#BTS Map of the Soul ON:E
aricastmblr · 4 months
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Jimin & Jungkook momentos en
BTS Monuments: Beyond The Star (2/3 corte fotos video)
Episodio 4: Desconectados Disconnected
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Arcánus Illécĕbra
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bts-bangtanies · 1 month
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BTS Exhibition ‘Map of the Soul ON:E (오,늩)’ 🚂🚆🚇🖼️🚊🚉🚈 online virtual exhibition in association with the ‘Map of the Soul ON:E online concert ⛲️ (10 - 11 October 2020 🎤) photo scans 🤲🙀👐 - 13 October to 12 November 2020
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btsx50states · 11 months
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Today's Festa gift! BangBangCon is BACK! Head to Weverse to check out the scheduled times these will be livestreaming. Enjoy, ARMY!!💜
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jiinjiinjarra · 1 year
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BTS // Map of the Soul ON:E DVD // Photocards // 2021
DVD Photocards (pcs): 2/7 pcs
Scan Cr. jiinjiinjarra (me)
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ly-singularity · 1 year
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seoul-bros · 8 days
Jikook Week 19 Complete ✔️(16/04 - 23/04/2024)
Their nineteenth week in the military is now complete and I have to say I'm missing them something chronic. Maybe celebrating this milestone with a look back at this week in 2021 will help.
BTS's performance of Dynamite for the 63rd Grammys on the 14 March 2021 was released on Bangtan TV on 21 April 2021.
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Also this week, images from the MAP OF THE SOUL ON:E CONCEPT BOOK were released. These are some of the most delicious promo photos ever taken of jikook. Stunning stuff.
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Run BTS Episode 138 came out on 22 April 2021. Olympic gold medalist, Ryu Seung Min came to help the members improve their table tennis skills. The day stretched over two episodes 138 and 139 both of which are included here.
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There were two teams the Kims against the 3Js.
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There was a short training period where we were gifted this hilarious jikook moment. Jimin baby, we saw what your did there!
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TwiX Link
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Jikook were also caught in the background a few times just having fun in their own world.
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Then it was on to the tournament. In the first round, Taehyung beat Jungkook, Jimin beat Namjoon and J-Hope won against Jin.
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In the 2nd round Taehyung faced off against Jimin and J-Hope played against Namjoon (who was the winner of the runner up playoff). Tae and J-Hope both won and went onto the final. Watch it if you want to know who won.
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Post Date: 23/04/2024
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cowgodmoo · 6 months
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seoul-italybts · 4 months
[✎ ITA] Intervista SUGA : Beyond The Stage Photobook - The Day We Meet⠸ 22.12.2023 💜⟭ 3 / 7 ⟬💜
Beyond The Stage
The Day We Meet
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Gli oggetti preferiti di SUGA
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29 MARZO 2020
Queste sono le mie agende dei testi, in cui annoto tutte le canzoni che ho scritto finora. A dire il vero, ne ho anche altre perché preferisco scriverle a mano. Ho molti blocchetti d'appunti, tutti piuttosto simili, ma di fatto non c'è uno stile che preferisco. Semplicemente, metto alla mano ciò che trovo in ufficio, presso l'agenzia.
Oltre ai testi, vi annoto anche i miei pensieri o altre cose random, come le mie coordinate bancarie o simili (ride). Ad ogni modo, sì, questi diari sono gli oggetti più importanti per me.
22 APRILE 2020 __Un Giorno
Ora che ci tocca questa pausa improvvisa, mi spiace un po' di aver solo sempre preso di petto il futuro, correndo senza mai guardarmi indietro. Non credo di aver fatto abbastanza. Ho quasi 30 anni e pochi ricordi cui ripensare. Il lavoro è sempre stato tutta la mia vita e finora ho vissuto solo per il lavoro. Mi sono sempre solo spinto al limite, e tutto unicamente per il successo.
