#Barbaric: Queen Of Swords
fantomcomics · 1 year
What’s Out This Week? 6/14
Have you seen our LIMITED EDITION Fantom shirts yet??
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Alora: Witch Princess GN -  Kayden Phoenix & Phineas Conrad
Alora is one of the five Possibles, a princess that may become the true princess of Citadel. These Possibles were found, trained in their magical energies, and took classes together in the palace; all in preparation for the Majo Majo Celebration. The Possibles completes tests in a magical carnival to see who the one true princess is.
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At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender GN -  Shou Arai
At age 30, Shou Arai came to a realization; they had no gender. Now they were faced with a question they'd never really considered: how to age in a society where everything is so strongly segregated between two genders? This autobiographical manga explores Japanese culture surrounding gender, transgender issues, and the day to day obstacles faced by gender minorities and members of the LGBTQIA+ community with a lighthearted, comedic attitude.  
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Bettie Page #1 -  Mirka Andolfo, Luca Blengino, Elisa Ferrari & Joseph Michael Linsner
It's la dolce vita for Bettie! Beautiful Bettie has been cast as the lead of a film shooting in Rome, but before she can experience the sights and sounds of Italy, shady-looking thugs try to kidnap her! Why? Well, Bettie happens to be the spitting image of another woman...a woman who's in BIG trouble with trouble-making types! Can Bettie negotiate her way through a madcap adventure of mistaken identity and star-crossed love, Italian-style?
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Dead By Daylight #1 (of 4) - Nadia Shammas, Dilon Snook & Ivan Tao
PREQUEL COMIC BASED ON THE BEST-SELLING HORROR GAME, DEAD BY DAYLIGHT! When the rebellious FRANK crashes into the lives of JULIE, JOEY and SUSIE, together they'll unleash bloody chaos onto the sleepy, dead-end town of Ormond. Witness the terrifying origins of THE LEGION.
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Death Drop: Drag Assassin #1 -  David Hazan & Alex Moore
Death Drop, a hitman turned drag queen, enters a race against time to find her missing drag sister as a mysterious rash of killings and disappearances spreads across the city. With the specter of her former mentor haunting her every step, Death Drop must decide how far she is willing to be pulled back into a life of violence in order to protect her community in this supernatural queer noir.
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The Faint Of Heart GN -  Kerilynn Wilson
Not that long ago, the Scientist discovered that all sadness, anxiety, and anger disappeared when you removed your heart. And that's all it took. Soon enough, the hospital had lines out the door. June is an exceptional high schooler, though not in the way you'd expect. She is the only one in town who still has her heart. When she looks at her heartless family and friends, she knows she can't become one of them. But the pressure, loneliness, and heartache are mounting, and it's becoming harder and harder to be the only one with a heart. And then June comes across an abandoned heart in a jar. The heart in the jar intrigues her, it baffles her, and it brings her hope. June wonders if the heart can be used to revitalize her sister. But the heart also brings her Max, a classmate with a secret of his own: though he had his heart removed, he is starting to feel again-and it hurts. June will have to choose between a boy she barely knows-a boy who's in pain-and the sister she loves dearly-who feels nothing. But will her own heart rip in two in the process?
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Family Style: Memories Of An American From Vietnam GN -  Thien Pham
Originally posted on Instagram, this young adult graphic novel details the author's childhood immigration to America with his family, through the lens of particularly meaningful food and meals. Thien's first memory isn't a sight or a sound. It's the sweetness of watermelon and the saltiness of fish. It's the taste of the foods he ate while adrift at sea as his family fled Vietnam. After the Pham family arrives at a refugee camp in Thailand, they struggle to survive. Things don't get much easier once they resettle in California. And through each chapter of their lives, food takes on a new meaning. Behind every cut of steak and inside every croissant lies a story. And for Thien Pham, that story is about a search - for belonging, for happiness, for the American dream!
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Frank Frazetta’s Mothman #1 (of 5) - Tim Hedrick, Luis Guaragna & Andrea Mutti
From 1966 to 1967 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, several witnesses reported seeing a man-sized, winged creature with glowing red eyes. Circa 1980, Frank Frazetta painted his iconic work "Mothman." Now you will learn the truth-and it's weird. Emmy nominee Tim Hedrick (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and artist Andrea Mutti (British Paranormal Society) bring you the next expansion of the FrazettaVerse!
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Gnome & Rat GN -  Lauren Stohler
Gnome and Rat are best friends who live together in a charming forest. Rat enjoys drinking tea and finishing crossword puzzles. And Gnome... well, Gnome likes to polish his pointy red hat and eat delicious sausages. Join these funny friends on their various adventures, whether it's celebrating Hat Day, perfecting magic tricks, or tracking down a new signature hat for Gnome. Whatever their antic, these two know exactly how to have a good time: with each other.
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Haunt You Til The End #1 -  Ryan Cady & Andrea Mutti
In a not-so-far future rife with climate disasters and worldwide instability, an eccentric billionaire and his crew-a disgraced journalist, a radical doctor, a TV demonologist, and a squad of hard-bitten military contractors-set out to prove the existence of life after death. But even if their mission is a success, the truth behind the "most haunted place on earth" may not be the comforting revelation the world is hoping for.
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Intertwined: The Last Jewish Daughter Of Kaifeng #1 -  Fabrice Sapolsky,  Fei Chen, Ho Seng Hui & Fred Pham Chuong
In time for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month as well as Jewish American Heritage Month, fan-favorite series INTERTWINED is back with a 64 page special dedicated to the only Asian Jewish character in comics: the new Spirit of Water! After the events of the original INTERTWINED series, Leah Ai Tian's life has changed drastically. She had been dragged in Juan Jin's adventures with the Spirits of WuXing against her will and Lady Xia passed on the mantle of Champion of the Water Element to her right before she was murdered. Now, Leah fights along the Spirits of the Earth, Wood, Fire and Metal to preserve the balance of the universe while fully living her Jewish faith. But her past has come back to haunt her. Why did she really leave Kaifeng and China? And what do Mob Lord Yuk-Long wants so much that he sent his goons all the way to Chinatown New York to find her?
INTERTWINED: THE LAST JEWISH DAUGHTER OF KAIFENG is a fast paced action adventure tale dealing with deep real life issues: the meaning of faith in a country that, at that time, doesn't recognize Judaism as a religion, the condition of women in the early 1970s and freedom of choice.
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Klik Klik BOOM #1 -  Doug Wagner, Douglas Dabbs & Matt Wilson
Meet Sprout, a mute assassin who communicates exclusively through polaroid pictures. Being raised by her doomsday-prepping grandfather in the rolling hills of Idaho, Sprout has never been around other people, watched TV, or seen clothes outside of Army fatigues. Now she's headed to the big lights of New York City to avenge her grandfather's murder, but will the city's mesmerizing glitz and glam help her succeed-or be the death of her?
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Legends Of The Pierced Veil: Izuna GN -  Saverio Tenuta & Carita Lupattelli
Since the dawn of time, the Izuna wolves have been entrusted as guardians against Japan's evil spirits, protecting the veil that keeps the spirit world of the Kami and the human world separate. One day, a dark force known as the Noggo appears, spreading infection throughout the spiritual plane. As the Izuna battle against the Noggo's invasion of their land, an Izuna cub is born in the form of a young human girl. Can the Izuna protect the Veil from the threat that could come from within?
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Lizard Prince & Other South American Stories GN  -  Kate Ashwin & Kel McDonald
Cursed princes, doomsday prophecies, and a fateful nighttime visit from a legendary sorcerer-these are just a few of the ancient tales whispered in the forests of South America, retold in this beautifully drawn comics treasury! This anthology series features modern takes on folklore from across the continent, for a wide-ranging fireside collection of thrills and spooky chills. Featuring the work of Shadia Amin, Coni Yovaniniz, Verónica Alvarado, and more!
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The Love Report GN -  Beka & Maya
BFFs Grace and Lola talk about everything related to romance-and have lots of questions: What about the mysterious allure of the popular girl at school? And the rebellious goth with the reputation? And boys. They don't quite understand what makes some school romances soar to legendary heights, while other flirtations fizzle. Lola has an idea-they'll observe, study, and analyze all the couples at their Junior High-and compile their findings as The Love Report. Surprises await them, and force them to learn to see beyond appearances in this fast-paced series opener. They'll also discover secrets between themselves.
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LSBN GN -  Emma Jayne
A lesbian mech rom-com graphic novel by Ignatz and Prism Award-winning cartoonist Emma Jayne! After many grueling years of defending against colossal, violent creatures, the machine that will turn the conflict in humanity's favor is nearing completion... until the war unexpectedly comes to a sudden, peaceful resolution. The world rejoices. However, two women fall into crisis as their life's work becomes obsolete. Commander Sugimoto and her lead engineer Mischa Polyakov have spent nearly every waking moment together since the project's inception, but without the pretense of their careers and world-ending calamity, do they have a reason to stay in one another's lives?
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MTG Planeswalkers: Noble #1 -  Stephanie Williams, Daniel Warren, Dave Rapoza, Alberto Locatelli, Lea Caballero, Arianna Consonni, Raúl Angulo & Jahnoy Lindsay
Planeswalkers Karn and Ral Zarek team up to navigate the lonely and often treacherous space between flesh and machine...Meanwhile, a romantic outing featuring Jace and Vraska? The circumstances are less than ideal, however, and even perilous!
Between fan-favorite pairings and unexpected, exciting alliances, the stellar creative team of Stephanie Williams (Nubia: Queen of the Amazons), Daniel Warren and Dave Rapoza (Steve Lichman), Alberto Locatelli, Lea Caballero, Arianna Consonni, and Raúl Angulo take readers to unforgettable realms in the Magic Multiverse!
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Mexica: Aztec Princess GN  -  Kayden Phoenix & Fernanda Lozada 
Mexica's princess initiation has begun. She's given three riddles and ventures out of Aztlán with her pet ocelot, Elote, to find the prizes. Unbeknownst to her, she fights a neighboring tribe thinking they're apart of the princess initiation. Mexica unknowingly saving the kingdom and ultimately returning as Aztlán's crowned princess.
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Mighty Marvel Team-Up Spider-Man: Animals Assemble! GN - Mike Maihack
When the Avengers are assembled to contain a super threat in New York City, Spider-Man is given the most important job of all: to make sure all the Avengers' super pets are safe! Spider-Man wants in on the bad guy fighting action, but with great power comes great pet sitting. Featuring fan favorite Avengers like Captain America, Captain Marvel, and Black Panther, this fun and funny original graphic novel sees the mighty web-slinger teaming up with the most unlikely of heroes to save the day!  
