1-800-simping · 2 years
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the loml with the bass of my dreamsssss
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ckatz · 21 days
i've got a very important question
does anyone know what to get conductors that are probably around 60-70 years old?
and maybe another that's around 20-30?
i might be leaving them soon, because i'm switching, so i wanted to get them some gifts
the older conductors play piano and bass mainly (it's their specialty, but they play a lot of instruments) and they really like jazz
as for the younger one i think they used to play viola but because they're also teaching younger grades and stuff they had to learn the other instruments
i have another that's probably the same age, and they help our music program. they play the trumpet and violin really really well.
i really don't know what to get any of them
send help 😭
(stop just liking gimme adviceeeee or reblog or sum idek)
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juneviews · 1 year
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zemnarihah · 1 year
did yoga again for the first time in like 6 months:)
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melit0n · 3 months
Seen a couple other people do this, so, here are some recommendations for replacements for Wilbur's music and Lovejoy!
Crywank -> indie folk punk with lots of acoustic guitar with descriptions of paranoia, depression and a lot of dry humour.
Los Campesinos -> indie rock and indie pop! For their older music, they implement more 'emo' lyrics, but overall they have really good lyricism (you might have already heard them from Lovejoy's cover of Knee Deep At ATP!)
Arctic Monkeys -> literally what Lovejoy wanted to be. They come under almost every subsection of rock ever, and have the tendency to have absolutely stupendous bass lines.
Cavetown -> similar indie vibe to Wilbur's old music!
The Backseat Lovers -> alternate rock with intense and emotional lyrics! You may have heard of them from 'Kilby Girl' from their 2019 album 'When We Were Friends'
James Marriott -> obvious choice! As a prev Lovejoy fan, I can tell all of you you'd really anjoy his music.
Together Pangea -> typically fast paced, garage pop, or whatever you want to call it. They also have a small US tour happening soon!
Half·Alive -> you may have heard them from 'Creature' from their album 'Now, not yet'. I highly recommend these guys; very lyrical and have an insanely beautiful mix of jazz, rock and pop.
The Frights -> another indie rock/pop band! Has some really fast paced stuff, and some calmer acoustic stuff.
I've seen a lot of people saying 'seperate the art from the artist!' but, full honesty, go listen to new music! I can't take back the emotional attachment I had to his old music, especially YCMGA, but listening to his shit gives him money, and there is no way I'm giving money to an abuser. Let alone, it's become glaringly obvious that the e-girl trilogy isn't a persona, that was just him. Let alone the theme of Your Sister Was Right.
Plus, he's said multiple times that the money and the fame was all he cared about; he would disappear for months and, when he wanted attention and money, would come back to a dedicated fan-base who gave him exactly what he wanted.
Go listen to new music, and support Shelby lads <3
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i2ycat · 2 months
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pairing non-idol!heeseung x fem!reader synopsis college boy heeseung that dedicates his songs to u, plays the guitar for u and never fails to sing u to sleep whenever u want genre college au, established relationship in the second half, fluff warnings not proofread, down bad heeseung… main masterlist
reblogs and comments are very much appreciated!
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before u guys started dating
one thing about u and heeseung is that u both LIVE, LAUGH and LOVE music
picture this; u guys are at a music festival, probably something like head in the clouds
u’re singing ur heart out to niki’s set list (as u should) and heeseung, who was just beside u, happened to turn his head at ur direction
boy was absolutely starstruck the moment he laid eyes on u, despite the scorching heat that rendered u a sweaty mess
he felt like he was in a movie
and he swore he felt his heart thumping faster and faster, which definitely wasn’t because of the bass or the crowd around him
he was too scared to ask for ur number right there and then, because honestly he’s highkey lowkey a loser…
he doesn’t have the rizz people think he has!
by the end of the night, he left the venue feeling defeated. the post-concert blues weren’t even hitting the way it should because all he could think about was u
in the next following days, he’s probably written songs about how he saw the prettiest girl but she got away, posting them on his private, for only his friends to see
“WHO IS THE GIRL.” jungwon drills heeseung for answers during a group game night at their dorm, which piques the interest of everyone else because when has heeseung ever shown this much interest in a girl, to the point where he would write literal SONGS FOR SAID GIRL??