10-11 OTTOBRE 2020 __BTS Map of the Soul ON:E
È stato un po' triste doverlo organizzare online ma, al contempo, sono grato per quest'opportunità. È pazzesco quanto siano cambiate le cose, ai giorni nostri, e cerchiamo di sfruttare al meglio la tecnologia. Ma sì, sento decisamente la mancanza del calore umano di un pubblico reale. Ho sempre nutrito un profondo amore per le esibizioni live.
Ad inizio anno, quando il tour è stato cancellato, ne ho avvertito molto la gravità. Non fare niente mi mette ansia e non ricordo di aver mai avuto una pausa simile, nel corso della mia carriera. Però, il fatto di restare in Corea, mi dà un certo senso di stabilità. Nel pieno dei precedenti tour, mi capitava spesso di chiedermi "Dov'è che sono, già?" Mentre ora, quando mi sveglio, sono nel mio letto, a casa mia.
Sto cercando di sfruttare al meglio questa pausa, provando varie cose, tipo studiare o dedicarmi ai miei hobby. Quindi, sì, trovo sia stato un anno di alti e bassi.
"Come mi sentirei se non ci fosse nessuno ad assistere alle mie esibizioni? Se determinate location ci fossero precluse?" Ed è esattamente ciò che sto sperimentando in questo periodo. Quindi ora più che mai queste cose mi sembrano estremamente preziose.
15 MARZO 2021 __63a Ediz. dei Grammy Awards
È stata un po' una delusione. Era da un po' che non provavo rammarico per 'non aver vinto un premio', quindi, in un certo senso, è stato anche uno stimolo. Mi ha dato la motivazione necessaria per lavorare ancor più sodo.
È apparso subito evidente quanto i membri non sopportassero l'idea di non poter andare in tour. Prima, quando andavamo in tournée, eravamo soliti dire "Che fatica, è dura", ma immagino fosse meno peggio di quanto la facessimo sembrare (ride). Ecco perché desideriamo tutti quanti tornare in tour. Credo i BTS abbiano ancora diverso lavoro all'orizzonte.
Ultimamente, sono piuttosto fiero di me stesso. In passato, ero solito pensare "Questo è tutto ciò che sai fare?", mentre ora mi dico "Stai andando alla grande, hai dato il massimo." Rispetto ad inizio anno scorso, la mia personalità è cambiata un sacco e così anche la mia prospettiva e modo di interpretare e approcciarmi alla vita.
Ormai mi sono abituato alla situazione, all'assenza di tour, e a dire il vero la cosa mi preoccupa un po'. Non sono sicuro riuscirò poi a riabituarmici, ormai è passato più di un anno dall'ultima tournée.
Mentre ero in Corea, ho provato nuovi videogiochi, a guardare film e serie TV e altro. Ho provato tante cose è mi è servito per conoscere meglio me stesso; mi annoio piuttosto facilmente. Se mi concentro su una stessa cosa per troppo tempo, ad un certo punto perdo interesse. È sempre stato così, qualsiasi cosa facessi. Invece della musica non mi stanco. Ho riflettuto molto sul perché io continui a fare musica, e credo che sia perché mi piace e diverte.
24 OTTOBRE 2021
__BTS Permission to Dance on Stage
È sempre brutto non avere pubblico. Un conto è che ci siano alcuni posti o sezioni vuote perché non ci è stato possibile vendere biglietti a sufficienza, ma l'assenza di pubblico è tutta un'altra storia.
27-28 NOVEMBRE / 1-2 DICEMBRE 2021
__BTS Permission to Dance on Stage LA
Durante il soundcheck, non avevo ancora realizzato effettivamente che questa volta lo stadio sarebbe stato pieno. Mi chiedevo come sarebbe stato, una volta iniziato il concerto. Quando il maxi schermo si è sollevato e ho sentito le grida, ho pensato, "Oh, [finalmente] di nuovo come due anni fa."