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My Dear Curse-Casting Vampiress GN Vol 1 -  Chisaki Kanai
The world is full of vampires. Supernatural creatures who drain the blood from humans without mercy-fighting such beings is the foundation of Isuzu Osaka's life. But humanity is losing the war, and so desperate times call for desperate measures...And so, Isuzu sets out to strike a deal with a powerful vampiress whose beauty drives all who gaze upon her insane in the hopes of protecting his friends...
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Night Fever GN -  Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips & Jacob Phillips 
Who are you, really? Are you the things you do, or are you the person inside your mind? In Europe on a business trip, Jonathan Webb can't sleep. Instead, he finds himself wandering the night in a strange foreign city with his new friend, the mysterious and violent Rainer, as his guide. Rainer shows Jonathan the hidden world of the night, a world without rules or limits. But when the fun turns dangerous, Jonathan may find himself trapped in the dark-the question is, what will he do to get home? NIGHT FEVER is a pulse-pounding Jekyll-and-Hyde noir thriller about a man facing the darkness inside himself.
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Nuking Alaska GN -  Peter Dunlap-Shohl
Nuking Alaska is an unnervingly funny tale of life in Alaska during the tensest times of the Cold War. It recounts the surprising and tragicomic details of the nuclear threats faced by Alaskans, including Project Chariot in the late 1950s and early 60s, the near-nuclear disaster caused by the Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964, and the 1971 test of a nuclear warhead on the island of Amchitka. Alaskan resident Peter Dunlap-Shohl shares the terrible consequences that these events and others had for humans and animals alike, all in the service of "atoms for peace."
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Parallel TP -  Matthias Lehmann
Karl Kling's story is one of revelations, and these he has addressed in a letter to his daughter, Hella, who had disowned Karl many years ago. Karl's letter is a cri de coeur from a father to a daughter he never really got to know, and he comes clean to her about his failed marriages, his fractured family relations--and his love for men.
Taking place between the end of World War II and the 1980s, Parallel chronicles Karl's efforts to comply with social norms in order to keep his sexuality a secret. It also paints a picture of a life torn between conformity and rebellion, and the cruel realities of twentieth-century German society, where homosexuality was proscribed and punishable until 1994. Matthias Lehmann poignantly depicts the story of a decades-long yearning to live an open and free life, and the price Karl and those he loves must pay for it. It is also a story of finding the courage to finally tell the truth no matter the obstacles...or the cost.
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Prophecy Complete Edition GN -  Ran Kuze
The mind twisting thriller series that was adapted into a life action film, is now in a new complete omnibus format! A newspaper-masked vigilante who broadcasts his acts of vengeance before committing them. A newly-formed police division tackling the new frontier of internet-based crime. As the sun rises on the Era of Information, can a group of people who found themselves at the bottom of the food chain rattle society through the web and avenge a fallen friend?
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Barbaric: Queen Of Swords #1 -  Michael Moreci, Corin Howell & K.J. Diaz
Spinning out of the pages of BARBARIC comes an all-new, standalone, rip-roaring fantasy adventure, filled with mayhem, humor, and a bloodthirsty weapon that just won't stop talking! Serra is a witch with a checkered past; Ka is an assassin with an agenda all her own, and Deadheart is a barbarian who wants to bash everyone in her path. They'll have to unite their unique skills to track down a powerful foe who's tied their lives together. Get ready to meet your new favorite instrument of death-the evil Ga'Bar, whose spirit is now trapped in Deadheart's sword!
Discover the origin of the dark magic that turned Soren into the tattooed witch she is today, in this totally new story, the perfect place to step into the world of BARBARIC for the first time!
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Reggie: Kid Penguin GN -  Jen de Oliveira
Fans of Babymouse and Owly will love this early graphic novel series about the everyday adventures and high jinks of Reginald "Reggie" Guinn, a little kid penguin with a big personality! Reggie is just like any other kid: always looking for fun and adventure! But Reggie's curious, playful side sometimes gets him into trouble. Like when he tries to give himself a haircut before picture day...and ends up gluing his feathers back on his head! Or when he sneaks a mouthful of cookie dough from the kitchen... then feels the sun baking cookies in his tummy! Or when his babysitter puts him on a kid leash while they walk to the park... and he rebels by acting like a dog!
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Santa Latina Superhero GN -  Kayden Phoenix & Eva Cabrera 
Santa lives in Wexo, a made-up bordertown in Texas. With elections coming up, the tension rises as the conservative frontrunner, Illena Chavez-Estevez, AKA ICE, wants to start a race war in the town. On the Domino side, we have La Politica running. Comadre, the mentor and veteran, ends up recruiting Santa for La Politica's campaign and as the racial tensions rise in the town, Santa learns what it means to be patriotic while harnessing her Mom's military past. When civilians start getting stolen, Santa finds her voice and strength to raid the detention camps and take down ICE.
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Spider-Man: Fake Red GN -  Yusuke Osawa
Yu's new high school is kind of awful. He's failing his classes and striking out socially. Everything changes when he finds one of Spider-Man's costumes abandoned in an alleyway. At first, it's fun to put on the costume and play hero, but when powerful enemies start to appear, Yu quickly realizes he's out of his element. Still, with Spider-Man nowhere to be found, the city needs someone to save it...
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The Prophet GN -  A. David Lewis, Kahlil Gibran & Justin Renteria
First published in 1923, Khalil Gibran's The Prophet is unquestionably the most popular work of free verse published in the English language during the 20th century. The slender book tells the story of exiled Almustafa, leaving his refugee home of Orphalese after twelve years of banishment. Before he goes, however, he has words of wisdom for the people who took him in. This graphic adaptation features a faithful rendering of the original text with a flashback sequence that explains the prehistory of Almustafa and an afterword by A. David Lewis.
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This Is Not My Story HC -  Ryan Uytdewilligen & David Huyck
The brave captain of a tiny spaceship is surrounded by flying saucers. Though the situation appears dire, he knows just what to do... um, wait! The brave captain-ahem, boy-tells the author to stop the action: He's got it all wrong. This is not the boy's story. He belongs in a different story. The author considers this. Then he begins again, with a story about Cattle King Carl, the quickest cattle wrangler in the West... No! Still not the boy's story? Hmm. Is he a dragon-slaying knight? No! A vampire's next victim? No! A boy going on a date? No! Will the author ever come up with the right story?
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Twisted Tales: Part Of Your World GN -  Stephanie Kate Strohm, Liz Braswell, Kelly Matthews & Nichole Matthews
Discover a new side of The Little Mermaid in this darkly romantic reimagining of the classic Disney film! It's been five years since the infamous sea witch defeated the little mermaid... and took King Triton's life in the process. Ariel is now the voiceless queen of Atlantica, while Ursula runs Prince Eric's kingdom on land. But when Ariel discovers that her father might still be alive, she finds herself returning to a world-and a prince-she never imagined she would see again. Ursula has been making the most of her role as princess: With the kingdom-and Prince Eric-under her spell, the sea witch has been plotting, scheming, and waging war. And after the disguised sea witch catches wind that Ariel has resurfaced, her thirst for power threatens both land and sea. It's up to Ariel to overthrow the murderous villain before Ursula can destroy her home, her prince, and the world she once longed to be a part of.
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Void Rivals #1 -  Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici & Matheus Lopes 
War rages around the Sacred Ring, where the last remnants of two worlds have collapsed around a black hole in a never-ending war.  However, when pilot Darak and his rival Solila both crash on a desolate planet, these two enemies must find a way to escape together. But are they alone on this strange planet? And what dark forces await that threaten the entire universe? 
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Why I Adopted My Husband GN -  Yuta Yagi
As a gay couple living in Japan (where gay marriage is not yet legal), Yuta and Kyota have found a unique loophole in order to live together and support one another financially, legally and medically; Kyota adopted Yuta. This nonfiction manga depicts how they met, living together, discussions with their parents, and their future anxieties and determination as they strive for independence and equal rights under Japanese law.
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Xino #1 -  Chris Condon, Nick Cagnetti & Matt Lesniewski
Because the future is getting weirder everyday, we give you XINO #001-the first of three OVERSIZED, 40-PAGE intra-ocular lozenges of subversive, surrealist science-fiction to cure your awful awareness of it all. Try not to worry-the insertion process will be guided by the megawatt brilliance of Oni's brightest talents (past, present, and future) as they slowly tune your hopes, dreams, desires, paranoia, alienation, anxiety, and adrenaline to produce the desired results. In our first exploratory outing: Rising stars Melissa Flores (The Dead Lucky, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) & Daniel Irizarri (Judge Dredd) surgically activate the hidden dimensions of the human senses; cult phenoms Christopher Condon (That Texas Blood) and Nick Cagnetti (Pink Lemonade) debut the world's first intravenous video game system; Underground radicals Jordan Thomas (Weird Work) and Shaky Kane (Bulletproof Coffin) surveil the suburbs for signs of covert infiltration, and master cartoonist and foundational Oni creator Phil Hester (Gotham City: Year One, The Coffin) returns to the fold to leave his deepest mark yet!
Whatcha picking up this week, Fantom Fam?
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smashpages · 1 year
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Out this week: Queen of Swords #1 (Vault, $4.99):
The hit comic Barbaric gets a spinoff as Michael Moreci and K.J. Diaz present the story of three women and their talking sword. 
See what else is arriving at your local comic shop this week.
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dynamobooks · 4 months
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Michael Moreci & Corin Howell: Queen of Swords (2024)
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theworkprint · 10 months
Queen of Swords Volume 1 Review: An Abrupt Hack and Slash
Queen of Swords Volume 1 marks the second comic I’ve reviewed from Vault Comics. I like how pulpy and action-packed their fare tends to be, though I’m starting to notice a pattern. Their comics are much shorter than I would like and tend to end on cliffhangers. This is unfortunate since Queen of Swords Volume 1 ends just as things were starting to get really good. One thing I didn’t realize about…
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
The Barbaric Universe expands in 2023! The year of Axe!
