#Backyard Ninja Obstacles
ninjasports · 11 months
Ninja Campus Bars - Hanging Ninja Warrior Obstacle
Campus Bars - Ninja Warrior Hanging Obstacles
These obstacles are a staple in any Ninja Warrior space whether that be a Ninja Gym or in your own home course! The Campus Bar obstacle creates a small ledge for ninjas to grab onto with their fingertips and traverse across leaving their legs and feet dangling behind them! Training with campus bars increases grip and forearm strength so when obstacles that require this type of grip comes across your path as a ninja, you can clear it easily!
What is Included with this Ninja Obstacle:
Choose the quantity of Campus Bars: Single, Set of 3 or Set of 6
Choose whether the mounting panel is included or not
Choose your color of the Campus Bars (Back panel is always black)
Mounting Hardware included
Custom Design Crafts, is not responsible for injuries the purchaser may incur due to misuse, improper installation, or falls that may happen while performing the required exercise. Upon purchasing this product the purchaser agree to not hold Custom Design Crafts, its Employees, affiliates or its owners responsible for damages. 
SHIPPING: Due to the size of these items, (IF Campus Bar Back Panel is Included) they must ship motor freight. There are many variables when shipping via motor freight, so please contact our office for further information so we may calculate actual freight costs. IF Back Panel is NOT included, the bars will be shipped via UPS or USPS and no additional shipping charge will be required.
IF you choose to order online, all freight orders have a standard shipping fee. If your location deems shipping cost more than the fee included in your payment online, we will notify you via email within 24 hours and include a payable invoice for the remainder of the shipping cost. If you do not want to pay the additional shipping cost then you will have the opportunity at that point to cancel your order.
For any questions about shipping, contact our office at: Email: [email protected] Phone: 440-552-4237
LEAD TIME: Our standard lead time for all non-stock items is 8-10 weeks. In-stock items ship within 3-5 business days. Please call 440-552-4237 or email [email protected] for the most up-to-date lead time, product availability, special requests or expedited shipping options.
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nanowrimo · 2 years
5 Tips to Getting to 50k Words
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It’s the middle of NaNoWriMo, and the race to the finish may start to feel daunting! NaNo Participant Lori Chick has a few tips on staying motivated so you reach your word count goal. So, you’re a few weeks into NaNo, and you have just realized that 50k is a lot of words. It seems interminable and impossible and it’s stressing you out. Don’t. Don’t stress. NaNo is for fun and to challenge us and I can promise you, outside of real life (stupid real life ruining everything) issues, you can ABSOLUTELY hit your 50k. Honestly, your biggest obstacle is probably the anxiety and stress about writing 50k words in a month.
Thing is, the best way to hit 50k words is just to sit down and write. JUST write. Don’t edit, don’t look back at what you wrote, or research anything. Yes, I know, it means that what you’re going to end up with will be messy and contradictory and have plot holes a mile wide. But you know what? That doesn’t matter. Your challenge isn’t to complete a publisher worthy novel in one month — It’s to write 50k words in a month. I promise you, there are no authors, no matter how amazing and talented, who have a publishable novel in one month. NONE. It’s impossible. So you need to breathe and let that utterly absurd idea go. You’re not here to write the next great novel. You’re here to put the words on the pages. That’s it, that’s all. Just write words, one after another, until you hit 50k. Alright: now that we have that foolish expectation that was gnawing at you and destroying your word count dealt with — how do we get those words? 1. Stop Editing, Stop Researching Don’t do anything that isn’t putting words on the page. When you finish a sentence, write the next one. If you have to pause and think, then do that. Think about what happens next and write that. Or go off on a tangent  who knows, maybe there’s gold off in those unknown hills. Explore, have fun, give yourself permission to write whatever comes into your head. Remember this is a novel — but it is not a finished and edited novel. This is your first draft. I might even say it’s your pre first draft. You’re writing down your ideas and fleshing out your characters and your world. Hell, you can have a full 50k just about your world. That’s okay too. 2. Kill your criticism. Bonk it over the head with the Traveling Shovel of Death and have Mr. Ian Woon bury it in your backyard. Mary Sue/Gary Lou? Who cares? Plot holes? Those are just opportunities to fill in with whatever weird crap you want. Stuck? Throw in a murder, some aliens, ninjas, pirates or whatever your heart desires. It doesn’t have to make sense. It just has to be fun. You can break ALL the writerly rules and I’ll let you in on a secret: almost every author who gets published breaks them ALL the time. Writing rules aren’t even rules (more like a vague guide), and they absolutely should not be walls. 3. Destroy distractions. You love your family, your friends, but tell them to buzz off for the month. If they really want they can run errands for you, but no, you don’t need to watch a crappy movie, or drink overpriced coffee in a noisy crowded franchise, you have 50k words to write. The only function of family and friends during NaNo is support staff to keep your butt in the chair and hold you while you sob uncontrollably after hitting a wall (while making sure you somehow eat, drink and sleep — at least some of those three). If they’re NaNo-ing with you, they’re your friendly challengers, make good use of that. All in all, family is a wonderful source of support, but distractions are the enemy. 4. Get a writing buddy (or more!) It is a huge help to write with other people. There’s a reason NaNo has Liaisons, it’s because it’s a LOT easier to hit 50k when you’re in a group who are all cheering each other on. Racing against a friend is great motivation, and the bonus is, even if you are racing, it still isn’t a cut throat competition, because you’re hoping that everyone hits 50k. So gather a group, challenge each other, go to the forums and get an adoptable NPC, plot twist or other. Ask for advice when you get stuck, and if your stress gets too high, vent. Yes, I know I said you should only be writing, but let’s be honest, that’s as likely to happen as you eating right and getting more active after a doctor’s visit. Do the best you can. 5.  Have Fun. NaNo isn’t supposed to destroy your mental health or your life. It’s meant to be a fun challenge, something to be proud of and to join with people around the world in a fevered ambitious attempt to fill up the ever yawning gap of digital space with words and ideas. Life is sometimes hard, we have mental health issues, many have children or financial issues. If you can’t make that 50k, don’t feel awful. Cut yourself some slack and admit that maybe it isn’t happening this year, and that’s okay. While your word count is important, YOU are more important. After all, you can’t hit 50k next year if you’re burned out this year.
