#Ayrton Mendes
asg-stuff · 2 months
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Ayaba - Rainha - Queen is an experimental video that disrupts stereotypes and advocates for Black women’s experiences by illustrating the intersections they face due to their race and gender. (via Ayrton 'SAM' Mendes - Aesthetica Art Prize)
Alternative Vimeo link here
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viennakarma · 19 days
hi, i'm rae
So, here are a few (fun?)facts about my writing, since you guys have dropped a couple of asks about it before.
- you guys always comment on my pace. i can write full, detailed stories, but since i write here mostly oneshots (or twoshots lol) i have a bunch of stuff i want to happen on the story, that's why most are pretty fast paced (like everything i wanted and mdfae that go through many years). but when i write multichapters, i usually go slower with the pace and deeper with the writing.
- in my first languague i'm currently writing a multichapter fanfic with lewis hamilton and an oc brazilian supermodel in a fake dating situation. this fanfic is part of a small universe that (in the future) include intertwined stories with two other drivers.
- I speak portuguese, english and spanish. I studied french for a year then dropped because i thought the sonority of the language was too hard for me (i'll try again someday tho). i'm currently studying italian (that's lewis mf hamilton's fault).
- i've been writing fanfics since around 2014, and i've been in a few fandoms like 1d, shawn mendes, mcu, reylo, nashuri, footballers and many others i won't be bringing up.
- my mom and dad are ayrton senna's super fans, they cried a lot when may 1st 1994 happened. so, naturally i grew up a senna fangirl too. (both my mom and my dad can can rant for hours about ayrton senna) (as a teen, my mom had a wall of posters of him and other famous men she liked back in the day)
- i've never felt comfortable writing in english until i started this blog to formula 1 (i've had three other oneshots i've written before this but i don't like them today). i really believe i've found my jam here.
- when i'm writing my fics, the drivers are fictional people in my brain.
- there are a few drivers on the grid that i don't like, but you won't ever catch me shit-talking them (publicly) because i don't engage in this hater energy.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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mickstart · 2 years
Ferrari and Mclaren really do be having “No Children” by the Mountain Goats playing on repeat in their garages
Ron Dennis: I hope that our few remaining friends give up on trying to save us
Jean Todt: I hope we come up with a fail-safe plot to piss off the dumb few that forgave us
Martin Whitmarsh: I hope the fences we mended fall down beneath their own weight
Stefano Domenicali: and I hope we hang on past the last exit. I hope it's already too late
Alain Prost: and I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again in my life.
Ayrton Senna: I hope I lie and tell everyone you were a good wife
Fernando Alonso: and I hope you die! I hope we both die!
Felipe Massa: I hope it stays dark forever
Niki Lauda: I hope the worst isn't over
Sebastian Vettel: I hope you blink before I do.
Maurizio Arrivabene: I hope I never get sober
Daniel Ricciardo: and I hope when you think of me years down the line you can't find one good thing to say
Michael Schumacher and Mika Hakkinen: and I hope that if I found the strength to walk out you'd stay the hell out of my way
Zak Brown: I am drowning. There is no sign of land.
Mattia Binotto: you are coming down with me hand in unlovable hand.
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eliotheeangelis · 2 years
25, 28, 29, 30 for non sedanini verse nigelio bc I like the pain
oh god. you did this to yourself. ciao bella verse it is.
25. Who needs more assurance?
On the surface it's Nigel. He's never the type to be shy, when something is upsetting him. Everyone knows it, if he feels unwell, or there is a problem with the car, or if the food at the hotel breakfast isn't quite what he ordered (we stan a dramatic king lol). And then a quiet word from Elio, a brush of hands or lips against his cheek when he's flushed and furious will always calm him down. But there are times when Elio needs it too, in 1985, and 1986, when nothing's going right, at Lotus or Brabham, and Nigel catches him with his eyes distant and sad. And he'll tell him it's ok, don't worry, you'll be winning races in no time. I need you on the podium, don't I? Who else is gonna keep my teammate away from me? He keeps going, jokes and silly comments, until he gets a smile, and relief flickers inside of him.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Sometimes Nigel wonders if it's real, what they're doing, when he's back home between races. He can't believe it of himself, surely it's someone else living that life. It must have been someone else, who spent all that time in Elio's bed. Not him. He tries to be normal, whatever that means. Tries to play golf, and play the husband, and tries not think of a dawn with rumpled sheets, and a warm body, and how Elio kisses him when he's half asleep and Monaco is quiet outside their window.
Elio fills the time without worry. He'll see his family, take his siblings on trips out on the boat and listen to them squeal as he goes too fast over the water. Or he'll take a girl out, maybe, without sentiment; it doesn't mean anything, it's just something to pass the time until the next race. They're always the same, the girls; beautiful, and sinuous, glossy-haired. They wear the right clothes, know the right people, and he bores of them quickly. He wonders if it's because he yearns for something else, really; for awkwardness, for an unsophisticated accent, for a body that is strong and soft in equal measure. On one occasion, one of those girls (he forgets which) had pulled a shirt from his wardrobe, an ugly, silly, soft old thing, and she had laughed and said 'surely this isn't yours?'. And he'd shaken his head, and replied 'no, it isn't.'
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Elio gave him a lift, to Paul Ricard, the morning of the test. Nigel stands in the car park, numb, later in the day, after the helicopter has gone, and looks at Elio's car, left where he parked it that morning. He thinks about telling someone that it needs moving; he should tell someone from Brabham, they'll know where Elio's keys are, and then he is furious at himself, because he's being ridiculous. Elio's going to come back and move it himself. He'll be fine.
And then, a few months later, when they're racing at Paul Ricard for real and the F1 world has already moved on, from what happened in May, he finds himself back in that car park. And the car has gone. Of course it's gone, someone must have sorted it months ago. But that's when it hits him, really. Some part of him expected it still to be there. He wins the race that weekend and feels nothing, on the podium. He's thinking of an empty space, in the car park.