heeseung describes the girl in perfect detail, from the colour of your hair to the tattoo u had on ur arm
“hey… isn’t he just describing y/n?” niki asks, trying to connect the dots with heeseung’s description of u and his own memory
“didn’t she post a story about head in the clouds a few days ago as well?? i swear i saw it.” sunoo adds as he pulls out his phone, “wait let me find her instagram,” and by this time heeseung could already feel the familiar rhythm of his heart thumping to the same beat it did on the day of the festival
“is this her?”
heeseung couldn’t believe his eyes. after all this time (it’s only been a week please), he finally was able to put a name to his mystery girl!
when i tell this man LEAPED when he found out that u both had mutual friends all this time… yea he was already down BAD.
more under cut!
after u guys started dating
it only took a month or two of talking for u to fall head over heels for heeseung
i mean how could u not when he’s so beyond perfect???
he’s never failed to pick u up from ur classes whenever he could, give u a shoulder to cry on when u were stressed about ur finals, and plan the majority of ur dates without u ever lifting a finger— u were his princess and he made very sure that u and everyone else knew it
because of ur joint interests in music, u guys would always send each other music that u’re currently listening to
“flo milli?”
“what? sometimes guys want to feel like a bad bitch too.”
other than sharing music, heeseung would 100% sing u to sleep whenever u ask for it… actually, atp u don’t even need to ask for it anymore because he already knows
u guys would be on the bed, and as his hands snakes around u to caress ur head lovingly, hee would start humming a soft tune
the vibrations of it lulling u closer to sleep
and when u actually fall asleep, he would kiss ur head goodnight and flick the bed lights off, tucking himself closer to u :((
before u guys even started dating, heeseung was already writing songs about u, so after dating, the amount of songs dedicated to and for u would only increase tenfold
he’d record them just for ur ears to hear
and when he’s letting u hear the songs he’s made, he always has this lovestruck smile on his face, eyes totally glossed over and heart in his hand for you take…
u’ve become his ultimate muse, his inspiration in all aspects of his life
u could tell just how much he loves you from the songs he makes— the melody, the emotions he sings with, the lyrics… all of it just screams that he’s totally head over heels for u
he would even let u have ur moment in his songs, either singing or just talking in the background… because he always wants to incorporate u into his art
when heeseung does decide to post the music he makes, he always makes sure to use ur photos as the cover because almost every song is about u and for u 😭 man physically cannot shut up about u
he’s talked all of his friends ears off ab how u cute u looked in his hoodie, how u pretty u were yesterday, and the day before that and probably tomorrow as well
there would be a point in time when u randomly mentioned that u found guys who play the guitar attractive and u know what heeseung did that day? applied for a guitar class, only to showcase what he’s learnt so far a few weeks later
“hee, i didn’t even know u played the guitar?”
“well i just started learning, like, 3 weeks ago.”
“and you’re already this good?”
“what can i say? i’m a determined man.”
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© i2ycat 2024
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googledetective · 5 months
what I would buy each drdt character for christmas:
Arturo Giles - a toothbrush so he can use his toothpaste hair to brush his teeth
Charles Cuevas - illegally purchased uranium
Rose Lacroix - one of those super duper all inclusive cheap art sets for kids so she can really test her forgery skills
J Rosales - a Walkman and all of my favorite albums on CD so she can be exposed to my elite taste in music while still being cool
Min Jeung - a lizard
Hu Jing - I would get her bass guitar lessons only to benefit me bc then I would make her teach me how to play the bass guitar, and she’d probably be good at it bc she is already stellar at the zither
Ace Markey - idk I just would get him an air purifier cause I think he would need it
Levi Fontana - pink high heels
Teruko Tawaki - a night at a nice hotel, and I’ll order her room service too so she could relax
Arei Nageishi - I’d get her a scene kid’s dream worth of Hello Kitty clothes, accessories, stickers, decorations- anything and everything Hello Kitty
Whit Young - a girlfriend
Eden Tobisa - also, a girlfriend
Nico Hakobyan - I’d get them a weighted robe/blanket and this specific blanket I have that says “meowy catmas” on it and it’s like the best thing ever
Xander Matthews - a pirate eyepatch and a pirate costume as well as a Santa costume cause I think he’d make a great Mall Santa for kids to give their wishes to
David Chiem - happy pills or crack or just atp an alcohol dependency
Veronika Grebenischikova - I’d get her hot chocolate bombs but the plot twist is they’re actually bombs and in water they explode and don’t actually make you hot chocolate. that or a gun and she can play Russian Roulette :)
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wilbursoot-updates · 1 year
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Lovejoy Live at the Moroccan Lounge (Unpublished Zine) (Photos)
I have learned that with each show I have attended recently, I am either extremely early or terribly late. Between traffic, picking up friends, and the mundane business of the day, there is no telling what the night of a show may entail. So, on Friday, December 9th, I found myself sprinting from my parking space to the front doors of the Moroccan Lounge in Los Angeles to catch Lovejoy’s set. 