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Lori Chick is a Freelance Games Journalist who’s been reviewing, criticizing and ranting for four years for different outlets and a beta reader who’s seen two novels into publication. She lives with her husband, four adult chosen family and three cats of varying degrees of floofiness. Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash
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trentandmeredith · 2 months
Hugh is 5! He is curious, creative, and warm. He loves audiobooks. The Magic Treehouse series is his favorite and he also loves non fiction books about “things from long ago” like pirates and ancient Romans. He loves regular books too - he’ll “read” for hours in his room looking at pictures and remembering the words from books we’ve read before.
He is the king of costumes. Today he dressed up like Poseidon - a white tunic, his Greek warrior ankle guards, and a rake as his trident. Other days he’s Thor, a guard, Hercules, Theseus, an astronaut, a ninja, a Viking, King Arthur, Lancelot, a sailor, Kwazii or Barnacles from the Octonauts, and the list could go on! His birthday party was “warrior” themed and we had Greek warrior food (pita, hummus, and “meat”) for dinner at his request.
Hugh is a great problem solver. If we can’t figure out a costume with materials we already have, he’ll make one out of paper and tape. He’s also great at making plans for the day - he loves to make lists and check things off, something he learned from a Frog and Toad book.
He loves to stay at home - his favorite days are “home days.” He likes to start the morning building in the playroom with Magnatiles or blocks. He enjoys playing with play dough and kinetic sand. His archery set in the backyard is another favorite toy. He learned to play War recently and has a burgeoning interest in card games. He’s content playing with himself or Will, and has started to have closer friendships at preschool. Hugh and Will love doing “small world” play like our Duplos or little knights and castles, racing in obstacle courses that Hugh designs, or pretending to go on adventures like flying to Texas. He has been the sweetest big brother to Cassidy in the past week and I can’t wait to see their relationship evolve.
Meals with him are a blast - he’s always sharing facts about what he learned that day and enjoys trying almost anything we eat. Sushi, Mac n cheese, and popsicles are some of his favorites.
I’m grateful every day this magical human who made me a mom. We love Hugh!
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born-to-hustle · 6 months
Feature - Alex Hunter
Social Links:
LinkedIn| yourreality.org
Alex has a passion for helping and protecting people. His family and I moved to San Antonio in June 2016 from Florida to be closer to his in-laws. He has a wonderful wife Carolina of 9 years and two amazing kiddo's, Mia 5 and Christian 8, who love to play soccer and on the American Ninja Warrior obstacles he built for them in his backyard. His family is the driving force and motivation for all that he does.
Alex founded Your Realty Group in 2021 on the principle of looking out for families best interests, both short, and long-term while creating long-lasting relationships. More than just a Realtor but a friend and confidant.  With over 20 years of experience in and around the industry, a tech-savvy team using the latest cutting-edge technology, and local market expertise, he has your back.
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trafficsafetysblog · 10 months
Fun and Quirky Ways to Use Traffic Cones: More Than Just Roadside Helpers!
Hey there, fellow readers! Today, we're going to talk about something that might seem mundane at first glance, but trust me, it's anything but ordinary. Yes, you guessed it right! It's all about traffic cones – those brightly colored, cone-shaped objects you often see dotting the streets and highways.
The Unsung Heroes of Traffic Control
Before we delve into the creative and unexpected uses of traffic cones, let's take a moment to appreciate these unsung heroes. Traffic cones play a crucial role in maintaining order on our roads. They help guide us through construction zones, keep us safe during road repairs, and even manage crowds at events. But today, we're going to explore some fun and surprising ways to put these versatile cones to use beyond their conventional duties.
1. Traffic Cone Soccer: Go for the Goal!
Who said traffic cones can't be sports stars? Set up a mini soccer field in your backyard or a nearby park and use traffic cones as goalposts. It's a fantastic way to have a blast with friends or keep the kids active and entertained. Just grab a soccer ball, set the cones as goals, and let the games begin!
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2. Traffic Cone Planters: Spruce Up Your Space
Want to add some greenery to your living space without splurging on fancy planters? Get creative and repurpose traffic cones into quirky plant holders. Fill them with soil, plant some flowers or small shrubs, and voila! You've got yourself a unique and eye-catching planter. Your garden will never look dull again!
3. Traffic Cone Obstacle Course: Test Your Agility
Are you up for a challenge? Design a thrilling obstacle course using traffic cones as hurdles and markers. Time yourself as you weave through the course, jump over cones, and maybe even add some fun tasks along the way. It's a fantastic way to stay active and bring out your inner ninja!
4. Traffic Cone Art: Unleash Your Creativity
For all the budding artists out there, traffic cones can be your blank canvas! Grab some paint, brushes, and let your imagination run wild. Turn these orange cones into vibrant masterpieces. You can create patterns, landscapes, or even cute characters. Your neighborhood will be amazed by your artistic flair!
5. Traffic Cone Ice Cream Stand: Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
When the summer heat kicks in, why not turn traffic cones into a makeshift ice cream stand? Fill them with ice and stash your favorite frozen treats inside. You'll be the hero of the block, delighting everyone with icy goodness on a sunny day!
6. Traffic Cone DIY Lamps: Light Up Your Life
Looking for a trendy and economical lighting solution? Transform traffic cones into quirky lamps! Drill a hole in the top, insert a light bulb and cord, and you've got yourself an eccentric lampshade that will brighten up any room with its playful charm.
7. Traffic Cone Bowling: Strike 'Em Down!
Gather your friends for a laughter-filled game of traffic cone bowling! Line up the cones like bowling pins, grab a small ball, and take turns knocking them down. It's a fantastic way to enjoy some friendly competition and create lasting memories.
