aevspxa · 2 years
w jakich godzinach polecacie brsc dulcobis?
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camilaroquelove · 2 years
Capitulo I - O começo.
A realidade nos machucava, mas realmente era necessário ter vivenciado cada momento intenso daquele último dia. Os últimos minutos, esses foram contabilizados pelo Uber que você acabou de chamar, foram nove minutos exatos. Foi os nove minutos mais demorados e intenso de toda essa nossa relação. Um último beijo, daqueles que consertam qualquer coração quebrado, um último abraço que me fez derrubar as lagrimas que estava segurando. Não queria ter sido tão fraca na sua frente. Esse tempo foi o necessário para que uma declaração fosse iniciada, mas você resolveu corta-la pela metade e simplesmente deixou de pronunciar as frases de amor que tu sabia, era meu ponto forte. Você preferiu deixar para lá. Como escritora, não conseguiria passar por tudo isso e não escrever sobre cada momento que vivenciamos. Foi algo intenso e que o final machucou e ainda machuca ao ser lembrado, mas querendo ou não, era necessário. Temos que se reconstruir das lembranças do passado que insistem em assombrar. Não seria obrigatório se afastar, mas foi decidido, por sua conta, que seria necessário para que nenhum de nos se magoasse. Você me conheceu a ponto de saber que isso me machucaria, mas tudo isso, seria um meio para que este texto fosse criado e para não ser apagado as nossas lembranças, e que lembranças. Eu havia dito que não o faria, mais me pego escrevendo enquanto ouço sua música (Não precisa ficar bravo dizendo que não queria me ver ouvindo isso, e já digo… chorei) … tu fizeste questão de trazer essa lembrança a tona. Um amor traiçoeiro. Sua música, sempre me comoveu a ponto de me deixar assim, abalada. Parabéns conseguiu comover uma leonina que foi sempre uma pedra nos relacionamentos. Você me conheceu tanto em pouco tempo, e soube desde o começo todas as minhas fraquezas e tristezas que já havia passado… não estou negando nosso sentimento, mas às vezes me pego pensando se isso seria certo, ou melhor, se foi certo.
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rogerblackwolf · 3 years
The Angel
Containment Facility 204
60 miles south of Fairbanks, Alaska.
-Modern Day-
A single black Osprey VTOL flew over the snow covered land, a full moon helping illuminate the nighttime sky. The winds caused some turbulence but the pilots were experienced enough to handle it, the single passenger however found it to be a little rough. The passenger shifted in her seat to look out the window at the expanse of white land and the mountains they were heading towards, in the distance she noticed some dark clouds which the moon helped outline. Another gust of wind shook the Osprey, and before long the snow began falling again, thankfully their destination was in sight. The lights of the mountainside were like a Christmas tree, lighting the way for them to land, the Osprey's twin engines slowly turned upward allowing for it to land on a massive helipad. Once on the ground the woman grabbed her two suitcases and got blasted by the cold air as the ramp was dropped.
A couple of men in uniforms immediately came up to her and got her to a waiting vehicle nearby. They drove from the helipad and into an open illuminated tunnel, just as the snow began to fall. A perk of getting stationed in Alaska during the winter months. The first thing she noticed upon entering the mountain was the massive interior hanger which held several other Ospreys. The car then drove down another tunnel and stopped at a service entrance for the personnel.
"Now ma'am, go inside to the front desk, they'll show you where to go." The driver said.
"Thank you. I appreciate the help." She said before grabbing her suitcases and heading inside. Once inside she was greeted by one of a pair of men at the front desk who stood and asked;
"Ms. Clark?"
"Yes. That's me." She replied, putting her hood down and removing her beanie.
"Do you have your ID badge?" The man asks
"Yes right here." Clark said, taking it out of her jacket pocket.
The man looked it over and checked against the file on the computer. 