The Barbaric Universe expands in 2023! The year of Axe! #comics #comicbooks
In 2023, Vault will launch The Year of Axe, a year long event that will dramatically expand the world of Barbaric  with two full new Barbaric arcs, the first ever Barbaric spin-off series, Queen of Swords, an oversized one-shot written with legendary fantasy author Nicholas Eames, and a new line of trade paperback Barbaric collections. The world of Barbaric will never be the same. Here is the…
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lloydfrontera · 5 months
may i please ask what are all of lloyd's titles and their functions? the ones in wiki are based on the manhwa and all of them are basically joke titles and descriptions 🙏
oh this is a hard one, okay let me see if i can remember (and find) all of them-
uhm, turned out this got longer than i anticipated so. for the sake of not cluttering everyone's dash everything's gonna be under a read more
Ch. 101 [Exemplifying Punisher] [Title Level: Fiefdom rumor] The hooligan is out for trouble again! He endured everyone’s mockery. In doubt and suspicion, he fought while drenched in sweat. Against the sword of the traitor, he stood with bravery. No retreat. He remained canny. At last, he punished the big snitch. The root of injustice he plucked, willful and witty. Lloyd Frontera, the hooligan, the eldest son of the barony. [Compliment Effect: You hold great influence on those below you. Those who work for you pay more attention to your words. Cases of disobedience and insubordination will be reduced significantly.] [Title Region: Frontera barony.] [Active Period of Title: 7 years] [Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 1]
Ch. 101 [Builder of Dead Estates]
Ch. 101 [Honored Warrior of the Barbaric Tribe]
Ch. 101 [Guardian of Cremo] [Title Level: Regional talk] Carpeted the night sky, the monster’s gaze. Stood a man’s powerful will. The city’s blaze died at his yell. The monster’s heart dropped as his feet fell. Night of disaster may not quell. But the morning ray shall fall. Come. Oh, the monster of the deep sea. Come. Oh, to the dawn of protection. [Compliment Effect: When you fight an opponent ten times or heavier than you, “Iron Stance” is invoked. The damage you deal against the opponent will double. The damage you receive from the opponent will be halved.] [Title Region: Entire Cremona region, including City of Cremo.] [Active Period of Title: 120 years] [Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 6]
Ch. 101 [Magentano Carry] [Title Level: The unofficial history of the kingdom] Faster than anyone else, you have arrived. The poison hungry for my heart, you have plucked. Without reservation, you have left your mark on my heart. You have gasped for air in place of my breath. Your eyes trembled in place of mine. You have even tried to sacrifice your life to save mine. At last, your back carried my body, and you protected me with an indomitable spirit. My dear brave Frontera. How can I ignore you? How can I forget you? My soul is indebted to you for as long as your breath lasts and heart beats. [Compliment Effect: As the lifesaver of Queen Magentano, you have her absolute trust. Your opinion and advice will be positively received. Moreover, for as long as her reign continues, you will never be suspected of treason or rebellion.] [Title Region: Magentano Kingdom] [Active Period of Title: Queen Magentano's reign]
Ch. 109 [Bell Saver] [Title Level: Regional talk] Murky clouds covered the eastern sky. Carrying an apocalypse, they flew. Livestock perished, houses crushed. Humans weeped, swords snapped. When death neared everyone. When two fiefdoms despaired as one. A bell tolled aloud in unison. Bong. The livestock was saved. Bong. The people woke up. Bong. Hope was alive. That's why we shall chant out for our savior. [Compliment Effect: The Frontera barony and Lacona viscounty, who have undergone the attack of the plague of locusts, will consider you as their lifesaver throughout your lifetime. Moreover, every form of insect monster instinctively will fear you and get discouraged when they see you.] [Title Region: Frontera barony and Lacona viscounty.] [Active Period of Title: 110 Years.] [Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 3]
Ch. 119 [The Eldest Son of the Frontera Family.] [Title Level: Regional talk] There are times when you incur a loan or take on debt. But you see... When misfortune sweeps over your life, when crippling debt burdens your shoulders, you and many others will despair. You and many others will berate destiny and bad luck. That isn't bad. Perhaps, it's only natural. Anyone would react that way. That is why he is so great. No one had trusted him. Everyone considered him to be impossible. And yet, he didn't despair and gave up easily. So, my son, when the weight of life seems to crush you down, look toward his accomplishment. For potential is always present in everyone. [Compliment Effect: You have attained the highest financial credit ranking in the Cremona region. You can now acquire an investment in the most advantageous conditions and with the lowest interest rate available at any time. Moreover, no one will pressure you for an investment or any form of a loan.] [Active Period of Title: Lifetime] [Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 2]
Ch. 139 [The Leader for the Weary] Title Level: Fiefdom history I lost my home. I ran out of food. I didn't even have fire to warm me. I roamed without aim. Aha, this is how it ends for me. My tears and sighs were endless. I crawled, comforting my starving child. I wandered for a place to die. There was no paradise in sight. Not even somewhere to lie down. I gave up and dispaired. Then, I met him. That was when I finally realized. Someone held out his hand to me. To me, who had given up on myself. I realized that there was one person left to save me. Compliment Effect: The refugees settled in Frontera county sincerely revere and look up to you. They wull work the land in their utmost capacity to pay off their debts. For the next 30 years, the terrace fields will have 300% more chances of a bumber crop. The crop will be raised by 200% on default. Title Region: Frontera County Active Period of Title: 30 years Monthly CP earned from the Title: 3
Ch. 160 Do you want the red or blue pill? Title Level: Kingdom History A long, long time ago. In a remote fiefdom in the east, there lived a petty young master. This young master, owning such a foul and warped character, stuck his nose in everyone's business, even regarding their bathroom habits. People thus then asked, young master, my dear young master, why must we collect our poop and throw it here? The young master enthusiastically waved his hands and said, it's smelly, so you might as well hurry. They tilted their heads. But a few years later, they realized. They realized their villages, fiefdoms and fields no longer held traces of any infectious disease. From the moment the news spred, people from all over the kingdom, most of the residents in the fiefdom no longer disposed of their wastes anywhere they could. Compliment Effect: The chances of an infectious disease plaguing the fiefdom are zero for the time being. Moreover, any infectious disease that starts outside the fiefdom will be stopped and eradicated with 100% certainty. Title Region: Frontera county. Active Period of Title: 50 Years. Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 6
Ch. 177 Hell's Singer Title Level: Reguinal Epic Tale & Scary Story The Namaran's Wall stood tall and high. People fell, crying out loud. Everyone searched for redemption when the silver-haired knight got to his feet. Combat he did against Hell's Knight. But he was outpowered. The power of hell was overcome, only to return. The silver haired knight pleaded before the mysterious power. Who shall stand shoulder to shoulder and fight with me? Who shall, with valor, come forward for everyone? I only seek one. Then someone called out. I want peace! Mahavanya Suri Suri Sabaha! Like a leech, the man clutched the Hell's Knight's leg. The thunderous voice plunged the Knight into doom. Stop it! Do not Sing! No more noise, please! Those were the last words of Hell's Knight. Compliment Effect: You have become a celebrity among all existence, including the undead. You are now notorious for oening a devilish musical sense in this earth and hell. For this, every creature in this earth and hell will fear, or at times respect, your singing. Title Region: Namaran County & Hell. Active Period of Title: 80 years (Namaran County)/30,000 years (Hell) Monthly CP earned from the Title: 4
Ch. 197 Top Gun from the West Title Level: Regional Hero Tale There's no water. We're thirsty. Sultan abandoned us. Even the administrator fled away. No help came our way. That seemed to be it. That seemed to be it without change. All may perish, but nothing will change. Everyone gave up. That was the reason. When a young master from a neighboring country woke us up. When he gave us water stressing it was coming from him. What a strange man he is, we thought. What a creepy man he is, we thought. We never knew then. That this young master will never give up on us. That he would toil covered in sad all day when the sultan and administrator abandoned us. So what happened now? Allow me to ask you a question first. My dear customer, would you like some tea? Compliment effect: You have become the livesaver and hero of the entire region by solving the chronic drought that plagued the Kandahar desert. Your tale will spread to all corners of the desert. The shamans of desert tribes in the world bless your name with gratitude and respect. Thanks to it, you will not experience dehydration in any situation in the regions of the complement influence. Title Region: All desert regions. All areas whose annual average climate is 104 Fº and above. Active Period of Title: 300 years. Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 4
Ch. 241 Frozen Hands, Frozen Feet The lava giant is scary. The lava giant is hot. The lava giant is violent. So shh. You can never anger the giant. That is what we believed in. The King of Hell is busy. Hell's Knights hate doing rough work. We never dared to call them, so we just got beaten up. We thought staying low was the answer in life. But it wasn't. There was always a way. Lloyd Frontera, that human. I never expected that humn to start this. Wonder what it is? Let's close the door first if you want to hear it. The cold wind is blowing... A-achoo! Compliment Effect: You have played a critical role in destroying the most dangerous and violent creature in Hell, the lava giant. Thousands of demons clearly saw your feat and this heroic tale will spread across Hell. Thanks to that, you will be feared and respected by the demons equal to Hell's Knight. Moreover, you will not suffer from hypothermia in cold climates and will not freeze to death. Title Region: All Hell regions. All areas whose annual average climate is 32 Fº and below. Active Period of Title: 120 years (Human world)/100,000 years (Hell) Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 6
Ch. 271 Upper abdomen! Upper abdomen! Upper abdomen! Title Level: Maritime legend. (I'm skipping this one. It's not worth typing out all of it) Compliment Effect: You have resolved the Kraken's indigestion in one try. The Kraken and thousands of members of the Mermaid Corps clearly witnessed this. For this, your heroic feat will spread throughout all the seas in the world, and getting hit in the upper abdomen will become the go-to-method among marine creatures to treat indigestion. Moreover, you have acquired <Underwater Breathing> and <Upper Abdomen Jab>. The former skills allows you to freely breathe underwater, and the latter skill enables you to empty anyone's stomach in the water with just one jab. Title Region: Any terrain that has a water level of above 20 inches, which includes seas, rivers, lakes and bathtubs. Active Perdio of Title: 3,000 years. Monthly CP earned from the title: 5
Ch. 295 Don't Look Down on a Human Ever Again Title Level: Regional Folktale Trot. Trot. There once was a man. He ran in the morning. In the afternoon. In the evening. With his only two legs, he waddled and created a distasteful sight. And he was slow, so slow that even a foal would yawn. But he was faster than four legged creatures. He ran across the vast plain and reached the territory of the humans. He proved that the one who arrives at the finish line first is faster than the one who runs fast. So, what do you have to do if you wish to run like him? How about you start running southward? Just 372 miles. Compliment effect: With your marvelous show of tenacity and endurance, you have opened a new era of long-distance running to the centaurs. The centaur champion and many others who watched the race genuinely accepted your long-distance running method. Owing to it, your reputation will spread to every corner of the vast plain, and the new running method - running a long distance while saving energy - will be a trend among the young centaurs. Moreover, you have acquired a new passive effect <Fuel Efficiency> that reduces the energy consumption by half in situations where your heartbeat goes over 140 every minute. Title Region: The Great Plain of Klamath. Any plain ground with a land mass of over 1,000m² Active Period of Title: 160 years. Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 2
Ch. 359 Hell's Top Talent Title Level: Hero's Legacy Okay, it’s time to study the railway of the past. Open your History of Modern Civil Engineering Book to page 359. Yes. That’s the famous Pantara Railway, which I’m sure every one of you knows. Student in the front row. Could you briefly walk us through how this railroad came to be? Excellent. That’s correct. The Pantara Railway, just like what the student said, is a masterpiece built by Lloyd Frontera, who received an order from the Magentano House. Hahaha. Are you all bored? It’s Lloyd Frontera again. Look at this section, and you’ll find Lloyd Frontera. Move on to the next part and you still find him. I, too, am sick of him. Had it not been for him, we would only have one eight of what we will study this summer. But what else can we do? That son of a gun set the groundwork for the civil engineering of our empire. So, it would be unfair if we were the only ones to suffer, no? Let’s hit the book. Come now. Let’s study harder, create new theories and make it harder for the students who’ll come after you all. All right, so the Pantara Railroad introduced the switchback system for the first time in the world… Compliment Effect: You used every means possible to finish the railroad in the Pantara Range. In this process, you tricked countless people who shuddered in shock and repulsion. The demons watching over you could not give you enough praise. As a result, countless residents of Hell and the undead have come to respect and admire you even more strongly. Precaution: The affections of the demons may come at the expense of Hell's King overwhelming desire to recruit you. Title Region: All the Regions of the Human World and Hell Active Period of Title: 1200 years (Human World)/750,000 years (Hell) Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 8
ok so. those are all i could remember off the top of my head and find today. i am almost certain i missed one but i can't for the life of me remember what arc it's in. still! hope this helps!