Who knew traffic cones could be so much more than just roadside helpers? From soccer games and art projects to DIY lamps and ice cream stands, these versatile cones offer endless possibilities for fun and creativity. So, the next time you spot a traffic cone, let your imagination run wild and find a new and exciting way to put it to use. Embrace the quirky side of life and enjoy the adventure!
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megankilmerrealestate · 10 months
Selling Your House with Not-So-Friendly Neighbors
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Neighbor Troubles and Wild Real Estate Stories
Selling your house should be an exciting and rewarding experience, but sometimes, there's one obstacle standing in your way – your not-so-friendly neighbors! Fear not, my fellow home sellers, for I've had my share of wild experiences as a housing professional, and I'm here to share some epic tales and useful tips to conquer those pesky neighbor challenges!
Apology on Ocean Views: The Building Crunch
Picture this – a breathtaking multi-million dollar property with stunning ocean views in Aptos, Ca. It was a new construction, and we were all racing against the clock to get it prepped and ready for the market. Admittedly, we weren't the most courteous neighbors, working around the clock like busy bees. But hey, we had a tight schedule to meet! So, what did we do? We threw a colossal open house bash, filled with scrumptious treats, and issued a heartfelt apology to the entire neighborhood for our crazy working hours. We thought we had won them over, but oh boy, were we in for a surprise! One neighbor across the street never forgave us! Every showing, she'd swoop in with tales of things "not to code." Talk about a thorn in our side!
Reconciliation and Lessons Learned
But you know what? I don't back down that easily. Oh no, I rolled up my sleeves, marched right up to Negative Nancy – no, that's not her real name, but she sure acted like one! Anyway, I personally apologized and asked how I could make things right. Surprise, surprise, she wanted a good ol' fashioned face-to-face apology. Lesson learned – communication is key! Next time, I'll involve the neighbors from the get-go, making sure they're on board with our plans and progress. Smooth sailing ahead!
A Tricky Park Manager 
Now, let me regale you with a tale of a tricky park manager I had to deal with. We had a mobile home property sale, and this manager was one tough cookie. When I sent her the park application through with eSignatures, she declared she doesn't do computer stuff. I had already seen that she opened the document and was asking her to sign and approve my clients. Alrighty then! I printed and drove her over a physical copy, but two weeks went by with no response. Time was ticking, and people's lives were on the line – the sellers and buyers had their whole lives planned around this! So, I pulled out my secret agent moves, gathered all the evidence, and wrote a fact-based document showing how her silence was a violation of Fair Housing Laws. That got her attention, and the green light was given! Victory!
A Neighbor of A Kind 
Oh, but the adventures don't end there! We had a nosy neighbor who seemed harmless at first – just being friendly and curious during showings. But, one day, as I was locking up, I spotted them INSIDE the garage. Major red alert! Turns out, they were living there, sneaking around like a ninja, hiding their stuff in the backyard bushes! Can you believe it? I called for backup, meaning my lender or broker tagged along for extra security. Turns out, they just needed help, so we offered resources instead of calling the cops. After all, in California, there are many people priced out of housing, and sometimes, they just need someone to lend a helping hand instead of judgment.
Turning Neighbor Troubles into Neighbor Triumphs
Folks, when it comes to dealing with not-so-friendly neighbors while selling your house, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. But with some creativity, a pinch of courage, and a willingness to communicate, you can conquer those neighbor beasts and turn those troubles into triumphs! Remember, it's never a bad idea to consult legal experts when needed or call the police if your safety is at risk. Each situation is unique, but with a positive attitude and a dash of resilience, you can navigate these wild real estate adventures and emerge victorious! So, go forth and sell that house with confidence and a smile! Happy home selling!
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metalmuscle · 1 year
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Unleash Your Inner Ninja: Explore MetalMuscle's Ninja Warrior Supplies
Looking to elevate your ninja warrior or OCR (Obstacle Course Racing) game? Look no further than MetalMuscle. We specialize in supplying premium ninja warrior equipment, including sturdy obstacles, hanging rings, climbing ropes, and more. With our high-quality products, you can create the ultimate ninja training setup in your backyard or gym. Visit our website to explore our collection and start your ninja journey with MetalMuscle.
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tittarating · 2 years
Corn maze party
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The Corn Maze rental is perfect for nearly any indoor and outdoor event. It truly is one of our most popular extreme rental items, check it out today! Social Media: Recently, we overhauled the course with new obstacles, colored fog, a timer system, and even customizable music playlists. A truly memorable experience – the Ninja Warriors obstacle course has so many exciting features that it would be hard to list them all. Essentially, the Ninja Warrior experience can be brought to your backyard as long as the surface is concrete. Essentially, the ice rink will be perfect for your next indoor or outdoor event – we will take care of it all! The Ice Rink also includes the skates, ice rink, lights, and fencing to protect spectators.ĭo you have what it takes to be called a Ninja Warrior? The Ultimate Ninja Warrior Run rental is the unique and challenging “ninja warrior” obstacle course – one of only a handful of courses. It has been told it is like a real ice rink – without the potential dangers that come with it. However, we now offer a state of the art synthetic ice rink that will complete all your skating needs. Traditionally, ice skating would require either real ice or synthetic ice created by a constant blowing fan system.
From the huge corn inflatables inside to the winding twists and turns – this will be a maze to remember! If you like Corn Maze Rental, check out:ĭo you love skating? What about Ice Skating? The Portable Synthetic Ice Rink Rental is perfect for you then, and doesn’t require any refrigeration. A carnival is not a carnival without a corn maze, so cover your bases and book this rental today! Rest assured, the maze will be challenging, however easy enough to compete. Although we book this year around, we pride ourselves on bringing that classic carnival experience. Do you think you have what it takes to make it out of the corn maze? The Corn Maze rental is a large and interactive corn maze inflatable perfect for fall events.