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
Elio already knows who's won the race, before he crosses the line. He's in fifth, lapped, when there is an almighty cheer from the crowd, so loud that it drowns out the noise of his engine for a moment. It can only mean one thing. He pulls into parc ferme, and no-one is waiting for him; the Lotus team have already gone to congratulate Ayrton for his podium, but he can put his feelings about that aside for a moment. In the distance he can see a cheering group of Williams mechanics, lifting someone onto their shoulders. His back is turned, so he doesn't notice Elio watching him. Elio doubts he'd notice anything at the moment, anyway. His heart is singing for him. He makes up his mind about something. He'll get into trouble with the race officials, for not being weighed straight after finishing, but he doesn't care. There's something he needs to get. He dodges through the crowd, away from the podium. He'd like to stay and watch it, to see the expression on Nigel's face, but there's time for that later. There is a parcel in his bag, in the motorhome, that he's been saving for now. It's time it had a new owner.
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capitalflutuante · 3 months
O Flamengo entra em campo neste sábado de Carnaval (10) para enfrentar o Volta Redonda em partida atrasada da 3ª rodada da Taça Guanabara do Campeonato Carioca. O Rubro-Negro joga no gramado do estádio do Maracanã, a partir das 16h (horário de Brasília), com a intenção de assumir a vice-liderança da classificação. Caso vença a partida, que terá transmissão da Rádio Nacional, a equipe da Gávea chegará aos 15 pontos, ultrapassando o Nova Iguaçu, que tem 14 pontos, e ficando a dois do líder Fluminense. Para tentar somar os três pontos, o técnico Tite poderá contar com a estreia do lateral uruguaio Viña, que acaba de ser contratado junto à Roma. Porém, a tendência é de que Ayrton Lucas inicie na lateral-esquerda. Com isso, Tite deve mandar a campo a seguinte formação: Rossi; Varela, Léo Pereira, Fabrício Bruno e Ayrton Lucas; Pulgar, Arrascaeta, De la Cruz e Gerson; Pedro e Everton Cebolinha. Últimos ajustes para a partida diante do Volta Redonda! 🔴⚫️Vamos, Mengão! #VamosFlamengo #CRF📸: Gilvan de Souza /CRF pic.twitter.com/7YrhYpkiS3 — Flamengo (@Flamengo) February 9, 2024 Para o confronto com o Volta Redonda, a maior dúvida está no aproveitamento de Pedro ou de Gabriel Barbosa no comando de ataque. Após a vitória de 1 a 0 sobre o Botafogo, alcançada graças ao faro de gol do zagueiro Léo Pereira, o técnico Tite comentou o momento do atacante Pedro, que vem sendo questionado pela falta de gols: “A torcida deu apoio. Ela estava até um pouco impaciente pelo resultado. Temos que entender a reação da torcida. Às vezes tocava uma bola de lado e ela [torcida] reclamava. Reclamava aqui atrás do banco. Mas não dá para perder a consciência, que vai sair de qualquer jeito e fazer o gol. Por isso que falo para os atletas terem maturidade. Vai dando crédito. Titularidade é a sequência de jogos que dá. São os momentos de cada um. Pedro tem sido o goleador”. Mas o treinador também deixou aberta a possibilidade de usar Gabriel Barbosa no ataque: “Gabi, da mesma forma, tem a possibilidade de como usamos, em algum momento estratégico, os dois desde o início. Usamos os dois [contra o Audax]”. Para o Volta Redonda a partida é uma oportunidade de pontuar e continuar sonhando com a classificação para a próxima fase da competição. Com oito pontos, o Esquadrão de Aço pode assumir a 5ª posição da classificação em caso de vitória, ficando apenas um ponto do Vasco, o 4º colocado. Transmissão da Rádio Nacional A Rádio Nacional transmite Flamengo e Volta Redonda com a narração de André Luiz Mendes, comentários de Waldir Luiz e reportagem de Rodrigo Ricardo. Você acompanha o Show de Bola Nacional aqui: Com informações da Agência Brasil
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pirapopnoticias · 9 months
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existentialmagazine · 10 months
Existential Magazine’s July Music Roundup
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With the month coming to a close, we’re sharing just a handful of our favourite new releases we’ve discovered this July! Sit back, put on our New Music Friday playlist and spend a few minutes enjoying fresh new tunes hand-picked by us.
Ayrton Jimenez - ‘Ends of the Earth’
Beginning our Roundup for the month is the new incredibly moving ballad-esque release ‘Ends of the Earth’ by upcoming artist Ayrton Jimenez, bearing his heart and soul on his sleeve with a deep fusion of blues, acoustics and an overall dreamy soundscape you’ll get lost in right from pressing play. Led in by a slow, reverberated electric guitar fingerpicking of a delicate riff, ‘Ends of the Earth’ is sonically minimal but powerful in its many layers, interweaving echoey guitar you’ll find an ease to sway along to right away whilst a steady beat and bright piano keys subtly emit an undertone of illumination amidst the melancholic bedding. Progressively building into the chorus with more striking guitar, emphatic piano and clashing beats, ‘Ends of the Earth’ almost seems to cascade through an unexpected high, with Ayrton keeping you on your toes the entire way through his three minute patchwork of sounds that masterfully alludes an atmosphere you’ll feel like you’re floating within. His deep, rich vocals complement the sound with such a profound emotional infusion, leaving each word lingering in your mind so powerfully you won’t be able to get enough. A narrative that’s more abstract soaks through the song’s haunting storytelling as Ayrton depicts lovers intertwining at the end of the world, singing ‘touch me, my broken bones are mending’, combining both pain and beauty into one. Romantic and dark all the same, ‘Ends of the Earth’ feels so deeply enclasped in love and loss, sharing an experience that from start to finish is beautiful but heartbreaking in a way you’ll never forget.