Formed in Brighton, Lovejoy is a British indie rock band that has grown in immense popularity since the release of their first EP in May of 2021 titled Are You Alright? The four track project garnishes some of their most recognizable songs such as “One Day” and “Sex Sells.” Since then, they have released their debut album Pebble Brain in October of 2021 along with their single “Knee Deep at ATP” that following December. The band is made up of four members – Ash Kasbou, Mark Boardman, Joe Goldsmith, and Wilbur Soot. Prior to the show, I was not too familiar with the band save for their most popular hits. However, I didn't really have to ponder why the group became so well known at such speed. Their sound combines the charisma of a heartthrob “boy-band” with the edge of an indie-rock similarity to the Arctic Monkeys or The Wombats. They have that undeniable English tone that makes its presence on the stage, solidifying their talent in live performances on their most recent tour. 
When I arrived at the venue, Lovejoy was in the middle of playing “Cause for Concern,” a song from their debut EP. The Moroccan Lounge was packed from the back to front, heeding to the fact that it was a sold out show. The crowd was a mass of different faces, young and old, bopping their heads to the grit of Joe and Wilbur’s guitars. The nostalgic air of their sound had me bouncing around as well, putting a smile on my face as the reverberation of bass and drums hit my ears. 
What truly added to the band’s charm was their interactions on stage, where they bantered witty comments back and forth to one another like joking about members who just quit vaping. They definitely welcomed the crowd into their circle this way, adding to the casual intimacy of the performance.
The highlight of the night could be amassed from their performance of “One Day.” The lead singer, Wilbur Soot, began the song with his back facing the crowd as he played the opening chords.  I have to mention how invested the crowd was, practically sounding out these chords as Wilbur turned around and sang the humorous line into the mic – “‘Cause why’d you have to kill my cat?” Packed into such a quaint venue, the power of the room screaming out the lyrics to this had the ground almost moving. It was a high-energy moment of pure joy (or lovejoy, for that matter). 
Around this time, a fan had passed up a bouquet of flowers that Ash proceeded to attach to the end of his bass. The dedicated nature of the fans completely added to the atmosphere as people cheered and whooped when each member of the band did something. I think it was easy to equate the heavy following the band had online as well, as almost everyone’s phone was up taking videos the entire length of the set. I read that this was one of the first few shows they have done in the United States, making it a rare chance for fans to get a taste of their favorite songs live. 
They had topped off the night with their song “Sex Sells” and an encore of three songs beginning with “Perfume.” Introducing the song “It’s All Futile! It’s All Pointless!,” Wilbur explained how he wrote the song in reflection of isolation during the COVID-19 breakout. I liked this spiel, as it was reminiscent of a time that lacked live music, bringing the room into the present moment of being one-on-one with the music again. They brought the night to a close with the song “Concrete.” Truly this song left me in awe of both the artist and the fans. I cannot recall the last time I had been in a room with so many people who knew the songs word for word. This reflects heavily on the connection drawn between the band and its fans. 
Aside from arriving a few songs in, I think the show rounded itself up pretty fast, ending around 8:45, making it a set that went under an hour which may be attributed to the length of their discography so far. But, once the band exited the stage, security immediately began ushering people out of the room and into the bar portion of the venue. Allegedly, another act separate to the tour was supposed to perform thereafter. This element made the set feel a little brief and rushed. Yet other than that, Lovejoy solidified me as a fan that night with an absolutely energetic performance. 