Volevamo che il pubblico pensasse, "Sono davvero in gamba!". Forse sarà perché ci è mancato il poterci esibire in concerto, ma nonostante i due anni di pausa credo i BTS siano ancora migliorati nelle esibizioni, lo trovo davvero incredibile, è piuttosto sorprendente.
In un certo senso, sono grato ci si presentino ancora sfide apparentemente insormontabili. Credo sia qualcosa da apprezzare.
8-9 & 15-16 APRILE 2022
__BTS Permission to Dance on Stage Las Vegas
È stato come riscoprire qualcosa che avevo dimenticato. E questo qualcosa è me stesso: quando non abbiamo potuto esibirci in presenza di un pubblico, è stato come dimenticare e perdere la persona che ero, e ora l'ho riscoperta.
⠸ ita : © Seoul_ItalyBTS⠸ Twitter
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bangtanpurplearchive · 10 months
2023 BTS 방탄소년단 10th anniversary Festa
Due to a limit on links and pictures the post doesn't have them all. The google doc attached does have all the links and pictures.
2023 10th
230530 | BTS Festa Timeline 1. 
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230531 |- FESTA 2023 announced
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230531 | BTS 10th anniversary digital single ' #TakeTwo ' will be released on 9th June
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230602 | 2023BTSFESTA BTS' Apobangpo 10 Project. 
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230602 | BT21 The best present for UNISTARS? (1)
230602 | A Piece of 'Take Two' - light - RM.
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230603 | UNRELEASED DANCE PRACTICE VIDEO 1 (Anpanman). 2 (Boy with Luv) 3. (Concept trailer). 4 (Boyz with fun). 5 (I’m Fine). 6 (I Need U)
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230603 | 2023 BangBangCon poster 1. 2. 3.  Concert in your room 1 (5th Muster Seoul). 2  (2021 Soowoozoo). 3 (Map of the Soul ON:E)
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230603 | A Piece of 'Take Two' Begin - Jin.
230603 | BT21 2023BTSFESTA 1. 
230604 | 2023BTSFESTA A Piece of 'Take Two' - SOUL - SUGA.
230605 | A Piece of 'Take Two' - j-hope TOGETHER 1
230606 | A Piece of 'Take Two' - Jimin - FACE.
230607 | A Piece of 'Take Two' - V - YOUNG. 
230607 | 2023BTSFESTA] 607'지민 (Jimin) - 편지 (Dear. ARMY)' Live Clip. 1. 
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230608 | A Piece of 'Take Two' - Jung Kook - STAY. 
230608 | 2023BTSFESTA BTS '아포방포10' Project Photo.  BTS (방탄소년단) '아포방포10' Project.
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230608 | JeJu air 1. 
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Twitter: Big Hit. 1.  Instagram: BTS 1. 2. RM 1, 2. 3. 4.  Yoongi 1. Jhope 1. Jimin 1. Tae 1.  Weverse:  JK 1 
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230609 | Take Two digital single released. Tik Tok 1. 2. Deezer 1.  BTS broke the record for the fastest song by a Korean/K-pop act in history to reach #1 on US iTunes in just 1 hour & 10 minutes. 1. 
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230609 | 2023BTSFESTA - D4.
230610 | #TakeTwo goals achieved in 24 hours: 1. #58 Apple Global chart 1.  ‘Take Two’ by BTS debuts at #1 on Global Spotify with 7.27 million streams. It also debuts at #17 on US Spotify with 790k streams 1.
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230610 | [Notice] BTS 10th Anniversary FESTA Partner Event Guide 1
230610 | You Tube Music 1. Spotify 1. Amazon music 1. Apple music 1. Deezer 1. Pandora music 1. Tidal 1. Amazon music 1. 
230610 | Pdogg instagram story 1. 
230610 | BTS x Photoism 1.
230611 | 2023BTSFESTA - instagram filter 1. 2. 
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230611 |2023BTSFESTA BTS EXHIBITION '오, 늘' FILM CAMERA Photo (B side ver) 1. 