The Lonely Together - ‘Los Angeles’
Edinburgh dream-rock outfit The Lonely Together have slowly but surely making their musical rise, and with their newest single ‘Los Angeles’ they seek to share a snippet of their resonant sound channeled all the way through their gorgeous second album 'Endless Sunset Oblivion'. Softly opened with acoustic guitar strums, the vast soundscape of ‘Los Angeles’ immediately feels set, almost painting the scene of a warm summers day that’s both comforting and lonely all at once. Picked up a little by brighter guitar tones and steady thumping drums, the track cascades into the first verses’ mesmerising aura, with their vocalist’s deep and poignant performance achingly soaring through the track’s downbeat tones. Building into a chorus that sees instrumental heightening in volume and dominance, the guitar and drums pick up as well as the vocals pushed impact, together intertwining for a high that you can’t help but hurt with the emotional resonance of. Interweaved in such a nostalgically soaked sound is what feels like an internal monologue of scattered thoughts, writing about the city of Los Angeles and both its great heights and stark lows: ‘imagine living up in the hills, solving all your problems with pills… this isn’t what I came here to see, but there’s no place I’d rather be.’ The entire song is so deeply rooted in an intricate layering of sound, creating not just something to listen to and appreciate but an experience to live and feel through, with The Lonely Together showing off their powerful ability to make an older-leaning sound feel fresh, unique and utterly unforgettable.
DAWKS - ‘Right Place / Wrong Time’
The Hartlepool singer-songwriter Luke Dawkins has found himself gravitating musically to his own project DAWKS, most recently bearing his newest single ‘Right Place / Wrong Time.’ Enchantingly soaring right from the beginning with an acoustic guitar, finger-picked riff that leads into a soaring introductory chorus enriched by thudding drum beats and shaken percussion, continued guitar and an overall hazy atmosphere, DAWKS establishes a warmth you can almost float within immediately. The verse simmers into more slowed drum beats, deep bass twangs and gentle acoustic guitar strums, an intimate intermission for DAWKS heart-wrenching narrative to shine in his downbeat but airy lines. The chorus sees more of an intense vocal delivery, picking up in dominance and painfully releasing all the bottled up emotions kept within, a cathartic outburst of sorts that you can’t help but sing along with too. Lyrically exploring more melancholic themes, DAWKS journeys through the difficulties that come with feeling too late or left behind, prevalent even in lines like ‘counting stars in the place you once loved’ that show a stationary feeling of being locked in what once was while life seems to continue moving by for everyone else. Somehow even in its darkness ‘Right Place / Wrong Time’ carries through a comforting, uplifting undertone, working through these emotions and coming out the other side with an infectiously positive outlook of paving your own path.
Quiet Tongues - ‘She’s Velvet’
Since forming in 2018, Quiet Tongues have continually gone out of their way to be heard and make an impact, and their new single ‘She’s Velvet’ is just as strikingly thrilling as ever. From a gritty, emphatic electric guitar riff and clashing drums to lead things in, ‘She’s Velvet’ immediately feels like a track that’ll be ebbing and flowing the whole way through its two minute progression, evolving and getting deeply under your skin. Settling tensely into a quick-paced but subdued electric guitar riff, thudding drums and a delicate humming bassline, things feel intimate but on the edge of taking off at all times. Their vocalist provides a quickly-spoken, deeper delivery through the verses passive undertones, charismatically capturing your every thought and feeling. An atmospheric pre-chorus fades even further out into just distinct singular guitar strings echoing into the distance and steady drums setting the calm before the storm, disrupted by the chorus clashing headfirst into the anticipated action Quiet Tongues leave you salivating for. Ruckus and loud, the instrumentals glide through vigorous guitar strums, an underlying vibrant riff and thunderous drums, all dipped in a hazy edge that the entirety of ‘She’s Velvet’ embodies. Their vocalist also switches things up for a more hoarse and dominant performance, half-shouting along with a scratchy delivery you feel every ounce of passion and emotion behind. One hell of a guitar solo tears apart the bridge, with ‘She’s Velvet’ providing a continually high-energy concoction of sound that just grows even larger the longer you listen. With lyrics that seemingly talk of a fiery love, ‘She’s Velvet’ is an offering that’ll have you not just rocking along in sound but thoughtfully listening along to every poetically delivered line Quiet Tongues have to offer.
Combining a blend of experimental-pop and electronica through his atmospheric releases, the UK based singer-songwriter and producer SAER has now released his latest hair-raising single ‘NYC.’ Wrapped between a tinny, quickly tapped beat and striking synth keyboard notes, ‘NYC’ unravels with an ebbing and flowing instrumental-scape that almost floats through your earphones. Soon accompanied by vibrant, reverberated electric guitar strums that ring out into the vastness of the single and added thudding drum beats, ‘NYC’ progressively grows as you listen along, wielding an almost theatrical rise and fall. The chorus peaks as all the instrumentals reach their intertwined heights, hitting with slow smashing drums and deep, drawn-out guitar strums while SAER’s airy, agile vocal performance unleashes a strength and power behind every word. Settling back down to the verse, SAER falls into more haunting vocal lows, soulfully capturing every emotion behind his word and mesmerising you for all of it. A bridge intermission sees the introduction of a soothing cascading back and forth of electronic beats while tensely pattering drums simmer at a low, slowly bringing back in each instrumental while making the space for a haunting intimate vocal intermission that places the vocals and narrative front and centre while every instrumental layer soars around them. As SAER glides through this gorgeous single, he sings of the stunning aura of New York City, speaking of all the warmth it brings to be surrounded by its’ presence and the encapsulating home it has become. Find yourself transported there after listening along to the world SAER has crafted within his own ‘NYC.’
