omanxl1 · 1 year
Deep House Mix | The Guest Mix Series Dan Laino Episode 5
Digital Crate Digging Continues on this Thankful Thursday where we show gratitude; it’s a blessing to be here! The saga  / struggle continues, we’ve got a Throwback Thursday attitude due to being veterans in the game even though retro futuristic is how we’re taking it there! Of course we’re out here where these jokers aren’t playing fair, hitting up the infrastructure like Russia vs Ukraine or…
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trickarrows-bishop · 1 year
ava: technically, pickles are a fruit lilith, glaring over at beatrice: anyone. you could've picked literally ANYONE-
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ypsilonzeta1 · 1 year
Di noi
la parte migliore
sei tu.
Tu sei la parte
che pazienta,
che ascolta,
che cura,
la parte che annaffia,
che conta fino a dieci,
che conta,
che bacia la mia guancia in foto.
La tua parte è la migliore fra noi,
la tua parte è per intero,
è un intero,
è viva, e mi ama davvero,
la tua parte fa rima
con il meglio di me;
la tua parte accetta,
mi spoglia se dormo vestita,
mi investe del vanto
di essere amata
dal meglio di noi,
da te.
Beatrice Zerbini
Da In comode rate. Poesie d’amore (ed Interno Poesia)
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What are Avas insecurites regarding his relationship with Bea? For example is he insecure/not sure of himself because Beatrive was only attracted to women before Meeting him? And is Beatrice worried about how "real" her attraction is to Ava as a man? For example, unconsciously seeing him as a masculine woman as opposed to (correctly) seeing him as a man?
It's something they both think about, and feel guilty for thinking. Bea worries sometimes that when Ava starts T, she'll wake up one morning and suddenly not feel attracted to him anymore. She knows it's irrational, but it bothers her every now and then. Ava is also a little worried about that. He's scared that Bea will lose interest in him as he becomes more physically masculine, or even that she'll grow bored/tired of him and go back to just dating women.
These are tough subjects to bring up too, so they're going to circle each other for a bit until one or both are ready to talk about it. That may or not be a future installment, depending on where my inspiration goes. But regardless, they reassure each other, and they make a pact to perform acts of affirmation, both big and small, throughout Ava's transition. Little things like Bea helping Ava pick out a new cologne to big things like doing his T shots together. And, not to be too blunt about it, having just So Much sex. All the sex. Absolute horndog behavior, 24/7/365.
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vagoonabeach · 2 years
my brain is just
ava and beatrice ava and beatrive ava and beatrice
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tubblr · 4 years
I hope you dont mind me asking, but how is your music taste affected? Does each alter have their own favorite song or do you agree on one?
If i have to hear Lincoln listen to anarbor one more time I'll just die
Paige loves classical music
Ethol like a hozier and miski. Ethol is also a lesbian
Cain loves meme music (bust that bible open got added to our YouTube downloads at some point and I'm not pointing fingers buuuut)
Eden doesn't like music. She scares me
Simone likes k-pop
Beatrive likes musicals
Casper pretends to like rock music and stuff like that to impress lincoln and Cain but really he just wants to listen to soft lofi
No one can ever agree on music and it's just the worst
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fishiest-fish · 5 years
if your alters/sides/what your supposed to call them bc idk are comfortable with it could you give a run down of those alters?? (Im just interested since the only person ive met with did i didnt get to learn about since they moved before i could ask about how it works))
Yeah of course!
Since there are a lot of them, we tend to group ourselves into little, kinda like clubs. There are some overlaps, so if you see a name twice, it's the same person
(Except for the name Ashley, because there are two Ashley's, so they will be numbered)
Angery bois:
Lincoln (will threaten to stab)
Casper (is actually babey)
Joa (constant state of angry)
Finnigan (will hold a grudge till the day he dies)
Simone (glares a lot)
Soft bois:
Ashley #2 (little)
Holly (little)
Jesse (has a really bad stutter, acts like he's like 7, it's really 23)
Daisie (wants to just sit by a river with a cat, trauma holder)
Delila (little)
Weird name bois:
Ethol (gf to Lincoln, will stab as a warning, but overall vv cute)
Daisie (said like Daisy)
Delila (said like Delilah)
Heevan (newest alter, don't know too much about her. Said like Heathen)
Beatrive (say her name wrong she will stab)
K'dance (never leaves ber room. Don't know much about her tbh)
Kepler (is actually a cat)
Elpie (is actually a dog)
Accent gang:
Jonas (Sweet heart, always smiling)
Toby (likes the rain, trauma holder)
Sebastian (goes by August. Likes winter a lot)
Idk where to put you gang:
Roger (protecter)
Mother (protecter. Never fronts)
Elliot (sad boi)
Jane (smartest out of everyone. Keeps literal files on everyone)
Artemis (kinky girl. Wants to sleep a lot)
Aster and Astrid (twins, spend all their time with the Littles)
Hawk (jock like boi. Is annoyed we have asthma)
Max (trying their best, very talkative)
Jordan (also has a stutter, is annoyed with everyone. Trauma holder of bullying)
Ethan (very energetic. Distracted very easily. Has to always be moving)
New people
Bianka- integration of Ashley 1 and Braxton
And then that's everyone. Not all of us front very often, in any given time usually only 10 of us ever front. Some of us have triggers to make us front, only times we just kinda wanna be out.
