scoots-canoe · 2 months
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lightbluuestars · 11 months
i’m so sorry
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 9)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: DaddyChan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 9 
(Chan’s POV)
Next Week – 2nd Match of the Season
"Though all of you almost made my heart stop in the last minutes of injury times, but overall great job! So far, we had two wins out of two matches, six perfect points, and on top of the table… What more could I ask for, huh? Well done, boys!" said the Coach as he clapped his hands enthusiastically which was then hailed with boisterous shouts from all the players.
“We’re going to win this season's championship for you, Cap!” cried Ken, the MVP for today’s match – he scored twice, which once again was hailed with cheers from the other players and Coach. 
"I don't want to discourage everyone, but it's too early to talk about winning, for there are still 36 games left. But I believe, IF we can keep our level of play like this for the whole season or manage to perform better than this, then we can win this championship, and I will retire in style," stated Chan as he staring intently into his teammates' eyes one after another, before grinning and shouted, "Please, send me into retirement with glory, boys!"
Coach raised his left hand as a sign for the team to be quiet, looks like Coach will talk about next week's match, which is so crucial.
"I don't think I need to tell you about this, I'm sure you all understand that next week's match is our first big obstacle in our fight to win this season," reminded Coach, before continuing, "United also had two wins out of two and six points, exactly like us. The only thing that made us on top of the table while they’re in second place is, we have a slightly better goal difference than them. Remember, this is an away match at the United Home Ground, so next Saturday please come to the stadium early and don't be late, the bus leaves exactly at 14:00. Put on your black suit."
“Pete, Vegas… we need to talk about next week's strategy,” said Don to the duo midfielders, giving them a sign to follow him into his office, which was located next to the players’ lounge.
“Coach, should I join you?” asked Chan.
“No, Chan, I’ve got this,” answered Coach. “I’m going to tell you all about it on Monday at the training ground before practice. You just tell the boys to take a shower and go home. Remind them to rest and eat well.”  
“Yes, Coach.”
“Oh, don’t forget to ask them to increase their protein intake, we are going to war next week.” 
“Yes, Sir!” replied Chan while cackling at Coach’s words, but he always loved derby matches. The rivalry, fighting spirit and skill level of the match are out of this world. Next week's game would be the first from the remaining two derby matches and Chan definitely will enjoy this match to his heart's content. Moreover, Chan still had a score to settle, because last season United managed to hold BSFC at their own stadium. Draw result at home ground was infuriating, and the captain was determined to make United taste their own medicine. If BSFC can steal a win in their home ground, that would be fucking amazing, the perfect revenge. After all, this would be the last time Chan stepped on the United Home Ground, and he would make them unable to forget him. 
“Boys, take a shower and go straight home. Rest well, eat well… and please increase your protein intake, because next week we’ll go to war!”  
“YES, CAP!” 
After finishing his captain's duties, instead of following the boys to shower stalls, Chan rushed to the locker to check on his cell phone. He’s got several new messages, including from the architects and construction firm that were building Chan's dream house for the last six months. Yet, no messages from the person that he was expecting.
Damn… it’s not working.  
Chan was deliberately putting on his super cocky face today to evoke Tankhun's curiosity, but it seems the Doctor is still very much annoyed with him, as there hasn't been a message or anything from him all week. Chan was so close to giving Porsche or Kinn a call to inquire about Tankhun, only pride held him back from doing so. Besides, Chan still didn't know exactly how he felt about Tankhun, but one thing for sure he made him laugh and amused him with all his whims. Chan really enjoyed their time in the Moonlight, with all their bantering and even that eye-opening fanfiction crash course. It was madness but Chan hadn't had as much fun as that night in a very long time. If he didn't want to lose it, at least not now , surely, it was understandable, right?
Chan had to find a second task for Tankhun as soon as possible, as that seemed to be the only way for the scientists to want to interact with him again.
But, what task? 
(Tankhun POV)
Tankhun checked his cell phone once again for new messages, but the results he got were the same as the last time he checked… about 5 minutes ago. Duh~ what did he expect anyway? The Great BSFC Captain sent a new message apologizing to him for his super annoying behavior the last time they talked on the phone?
Hah! Not a chance.
Judging from his smug face during the whole match earlier – Tankhun still couldn't believe he had watched the football game for two weeks in a row, he must have gone crazy – Tankhun was certain Chan didn't feel guilty at all or felt the little friction between them last week was important.
