#Broken throne
lilyharvord · 4 months
RQ Week 2 Flash Fic Friday
... a scene taken from a series of scenes for a fic I wil probably never write.... Bonswa my loves, I have returned (: @nortaeventcouncil. For RQ flash fic fridays (prompt 1 secrets)
“Would you have given them to me?”
            Mare glanced up at him with wary eyes, hearing the way his voice betrayed the nonchalance with which he asked his question. Somehow, she knew he would ask her at some point. It had really just been a matter of when for weeks now. Being at the cabin always seemed to loosen lips, and now was no different. The last thing she wants to do was open this can with him though. She had already suffered his presence from the moment it arrived, and all she wanted to do was stay in the tranquility of this moment for as long as she could.
            “Given you what?”
            His cheek twitched at her avoidance, but his eyes softened at the edges. Glancing away, he stared out the frosted window at the viciously falling snow. On the back of the plush chair, his fingers curled into claws on the blanket draped there. The storm had come violently midday and had stayed well into the night. Travel was impossible, leaving was impossible. She felt like a fish trapped in a tank with a shark.
            “Would you have… given me children?”
            Mare’s hand stilled on Coriane’s curls, and she had to forcibly keep herself from possessively wrapping an arm around her to pull her closer. The question wasn’t directed at Coriane at all, but something about the idea of it made Mare’s hackles rise. He hadn’t made any overt threats toward Coriane yet, at least none that Mare knew of. Maybe her threat had worked that first night, or maybe he had been telling the truth when he told he that he had nothing against her daughter. Given the past, the former had to be true.
            Slowly she returned to stroking Coriane’s damp hair, and considered her as she did so. Fresh from a warm bath, she dozed peacefully. The firelight bathed her in orange and red; the perfect colors for her palette. For half a second, she imagined her with different features, the more angular ones that used to haunt every one of Mare’s nightmares. She imagined her with blue eyes instead of mellow amber. Something in her stomach clenched tightly at the fact that she could not picture her daughter laughing with those blue eyes. She swallowed subtly before saying the only thing she could.
            “They never would have been ours. They would have been your mother’s.”
            His exhales whistles through his teeth, telling her she hit the nerve that has always made him curl in on himself.
            “That’s not true.”
            “Look at me and say that. Look at me and tell me that you really think I would have been allowed to raise them, that she would have let me.” She stared him down across the space, her hand stilling on Coraine’s head again before slowly guiding her closer. She wouldn’t be able to fit in her lap much longer, but it was the only way Mare felt like she could keep her close right this second.  
            He raised his chin at her, those icy blue eyes practically glowing in the low light of the dying fire. His cheek twitched again, and he curled his fingers into a tighter ball on the blanket.
            “I would have made her stay away from them.”
            Mare couldn’t help but laugh. The movement and sound made Coriane shift, and curl tighter against her. Cutting the sound off harshly to avoid waking her, Mare shook her head in exasperation. The least he could have done was say something believable. “You would have tried,” she admitted quietly, when Coriane had sighed and relaxed again. “And you would have failed.”
            His entire being went still as stone, and Mare felt the undulating waves of heat he tried to contain wash over her as softly as the waves on the lake shore. She watched him tear his eyes away from her, and gnaw on the inside of his cheek for a moment. The odd kinetic stillness she remembered settled over him as he began to tap a finger against his knee. Slowly he molded himself back into the blasé image he had been maintaining up until this conversation.
“You think I wouldn’t have loved them.”
            There wasn’t a hint of a question in his words, and Mare pursed her lips at the accusation. A part of her wanted to keep twisting the knife deeper, to inflict the pain she had always been able to with him. The other part, the one that had grown out of the bitter, resentful girl she had been stayed the blow, and ultimately won out.
            “I think, she wouldn’t have let you love them. Or me.” She added the last part quietly, but it still struck home like a blow.
            His finger started tapping again, and even in the low light she could see the nail was bit to the quick. The others were probably no better, so she didn’t bother looking at them. Before it had been easy to just remember the man who had been on the other side of cell bars taunting her and pulling at old wounds. It had been easy to remember the manic energy in his eyes when she had chased him down in Whitefire. Potentially facing the young man he had been underneath all that made her shiver. Her eyes slowly fell, and she dropped her voice to a whisper as she said, “There are no more secrets, not anymore.”
            “No more secrets.” He echoed the words mockingly under his breath before rising and slipping back into the shadows of the house. The fire popped loudly in the grate, the only residue of his emotions, while the wind howled outside and thunder rumbled faintly.
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planetmaven · 4 months
this is a scene from kings cage
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maven is so sassy bro 😭 there are so many scenes where he's being sassy and snarky and jokey its insane. even when he was held captive in war storm, he always found a way to be a smartass.
