#Attitude status
shayariwalii · 7 months
Atittude Shayari Video in Hindi jise aap apne kisi bhi social profile par laga sakte ho. Yeh Shayari Boy or Girl dono ke liye hai.
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yuvantech · 1 year
70+ Stylish Attitude Names for Instagram
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nagendra-pundir · 2 years
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relationshipindepth · 2 years
Attitude Status
Attitude Status-Humans are what we are. In order to amaze and inspire the world, it is expected of us as humans to present our finest selves. Our attitudes are a mirror of our ideas and personalities, so choose carefully how you utilize and communicate them. Being intelligent, constantly maintaining a good outlook, and adhering to positive thoughts and attitudes can help you make friends and…
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atanu1 · 2 years
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statustan · 2 years
May be I am not perfect but I am better then others.
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tamamita · 9 months
i do think it's very funny that unsourced art has been a huge problem on tumblr for its entire lifespan, but it's only after redditors arrived and the narrative shifted to it being something that the foreign outsiders who refuse to integrate do, that suddenly all of the long-time users are properly sourcing their own posts and getting sanctimonious about anyone who doesn't
Anon definitely reposted art and got called out for it
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vv-ispy · 26 days
nameless bard ameno archon au.............
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coffeeebomb · 2 months
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More WIPs, part of the same set with the Lae'zel and Wyll sketches specifically. Bizarrely enough I had more trouble figuring out the pose/details for Gale than I did for Shadowheart (who is in plate armour and with the holy nightlight of blunt of force trauma). And I'm still debating whether to use the Robe of the Weave vs Supreme Defences, the latter's winning cause it looks more stylish (and with less moving parts).
Also a bonus Orin inspired by @si-lantro's comment about the mutilated carapace and lace kebayas. I'm committed to seeing this through (wild and hysterically inaccurate design choices aside), and once I figure out wth is up with the headpiece.
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shayariwalii · 9 months
Girls Attitude Status in Hindi: अगर आप उन लड़कियों में से हैं जिन्हे ऐटिटूड वाले स्टेटस पसंद हैं, तो यह पोस्ट आपके लिए है। यहाँ पर लड़कियों के लिए शायरी स्टेटस फोटो के साथ दिए गए हैं जो आपको फेसबुक, व्हाट्सएप्प या इंस्टाग्राम पर लगा सकोगे और अपनी एक अलग पहचान बना पाओगे। कुछ लड़कियां तेज़ तरार स्वाभाव की होती हैं, तो कुछ शांत और क्यूट स्वाभाव की। यहाँ पर आपको हर तरह के स्टेटस प्राप होने वाले हैं।
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yuvantech · 1 year
Write Your Own Unique and Engaging Attitude Status Hindi
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bookwyrminspiration · 13 days
im gonna be real with you i did expect some amount of confusion and blocking but i didn't expect a whole callout??? ToT
all i do is make silly drawings... it's not that deep...
but if this is how people are discovering me: hi! im cg (ghost if we're friends), ive been in this fandom for a while now, and i used to be a lot more active a few years ago.
to clear up some things, i dont consider myself a proshipper (i find anti/pro labels useless) and yes, i have been making "problematic" kotlc content for a long time. im very well aware that it's unhealthy/gross/whatever word you want to use, it's just what i find interesting and i don't feel the need to apologize for that.
i honestly didn't expect the tam/linh post to create the stir it did--my "darker" works have usually just slid by unnoticed in the past and i expected that to happen again. and while i don't personally care what people think about my art, (or fics for that matter) i am upset that people decided to "call out" one of my friends for?? reblogging a very mild artwork??
this is the internet, you're going to run into things you don't like, and other people are not responsible for your online experience. filter tags, block, and move on.
back to you quil: sorry for using your blog as a microphone but uh. you do have a larger following than i do and i just wanted to clear some things up. and tysm for your posts on the matter <3 (and thank you to everyone else who's made one!)
sorry to everyone who uses the kotlc tag on the regular, i hope this little stir doesn't stick around for long.
No worries! I've got no problem serving as. whatever you want to call it. a microphone, a mediator, in-between, etc. People have done it before and will do it again.