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health28 · 2 years
How to Build an Adult Obstacle Course
How to Build an Adult Obstacle Course
Building an adult obstacle course a la Tough Mudder or Spartan Race or Ninja Warrior is a noble goal, but not everyone wants to spend their weekends constructing a complex network of lumber-heavy structures that fill up your backyard. There are prefabricated adult play structures you can buy or companies you can hire if you want to go that route. If you’re handy, you can do it yourself, but,…
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ninjasports · 11 months
Ninja Campus Bars - Hanging Ninja Warrior Obstacle
Campus Bars - Ninja Warrior Hanging Obstacles
These obstacles are a staple in any Ninja Warrior space whether that be a Ninja Gym or in your own home course! The Campus Bar obstacle creates a small ledge for ninjas to grab onto with their fingertips and traverse across leaving their legs and feet dangling behind them! Training with campus bars increases grip and forearm strength so when obstacles that require this type of grip comes across your path as a ninja, you can clear it easily!
What is Included with this Ninja Obstacle:
Choose the quantity of Campus Bars: Single, Set of 3 or Set of 6
Choose whether the mounting panel is included or not
Choose your color of the Campus Bars (Back panel is always black)
Mounting Hardware included
Custom Design Crafts, is not responsible for injuries the purchaser may incur due to misuse, improper installation, or falls that may happen while performing the required exercise. Upon purchasing this product the purchaser agree to not hold Custom Design Crafts, its Employees, affiliates or its owners responsible for damages. 
SHIPPING: Due to the size of these items, (IF Campus Bar Back Panel is Included) they must ship motor freight. There are many variables when shipping via motor freight, so please contact our office for further information so we may calculate actual freight costs. IF Back Panel is NOT included, the bars will be shipped via UPS or USPS and no additional shipping charge will be required.
IF you choose to order online, all freight orders have a standard shipping fee. If your location deems shipping cost more than the fee included in your payment online, we will notify you via email within 24 hours and include a payable invoice for the remainder of the shipping cost. If you do not want to pay the additional shipping cost then you will have the opportunity at that point to cancel your order.
For any questions about shipping, contact our office at: Email: [email protected] Phone: 440-552-4237
LEAD TIME: Our standard lead time for all non-stock items is 8-10 weeks. In-stock items ship within 3-5 business days. Please call 440-552-4237 or email [email protected] for the most up-to-date lead time, product availability, special requests or expedited shipping options.
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
Ari has the whole backyard renovated for Jake when they start adopting fluffy idiots, there’s a dog optical course, a whole dog couch etc.
When they first started adopting the floofers, they were still in Ari’s downtown penthouse, so they couldn’t really do a whole lot yard wise there.
But once they moved to the big house near ninja and puppy? They definitely have a big dog obstacle course and play area. Jake has a tendency to adopt the slightly broken babies, so he definitely makes sure he has the ability to do all the physical therapy stuff they need and make sure they’re able to stay active no matter what. And ninja always gets final day before they add anything new to make sure it’s not gonna put any undue stress on the furry babies.
And of course they have dog and cat furniture all over the place. All their babies like to snuggle together, though, so you know they have an Instagram page devoted to the adorable cuddle puddles of their little hodge podge menagerie.
Ask me anything about the No Love Like Your Love AU!!
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lo-frequency · 3 years
Class 1-A on Various TV Shows
So this is the first part of a "tv show" themed series of headcanons I have planned. I still have some requests to get to, but I hope y'all can enjoy these in the meantime!
-American Ninja Warrior
- Please, you can’t tell me they wouldn’t have a pro-hero version of ANW. It’d have to be an international/Japanese version in this case, but the concept would be the same.
-SHOW SUMMARY: So in case you’ve never seen/heard of American Ninja Warrior, it’s a game show (?) where contestants have to cross a challenging obstacle course that tests your athleticism and physical strength. The course is outside (w a crowd watching), and there’s water beneath the course, so if you fall, you’re off the show. To win, you have to have the fastest time of all the successful contestants. END SUMMARY
-Anyway, in his introduction clip, they’d show Bakugou doing some intense training/parkour or whatever and he’s like “This’ll be an easy win. I do courses like these as a light workout”, you know, the usual arrogance we all love so much.
-Would be one of those contestants with a backyard Ninja course/personal gym and he’d be on that thing everyday. He eats, sleeps, and breaths ANW until the day he runs the course
-Now, for this particular version of ANW, Shoji has the #1 record with the fastest time in Pro-Hero ANW history (hard to beat somebody w 6 arms and over 1000lb grip strength)
-So for Bakugou, it’s not a matter of finishing the course or even winning the show, he’s training for the that #1 champion spot.
-Would he beat Shoji’s record? Probably not, but he’d definitely go down in the hall of fame
-I think it would be pretty cool to watch him show off the results of all those 6am workouts, lol
Hell’s Kitchen
-Do I even need to continue the headcanon?
-Chef Ramsay’s actual twin, blonde hair and everything
-As the judge (aka Chef Ramsay), he’d be so hard on the contestants smh
-He’d have your blood pressure high with how much he’d be yelling at the other chefs
-Would take too much pleasure in giving the losing teams punishments
-Probably sent everybody out of the kitchen during dinner service at one point, just shut down the whole service out of rage
-As a chef, he’d be the most intense on his team
-Wouldn’t have been a team player at first bc he knew his skills alone would keep him on the show, but as more people got eliminated, he would learn to work with others so they’d be more likely to win challenges
-Would’ve been told to humble himself on multiple occasions by Chef Ramsay, I can’t imagine him taking criticism very well either, w Chef’s usual tone.
-He’d fit right into the show honestly, bc most of the chef’s on there fight and have bad attitudes anyway 💀
-Would definitely be a finalist, has a pretty high chance of winning the show bc he has strong skills despite his sucky attitude. It would be a season to remember, for sure.
-Would have a fitness Youtube channel , “Red Riot Fitness” or something like that
-Weekly workouts for all fitness levels, really enthusiastic and one of those instructors that’s constantly hyping you up and making those dramatic sounds as you get your last few reps in
-Does mostly resistance training and HIIT workouts
-If he has other people working out with him in the video, he’d go around the room encouraging them and doing the exercises with them
-Very popular with stay at home moms, they’re all up in his livestreams ;) (shoot, I’d be right there with them)
-Makes those inspirational videos like “You’re winning even if you can only do 5 minutes!!”