"Please place your right thumb on this." He says whilst putting a small scanner on the counter. Clark obliged, taking her gloves off and placing her thumb on the scanner. After some more typing the man gave back her badge before asking her to follow him, leading her down a hallway to an elevator. Next to the doors was what looked like an electric lock where the man inserted his ID badge, once the light turned from red to green a hidden plate opened next to it, revealing a scanner with the outline of a handprint. The man put his hand in the outline, a line of light quickly ran the length of his hand before a green arrow pointing up above the doors lit up.
"When the doors close, put your badge into the lock, follow the instructions given and you'll be fine." He says.
"Thank you." Clark replies.
"Enjoy your stay, ma'am." The man said before walking away. A few moments later the elevator rang and the doors opened. Once inside, Clark put her ID badge into the lock and a hidden plate opened to her right revealing another handprint scanner and a retinal scanner. A small screen also lit up with a set of instructions; the first being 'Place right hand in the scanner.', once she did so, another instruction came onto the screen 'Look directly into the lens.' 
Clark looked into the lens and a pair of lights scanned both her eyes. When the lights stopped she blinked with relief, and the last instruction came on-screen 'Report to Dr. Malcolm on Level 4.' Clark pressed the number 4 button and felt the elevator beginning to descend. She unzipped her winter coat and undid her light brown hair which stopped at her shoulders. She took a deep breath, nervous of what would happen next since this was new to her. She glanced at her watch, 9:45 pm, not terribly late but she didn't ponder it as the elevator opened again, this time welcomed to a reception area that split into a couple of hallways. She was met by a receptionist, a young woman with auburn hair tied in a bun and dressed in formal business attire, who happily showed her to Dr. Malcolm's office. The women entered as the man inside was in the process of putting some files away and locking the cabinet. Dr. Malcolm was easily six feet tall, had long blonde hair with some grey mixed in that was tied into a ponytail, clean shaven with an angular face, and dull grey eyes. He also had faint bags under his eyes, probably not the type of man to get much sleep.
"Ms. Clark, welcome to Containment Facility 204." Dr. Malcolm said, shaking her hand firmly before leaning against his desk.
"Thank you, Doctor." Ms. Clark said standing in front of him.
"My name is Dr. Howard Malcolm, I am the Head Researcher and Overseer for this facility. I'm sure you have many questions but I'm also sure you are tired so I'll show you where you'll be staying and get you settled. Shall we?" He asks, leading the way out of his office and holding the door for her. Clark followed him down a hallway and up some stairs to another hallway where there were multiple doors on both sides with room numbers. They stopped at a room near the end of the hall and Clark noticed the lock required a key card.
Dr. Malcolm stepped aside letting her do the honors. Clark inserted her badge and entered, being welcomed with what looked like a high-end hotel room. It had a full sized bed, a bathroom with a shower, a small living area with a tv and workspace, and even a kitchen with a fully stocked fridge. It was devoid of decorations but that could be fixed in due time. Clark put her suitcases at the foot of the bed before taking her heavy coat off.
"Make yourself at home, and in the morning we'll get you set up for your job here, anyway I'll leave you to it. Goodnight Dr. Clark." Dr. Malcolm said, closing the door before she could reply.
Dr. Clark quickly got acclimated after a simple dinner and getting unpacked. Without much else to do she decided to go to sleep even if she was still a bit nervous.
Awakened by her alarm, Clark stumbled out of bed and made some coffee before taking a quick shower and having some toast. She then got dressed in a plain blouse, skirt that went past her knees, plain black flats and some light makeup, first impressions and all. She got a knock at her door as she put on her lab coat and attached her badge.
"Yes?" She asked through the door.
"It's Dr. Malcolm." 
Clark opened up to the man who waved with a smirk.
"Morning Ms. Clark, How was your first night?" He asked.
"Good. I was about to come and find you actually." She said
"Well, if you're ready I'll give you the tour and get your security clearance settled." He said.
