#But every single post where either of them is the focus turns into a Biblical stoning
yuwigqi · 2 months
People will complain about Cass and Duke not getting enough fan content but the moment you post about them they tear it apart completely if it isn't 100% what they want.
You can turn Jason into a Jekyll&Hyde or make Dick abusive or Tim a mass murderer and its just like "Eh, I don't like it, but to each their own!" but you say something like "Duke can't braid his own hair" or "Cass isn't great with computers" and people act like you want them retconned out of existence.
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whatwewear2church · 6 years
By: Alicia Sarai Blog: Simplilici.com
Disclaimer: I consider myself a follower of Christ, a Christian, a believer and any other title you may call me… NOTHING I say is to throw anyone under the bus or single out anyone.
I write this from experience, I write this because like many others I too have been singled out by a “judgmental person”.
It's funny that even though I am what my peers and society may label as a “Christian”. I have had other “Christians” slander my name, talk bad about me openly and even based on the length of my hair, “fleekness” of my makeup and the “oh.no its above the knee”length of my skirt draw their own conclusions on my personal walk with God, sexual orientation, and personality.
I am not saying that ONLY Christians judge, NOR am I in any way attacking anyone who self-identifies as a believer or a Child Of God..I am merely stating facts based on real-life circumstances that have allowed me to draw this conclusion.
Matthew 7:1-5 Judge NOT, that you be not judged. For with judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brothers eye, BUT you do not notice the LOG that is in your own eye? or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye, when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take out the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brothers eye.
John 7:24-ESV Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.
James 1:26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this ones religion is useless.
John 3:17 For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world , but that the world through HIM might be saved.
I could go on and on with biblical references on JUDGING… But I think my point has been taken.
While sitting in service one day the idea of this post came to mind. I thought about how many times WE  as the body of Christ have run people out of the Christian faith based on our own personal God-FREE religious judgments. Its interesting to assume that God is speaking to us when we see that “unsaved” sister walk into church, her extensions fiery red, her skirt semi painted onto her flesh and her heels exceeding the 5 inch “holy ghost check” maximum and immediately assume her lifestyle, banking information, SIN card number, baby father number, sexual partners number and the list goes on.
One of the worst possible things that I have encountered in my 25 years on this planet we know as Earth is concluding something preposterous about someone with little to no information about anything concerning their daily life and personal walk with or without God. I hope I am not the first or the last to admit that I myself have played the role of the “Judgmental Christian”.
YES. I SAID IT. Shocking?
I have seen people in and out of church and made up in my mind that there was no way that person could have been a Child of God looking the way they did. With my Maxi Denim Skirt, elbow covering sweater and makeup-less face I concluded that anyone who looked a certain way could not be a reflection of Christ.
But where did that mindset come from? I grew up believing that anyone who was not of the Apostolic denomination, wasn’t exactly “saved”. Why I thought this was beyond me but constantly hearing things said about certain people brainwashed me to think that Holiness was in long skirts, natural 4C curly hair and the good old Jamaican Tam that covered your hair not only on Sundays but at the occasional Wednesday Night Service and Youth Service on Fridays. Modesty was preached 24/7 at any and every Conference or Convention I attended. The “Sisters” were ridiculed for wearing their hair a certain way, skirt a certain length and for wearing “too much” makeup.
Being Holy, or being Christ Like was about my relationship yet I only ever heard stressing on clothes so you could imagine how that made me think and feel.  I am not saying that being Modest is a bad thing, but when all the focus is on the outer appearance... where does God come in?
Maybe the snares and looks and comments I received as I got older were my Karma for all the years of being biased and ignorant. Maybe the Jezebel comments and cut eyes were Gods way of humbling me to show me how others may have felt when  I myself turned a blind eye to them.
I would hear about girls who got pregnant at young ages.
I would think to myself how on earth could she even think about Sex?  How as a Christian could she think its okay to let a guy do that to her, with her? I myself planning then that I would have my first REAL kiss when I was married.
(I kissed a few boys in Kindergarten and Grade 1)<- Doesn’t Count!
I was that girl that never gave in to guys comments, never gave in to the requests for dates and refused to let any guy so much as touch my hands too sensually.
God has a sense of humor I tell you.
I didn’t realize how anything could be possible until the rolls were reversed.
I knew sex before marriage was something I was told not to do since the day I was born. I swear. My parents never had the “birds and the bees” talk with my sister and I but it was something that they indirectly talked about with us. It was something they didn’t have to elaborate on.. we just knew.
That never stopped me though.
And it didn’t stop people from talking about me, from knowing my business and from gossiping about what I did.
“I heard Alicia had sex”
“I heard that at the... Alicia… and… were all having sex in the haystacks”
“I heard Alicia and… did...”
I had done the very thing I looked down on others for doing.
Now I realize that every life lesson makes you stronger and better and wiser. So that dark place in my life helped pave me into the woman I am today. People doubting me, giving up on me and writing me off because of my decisions only made me better and more determined to prove them wrong.
We have all been guilty of being judgmental, Christian or not. Many have had bad experiences with “church” people which have led them to stray away from churches on a whole or have a misconception of God without fully getting a taste of his essence. I am not preaching at all right now and do not want it to come across as If I am. I’m just an everyday girl who has experienced enough to validate my belief and trust in God.
I know how it feels to be looked down upon for not “waiting till marriage”, I know how it feels to have people assume the worst about you just because your skirt may accentuate certain body parts others may lack. I pierced my ears and was called a backslider, took a picture at the beach and had a “prayer meeting” called on my behalf, stood up for myself and been told I am rude and shaved and dyed my hair and been told I am a rebel. I know how it feels to not be someone and have people assume the worst.
Each day I strive to be open-minded without losing myself, to give others a chance and not conclude without knowledge. As Followers of Christ, we stress the small stuff, linger on the things that can be changed and write off people before even giving them a chance. God called us to love, he called us as the “church” to be forgiving, loving, honest and truthful. Kill them with kindness. Who are we to judge? We did NOT die for their sins, we are not God. And no I am not about to use the “Only God can Judge Me” line, I am just saying that unless we purpose in our heart to either help the people who need it the most then we have no rights to talk about them. Sometimes God sends the people you LEAST expect to have the most powerful and life-changing impacts on us.
In the Bible God used some of the most unique and unexpected people to deliver messages, preach his word and spread the Love of Jesus. Be careful who you look down on.