230611 |2023BTSFESTA 10 Years on Twitter - Special Question- What would you say in a tweet to dear ARMY, who have been with you all this time? RM. Jin. Yoongi. Hoseok. Jimin. Tae. JK. 
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230611 | (Q1) - Response 1. 2.  (Q2) Response 1. 2.  (Q3) Response 1. 2.  (Q4) Response 1. 2.  (Q5) Response 1. 2.  
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230612 | Seoul Metropolitan Government 1.
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230612 | Samsung Mobile instagram reel - Jimin 1.
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Instagram: RM 1, 2. 3. Jin 1. Yoongi 1.. Jhope 1, 2. 3.  Jimin 1.  Tae 1. Weverse: Jin 1. JK 1. 
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230613 | Exclusive Content for Weverse Members Happy 10th anniversary 1.
230613 | Spotify 1 .  Yonhap News 1. Melon 1. 2.  Visit Seoul 1. NME Asia 1. 
230613 | Son Sung Deuk 1. 
230613 | BTS (방탄소년단) 'Take Two' Live Clip #2023BTSFESTA. Focus clips RM. Jin. Yoongi. JHope. Jimin. Tae. JK. 
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230614 | Jimmy Fallon The Tonight Show instagram 1.  Elle India 1. Spotify 1. 
230614 | 'Take Two' Live Clip Photo Sketch #2023BTSFESTA 1.
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230615 | Samsung mobile - Yoongi 1. 
230615 | Official BTS Big Hit Take 2 live clips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 
230616 | 'Le Jazz de V' Live Clip #2023BTSFESTA 1. 2.
230616 | BTS x Photoism 1. 2. 3. 
230616 | Official BTS Big Hit IG Story 1
230616 | Seoul Metropolitan government 1. 
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Twitter: Big Hit 1. 2. 3.  Instagram: Big Hit 1. 2.  RM 1, 2. 3. 4. Weverse: Jimin 1. Tik Tok 1. 
230617 |  BTS 10th Anniversary Fireworks Show 1. 
230617 | It's 5 PM, and This is Kim Namjun. #2023BTSFESTA 1. 
230617 | BTS 10th Anniversary FESTA 여의도 Special Selfies 1. 
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230617 | BTS presents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 (RM- Wildflower). 4 (Pop-up Quiz) (trans). 5. 
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230617 | Seoul Metropolitan Government instagram story 1. 
230618 |  BTS PRESENTS EVERYWHERE 1 official Tik Tok. RM. Jin. Yoongi. JHope. Jimin. Tae. JK. 
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230618 | Slow Rabbit IG Stories 1. 
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aricastmblr · 2 years
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bts-bangtanies · 1 month
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BTS Exhibition ‘Map of the Soul ON:E (오,늩)’ 🚂🚆🚇🖼️🚊🚉🚈 online virtual exhibition in association with the ‘Map of the Soul ON:E online concert ⛲️ (10 - 11 October 2020 🎤) photo scans 🤲🙀👐 - 13 October to 12 November 2020
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naekkeoyoongi1993 · 11 months
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🚪2019 5th Muster <Magic Shop> in Seoul
🌌 2021 Muster SOWOOZOO
🧭 Map of The Soul On:e
⏳️ June 3, 12PM – 08PM KST
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jiinjiinjarra · 3 months
Oct 2, 2020 (201002): 2020 Billboard Music Awards
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Oct 5, 2020 (201005): BTS Map Of The Soul ON:E
🐹: "I really missed having an audience. A stage performance is all about the connections between the audience and the performer. Just only the camera to look at the whole time made me more nervous. To be honest, I wasn't as excited, though I still gave it my all." (p.107)
🐰: "What gives me the most energy during the show is the cheers from the fans. That's what keeps me dancing and singing even when I have cramps all over my body. I felt hollow without that. I'm eager to see them again and hear the electrifying cheers again." (p.517)
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Oct 26, 2020 (201026): The Late Show with James Corden
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Oct 29, 2020 (201029): The Late Show with James Corden
🐹: "I'm putting a lot of effort into my work, but personally, I've been a bit emotionally detached from everything for the last few months. If I don't have a fixed schedule, I find myself just lying around at home and sleeping for about 15 hours a day. I don't know if it's because of the prolonged pandemic or for some other reason. Even games don't excite me much anymore. I guess it's just a phase that everyone goes through at some point. It'll get better." (p.110)
🐰: "I almost collapsed when I heard that the concert was canceled. I've been looking through a lot of old videos of us rehearsing and performing. I miss doing shows terribly. I want to get back on the plane and tour around the world again. I can't wait to feel that sensation again." (p.523)
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BTS // Book // 'Beyond the Stage' Documentary Photobook : The Day We Meet // Photobook // 2023 // Pt.3
Scan Cr. jiinjiinjarra (me)
Translation cr. provided in the book
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hopeonmyphone · 1 year
11 J-Hope Fashion Moments I Think We Need to Talk About More
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It was on this day in 1994 that the world became (a lot) brighter. Today, we celebrate the sunshine of BTS, the one-man, party-starting pride of Gwangju, your hope, my hope: J-Hope.