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marlutterianae · 11 months
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"My eyes are many, and they've seen it all. And through the teeth of my weapons, I've tasted your heart. My horns are more penetrating, than any baneful gaze. My tears are formed by the blood of my prey, running down from their wounds into my dry throat. My soul that once was claimed by the grace of the Six Eyed Queen of Terror now roams and prowls in search of a new new liege to serve...” Thus the Baron emerged from the veiny veils of his nebulous hideout, sword carved out of a Behemoth’s Tusk in hand, wielded forward to perform the ritualistic knighting and blood binding to this lordless demon warrior. He asks...  “Are you willing to reinvigorated the fallen royalty in this new age of barbarity at my side as my honor guard?”. 
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To which the Demon Knight responded with a simple... 
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... Art by ElizBee [ https://twitter.com/ElizBee5
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ptseti · 5 months
During the European Dark Ages, between the 7th and 14th century AD, the Moorish Empire in Spain became one of the world's finest civilizations. General Tarik and his Black Moorish army from Morocco, conquered Spain after a week-long battle with King Roderick in 711 AD. (The word tariff and the Rock of Gibraltar were named after him). They found that Europe, with the assistance of the Catholic Church, had returned almost to complete barbarism. The population was 90% illiterate and had lost all of the civilizing principles that were passed on by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
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The Moors reintroduced mathematics, medicine, agriculture, and the physical sciences. Arabic figures including the zero and the decimal point replaced the clumsy Roman numerals. As Dr. Van Sertima says, "You can't do higher mathematics with Roman numerals." The Moors introduced agriculture to Europe including cotton, rice, sugar cane, dates, ginger, lemons, and strawberries. They also taught them how to store grain for up to 100 years and built underground grain silos. They established a world-famous silk industry in Spain. The Moorish achievement in hydraulic engineering was outstanding.
They constructed an aqueduct, that conveyed water from the mountains to the city through lead pipes from the mountains to the city. They taught them how to mine for minerals on a large scale, including copper, gold, silver, tin, lead, and aluminium. Spain soon became the world centre for high-quality sword blades and shields. Spain was eventually manufacturing up to 12,000 blades and shields per year. Spanish craft and woollen became world famous. The Moorish craftsman also produced world-class glass, pottery, vases, mosaics, and jewellery.
The Moors introduced to Europe paved, lighted streets with raised sidewalks for pedestrians, flanked by uninterrupted rows of buildings. Paved and lighted streets did not appear in London or Paris for centuries. They constructed thousands of public markets and mills in each city. Cordova alone had 5,000 of each. They were also introduced to Spain's underwear and bathing with soap. Their public baths numbered in the thousands when bathing in the rest of Europe was frowned upon as a diabolical custom to be avoided by all good Christians.
Poor hygiene contributed to the plagues in the rest of Europe. Moorish monarchs dwelled in sumptuous palaces while the crowned heads of England, France, and Germany lived in barns, lacking windows, toilets, and chimneys, with only a hole in the roof as the exit for smoke. Human waste material was thrown in the streets since no bathrooms were present. Education was made mandatory by the Moors, while 90% of Europe was illiterate, including the kings and queens. The Moors introduced public libraries to Europe with 600,000 books in Cordova alone. They established 17 outstanding universities in Spain.
Since Africa is a matriarchal society, women were also encouraged to devote themselves to serious study, and it was only in Spain that one could find female doctors, lawyers, and scientists. Moorish schoolteachers knew that the world was round and taught geography from a globe. They produced expert maps with all sea and land routes accurately located concerning latitude and longitude; while also introducing compasses to Europe.
They were such expert shipbuilders that they were able to use their geography expertise to import and export as far away as India and China. It was not by accident that a Moor named Pietro Olonzo Nino was the chief navigator for Christopher Columbus on the flagship Santa Maria.
He is said to have argued with Columbus as to who really discovered America. One of the worst mistakes the Moors made was to introduce gunpowder technology from China into Europe because their enemies adopted this weapon and used it to drive them out of Spain.
Europe then took the 700 years of civilization and education re-taught to them by the Moors and used this knowledge to attack Africa. While the Moors were re-civilizing Europe, great empires were thriving in Western Africa and frequently traded with the Moors.
These included the empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay, which prospered between 700 AD and 1600 AD. Africa was not a dark continent awaiting European civilization. In fact, Black African Egyptians and Black African Moors are credited with civilizing Europe."
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francesderwent · 2 years
Pls help I finally got a new library card and I'm drunk with power and the need for more books except I have no idea what to read next after finishing The Queen's Thief. *hands out like Oliver Twist* pls, miss, can I have some book recs??
AHHHHHHHH I am ALWAYS so excited to talk about books!
So first of all, my condolences. You have so many amazing books ahead of you in life—we all do, God willing!—but nothing will ever be the Queen’s Thief again!! And that’s a moment I think we need to acknowledge.
With the one data point of the Queen’s Thief, there’s not very many obvious places to go, since there's nothin' else like it!! So basically what I’m going to give you is Cate’s Greatest And Most Approachable Hits. Some of the stuff I love is weird, and I recognize not everybody is going to care for it! But the stuff on this list, I would pretty much recommend to any and everybody!!! You might not like it, but hopefully you won’t think I’m crazy for recommending it lol.
[One asterisk has references to adult content, two asterisks has some skippable sex scenes on page.]
The Goblin Emperor, by Katherine Addison.* This is the one and only book I recommend in relation to the Queen’s Thief, specifically if you really liked King of Attolia. The Goblin Emperor is about a forgotten and exiled distant royal who unexpectedly inherits the throne. There are so many characters and so many names and everybody uses the formal “we”, so it’s not a quick or easy read, but this book is about love discovered where you least expect it and man oh man it makes me cry.  
I’m going to make my own weirdo transitions based on perceived similarity like a very drawn-out version of the "I've connected the dots--I've connected them!" meme. And from The Goblin Emperor and its unloved monarch, I’m going to move to:
The Hero & the Crown and The Blue Sword, by Robin McKinley.* These are the only Robin McKinley books I’m putting on the list, because they’re just the best ones, and because Aerin is my heart. The Blue Sword was written first, but The Hero and the Crown is a prequel, so you can read whichever one first. The Blue Sword is about a young woman who moves to an outpost of a barbaric land of horsemen tribes and then is kidnapped by a barbarian king. It’s about the meaning of home. The Hero and the Crown is about an extraneous princess who tries to carve out a place for herself in the country that hates her by taking care of pests, i.e., small dragons. It’s about service. They’re both so, so good.
From extraneous princess I’m taking us to:
The Two Princesses of Bamarre and Ella Enchanted, by Gail Carson Levine. You may have read them as a kid, but I’m here to tell you, they hold up!! Two Princesses is about one adventurous sister and one timid sister, but when the adventurous one falls ill, the timid one has to go on a quest to find the cure. Ella Enchanted is a Cinderella retelling, but Ella was cursed at birth to always be obedient. It’s one of the best fairytale romances there is! If you’ve seen the movie, forget it! Nothing alike! The book has a heart!
From retelling to retelling:
Princess of the Midnight Ball and Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow, by Jessica Day George. These are more recent than Levine’s retellings, but they were an instant classic for me! Princess is a retelling of the Twelve Dancing Princesses, told from the perspective of the oldest daughter and the under-gardener. It is so sweet and so romantic. Sun and Moon is an East of the Sun, West of the Moon retelling, it’s kind of a wacky fairytale but she totally makes it work. I love George’s depiction of sibling relationships in both of these books!
From retelling to retelling to retelling:
Spinning Silver, by Naomi Novik.* This book follows three women: one a Jewish moneylender resolutely freezing her heart to drag her family out of poverty, one an eldest sister trying to survive her father’s plans and her mother’s fate, and one an unattractive noblewoman whose father wants to marry her off to the czar. It’s a Rumpelstiltskin story. It’s a faerie story. It’s perfect.
And one more retelling because I love them:
The Goose Girl, by Shannon Hale. It’s kind of The gold-standard fairytale retelling for me?? All the elements of the original are there, and there’s some exciting twists, but it all hangs together. It’s just a good novel.
I'm gonna transition to another Shannon Hale novel:
Austenland, Shannon Hale. You may have seen the film, and I like the film! But the book is better. It’s about a woman who’s had a string of unsuccessful relationships and keeps running back into the arms of one Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. She has the opportunity to attend an immersive regency experience, with costumes and actors as the Austen-esque heros and rules about who goes into dinner when. Will this last hurrah get the fantasy out of her system? What does reality have in store for her?
From Austen we’re gonna move to Heyer:
The Grand Sophy, by Georgette Heyer. Georgette Heyer is The regency romance author, and I think The Grand Sophy is probably the best starter book. I don’t think Heyer is dumb, and I don’t think Austen isn’t funny, so I’d say Heyer is Austen plus shenanigans. Sophy moves in with a family whose lives are all run by the relentlessly practical eldest brother. Sophy doesn’t take direction.
From regency romance to regency fantasy:
Mairelon the Magician, by Patricia C. Wrede. I don’t think you can go wrong with Wrede, but this book and its sequel are probably my favorite of hers. Street urchin Kim is hired to rob a performing magician, but it turns out he’s actually a magician, and he takes Kim along to help him unravel a plot. I’m a massive sucker for “regency England but with stuffy wizards” and Wrede just does it best!!  
From Mairelon I’m moving to Wimsey, which makes perfect sense to me but might not make sense to anyone else:
Clouds of Witness, by Dorothy Sayers. This is the second book in the Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries, but I think I would recommend starting here. A murder takes place in the Wimsey family home and Lord Peter has to bring his disreputable talent for detecting home. Wimsey is hilarious, and also if you read enough of his books you will fall in love with him a little, but the Wimsey mysteries are all also just really good mysteries!