I've been typing for way too long and I want you guys to come back and read more of my posts so I am about to Shut up. But before I log off and finish watching Spider-Man (1994 Cartoon Version)…
God is Amazing and I am thankful that every day is a new journey for me, I’m striving daily to make God happy with my life, as hard as it may be. I am not perfect, there are moments I fall and cry but I make it my mission to get back up again and try again.
Don’t be like me. I was once, The Judgemental Christian.
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imjusddt · 4 years
A much needed perspective
I cannot, no I will not stay silent anymore. I have chosen for so long not to share my thoughts about this pandemic not out of fear of criticism for such a jarring and uncommon perspective, at least among the posts I’ve seen, but rather, I’ve refrained from sharing for so long because I didn’t wanna get lost in the noise. However, I can no longer let that be my concern. This burns too deeply in my soul and I refuse to let it stay there. It’s time.
First, for those of you reading this that maybe don’t know me so well, I am a Christian and proud of it. It’s not just some religion or lifestyle choice I subscribe to. It’s who I am at my core, it’s what shapes my worldview, my belief system and my way of life. Dare I say my actual identity. I hope that my life, my words, my actions and choices will forever display not just that identity, but the reason that identification is so important—Jesus, God himself in the flesh who came down to live, die and resurrect and in so doing offer a better, more fulfilling life. One that brings healing, hope, restoration, encouragement and light to all in the midst of this dark world we live in. That is the only perspective I’m coming at this from.
That being said, if that’s not the life you live, no problem. Your lifestyle will never offend me. Based on my beliefs, God may not approve of your lifestyle, but He loves you anyway. He seeks to meet you right where you are and show you just how much He loves you, cares for you, and wants the best life possible for you, and I pray that my life will always echo that sentiment. If it does not, I sincerely apologize.
Now to the heart of what I’d like say. As a Christian it is my job, my duty, no my responsibility, to interpret the world around me through the lens of the Bible. Right now we’re living in a crazy time filled with politics, fear, paranoia, chaos and so much more.
This forces me to ask a lot of questions. Questions like: “What does the Bible say about this?” “How would Jesus respond?” “What is the Holy Spirit telling me?” “How can I still share the message of the Gospel during this time?” These are not always easy questions to ask, but they are vital ones that MUST be answered. All of my asking has led me to this post.
For the sake of context, this was not a gradual thing for me. This is something that caught me almost entirely by surprise. It hit me out of nowhere. When the reality of the pandemic first became apparent to me, I had just landed in Kenya, on a connecting flight from Charlotte to Uganda, only be told I must return home without continuing my trip. Immediately I shifted into “survival mode” and my one focus became making sure myself and everyone I traveled with was able to get to some place to rest, think, pray and plan our trip home. In the midst of that, the church I work for had to also deal with the sudden news of stay at home orders, gathering limits, and social distancing. Now I’m forced to adapt in a foreign country while helping everyone back home adapt too. Talk about a reality check!
Coming home was no easy task either. After not sleeping but maybe a total of 12 hours in 7 days, and having to constantly adapt to changes being made in two continents and two time zones, it naturally took me about a week just to remember what day and time it was.
I’ve always been able to adapt quickly to any situation and handle pretty much anything thrown my way no matter how difficult. This helped me make it through that time without hardly batting an eyelash. But that is something I truly thank God for because that’s all Him!
I share all that to say that it’s a very natural, very human response to wanna ask “why?” in those moments, and it’s okay to ask that question. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s not. Sometimes tho, we can’t handle the answer in the moment, or God chooses to answer it at a later time or in a way different than we expected, and that’s okay too because He’s God and he really does know best.
But the problem with asking “why?” in a time like that, a time like this, a pandemic, a crisis, is that we can become so fixed on needing an answer we turn to everything but God when He becomes silent. We look for the easy answers, the ones we want to believe.
These “easy” answers present themselves in so many ways. Whether it be a news article that fits our confirmation bias. Maybe it’s a “conspiracy theory” that isn’t entirely conspiracy but isn’t entirely fact. Maybe it’s a political party or ideology. Whatever the case may be, we so often default to these easy answers, but is that really God?
I think the proper response in these moments of uncertainty is the one painted by Scripture—faith. But not just any faith, a faith that births a peace which surpasses all understanding. A faith that speaks to mountains and watches them move. A faith that is truly childlike. However, I think we often misunderstand what true childlike faith looks like so let me give an illustration.
Now, I am not a parent, yet, but I do have nieces and nephews, the youngest of which is 6. Let’s imagine what life is like for him at the moment. He is old enough to be in school, to begin learning and understanding the world around him, yet he is still very young and untainted by the world. To him, mommy and daddy have all the answers, and they have everything figured out (even if they don’t). He doesn’t worry about this pandemic, about whether he will have food to eat tomorrow, or clothes to wear, whether his parents still have a job. Those thoughts are so far removed from his mind he’s never even thought to ask those questions and it will continue to be that way for years to come. Why? Because he’s never had a reason to question them. He’s never had a reason to doubt. He’s always had what he needed and his parents always provide. In every circumstance. In every situation. And that’s the way I believe we are called to live as Christians. Because aren’t his parents just a tiny example of who God is to us?
It’s only when we get older and we begin to have our own struggles, struggles we don’t think we need God’s help with, that we begin to question these things, to doubt.
Now, I understand that’s not the story for all of us and if your life was much harder than that, even at such a young age, I’m sorry. But don’t lose heart, understand that God had a plan for your rough start and has from the beginning of your life, even if you don’t see how all of the pieces fit together yet. Even still, I believe this is the posture Jesus commands us to live with when he says “you must be like a child to enter the kingdom”.
Yes, I know this is much easier said than done for most us living an adult life. I get it. Especially living in America where there’s so much division, politics seem to play a role in everything and there’s no shortage of truth, fake news and conspiracy theories to go around. Which opens up a whole new set of questions. Questions I don’t think too many of us are actually willing to take the time to ask and/or answer.
So, I’m going to do my best to tackle a few of them here. Again, only from a biblical standpoint and nothing else, because what other one is there for us so-called “Christians”?