I am truly eager to see what they do next and hope that they come to the states more often. It was fun to walk outside to see a bunch of people in a circle singing and dancing to someone playing “Hey There Delilah” on the ukulele. The giddy singalong song drifted into the air as my friend and I walked back to my car. 
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lin-lizzie · 4 months
bitches keep talking about stinky dragon modern au or band au so guess what I’m gonna drop
Months old au for modern and band
Everything is still fantasy such as their races and world however they have moved onto our modern technology and other stuff
The interns are roommates that share an apartment together, Bart being a caretaker for Gum Gum, and the rest not really knowing one another but just decided to room together for the sake of rent costs
Everyone gets their own room but Bart and Gum gum, and gum gum has a little balcony or window garden
Gum Gum is a highschooler (15-16), and wants/has a little flower stall with really, REALLY pretty flowers
Bart went/is going to college, and is pursuing music
Mudd works at a cafe/coffeeshop, trying to make enough to hopefully start his own. He ran away from his family because he didn’t want to take over their business. (Huge company)
Kyborg is/is trying to get in a school where he can learn to make prosthetics (like at the end of the Infinights)
Brink goes to college as well to learn magic, and he also lives in the same apartment complex as the interns. Fun!
Of course, he and Kyborg hate each other as always
Now, in the regular modern au I was genuinely unsure of what to have for the Infinights, such as why they were well known, BUUUUT I remember talking about it w some people
They were known as/called the Infinights because they were investigating disappearances around the town (Boulderay, everyone is in Boulderay, it’s basically a somewhat big city atp), Fred being one of the disappeared people. A conflict happens, I forgot, but they disband. I can’t remember if Fred is found or not but if he is, he is alive and engaged to Marcy.
Marcy, Elleve, is going to school to get a medical degree and wants to be a pharmacist.
Slique is also pursing music, but hes done with school and he does his own thing. Being a solo artist.
Now, for Spectril and Grissly I actually wasn’t sure about. For Grissly, it’d either be something to do with athletics or physical-ish disorders (I’m not sure how to word)
And. God. I have no fucking idea about Spectril.
Dr. Ahem was the old man at the corner down from the apartment complex who owned a workshop. He’s there everyday, and that’s where the Infinights first banded up. And that’s how the interns knew about them, and why they decided to take over for them.
We move on from regular modern au to BAND AU now!
Same, HOWEVER, the Infinights were once a band. They were popular for a while around Faeza, until one day, they disbanded for reasons unknown to the public.
Spectril was either bass or electric guitar, Slique taking one or the other
Grissly had the drums,
Alleve I believe was on keyboard,
And Paralyte was the lead singer, with either Slique and/or Spectril as backup. (I headcanon Spectril is a GREAT singer/singing voice)
Fred was also part of the team, I think we made him the stage guy? Stage? Lights? I forgot.
However, one day, on a tour, Fred got hit by a car and did not survive. This caused the falling out of the band, and their disbandment. Which led Paralyte creating another band, the Everguards. The new Infinights rival band when they would take over the old Infinights band.
Dr. Ahem’s workshop is still there, but instead of an investigation group, it was the band that he had kept at the workshop. The old meeting room was still there, but never touched again.
After taking over the band’s name, the interns hear about how and why the OG infinights disbanded.
Fred had gotten hit by a car trying to go back for Spectril as he was distracted by a turtle while they were crossing the street, Ahem’s legs suddenly stopped working as he called out for Fred, Alleve and Grissly were on the bus, and Paralyte was with Dr. Ahem. Shortly after hearing he had passed, they went back home to Boulderay, to discuss what they should do.
They could replace his job with someone else, and could continue on, but it was way too soon to just continue on. But Paralyte didn’t want to stop, she wanted to keep performing and making music, whether Fred was there or not. Marcy thought she was crazy for already wanting to move on as if Fred hadn’t died.
Paralyte didn’t mean anything bad, she thought Fred would want them all to continue making music, whether with or without him. But the others didn’t know and just thought she was crazy. So, this led to the falling out.