Clark nodded before following Dr. Malcolm through the halls of the facility. They passed multiple other Researchers and men in security uniforms, the researchers carried files and iPad devices but they still managed to wave or say a morning greeting. Before long, Clark and Malcolm arrived in the main control center where she was given an iPad that, among other things, showed a map of the level she was on. She noticed how it was rather Labyrinthine in design, but with the map handy she'd adapt with time. Dr. Malcolm explained how the facility housed many creatures that resembled folkloric creatures but each was unique in a way. Each of the creatures were separated by level as were the researchers who studied them. Dr. Malcolm introduced the head of security, a tall imposing man with broad shoulders and short black hair named Andrew, to Clark. He asked her for her ID badge which he told her was only a temporary one, he showed her to an area with a camera and a blue screen. Andrew took her picture, a couple minutes later, she had a new ID badge and finally turned a mic toward her.
"Ok, last thing, speak your full name and credentials." Andrew said pressing a button on the desk next to the mic.
"Dr. Amelia D. Clark, PhD in Philology." She said.
Andrew then typed on the computer before speaking again;
"Ok, the software now recognizes you as part of the staff. Congrats." He said with a smirk.
"Thank you." Clark replied.
"Now onto the reason you are here. Follow me please." Dr. Malcolm said, having Dr. Clark follow him as he walked and talked;
"Dr. Clark, you were selected out of a roster of one hundred and fifty individuals, and only your credentials stood out the most. Received your Master's from the University of Pennsylvania, top of your class, and you did your field study at the British Museum and the Louvre. All impressive." Dr. Malcolm said.
"Well yes...so where am I gonna be placed, and why was I chosen?" She asked
"You'll be placed with Research Team 18, they're looking into one of the creatures stored here. One that's quite...unique." Dr. Malcolm said.
They came to a room with a few other researchers working on a number of different artifacts. On one table was a tablet covered in writings that looked like some form of cuneiform, another had an ornate dagger covered with similar symbols along its edge, and the two last tables had many jewelry pieces from a necklace and rings to bejeweled bracelets. One Researcher came up to the duo, an older man with balding hair and some grey peach fuzz on his face but he still seemed  able for his age.
"Dr. Clark, this will be your lead researcher Dr. Luke Allen. Dr. Allen, meet our latest addition, Dr. Amelia Clark." Malcolm introduced.
"Oh yes, the new linguist." Dr. Allen said, extending his hand to her.
"I'm actually a Philologist sir." Amelia replied, shaking his hand firmly.
"What's the difference?" Allen asked.
"A Linguist studies languages spoken today, including dialects used by small populations, while a Philologist studies ancient texts and the evolution of ancient languages a linguist would consider "dead" languages because they only exist in writing, like Sanskrit, Old English, and Old High German." Amelia explained.
"Well then, what language did you study?" Allen asked.
"My focus was Assryiology." Amelia answered.
"If you would, I'm certain our guest is awake by now. And I think it's safe to say that Dr. Clark likes a challenge on her first day." Dr. Malcolm said, looking at Amelia.
"Well, I guess no time like the present." Amelia replied.
"Alright. Good luck." Dr. Malcolm said before taking his leave.
Dr. Allen escorted Amelia through a couple of corridors and down a hallway with several contained creatures. The cells themselves were made of impact resistant metal and the doors looked like glass but it let out an electrical pulse when touched. In one cell was what resembled a massive feline with a wolf-like head that paced back and forth snarling at the researchers as they passed. Another cell had a polar bear but it was larger and had bony horns protruding from its body. It took a swipe at the door before getting a powerful shock that made it recoil. 
Dr. Allen showed her to a quieter passage that held some of the more docile creatures, like a supersized elk that reminded her of a Megalocerus and an overgrown bison that appeared to have bony plates on its head and shoulders. While amazed, Amelia was surprised when they arrived at a pair of heavy doors with a hand scanner next to them. Dr. Allen scanned his hand and the doors began unlocking before opening, Dr. Allen stepped in first followed by Amelia. Inside was a circular room comparable in size to Amelia's room, it had stacks of books, magazines, even DVDs and CDs. In four corners of the room were cameras, one of which focused on the researchers as they entered. There was a bed in the corner that had been made and a TV playing a popular show on the opposite end, what surprised her more was the one watching it. The figure turned off the TV, setting the remote aside before standing to turn towards the duo.
