha
·         Day 10: Winding up the tour and coming back to the Hotel to prepare for boarding the return flight.
To know more about the details VISIT OUR WEBSITE!
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