Most of them still kept in touch, but Paralyte didn’t. Spectril and Slique ended up moving into an apartment together while they did their own things. Spectril had a job organizing stuff on documents for a company, while also helping his mother’s flower shop. Slique became a solo artist, but didn’t do many shows. Also doesn’t like to mention he was once part of the Infinights.
Alleve and Grissly kept in touch, so did Elleve and Spectril. Elleve and Spectril became a little closer after Fred’s passing, as Spectril blamed himself for Fred’s accident. So, he wanted to be there for Marcy. For Fred and her.
In Paralyte’s band had Brink, and he soon became rivals with the new Infinights. But a buncha stuff happens and……. God There is so much. That I cannot type here rn. If people like this post enough I’ll add the rest
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brandogenius · 2 months
katie tries to get grumpy!masc to dance with muna on stage all the time but they just stand there like 🧍‍♂️or if they’re in a great mood they play guitar/bass on their knees in front of katie and julien is literally abt to faint
oh fuck yeah ok we’re getting a little spicy and i love it 😭
masc reader who decides to get a little rebellious that night (mega vouch on masc reader being a bassist) and kneels down in front of katie and katie gripping their hair to look up at them and julien’s like oh my god- she’s about to literally get a nosebleed atp 😭
masc reader who is someone who doesn’t really someone to like do that so juliens watching masc reader literally idfk get their hair gripped by katie to look up at her and then masc reader standing up smirking looking at julien like they know what they just did. coming up to julien maybe behind them and kissing them on the neck
i’m sorry i’m kinda wilding tonight
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(hi I'm thickskulldotmp3!)
talk funkobra to me (if you want) 👀... I don't necessarily ship them (I don't really ship anyone here atp I'm more interested in the ambiguities and complexities of non-romantic interpretations tbh) but I would love to hear any miscellaneous headcanons or Thoughts you might have on them. I think they're crazy about each other in every sense of the phrase and that's beautiful
you're actually so real for being more interested in platonic 'joy stuff, there's soooo many cool dynamics to explore.
however i am also funkobra trash, so lets goo!!
totally agree, even if im not writing them as In Love, they have to be at least a little obsessed with each other. something about them being the only ones to understand the intricacies of eachother's brains. the shared madness of two.
they both get really destructive i think, only ghoul gets really self destructive and kobra gets outwardly destructive. they're the only ones who will indulge each other. like poison will tell kobra it isn't healthy, and fighting random 'joys in bars is bad, and he should talk about it instead, etc. etc. but ghoul will just get on the back of kobra's bike and go with him. yeah, it isn't healthy, but sometimes you need to do dumb shit.
kobra's a really good artist, so he's designed a few of ghoul's tattoos. ghoul's DONE some on himself, but kobra's always drawn the stencil.
ghoul always spends ages in the workshop making bombs, and kobra always spends ages in the workshop making bike mods and stuff, and sometimes they don't talk for hours, just feel comfort in the fact that the other is there.
but, what they do do, is make little trinkets for each other and pass them wordlessly across the bench. ghoul's favourite is soldering tiny flowers for kobra. one time kobra made a flower crown but out of wires for ghoul. he'd worn that one for days before kobra made him take it off.
they're SOOOOOO physically clingy. like, they can't have a rational conversation without ghoul's arm around kobra's shoulder, their legs tangled, heads knocking against each other, just something. they're always touching in some way, and it pisses poison and jet the fuck off.
^ for a bonus, poison and jet are rarely physically affectionate, their main love language is words of affirmation. every sentence has honey or sweetheart or babe tacked on the end, and they say i love you like every five minutes.
^ also, kobra has a lot of issues verbalizing big important things like 'i love you,' so usually when ghoul says it, he'll give it back in morse code. however he can. squeezing ghoul's hand, tapping the small of his back, clicking a pen. ghoul always understands.
a lot of the time, both of them have trouble sleeping. that's why they always sleep so tucked together, pressed so close that you can't tell who's arm is who's. BUT, when that doesn't work for one or both of them, they go out for a mid night joyride. anywhere. sometimes it's just aimlessly around the desert, sometimes they want the thrill of a clap, it doesn't really matter. kobra just drives off, presses his back into ghoul's chest to remind himself that he's still there.