Most of what I see today centers around politics so let’s start there. Since we’re in a pandemic, I’ll start with discussing the political implications swirling around the news and social media regarding COVID-19. First, before I can truly go biblical, I have to go logical. Living in America, politics are a crap show that makes for great entertainment if you can bear to watch. For the sake of this post, my political views do not matter and neither do yours, there’s too much division in our world already, let’s not take a chance on adding to it should we disagree. Plus, I’m coming from an unbiased stand point so they truly don’t matter at this moment. Logically speaking, it’s downright absurd to believe that this pandemic is purely political. Why? Because it’s global! Do you really think that every country in the world is so wrapped up in American politics that whatever “political agenda” is behind this pandemic affects them too? I sure don’t. Does that mean I think politics have no stake in this at all? No, I’d be equally as absurd to think that. I live in America, everything has become political to some degree. Only in the sense that politics play a role into almost everything here.
With that said, let’s take a look at the Bible. To truly understand the Bible’s take on politics, I think it’s best to start with the life of Jesus, but also provide some historical context. In Jesus’ time here on earth, the only form of government was kingdoms. He was born into the nation of Israel who had its own King, Herod, but was also under the rule of Rome at the time. This made Jesus’ very identity, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, a threat to every kingdom in which he resided. Yet we never see him use who he was in that way. In fact, that’s why so many people couldn’t see that He was their promised Messiah. They were expecting a political ruler who would come down and overthrow their oppressive government. Sounds a lot like American Christians today does it not? Or maybe even the Israelites Moses rescued from Egypt? Or the ones stuck in Babylonian captivity? But that was not Jesus’ approach. Nowhere in the Scriptures do we see Jesus getting involved in earthly politics except when questioned about taxes by the Pharisees in Matthew 22:21 to which He replied, “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s”. Paul echoes this same sentiment in Romans 13 when he tells us to submit to our governing authorities because every single one of them was place there by God, along with Peter who tells us in 1 Peter 2:17, to recognize the value of EVERY person, love each other, fear God and honor the king.
Does that mean Jesus was not political? No, quite the opposite actually. He was very political, he just wasn’t involved in earthly politics. Instead of involving himself in the politics of his time, He chose to establish HIS Kingdom during His time on earth. That was his reason for constantly using the language, “the Kingdom of Heaven is like...”. This was his way of saying, “Yes, I am a King, but my Kingdom is so great, so powerful, it transcends any one time, place or people group. It’s a Kingdom where all are welcome, but if you choose to be a part of this Kingdom, this is how you will live, breathe and act.” It was and still is the ONLY type of politics that can change the world. But that doesn’t negate our responsibility to submit to our earthly governments.
However, I am an American and we have a different form of government. One that’s supposed to be run by the people. One where we get to vote for our leaders, where we get a say in who runs our country and how. So let’s talk about that for a moment. Does this change our responsibility to submit to our governing authorities? No! We are still scripturally obligated to do so UNLESS they tell us to sin, to do something that contradicts the word of God.
What about when they infringe upon our rights? What rights? Our AMERICAN rights like the freedom of religion according to our 1st amendment? Please, please tell me where this has been infringed. But before you do, let me clarify something. I have a copy of the Constitution along with the Articles of Confederation, the Bill of Rights and the other 17 amendments as well as the Declaration of Independence. I have completely read them all and the history surrounding them. Our first amendment right states that the government simply cannot make laws that favor or restrict a certain religion over another. It should also be noted that this includes other religions as well. Not just Christianity, but that’s not the point here. The point is to ask, Has that been done? Outside of a few isolated cases, no it has not. So again I ask, what rights have been infringed? Churches have not been singled out. They have not been “attacked”. If anything they have been put into a situation that’s forced them to grow. Have they been asked to refrain from in-person meetings? Sure, but since when has that been all the church was called to do? The church has never been about a building. It’s ALWAYS been about PEOPLE. All people. The early church met both in houses and in buildings. Thanks to technology we can now expand what’s done “in the building” into many, many homes around the world. Yet, most churches have utterly failed at using technology until now. We’ve simply shared our sermons, our Gospel messages around the world, but we’ve lacked our means of true discipleship reaching that far, until now. Thanks to COVID-19, we’ve been forced to adapt. To rethink our approach to church online and made a way for every aspect, and responsibility of the church, except for baptisms to reach a global capacity unlike ever before. But who says baptisms must be done by a pastor in a building? Do we not all have the ability to baptize? Can we not use bathtubs, swimming pools, ponds, lakes, oceans to do this? So again I ask you, when has our first amendment right been infringed?
Well, it wouldn’t be right to not mention that the first amendment right does not stop there. It also includes the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, and the right to peaceful protest, and maybe that’s where our first amendment right has been infringed.
But then so what if it has? Because like I said earlier, these are AMERICAN rights and there’s greater rights that truly matter. Like the one laid out in the Declaration of Independence which states that ALL men were created EQUAL with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Life, liberty, happiness on an equal scale for all. That sounds like a right that lines up with the Bible. That sounds like a right worth fighting for.
Ima stay here for a second. I know there’s some reading this who may think, “doesn’t this exist?” No, it does not. Not when there’s children being murdered on an astronomical scale through abortion every single day. Not when our black and brown brothers live every day wondering if they’re the next to die. To be arrested. Profiled. Judged simply for the color of their skin. Their name. Where they live or the way they dress.
Before you right this off as being simply a political issue, let me ask you, have you actually opened yourself up to ask questions to the people of color around you? Have you stopped to ask them their experiences? Have you then viewed their experiences through the lens of the Bible before responding? I have. My best friend and sister married a black man, has biracial children and a black stepdad. They’re some of my favorite people in the entire world! My closest friends and co-workers are all of different hispanic backgrounds. Hearing only some of their experiences, I am 100% convinced this is not a purely political issue. If that’s not enough evidence for you, let’s look at the Bible.
The life and ministry of Jesus gives us 2 key examples that prove racism has been an issue since the dawn of time, and may continue to be an issue until Jesus returns once again. These examples are found in the story of the woman at the well and the parable of the Good Samaritan.
How are these examples proof of racism? Because the Jews hated Samaritans for being half Jew, half Gentile, or biracial. Yet, Jesus, a Jew, still passed through Samaria and not only talked with and ministered to a Samaritan woman, but gave all of Samaria a chance to receive salvation because he chose to not let the prejudism of the people he was born into, stop His mission of bringing salvation to all humanity. This is the same thing we see echoed in the parable of the Good Samaritan. In this story we find a Jewish man who gets beaten, robbed and left for dead. Everyone else traveling that day, including a priest, overlooks this man. Except for one person; his “enemy”! The Samaritan man lays down his people’s prejudice to help a man in need, completely disregarding the fact that they “should” hate each other because that’s what being part of the Kingdom of God is supposed to look like.