Jenna - ‘Changes’
The Winchester based dream-pop darling Jenna has just began soaring through her own easy-going bedding of sound, debuting a first listen to her softened layers of musical talents in her first ever single ‘Changes.’ Drifting into the feathery soundscape, heavenly reverberated bright electric guitar strums ring out into a vast musical palette, complemented just by a steady pattering beat. With this angelic riff leading through the first verse, Jenna sings atop her light instrumentals with a clean, cathartically agile range, delicately leading off with her personal lyrical narrative. The pre-chorus tentatively pairs things back, switching the beat ever-so slightly for a hesitant moment of intimacy before the chorus subtly grows in intensity, offering more dominant beats, guitar strums and plucks and a more forward vocal delivery whilst the passive nature of the sound isn’t lost for even a moment. A bridge tones back to just soft synth beats whilst a layering of vocals harmonising takes centre stage, seeing a distorted, high-pitch vocal effect leading the way as it all seeps with a dreamy undercurrent. Though it’s not heavy on the heart to listen to, ‘Changes’ feels continually bittersweet the entire way through as Jenna sings of change and growth throughout a relationship. From the highs and first experiences to the lows that come with navigating the way people evolve and differ over time, ‘Changes’ speaks of a love that will always persist whether the two eventually drift away or stay together through the storms: ‘as the months get colder and the days get shorter, and as we both get older I’ll always be here.’
heavy on the heart. - ‘Not Now, Love’
Alternative-rock and pop-punk genre-blenders heavy on the heart. reign from Long Island, debuting just earlier this year with their first ever live show and single, before gracing us this month with their next offering ‘Not Now, Love.’ Storming in with vibrant electric guitar strumming and strong, clean female vocals that are always a refreshing change in tune for a pop-punk heavy release, the song immediately grabs your undivided attention, only further pulling you in with the addition of steady drums and underlying bass twangs. The chorus bursts into action after the verses’ slow building, encompassing clashing drums, an emphatic electric guitar riff and gritty strums while vocal hooks only make you more eagerly sing along to every quickly-learnt word. Moments in the release pair back for an atmospheric glow, hinging on drawn out electric guitar notes. echoed guitar strums and subdued drums, as heavy on the heart. know how to keep your interest piqued the entire way through a tumbling three minute ruckus journey of anthemic pleasure. Paired with the lyrical unwinding of two destined-to-be individuals yet to act on their evident spark, ‘Not Now, Love’ is almost a Romeo and Juliet-esque tale of waiting for the right moment to act and be together, of course without the tragic aftermath. Knowing that their chemistry is undeniable, these sure-to-be lovers almost weave between one another in an avoidance, carrying strong feelings but perhaps never wanting to ruin the foundations of what they already know and share: ‘I wonder how love can be the answer to an explanation, I’m not sure how but I feel endorphins up for the frustration.’
Ethan Senger - ‘Standing Still’
The soulful musician Ethen Senger just released his sophomore EP ‘Standing Still’, an exploration of unresolved emotional wounds from childhood; stagnancy due to fears of failure and the games people play while founding relationships. The leading single ‘Standing Still’ is the perfect introduction to this four-song body of work, an acoustic, indie-rock blend of stylings that’s tender but equally powerful. From the finger-picked, elaborate acoustic guitar intro, ‘Standing Still’ immediately sets the tone to be one of intimacy and complexity, a mesmerising lead-in before the verse shifts in sound. Wrapped up in steady drum beats and a slow acoustic guitar riff, the track tumbles along with a poignance and emotional resonance in every word, revolving around Ethan’s clean, soaring vocals that feel richly infused in personal meaning. A verse intermission shifts towards thunderous drums and vigorous acoustic guitar strums interweaving before lightly pairing back, seeing the introduction of piano keys and more dominant drums for the verses more impactful second half. The chorus peaks through this instrumental high, entangled in loud drums, raw acoustic guitar strums, bright piano keys and of course Ethan’s continued floating vocals that rise and fall through every high and low. The meaningful narrative of ‘Standing Still’ only makes its soundscape more hard-hitting as Ethan sings of being afraid to make strides forward, singing towards someone frozen in a fear of failure and being beaten down while still encouraging their progression: ‘you gotta live your life, don’t be scared if it feels so right. In this world time’s never on your side.’
Bunny Alex - ‘Habits’
Sharing her debut single ‘Habits’ and also closing out our roundup for the month is Bunny Alex, finding herself gliding into the music scene with her own softened sound laced between indie-pop and almost folk enriched layers, a haunting concoction that’s easy-going and soothing on the heart. Twinkling in with pulsating electronic beats that sparkle their way into your earphones, ‘Habits’ hums along through synth keys and continual steady beats, an interweaving of intricate sounds that all delicately collide for something intimate but tranquil all at once. The chorus fizzles into a euphoric high, tinged with a loudening of sounds, more dominant beats and synth spikes while Bunny Alex more powerfully spews her loved-up narrative with an agile and sugary sweetness to every word amidst dreamy backing vocals that leave every line lingering even more daintily. Her verses see more of gentle vocal delivery, floating through the subtle sounds and mesmerising you with every ebb and flow. As it flows through such an ethereal soundscape, it’s no surprise that ‘Habits’ offers an equally dreamlike narrative, speaking of that destined kind of romance that almost feels just like the movies. Youthful and a little magical in its expectations, there’s nothing other than a complete and utter feel-good take-away when ‘Habits’ finally ends, refreshing your perspective and reminding everyone that their love will be just as sweet.
Give a listen to these songs and more in our New Music Friday playlist this week, or see our Roundup Recap playlist for every song previously featured in one of our monthly roundups that you might have missed!
Written by: Tatiana Whybrow
// This coverage was created via Musosoup, #SustainableCurator.