kobra's a really good singer!! i say this specifically because i just wrote a band au, and people always go, oh, killjoys = mcr, so if they're in a band, kobra's the bassist, pois is the singer, jet and ghoul on guitars, but i DISAGREE. to me: kobra would sing, jet would play bass, poison would play guitar, and ghoul would play drums. fight with the wall <3
kobra teaches ghoul to read, because he couldn't for ages, and as much as he likes kobra reading to him, it pisses ghoul the hell off when everyone but him can do stuff.
ghoul is a Hoarder. like, it's bad. kobra has opened their wardrobe multiple times to find old keepsakes stashed away, and whenever they try to go through them, ghoul finds a way to convince kobra they're important.
thanks for the ask! i love speaking funkobra :))
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geffenrecords · 10 months
I still would like to see your stuff about diary of a wimpy kid. hand it over 🫴🏽
oh boy um. okay. so i hauvent posted abt them in a long time but i imagine if youve followed me for long enuf you remember....and boy theres a lot to sayhere
so the context is that like when i was like 14..me & my at the time best friend became just like. obsessed with the diary of a wimpy kid movies. and im dead serious we were obsessed with them. we watched them all the time and talked about them for hours. like im straight up we loved these movies. my only possible defense for what was up with me is that i was really anorexic haha so i was really weird in the head. but anyways, obviously mostly people only talk about those movies because they like rodrick and well looks around yeah. but also ☝️ we were retired glee kids. my friend had previously been the biggest fan of the warblers from glee (who altogether have maybe 8 minutes of screentime) and we were retired newsies fans. we were really cringey fandom kids still & we were really really good at loving total nothing background characters. so !
if you pay attention. in the first movie rodricks band consists of 1 redhead kid on guitar, some emo kid, and some other random guy. in rodrick rules/dog days, his band is two guys named ben and chris (plus bill in rodrick rules and some random kid they found for dog days). chris doesnt have any lines i dont think but he is there a lot in rodrick rules. i dont have any evidence but im like 79% sure he was definitely high during the filming. and if he wasnt hes really good at acting it. ben does have lines though :-) in rodrick rules he and rodrick drive rowley and greg home and discuss what song theyre going to perform at the talent show and he says "dude we'll get to go backstage" at the party scene.
um. anyways yeah. we made them into what was pretty much our own characters and gave them a whole story which is so long and. in all honesty i just forgot so much of i make shit up all the time for it when i do stuff with it now. but its silly and long and to sum it up -> ben works at office max in a mall (i dont think they have office max in malls) and rodrick keeps coming in to print/copy band posters. one night he breaks the machine so he and ben talk and rodrick asks him to join his band. he says yes, so ben and chris join the band which is rodrick and matt (emo kid from the first movie, who guess what doesnt say a single thing. he just stands there and claps at the sorry women scene) also the big joke with matt was that he works at chuck e cheese and hes the guy who wears the mouse costume and ben rodrick and chris all keep going there and pissing him off and eventually he gets mad and yells at them and thats how they all meet. i think thats what we created him for basically. ben is rhythm guitar/vocals, chris is bass, rodrick is drums, and matt is lead guitar. they break up at the end of highschool and reunite after dropping out of college and get world famous haha. just think like really annoying music kids in like 2007 who actually have a successful band...(their song is rodrick rules is good...i promise go look it up).
but ya. its unfortunately such a personal story to me atp that i cant let it go even though im not even friends with that person anymore. and also i dont really care. its funny & i draw them so much now and also. rodrick rules is such a good fucking movie. i dont care its definitely in my top ten favorites im deadass. whatevs.