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cannibalpuppy1 · 6 months
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full HD version of this mare and maven 🤩
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mavencaloreswife · 28 days
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ball-of-butter · 1 year
the way some maven apologists will hateeee on cal as if cal himself wasn’t the only maven apologist in the series
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sourtimesq · 2 months
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mare barrow sketch !!
i got a new drawing app finally
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northernember · 1 year
while its in no way likely i love the idea of maven, after the events of the first book, leaving cals room completely untouched,,,
just the idea of him burning his brothers royal portraits, dragging his name and reputation through bloodied mud, hunting him like he’s some animal.
but cal’s room remains as he left it, left to gather dust and harbor the echoes of brothers laughing and chess pieces tapping against the wooden board.
and the chess board remains set up, prepared in advance for a game thats never going to come. all thats missing is the black king piece, its empty spot having gathered a layer of dust thinner than the rest.
i like to think cal leaves it too at first, avoids it like the echoes of what used to be will shatter whatever grip on himself he has left. and than, after he abdicates the throne and mare leaves for the mountains, he stands in its doorway, looking in at a room that used to belong to a boy that lies in a grave similar to his brothers. a boy that died alongside his father that day. a boy that was going to be king and sit upon a throne made from corpses and uphold the sickening legacy built by those who proceeded him. Some parts still remain of that boy, scattered throughout the craters and fractures of the man that came out the other side.
weeks later, once he finally brings himself to step past the door way and clean it out, packing away the belongings of the crown prince and tucking away pictures of two dead boys into his jacket, he closes and locks the door and never opens it again. leaving an empty room filled with nothing but dust and ghosts.
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darklinaforever · 4 months
For me, really, in Red Queen, Mare should have ended up alone. I have nothing against Cal as a character, but something doesn't sit right with me about his union with Mare. Something is wrong with me. If you prefer, it's as if Juliette from the Shatter Me series ended up with Adam instead of Warner, and Zahru from The Kinder of Poison series ended up with Jet instead of Kasta. (And I love Jet with all my heart as a character, he's very cute) I don't know if you know what I mean ? As if it wasn't meant to be after all. And then Cal also seriously fucked up with Mare. Objectively, none of the brothers really deserved it. (Even if I ship Mareven to death) Anyway, that's my opinion.
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lucy-the-cat · 1 year
Red Queen Discord Server!
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cervid-ai · 9 months
he's my pookie bear. he's a war criminal. he's lost the ability to love normally. he's obsessive. he's doomed. he's tragic. he's a boy. he's a monster. he's a malewife. he has murdered innocents. he would do it again. he's my beloved. i want him dead. i need him alive.
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anon-anti · 1 year
Can I offer u a 🍓 in these trying times?
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lilyharvord · 4 months
Flash Fic Friday #3
Another part of that fic I mentioned once. Connected with this one. This part I wrote this morning after my exam and after I heard some clock app sound with the dialogue. I knew instantly who would say it and who it would be said to. @nortaeventcouncil. It's kinda all the prompts smashed together? A lil bit of this and lil bit of that. 🤷🏼‍♀️
It was cold, bitter and biting cold. Normally, he would hate it, and would have taken precautions to make sure he stayed warmer. Doing that meant taking one of Cal’s jackets though, and he was not about to do that. He was not about to wear something that smelled like him or even remotely reminded him of his brother.
Blowing warm air into his cold hands, he stared out across the little space around the cabin. It was tucked away safely in this place that he refused to call majestic. No matter that it had taken his breath away when he had stood on the jetway and seen those mountains dusted with snow and cutting the bluest sky he had ever seen to ribbons. He refused to admit that he liked it here and that the peace and quiet had settled over him, leaving him feeling oddly stifled and quiet.
The porch door creaked and then slammed shut. He twisted his lips, deciding that as long as he kept his back to the door that neither of them would bother him. Maybe they would just see he wasn’t doing anything but sitting and staring out at the trees that were slowly growing nightmarish shadows as the sun dipped behind the mountain range.
The steps that approached him sounded more like someone hopping from one foot to the other, and it was a little body that dropped down onto the step next to him. He observed her out of the corner of his eye, already shying away as she started to swing her little booted feet so the heels struck the wood in an off-kilter rhythm.
He didn’t hate children. This one though, he wanted to hate her with a earnest that sometimes made him wonder how he couldn’t.
She watched the trees with him, not speaking. She was quiet, Maven had learned that about her very quickly. Sh observed everything around her, and she had observing him more than he would like. He knew Mare had told her to stay away, to never speak to him. He had seen the way those little pink lips had twisted, and how her eyes had sparked in such a familiar way after that warning, and deep down had known she would eventually find a way to go behind her mother’s back. He knew why he believed that, but he refused to admit it. It meant thinking about the past, about growing up, and his brother. Who conveniently had to go back to the city early yesterday to handle something. He was surprised Mare had let him go, given it meant she would be alone to deal with him and watch the child next to him.
Slowly he unfurled from his crunched state as she continued to sit and not speak but just kick her feet. He blew more warm air into his hands before glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. Her boots weren’t tied, and her brightly colored blue jacket wasn’t zipped, but she was at least wearing proper pants. He didn’t care. He told himself he didn’t care if she was cold. He was a Burner, and he had a feeling she was too. He had overheard Mare and Cal talking about it quietly one night while they carried her to bed. She wasn't showing signs yet though. So while it was freezing, it was this ridiculous child's decision to sit out here with him.
