valla · 9 months
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i'm thinking about them again goddamN IT
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stonerzelda · 2 years
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hewwo & welcome 2 my blawg ! (^^)/
Im Gabi, im a white 24 yr old and u can use wotever pronouns u want for me idgaf💜
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Rules for following R:
NO minors (A. Im old and B. I dont wanna influence u negatively. If ur age isn't listed you will be softblocked so pls respect that)
NO terfs
NO racists
NO homophobes
Basically NO bigots of any kind. You will be sniped
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- If we're mutuals, BLEASE tag your nsfw for me otherwise I will have to unfollow😔 im sorry :( if you need me to tag something though, dont be afraid to ask and ill do my best to make sure i remember! (Note: nsfw text is fine, just blease dont expose me 2 p0rn lol)
- also if you dont want me following you or vice versa, dont be afraid to tell me or unfollow, even if we're mutuals- you gotta curate ur best experience for this app and i respect that so dw💜
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And finally bc APPARENTLY its gotta be said, do NOT send me details about yours or other users sex lives that myself or your partners did not consent to be shared. It's creepy at best, and if i block you for doing something to make me feel uncomfortable/unsafe, sux. Its fuckin tumblr. Move on and go away <3
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🌦☔Keep it cool keep it sexy u know how it is. Be excellent to each other n party on doods🌈🌥
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ladyfenring · 2 years
is anyone else getting like. a ton of spam accounts messaging them.
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other-peoples-coats · 2 years
truly, is there anything worse for social anxiety than an open question in the work group chat
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crowcryptid · 2 years
blease i wanted to relax today and not leave my room but my mom is dragging me to see the new thor movie why
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worminterface · 2 months
this is getting dire I have to film myself playing guitar for school and I had to get up to put my binder on
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valla · 26 days
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there are just so many ways to say "i love you"
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Best and Worst of Both worlds (part 5)
TW: nothign much, just yves being a little pushy ig and short chapter today
vote on da poll below blease its gonna be active for 1 day onlys
Part 6
You let out the loudest 'NO!' in your lifetime as you watch the bus drive away.
You definitely couldn't outrun the engine, so your dash slowed to a mere stop. Placing your hands on your knees, you panted heavily as you blinked the beads of sweat away from your eyes.
Dejected, you dragged yourself back to the bus stop shelter. You have to wait for another hour.
At least you're fed. By Yves, literally.
You heave your bag onto the bench, ignoring the creak and bend in the wooden planks.
The sky is darkening, which means it's getting cooler, but it also means you're going to have to go home unbelievably late again.
If you knew this would have happened, you would get the next bus and have ample time to properly say goodbye to Yves. You brought your hands to your face and suppressed a scream, you pissed him off again!
Well. You can't change what happened in the past. You're definitely avoiding him at all costs.
You paused your ranting when you heard that familiar click of the heels. If you're not religious, you probably are now because you wonder what deity did you anger for you to deserve this.
Yves stopped right beside you, casting a menacing shadow onto the wall of the bus shelter. He has his arms crossed and face unreadable as usual, but the corners of his lips were subtly curled downwards to express his dissatisfaction.
He didn't need to say a word for you to start apologizing, recognizing that it was rude of you to just leave him alone like that without an appropriate conclusion.
Seems like that wasn't enough, because he's still staring at you with steely eyes.
You ended the sincere apology by asking what you could do to make it up to him, but you did give him a disclaimer that you aren't rich by any means, not even financially stable enough to know if you can afford the next meal.
It took fifteen seconds for the tension in the air to dissipate, replaced with a much kinder and softer one. He unfolded his arms and relaxed his face.
"You must be exhausted." He dug around his handbag. Yves took his car keys out and wrapped his fingers around the fob. "Come. I will take you home."
You said that you're fine, you could wait for the bus. But actually, you wanted to accept it so badly, you're rejecting it out of politeness.
"You said you wanted to compensate me. Did you not?"
You said yes.
"Then you can do so by sparing me your company."
That was enough to make you get up. He smiled and intertwined his slender, well-maintained fingers with your not-so-manicured fingers.
You thought your heart was going to beat out of your chest and you felt so light, floaty and free.
That's because your backpack wasn't on you. Yves took the liberty to carry it on one shoulder, he made it look weightless which amazed you to no end.
You said that you should carry it as it weighs as much as an elephant. He did so much for you, Yves shouldn't have to lug your crap around. So you tried getting him to give it back to you.