But that is only one aspect of what our Biblical response is to be. Paul in Romans 12 tells us that our response is also to be one of empathy.
To fully illustrate this point, let me tell you first what empathy is not, followed by what it is. Empathy is not asking for more context clues or criminal history. That’s politics. To put it simply, empathy is what Paul explains in Romans 12, rejoicing with those who rejoice, mourning with those who mourn, etc. It’s sitting with each other in our pain, allowing ourselves to feel what’s weighing us down. As Christians, that is to be our FIRST response. Then from that place of relatability we can offer encouragement and walk with each other through the other side. Politics, if necessary, can follow later. But if you’re gonna ask political questions about a man who was wrongfully, no unjustly murdered, then you darn sure better ask them about the murderer too.
Now I know this is going to be an unpopular, possibly controversial statement, but here’s why we must ask the same questions of BOTH sides. Because only asking for context clues and facts in order to justify why it’s okay that a person was unjustly killed without also asking them of the murderer, is no different than someone justifying why it’s okay to kill an unborn child without understanding why it’s not. It is emphatically 0% different!
But I’ll take it a step further. In Deuteronomy 27, God says that he will curse those who are unjust to the weak and helpless. So let me ask you, who are the weak and the helpless?
I think we can all easily agree that unborn babies are weak and helpless but I would argue that there’s others in our society who could be considered weak and helpless also. Let me rephrase that: there are others in our society that could be considered helpless because they are certainly not weak—our brothers and sisters of color and our women. These individuals are incredibly strong! How do I know this? Simple, suffering produces endurance and builds strength. Just ask any bodybuilder what “no pain, no gain” means and you’ll see this to be true. In our society, people of color and women have suffered more than anyone else, therefore, logically speaking, they must be stronger than then rest of us. Maybe not stronger physically, but stronger in resilience, stronger in faith, stronger in their ability to feel, to empathize.
Yet they remain helpless. How? Because despite their strength, they continue to endure suffering and injustice over and over again and there’s almost nothing THEY can do to help it—they are literally helpless. So who then has the power to make the change? US! As in WHITE people, white men, but especially white Christians.
How do we fix it? By standing up, speaking out, refusing to let things continue the way they are. Because the opposite of that is silence. It’s tolerance. It’s acceptance. It’s allowance. And to quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “A threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” So allowing injustice to continue is unjust!
That’s why we must stand up, speak out and refuse to allow our systems to continue following the same trajectory they’ve been on until now!
Which brings me back to our rights as Americans. One right in particular gives us the most power to bring about change—the right to vote. It literally gives us the right to control who’s in power over us. To control who’s authority we’re submitting to.
We seem to remember this when it suits us best, but rather than fight for justice for the weak and helpless, our actions say, “justice for me, I’m selfish”.
We fight for an organism that has never closed to be reopened, yet neglect the very people it exists to serve. Which is why when I look at look the church in America, I see an ungodly, unchristlike organism who would rather have buildings than justice. Rights than responsibility. Blame politics for blindness and further a problem that it is the most powerful organization to stop. And it so deeply saddens my heart.
What I’m seeing is a damned shame, and before you get mad at my so-called use of profanity, understand that the dictionary definition of profanity is simply disrespectful language, and if I’m speaking truth that only offends you, but you’re speaking “truth” that offends the name of Jesus, who’s sin is really sin?
See because the 4th commandment tells us that we shall not take the Lord’s name in vain, and a true understanding would show that we have, no that we do so every day. Because this means more than just words spoken. We are image bearers, name bearers of God Himself and the way we live our lives declares who He is to the world. So living a life that does not accurately represent who He is & how He is to the world He created, is absolutely taking His name in vain.
This is partially why Paul tells us in Romans 12:1 not to conform to the ways, the patterns, the attitudes, the politics, the you name it of the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. In other words, let God’s word tell you how to view the world. How to view justice. How to view your rights. Not the other way around. Yet so often we let the things of this world determine how we approach the Bible. We go looking for it to tell us that how we think, how we feel, how we act is okay and find every way to interpret it as such. But how often do we read it and see the need to change, to crucify our flesh, to lay down our “rights” for the sake of the Gospel, of bringing people to Jesus as Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians chapters 8-10?
How many of us can truly say, we give God’s name the respect it is due? That we live like Christ in all we do? That we let the Bible dictate our responses, attitudes and actions all day long? None of us! But we can try. We can do better. We MUST do better!
So let me close this with a better way forward.
First, let’s start by promoting Kingdom politics over American politics. Let’s be the LIGHT in the darkness. There’s already so much division in this country, it doesn’t need our addition to it. Maybe instead of sharing more divisive political garbage, let’s push people to VOTE for change. It’s the ONLY way we’ll see a change in politics and it’s more than worth the effort. I get this takes sharing truth, and exposing the need for change, but let’s do it in love so we can help each other UNITE for change and truly be effective.
Second, let’s fact check BEFORE we share. In a whirlwind of fake news, clickbait, satire and misinformation, it does NO ONE any good to further the confusion. If you can’t cite the sources back to something absolutely true, it probably isn’t. And it’s important to remember that the mainstream, television news media, regardless of which side you lean on is being given to you through someone else’s lens, it’s not just facts. So if you don’t want someone telling you how to view what’s going in the world, or the country then maybe just check the news, don’t watch it. Or revert to reading it instead.
When you do read something, make sure to read it ALL. Sometimes the “fine print” is the most important piece. And if there’s something going on that you don’t know much about, either empathize or educate before you share, but it’s probably best to do both.
Third, we’re called to be the Light of the world, so let’s shine bright! There’s already enough darkness and negativity going around, no one needs our added contribution.
In fact I’ll start us off. Did you know that big, busy cities like LA are once again able to show their true beauty? Due to stay-at-home orders, all the smog and pollution from these nonstop cities has drastically disappeared. That’s why, just like God commands humans to rest every 7 days, He calls us to let the earth do the same every 7 years. And the need for that is more than evident.
What about the family relationships that are being mended? Or the marriages being restored? What about the additional rest it’s hopefully enabling us to enjoy due to the much slower pace most of us are probably experiencing?
Now, I’ll pause here for a moment to say that yes, I know that’s not the case for some people, but again let’s focus on the positive. Because how many of you that wanted to point out the negative side of what I just said are actually going to do something about it? If you’re not, sharing this information doesn’t help, it only adds to the negativity. Again, let’s be the light.