Classic detective to classic detective:
The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, by Laurie King. Young orphan Mary Russell happens across a retired Sherlock Holmes and thus begins a lifelong partnership. This book is lovely, meandering through small stories of childhood and little cases to something more dramatic at the end. It’s about finding a kindred spirit and coming of age.
The transitions have been fun but at this point they are getting Difficult. Let’s transition from a book about a young girl to another book about several young girls:
The Penderwicks series, by Jeanne Birdsall. I think you’ve read these already, but I would hate to leave them off, since this list is my gift to posterity! The Penderwicks is how Little Women felt when I was a kid! Sisters who love each other! Mischief! A Very Interesting Boy! I love the way Birdsall writes children so much—it makes me remember what it felt like to look at the world like that, and it heals something in me, it really does!
I can make this work! Batty is an animal lover, so we’re gonna transition to:
Protector of the Small series, by Tamora Pierce.* This is the third of three quartets set in the same universe, and previous characters will definitely show up, but these ones are both the best written by far and also the ones where Pierce’s second-wave feminism gets in the way the least. If you like these I fully support going back and reading Song of the Lioness as a prequel! First Test is about Keladry of Mindelan, the young daughter of diplomats who’s the first girl to openly be trained as a knight, after her heroine Alanna made it by pretending to be a boy for years. Kel is a no-nonsense kind of person, and a brilliant tactical thinker, but she also has a heart for the helpless—she befriends the sparrows at her window and hates bullies and protects servants. She’s a fantastic heroine.
The last book in Protector of the Small and the last book in the next series are *handshake emoji* but I can’t tell you why, sooo
Scholomance trilogy, by Naomi Novik.** Nobody will shut up about these books, including me, and there is a reason why!! They’re astounding! Galadriel Higgins is a student at the Scholomance, a death trap of a magic school that wizards send their children to because it’s at least better than being constantly in danger in the outside world. El has made her peace with the competition of life—not everyone is going to make it, you can only look after yourself—but then she has one too many run-ins with the school’s shining hero, Orion Lake. She has a real talent for death and mass destruction and alienating people; he has a real talent for killing monsters and forgetting people’s names. Magic demands balance, after all…doesn’t it?
From here I’ve got no choice but to go to:
Folk of the Air trilogy, by Holly Black.** Spiritual sisters with the Scholomance books: why? Because I said so. These books are a fairytale about love and power, and they’re absolutely modern but totally true. Jude’s parents were killed by a Fae when she was a small child, and her parents’ murderer brought her and her sisters back to court with him and raised them as his own as a matter of honor. She’s a human where humans are playthings and servants, the only home she’s ever known is full of dangers for her, but Jude is determined to prove her worth. If she can’t be as good as them—she’ll be so much worse.
Folk of the Air seems like it’s making fun of notions of goodness and true love and then quietly subverts our expectations by making them more true than even we thought, which brings us to:
Discworld, particularly Guards! Guards!, by Terry Pratchett.* Guards! Guards! is dedicated to the members of the palace guard who appear in one scene in every adventure to run at the hero one by one and then be cut down. I’m really struggling to describe it. It’s about a tiny group of cynical, jaded guardsmen who have given up on their city, until two things happen: a young, hopeful new recruit joins the ranks and doesn’t know yet why laws are flimsy things to be swept under the rug. And a dragon attacks. You can famously start Discworld anywhere, but I’d start here.
And finally, last because it’s unsortable:The Scorpio Races, by Maggie Stiefvater. I can’t in good conscience recommend the Raven Cycle because it’s so unsatisfying and also it will ruin your life, but the girlies deserve a little Stiefvater, as a treat!! And Scorpio Races is the only book of hers I’ve ever read that has an ending that seems fitting. Puck lives on a small island famous for one thing only: in November, bloodthirsty horse-like things come out of the water. And islanders capture them, and train them, and race them—even if it kills them.
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Only Fools Build Bridges
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Part 13
Warnings: Death, Violence, Battle, Smutty themes
It was as if time stopped. Fresh, sticky, thick red blood coated the soles of my feet, and for the first time in a while, it wasn’t my blood. The Queen stood straight-faced, her thick cloak and demeanor hiding the fact that she was truly taking much shallower, quicker breaths than she led on. The newly crowned ‘King Coward’ had a look to kill. Godwin stood brazenly, but inside, his stomach was probably churning as he seemed to gulp down whatever contents had just arisen from his throat. The walls were not only collapsing around England but around its leaders themselves. My stature was limp, my body aching, my head spinning, only able to hear the sound of my heart beating and the raging ringing that pierced my eardrums. But the fact remained the same, I had to run. 
The world around me flooded back to an astounding relativity of time. The sound of clanging metals, screeching against one another as its handlers fought for dominance against one another. The barbarous grunts of Vikings echoed across the bridge as they simultaneously protruded a threatening thump as they smashed weapon to shield. The desperate gasp of men around me as they slowly perspired, desperately gasping for a miracle as arrows were plunged deep into their flesh. Godwin, Queen Emma and King Edmund almost snapping their own necks at the speed which they directed their gaze from the horrors ahead, instead, to me. It’s amazing, how the human body can be so defiled, bruised, and battered in ways that were nothing short of excruciating, but with enough adrenaline, and a little hope, all that anguish could be cast aside in an instant. 
The crisp cool air swept against my salved legs, a gentle sting piercing each bit of open flesh as I turned my back to the battle unravelling in-front of me, facing the wind head on, it took all the willpower I had left to move one foot in front of the other. I could hear footsteps scuttling behind me as I slipped down the stone stairwell, hissing at the feeling of gravel grating my already frail skin. Landing on my bottom, I gripped the walls beside me in an attempt to gather the strength to pull my body from the ground. In a panic, I whipped my head around to find the boy King right behind me, sword in hand. This was definitely it. This was the end, death had been a constant companion these past few months, but now he was coming to claim me. Involuntarily, I swiped my palms from the stone wall, bringing them around my torso to comfort myself from my inevitable end. The rough thrust of a sword came crashing down on my shoulder, but instead of entering my flesh, it only collided on the surface. ‘MOVE’ King Edmund screamed as my weight naturally thrust in the direction which the hilt of his sword had pushed me. The King ran forward, continuing down the stairs as men trailed on his lead, heading toward the battle. 
‘Y/N’ Godwin’s voice, exasperated yet sullen, piercingly seethed from the upstairs turret. But as men continued to obediently follow their King to the Viking front, his aggravated cries were drowned out by the sound of footsteps of men flailing down the stairs. I thrust my weight forward, crawling on all fours, busting my knees against the ground with only the thin cloth of my skirt, which was already ripped in places, providing any protection. I rounded the stairs, crawling along the thin inner baileys of the castle, crawling towards the next closest tower to hide within the interiors of the castle. As I crawled toward the side castle doors, stones began to pound the ground next to me. I could hear Godwin grunting as he desperately tried to stop my movements. It was necessary for a strong warrior to harbour skills in armed combat, harness every power within oneself to control ones fine motor skills in order to perfect the gruesome job of killing. If you couldn’t harness all that, then like Godwin, you were placed in advisory roles. The wooden door was slightly ajar as the wind causes it to bang against the stone walls. Ajar, closed, ajar closed. As I got closer, I gently lifted my sore arm, my shoulder piercing and throbbing, desperately warning me against such action. The door slightly ajar, as it went to bang shut against its frame, instead it collided with the palm of my hand, allowing me to crawl inside and slam the door behind me. The pelting of stones continuing to bolt against the outside of the door. 
While I was familiar with the main grounds of the castle, the unfamiliarity of the small room around me caught me by surprise. It was barren, lifeless, dusty. But the throne that sat in the centre of the room as well as the half filled wine decanter showed evidence that this room was very much still occupied. 
I took a moment to breath. The adrenaline running through my body confirmed my suspicion, that somehow, I was still very much alive. The ringing in my eardrums began to ascend. Clutching the armrest of the chair next to me, using my good arm, I managed to pull my frail body from the ground. The pain and stinging from my legs was now concentrated in my shoulder where the hilt smash of a sword had previously occurred. Limply trudging across the room to the small table that sat behind the throne, I picked up the wine decanter, not bothering to use the goblets, I chugged every last drop of the odorous, likely expensive contents. Leaning my bodyweight on the table, the sound of high-pitched screams echoed from down the corridor. I turned to the back of the room, trudging aimlessly toward the thick velvet red curtains that lay by the stain glass window that allowed a clouded sunlight to only just lighten the room. The doors burst open as the sound of crying women entered the room, followed by the sound of sturdy cobbled shoes striding against the wooden floor. I hitched my breath in my throat as the Footsteps strode toward the curtain, only to have them stop as someone plonked themselves on the throne. ‘Let us pray’ Queen Emma’s soft, yet sturdy voice commanded across the small room. The sound of women's voices shakily begun to mutter prayers to themselves. Some reciting ones from the bible, others praying for mercy. 
Behind the curtain, through a small crack of broken glass, I put my eye up to the window, peeping through the little hole to see what horrors had taken place outside. Ships had almost magically appeared within the harbour, the yelling of soldiers and Vikings as they bloodthirstily swung their weapons at one another. But there was an eerie undetectable sound. An insatiably loud creaking. 
Without any warning, the bridge between the mainland and the main gate of the castle came crashing down beneath. The women inside screamed at the sound of the loud bang, piercing their senses, however I stared in disbelief. 
Prayers became more speedily recited, I could almost hear the Queens fingernails digging into the wooden armrests of the throne which she sat. It seemed like hours we sat there, myself still safely concealed behind the velvet curtain. A grey swept cloudy sky turned to nightfall. 
The sound of footsteps echoed from outside the room, thunderous, prosperous, confident. The interior doors to the room flung open as that familiar barbarian language filled the room. Women screamed, myself and Emma staying still. ‘YOU HAVE FOUND THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND. I DEMAND TO SEE CANUTE’ she announced as she fiercely stood from her seat. ‘Would you settle for me?’ An almost cheeky voice exclaimed. ‘Olaf’ was all she replied before the footsteps trudged forward, escorting the Queen and the women from the room. Most of the Vikings left, but a few stayed. 
Hours it seemed passed as the Vikings sat on the ground, relishing in the moment of relaxation. Even the fiercest needed a break. I stood there, behind that velvet curtain, my body leaning against the stone wall behind me, threatening to give out as my already weak legs became sorer and sorer.  I still couldn’t understand the language perfectly, but I could pick up a few words from the conversation around me. ‘Defeat’ ‘Captured’ ‘King Coward…’. The shallow discussions were suddenly interrupted by the doors flying open, and Canute’s all too familiar voice protruding across the room. ‘Out’ he commanded. The men instantly reacted, getting up from their spots of the ground and exiting the room. As the last pair of footsteps left the room, the King muttered something to the person, the word ‘Mathilda’ could be heard at the end of his sentence, followed by a brotherly slap on the back, which Vikings so often greeted one another with. Canute strode towards the centre of the room, sitting upon the same throne which had Queen Emma on it hours ago. Another set of heavy footsteps wearily followed the King into the room. ‘Come Harald’ the King commanded. My breath hitched in my throat at the sound of his name. 