"(Name), no." Crisp, simple and clear. The tone made you quiet and compliant. This means less scoliosis for you.
The walk to the parking lot was quiet. You had nothing to say and neither did he. Your surroundings became dimmer and dimmer until the street lights turned on on their own. Come to think of it, you never did go to the parking lot. Because you didn't own a car nor did you have friends that would drive you around.
Your head turned to the beeps produced by his car when he toggled with his fob. It came from a black, sleek, luxury sedan car with pristine headlights and a seemingly perfect paint job. It may not be a car that costs way more than your entire tuition fee, but you know it's not affordable to the mass majority either.
He walked you to the passenger's side and opened the door for you. Muttering a thanks, you entered his car. Yves closed the door for you as you began buckling up.
He placed your backpack in the back seat, where he strapped it with the seatbelt.
Yves returns to the driver's chair and proceeds to ignite his engine. The interior was spotless, new and you could tell he regularly maintains it, the air freshener wasn't too overpowering and his air conditioning cooled the space relatively fast.
He explained that he needed to wait for a few minutes to warm his car up. In the meantime, he used the mirror in his sun visor to do some touchups on his lips, eyes and hair. Once that was finished, Yves kept his makeup away. He patted his face especially around his nose, with blotting paper.
It's intricate rituals like these that separate you from him. You don't think you have the energy and patience to maintain yourself to this degree. You tried making the excuse that it's because you're a student, you don't have the time nor money for that.
But he parked his car in the student's lot. Whatever, he must have been born in a rich family. So he already has an advantage that you can never get.
"You are staring at me. Did you want to use some too?" He offered the pack to you. Ignoring the humiliation of being caught admiring his beauty, you took a sheet and began blotting your predictably oily face.
He kept his personal items away, closed the mirror and flipped his sun visor back. Yves switch on his headlights and drove away from the parking spot. When he reached the exit, he asked you for your address. He knows the general direction of the bus that you're supposed to take.
You take a second to weigh your options.
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Angles and dehmons… blease… bleaee…
So, this is the second to last part of what is posted on AO3. This series is going on a (very brief) hiatus so I can finish plotting it out and then it will be posted, again. I want to take a small bit of time and catch up over here, so AO3 fics will be posted less this week.
Soap sighed as he met up with Roach, trying to hide how bad he was fidgeting by clasping his hands behind his back. He tried to tell himself that this was just to find a way to keep his brothers safe. Nothing more.
Ignore that Gaz seemed to have completely dropped Alex completely. And that Rodolfo was much better… No, this was to keep them safe. The only reason.
‘I’m surprised you’re coming.’ Roach signed as Soap approached.
Soap had to admit… Roach looked good. Black joggers that hugged around his hips and left the slightest strip of skin showing under the loose black shirt he was wearing… Soap debated saying fuck the demon and just trying to get with Roach, instead, but… they had agreed to go to a match together. 
So, Soap shrugged and sighed. “I want him to get Alex to leave Gaz alone.”
‘That’s not what this is about.’ Roach shook his head. ‘He captured your interest as much as he captured mine.’
Soap glared at him. “That’s not true.”
‘Isn’t it?’
Soap huffed. “If you’re going to be an insufferable asshole, I’m just going to go home.” 
Roach hesitated and then sighed. ‘Fine. This is just to get Alex to leave Gaz alone.’
“Thank you.” Soap nodded. “Anyway, when does the match start?”
‘In an hour or so. I figured we’d both fly.’ Roach shrugged. He seemed to hesitate. ‘I’ve missed you.’
Soap looked away. “That’s behind us, Roach. You… made your choices, I’ve made mine.”
‘I regret them.’
“Yeah, well, it’s too late to take them back.” Soap muttered, ignoring that he also regretted his. Of all his relationships, ending this one with Roach hurt the worst. He’d take it back if he could but… he couldn’t. Actions had consequences and he’d had to learn to live with them. 
Roach shook his head. ‘Why? Why is it too late? We were good together.’
“Roach! We’re almost worlds apart!” Soap shook his head. “I live in the garden because I’m too damaged to do anything else and you- you’re off being a badass and taking jobs.”
Roach looked down. ‘I don’t think you’re too damaged to do anything else… I think you could do anything you wanted if you’d just try… I just… I… I miss you. I miss you at night when I should be sleeping and I miss you during the day when I’m awake. I don’t understand why… you stopped loving me?’