Let me stay on this for a second. If you see someone in need, do something. Maybe you can’t change their situation but you can at least brighten their day. Maybe pay for their groceries. Ask how you can pray for them. Check in on them more regularly so they don’t feel alone. Anything is better than nothing, but nothing is still better than hi lighting the negative you plan to do nothing about.
And while we’re on this note, just a few more things I’d like to point out. Technology is such a beautiful thing especially in this time. Let’s use it for good! With unemployment at such a high rate, why not use a resource like gofundme to help raise money for your friends in need or find another way to help?
In the midst of doing good, of being the light, let’s exercise wisdom, common sense and of course, empathy. If you don’t own a business with a physical building, you don’t actually know what it takes for someone to reopen the doors. And the same goes for churches. I happen to work at the top level of a church so I can speak from experience, opening the physical doors is NO easy task. It’s not fearful to wait and it’s certainly not cowardly. Why? Because cowardice is a lack of courage. Courage is the ability to do unpleasant things. And believe me, as beautiful, necessary, and amazing as this time has been for churches thanks to all that technology has to offer, it is still unpleasant. Our heart is always with the people and for the people we’re called to serve. We are people people and we thrive on physically being around them.
Yet we live in a time where our news media is run by corporations who know that the easiest way to get to the hearts of people is through FEAR, and desire. Whether we like it or not, fear PLAGUES our society and we do not combat fear with a lack of wisdom or giving people a reason to fear. We combat fear with love and empathy, which brings me to my fourth step. Before I address that, let me just say this: every soul, every life, every person that God brings our way as a church whether digitally or physically, we are responsible to steward, disciple and grow in faith. To prematurely bow to the pressure of those who can’t stand to see the physical doors of an organization that was never meant to be restricted to a building, reopened without being able to sustain both the online growth given to us by God during this season, as well as the new influx of people that are sure to attend physically, would not only be foolish but a slap in the face of God. Not to mention compromising the very reason we exist. But I digress.
Fourth, let’s vow to show empathy to one another. Although I’ve already illustrated both what empathy is, and what it is not, there’s still some aspects of empathy worth expounding on. Namely the posture that Paul describes in 1 Corinthians chapters 8-10. To summarize his teaching, Paul explains that we are to become as those who we’re seeking to reach. To the poor, as one who is poor. To the weak as one who is weak. He further explains that there may be things we have a right to, that we should forfeit for the sake of preaching the Gospel. He even goes so far as to say that things we’ve come to know through maturity, which may be seen as a hindrance to younger, less mature believers, should be sacrificed for the sake of bringing them into maturity.
That being said, this brings me to the topic of masks and hand-sanitizer. First, let’s talk about hand-sanitizer. I know there some who choose not to use it because, in excess, it strips your body of its natural oils and such. To those who take this stance I ask you this: are you aware that it’s also a scientifically proven fact (Google it) that taking a shower and/or washing your hair every day does the exact same thing? This is why we should be fully informed before picking a stance on such a microscopic issue. Because how many of us do the latter without thinking twice? Why is it okay in one context but not the other? Because one makes us feel good, look “better” and boosts our ego? Why not do the same with the part of your body that touches more dirt, germs and bacteria than anything else?
And as far as masks go, I think there’s way too much misinformation, conflicting “truth” and people taking things to the extreme going around to REALLY know the truth. So I believe both common sense and Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians chapters 8-10 best show us how to view this. First, let’s talk about common sense. If we’ve been told since we were kids to cover our mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing so that OTHER PEOPLE don’t get sick from us, what makes us think a mask is ineffective to do the same thing? Or to work the other way around? Of course masks won’t protect us from catching our own sickness! Why would they? We’re already sick!
This is where Paul’s teaching comes into play. Because while we may have a “right” to not wear a mask, if it means that we compromise our ability to reach those who believe a mask is a must, is worth it? What if your refusal to wear a mask for the sake of others is a refusal to be a vessel that God can use to show those you meet in passing that there’s no need for fear and panic, because regardless of what you “hide” behind, your eyes can always show what’s going on inside. What if your refusal to wear a mask puts a wall between you and someone who needs Jesus, but can’t get over their own issues enough to see that a mask won’t fix them? Is it worth it then? I could continue to give examples, but the question wouldn’t change. Is your own desire and comfort worth someone else’s relationship with the only real thing powerful enough to save, heal and deliver them? Is 30 minutes in a store, with a mask really THAT bad anyway?
Plus, I for one am glad that it’s become a regular part of the food service industry. Does it not make you feel even a little better knowing that your food and it’s prep space is now maybe just a little bit cleaner than it used to be?
Now, let me pause once again and say that I know there’s some people who can’t wear masks. I’m not talking to you. If the use of a mask restricts your breathing and/or causes or triggers other health problems you may have, please use caution and keep yourself healthy and safe. Isn’t that the goal we’re all striving for anyway? But please, don’t let your circumstances cause you to judge those of us who choose to wear masks. Which leads me to my final point—love.
When I mention love, I’m not talking about that word we casually throw around with our friends. Or the word we use to describe our new favorite pair of kicks. I’m talking about that 1 Corinthians 13 type of love. The kind that doesn’t envy or boast. The kind that is not rude. That does not judge. The kind that’s humble and seeks the good in others. The kind that is not self-serving. The kind that never gives. I’m talking about that kind of love that has the power to change the world. That kind of love is contagious. That kind of love breaks down walls and removes barriers. It’s caring and empathic. It stands up for the weak and helpless. It’s compassionate and kind. That’s the kind of love that led Jesus to leave his throne, trade his Godliness for humanness and become the perfect, spotless, blameless lamb who takes away the sins of the world. That’s the love of a bold lion who speaks out against injustice and stands for what is right. That’s the kind a love we’re supposed to be known by, and we’ve been known by what we’re against for FAR too long.
Now stop for a moment and imagine what the world would look like if we could actually care enough to live these out. Tell me that’s not the world you want to live in. Then don’t just read this and do nothing.