We have all sorts of important business to attend to today, in honor of Hobi's birthday. First: let's acknowledge the endless joy that Jung Hoseok has brought us over the years. His talent is endless and his optimism is contagious — as enveloping as a warm hug at the end of a really bad day. He possesses a smile that could provide Earth with energy for the next 1,000 years. And what better time to gush over my favorite J-Hope outfits (and there are a lot of them, so pace yourself, ARMY) then on his birthday? It's no surprise that the man who named Snoopy as one of his biggest style influences has fun with fashion, landing somewhere at the intersection of "hypebeast" and "cutie pie" aesthetic. Let's raise a can of Sprite in his honor, stream Hope World all damn day, and worship the heart of BTS, our Hobitonin.
Proof Purple Velvet Can Cause Global Panic
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Congrats to Hobi for inventing purple velvet!
In all seriousness, can you recall such exquisite use of purple since Prince?
For the 2020 Melon Music Awards, BTS performed "Black Swan," "On," and #1 Billboard hits "Life Goes On" and "Dynamite." The entire performance might have been the best seventeen minutes I've experienced since the pandemic started, and no moment was more gasp-worthy as when J-Hope appeared in a velvet jumpsuit. How widespread was the sartorially-induced meltdown that followed? All three of his names — J-Hope, Hobi, and Hoseok — immediately began trending on Twitter.
Not to mention that J-Hope and/or the genius stylist who was involved in this fit could have easily included a tuxedo shirt, a clavicle-grazing tank, a cool Gucci shirt — anything really. But they did not. Hobi woke up that day and chose chaos in the form of a purple velvet jumpsuit with no shirt.
I'm into that. I'm good to go.
Actually, the Entire "Dynamite" Era
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A hill I will gladly die on: The entire "Dynamite" era is actually J-Hope's era. Sure, every member looked amazing, but the visuals Hobi was serving were downright deranged. The undercut and exposed forehead, the '70s-style Gucci suits, pumpkin spice J-Hope as seen on NPR's Tiny Desk Concert — I couldn't sleep for weeks with the never-ending onslaught of serves.
Malta Boyfriend Aesthetic
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Be honest: Did you gasp the first time you saw this picture, fellow ARMY? I did.
For the third season of Bon Voyage in 2018, BTS traveled to Malta where fellow idol Jungkook snapped what might be the most ethereally beautiful picture of J-Hope ever. Seated by the water while a Malta sunset bathes him in golden honey light, J-Hope smolders in a crisp white button-down. This image is burned in my brain as peak "POV: Your rich boyfriend Hoseok takes you out to dinner'' fanfic material.
"Ego" Era
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When the world locked down and BTS had to cancel their 2020 global stadium tour, ARMY feared we might never get to see a performance of J-Hope's MOTS7 solo song "Outro:Ego."Luckily for us, Bangtan never lets down their fans and pivoted to produce a virtual Map of the Soul ON:E concert this past October.