-Could see him collaborating with other fitness channels and doing something unexpected like Zumba or a hip hop dance class for the fun of it.
-Probably makes videos like “My Daily Workout Routine” or “What I Eat in a Day” and then people would start making content like: “I Worked Out like Red Riot for a Week and This Happened 😱”
-Sports newscaster, always makes the most accurate predictions about game outcomes.
-March Madness? He’d get closest to guessing the actual Final Four
-Knows all the player stats like he coached them himself
-If he had a radio show he’d constantly be getting into debates with co-hosts or listeners about player performance or which teams are the best
-Gets genuinely excited about interviewing the players after games
-Good at narrating games until he gets too hype and starts rambling out of excitement
-Pretty well known commentator throughout the world of whatever sport he follows.
-Brace yourself, because this is truly a concept: messy reality show host Shoto
-They’d have him hosting the sit-down meetings at the end of each season, where the cast members sit together and have a “discussion” about that season’s events.
-No, stay with me on this. He’d be perfect because he would “unintentionally” instigate the drama between cast members like:
- “So Alicia, how is your relationship with Colby?”
- “Uh, it’s fine, now…?”
- He raises his eyebrows “Really? I’m surprised, since he cheated on you with Kelly.” 👀.
- “He what?”
-*Camera pans to Shoto looking knowingly into the camera, sipping his drink while Alicia and Kelly fight.*
-Later on, during individual interviews, he’s like “I knew Alicia was unaware, although Colby was making it obvious, in my opinion. I just thought it was about time Kelly got exposed for being the fake friend she is.” he says in his usual flat tone, with a slight shrug to his shoulders.
-I’m telling you, this would make good television.
That’s all I've got for now! Thanks for tuning in, as always :)
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its-f4nf4n-again · 2 years
Echoes in Solitude
For @narutoocevent​
Much like many of her fellow shinobi, Saya Tsunematsu's life has been shaped by loss. It takes a long time, but eventually, she realizes it is how she moves beyond those losses that really matters.
Day 1 Prompts:  Sun & Moon | Modern AU
Chapter Title:  The Tsunematsus  (AO3 Link Here)
Chapter Summary:  Chizuko and Keiju are two sides of a coin; the sun and moon to their young daughter Saya, lighting the way as she finds her own path.
Saturday mornings had always been Chizuko's favorite.  Because there was nowhere to be, no rushing of foot traffic beneath their windows, no yelling of children on their way to the Ninja Academy.  No rules or regulations for how she was meant to spend her time.
People often looked down on Chizuko's chosen profession.  Especially in a village built around the military system of shinobi, the title of Artist was often spat at her with plenty of skepticism if not outright derision.  But Saturday mornings were reserved for hobbies, weren't they?  Many people spent their weekends indulging in the things they often denied themselves during the week, when the pressures of expectation meant they had to ferry themselves to and from work, setting aside their own desires for those of whoever signed their paychecks at the end of the week.
Chizuko loved her work, regardless of the day.
But on Saturdays, she rose before the sun and tiptoed her way out into the garden behind the Tsunematsu family home to work on projects fueled by passion rather than commission.  Barefoot in the dewy grass of their small backyard, Chizuku sipped tea and painted, recreating the lovely soft palette of the sunrise or capturing the shifting grey of the clouds before rain.
She particularly enjoyed painting the birds that flitted through the garden, gathering seeds and berries or dipping themselves in the shallow fountain at the center of the grounds, feathers glistening with water droplets after their bath.  Her paintbrush would dance over the canvas, light as the feathers of her subjects, striving to recreate their graceful turns through the air, the lightness with which they landed on the branches overhead.
The sound of bare feet slapping across the damp grass was the only warning Chizuko received that she should lift her brush from the canvas before her daughter barreled into her so hard she nearly toppled over.
Chizuko smiled fondly, looking down at the young girl smushing her nose against her mother’s thigh.  “Good morning, Saya.”
The only answer was a delighted giggle.
A few years ago, Chizuko never could have imagined the joy that being a mother would bring to her life.  But each morning she shared with Saya, green eyes so bright and chestnut hair always somehow wild and unkempt, Chizuko knew there was no one else—nothing else—she would ever love more.
Saya watched her mother paint for a while longer as she sat on the grass, sometimes asking questions about the process. Though her daughter was patient for a child of her age, Chizuko soon noticed the way Saya’s limbs fidgeted and the way she began humming a strange melody to occupy herself.  She spent several minutes stretching, pulling her leg up by her head and dropping herself down into several splits.
Chizuko began cleaning her brushes and closing her paints.
“Can I help you practice?” she asked.
Saya leapt to her feet, mouth pulled in a wide, elated grin.  “Yes!”
Even at such a young age, Saya already showed signs of greatness.  Those Chizuko knew there would be many obstacles yet to be overcome, it was clear her daughter had a natural inclination for learning choreography and performing.  She sat with her tea, counting for Saya as she reviewed the steps learned in her dance classes, the look of pure joy on her face radiating into every movement in a way most children her age didn’t yet know how to do.
Saya embodied a maturity and understanding of movement that many people did not develop until they were at least twice her age, if ever.  Her daughter’s proclivities amounted in no small amount of pride for Chizuko, who was not shy enough to deny it when asked by other parents.
Keiju did not join them for breakfast, though he eventually slinked out of their bedroom and found his way to the living room around lunchtime.  Chizuko smiled, handing her husband a cup of coffee as she pressed a kiss to his cheek and settled on a cushion beside him.
“G’morning,” he mumbled, turning to give her a quick peck on the lips.
“It’s already afternoon, Papa!”
Chizuko chuckled as Keiju winced at his daughter’s exuberant admonishment, glancing over the top of his glasses to find her frowning at him from her spot on the floor where she was hunched over a mess of papers.
“Sorry, sweet girl, you’re right. Good afternoon, then.”
Saya beamed, returning her attentions to the sloppy watercolors before her once she was satisfied with his response, humming as she passed her brushes over the too-wet paper.
