#Athlete's foot treatment
thehealthandbeauty · 1 month
Fungus Hack - High Converting Fungus Offer Supplements - Health
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Fungal infections can be persistent, uncomfortable, and sometimes embarrassing. From athlete's foot to nail fungus, these infections can significantly impact your quality of life. However, with the right supplement, you can effectively address these issues and reclaim your health and confidence.
If you are suffering from fungal disease then use it will be beneficial FUNGUS-CAUSING HEALTH FOODS
I. Introduction
A. What is Fungus Hack?
Fungus Hack is a dietary supplement designed to combat fungal infections naturally. It is formulated with a blend of potent ingredients known for their antifungal properties.
B. Importance of addressing fungal infections
Fungal infections, if left untreated, can spread and worsen over time. They can cause discomfort, pain, and even lead to more severe health issues. Addressing these infections promptly is crucial for overall health and well-being.
II. Understanding Fungal Infections
A. Types of fungal infections
Fungal infections can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, nails, and internal organs. Some common types of fungal infections include athlete's foot, toenail fungus, ringworm, and yeast infections.
If you are suffering from fungal disease then use it will be beneficial FUNGUS-CAUSING HEALTH FOODS
B. Causes of fungal infections
Fungal infections are typically caused by fungi that thrive in warm, moist environments. Factors such as poor hygiene, weakened immune system, and certain medical conditions can increase the risk of developing fungal infections.
C. Common symptoms
Symptoms of fungal infections may vary depending on the type and severity of the infection. However, common symptoms include itching, redness, swelling, and discomfort in the affected area.
III. Introduction to Fungus Hack
A. What is Fungus Hack?
Fungus Hack is a natural dietary supplement that helps combat fungal infections from the inside out. It is formulated with a powerful blend of ingredients that target the root cause of fungal infections.
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B. How does Fungus Hack work?
Fungus Hack works by targeting the fungal overgrowth in the body and inhibiting its growth. It helps restore the natural balance of microorganisms in the body, thereby eliminating fungal infections and preventing their recurrence.
If you are suffering from fungal disease then use it will be beneficial FUNGUS-CAUSING HEALTH FOODS
IV. Key Ingredients of Fungus Hack
A. Caprylic Acid
Caprylic acid is a fatty acid known for its antifungal properties. It helps kill off excess yeast and fungi in the body, making it an effective treatment for fungal infections.
B. Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit seed extract contains compounds that have been shown to have antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It helps inhibit the growth of fungi and other harmful microorganisms in the body.
C. Amylase 5000
Amylase is an enzyme that helps break down carbohydrates in the body. It helps improve digestion and nutrient absorption, which is important for overall health and well-being.
D. Protease 3500
Pro tease is an enzyme that helps break down proteins in the body. It helps improve digestion and immune function, making it an essential component of Fungus Hack.
If you are suffering from fungal disease then use it will be beneficial FUNGUS-CAUSING HEALTH FOODS
E. Lipase 1000
Lipase is an enzyme that helps break down fats in the body. It helps improve digestion and nutrient absorption, making it an important ingredient in Fungus Hack.
V. Benefits of Fungus Hack
A. Fights fungal infections
Fungus Hack helps eliminate fungal infections from the inside out, providing long-lasting relief from symptoms such as itching, redness, and discomfort.
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B. Supports immune system
Fungus Hack contains ingredients that help boost the immune system, making it easier for the body to fight off infections and maintain overall health and well-being.
C. Improves digestion
The enzymes in Fungus Hack help improve digestion and nutrient absorption, ensuring that the body gets the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and strong.
If you are suffering from fungal disease then use it will be beneficial FUNGUS-CAUSING HEALTH FOODS
VI. How to Use Fungus Hack
A. Dosage instructions
Take two capsules of Fungus Hack daily with a glass of water. For best results, take one capsule in the morning and one capsule in the evening.
B. When to take Fungus Hack
Fungus Hack can be taken with or without food. However, for optimal absorption, it is recommended to take it with a meal.
VII. Safety and Side Effects
A. Potential side effects
While Fungus Hack is generally safe for most people, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, or stomach upset.
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B. Precautions
If you are pregnant, nursing, or have any underlying medical conditions, it is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before taking Fungus Hack.
VIII. Customer Reviews and Testimonials
A. Positive reviews
Many users have reported significant improvement in their fungal infections after taking Fungus Hack. They have praised its effectiveness and convenience.
B. Negative reviews
Some users have reported experiencing mild side effects such as nausea or stomach upset after taking Fungus Hack. However, these side effects are usually temporary and subside with continued use.
If you are suffering from fungal disease then use it will be beneficial FUNGUS-CAUSING HEALTH FOODS
IX. Where to Buy Fungus Hack
A. Official website
Fungus Hack is available for purchase on the official website. You can also find special offers and discounts available exclusively online.
B. Other retailers
Fungus Hack may also be available for purchase from other retailers such as Amazon or Walmart. However, be sure to purchase from a reputable source to ensure product quality and authenticity.
X. Conclusion
A. Recap of Fungus Hack benefits
Fungus Hack is a natural dietary supplement that helps combat fungal infections from the inside out. It contains a powerful blend of ingredients that target the root cause of fungal infections, providing long-lasting relief from symptoms and improving overall health and well-being.