It has taken me (host) a really long time to understand that I have d.i.d, and for a while I kept it really hidden, but now I've decied that it's best to be able to talk about it
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quote: bury me shallow, i'll be back.
yo oh my god Luna fucking Hale!!!!  Also Beatrive Lovecraft-Hargraves
Send me a quote or poem and I’ll tell you which OC/Ship I associate it with
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onomastic-dustbin · 3 years
Names created by replacing the letter C with the letter V in familiar given names: 
• Beatrive
• Bianva
• Eriva
• Felivia
• Grave
• Ivhabod
• Janive
• Luville
• Luvius
• Mivah
• Mivhelle
• Nivholas
• Rivhard
• Varol
• Vevil
• Vevilia
• Vhad
• Vhristine
• Vlaudia
• Vonstanve
• Zavhary
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blogtintonghop24h · 3 years
Tỷ phú Pháp bị trộm trói, đánh đập tại tư gia
Cảnh sát cho biết vụ việc xảy ra v��o khoảng nửa đêm 4/4 trong tư gia của ông Tapie tại Combs-la-Ville gần thủ đô Paris. Bốn tên trộm vào nhà từ cửa sổ tầng một. Họ đánh đập và trói hai vợ chồng ông Tapie trước khi lục soát căn nhà và lấy đi nhiều tài sản có giá trị.
Vợ ông, bà Dominique Tapie đã tìm cách thoát ra nhà của một người hàng xóm và báo cho cảnh sát.
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Cựu Bộ trưởng Pháp Tapie (trái) và vợ. Ảnh: BBC.
Bà bị thương nhẹ do bị những tên trộm túm tóc và dùng dao cắt vào mặt, trong khi ông Bernard Tapie bị đánh vào đầu khi đang ngồi trên ghế, Thị trư���ng Combs-La-Ville Guy Geoffroy và công tố viên Beatrive Angelelli cho biết thêm.
Ông Tapie là từng là một bộ trưởng phụ trách các vấn đề về đô thị trong chính phủ Pháp năm 1992 dưới thời Thủ tướng François Mitterrand. Ông cũng đã xây dựng cho mình một đế chế thể thao khi lên ngôi vô địch bóng đá Pháp cùng câu lạc bộ Olympique de Marseille với vai trò chủ tịch đội bóng.
Dù vậy, sau những bê bối pháp lý, ông Tapie bị kết tội trong một loạt vụ án tham nhũng, gian lận thuế và lạm dụng tài sản doanh nghiệp. Ông phải ngồi tù 5 tháng và bị tước quyền ứng cử trong mọi cuộc bầu cử ở Pháp. Khi ra tù, ông dấn thân vào lĩnh vực truyền thông và tiếp quản báo La Provence.
Trong sự nghiệp nhiều tai tiếng của mình, ông Tapie còn liên quan đến một vụ dàn xếp tỉ số gây chấn động nước Pháp trị giá 400 triệu euro và một số vụ việc khác.
Phiên tòa xét xử các cáo buộc của ông Tapie vào năm 2020 đã bị hoãn lại vì vấn đề sức khỏe. Phiên tòa tiếp theo dự kiến sẽ được tổ chức vào tháng 5/2021.
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mezitli33 · 5 years
Das ist das beste, was ich in diesem jahrtausend hörte! Noch vor Auftritt Top20 bei iTunes. Die von Mutter Natur gut bekurvte Interpretin eine elende Nervensäge mit ihrem Dauergegrinse und der affektierten Neverending-Fröhlichkeit suckt mich übelst an! Mit signifikantem Abstand, jedoch immer noch auf äusserst pässlichem Niveau, folgt „Mein Herz“. Ich erlaube mir somit einzig den ergänzenden Hinweis, dass das besungene „Von der Seite antanzen“ eine durchaus innovative und offensichtlich erfolgsversprechende Balz-Variante darstellt. Die ultimative Chartshow – Die erfolgreichsten Hits
Name: mein herz von beatrice egli Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 5.4 MBytes
Denn auf eine wie Beatrice hat der schwächelnde Schlager gewartet. Auch die anderen Musikvideos haben inzwischen sehr professionellen geatrice internationalen Anstrich und auch auf MyVideo ist sie zu Hause. Im Juni schlagert es sehr! Mit Preisen überhäuft kann sie heute auf eine erfolgreiche Karriere blicken, die noch weit vom Ende entfernt ist. Und dieser Song geht mir leider nicht mehr aus dem Kopf. Das Lied selbst, ist wie alles vom Müll-Titan, schlimmste Grütze. Sony 2 Compilation CD voon
Beatricr dich ein um diese Funktion zu nutzen. Pure Lebensfreude [Deluxe Edition]. Dennoch für mich nur Durchschnitt, irgendwie austauschbar.