“What did I miss?” he asked, turning his attention back to his wife.
“She’s really excited for the recital next month.  I watched her run through the choreography so many times this morning, I’m pretty sure I could execute the dance myself.”
Keiju smirked, eyes sparkling.  “Oh yeah?  Do you think you could give me some dancing lessons?”
“Are you taking a sudden interest in ballet?” Chizuko teased.
Her husband hummed, turning his face to nuzzle playfully against her neck before he whispered, “I’m sure there are plenty of dance moves you could show me that I’d be very interested in.”
Chizuko slapped him playfully on the shoulder, face heating at his flirtatious tone.
“No hitting, Mama.”  Both parents turned to find Saya frowning at them again. “It’s not nice.”
“You’re right, sweetheart,” Chizuko said, turning to kiss Keiju on the spot where she’d smacked him.  “I’m sorry.”
“You’re forgiven,” he said, standing and making his way over to his daughter.  “Now, sweet girl, what are you working on?”
Saya turned back toward her artwork, explaining excitedly.  “I’m painting birds!”
Chizuko leaned back in her chair, watching Keiju and Saya chat excitedly, working together to draw as many different kinds of birds as they could together.
Yes, it was certain; Saturday mornings—and afternoon—were definitely Chizuko’s favorite.
Keiju had never been much of a morning person.  Even in his youth when school necessitated an early wake up call, Keiju had always struggled to drag his leaden limbs out of his futon in order to make it to school before the morning bell.
His chosen profession did nothing to help adjust his circadian rhythm.  While most of his peers took jobs that required them to punch in and out at a specific time every day, Keiju remained true to his family’s spirit and became a sculptor and a ceramist, which meant he could work whenever he wanted.
And when he usually wanted to work was late in the evenings when everyone else in Konohagakure was sleeping.
Well, almost everyone else.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Saya’s face was comical as she stopped in her tracks, eyes wide as she turned to find her father watching her carefully from the kitchen where he was steeping a mug of oolong tea.
“Uh… I think I left my book outside,” she said, pointing toward the back garden.
Keiju peered over his glasses at his daughter with an expression that made it quite clear he did not believe her flimsy excuse.
"Can’t imagine you need your foot stretcher to locate a mystery novel.”
Saya hid the strange wooden training tool behind her back, mouth pulling in a tight line, chagrined.
“Come on, kiddo,” Keiju said, picking up his tea and motioning for Saya to head back down the hallway she’d emerged from. She sighed heavily, but obeyed.  As he followed his daughter back toward her bedroom, Keiju couldn’t help his affectionate smile.  Sometimes, she reminded him far too much of himself and her mother.
At ten years old, Saya was already obsessive about her artistic endeavors.  Encounters like this were becoming increasingly frequent.  Keiju often found his daughter out of bed in the middle of the night, trying to squeeze in extra training time as she worked hard to differentiate herself from her classmates; to make sure she was cast in the best parts for each recital, so she could maintain her scholarships and hopefully pursue a professional career in the next few years.
Saya rested her foot stretcher against the wall when she entered her bedroom, removing her slippers and sliding back into bed with a huff.  She pulled the blanket up to her chest and then stared irritably at the ceiling.
“You need sleep too, you know,” Keiju said, perching himself carefully at the edge of her bed to pat her leg.  “If you don’t rest enough, you’re more likely to hurt yourself.”
Saya turned to glare at him.  “You stay up all night and nobody makes you go to bed.”
Keiju chuckled.  “That is one of the benefits of being an adult,” he admitted, “I get to make my own schedule.”
Saya sat up, her dark green eyes intense as she continued glaring.  “But what if I don’t practice enough and Fumiko gets better than me?  She says she trains all the time, even at the dinner table! But you and mom won’t let me stretch while we eat!”
She huffed again, slamming back down against her pillow in an exaggerated display of her frustration.  Keiju coughed to cover a laugh at his daughter’s expense.
“That’s because your mother and I want what’s best for you, and sometimes that means not training for a little while so you can just be a kid.”
“I don’t wanna be a kid anymore, it’s stupid.”
“I know it is.  And one day, when you’re all grown up, you can make the rules yourself. But for now, you need to trust me when I say I know what’s best, okay?”
Saya rolled her eyes.  “Fine,” she said, “but if I get expelled because I haven’t practiced enough, it’s gonna be your fault.”
Keiju chuckled, leaning forward to kiss his daughter’s forehead tenderly.  “I’ll take full responsibility,” he said, “But I’m sure that won’t happen.”
As he made his way back to his workshop after tucking Saya in—leaving the door open in case she made another attempt at escape—Keiju felt a swell of pride.  Not only for Saya’s dedication to her craft at such a young age, but at her indignant attitude.
He wanted his daughter to be strong—to stand up for what she believed in and what she thought was right, even if the people she loved most didn’t agree with her.
The waning moonlight dripped in through the windows, throwing strange shadows over his workbench that Keiju mimicked with his brush as he painted swirling, impressionistic details onto each piece to make it wholly unique.  The deep blue he was working with currently would look stunning once glazed and Keiju was satisfied with the result as he set the plate aside and moved on to the next piece.
As focused on the commissioned plates he’d been crafting before he took a quick break to make a cup of tea, Keiju felt quite confident he’d never have to worry about Saya not standing up for what she believed in.  She was headstrong and unafraid, with a strong sense of justice, even when it was a little misguided.
Saya was destined to throw herself into whatever she chose to do with her life, just as her parents had.  Whatever other faults she might one day reveal, she would never be accused of being weak-willed or undedicated; would never miss an opportunity for lack of effort.
And if that were the case, Keiju thought he and Chizuko had done their job as parents as well as anyone could ever hope to.
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arrowverse-next-gen · 3 years
The old playground // late night gang #4
i watched a show w/ a great sibling dynamic and so i stole the mannerisms for this fic
The old playground was one of the most sacred places that the kids had access to.
It didn't look like much, especially when looked at from back when you could see the silhouette of the mansion in front of it.