Soap stopped and almost stumbled back, feeling like he’d been hit. Had Roach spent this entire time thinking that Soap had left because he’d stopped loving him? Guilt suddenly filled him and he went to explain, but then Roach was stretching his wings out. ‘We should go, so we’re not late.’
Soap hesitated and then nodded. “You’re right.” He mumbled and stretched his own out. 
When they arrived, Roach informed the bouncer that they’d been invited by Ghost. Once they’d confirmed their names, they were quickly led inside. 
Soap found a seat with Roach, watching a small boxing ring where two demons were already fighting. Soap had to admit, he was quite surprised to see an equal spattering of Angels and Demons through the audience, though not many seemed to be watching the ring. 
A waiter came by and got a drink order from them before Soap turned to Roach, who was tracing a napkin. “When do you think Ghost fights?”
“Not for another hour-“
Soap jerked and then cursed loudly in surprise, both him and Roach immediately looking up to see Ghost was standing by the table. 
“Sorry.” Ghost chuckled and then leaned against their table. “I’ve been told I’m quiet.”
“You do that on purpose.” Soap accused, earning just a shrug. 
Roach nodded. ‘So why did you invite us here so early?’
“To get to know you both better.” Ghost answered before sliding into a chair at their table. “You both are intriguing. I’ve not met many angels who aren’t actively warriors that are willing to kidnap a demon from his bed and threaten him. Most of you, even little Seraphim, are too timid.”
“We’re not timid.” Soap answered, glaring at him. “Besides, we had something we needed.”
“Something I can’t give.” Ghost sighed. “Though, it looks like you convinced your brother to stay away, regardless.”
Soap just shrugged. “He made the decision on his own.”
Ghost nodded. “Good. But… you’re still here.”
Soap blushed dark. “I am.”
Roach rolled his eyes and Soap threw a glare at him. 
“Any reason why or do you have something new to threaten me for?” Ghost chuckled. 
Soap blushed even darker. “You invited me. I thought it would be rude not to accept.”
“Ah.” Ghost nodded. “Of course. Why else.”
Soap turned and glared at the table, trying not to get too riled up. “Maybe I should go-“
“No, no.” Ghost seemed to almost too quickly stop him and then he appeared almost sheepish. “I’m sorry. I’m just glad you’re here.”
Soap paused and then decided to accept that, relaxing. “Alright. I’m… I'm glad I’m here, too.” He nodded. 
Ghost then turned to Roach, who was looking around the club. “What about you? You know, that offer is still on the table~”
Roach half grinned at him. ‘Oh? Does the other still have to watch?’
“Only if he wants to.” Ghost laughed and then Soap only went darker red when Ghost winked at him. 
“He does not.” Soap answered, glaring at them both.
Roach seemed almost disappointed. ‘I’ll think about it.’ He told Ghost, who seemed to accept that. 
Soap tuned them out as he looked around, accepting his drink when it arrived. He hadn’t gotten anything with alcohol in it, not wanting to be inhibited in case anything went wrong. 
Neither really seemed to be too upset at his lack of conversation, so he focused on the fight, watching the two demons beat the shit out of each other. Alright, maybe it was a little… interesting to watch. Maybe he was a little excited by the display. Maybe. 
About 15 minutes before Ghost was supposed to fight, he stood up. “I need to go get ready. Thanks for coming.” Then he left. 
Soap and Roach both watched him go and then Roach turned to Soap. ‘You should give him a chance.’
“You give him a chance.” Soap retorted. “He’s clearly more interested in you than me.”
‘I think he’s interested in both of us.’
Soap looked down. “Maybe. But, he’s a demon. I’d be… going against so much that I believe in. Besides, he’s friends with Alex, who is friends with Rodolfo’s ex. It’d be… betraying my brother.”
Roach didn’t answer for a moment and then he looked down at the table, glaring at it. ‘What happened to you? You got injured and fell out of being a warrior and now you’re just… you’re not like yourself.’
“I changed. It happens.” Soap huffed. “What about you? You’re a hell of a lot angrier than you used to be.”
Roach winced. ‘There are things to be angry at.’
Soap shrugged. “Things changed me.”
Roach looked away and so Soap turned to look at the ring, seeing that Ghost had already stepped into it. He was against someone who was about his height and build, but Soap could see, already, that they looked deeply intimidated. 
Soap wondered if Ghost had a reputation. 