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amazoniaonline · 11 months
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gazeta24br · 1 year
Flamengo e Vasco se enfrentam na noite desta segunda-feira (13) pelo jogo de ida das semifinais do Campeonato Carioca, no Maracanã. Por ter encerrado a Taça Guanabara na vice-liderança, o Cruzmaltino tem a vantagem do empate nos dois confrontos (ida e volta) para avançar à final. Já o Flamengo precisa vencer no placar agregado para assegurar a classificação. O confronto a partir das 21h10 (horário de Brasília) terá transmissão da Rádio Nacional, com narração de André Luiz Mendes, comentários de Waldir Luiz, e reportagem de Bruno Mendes.  Sobre o time que começa jogando, o técnico Vitor Pereira vai efetuar cinco mudanças em relação à derrota contra o Fluminense na última quarta-feira (8), quando o Tricolor faturou o título da Taça Guanabara. Devem voltar ao time titular: Fabrício Bruno, Vidal, Thiago Maia, Ayrton Lucas e Pedro. Já Léo Pereira, Igor Jesus, Everton Cebolinha, Matheus França e Gerson, suspenso, ficam de fora. Os rubro-negros devem começar o confronto com: Matheus Cunha; Fabrício Bruno, Rodrigo Caio e Pablo; Matheuzinho, Vidal, Thiago Maia e Ayrton Lucas; Arrascaeta, Gabigol e Pedro. Do outro lado, o técnico do Cruzmaltino Maurício Barbieri deve efetuar apenas uma mudança em relação à equipe que venceu o Flamengo por 1 a 0,  na décima rodada da Taça Guanabara. Na zaga, o argentino Capasso entra na vaga de Miranda, que se recupera de lesão no tornozelo esquerdo. A tendência é que o Vasco entre em campo com: Léo Jardim, Pumita, Capasso, Léo, Lucas Piton; Rodrigo, Andrey, Jair, Alex Teixeira, Gabriel Pec e Pedro Raul. Edição: Cláudia Soares Rodrigues - Agência Brasil
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ratatoskryggdrasil · 6 years
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Michael Ayrton, Mending Nets
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roles-da-lua · 4 years
Gravação do dvd "MC Kevin o Chris"
Sobre o local
O show foi realizado no dia 7 de novembro de 2019 no Espaço Hall.
O Espaço Hall é um amplo e moderno centro de entretenimento indoor.
Suas instalações somam 32 mil metros quadrados com capacidade para 6.600 pessoas, além de estacionamento para 827 carros.
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Segurança e Acessibilidade
O local não possui piso tátil e não há banheiros adaptados, porém é repleto de saídas de emergência.
No tempo em que estive lá o ar condicionado funcionou bem mantendo o local fresco, mas deve ser levado em conta que a casa ainda se encontrava relativamente vazia.
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Minha opinião sobre
O local é bastante agradável para diversos tipos de eventos, não somente shows. Comporta uma quantidade enorme de pessoas e é bastante agradável.
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Como chegar
Av. Ayrton Senna, 5850 - Gardênia Azul, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22775-005
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Webfólio sobre Show
Data da visita: 7 de novembro de 2019
Aluna: Luana Mendes
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hooksforeverything · 4 years
w47: 18-24 November
The Story of a Governess (Gutenberg on Kindle)
Monday morning at work was mainly indoors cleaning and mending, but I did stick the last bag of narcissus bulbs in the front garden, and I had a pleasant twenty minutes raking leaves. Borrowed secateurs and three garden gloves from the crate of odd gloves. I aspire to have been a gardener for so long I have two dozen odd gloves.
I went straight from work to the allotment, took a bunch of photos and then set to work making the right-hand path a little safer. I heaped the wheelbarrow with bramble snipped into 10cm pieces, I think it’s too woody to compost fast so I shall set up a separate heap in a very far corner, once I’ve reached the far corners.
The Binding (library ebook), Summerhills (Ayrton Family Book 2) (Kindle unlimited)
Tuesday at work was again all indoor tasks, but we all talked about the allotment and its potential and they lent me a battery powered hedge trimmer for the brambles. I arrived home to find that my society6 notebook had arrived (it is cute af) and that my friend the mermaid had posted me seven balls of grey bamboo yarn that she’d oversupplied herself with for an earlier project. I’m happy to have them because I’ll use them but also because it means she’s culling. I do love knowing when people are culling.
In the afternoon the Big Spoon and I drained the washing machine with a jug and a bowl and agreed that it’s our fault for overloading it. Perhaps it will start working again once it’s had a Quiet Sit?
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The Christmas Scorpion (Jack Reacher, #22.5) (library ebook), The Vine Witch (Vine Witch, #1) (Kindle unlimited)
Friday at work was all admin after I’d done the cat litter tray. I wrote cheques! It’s a good thing my parents taught me how to write them and put invoice numbers on the backs; if I was five years younger I’d have been completely at a loss. Friday afternoon I finished the Good Sister shawl and did not take the dog out for a walk, which is disgraceful. We played catch in the living room instead… no, I know it’s not good enough. She doesn’t know, though, and don’t tell her.
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Once Upon a River (library ebook)
My allotment site key was not in the post on Saturday. I’m a little aggrieved. For a £15 administration fee one expects… No, never mind, I’m sure something important came up and they had to deal with that first.
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Sunday morning I went with the Tank and the Healer to a car boot sale where surprisingly little sold but we had some good conversations with browsers and buyers. Sunrise is so late these days and sunset is so early; I’m glad I have a great mattress and good antidepressants. And a puppy asleep on my foot.
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theboynextdoorblog · 5 years
McLaren P1 GTR Ayrton Senna Special Edition
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piranot · 4 years
Necrologia do dia 28 de maio de 2020 em Piracicaba e região
Benedita Guimarães da Silva Faleceu anteontem, nesta cidade, contava 61 anos, filha dos finados Sr. Jose Valério Guimarães e da Sra. Conceição Rubio Guimarães, era viúva do Sr. Antonio Carlos Xavier da Silva, deixa os filhos: Alexandro Xavier da Silva; Rosemeire Jesus da Silva e Carlos Alexandre da Silva. Deixa netos, bisnetos, demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento foi realizado ontem, às 13h, no Velório Municipal da Saudade, em jazigo da família.