And yes, sorry to those new and those more marginal and to the regulars who woke up to this. It happens from time to time, and will undoubtedly happen again. Just life
Especially sorry if its your first bigger discourse, as there's a lot of new people in the fandom--it's never as serious as it feels, and it will blow over. It always does
And, while my availability is currently limited, I'm more than happy to talk as I can. anons are on, too :)
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cream-and-tea · 2 months
pallas in book one is definitely at it-cannot-possibly-get-worse-than-this ABSOLUTE rock bottom but god. there is such a specific flavour to their despair in book two that only happens because of the realization they have at the end of lay me down. like. how do you move on after admitting that everything you believed in was a lie. how do you live with what you’ve done (with what has been done to you). is it possible to pull yourself up out of the pit you’ve dug. what do you do if it isn’t. what do you do if it IS. and once you look at the damage how do you stop looking. past the first layer of hurt there’s just more and more hurt and you were used by the one person who was supposed to keep you safe to cause even MORE pain and no matter how deep you go none of it means anything! it never meant anything at all!! motherfucker your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#pallas’s whole arc in the first book is getting to the point where they go ‘maybe i? feel bad about all this?? actually???’#i cannot overstate enough that it takes an entire book to get them to that point lmao#and then it’s like. newsflash buddy now you’ve gotta DEAL with that#it really is the mental equivalent of getting into a hot bath of after being out in the cold for a whole day#and the interesting thing about pallas in the first book and their status as a villian and like. their eventual ‘oh SHIT’ moment#is that pallas doesn’t need to realize that they’re a bad person doing bad things#pallas is VERY aware that they are a bad person doing bad things#it’s actually more about realizing the harm that’s been done to them? like as a human being??#bc they very much have the attitude of ‘well of course i’m doing bad things i was born as an inherently evil person there’s nothing else#i’m capable of doing the most i can hope for is that someone points me in the right direction and i’ll be able to do the hard things#that other people cannot (and SHOULD NOT) do’#so THATS the mindset that needs to be unlearned before they can start moving forward? if that makes sense?#less ‘shit are we the baddies?’ and more ‘shit have i been horrifically abused?’#but then after that realization all the blood they’ve spilled is still there. and they should never have had to do that. no one should ever#have to do that. but they did and now they’re starting to see the full extent of what that means#and they have to find a way to live with it.#and it’s absolutely DEVASTATING.#wip: ghost story#pallas#i’ve been working on the book two outline. if you couldn’t tell. head in absolute hands rn.
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moregraceful · 5 months
accidentally invented a new form of no bedtime called 11pm glass of emergency-c + 4pm latte + 8pm cup of black tea + 9pm cup of black tea
#the real question is can i go to church on less than 5 hours of sleep and still function lol#i unlocked my instagram bc church wouldn't stop tagging me to direct people to me for stuff but that meant i had to delete a bunch of pho#tos AND rewrite a bunch of captions for photos i didn't WANT to delete bc i was too mean to random sharks prospects#which is fine if it is u know the anonymity of tumblr but not public instagram where my church won't stop FULL NAMING AND TAGGING ME#''anonymity of tumblr'' i doxx myself on here like 80 times a day in front of more people than i went to college with#anyway my point is i was going through deleting all evidence of politics pens fandom and legal documents and i was like damn#my attitude towards my team SUCKS. i gotta be way less of a hater!!!#what did my prospects ever do wrong besides everything NOTHING. the system is BROKEN. i am sorry i will be so much nicer guys :(#also if u really want to be humbled. scrolling back to 2012 on your instagram and re-experiencing senior year of college. BAD#i've deleted i think everything that would reasonably get our nonprofit status pulled but what a horrific journey it was#two full hockey intermission periods of deleting shit plus another hour at home doing several more passes and then rewriting captions#so that some poor 21 year old prospect randomly searching their name doesn't see me full ass call their teammate cringe#their teammate IS cringe. but i love him. but the nuances are lost on instagram people don't understand these things they take everything#at face value#don't know why i just assigned shakir mukhamadullin they/them pronouns#i think i need to go lie in bed with a blanket over my head until i suffocate#this ALWAYS happens i get too hype about mackenzie blackwood and start listening to selena gomez and then it's like almost 3am and i'm just#fresno oilers.txt#oh and. a friend sent me screenshots of the girl she's been flirting with on a dating app and they are SOOOOO cute#i hope they make a good run of it i really do bc it was SO cute. living vicariously through episcopalian lesbians as one does#but then i was trying to figure out how to edit my dating app profile to dissuade chasers but still honeytrap guys who are tall enough#or athletic enough to pick the tangerines at the top of the tangerine tree. bc i couldn't reach this week#but there were still like god maybe 150 tangerines on the tree. i was like this could be feeding people but i'm TOO SHORT#and my life will be like this. FOREVER#icb the future of this garden is so psychologically burdensome that i'm having to build it into a dating app profile lol#well now that i'd treated this entire tag set as twitter for and hour and a half#time to go try to lie in bed and stare at the ceiling and then wake up in [checks notes] four hours
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mypepemateosus · 7 months
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chuchayucca · 9 months
ROTTMNT AU where Repo suddenly becomes Mama’s debt collector and driver after she hears how good he was from Daxum.
They talk trash about the turtles and clients during their car-rides.
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