The fight started and- well, it was over almost as soon as it began. Soap wasn’t even entirely sure if he’d processed what happened. 
One moment, Ghost was facing his opponent and the next, they were on the floor with Ghost over them and Soap- Soap would definitely admit that it was fairly exciting to watch. Even just watching Ghost heave as he stood over his opponent was… well, Soap was seriously considering that chance. He looked at Roach, who seemed to have the same thoughts in his mind. 
“Alright, fine.” Soap smiled. “I’ll give him a chance.”
Roach looked very smug. ‘Oh?’
Soap nodded. “You still have that apartment in Evalia?”
Roach grinned. ‘You thinking of coming back to it?’
“I might be considering it.”
Gaz looked down at his plate once he was done eating, fidgeting slightly. “Do you really mean it when you say you don’t find me tempting?”
Alex went quiet. “Every time you’ve tried to seduce me… no. You didn’t tempt me. I don’t want to have sex with someone for an exchange. I may be a bit odd for a demon when it comes to sex, but I do like the idea of it being romantic. Intimate.”
“Romantic… intimate…” Gaz repeated. “I’ve never… I’ve never had sex before… before um- well, you know.”
“That doesn’t count, don’t worry.” Alex shook his head. 
Gaz hesitated. “Well, then I’ve never had sex. I don’t… I… I like you.” He settled on, blushing dark red. “I really like you…”
Alex softened. Then, his hand was touching Gaz’s and taking it, carefully. “I like you, too.”
Gaz looked down at their hands and then melted. “Oh…” 
Alex nodded. “I understand, though, if things can’t work because we’re too different.”
Gaz immediately shook his head, all ideas of continuing to entertain that flying out of his head. “No, no, we can… we can make it work…”
“Good.” Alex then brought Gaz’s hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles. 
Gaz just melted again and then leaned over, kissing his cheek. “Ever since you saved me, I… I feel drawn to you…”
“I feel the same for you.” Alex smiled. “You’re always in the back of my mind.”
“You’re in mine…” Gaz’s heart filled with warmth and thrummed a little faster. “Constantly…” He then leaned over and into Alex, folding his wings so they wouldn’t knock against his. Alex’s arm moved and went around Gaz, who made a soft happy noise. 
Alex shook his head. “Such a sweet thing… are you done eating?”
Gaz nodded. “I am.” He lifted up so Alex could take his plate and then watched him take their plates to the sink. 
Then, Alex offered a hand when he came back and so Gaz took it, standing and following him to the living room. Alex sat on the couch and Gaz did the same before curling up into him, happily. “When will you need to go back?” Alex asked. 
“Soon, probably.” Gaz shook his head, settling in when Alex wrapped his arms around him. Then, Alex was stroking the base of his wings and he found himself melting into a little puddle on the demon, his wings just flopping wherever they could comfortably land. This was amazing…
Alex continued to stroke the base of his wings. “If you asked, I’d do anything for you. I want you to know that.”
Gaz blushed and looked up at him. “What do you mean?”
“Anything. I mean it.” Alex touched his face and made him look up at him. “Anything.”
Gaz furrowed his brows, unsure what Alex would mean by anything. Gaz didn’t want Alex to… kill for him or anything, but he… well, he supposed Alex already had. “Okay…” he softened and relaxed, nodding. “Thank you…”
“Of course.” Alex said and then leaned down, kissing Gaz’s forehead. 
Eventually, Gaz decided he needed to go home before Rodolfo started to look for him and so he went back to Alex’s basement, going through the mirror after saying goodbye. 
He started to head through the hallway to go back, but then he was distracted by Lilith, again. He wondered if she often hung out in this little mirror dimension. 
Gaz shook his head and went over to her, crouching down and petting her softly. “Hello, Lilith.”
She just meowed and purred before her wings fluttered and then she was pawing at a mirror. This mirror was… basic. Wood framed, tall. That was it. Gaz frowned and looked at it, only seeing darkness reflected inside. “I shouldn’t… I should go home.”
Lilith mewled and pawed at the frame again. Gaz groaned, unsure why he even bothered to pretend he wasn’t going to do things even when he definitely would. 