Start small if you have to, but I pray that these words, these thoughts have touched you, convicted you, led you to repentance just as they have for me. I pray that they would cause you to take action. To be the light. To be the change. To show Christ to this broken and hurting world. To be the difference. And lastly I pray that the prayers of our brothers and sisters in the underground churches around the world would become a reality, and the American church would experience persecution. Not a perceived persecution or an “American” persecution, but a real persecution. One that refines us, purifies us, and causes us to look more like Christ with every wave. I pray that it makes us strong, bold and on fire with a zeal like no other. I pray that we rise up and become who we were meant to be so that we can truly change the world. And I pray that we can love each other enough to remove our divisions and find the unity it takes for this prayer to become a reality!
This world is changing fast, normal is changing fast. What once was will no longer be. Nothing will be the same on the other side of this. Some things may return to a former state, but nothing will do so unchanged. Why should it? But let’s just hope it’s changed for the good and not the bad. If we have anything to do with it, that’s exactly how it will be. Let’s use the rest of this time to learn from our past and let what needs to stay there, remain behind us so that we come out of this with a better, brighter future, not just for us, but for all of humanity and this planet we call home!
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mama-forum-ch-blog · 5 years
chinese dating
New Post has been published on http://mama-forum.ch/question/chinese-dating/
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Can a strictly child be disowned
Can a mum or dad disown an adopted child?
if it turns out “Disown” Means the parent wants to discontinue his or her obligation to a minor child, Then it is frequently possible. The parent wanting to voluntarily give up parental rights can file a Termnation of Parental Rights petition in the probate court in the county and state their current address. there aren’t laws which force anyone upon their demise to leave assets or property to children or other persons. The exception being property that routinely reverts to a surviving spouse under state marital law. If you are asking this question I hope it’s and rightly. I found myself in the concern because I no longer had any say over what and how my child’s mother (tend to be ex) Was promoting him. Everytime I took one advancement teaching him the ways of the world his mother would bail him out making him take two steps back. At 16 he is almost an adult with his own views and I cannot change those at this point studying again can be not that I’m done trying. But he lives with his mom and he is getting into challenge with the law pretty regularly stealing etc. I’m afraid if gosh forbid he hurt someone or something I would still lead to that even though I have no say in his upbringing or day to day life at this point. I pay my child support and will continue to do so until he is 18 but I don’t believe I should be legally responsible for any chaos that may insue where he lives with his mother. She will probably? So can I disown him legally, A few of you must be in this [url=http://antiscam.chnlovereview.com/how-to-impress-your-chinese-girl-on-your-first-date/]sexy chinese girl[/url] concern, ( Full pick up )
Was Jackie robinson an only child?
in just 1919, Jackie robinson, The youngest of five children, was given birth in Cairo, Georgia during a Spanish flu and smallpox epidemic. in just 1920, His family who were sharecroppers moved to Pasadena, georgia after his father abandoned them. Jackie’s older brother was an efficient athlete. For the source and more in depth information concerning your request, go through the related links section indicated below. ( Full reason )
Your dad recently got a new girlfriend He has now disowned you and uses the money that should be your back child support to feed her and pay her bills what should you do?
Assuming any of this is true, As kids are often told this by their mothers, some money is still owed and must be paid. See link below for similar focus on Yahoo Answers. really should dad has disowned you, then you are better off without him. let him keep his stinking money. When my hubby adopted my daughter, The judge made it a simple fact that she was now his child in every way, Til death head for bankruptcy. part. the following came from an attorney in Ohio regarding a noncustodial father who wanted to disown his 14 daughter who was being somewhat of a handful; You account, at the very least, For your natural children until they reach age of majority (18). the theory is that, He could on your own terminate his parental rights, But I doubt any court would accept such a surrender of rights because the objective of termination is to protect children from unfit parents, Not or viceversa. Once they reach adulthood easier going with legally able to disinherit your adopted adult child the same way you would a biological adult child. ( Full product )
Was Jesus the particular sole child of Mary?
NO Jesus was not the only child of Mary. Mary and Joseph had other boys. Matthew 13:55 states that he had other bros named Joseph, Simon, as Judas. more, Than who his biological brothers were has to be that those who do the will of God, the father, Are Jesus’ kin (Matthew 12:50). Roman Catholic solve: yes,that’s right, Jesus was the only child of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This has been held as accepted fact since she had been alive. Many protestants today base their feelings that Jesus had siblings on the option that the Bible, following a Greek New Testament uses the words “siblings, The Greek word is Adelphos which indicates 1) Male children of the same parents OR 2) Male descendants of the same parents Acts 7:23, 26; Hebrews 7:5, or a 3) People of the same nationality, works 3:17, 22; Romans 9:3, or just 4) Any fellow, A next-doors, luke 10:29; Matthew 5:22, 7:3, or perhaps a 6) Persons united by a common interest, Matthew 5:47, or even a 7) Persons united by called soft skills calling, revelation 22:9, nor 8) human beings, Matthew 25:40; Hebrews 2:17, or use the disciples, and consequently, By inference, All followers, Matthew 28:10, kim 20:17; Or believers click sex many references. In the King James style, Jacob is referred to as brother of his Uncle Laban (generation. 29:15; 29:10), it’s the same for Lot and Abraham (style 14:14; 11:26 27). additionally there are several Biblical references to Mary’s perpetual virginity. needs to be that “Firstborn” Is found in that sense only, Not characterised other children. lastly, throughout the cross, Jesus entrusts His endowed Mother to the apostle John, Which wouldn’t be the case if there were other children. a good sidelight: steve Calvin, And Martin Luther both vehemently advocated the Perpetual Virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. anyway, The Church has definitively ruled to this: if the Blessed Virgin Mary was exactly that, And ended her life as a virgin totally specialized in God. ( Full reply to )
What should you do when I am an Asian man and are only sexually drawn to black women and I am dating a black woman but if my parents knew they would disown me?