He was humanoid, easily seven feet tall, dressed in a gold and white robe with vestments draped over his shoulders, and smooth, tanned skin with golden hair that showered down his back. He also had a pair of feathered wings that sprouted from his back. Amelia was first stricken by how handsome he was but then saw he was hovering in place.
"Good morning Dr. Allen." He said.
"Good morning Subject 11572. This is our new addition." Dr. Allen replied.
The humanoid turned to Amelia and extended his hand to her. Amelia took it and began to introduce herself.
"Hello I'm-"
"Dr. Amelia Clark, PhD in Philology, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. Among other things." He said.
"Uhm." She responded.
"Yeah he does that. Anyway, this is Subject 11572, we often refer to him as the Angel for obvious reasons." Dr. Allen says nonchalantly.
"Apologies if I overstepped." The Angel said.
"Oh it's fine, I'm just starting to get used to things here." Amelia chuckled. The Angel smirked in response.
"Dr. Clark will be responsible for studying you from now on. I'll be monitoring the interview from the observation room. Good luck." Dr. Allen said, taking his leave.
Amelia nearly protested but figured this could likely be a test so she took a deep breath and turned back to the Angel.
"May I offer you a seat?" He asked, hovering to the side to offer a couple of chairs.
"Sure. Thank you." She said taking a seat just as the Angel followed suit. 
Amelia pulled up the file on the Angel and read some details while the Angel sat patiently, she couldn't really gauge his emotions if he had any to begin with. She finally spoke by reading off his bio.
"This file says you were found in 1976 on one of the Aleutians. How'd you arrive there?"
"I chose to come to your world as an ambassador. The portal sent me to the islands, I was found by the local tribesmen who welcomed me with food and drink. Your agents found me, I surrendered and I've been here ever since." He responded.
"Ok, how did you know my name and credentials without me or Dr. Allen telling you?" She asked.
"I am able to tell a lot about a person by reading their aura." He says
"Aura?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
"All humans have an aura, a byproduct of the magical lifeblood that exists in all Creation. I can see and gain a basic understanding of a person by simply reading it, such as if they are good or hold other intentions. However by physically touching a person I can see many more details, like their name, family, etcetera." He explains.
"What did you sense from me and Dr. Allen?" Amelia asks.
"Dr. Allen hides no ulterior motives but he has his own problems like many humans. He is trustworthy despite being easily irritated. Your aura is nervous but good, you're worried you won't do a good job. Perhaps due to your past experiences of clumsiness." The Angel speculated.
Amelia blushed in embarrassment before continuing. 
"So do you have a name? Or are you ok with being referred to as "Angel"?" She asked.
"My name is inscribed on the tablet I brought with me, I cannot tell you it though. And for the sake of simplicity, I've allowed myself to accept the moniker." He says. 
"Why can't you tell me your name?" Amelia asks curiously.
"Telling you my name creates a bond that cannot be easily broken, and allows you access to my knowledge. However, the cost for such knowledge could overwhelm your mind to the point of insanity, if it doesn't destroy you outright. By learning my name, that is a sign that you could stand a chance of surviving and retaining what I show you." He says.
"Sounds simple enough." Amelia said with a nervous chuckle.
The Angel chuckled with her and she caught him with a faint smile, she blushed in response.
The interview went on for roughly another hour before Amelia was called to conclude it. She thanked the Angel and exited the room meeting with Dr. Allen as the doors shut and locked behind her. Amelia then asked Dr. Allen to show her the tablet, when they got back to the research room, Amelia began studying the object. It was 12 inches tall, 6 inches wide, half an inch thick, had rounded edges, and looked like it was made of some metallic alloy but it was considerably lighter. Etched into its surface were symbols that covered only the front side, they resembled the writings of ancient Babylon which gave Amelia a lead.