But to the kids, it was a place for story telling, playing, and making up a life for themselves in the world of pretend.
In between games of Queen in the Castle(their version of House), Villains and Vigilantes(their version of cops&robbers), and just racing through the obstacles as if they were on American Ninja Warrior(because some things need to be normal), they would just hang out at the clubhouse.
The clubhouse was at the very top of the playground. It looked over the obstacles, the small play houses at the bottom, the sandbox, the swings, slides, and monkey bars.
The clubhouse was the most ideal place to bring friends....if they could handle the height of it that is.
Ada and JJ would sneak up here during middle school and discuss their future together. Ada was afraid of the height of the clubhouse until she was 14, but even then she asked William to join them, just in case. She knew he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.
Eliza and Jason would climb to the top, and go further. They've been told countless times to not get on the roof of the clubhouse because it's so high up and slanted. If they were to fall, they would definitely be goners. Oliver also didn't like that they were so far away and alone...but that was mostly just him.
The other kids did whatever it is they did in the clubhouse. Eliza only knew about Ada because her dear sister cannot keep a secret. She's also a terrible liar despite having taken acting classes since she was 4.
The playground was the for the littles, one day they would get the clubhouse, but right now the playground was theirs, small houses on the ground included.
The older kids still sneak up to the clubhouse during big family events. It's hard to get a minute of privacy on the ground during crisis events, so they retreat to the clubhouse.
Sometimes it's as a big group, other times it's just a few people, and then there was Eliza.
She didn't come up here much anymore. She didn't come home often either, but she definitely didn't come up here.
She doesn't like the memories attached to it. Laughing, smiling, planning the future. Good memories, but after losing the company, you start to relate those memories with sadness.
She didn't want the clubhouse to be ruined for her. But she couldn't help it.
Now, it was just a place for her to escape. No one would look for her here. She could be alone in her thoughts and no one would know where she was.
Or so she thought.
As she sat on the roof of the clubhouse, looking at how the lights from the mansion brighten up the entire backyard, she pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from her pocket. She took out one cigarette and placed the pack on one of the ridges in the roof. The lighter was placed right next to it when she was done with it.
The noise of the mansion was muffled from up here. This was one thing Eliza liked most. She liked barely being able to make out the shadows of people inside. She liked the quiet noise. She liked that the mansion lit up the playground but not the clubhouse.
Her phone lit up on the ridge next to the box and the lighter, catching her attention. She looked over at it, sticking the lit cigarette in her mouth so she could pick it up and read what the notification was.
It was just a grocery list from Quinn. Her dad must be serving food. Quinn can never come over for dinner without wanting to buy a new kitchen, pans and food included. She's the daughter that can cook that Oliver Queen never got....
Well, Miriam can cook. She likes to bake more. But she does know how to cook.
She sighed, putting her phone down and taking the cigarette out of her mouth. A puff of smoke following a few seconds later.
And then there was a noise. A different one. One that sounded like she wasn't alone anymore.
She quickly blew out air towards the smoke, trying to get it to fade away quicker. The last thing she needed was a lecture right now.
Just before she could crush the cigarette against the roof of the clubhouse, there was a shadow above her.
She was afraid to turn to see who it was, so she froze in place. The shadow, hesitated, but sat down next to her on the roof.
A hand came into view for her, and she slowly handed the cigarette over as she turned to see who she was sitting with.
By the time she had turned, the cigarette was already in TJ's mouth.
"What are you-"
"You shouldn't smoke." He interrupted, laying back on the roof, holding himself up with his forearms, cigarette still in mouth.
"How did you find me?" She asked, looking back at him.
He shrugged. "Oliver told me where you were."
"How did he know where I was?"
Thomas looked at Eliza, then back at the silhouette of the mansion. "You think your mom hasn't put cameras everywhere around this place?"
She groaned, laying back with Thomas on the roof. "Of course."
He looked over at her, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and handing it back to her. "What are you doing up here?"
She shrugged, putting the cigarette in her mouth.
"I know your mom's name is Smoak, but you really shouldn't."
She glared at him.
"Don't give me that look, I'm already damaged. I'm allowed."
She sighed, taking the cigarette out again.
"You talk a lot." He joked, sitting up to look back at her.
"You never shut up, do you?" She finally said, cigarette going back in her mouth.
Thomas stopped it before it could, putting it in his own mouth. "I've been here for months, we've hardly said two words to each other."
"Okay, what do you want to know?" She sat up. "I'm the oldest full blooded Smoak Queen, or I was. Family disappointment but they don't know it. I've brought home more guys than I can count but I've only ever had 3 boyfriends-"
"Alright, you don't just turn out like this. What's your story?"
"I'm sure you already heard it." She shook her head. "My family loves spilling secrets."
"I want to hear it from you." Thomas took the cigarette and handed it back to Eliza.
She hesitated, but took it back. "My boyfriend died." She spit it out, knowing that if she hesitated her words, she would never get anymore.
"And now you're a family disappointment?"
"It's a long story."
"So? Tell me. I have time."
His voice sounded sincere. He wasn't forcing her into talking, he wasn't judging her after finding her on a roof of a kid's playhouse with a cigarette, maybe she could tell him some of the story.
So she did.
She told him about how Jason was her first boyfriend. She told him that her dad hated that Jason was her first boyfriend.
She told him how they used to run away up here, talking about actually running away. Eliza always wanted out, even before he died.
She was there when he died. It was her fault. She told him to skip the vigilante business. She wanted to walk the city and she wanted to do it with him.
She left Star City not long after that. She wanted to get away. Now was the perfect time.
She didn't go through a grieving process. She had a day. She gave herself a day. After that, she forced herself to move on. She numbed her feelings however she could.
Drinks, drugs, parties, strange people.
Ada, Liv, and Quinn were the only ones who really know what was going on, well them and their boyfriends.
They thought she needed help, she did, but they didn't want to stage an intervention without giving her a chance to settle down.
After a year or so, they set her up with this annoying, hyperactive, time traveling idiot.
And she calmed down.