Mein Herz Songtext
Alle Musikvideos von Beatrice Egli. Schlager – Die Hits des Jahres. Getrennt im Urlaub Roland Kaiser: Video ansehen Beatrice Egli — Ich bin da Albumplayer. Video ansehen Beatrice Egli braucht Eure Unterstützung!
Eglli ansehen Beatrice Egli kommt am Voll geiler text ich will beatrice egli sein bea ist einfach ssssssssuuuuuuuuuupppppppppeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr.
Mein Herz (Lied) – Wikipedia
Weitere News zu Beatrice Egli. Fetenhits – Mallorca Classics. Deutscher Pop-Rock hätte auch gelangt. Video ansehen Trailer — Beatrice Egli Schlager. Der Text ist sehr sperrig, an eine Metapher reiht sich die nächste.
Beatrice Egli | Video | Mein Herz
Da diese teilweise historischen Clips vielfach nicht auf DVD oder BluRay erscheinen, werden solche beliebten Videos bei Plattformen wie Facebook und Dailymotion hochgeladen, wobei beatrive auch da beattice Urheberrecht zu beachten ist.
Allerdings kommt sie durchaus sympathisch rüber und ich nehme ihr die Fröhlichkeit auch ab. Im finale war es ganz klar Beatrice!!! Sie absolvierte eine Ausbildung zur Frisörin, blieb dem Beruf aber nicht treu und ging fon Hamburg um eine Schauspielausbildung zu machen.
Gallen in der Schweiz Wohnort: Hat sie etwa Nachwuchs bekommen? Und musikalisch einfach überhaupt nichts Neues. Die ultimative Chartshow – Die erfolgreichsten Hits Fetenhits – Silvester Ich mag beatrics Schlager, aber das Lied ist einfach nut der Hammer!
Aber nicht bei DSDS bislang. Gehört zu den besseren Bohlen-Titeln der letzten 15 Jahre.
Innovativ klingt das auch eglu. Falls dieses Abtauchen in die Heile-Welt-Tümelei Opa Dieters Idee war, hatte er mal wieder den richtigen Riecher, wobei er die Nummer auch souverän zielgruppentauglich geschrieben hat inkl. Auch dieser ,Song“ ist wieder übel, dass es Schlager ist setzt dem ganzen noch die Krone auf. Nach einiger Charts- und etwas weniger Radio- Präsenz beatrjce man den Titel doch als gelungen bezeichnen, auch wenn man mit dem deutschen Schlager meinn nicht nerz am Hut hat.
Video ansehen Beatrice Egli — Jetzt und hier für immer. Die eglk Videos Zur Übersicht. Da nützt der recht gute Gesang von Beatrice wenig.
Beatrice Egli und Isabel Varell gehen baden.
source http://mezitli.info/mein-herz-von-beatrice-egli-94/
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beatrivals · 12 years
Check out our new track BEAT RIVALS ft Lifford (GOTTA BE) FREE by 2TUF 4U http://soundcloud.com/2tuf4u/beat-rivals-ft-lifford-gotta
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fishiest-fish · 5 years
I hope ya dont mind me askin but, i heard somewhere in an old (quite frankly probly outdated if im being honest here) book about DID that sometimes alters have differing sexualitys or genders from the main- what all of the lgbts in that brain
Some of us are super straight (cough cough illia) while some of us are super gay (cough cough Jonas)
We have a few bi people, namely Lincoln and Ethol, Joa, Jesse, and maybe Toby but toby could be pan I have asked
Speaking of pan people, we got myself, Artemis, and Jane
The only person that comes to mind as being aroace is beatrive, but I know that Roger is ace
We often use cupio as our group label now bc it's easy to explain everything easier, and we also poly, and all but one person (illia) agrees with this. illia has a massive crush on someone and refuses to except anyone else.
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fishiest-fish · 5 years
for the system ask game-✏ and 🌸? also, i really love ur acct ut gives me life
🌸 - for whoever is fronting, what’s your favourite class?
While I answered this one not too long ago, imma give some other people a chance to add in some input-
illia- also English bc it has her crush in it
Beatrive- German even tho we don't take it anymore so like ???
Lincoln- literally nothing he just wants to go home already
Finnigan- math bc he hates the teacher and loves to hate things ???
Ethol, Casper and Kepler- they all love the Cosmetology class/lab because no one ever bothers them and they love doing stuff in it
While that's not nearly everyone, it is everyone who decied to impute something)
✏️ - which alter in the system is the best at doing schoolwork in class?
I said Jane before, but second best would be Lincoln because as much as he hates school and hates everyone in the school, he's able to judt ignore everything and get stuff done without talking, because ya know, he hates everyone. He does tend to get a tiny bit distracted by music, but so does everyone
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