Marlei Cardoso Filho Faleceu anteontem, nesta cidade, contava 59 anos, filha dos finados Sr. Jose Cardoso e da Sra. Maria Aparecida Cardoso, era casada com o Sr. Eurivaldo Jose Filho; deixa os filhos: Erivan Cardoso Filho; Cleide Cardoso Filho, casada com o Sr. Denílson Furquin e Ivan Cardoso Filho. Deixa netos, demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento foi realizado ontem, tendo saído o féretro às 14h da sala B do Velório do Cemitério Parque da Ressurreição, para a referida necrópole, em jazigo da família.
Fernanda Cristiane Silva dos Santos Faleceu anteontem, nesta cidade, contava 32 anos, filha do Sr. Joaquim João dos Santos e da Sra. Suely Silva. Deixa demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento foi realizado ontem, às 09h30, no Cemitério Municipal da Vila Rezende, em jazigo da família.
Rosely Fernandes Faleceu ontem, nesta cidade, contava 57 anos, filha do Sr. Rosalvo Fernandes, já falecido e da Sra. Maria Aparecida da Silva Fernandes. Deixa o irmão: Carlos Alberto Fernandes, sobrinhos, demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento foi realizado ontem, às 09h, no Cemitério Parque de São Pedro/SP, em jazigo da família.
Jose Carlos Buccier Faleceu ontem, nesta cidade, contava 62 anos, filho dos finados Sr. Phiormont Buccier e da Sra. Ana Neves Buccier, deixa os filhos: Leandro Buccier, casado com a Sra. Aline Mariane Trevisan Buccier e Erica Buccier. Deixa netos, demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento foi realizado ontem, tendo saído o féretro às 17h do Velório do Cemitério Municipal de Iracemápolis – SP, para a referida necrópole em jazigo da família.
João Pedro de Castilho Faleceu ontem, nesta cidade, contava 87 anos, filho dos finados Sr. Manoel Pedro de Castilho e da Sra. Rosa Maria de Jesus, era viúvo da Sra. Olivina Maciel de Castilho, deixa os filhos: Janete Maria Mendes, viúva do Sr. Edgar de Fátima Mendes; Manoel Maciel de Castilho, casado com a Sra. Antonia Ramos Mendes de Castilho; Maria da Penha de Castilho Pedro, casada com o Sr. Wagner Luis Pedro; Maria das Graças de Castilho, casada com o Sr. Osmir; Rita Maria de Castilho; Carlos Donizete de Castilho, casado com a Sra. Geni Santos de Castilho; Sandra Benedita de Castilho; Aparecida de Fátima Azarias, casada com o Sr Valdir Azarias, ambos falecidos; Jorge de Castilho, já falecido e Rosa de Castilho, já falecida. Deixa netos, bisnetos, irmãs, cunhados, sobrinhos, demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento foi realizado ontem, tendo saído o féretro às 17h da sala 01 do Velório do Cemitério Municipal da Vila Rezende, para a referida necrópole em jazigo da família.
Walter Luiz Leone Faleceu ontem, nesta cidade, contava 66 anos, filho do Sr. Ayrton Leoni, já falecido e da Sra. Amelia Pereira Leoni, era casado com a Sra. Joceli Aparecida de Souza Palma Leone; deixa os filhos: Luiz Estevam de Souza Palma Leone e Pedro Enrique de Souza Palma Leone. Deixa Irmã, demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento será realizado hoje, saindo o féretro às 10h30 da sala A do Velório do Cemitério Parque da Ressurreição para a referida necrópole, em jazigo da família.
Neide do Nascimento Moraes Faleceu ontem, na cidade de São Pedro – SP, contava 74 anos, filha dos finados Sr. João Delfino do Nascimento e da Sra. Angelina do Nascimento, era casada com o Sr. Davi de Moraes, deixa os filhos: Carlos Alberto de Moraes, casado com a Sra. Claudete Bento de Camargo; Luis Eduardo de Moraes, casado com a Sra. Cleide Aparecida Manuel Moraes e Odair Roberto de Moraes, casado com a Sra. Elaine Dias de Moraes. Deixa netos, bisnetos demais parentes e amigos. Seu sepultamento será realizado hoje, saindo o féretro às 14h do Velório do Cemitério Municipal de São Pedro – SP, para a referida necrópole em jazigo da família.
FRANKLIN CURY Faleceu anteontem na cidade de Indaiatuba, aos 94 anos de idade e era viúvo da Sra. Myrian Hilsdorf Cury. Era filho do Sr. Radi Assad Cury e da Sra. Rachio Cury, falecidos. Deixa os filhos: Paulo Sergio Hildsdorf Cury casado com Marcia Aparecida Morato Cury e Antônio Carlos Hildsdorf Cury casado com Susana Fritelli Bruno. Deixa também 01 neta. O seu corpo foi trasladado em auto fúnebre para esta cidade onde o seu féretro foi conduzido ontem às 13h para o Crematório local onde foi realizada a Cerimônia de Cremação.
LUIZ WEIMAR ROSSI Faleceu ontem na cidade de Piracicaba, aos 81 anos de idade e era viúvo da Sra. Aparecida Dileta Bianchim Rossi. Era filho do Sr. Avelino Rossi e da Sra. Anna Vetorazzi, falecidos. Deixa as filhas: Luciana de Cassia Rossi Martim e Lucimara Maria Rossi Urbano. Deixa demais parentes e amigos. O seu corpo foi trasladado em auto fúnebre para a cidade de Saltinho e o seu sepultamento deu-se ontem às 16h no Cemitério Municipal naquela localidade, onde foi inumado em jazigo da família.
