ocombatente · 8 months
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ffsamina · 1 year
Oportunidades são ofertadas para Membros do Conselho Tutelar; veja como participar Concursos › Notícias › Norte EDITAL DE ABERTURA Nº 01/2023 PROVAS RELACIONADAS PCI Concursos
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Staz Lindes by Kevin Castanheira for Free People June 2017 Lookbook
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miamaimania · 2 years
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TO BE PERCEIVED BY TOUCH emily labowe by kevin castanheira
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justesurlapeau · 1 year
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dlyarchitecture · 7 months
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grimxark · 9 months
It’s so upsetting how much they’re destroying my city’s beautiful untouched forests to make way for gigantic living spaces that won’t ever be filled because nobody wants to live that far away… they destroyed a giant patch of forest near my home that is an empty space where so many birds and sloths lived. I can barely explain how much hatred I feel towards these people.
It seems engineers in my town don’t know where we live. They destroy and tear down centuries old trees that provide shade and homes and then they plant… palm trees. Because they’re convenient, I guess. Then there’s no shade. It’s now hotter outside because of it. Making parks without trees, killing rivers and endangered plants. It’s like they don’t know we live in a hot place. They think we’re europe or some cold place that doesn’t require much shade. It’s shameful, to be at the heart of the Amazon and be the city with the least urban trees in Brazil. It genuinely makes me hate enough that I think about murder
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super-into-on-it · 1 year
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Sarah Berger
for Harper’s Bazaar Brazil | Feb 2023
shot by Bruna Castanheira
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palhao84 · 1 year
O Leão e o Tentilhão
Era uma vez um leão que caiu em uma armadilha dos homens; ficara preso em uma rede. Como era uma parte do bosque por onde não passavam outros animais, tentou rugir para chamar atenção, porém não teve sucesso.Depois de algum tempo, um tentilhão pousou no alto de uma castanheira próxima dali. O leão pediu ajuda para se libertar, mas o pássaro não quis saber de se arriscar ficando tão próximo da…
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quotesfrommyreading · 2 years
Complex decisions don’t just boggle our brains; they exhaust them too. If you give someone a choice between doing a difficult or easy math problem, most people prefer the easier mental lift, da Silva-Castanheira explains. His thesis investigates the effort behind decision-making, and, he says, “There's a lot of evidence behaviorally that suggests that people don't like making [preference or risk-based] decisions…So, for example, when a decision is really hard, people tend to do things like stick to the status quo, or not even choose at all.”
A famous illustration of this decision avoidance took place in a gourmet grocery store. Customers shown a display of six flavors of jam purchased a jar ten times more often than the people shown 24 varieties.
A different series of experiments hinted that decision-making takes a mental toll. For example, participants asked to plan their course load showed depleted self-control as compared to others who were asked merely to contemplate undergrad classes. The decision-makers tended to stop studying faster. In other tests, people who’d had to make choices gave up on basic addition problems more easily and pulled their hands out of ice water faster.
Cognitive fatigue also seems to impact our ability to make deeply thought-through choices. One study found that as Scottish nurses’ shifts wore on, they played it increasingly safe when deciding on whether or not to refer a patient to another medical provider. Another discovered that approval rates for credit loan applications sagged as reviewers approached their lunch breaks.
The Covid pandemic has stressed Americans out. Since 2020, self-reported stress levels have remained higher than they’d been since 2015. Fretting over who will take care of a child who has to quarantine due to a Covid exposure or budgeting for rising inflation only increases the baggage on our brains. During the spring of 2020, da Silva-Castanheira surveyed adults across the U.S. about their level of pandemic-related worry. Faced with a simple matching task, worrywarts were thinking slower than their more Covid-unconcerned peers; the psychologists theorized that their stress was, essentially, hogging background brainpower.
  —  Why It’s So Hard to Make Risk Decisions in the Pandemic
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ocombatenterondonia · 4 months
Técnicos estudam a saúde da árvore para execução de futuros projetos
Estudo urbanístico quer revitalizar a região do entorno da castanheira para promover turismo histórico A pedido da Secretaria Municipal de Indústria, Comércio, Turismo e Trabalho (Semdestur), técnicos da Secretaria Municipal de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Sema), em parceria com técnicos da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), estiveram no bairro Arigolândia para…
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ffsamina · 1 year
Interessados devem possuir idade superior a 21 anos, além de residir no município a pelo menos um ano e certificado de conclusão de ensino médio Concursos › Notícias › Norte EDITAL DE ABERTURA N° 01/2023 PROVAS RELACIONADAS PCI Concursos
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Staz Lindes by Kevin Castanheira for Free People June 2017 Lookbook
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genevieveetguy · 8 months
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The Tsugua Diaries (Diários de Otsoga), Maureen Fazendeiro and Miguel Gomes (2021)
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redwolf · 9 months
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Carlos Castanheira designed Ermida House in Oliveira Do Douro, Portugal -- via ArchDaily
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dlyarchitecture · 6 months
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