If you are living in an Asian country then you definately know your own culture well and that sons in Asian families are highly regarded; Should be well educated and successful if possible and marry for their own race. at the same time, Asians do not think kindly of black people it is necessary nice they are. You said you are just dating black ladies and not once mentioned love. not a single thing wrong with anyone dating a black woman especially if they are no longer a minor and not under the control of their parents. anyhow, you’ve got to be more honest with yourself and ask yourself why you feel the need to always date black women and why you don’t date Asian women or even Caucasian women. Are you riding on the myth that black women are more sexual than other races or there are some other reason. You have two choices for everybody who is Westernized; Be sure you love a black woman before hurting your parents and if you are in love then take the risk and tell them you love her and hopefully they will agree to meet with her and if they do not then you have got to walk away from your parents and hope they come around in the future or, 2 make positive changes to habits and start dating Asian women. lovely far more acceptable now regarding mixed marriages. There is nothing your parents can do now that you are a man, But disown you really. ( Full help answer )
Is it common for a narcissist to disown children?
really, I would say it is prevalent for a child to work hard to try to please the narcissistic parent, shedding their own dreams, Development and dignity in the deal. If a child insists on being an impartial person who will not pander to the childish needs of the narcissist, Then the narcissist will fight to win them back or disown them. so, The narcissist will always be looking for an opportunity for the child to come crawling back and give the parent the idolization the parent “should get, in fact, there must be many other situations, elements, or outcomes. You have to objectively view the factors in your state before coming to any real conclusions. all the best,good luck! ( Full response to that question )
What may happen legally to a parent or parents who disown or threaten to disown their child greatly assist sexual orientation?
Disowning is not lawful gift term. Once the child is adult it’s up to either part whether to have contact or not occurring all legal. When the child is a minor however it would be child abandonment to kick them out which is illegal and the oldsters can be charged for it. The CPS will put the child in foster care until he is 18yo and the parents will be charged and pay child support. ( Full reason ).
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beimanorthrun-blog · 5 years
Dating guy 5 years younger than me
The secret of a happy marriage? ... find a man 5 years older who hasn¿t been hitched before These days, most 27 year olds aren't settled - male or female.  Tbh i've dated has had the older than me and he's 15 years difference did not exactly sure how she warns.  My age has been a huge barrier for some to open their minds and hearts and get to know me simply as the person whom he loves.  Heidi klum shares what biblical advice is.  Finally, when does an age gap become too big? I'm not crazy and thinking I want to marry him already or get babies popped out.  Because of this, we had different income levels and expectations for social activities.
What do you think on dating younger guys, like 6 His co-hots, fred tried dating someone else happy.  I have learned a few things to help me get by, and to remind me that our love is worth fighting for: 1.  You used to be a whole different person and some of your ideas and beliefs have changed overtime.  I've never dated someone this much younger than me before, but we really get along well and so far I really do like him.  And remember, it's kind of sexy when a man feels empowered enough to discuss his feelings.  The theme that the social order reinforces often is the message that these relationships are a bad thing-and even under the best of circumstances-are only a temporary thing.
Dating a Younger Guy She may be younger, but her feelings are just as genuine as yours.  Do dress well Someone once told me a useful rule when it comes shopping for your age.  Get your head out of your ass and focus on being so amazing that he can't imagine not being with you, and then keep doing that.  Great responses everyone i've dated men and 47, is there's a guy is a younger than me.  Dating him was remarkably easy.
Dating someone 5 years younger than me There are people out there dating others that ar 20-30+ years younger than them.  It's not about age - it's about compatibility.  Nothing Went wrong, I still talk to her every once and a while through Facebook.  Analysis of the data showed that the most stable couples were — unsurprisingly — those who had never divorced.  I can see how he might not take things seriously I don't always but it also depends on what you are talking about.
Dating a Younger Guy Crazy ex-girlfriend season 4 netflix release date a half her.  Again, all these ideas are based on stereotypes — primarily, that youth is one of the only valuable traits a woman possesses when dating, and that to take a pass on using it as a bargaining chip to find a more desirable mate is insane.  This is totally premature and a surefire way to make him think you have baby rabies.  There's absolutely no way to predict what a single individual will think about this, and most people imagine their future one way and things turn out differently.  Copyright © 1996-2019 FriendFinder California Inc.  But one group of statisticians begs to differ.
'I Dated A Much Love harder, stronger and with more passion and show the world that love can prevail.  I was the immature one for not recognizing it early on.  If you want to make things work, be sure you can handle the following.  With almost a decade on my side, I definitely had way more dating experience.  I choose to act with courage and grace.  We were in completely different life phases.  Psychologists then analysed the importance of each factor to build up profiles of an ideal marriage and a nightmare couple.
Relationship Advice for Women: Dating a Younger Man Reading the other post on about the 31F and 25M where she thinks he's going to propose and he just wants casual got me thinking about my own dating situation and no, I'm not that girl.  This is not the choice someone else may have made, they may have gone down a different path, or chosen a different type of partner.  Secondly, you mentioned that he is 27 and not yet settled.  If you act like a freak about this, you are guaranteed to make him think dating a woman a few years older is a bad idea, so your only path forward is to follow my previous recommendation to keep your mouth shut and be awesome.  The true waste of your time is dwelling on this issue in a way that drives perfectly good men away from you.
What do you think on dating younger guys, like 6 That means you should be an awesome girlfriend instead of an insecure psycho who him to predict the future.  It's a common mistake for men, when faced with a saggy arse and uneven skin tone, to either give up completely or attempt to distract attention with a level of sartorial experimentation that smacks of desperation.  Looks don't matter as long as two people care , understand and deeply love each other.  Not to p--- on your parade, but be aware that most of us 20-somethings are more than capable of being pretty damn lazy and stubborn too.  Age is definitely just a number! Dear Lucia, I'm dating a man who is 5 years younger than me and not settled in his life yet.  If you want to be married within the next 2 years, then you need to ask yourself if he could possibly be the one.  It is a little illusion that will remove what you feel.
7 Truths About Dating Younger Men Five years later they followed up 1,074 of the couples to see which had separated.  In reality, strangers hardly know there is much of an age difference between us, and they're almost certainly unaware that the difference is about 12.  They don't mind the power inequity, while men who are closer to my age feel the need to battle for the position.  I have wrinkles … I have cellulite.  Her practical know-how makes her the perfect candidate to dispense relationship advice; after all, in almost every dating dilemma she has been there, done that and lived to tell about it.  To date someone younger is to consciously reject a lot of this.  Last year, is three years older than i thought was 72.
Dating someone 5 years younger than me I do eventually want to get married and have kids, and whereas before I paid little attention to my own biological clock and didn't worry, now since I've turned 30 I'm becoming slightly more aware.  While some men might be perfectly fine with it, others may feel emasculated if he feels he's unable to provide for you, she adds.  I you asked me before him, I would've said that I don't date younger guys.  I know that some 26 year old men are ready to think about it, but I also know that some might have the views of that other guy. The truth is, we've been sold a bill of good.  I know that this is something for them to process, and not for me to have to explain.