“She always looks at you like she’s mad.”
He froze, his blood going cold at the sound of her voice. Slowly he glanced down at her. Her little lips were pursed tightly and her brows were scrunched tightly together. She wrinkled her damn nose the same was he used to. He snapped his head forward again, ignoring her completely.
“Does everyone look at you like that?” The direction of her voice had changed. It wasn’t forward anymore, it was directly at him. He tried to avoid looking at her. He always avoided looking directly at her. He didn’t like being hurt, he didn’t like it when he did things that made him ache, but he also had come to realize over the course of his life that he had a hard time avoid it. This time was no different. He looked down at her.
His heart stuttered and his body heated unintentionally as she set those uncanny fucking eyes on him. Fucking Iris’s gods. They had given her Cal’s eyes. Those were his eyes, with the same earnest need to understand with the intetion to aid, to mend, and to heal. He wanted to claw them out of her head, wanted to remove them forever. Cal had always looked at him with those eyes, and it had always reminded him of the sucking, gaping hole in his heart and head where his love for his brother used to be.
She had his hair, his eyes, and she had that sweet face that he had faint memories of from when he used to run after Cal though the hall of Whitestone. Before Cal had gone to the front, before he had come back a yonng man and not a child anymore. Before his mother had ripped any connection to Cal out of him by the root and stem.
But she was not him, even though the first time he had seen her he had almost mistaken her for him in a strange flash of déjà vu. She had peeked around the doorway as Mare had paced in front of him, setting the boundaries that he had thought were laughable. Now he wished she had set more, wished she had left her daughter with her parents in the city. He wished that this girl had not been born, that she didn’t exist. But she did, and in his deepest heart… he didn’t hate that. It meant--he didn't want to admit to it. Twisting his lips, he finally let the words form, but not leave him. It meant he had subverted his mother's meddling, and had found a way to love his brother again. Even if it was just loving the strange mirage of him that his daughter was.
It took longer than he liked to put himself together just enough and put the mask back in place and shrug as if that question was inconsequential.
She continued to watch him, even though he had started to turn away from her.
He felt the moment she slipped her little hand in his. It was warm, warmer than he thought it would be. Maybe she was a Burner after all.
His entire body locked, and he whipped his head over his shoulder, wondering why Iris’s gods had not send Mare out here yet. He didn't smell ozone, or hear the tell tale crackle of lightening waiting to scorch through him.
“I’m not mad at you.” She said, leaning toward him as if she could push those words though his cold exterior and embed them in his heart. His throat locked up against his will, and he had to take a short, shallow breath and swallow multiple times. It wouldn’t dislodge. If he looked at her, he knew he would not see her. He would see his brother, he would see the Harbor Bay room. He would see that look that Cal had given him over his shoulder before slipping out. So he continued to stare out at the advancing shadows, keeping his eyes on the tree line, but he didn’t let go of her hand either.
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planetmaven · 5 months
there were so many moments in which one of them needed someone and would think of the other.
i remember mainly evangeline often thinking of mare and wishing she were around to spar with her.
war storm was literally just evangeline and mare heart eye moments idc
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this always gets me ngl cos why.....like.....YK WHAT I MEAN?? like mare is looking at evangeline and she's like "what is this feeling..." girl. 🏳️‍🌈.
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I love u lesbians..
if evangeline x mare has zero shippers i died
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May 13th - Happy Birthday, Diana Farley
It’s for the best. Lying to them, disobeying the orders, it’s for the best. It’s not your fault the Colonel doesn’t understand. It’s not your fault. The old refrain levels me out, as comforting as a stiff drink. Everything I’ve done and everything I ever will do is for the cause. No one can say otherwise. No one will ever question my loyalty, not once I give them Norta on a silver platter.
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ball-of-butter · 1 year
red queen ships and if they would stay together irl (real, canon, source: me)
mare/cal: no
mare/maven: nope but i dont think it wouldve ended up as treacherously as it did in the books funnily enough
evangeline/elane: yes they would
shade/diana: yup
ptolemus/wren: i wouldnt be surprised either way
tiberias/coriane: nope
tiberias/elara: im not gonna even dignify this with a response
elara/coriane: nooo
dane/camradon: probably yeah but i also wouldnt be totally shocked if not
sara/julian: yeah
kilorn/mare: no
kilorn/cal: also no
gisa/cameron: no i think
maven/iris: no
kilorn/cameron: …yeah?
mare/evangeline: yes
mare/iris: no
gisa/shopgirl: who even is this lady (they will grow old together)
thomas/maven: im leaning towards yes
tyton/maven: nope
i think that’s it 🧍‍♀️
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theidlespoon · 10 days
and what if i said maven and cal are just regulus and sirius in another universe. what then.
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