She downloaded scans of the tablet onto her iPad while also trying to see if she recognized any of the symbols herself. The other researchers helped by getting her some books and journals on cuneiform, and lots of coffee. Many hours passed and Amelia was only able to translate a few sentences talking about a great mission and a person to bring unity. Amelia finally decided to hit the hay and took her iPad with her to her room, she made a sandwich for dinner and showered before looking at the scan of the tablet. She finally decided to let her iPad go through the translation program through the night so she could get some sleep. 
The next morning, Amelia got up and went about her routine, just finishing her first cup of coffee when her iPad suddenly dinged. Upon opening it, the program had finished its translation, which excited her enough she immediately began reading. In essence the tablet spoke of a civil war between the forces of Creation, in the end the rebellion leader was cast from the realm along with his followers. The realm of Creation elected one of their own to go to the Earth so that he could teach mankind the importance of unity even among enemies. To see past the differences of one another and instead see what makes them human. 
The strange thing though was the last sentence was incomplete simply reading 'The Watcher has been chosen, he will be known to mankind by his given name of-' with the last word unable to be translated. Amelia got ready for the day and took her findings to Dr. Allen who, after reading the translation, told her to see if she could decipher it. As she poured through journal after journal, she grew frustrated due to not finding what she needed. As a result she sat at her desk staring blankly at her open books and iPad which had the untranslated word that vexed her mind. Suddenly it came to her.
The word consisted of six letters not just Babylonian but each letter was from a different language of the region. One was from the Sumerian language, another from Assyrian, and Amorite. She wrote out the letters in order, finding them to make sense as she translated them down to the English alphabet. Finally it spelled a name she could read but, despite her eureka moment, she didn't want to reveal it just yet. She went to Dr. Allen, who then took her to see Dr. Malcolm, and needless to say he was surprised by her discovery.
"I think we should consult our guest." Dr. Malcolm said, leading them to the holding cell. This time the Angel was reading a book with a hard cover and a title in Italian. He closed it before standing to greet the trio as the door closed behind them.
"Doctors Clark, Allen, and Malcolm. How are you all this day?" He asks.
"We believe that we have finally translated your tablet, and your name, thanks to the work of Dr. Clark." Malcolm said.
The Angel's brow arched as he turned to Amelia.
"You believe you know my name?" He asked.
"I do, and though I am new here I also believe that these two can be trusted with your secret." Amelia said.
"For security purposes, this device was programmed with your name, whenever your name is said the device will distort it. Keep in mind though that my superiors will be able to hear the unaltered version. Knowing this, are these measures satisfactory?" Dr. Malcolm asked, showing a small recording device.
"They are." The Angel said after a moment of thought.
Once the measures were in place, Dr. Malcolm and Dr. Allen let Amelia take the lead. 
"Your name...is Anauel." 
The Angel, who was hovering in place, landed on his feet. His eyes had a glossy glow before but they now took on a more human color, that of a bright blue.
"You are correct." He said before he took a seat, the rest following suit.
"You have many questions, I will answer them as well as I can. No holding back." Anauel said.