He didn't save her. He had his own issues to worry about. But he kept her busy. He kept her away from the parties because they'd go to get food instead. Without the parties, there were no longer strange people or drugs.
For awhile, during withdrawals, he sat by her side and told everyone who asked that she was just sick. It was the flu. She'd be fine. And she was.
They got over the drinking thing together.
And despite all of that....she hasn't brought him to the clubhouse.
It was a safe place. It was where you bring people you care about. And she didn't want to jinx anything.
Eliza went silent, clearly now thinking about everything she had said. Reliving it in her head.
Thomas took the silence as an opportunity to speak.
"My mom died after my sister was born."
She looked over at him, she felt her mouth open, wanting to ask about the sister part of the sentence. Something in her told her that she probably wouldn’t have to ask.
"It was just the three of us then. My dad never remarried. He worked a lot so I took care of Clara." He continued. "I'd have done anything for her." He looked out at the Queen mansion.
"She looked like Miriam."
Eliza felt a deeper sadness than she had felt before. She lost Jason. She couldn't ever imagine losing her sisters. She loved them more than anything in the world.
Thomas reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He flipped it open and pulled out a small picture, handing it to Eliza.
Despite the darkness, Eliza could see the resemblance between Clara and Miriam.
"That's the boat that she's on." He spoke again, this time his voice sounded more wounded.
"The boat?"
"I saw her get on....I never saw her get off."
Thomas had a history that was a lot like her dad's. Except, he got on a boat with his girlfriend, sister, and dad.
"TJ, I...” Eliza started, but she didn’t really know what she could say. “Why are you telling me this?”
“We’re not that different.” He told her, she raised an eyebrow at him.
“I would give anything to have her back...but...” Thomas looked over at Eliza. “If I hadn’t left, if I gave up on everything and everyone else when I lost Clara, or when I lost Jade, I wouldn’t be here.”
“I still don’t understand.”
“I lost my sister...There’s nothing I can do about that. I can’t go back and save her.” He looked at the mansion, then at Eliza again. “But I can be here with you. I can help Miriam prepare a bribe lunch. I can help Owen bring his equipment from the basement to the garage.”
“I lost my sister.” He repeated. “But I gained so much more by accepting it and moving on.”
They both sat there in silence for a moment. Thomas placed his hand on Eliza’s shoulder.
“Everyone does things at their own pace....but when you’re ready...” He looked back at the mansion. “There’s this annoying, time traveling, idiot waiting for you on the porch.” He gave her a small smile before standing up and jumping from the roof of the clubhouse to the actual flooring of it, and then proceeding to climb down the play set.
Eliza watched as he dropped to the ground and walked back to the porch of the mansion. She quickly picked up her phone and sent him a text.
If you see him, tell him I’m at the clubhouse.
She saw Thomas pause before reaching the porch, something lighting up in his hand, then going dark again as he waved to someone she couldn’t see.
Her phone buzzed a few seconds later.
why the hell are you on a roof?
She smiled, sending back a shrugging emoji before putting her phone down again.
Maybe it was time to move on.
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sharkyseventsfl · 3 years
Business Name: Sharkys of Sarasota Bounce House Rentals
Street Address: 1941 Barber Rd
City: Sarasota
State : Florida (FL)
Zip Code: 34240
Country: United States
Business Phone: (941) 404-1923
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.sharkysevents.com/pages/sarasota-bounce-house-water-slide-rentals
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SharkysEvents
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sharkys_events_and_inflatables/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8fFgceSuvOAe1zkkssNoAg/featured
Business Description: We are Sarasota, Manatee, and Hillsborough Counties #1 Event and Party Company! We have Bounce Houses, Bounce House and Water Slide Combos, Tall Water Slides, Obstacle Courses, Giant Yard games, Concessions, Tables and chairs, Meltdown, Ninja Warrior Wall, and much more. We have everything to make your next School event a hit. After Prom Party? Yours will be the best! Church Event? We got you! Corporate Event? We have what you need! Backyard party? Yours will be the talk of the town!
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=5865073588399261754
Hours of Operation: - Sunday 24 hours Monday 24 hours Tuesday 24 hours Wednesday 24 hours Thursday 24 hours Friday 24 hours Saturday 24 hours
Payment Methods: Cash Check Visa Master Discover Amex
Services: Canopies & tents Children's party Decorating Delivery Food & beverage machines Inflatable kid's attractions Tables & chairs Bounce House Rentals Water slide rental Obstacle course rental Cotton candy machine rental Dunk tank rental Snow cone machine rental Giant game rental Meltdown rental School event rental Church event rental Foam Party Foam Parties
Keywords: Sarasota Bounce House Rentals, Bounce House Rentals, Sarasota Water Slide Rentals, Water Slide Rentals, Party Rentals
Number of Employees: 2
Owner Name: Justin Kenyon
Location :-
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metalmuscle · 1 year
Why Investing in Quality Ninja Warrior Equipment from a Reliable Supplier is Worth It
Ninja Warrior is a unique sport that relies on body-weight strength, thus anyone can participate or compete. Moms, Dads, and kids can all enjoy training for Ninja Warrior in a family-friendly atmosphere. This is a sport that values functional strength and it is all about athletes versus obstacles. For this, you will need to rely on a ninja warrior equipment supplier who offers quality & innovative products based on your need and space. Leading ninja warrior equipment suppliers can provide the equipment to create fun and exciting workout opportunities!
Crucial equipment for ninja warrior training
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Quality ninja warrior equipment will bring together a thrilling combination of fun & physical challenges. You can use this to challenge your clients' strength, endurance, coordination, agility, and balance. Being a reliable & leading ninja warrior equipment supplier, Metal Muscle Athletics can provide precise equipment based on the space you have to work with!
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Transform your space with appropriate ninja warrior equipment
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Metal Muscle Athletics is a prominent name for premium ninja warrior equipment suppliers! They provide various choices for high-quality ninja warrior equipment! All their products are reasonably priced. It is suitable even for ninja warrior courses in residential backyards. Additionally, it is ideal for anyone seeking equipment for their home ninja warrior training.
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