ADA JUSTOLIM Faleceu ontem na cidade de Piracicaba, aos 88 anos de idade e era filha do Sr. Pedro Justolim e da Sra. Ângela Canezim, falecidos. Deixa demais parentes e amigos. O seu corpo foi transladado em auto fúnebre para a cidade de Rio das Pedras e o seu sepultamento dar-se-á hoje às 11h, saindo a urna mortuária do Velório Municipal de Rio das Pedras seguindo para o Cemitério Municipal naquela localidade, onde será inumada em jazigo da família.
APPARECIDA SASS DE CAMARGO Faleceu anteontem na cidade de Rio Claro, aos 83 anos de idade e era viúva do Sr. José Antônio de Camargo. Era filha do Sr. Benedicto Sass e da Sra. Nair Sass, falecidos. Deixa os filhos: Cecilia, Jacira, Valdecir, Maria José, Delci, Sueli e Doraci. O seu sepultamento deu-se ontem às 10h30 saindo a urna mortuária do Velório Municipal de Rio Claro seguindo para o Cemitério São João Batista naquela localidade, onde foi inumada em jazigo da família.
O post Necrologia do dia 28 de maio de 2020 em Piracicaba e região apareceu primeiro em PIRANOT.
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Agenda do Sesc traz Leci Brandão, Aluísio Machado e tributo a Geraldão
O Samba em Rede divulga a programação de samba e suas vertentes nas unidades do Sesc em São Paulo.
Confira a programação completa:
Sesc 24 de Maio
21h – Show “Coisas do Amor- Música de Paulinho da Viola”
Beatriz Rabello (voz) e João Rabello (violão) apresentam o universo poético e melódico de Paulinho da Viola.
Ingressos: R$30, R$15 (meia-entrada) e R$9 (credencial plena).
18h – Show “Coisas do Amor- Música de Paulinho da Viola”
Beatriz Rabello (voz) e João Rabello (violão) apresentam o universo poético e melódico de Paulinho da Viola.
Ingressos: R$30, R$15 (meia-entrada) e R$9 (credencial plena).
Sesc Belenzinho
21h30 – Bernadete
Conhecida como a Tulipa Negra do Samba, a paulistana emplacou sucessos como “Farsa do Amor” e “Jogo da Vida”, conviveu com nomes como Armando da Mangueira, Walter Guariglio e Royce do Cavaco.
Nesse show, Bernadete viaja pela sua trajetória no samba paulistano e resgata sua grande inspiração, Nelson dos Santos, seu pai e sua maior influência.
Ingressos: R$30, R$15 (meia-entrada) e R$9 (credencial plena).
21h – Show “Tio Gê – O Samba Paulista de Geraldo Filme” 
Alaíde Costa, Amanda Maria, Ellen Oléria e Graça Cunha sobem ao palco do Sesc Belenzinho para celebrar o lançamento do disco “Tio Gê – O Samba Paulista de Geraldo Filme”.
Acompanhadas por um sexteto, sob a direção do maestro Ogair Júnior, as cantoras homenageiam um dos maiores nomes da história do samba de São Paulo.
Ingressos: R$30, R$15 (meia-entrada) e R$9 (credencial plena).
21h – Show “Tio Gê – O Samba Paulista de Geraldo Filme” 
Áurea Martins, Fabiana Cozza, Luciah Helena e Virgínia Rosa sobem ao palco do Sesc Belenzinho para celebrar o lançamento do disco “Tio Gê – O Samba Paulista de Geraldo Filme”.
Acompanhadas por um sexteto, sob a direção do maestro Ogair Júnior, as cantoras homenageiam um dos maiores nomes da história do samba de São Paulo.
Ingressos: R$30, R$15 (meia-entrada) e R$9 (credencial plena).
Sesc Bom Retiro
16h – Graça Cunha
Neste show, Graça Cunha traz um show de samba-rock em que resgata clássicos como “Que Maravilha”, “Mas Que Nada”, Eu Bebo Sim”, entre outros sucessos dançantes.
Entrada gratuita.
16h – Nega Duda 
Nascida em São Francisco do Conde, no Recôncavo Baiano, Nega Duda teve contato com as diversas manifestações tradicionais da região desde pequena, em especial com o Samba de Roda.
Entrada gratuita.
Sesc Campinas
16h – Aluísio Machado 
Aluísio Machado coleciona mais de trinta composições, cantadas e interpretadas por ele e por grandes músicos do samba, como Alcione, Beth Carvalho, entre outros. Nesta apresentação, o sambista carioca será acompanhado pelo grupo Mania de Samba.
Entrada gratuita.
Sesc Campo Limpo 
20h – As Choronas 
Em formato de concerto didático, o grupo As Choronas apresenta a cronologia, características e curiosidades do choro através das músicas de maior destaque na história desse estilo musical.
Criado em 1994, o grupo é formado pelas musicistas paulistas Maicira Trevisan (flauta transversal), Ana Cláudia César (cavaquinho), Paola Picherzky (violão de sete cordas) e Miriam Cápua (percussão).
Entrada gratuita.
Sesc Florêncio de Abreu
17h30 –Dona da Rua 
Formado por mulheres instrumentistas, cantoras e compositoras, o Dona da Rua apresenta sambas autorais e de mulheres que se empoderaram através da música.
Entrada gratuita.
Sesc Guarulhos 
16h30 – Pegada de Gorila  Com participação especial da Velha Guarda Musical da Nenê de Vila Matilde e do baterista Jorge Gomes, o grupo Pegada de Gorila lança seu primeiro álbum, “Divina Canção”, em apresentação no Sesc Guarulhos.
Formado por moradores da zona leste de São Paulo e Guarulhos, o Pegada de Gorila vem aquecendo as rodas de samba desde 2007. O primeiro CD do grupo conta com composições de nomes como Almir Guineto, Wanderlei Monteiro e Serginho Meriti.