other noteable things from this is kitty. whos my oc completely but shes chris' girlfriend and we made her up because the whole joke was she pegged him to paramore. hides my face this is just who we were at the time. but i draw her more with my own ocs than i do with chris her boyfriend who is the only reason she exists. i think thats all. im sorry this is so long but ive never actually explained the whole thing. theres so much more but i literally wont stop if i start. go thru the doawk tag on my blog 4 further explanation or ask me...i love talking about them please please.... bonus drawing of them i just did for this👍
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Okay Lovejoy EP thoughts and ratings
I think it’s a banger and has a very different vibe to Pebble Brain and Are you alright, like Pebble Brain is so light blue and Are you alright is so burgundy and Wake Up & It’s Over is very black with maybe dark red highlights yknow. If that makes any sense
It’s a lot gritter compared to the other two, and I do like it, especially the songs where they lean more into the heavier aspect with more guitar and bass since I feel the vibe and that style work best together. Consequences felt a bit more like an Are you alright song and Golden Hour felt a bit more like a Pebble Brain song, whereas Call me what you like, Scum, Warsaw, and Portrait of a blank slate all felt like their own new style progression
I liked it :D 
Ranking hmmmmmmmm
Portrait of a blank slate
Call me what you like
Scum (It eats you alive)
Golden hour
and updating my over all Wilbur Soot and Lovejoy ranking that will probably change with more listens :]
Oh Yeah, You Gonna Cry?
Portrait of a blank slate
The Fall
Model Buses
Call me what you like
Sex Sells
It’s All Futile It’s All Pointless (Live performance/Maybe I was boring version)
One day
Knee deep at ATP
Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy
Since I Saw Vienna
Saline Solution
Your Sister Was Right
No Cause For Concern
Jubilee Line
Your New Boyfriend
Scum (It eats you alive)
Losing Face
You’ll Understand When you’re Older
Golden hour
Karen please come back I miss the kids
It’s All Futile It’s All Pointless! (Pebble Brain version)
I’m in love with an E-girl
The Perfect Pair
Internet Ruined Me
White Wine in a Wetherspoon
Maybe I was Boring
For Memories
La Jolla
I’m Sorry Boris
I Am Very Smart
The “Nice Guy” Ballad
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skzingitup · 1 year
Since it seems FOB will be releasing a new album/new music soon, why not do an album review for their recent release that I never got round to listening to. MANIA
This review is dedicated to @bambino1294 as it is her fave 🫶🏻
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Lets get started 🎆
Stay frosty royal milk tea - 7/10 - wow okay cool start right off the bat!! ARE YOU SMELLING THAT SHIT!! Different to what i’m used to hearing from FOB but its a welcomed difference!! Oh that bridge was so nice!! Yeah this slaps
Last of the real ones - 7/10 - this stating is giving coldplay 😭 its good tho!! When those guitars kick in 🤌🏻 it sort of looses its steam in the verses a little but it’s not enough to ruin anything!! Just makes that chorus hit. Strong final chorus. This is really good!!
HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON’T - 6/10 - a more tropical beat from FOB?? Kind of slays. Okay FOB x KARD performance when?? I am a sucker for when we just get a section of vocals without the instrumental!! It hits everytime!! I cant say this is a song I would choose to put on, but if it came on shuffle i would vibe so hard!! THE VOCALS IN THE BRIDGE??? heaven!!
Wilson (expensive mistakes) - 9/10 - oh this is good!! Yep that chorus!! Slays!! ILL STOP WEARING BLACK WHEN THEY MAKE A DARKER COLOUR!!!! I don’t even have much to say, this is just a whole vibe and i’m in love!! Gets a point deducted because the bridge didn’t hit like the rest of it. But still a huge slay!
Church - 8/10 - this one started out in a very imagine dragons way and i’m living for it!! I love his voice sm btw, i feel like i haven’t said that yet. There is just something about imperfect vocals that just hits so much better. Its the emotion 🤌🏻 yeah this one is groovy!! IF YOU WERE CHURCH I WOULD GET ON MY KNEES. so true!!
Heaven’s Gate - 10/10 - OMG THAT GUITAR IS THE PROGRESSION FROM EVERYBODY HURTS!!! I CAN PLAY THAT IN MY SLEEP!!! FUCK this is so good!! that chorus?!!!! Heaven’s gate?? More like i am actually in heaven!!! This would make a cracking TV drama song!! FUCKING HELL NO THIS IS RLLY GOOD
Champion - 6/10 - the guitars in this one 🤌🏻 IF I CAN LIVE THROUGH THIS!!! Literally my life motto atp. This feels like rock mixed with some classic hiphop in the verses. Its really good!! Yeah I like this one but again Idk if i would choose to listen to this one often. I would vibe if it ever came on randomly tho!!