In total, almost a million viewers from 191 countries logged in to swoon over our Hobitonin and a performance as sparkly as his rhinestone encrusted Louis Vuitton denim (accessorized with two of the hottest, of-the-moment brands right now: Gentle Monster sunglasses and DiorxAir Jordan 1 Low sneakers).
MOTS7 Concept
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How did this J-Hope escape? Shouldn't he be in the Louvre with all the other works of art?
These Map of the Soul: 7 concept pictures are the modern day equivalent of renaissance paintings. They're aching in their perfection — Hoseok's in particular. His glowing skin, his mythically beautiful face, his Dionysus-equse pose — you're telling me this is the same man who will wear a cartoon puppy hat and scream out of pure (somehow adorable) terror on amusement park rides? The duality this man possesses …
This fit checks every J-Hope aesthetic box possible. Bucket hat? Yes, in the form of a fuzzy Kangol one. Layers of insanely luxurious designer jewelry? Yup, Chanel dog tags! Cool, oversized street style shirt? Check!
For BTS's 2021 Season's Greeting package, J-Hope modeled this FreeVOLT shirt, a hip Korean street style line. As soon as J-Hope's pics hit the internet, the brand announced they would be donating the sales from this particular soon-to-be-sold-out T-shirt to charities that help underprivileged kids from all over the world. Add it to the (extremely long) list of charitable good deeds BTS has inspired.
Global Influencer J-Hope
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Please direct your attention away from J-Hope's hot-enough-to-melt-the-ice-caps gaze (I know, it's tough) and to his fit. This is one of my personal favorites because of the cultural juxtaposition: a Korean gat (a traditional hat from the Joseon period) worn with the ultra modern and iconically American Nike Air Jordan 1s. The cross-global combination feels symbolic of J-Hope's worldwide, generation-spanning appeal and influence.
Let's Get It: "Chicken Noodle Soup"
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Want to make any J-Hope bias weak? Four words: Chicken. Noodle. Soup. Hobi. During a BTS break, J-Hope flew to Los Angeles to film an instantly iconic music video for his collaboration with Becky G. The whole project is an amalgamation of everything we love about J-Hope: a high-octane, stays-in-your-head-forever song performed in the bright, sun-soaked locale with all those signature popping, rocking, hopping, tutting, dougie, flexing, swaggin' Gwangju moves. His neon-bright hypebeast fashion in the music video was briefly eclipsed by another "CNS" era fit though …
"CNS," Part 2
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J-Hope returned to Seoul from L.A. in an airport outfit that caused an international meltdown. The idol, who rarely shows a sliver of skin, wore a barely buttoned star-printed denim jacket from Chemist with no shirt underneath. ARMYs everywhere had no choice but to collapse into the fetal position until they could figure out how to function again.
'90s Baby
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Yes, the outfit is so great — a subtle nod to two '90s fashion icons: the return of the Hawaiian shirt thanks to Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet and Kurt Cobain's signature retro white sunglasses — but, more importantly, how perfectly "J-Hope'' is this picture? He is sunshine in human form — gleefully out of his chair and dancing to make his members smile (even Suga can't help grin!). Here's the video of the SiriusXM interview, for context. BTS was asked who is "most likely to brighten someone's day" and, well, of course it's you, J-Hope.
Winter Prince Hoseok
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No. Not Hobi wearing a tuxedo like it's not the hottest thing ever.
I am, admittedly, a sucker for the whole 2019 Jingle Ball performance. It's the white tuxes. How can you resist Bangtan in the dapperest, crispest, most beautiful crystal-snow-white tuxedos? J-Hope in particular looks like a dazzling fairytale prince. Models everywhere should be forever-grateful that Jung Hoseok chose music for a career.
Source: InStyle
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seoul-bros · 11 months
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BTS Map of the Soul ON:E
Post Date: 03/06/2023
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cowgodmoo · 6 months
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