The doors closed gently as the two men conversed. While I couldn’t understand entirely, the tone of the men's voices indicated the gravity and seriousness of the conversation unfolding. The discussion and vocabulary was complex, nothing like I’d heard before. But only one sentence unfolded that I could understand, it came from Canute addressing Harald. ‘What if I could make you King of Norway?’ The discussion turned to arguing as the pair conversed with one another intently. Harald’s sudden silence indicated that he wasn’t expecting to hear whatever Canute had told him, nor did he likely want to hear it. Canute, satisfied with the outcome of the conversation rose from the throne and strode toward the door to leave. But his footsteps stopped, he let out a chuckle, but then he spoke in a language I could understand. ‘You can come out now…Saxon’. The doors slammed shut as the King retreated from the room. Stood still, still in shock, my consciousness was brought back by that familiar voice. Confronting, deep, yet somehow soothing. ‘Saxon?’ He said. Gently I pulled the curtain to the side slowly, revealing my presence after hours of standing. He was covered in blood, his under-eyes seemed dark, yet his face shone in the moonlight that cast upon his face. Without thought, I limped towards his tall frame, arms reaching out for him. His tall statue bent down as he held his arms out to catch my weak frame. My chest collided with his rock hard armour, and my feet were swept from the ground as I nuzzled my face into his neck. His strong arm wrapped around my waist as his other arm reached up, and his large hand rested on the back of my head, stroking my hair. He smelled of sweat, blood, seawater and mud. I didn’t care though, and as much as I wanted to dismiss the feelings, his embrace brought comfort to me. At that moment, I felt safe.
Our stomachs pressed against one another, my breasts pressed tightly against his, his beard felt rugged against the side of my face. Something about it felt comfortable, yet nerve wracking. As our chests rose and fell against one another, his arm seemed to get tighter around my waist as we stayed in the tight embrace. I could feel the hairs on his body stand to attention as my hot breath danced on the skin of his neck. I didn’t want to pull away, and it didn’t seem like he wanted to either. Wetting my lips with my tongue, I accidentally licked his neck, a slight moan emitting from his mouth as his body seemed to stiffen. ‘I’m sorry’ I choked out, before the tears ran involuntarily from my eyes. ‘Shhh Shh Shh’ he comforted, stroking my hair with more vigour. I almost gasped as his weight shifted, and my feet returned to the floor. I couldn’t look at him, so I kept my eyes cast down to the ground. His warm hands suddenly cupped my face, I wanted to push them away, but I couldn’t. He simply leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. I leaned my forehead right into his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist. I could feel his arms gently reach around his back, unwrapping my limp wrists from his torso. ‘Go prepare a room Saxon’ he whispered before he trudged away from the room without as much as a glance, leaving me standing there. 
What the fuck.
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What are some headcanons on The Heart Siblings?
I'm bad at making headcanons -
But I drew a picture of three out of the Hearts siblings a while back:
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There's five of them, but. Well.
The twins are older. They're called Rosa and Jared.
Rosa is the most responsible of the bunch. Not that that's saying much, but, hmm, she's trying? Like, if she saw a child, she wouldn't kick it.
On the whole, the twins are more responsible and *detached* than the triplets.
Both of these names should mean "rose" because I think that's a cool.
The triplets are younger.
Their names are Mečislav(a) (famous by their sword), Vladivoj (he who leads the army) and Kazimíra (she who destroys the peace).
The reason for these names is that I was tired and didn't wanna research English names so I picked these. It contrasts the twins and the Queen of Hearts might have been in a mood when she named them. Also, Wonderland Would.
Mečislav/a is gender fluid. Because it's Wonderland, gender is a social construct unless it makes a neat pattern or a piece of foreshadowing.
(Time is also a social construct. And death. And math. Anthony Tremaine is suffering.)
Anyway, the birth order goes: Rosa, Jared, Mečislav/a, Vladivoj, Kazimíra. (You see, patterns. Wonderland Would.)
The Queen of Hearts barely remembers how much children she has. They were raised mostly by her card soldiers.
The family did get together for teas. (Remember, time is a social construct. And they're worse than the Hooks.) Also Queen's birthdays and improptu games of croquet that might or might not have been held deliberately in Frollo's chapel. (Utter accident, you see.)
CJ and Kazimíra & Vladivoj are not allowed to hang out together.
CJ might or might not have taught Kazimíra how to make a molotov cocktail.
The Hearts taught Claudine Frollo how to use the two-hand sword. (She thought sabres were barbaric and the Hearts are convinced that swords are the superior weapon.) (She put it to good use ✨)
On unrelated note, „Off with your head!“ makes for an excellent greeting.
They love hanging out at the Tremaine hair salon.
Dizzy is super friendly and ergo one of the two people they'll listen to. (The other being glaring Anthony). The fact that she'll talk fashion with them helps, too.
Mečislav/a has a burn from bleach on his/her face. That was NOT a good afternoon in the hair salon.
Rosa is way too invested in Isle relationships drama.
If I ever have to use Red Hearts, that's Kazimíra pissed off beyond belief because no one can pronounce her name.
They're not allowed into Maddy's Apothecary.
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kirby-universe-4162 · 3 months
If you’re doing the ask game, 🐛🪄🍨🛡️💫💥 for any oc(s)?
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🐛 (Caterpillar) - What are your OC’s greatest fears, and why? How do they act or react when they’re afraid?
- Gaiakon is afraid of fire and hot things. She tends run around in circles no matter how small the fire is.
🪄 (Magic Wand) - Are they capable of wielding magic? Is it a learned skill, or is it innate? What sorts of spells can they cast? Do they possess any magical items or artifacts? [e.g. the Dimensional Mantle]
- Gaiakon uses some natural leaf powers. She’s a leafan after all, so I can safely assume that it’s innate.
🍨 (Ice Cream) - The Invader Armour undergoes a drastic transformation depending on its pilot. If they were to wield it, what appearance would their mech take on? What abilities would it have?
- I’m… unsure on what this question is…
🛡️ (Shield) - Which Clash role would your OC pick - Sword Hero, Hammer Lord, Beam Mage, or Doctor Healmore?
- Gaiakon would choose Hammer Lord. In the vigilante Squad, Gaiakon is known as emergency muscle.
💫 (Shooting Star) - If they were to wish on a clockwork star, like Galactic Nova or Star Dream, what would they wish for?
- I believe Gaiakon would choose freedom away from her abusive marriage and run away with Queen Ripple.
💥 (Collision) - What’s your OC’s combat style like? Do they adhere to any particular code of honour or ethics in a fight, or are they totally unfettered by that sort of thing?
- She uses whips and the wind around her, however she uses possession and unhinged violence— punching and biting if necessary. Elegant if calm, barbaric if angry.
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unusual-raccoon · 1 year
Calm Before the Storm | by Unusual_Raccoon (JaceLuke)
@greeksorceress, @livinginafantasysposts @theartificialintellect
Warnings: Dark Jacaerys Velaryon, Politically Savvy Jacaerys Velaryon, Possessive Jacaerys Velaryon, Manipulation, Luke wants what Jace wants, Dom/Sub Undertones, Codependency, Jace preventing Storm's End because he's codependent and possessive, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Underage Relationships, Masturbation, Oral Fixation, Ball Hog Luke strikes again, Blow Jobs, Ball Sucking, Hand Jobs, Wet & Messy, Jealous Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra), Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
*Spiritual Successor to The Benefit of Losing*
“You should not be going to Storm’s End,” Jace says again, just as he had before and it becomes a mantra in Lucerys’ mind; a prayer to a god made flesh.
I should not be going to Storm’s End, he thinks, do not make me go to Storm’s End - do not make me go where you are not.
WC: 3K+
Ao3 Link
“You should not be going to Storm’s End.”
Jacaerys barks as they march dutifully to their dragons.
Their sister had died, fresh from their mother’s womb. Small Visenya had been put upon a pyre and their mother named queen of the seven kingdoms. Crowned by her uncle-husband.
Her first decree had been to send letters to call upon allies, a passive decision as far as some men believed. Jacaerys included.
It had been Jace’s idea to bear letters upon dragonback in a calculated show of force, and Luke’s decision to side with his brother - always, always.
“She believes she is keeping you safe by sending you there.”
“She is coddling you.” His elder brother sneers, Vermax trills a throaty sound. He had grown so large of late, to the delight of the dragonkeepers, who remarked Jace’s dragon was nearly Syrax’s equal in size. Green and ghoulish and perpetually grinning, Vermax was a sight to behold, even more so with his rider beside him.
“I-“ Lucerys began, “I do not need to be coddled.” He declares boldly, his brother’s mouth tilts upward at the corner of his full lips.
“No,” Jace agrees, brown eyes softening to a shade reminiscent of molasses, sugar sweet, “you don’t.”
He adjusts dyed oil-black leather straps of Vermax’s saddle.
“But-“ Luke adds, voice softer, eyes round, hands fidgeting.
“Aren’t you frightened?” He asks, using a clever twist of words to disguise his own unease with the brewing war. Jacaerys feared nothing, he was bold and brave and strong.
“Of flying North to treat with barbarous savages?” Jacaerys asks, mimicking the words of men far more jaded than he; Luke shrinks at the image his brother’s words paint - of wild bearded men with bloodstained teeth that would sooner eat a young princeling than treat with him.
“No,” he says in a voice more his own, amused in the face of Lucerys’ fear, “I’m not.
“You should not be going to Storm’s End. Borros Baratheon is not his father, what little dragonblood that house possesses will not make him see reason.”
Luke feels flushed as he brother reaches out to coax a stray curl behind Lucerys’ ear.
“We share-“
Jace’s grip in his hair tightens, pain dances across his scalp. His brother’s face warps with anger as Lucerys makes to parrot their mother’s words.
You have Baratheon blood through your grandmother, Rhaenys.
“They are not our kin.”
The sentiment is so raw that it stings, scrapes away some veneer like a sword upon a whetstone.
“But you said-“ Lucerys pictures the Red Keep’s bailey, examining swords with a frown while onlookers had ogled them, the dark haired sons of Laenor Velaryon.
“It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks,” his brother asserts, “but with me, between us,” Jace's grip in his hair softens, passing through dark curls tenderly, it is the touch of a lover and fresh tears gather in Luke’s eyes, “you must always speak the truth, for I would never use it against you.”
Luke nods, nose pink and throat tight. Arrax gives an anxious little trill.