He began to wonder why it should be considered important to him too? He had indeed promised to fulfill three tasks from Chan as an apology, but he wasn't the one trying to run away from responsibility. It was precisely because Tankhun wanted to get this thing over with quickly, they had an argument. To this day, Tankhun still doesn’t understand what made Chan suddenly snap at him. What a weirdo! If it weren't for him making a promise to Kim, to apologize, he wouldn't have bothered at all.
Now, a week had passed without any news, Tankhun was really at a loss as to what to do. He really wanted this problem to be over quickly. He has a lot to do at the research center, which is far more important than apologizing to a maddening footballer. Could it be that he was expecting Tankhun to call him to beg for a task?
Dream on!  
And to think Kinn and Porsche were trying to be a matchmaker for the two of them just because of their fascinating interactions at the Moonlight that night – to quote Porsche's words – Tankhun couldn't believe his ears when he heard them talk to him about it.
“I think it’s about time, don’t you think?”  
"For what?”
“Kim will graduate next year.”  
“So? Kinn, speak clearly, please…”  
“P', I think what Kinn is trying to say is… it's time for you to date seriously.”
“With Chan?”
“If you want. He’s a very decent guy, you know, Porsche knew him for a long time.”
“You two realize that we've only met twice, and aren't really on good terms. I literally owe him two tasks so he can forgive me for my mistakes.”
“I met Porsche when I was on a date with another guy.”
“Ugh, I hate that guy.”
“Look, if you ask me whether I find him attractive or not, of course the answer is yes, he's freaking hot. And honestly, I wouldn't mind, if at the end of whatever this is, we hooked up. I've never been able to find anyone who can lift and fuck me against the wall. His biceps look pretty strong."
“For God’s sake, Tankhun!”
“What? You can meddle in my personal affairs but I can't talk vulgarly?”
“I’m sorry if I make you feel that way, but…”
“But what?”
“P’, please…”
“Fine. Go on then…”
“When Ma died, I know that you sacrificed a lot for the three of us. Kim was only 5  and I was 12. You literally raised us alone, because Pa never really returned to his old self.”
“I understand when Kim was little, you always put your feelings aside, always pulled away once the relationship got serious.”
“But he's 20 years old now and I'm married. Don’t you think it’s time?"
“We just ask you to open your heart, P’, whoever the person is doesn't really matter. Although I must say the interaction between the two of you is… fascinating.”  
“I’ll try.”   
Tankhun loved all his brothers, but sometimes they can be very nosy.
A very decent guy, my ass!
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play-exy-be-sexy · 3 years
Things I’ve heard/seen the wrestling team say/do but it’s the foxes.
Matt: *picks up Aaron and just carries him around for the day*
Wymack: If you mess this up I’ll kick you with Abby’s shoe.
Abby: or I will just kick you.
Neil: up your ass.
Abby: Neil!
Wymack: thanks, Neil, you said what I couldn’t.
On the bus:
Nicky: oh this teddy bear is awesome.
Kevin: I’m not teddy bear!
Andrew: *watches a movie for four hours with no headphones*
Nicky while they are doing warm ups: Who’s Carbi B’s physical trainer sister?
Nicky: Cardi-O
Matt: fuck dude I think I left my hot pockets in the locker room.
Medicated Andrew: *just barks for no reason*
Renee: *has a car airfreshner on her jacket from like a month ago*
Allison: does it still smell good?
Renee: yeah *shoves chest in Allison’s face*
Wymack: Score! Score! Score! Scoreeeeee!?!?
Andrew: fuck you
Neil: oh fuck me yeah?
Andrew: fuck you
Neil: suck my dick
Wymack: if you all don’t stop eating we are never going to leave.
Team: *continues to eat for five minutes*
Everyone: *cheers on opposing team because the other guys are dicks*
Wymack: *yells instructions to said team*
Cashier: $7.50
Neil: damnnn cents
Kevin and Dan: *argues whether cranberry sprite is good*
*Neil goes into game*
*whole team joins in*
Neil: *writes “kick their ass” in the Ravens away team locker rooms cause he know the Trojans are playing them next*
Matt: *gives Wymack a massage in the middle of the game when he’s on the bench*
*stops at store*
Kevin: *grabs his one dollar bill instead of his 20$*
(This ones was me)
For you Kandreil shippers:
Andrew: Me, Kevin, and Neil are going to have a threesome.
Wymack: Andrew!
Neil: it’s time you accept it, coach.
I’ll probably have more later but here’s a start. Most of these are from today because I couldn’t remember any other ones. And most of them are from the same two boys that are behind me on the bus as I type this. Um yeah it’s very interesting.
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