He just squared his shoulders and stepped through the mirror.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
I wish I could explain the exhausting comedy of my position in this fandom right now. Truly madly deeply i wish i could. It's a permanent mood of laying cross armed on the floor staring grumpily at info I Do Not Want while breaking out laughing at the fandom reactions in the background. It is being screamed at by people who just don't like reality, while not realizing how boxed in they are even on the entire socials market they spend their days in. It's people just coming in like 2D cartoons trying to argue with some seventh dimensional social/media creature that's just staring at them like. are. are they okay. Why are you yelling at the wall guys, the wall doesn't care. the wall isnt moving. the wall is going to continue to be a wall, even if you deny it is a wall, or say you do not believe the wall exists, you're still giving yourself brain damage when you keep headbutting it.
But I literally. can not. I cannot explain it beyond these kind of vagueries. So I'm left here like hands on face, listening to oblivious idiots scream, yell shit about cults or doxxing or danger, not even realizing the mute lists and shit they're getting themselves put on and I don't mean mine. Guys literally I am doing everything in my power to make you leave me alone and stop obsessing about me. I have told you I do not care what you believe. I have paywalled you out, kept my personal accounts on the low, whatever, but you literally Will Not Cease.
You are so psychologically incensed at the full awareness that I speak truth, and the anger due to whatever personal agenda you have, you are literally dedicating your entire fucking online life to screaming about a person that's holding you at arms range waiting for you to swing yourself out.
Why are you guys doing this to yourselves? Surely you realized all your squealing and lies on twitter for days upon days upon days, pushed by an entire group, literally hasn't dented me at all? Like you've literally spent 2 weeks screaming lies about absolutely nothing at the worst person you could be screaming it about if you had five licks of sense on events to accomplish *literally nothing*, and you do not see the futility of your efforts, or your own dangerous mental health fixations.
Guys blease like. There's something deeply wrong with you and I'm not saying that to be mean, I mean that as someone that like, is begging you, for real, to see a therapist and show these blog exchanges to them, and let them work you through whatever the cause of your weird stalker fixations are, because I can't help you with that and it's beginning to appear that you are beyond being able to help yourselves. Please stop making me grit my teeth through your ignorant shitshow of pointless noise, you're gonna literally drive me insane about all the ways you look dumber than rocks and can't be corrected.
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Okay thoughts after that promo:
-i do not think that is actually Luz's palisman. It just looks wrong (and high-key spooky, we all know animation rules that green/purple/black colour combos = villainous) and I don't think they'd give it away that easy. I'm 90% certain that this is something Belos, the collector, or some other antagonist has sent/planted to trick her (it's notable she's alone in all the frames with it. Perhaps the group got spilt up to leave Luz vulnerable?)
- the boiling isles looks mostly normal but startlingly empty, which gives me the notion that whatever the collectors "owl house" ends up being, that's where all the boiling isles citizens are, participating in the game (likely unwillingly)
- also, this may not be right, but when hunter says "something's coming" and Gus and willow respond with "is it demons? Witches?" (All dialogue paraphrased), that tells me that they're setting up for a rule of 3 joke where whatevers coming is none of those things...meaning it's probably not the CATTs </3 or yknow, it could more of a "is it demons? Witches?" (Eda falls out of a bush) "...IT'S THE OWL LADY!!". Or something among those lines
- STILL NO BOILING ISLES CHARACTERS MAN!! Probably saving those for the owl house specific promos instead of the generalized channel ones? If we get FTF promos at all...(Disney I know you hate this show but blease...my crops are withering in this winter)
-other frames were too small or quick for me to pick up on what was happening so I'm just gonna let other people scrub through the promos frame by frame and analyse them
Anyway. Absolute crumbs from Disney but yknow what. I'm eating aren't I?
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onthe-edge · 20 days
guys (@ cis men) i know you csnt read bc u think with ur dick ,, but Blease leave me alone especialy when im Lesbian posting like, omg
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The twitter people scare me leave me alone BLEASE-
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tinyturtleart · 1 year
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I spent actual art time on this
This is my personal fanon designs for then, cuz I did NOT watch this show past season 5a and I DID ignore shitty writing and character decisions and implemented my own reality BECAUSE THE FOUND FAMILY IS ALL I CARE ABOUT OK?
Also if you have a problem with this meme post blease just eat a quesadilla and leave me alone
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toxooz · 2 years
my gullibility for thinking i can befriend a middle aged man ever is quickly rotting and putrefying into feral rabid rage lmfao 
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blacknovelist · 2 years
sometimes.... sometimes you just gotta *grabs the mental image manifestation of thoughts by the neck in one hand* *squeaky toy noise* *gently sits it down out of the way and also out of sight*
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