“Do you think that some fat lord with 4 unwed daughters will be glad for your company?”
Luke cringes, jaw tense, eyes stinging. Jace’s thumb, roughened from swordplay and his time as a squire, gathers tears away from Luke’s wet cheeks. The scrape of friction sparks something like flint on steel.
“N-no.” Luke admits.
“No, he will not.” Jace agrees and it feels cruel, the dance of metal up his spine, the taste of bile in his throat.
His eyes, warm sugar sweet eyes that mask the taste of venom, soften when glancing upon Luke.
‘But I would - I am always glad for your company’ Jace’s dark eyes say with a flutter of full lashes. Luke’s belly tips warm.
“You should not be going to Storm’s End,” Jace says again, just as he had before and it becomes a mantra in Lucerys’ mind; a prayer to a god made flesh.
I should not be going to Storm’s End, he thinks, do not make me go to Storm’s End - do not make me go where you are not.
“Your talents would be better suited elsewhere.”
Luke’s ears burn.
“I do not have any talents,” Luke says, on the verge of sulking.
This gives his brother pause. Jacaerys’ lips pull in a bawdy smile that makes him appear as he is, a boy of six and ten, not some graying wartime strategist.
His eyes darken, leering. A roughened thumb perches on Lucerys’ lips. His pulse jumps, his dragon chitters excitedly.
His lips make way, parting gently.
Suddenly, his brother pulls away and Luke feels the enormity of Jacaerys’ absence - no warmth upon his lips, no salt upon his tongue, no acid in his throat.
“Where are you going?” Luke cries, voice cracking and petulant.
“To speak with the queen.”
Lucerys kicks up gray sands chasing after his brother.
“You would question the decision of her grace, the queen?” Daemon purported with a sneer. Though their mother, the queen, holds up a small pale hand to quell him.
“What are you suggesting, Jacaerys?” She asks diplomatically, Luke digs blunt nails into the meat of his palms to keep from fidgeting terribly. Their mother cuts an awful sight upon the dragon seat, the crown of the Old King upon her white-gold head.
Jacaerys stands tall, back straight, it is an effort for him. Their grandmother Rhaenys observes all from a calculated distance - she shares blood with them - through their grandsire Viserys, not Ser Laenor, a voice in his head asserts that sounds alarmingly like his brother. Their shared blood has never been in question, but her reluctance to be familial was always well noted. She did not look upon them with the same warmth, or any for that matter, as she did with Baela and Rhaena.
“It is not in our best interest to send Lucerys to Storm’s End.” Straight to the point, no dithering.
Mother’s shrewd eyes narrowed. Rhaenys mouth curls in an amused expression.
“Did you not request to deliver these letters yourself, boy?” Daemon asks, hand poised upon the dragon’s egg pommel of his sword.
“I did, and I still do. Though, would it not be most beneficial to play to our strengths?”
“And which strength is it that you are referring to?” Their mother asks.
“Numbers,” Jacaerys answers fluidly, “Daemon has said it before, we have more dragons than they do. With your permission I would personally escort Lucerys to the Vale before venturing North to treat with the Lord Cregan Stark. We would appear stronger traveling together and the Vale is the more amenable of the two.” His position is a strong one and Jacaerys holds it with squared shoulders and a neutral expression.
Their mother’s face pinches with concern. Their sister was dead, a little grotesque stranger that broke their mother’s heart. She looks at Luke like he might be next.
“Mother,” Lucerys begins, voice shaky at firm, but one look at Jacaerys steels him, he does not address her as a queen because he is not speaking to the queen, rather to the woman beneath that gilded crown.
“Allow me to go to the Vale and I will not fail you.”
You rather enjoy failure, that voice persists in his head. But Lucerys denies the thought, and will not admit it to himself - he doesn’t like losing, he just enjoys it when Jacaerys wins.
“I am ready. I… I do not need to be coddled.”
The color of their mother’s eyes scorches a wrathful violet for the knowledge that it is no longer her words that he parrots.
“Very well,” she acquiesces, a mindful edge to her words, “Who would you propose we send to treat with the Lord of Storm’s End in Lucerys’ place?”
Her ire was reserved for her heir, for Jacaerys, for the very person who wanted to steal Lucerys away.
Luke gleans the blackness of his brother’s dark eyes, his stomach tingles.
“A deft touch seems to be in order…Grandmother, with the closest ties to the house amongst us, what say you?”
Luke’s fists clench tight, liquid heat gathered in red crescents beneath each nail.
“Borros is a proud man, whose only concern lies in furthering his line… I will speak with him.”
Luke exhales so deeply his chest aches and his vision falters.
“Very well,” their mother agrees.
Lucerys heads for Arrax once more, when he spots a dark head and a white-gold.
Distantly, he can hear the murmur of conversation. He clutches close to a jagged jut of black stone that dotted Dragonstones beaches like craggy, crooked teeth. He is but small and light of foot, and ducks behind the rock.
“-spoke well, Jacaerys.” He hears Daemon say with an astringent sort of pride in his voice.
“Thank you.” Jace says in return.
“Know that while I am away, you must be your mother’s strength.”
Luke’s chest tightens. The scent of sea salt stings his sinuses.
“Secure the North for her. Do not fail her. This is a war now, and I have no intention of losing.”
“I will not.” When Jacaerys says it, it is with conviction, Luke nearly envies it.
Luke peeks over the craggy edge of the stone he had huddled behind, glimpses Daemon’s white-gold head, his stepfather’s broad shoulders…
“What have I taught you of war, young prince?” Daemon questions, a curious curl to the thin line of his lips. A hand settles on Jace’s shoulder. His brother’s expression does not falter but he examines Daemon’s hand, with its bespoke rings bearing Targaryen heraldry.
Jace’s eyes are so very dark.
“The winner takes all.”
There is ice in Lucerys’ veins. He stares down at his hands and finds bloodied palms.
They depart within the hour of receiving the queen’s blessing, with letters meant for ravens. Meleys goes one way and they go another.
Arrax vocalizes a bright, happy sound, shearing through the sky like a bough of lightning with scales of pearl and accents of gold.
Vermax trills beside him, large and grinning, obliterating a cloud they gracefully fly over, moisture clings to Jace’s hair and clothes.
Lucerys giggles, throat dry and lips blue in the brisk air.
They land just before nightfall to eat and drink and sleep, though Lucerys is terribly jittery.
Jacaerys finds them a cave to settle in for the night. They lay out their cloaks to cushion against the cold stone and coax a fire out of some kindling.
They chew leathery pieces of salt pork packed away for trips such as these, and drink from bloated waterskins.
He wishes to ask about what he overheard, picking bits of dried pork from between his teeth, when Jacaerys stands suddenly.
“Where are you going?” Luke asks, boots knocking together where he sits by the fire. He silently berates himself for how childish he must sound, how childish he must look.
“I need to piss,” His brother says flatly. It is crass and something about it makes his ears burn.
Jace heads for the mouth of the cave, fingers plucking at the laced-up front of his trousers…
Luke averts his gaze swiftly. Cheeks hot. But it feels like a bell that cannot be unrung.
He hears the splash of urine, distantly. If anything it dulls the fire in his belly, the mundanity.
Hears the tread of brother’s steps sauntering back. Jace cuts quite a sight in their measly firelight. His brother is not even seated before flashing an amused smile.
“You’re drooling.” He says.
“I am not.” Luke argues, though he still wipes frantically at his mouth with a red and black sleeve.
He does not think of the taste of salt that sits thick upon his tongue from their paltry dinner, does not imagine that it is but a poor imitation of the taste he truly craves.
His sleeve is damp.
“We should rest.”
Luke offers a little nod, the cave was warm enough between the two of them and their dragons. Jacaerys snuffs out their fire before long and settles down onto his outstretched cloak with a sigh. His shortsword sits in its sheath beside him, Lucerys gropes for the flared fishtail pommel of his own weapon simply to remind himself that it was there.
It was dark, smokey, the bittersweetness of burnt wood tickles his throat. Luke wants to cough.
He squirms to get comfortable. Lays on his side away from his brother.
He can hear his brother rustling upon his cloak beside him.
Jace lays flat on his back and blows out a sigh.
All is silent for a time and Lucerys finds himself lodged in a slippery inbetween of hyper-awareness and muddy consciousness.
His eyelids droop heavily and his breathing slows, and he hears…
Jace exhales another sigh, soft, buttery, warm like a pastry. He hears the creak of something, a stiff joint pops…
When the realization dawns upon him, it peels back a layer of sanity. His thighs press together and heat stirs in him, glitters down to his toes.
Luke cranes his head back and feels panic and delight shoots through him as he discerns the lazy bob of a closed fist up and down in his periphery.
“I know you’re not sleeping,” His brother says, voice scratchy like his throat is dry.
Luke gnaws at his lower lip.
“How can I? You’re making too much noise.” He complains.
Jace huffs something that sounds like laughter. Then hisses through his teeth. Luke’s thighs tense, and his tongue fattens, his own erection twitches.
Frustration plucks at him until he is nothing but ragged edges. Sweat beads upon his nape, scabbed over cuts on his palms weep anew.
“Would you hurry up and…finish?”
“Make me.” His brother goads.
He presses bloody little palms to the sockets of his eyes, presses until he sees white and bites down on the urge to scream.
“Is this why you asked mother to bring me here?” Luke asks, sniffling, yet still drooling.
“Of course not,” Jace sighs and Lucerys cannot help but feel a bit wounded, “it wasn’t the only reason.”
It is vindication of a sort, but he is feeling snide. It is ludicrous to consider himself a jilted lover, but in the quiet of his mind where he cannot be mocked, he does.
“Perhaps if this is all you wanted you should have asked Daemon-”
He is torn back by a hand in his hair, it is sudden and fierce and wrathful. He shrieks for the pain that sears across his scalp, body bent at an awkward angle, neck aching. He is brought face to face with his brother. Arrax growls in warning but his young, beautiful dragon is silenced when Vermax lunges forward and pins the pale dragon to the floor - jaws poised around his neck.
He is weeping, a thin string of mucous hangs from his nose.
“Do not speak of things you do not understand,” His brother snarls, spittle froths white at the corners of his mouth. Jace gives his fist a shake and Lucerys’ head rattles like a doll, more pain blossoms beneath his brother’s touch.
“I’m sorry, s-sorry,” Luke babbles, he is in ruin.
He slaps lightly at his brother’s forearm, mouth dripping apologies.
He worries for Arrax.
“Jace,” he hiccups, short of breath and dizzy, “Jace, please.” His eyes flick briefly to their dragons.
His brother’s lip twitches.
“Vermax,” Jace calls, and the green dragon’s amber eyes linger on his rider, but Jace doesn’t look away, his gaze never parts from Lucerys’ face, his expression tightens like a star set to burst before he exhales, 
Arrax is released and squawks his indignation at the larger dragon. 