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aajan · 6 years
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#supetar #brsc #croatia #pool #sunset #mediterranean #summer #travel #amor #ajanphoto (at Supetar) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmbbrJ0n1jV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16x0o4vjlvgdz
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gusfaniie · 7 years
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Posting wefie yang tertunda. Karena gw sukanya latepost, jadinya ya gini. Sabar-sabar aja dah yak 🤣 . . #friends #bff #family #brsc #brainsauce #brainsaucefamily #uniuni #padang #batu #kece #vacation #outing #refreshing #jalanjalan #teriakteriakan #jungleland #freedom #obatstress (at JungleLand Adventure Theme Park Sentul)
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michyeosseo · 6 years
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Room No. 9 opening credits
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fallingawaywithmuse · 3 years
Apr 1 2010 #MuseHistory @muse performed at the Pacific Coliseum in #Vancouver - They played 18 songs supporting The Resistance album - I agree, I WANT MORE!!! 😂😂#Muse #MuseLive #MattBellamy #DomHoward #ChrisWolstenholme #MuseHistoricalSociety (at Pacific Coliseum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNIXcN-BrSC/?igshid=1laywdemanmqv
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1upcrew · 5 years
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Burn City! #1UP #melburn #oneup #1upcrew #graffiti #landofsunshine #burncity #oneunitedpower #Oneup #Berlin #Kreuzberg #Graffiti #Catchusifyoucan #Australia #Melbourne photo: @deansunshine (hier: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrsC-uehyd8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=131jh85ibyev2
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wyomingnot · 5 years
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猫 is so weird. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs5HHo-BRSc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xde6ozowsgki
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sustainablesabs · 5 years
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Not gonna lie, I’ve spent waaaayyy too much time looking for planners made of recycled paper, that included a calendar (so no decomposition notebooks) AND space for note taking (so no Muji). Ahh, the solution is here! I truly believe that in order to make the biggest impact, companies and corporations have got to start making better choices. As more of us make our voices heard, more eco-friendly companies will arise that truly care about their impact on the environment. So thank you to @wisdomsupply.co for existing, and thank you to all the other #zerowaste businesses out there that are popping up (like @bestowedessentials, @thewallyshop, and @precyclenyc)! Don’t @ me for this cheesiness because it’s so true: together, we can make a difference 🤗🤗 what zero Waste companies are you looking forward to seeing soon? For me: would love to find a place that sells plastic free vegan products, like fauxmage and snacks! • • • #zerowaste #lowimpactmovement #wastefree #trashfree #plasticfree #nowaste #notrash #noplastic #reduce #reuse #recycle #repurpose #ecofriendly #sustainable #gogreen #yayforearth #reducewhatyouproduce #ourplanetourhome #zerowastecollective #planner #minimal #minimalism #organization (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brsc-lBHUn7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1et0idqvvglir
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Congrats to the Germantown Legends 09 White on their 2-0 win over Baton Rouge SC BRSC 09B Red in the John Talley Showcase & Shootout. ⚽️ #LegendsSoccer #GermantownSoccer #LegendsFAMILY #YouthSoccer #HealthyGermantown #GermantownTENN #GtownParksAndRec #SoccerFUN #Soccer #TeamWORK #TSSA #TNSoccer #USYouthSoccer #USYS #Believe #MRSC #MikeRoseSoccerComplex #JTS #JohnTalleyShowcase @GtownParksAndRec @GermantownChamber @USSoccer @USYouthSoccer @HealthyGermantown @TNStateSoccer @GermantownTENN (at Mike Rose Soccer Complex) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbTgePygrgN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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malcolmrei · 2 years
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On my #Xmas List… 🥒🥒🥒 Posted @withregram • @breukelen_rub 🎅🏾🎄🤎 The BRSC Christmas Pickle Ornament; your newest Brooklyn Holiday tradition 🎁 www.breukelenrub.com : : : Malcolm from #Breuckelen @compass 😉🏠🤎 License Associate #RealEstate #Broker🗽#Buying #Selling #Leasing #Investing #USMCVet #PrattGrad #KappaMan Τελειωοις (at Breukelen Houses) https://www.instagram.com/malcolmrealestate/p/CXooJcbP9wv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nedworks-net · 3 years
BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust announces Helen Sinclair to its Board as Non-Executive Director
BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust announces Helen Sinclair to its Board as Non-Executive Director
July 13, 2021 by Olivier Dellacherie – Talent4Boards – UK, Edinburgh –  BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust plc (LON: BRSC) today announced the appointment of Helen Sinclair oard as a non-executive Director with effect from 1 March 2022. Ms Sinclair will also serve as a member of the Company’s Audit, Nomination and Management Engagement Committees. About Helen Sinclair Ms Sinclair has an MA in…
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employeepoolingcom · 4 years
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hsgcame-blog1 · 4 years
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إذا لم تظهر عندك الرسالة اضغط هنا الشهادات المهنية العالمية المعتمدة أونلاين CAME - Certified professional certificates online باعتماد كبرى الجامعات والجهات الدولية المتخصصة يمكنك إجراء تجربة مجانية لمدة ربع ساعة في حالة الرغبة في عمل التجربة المجانية تواصل معنا من خلال الجوال أو واتس على
التنفيذ والدفع أونلاين لتفاصيل الدفع الأونلاين تواصل معنا من خلال الجوال أو واتس على الأرقام السابقة
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  كيف تطور مستقبلك  بحصولك على شهادة مهنية أونلاين ؟
الأثار الإيجابية للحصول على الشهادات المهنية المعتمدة: - الحصول على توثيق من جهة علمية عالمية معتمدة للمعارف والمهارات و الخبرات المهنية .- الفوز بالترقيات والانتقال إلى مستوى إدارى أعلى وزيادة الأجور والمكافآت.- القدرة على أداء أفضل من خلال اكتساب الأدوات والمهارات والأساليب الحديثة لأداء المهنة.- إيجاد فرص عمل متميزة وبرواتب كبيرة حيث أن الحاصل على هذه الشهادات يحصل على خبرة كبيرة تعادل خمس سنوات عمل.- تغيير الاتجاهات والمفاهيم السلبية نحو تنمية المستقبل الوظيفى.- إعداد مشروع متكامل لإنشاء وتطبيق النظم الجديدة فى شركتك.
لمزيد من التفاصيل .....
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التعريف بالمدرب الخاص أونلاين  
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قائمة الشهادات أونلاين  
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الأسئلة المتكررة  
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تعرف على قائمة الشهادات المهنية أونلاين من مركز كيم المعتمدة لعام 2020 م اسم الشهادة...................................تكلفة الإشتراك................التفاصيل شهادة ماجستير إدارة الأعمال المصغر................750 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة المخطط الإستراتيجي المعتمد .................700 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة كيم لإدارة الموارد البشرية .....................700 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة المدير المحترف المعتمد ........................700 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة مدير التسويق المحترف.........................700 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة المدير المالي المحترف .........................700 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة الاتيكيت والبروتوكول الدولي.................600 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة إدارة المشروعات.................................700 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة تدريب المدربين...................................650 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة المحاسب المالي المحترف.....................650 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة التسويق الإلكتروني.............................650 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة رجل البيع المحترف.............................600 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة كيم لإدارة المشتريات...........................700 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة كيم لإدارة المخازن..............................700 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا شهادة السكرتير التنفيذي المحترف.................600 دولار...................للمزيد اضغط هنا للمزيد من التفاصيل عن الشهادات الأخرى ...... اضغط هنا ملحوظة هامة يوجد تخفيض خاص للمجموعات  
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جهة اعتماد الشهادات
الجهة الأولى جامعة عين شمس    كلية التجارة 
مركز الدراسات والبحوث التجارية والإحصائية
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                تعتبر جامعة عين شمس أقدم ثالث جامعة مصرية، تتضمن الجامعة 15 كلية و معهدين عاليين, كما تضم أكثر من 180000 طالب و طالبة،5000 عضو هيئة تدريس و 4000 عضو مساعد.
وينفذ مركز كيم الشهادات المهنية المعتمدة تحت الاشراف العلمى والاكاديمى لمركز البحوث والدراسات التجارية والإحصائية BSRC التابع لكلية التجارة جامعة عين شمس ، والذى يقوم باعتماد الشهادات المهنية التى يقدمها مركز كيم لجمهور العملاء وذلك وفقا لمعاييرالإشراف العلمى والأكاديمى على المحتويات والمناهج التدريبية والمحاضرين ومتابعة تنفيذ البرامج و التأكد من صحة نتائج الاختبارات و نسب حضور المشتركين.