Sunshine riptide - 6.5/10 - oh this is scratching my brain so well. oHH YEAH. The second verse??? Very different but not unwelcome. The instrumental for this one is so good tho. The bass 🫶🏻 the adlibs in the back 🤌🏻 yeah i think i like this one!
Young and Menace - 7/10 - that build up was so fucking good!! HOLY SHIT I was not expecting that Chorus!! This is so interesting!! It is definitely for a certain vibe, but I am on board!! This would have gone so hard on youtube fan edits back in the day!! This is real noise music!! Stray kids wish they could do this /j
Bishops Knife Trick - 8/10 - nice start!! Love the piano!! Solid drop to the chorus. Very much vibing with this one!! Has a nostalgic feel to it, would be amazon on a late night car ride!! Yep that bridge into final chorus really made the song!! A vibe 🫶🏻
This was a fun listen!! Its a really strong album. Heavens gate is now like one of my fave songs ever
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koiblossom5 · 3 years
it’s inui’s birthday (at least here in canada lmao) which means it’s time for some hcs!
- inui and wakasa have a brotherly relationship (based on official art)! wakasa was the first one to introduce inui to wearing heels while fighting! why? bc it looks fucking cool
- he can play the bass guitar! he’s really good at it too. he likes playing r&b songs and the occasional heavy metal when he needs to vent his feelings
- atp he knows everyone and their moms (again, bc tr parents only consist of the moms for some reason)
- “oh hi mrs. matsuno”
- “...you know my mom?”
-”yeah we play poker together”
- he likes reading fashion magazines! sometimes he borrows some from draken (the girls at the brothel have tons of them) or mitsuya (after awkwardly apologizing for bashing his skull in)
- he attracts a lot of turning heads when he goes out in public, and even receives things for free bc everyone’s so bedazzled by how pretty he is
- “inui, did you buy the cup noodles yet?” (draken)
- “mm, I didn’t exactly buy them”
- “shoplifting is a crime, you know.”
- “oh, actually the shopkeeper gave the noodles to me for free” ^^
- “...”
- he’s also a pretty big eater! despite his slim stature, he likes eating dishes with a lot of meat! imagine kenji from bsd, but with a burn scar and smiles a lot less
- speaking of smiling, his smile is very faint but sort of shy and sweet! he should smile more but wakui won’t give these characters a damn break :) 
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gentlebcnes · 4 years
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reginald ‘reggie’ liu tao-yi / j/atp / bassist for s/unset c/urve & j/atp / bisexual / fc: m/ark t/uan
reggie’s parents had their own restaurant. and for a while it was doing well, however, the debts kept piling up over the years, and it took a toll not only on his parent’s marriage, but also the relationship he had with both of his parents. the stress caused a strain on their relationship and they were struggling financially. because of that, they put all their hopes on their son. they wanted reggie to go to college and have a stable career. perhaps it was selfish to ask their son of that, but they were desperate.
reggie absolutely hated being at home. his parents were always fighting, whether it was about money, rent, things like that. or just arguing over little things that seemed to get on their nerves. music had become his way to cope and a reason to get out of the house. he became interested in rock music and started to pick up learning how to play the bass guitar. and when he started to really get into it, he became inspired to form a band. 
he knew that he wanted to pursue music as a career, and that he dreamed to make it big, forming a band with his best friends. it seemed like a pipe dream, but he was determined. however, his parents were not thrilled at the idea of reggie wanting to pursue music. they were already struggling financially, and reggie ‘throwing everything away for music’ as they put it, was ridiculous. they never supported his dreams, and it was just one more reason he wasn’t sure he could ever reconcile his relationship with his parents. 
when sunset curve finally got their gig at the orpheum, he thought that would be it for them. they’d finally make it big. he’d be able to show his parents his dream wasn’t just a dream, and he wasn’t going to throw his life away with it. however, that was all short-lived as they passed away before they could have their first show.
before passing, and as a ghost, reggie is very much a goofball. his humor is more of his way of deflecting so he doesn’t have to deal with what he’s feeling or whatever problems he’s facing. also, he’s just so used to so much tension because of his family, that he hates when the mood is tense or if something’s wrong, so he’ll always try his best to lighten the mood with a joke or being goofy in some way.
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