Luke is similarly set free, free from the iron grip of his brother’s fist.
Lucerys sinks to the floor, scalp aflame with pain, tears smear across his face as he tries to stem the flow from his eyes with trembling hands.
Jace’s expression is thunderous, he shoves Luke away when he tries to crawl closer. And perhaps it is his rejection that hurts more than any other slight, the knowledge that he had hurt his brother sat like a poison upon his soul.
Yet he scrabbles closer again, as many times as needs must until he can press his lips to his brother’s skin.
His eyes are swollen and his sinuses ache and all he wants is Jace in his throat.
“I’m sorry,” He slurs, mouthing with wet lips at his brother’s neck. Curries favor from his deity made flesh, begs for mercy with a supplicant mouth that offers no spoken prayer.
Jacaerys is terribly cross with him.
“Show me,” His brother orders, with eyes darker than the night sky.
Shaking fingers tease the unlaced front of Jace’s trousers open.
The scent of musk and sweat and Jace has his mouth watering anew.
Luke lathes the tip with a swipe of his tongue. He watches the flesh fatten and swell with the briefest touch.
He suckles upon the tip, syrupy fluid that tastes of sea salt abrades his palate. He sighs in bliss, nails scrape along his tender scalp.
Lucerys takes the weight of his brother’s cock deeper, stroking at Jacaerys’ parted thighs before worming a bloody palm to cradle hot balls.
He gives the flesh a gentle squeeze as he lowers his lead with filthy slurp.
Jace exhales a sigh.
Lucerys replaces the warmth of his mouth with the curl of his bony fist. The blood upon his palm, partially dried and flaking off, smears the color of rust and taste of copper down Jace’s shaft.
He flicks his tongue lower over Jace’s tense, bloated bollocks. He hums, drool wet down his chin, dried tears tacky upon his cheeks, the thickness of musk floods his senses as he draws a warm testicle between greedy lips.
His brother stutters on a sound between a laugh and a groan.
The curl of his fingers makes a lewd sound as he strokes a steady up and down. He releases one testicle with a wet smack, runs his tongue over swollen lips before descending upon the other.
A hand pulls on his hair, the tender skin howls in protest and fresh tears spring to his eyes. Luke whines a bit, flicks his tongue across his brother’s taint in silent rebellion, celebrates the victory that makes Jace’s thighs spasm.
“You are filthy,” Jace hisses between his teeth, but it is said with pride that has Luke twitching in his breeches.
“Vile,” he adds, “And I would kill anyone that tries to take you from me.”
Luke moans.
Jace wraps a hand around his base, spit-soaked. He pumps a loose fist over himself, it is a familiar motion.
Luke holds out his tongue, giggles madly at the customary blow that is dealt upon it with the thick head of Jace’s cock.
His brother smiles down at him, grins in the way Vermax does and even with war looming above them, all feels right in the world. Jace’s hips lift and he presses along plump tonsils and wet flesh. He tastes of salt and copper.
Acid begins to tickle at the back of his throat, his eyes water and he swallows the urge to gag.
Every draw back of his brother’s hips brings with it the cling of thickened spit and the acrid tang of bile.
And in its own fashion, it is a comfort.
Jace’s hands come down to caress his face and heat prickles along his entire body.
Surges down his spine.
Caressing hands pause and thumbs hook on either side of his mouth, stretching his face to the point of discomfort. Jace’s cock presses in deep, bows the back of Lucerys’ throat with a frantic thrust. The slick squelch drips off the walls of the cave.
The sound and sensation and animosity of his brother’s jerky movements minces his brain to liquid, a useless puddle that oozes from his ears with every wet slap of bloated balls against his chin. Lucerys takes solace as bile sticks hot in his throat, he didn’t need a brain, he didn’t need to think, he’d always have his brother to do it for him.
The least Luke could do was open his mouth for him.
Jace shudders with a wounded sound, hips crashing hard against Luke’s face. His jaw aches and his throat burns in conflict - bile trying to come up, spend trying to go down.
White glazes his tongue and Lucerys swallows before Jace can get the words out.
He sags against his brother’s thigh, opaque drool oozing out of his mouth.
There are fingers in his hair and the taste of acid in his throat.
In the morn they would complete the last leg of their journey to the Vale of Arryn and Lucerys will rouse their storied allies and Jace will travel North to treat with savages and barbarians and wolf-men.
For now…for now they had this.
A/N: more dark!Jace anyone?
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1five1two · 1 year
And barbarians were inventors not only of philosophy, but almost of every art. The Egyptians were the first to introduce astrology among men. Similarly also the Chaldeans. The Egyptians first showed how to burn lamps, and divided the year into twelve months, prohibited intercourse with women in the temples, and enacted that no one should enter the temples from a woman without bathing. Again, they were the inventors of geometry. There are some who say that the Carians invented prognostication by the stars. The Phrygians were the first who attended to the flight of birds. And the Tuscans, neighbours of Italy, were adepts at the art of the Haruspex. The Isaurians and the Arabians invented augury, as the Telmesians divination by dreams. The Etruscans invented the trumpet, and the Phrygians the flute. For Olympus and Marsyas were Phrygians. And Cadmus, the inventor of letters among the Greeks, as Euphorus says, was a Phoenician; whence also Herodotus writes that they were called Phoenician letters. And they say that the Phoenicians and the Syrians first invented letters; and that Apis, an aboriginal inhabitant of Egypt, invented the healing art before Io came into Egypt. But afterwards they say that Asclepius improved the art. Atlas the Libyan was the first who built a ship and navigated the sea. Kelmis and Damnaneus, Idaean Dactyli, first discovered iron in Cyprus. Another Idaean discovered the tempering of brass; according to Hesiod, a Scythian. The Thracians first invented what is called a scimitar (arph), -- it is a curved sword, -- and were the first to use shields on horseback. Similarly also the Illyrians invented the shield (pelth). Besides, they say that the Tuscans invented the art of moulding clay; and that Itanus (he was a Samnite) first fashioned the oblong shield (qureos). Cadmus the Phoenician invented stonecutting, and discovered the gold mines on the Pangaean mountain. Further, another nation, the Cappadocians, first invented the instrument called the nabla, and the Assyrians in the same way the dichord. The Carthaginians were the first that constructed a triterme; and it was built by Bosporus, an aboriginal. Medea, the daughter of Æetas, a Colchian, first invented the dyeing of hair. Besides, the Noropes (they are a Paeonian race, and are now called the Norici) worked copper, and were the first that purified iron. Amycus the king of the Bebryci was the first inventor of boxing-gloves. In music, Olympus the Mysian practised the Lydian harmony; and the people called Troglodytes invented the sambuca, a musical instrument. It is said that the crooked pipe was invented by Satyrus the Phrygian; likewise also diatonic harmony by Hyagnis, a Phrygian too; and notes by Olympus, a Phrygian; as also the Phrygian harmony, and the half-Phrygian and the half-Lydian, by Marsyas, who belonged to the same region as those mentioned above. And the Doric was invented by Thamyris the Thracian. We have heard that the Persians were the first who fashioned the chariot, and bed, and footstool; and the Sidonians the first to construct a trireme. The Sicilians, close to Italy, were the first inventors of the phorminx, which is not much inferior to the lyre. And they invented castanets. In the time of Semiramis queen of the Assyrians, they relate that linen garments were invented. And Hellanicus says that Atossa queen of the Persians was the first who composed a letter. These things are reported by Seame of Mitylene, Theophrastus of Ephesus, Cydippus of Mantinea also Antiphanes, Aristodemus, and Aristotle and besides these, Philostephanus, and also Strato the Peripatetic, in his books Concerning Inventions. I have added a few details from them, in order to confirm the inventive and practically useful genius of the barbarians, by whom the Greeks profited in their studies. And if any one objects to the barbarous language, Anacharsis says, "All the Greeks speak Scythian to me."
Clement of Alexandria
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lemaistrechat · 2 years
80s Hordak is old and strange
Unlike He-Man and Skeletor, who were created by toy designers, Hordak seems to have been created at Filmation, by the late Larry DiTillio.
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The character went through a variety of designs, at one early stage being a rather barbaric-looking man with a prosthetic arm. Some later designs gave him a much more inhuman head and two regular arms, with it eventually being decided that his arm would transform into a cannon.
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DiTillio’s script for “The Secret of the Sword” AKA “The Sword of She-Ra” (credit also to Bob Forward, who wrote Part 3, “She-Ra Unchained”, as divided for TV) also introduced Hordak transforming his entire body into a rocket and a drill.
The other important thing to note about TSoS is that the Sorceress of Grayskull reveals to Adora and He-Man that the reason she was raised by Hordak is that he stole her as an infant from her birth parents, the king and queen of the planet Eternia, because they repelled a Horde invasion. With him throughout the invasion was his favorite student... Skeletor.
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(Note how Hordak looked completely different below the neck a couple decades earlier. Similar to the armor of Horde Troopers, in fact.)
By Episode 17, “A Loss for Words”, the animators had expanded on this ability to make him transform into a four-armed wheeled vehicle, a different drill machine, a tank with arms instead of a gun, and a different rocket.
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... what even are you, Hordak? A blue muscleman wearing a helmet who casts spells to transform all or part of your body into machines? That, but with an exposed skull for a head, like a more alien version of Skeletor? Or a Transformer (that can eat pie)?
But let’s backtrack a bit. Before all this was finalized, a toy designer took a Filmation model sheet and modified it for the character’s action figure.
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His head became more organic, less smoothly metallic. The black wrist bands turned into gloves, he got a cape and his skin turned gray. He had the same loincloth as He-Man (which was also true of the Filmation model sheets) and the same muscular chest under his armor, making it clear that THIS Hordak was not a robot or cyborg.
I say “this Hordak” as not only did he look different but the Horde depicted in the mini-comics packed with the toys was blatantly a different continuity from She-Ra and cartoon He-Man ... until it wasn’t.
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And IMMEDIATELY upon citing the She-Ra cartoon as canon, writer Steven Grant drops this bombshell:
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King Hiss was magically banished thousands of years ago to a timeless dimension, but he knows who Hordak is! So Hordak himself must be at least that old, a fact there was no hint of in She-Ra.
Nor was this just a quickly-forgotten reference. Continuity was pretty tight in the 1986 mini-comics with King Hiss, continuing into 1987.
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So not only is Hordak thousands of years old, he was once an engineer who knew how to conduct Good and Evil into a building like they’re electrical current or something. Clearly there’s much more to this guy than just being an evil dictator.
That, I think, is key to the mystery of why Hordak was so nice to Adora, rather than abusing her into becoming evil (as the writers of the 2010s DC comic considered only logical). Besides it being a cartoon appropriate for little kids, of course.
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