الجهة الثانية  المعهد الأمريكي للموارد البشرية (HRCI)  فيرجينيا الولايات المتحدة
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المعهد الأمريكى للموارد البشرية HRCI هو منظمة رائدة عالميا في تطوير امتحانات صارمة لإثبات إتقان وتطبيق الفكر المعاصر و الممارسات الحديثة و السياسات والمبادئ لإدارة الموارد البشرية في العالم ويقدم المعهد مجموعة شاملة من أوراق اعتماد الخبرة العلمية و المهنية مقدمة لخبراء الموارد البشرية في جميع أنحاء العالم. وتقدم الشهادات العالمية التالية (PHR ®) (SPHR ®) (GPHR ®) (PHR-CA ® SPHR ®-CA) المهنية (HRMP ) (HRBP أكثر من 130،000 خبير فى الموارد البشرية في 100 دولة يقدم المعهد اعتماد لشهادة CAME-HRMC وفقا لمعايير الجودة العلمية العالمية لدى المعهد . وتصلح لإعادة الإعتماد للشهادات approved for 60 (HR (General)) recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR
للتعرف على المراكز المعتمدة  من HRCI
ابحث عن مركز كيم  (CAME)  في الرابط التالي
 HRCI Approved Provider (AP) Directory
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    الجهة المانحة الشهادات مركز كيم الخليج للتدريب والإستشارات
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فرع من مركز الخبرات الإدارية والمحاسبية / كيم والذي هو بيت خبرة عريق منذ عام 1993م فى مجال التدريب والاستشارات ، يضم فريق كبير متميز من صفوة خبراء التدريب و الاستشارات يزيد عددهم على150 استشاري وخبير من صفوة أساتذة الجامعات العربية والعالمية وكبار الخبراء والمستشارين المهنيين والفنيين فى كافة المجالات الإدارية والمالية والفنية والهندسية.  لمزيد من التفاصيل .....   
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للاشتراك والتسجيل في الشهادات المهنية المعتمدة أونلاين
مركز كيم الخليج للتدريب والإستشارات
التنفيذ والدفع أونلاين لتفاصيل الدفع الأونلاين تواصل معنا من خلال الجوال أو واتس على الأرقام التالية
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Bob Reid Awarded Shriners Lifetime Membership
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Bob Reid
Record Reporter
Bob Reid and I share a birthday. But that’s not the best part of this story.
Reid has spent the better part of three decades raising money for the Shriners Hospitals for Children which provides specialized care to children.  Last week he was awarded with the first ever lifetime Shriners membership from the Blue Ridge Shrine Club, from President Benjamin Livingston, Vice President Pat Day, Secretary Mike Kerhoulas, Past Potentate James Richardson and member Todd Trivette, for all of his hard work, dedication, and raising thousands of dollars over the years.. 
Kerhoulas said “Bob was instrumental in training multiple generations of Shriners. When I joined Bob told me it was important to be personable when standing out in the road with the collection buckets. Bob has worked at this paper sale for over 30 years, spending hundreds of hours collecting donations on Hwy 421 and other Roads in Wilkes. He also worked at the Apple Festival Shriners Tent for over 25 years as well as many other fundraisers during his Masonic career. Bob loved to hand out candy from the BRSC float in the Wilkes County Christmas Parade- that was one of his favorite activities as a Shriner.   Kerhoulas said that Wilkes chapter has raised $600,000 for the Shriners hospital, and credits Reid’s work in the past.
Reid refuses to take credit. “My buddies in the club helped me do it. Most of them have passed away, but they are why I was so successful. When I was president, we had a go-cart race, and we sold Shriners newspapers. We had fun, but the main reason was to raise money for the children.” Of receiving the certificate Reid said “It’s an honor, and they (the Shriners) just don’t know how much I appreciate this.”
Livingston has known Reid his whole life. “He’s not “a” Shriner, he’s THE Shriner. He’s raised more money than all of us put together over the years. I can only hope that all the Shriners will follow in his footsteps. Us ‘little’ Shriners have big shoes to fill. We will always walk in his shadow. No man stands as tall as when he stoops to help a child.”
Shriners support a network of 22 hospitals specializing in crippling disease, orthopedic and burn injuries. There are no cash registers at any Shriners Hospitals, serving needs for children up to age 21.
Bob would want everyone that has a child with a need to reach out to a local Shriner or call 1-800-361-7256.
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