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pastor-matt · 6 years
Our Way, A Way
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     Welcome to week five of our series Future Family where we have been dealing with issues surrounding families.  Today’s post is going to be a little bit different because I want to address some questions surrounding parenting and provide some insights about our comprehensive curriculum that we recently purchased as a result of our FOR Campaign.  When it come to the topic of parenting I will admit that I am still learning so as we explore this topic we will pull from several sources that are more experienced than I am.
     As we explore this topic today we must first understand that the approach to this topic will look different for everyone.  Perhaps you are from a traditional family, blended family, single parent family, or maybe you don’t have children but regardless of your situation there will be things said for all of us that will help us because we should all desire to impact the next generation because someone once did that for us.  For those who have children one insight that could be very beneficial might be to establish rules or family commandments.  These could include things like “Thou shall not lie” and “Honor your mother.”  When we establish guidelines like these it becomes the standard or a reflection of the ideal that we discussed the first couple of weeks of this series.  In regards to the topic of lying, its important because if you lie you break the relationship.  In families, if you honor others, you become a hero.  In the church if you help parents/families win you become a hero.  We have to model this for other people not simply talk about it to them.  As a church this applies because one of the first things that children observe, is how the church treats their parents.  If the church empowers their parents and helps them feel supported, the children are happy.  But if the church devalues their parents, the children are likely to disengage and may never come back to the church.
     Maybe you want to take this a step further and establish family objectives that are based in how your children behave.  These could include things like: Have enjoyable adult relationships with your children.  In other words, once our children are grown we want them to want to be with us.  The goal here is not to be obedient or even good but to want to be with us.  Another example would be children who feel accountable to God and who seek His will for their lives.  We want our children to know that God has a plan for them and we don’t want them to miss it.  We need to help our children understand the voice of God, be discerning about it, and move towards it.  Finally, Don’t bail, let ‘em fail.  This means that we don’t protect every skinned knee or hurt feelings but allow our children to learn life-lessons.  When our children are young, they can learn life-lessons about friendship and authority, when the stakes are really low.  When these situations arise, you can support them entirely and march down to the school to confront the individual that hurt your child or you can ask them how they think they should respond to the situation.
     Shifting gears a little bit, I want to turn our attention to the two biggest factors that shape our soul, which are rejection and acceptance.  We are who we are today because of these two items and the dosage of them we have received.  These two items are shaped at home by the words we use and the schedule that we choose.  Perhaps there are words we used that even though they were true, conveyed a sense of rejection to our children.  We probably can recall the words of our parents that fall into this category and the reality is that our children will remember this category of our words as well.  To counteract this we must, decide what they need to hear and say it ten more times than you think they need to hear it.  Next we need to look at our schedules and how we schedule our time.  We need to examine how we spend our time and what we make a priority.  Our days may feel long, but our years are so short and we need to be aware of this.  We have to learn a key word in the English language that many of us are not good at saying, which is “no!”
     Now let’s concentrate on the topic of discipline.  There may come a time when your children do not like you or that you may be afraid of them.  As you think about this topic you need to understand that later is longer.  We want our children to like us later in their lives and later is longer than right now.  This topic is challenging because maybe you are saying the right things and doing the right things but it seem like your child is just pushing themselves away from you.  Whatever the case, I invite you to think about parenting in the following stages: The Discipline Years (Ages 1-5); The Training Years (Ages 5-12); The Coaching Years (Ages 12-18); and The Friendship Years (Ages 18+).  It is important to move through these stages in order and not try to skip around to what is convenient.
     As you think about the concept of discipline there are three main areas you can focus upon, disobedience, dishonesty, and disrespectful, otherwise you will wear yourself out.  There is a Biblical context about discipline that I just want to point out quickly.  We know that God is our Heavenly Father and He disciplines those He loves.  As Christians we need to remember that God has sided with us against sin.  When we sin, God is grieved because of the consequences we face and the scars we bear.  However, due to the cross, we know that God has sided with us against sin.  Discipline is all about reestablishing broken relationships.
     One final area that I want to explore is the concept of Faith and Family.  To understand this topic more fully we need to help our children understand the intersection between their faith and their decisions.  As a church we are choosing to emphasize the concepts of faith and family through the utilization of the Orange Curriculum.  This curriculum combines the light of the church (yellow) and the heart of the family (red) because two combined influences make a greater impact than just two influences.  The two influences must work together because there are 8,760 hours in a year of which the average parent has 3,000 hours of influence and the church has 40 hours in a given year of influence.
     To understand how we will accomplish this we need to integrate five central practices.  First, we must Integrate the Strategy by aligning leaders and parents to lead with the same end in mind.  A strategy is a plan of action with an end in mind.  That means you have identified what you want something or someone to be, you use your creativity and intellect to devise a way to get there.  Second, we must Refine the Message by crafting core truths into engaging, relevant, and memorable experiences.  It’s not what you say, its how you say what you say.  Say less more often so everyone will know what really matters.  Third, we must Reactivate the Family, by enlisting parents to act as partners in the spiritual formation of their own children.  Parents are looking for three simple things from the church: Give me a plan because they want a system of support, consistent influence, and a steady flow of relevant information.  Second show me how it works because parents need influence just as much as children do, and they desire to be engaged in the process in a way that prompts them to take the next step.  Third, Tell me what to do today.  If we are going to to truly partner with parents we have to give them specific instructions or resources to use this week.  Here is why this is so important: What happens at home is more important than what happens at church.  Family shapes us, connects us, and influences our story.  Who shaped your story?  Fourth, we must Elevate Community by connecting everyone to a caring leader and a consistent group of peers.  Everyone needs to be believed in by someone, and everyone needs to belong somewhere.  Fifth, we must Leverage Influence by providing consistent opportunities that are created for others to experience ministry.  The heart will gravitate toward whatever offers adventure and significance.
     Orange thinking is just a different way of looking at everything you do.  Orange thinking is not either/or but both/and.  If you are thinking both/and, yo are synchronizing the efforts of the church and family around a master plan.
     In regards to strategy, your key leaders are becoming both specialists and generalists who will break down silo thinking.
     In regards to the message you are valuing truths that are core and evolving your style to connect with culture.
     In regards to family, you are cultivating spiritual and moral leadership in parents who are inside and outside of your church.
      In regards to community, you are tapping into the influence of the parent and recruiting other adults to build influence with kids and teenagers.  
     In regards to influence you are mobilizing volunteers to BE the church and they are mobilizing those they are influencing to the BE the church as well.
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