Entrada gratuita.
19h30 – Yayá Massemba 
A banda Yayá Massemba surge da vontade de fortalecer e dar visibilidade ao protagonismo da mulher no samba. Inspiradas pela música de Roberto Mendes e Capinan, as musicistas Ana Tomich (voz e violão de sete cordas), Ive Farias (voz e percussão), Priscilla Oliveira (voz e Cavaquinho) e Rafaela Bhakti (percussão e dança) exploram vertentes do samba baiano como o samba de roda e o samba chula do recôncavo.
Entrada gratuita.
19h30 – Graça Cunha 
Neste show, Graça Cunha traz um show de samba-rock em que resgata clássicos como “Que Maravilha”, “Mas Que Nada”, Eu Bebo Sim”, entre outros sucessos dançantes.
Entrada gratuita.
Sesc Pinheiros
18h – Show “100 anos de Elizeth Cardoso”
Para celebrar o centenário de nascimento da cantora Elizeth Cardoso, o show “100 anos de Elizeth Cardoso” destaca duas importantes vertentes de seu legado musical: o samba e a canção romântica. No repertório, clássicos como “Canção de Amor”, “Apelo”, “Nossos Momentos”, “Canção da Manhã Feliz”, “Sei lá Mangueira”, “Luz Negra”, “Pressentimento”, “É Luxo Só”, “Naquela Mesa” e a bem humorada “Eu Bebo Sim”, entre outras.
A apresentação conta com a participação de Leci Brandão, Alaíde Costa, Zezé Motta, Claudette Soares, Eliana Pittman e Ayrton Montarroyos.
Ingressos: R$40, R$20 (meia-entrada) e R$12 (credencial plena).
Sesc Pompeia 
21h – Samba do Terreiro de Mauá convida Paula Sanches 
Fundado em 2002, o Terreiro de Mauá é um coletivo de músicos que trabalha com pesquisa e criação voltadas para a tradição do samba de terreiro bem como suas contribuições para o fortalecimento da identidade afro-brasileira na cultura e na construção da sociedade.
A apresentação conta com a participação especial de Paula Sanches, cantora que se destaca na cena do samba de São Paulo, tendo como referência cantoras como Isaurinha Garcia, Aracy de Almeida, Linda Batista, Elizeth Cardoso, Aurora e Carmem Miranda.
Ingressos: R$30, R$15 (meia-entrada) e R$9 (credencial plena).
Sesc Ribeirão Preto 
17h – Leci Brandão
Primeira mulher a integrar a ala de compositores da Mangueira, Leci já gravou mais de 23 discos ao longo da sua de carreira. A sambista apresenta um show com sucessos recorrentes da sua carreira, além de interpretações de canções de Martinho da Vila, Arlindo Cruz, Djavan e Rappin Hood.
Ingressos: R$30, R$15 (meia-entrada) e R$9 (credencial plena).
+ Samba SP: 
Veja também: A folia ainda não acabou: veja quais são os blocos do pós-Carnaval
A Catraca Livre leva para as ruas a campanha #CarnavalSemAssédio, que visa acabar com abusos durante a folia. Com a parceria da Rua Livre e da Prefeitura de São Paulo e apoio da 99, além de conteúdos que promovem o debate sobre o problema, a campanha criou a ação Anjos do Carnaval, que oferece orientação, acolhimento e atendimento psicossocial a mulheres e LGBTs vítimas de assédio. Vem entender como você pode fazer um #CarnavalSemAssédio!
Agenda do Sesc traz Leci Brandão, Aluísio Machado e tributo a Geraldãopublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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botafogo20love · 5 years
espere por mim
Do bloco vinte até a entrada do shopping, sempre descendo pelas escadas para pegar uma rebarba da Espaço Fashion. Na frente, a Jamf, e como de praxe, um hangloose para o maluco que me arrumou aquele tênis vermelho (meu primeiro salário foi nesse par 41, mesmo calçando 42). Uma direita e, lado a lado, Salinas e Enjoy. Sempre esbarrei com a gerente da primeira no hall do bloco vinte, fumando um cigarro e bebendo um refrigerante. E o ‘sempre’ não foi forçado! Os vestidos longos da segunda sempre vestiram muito bem no meu amor, pelo menos na minha cabeça.
De cabeça baixa do Spoleto até a Mr. Cat, entre elas aquela loja que não gosto.
Pela mini ponte ou reto? Reto até o banco e depois uma esquerda. Novamente reto.
Segurança pediu para parar porque os carros do estacionamento querem passar.
Cinco degraus abaixo. A fila do ônibus já alcançou o maluco da pipoca. No celular, explode a mensagem: “Psiu... Gui, quero te ver hoje. Tô com saudade!” Todo mundo puto com o fiscal que não libera o motorista e eu sorrindo.
Desisto da fila e começo a andar.
Avenida das Américas,
“Também tô com saudade. Tá tudo parado! Vou andando e talvez chegue tarde. Mas quero te ver mesmo assim.”
Avenida Mario Veiga de Almeida,
“Cê é louco, Gui? Espera um pouco, daqui a pouco o trânsito melhora.”
Avenida Luis Carlos Prestes,
Avenida Ayrton Senna/ Com ponte ao lado da Ponte Cardeal Dom Eugênio de Araújo Sales.
“Guilherme, você tá andando?”
Rua Edgard Werneck,
Estrada Marechal Miguel Salazar Mendes de Moraes,
“Sim. Já tô chegando. Tomo banho e passo aí?”
Estrada dos Bandeirantes,
Rua André Rocha,
Estrada do Tindiba,
“Você é maluco! Sim, vem logo.”
Rua Visconde de Asseca. Pique de membro do pelotão Quênia na hora de subir as escadas até a porta. Tênis debaixo do tanque, camisa no cesto, mochila no canto do quarto. Banho.
Sprint de casa até o portão verde.
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