B. Final thoughts
If you're struggling with fungal infections, Fungus Hack may be the solution you've been looking for. With its potent blend of ingredients and long-lasting benefits, it's a safe and effective way to reclaim your health and confidence.
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writingpseudonym · 3 months
I cant say I'm surprised, but it is disheartening to realize that any google search about how to accomplish daily tasks while reducing time standing/walking... is met with a bunch of articles about how chronically Ill people should be standing/walking more.
Anyway, I'm mostly young and healthy. I have a job that requires lots of physical activity, I commute via bike, etc etc. But, two days ago i started feeling a burning sensation in my feet. Like, it feels like im standing on hot coals levels of "Ow, wtf?" And ive been managing/hoping it will pass/trying to figure out if its worth going to the doctor.
I have never had a good experience with just showing up to a hospital when Im in pain. Hell, I watched my mother struggle with a chronic illness that doctors still dont seem to give enough of a shit about to even find a diagnosis. So um... any tips from the community would be great.
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athletesfootblog · 7 months
The Natural Path to Healthy Feet: Self-Made Remedies for Foot Fungus
While over-the-counter and prescription antifungal medications are readily available, some individuals prefer a more natural approach to treating this ailment. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of self-made remedies #footfunfus #naturalremedy
While over-the-counter and prescription antifungal medications are readily available, some individuals prefer a more natural approach to treating this ailment. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of self-made remedies for foot fungus and why they can be a healthier alternative for some. Minimizing Chemical Exposure One of the primary reasons people turn to self-made remedies for foot…
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healthyfeetlondon · 9 months
Corn removal london Greenwich Corns, calloused patches of skin, arise from friction, pressure, or ill-fitting footwear. These irritants can sow discomfort and agony, disrupting daily activities and overall well-being. Within London's diverse network of podiatrists and foot clinics, an array of corn removal London techniques is at your disposal, ranging from simple cushioning to minimally invasive interventions. Proficient corn removal not only allays immediate unease but also addresses the underlying causes, enabling you to stride with confidence.
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excellentreview · 11 months
Beware of foot fungus
Athlete's foot is an infection caused by a fungus of the genus Trichophyton that thrives in warm, moist environments, such as between the toes. This condition is also called frostbite, athlete's foot, and tinea pedis.
Athlete's foot can cause symptoms such as itching, redness, peeling, burning, and a foul odor in the affected area. In addition to physical discomfort, athlete's foot can also affect self-esteem and quality of life, causing shame, anxiety, depression, and social isolation.
O pé de atleta é tratado com pomadas antifúngicas, que devem ser aplicadas no local conforme recomendação do dermatologista. É importante completar o tratamento e manter a área sempre seca para evitar exacerbações e outras infecções de pele.
To prevent athlete's foot, it's important to pay attention to hygiene and footwear, including:
Wash your feet with warm water and soap and dry them thoroughly, including between your toes.
Moisturize your feet frequently, but avoid moisturizers with high concentrations of urea if you have diabetes.
Keep nails short and straight to avoid dirt accumulation and injury.
Wear shoes that fit your foot size and shape, preferably breathable shoes.
Do not wear closed-toe shoes or wear them for long periods of time without cotton socks.
Close your shoes and expose them to the sun after use.
Use an antifungal spray or powder on your feet and shoes.
Do not walk barefoot in public areas such as locker rooms and swimming pools.
Do not share anything that touches your feet, such as socks, shoes, or nail clippers.
Do not use polish on your toenails if you suffer from fungus. 
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How do I treat foot fungus at home?
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There are several ways to treat athlete's foot at home. Common home remedies for athlete's foot include:
1.Keep your feet clean and dry. Wash your feet regularly with soap and water and dry them thoroughly, especially between your toes.
2.Apply an over-the-counter antifungal cream or ointment. These products are designed to kill the fungus that causes athlete's foot. Carefully follow the directions on the package and apply the cream or ointment to the affected area 1-2 times daily.
3.Use antifungal powder or spray. These products absorb moisture and prevent mold growth. Apply the powder or spray to your feet and shoes.
4.Soak your feet in a mixture of vinegar and water. Mix one part vinegar to two parts lukewarm water and soak your feet in the solution for 15-20 minutes.
5.Uses tea tree oil. Apply a few drops of tea tree oil directly to the affected area or mix with a carrier oil such as coconut oil before applying.
6.Wear breathable shoes and socks. Choose shoes and socks made of breathable materials like cotton and avoid tight shoes that can trap moisture.
If athlete's foot does not improve with home remedies, or if you have any concerns, it is always advisable to see a doctor for advice and treatment.
This 30-Second Shower Trick Kills Toenail Fungus
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ziamedicalcenter · 2 years
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riizeberries · 28 days
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Grape Juice - L.CY
!brothers best friend anton x !fem reader
Content Warnings: Smut (18+ MDNI), dry humping, oral (f. receiving), fingering, degradation, choking
WC: 2.3k
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It was no secret.
Your brother's best friend was hot.
Leaning against the kitchen counter, you slowly pushed the grape through your lips, your eyes never leaving the boy.
"You cheated, Anton!", you heard your brother yell, pushing said boy aggressively.
"Admit it, you're just shit at this game. Quit being a sore loser, Sungchan.", Anton snorted, as you heard Sungchan demand for a rematch.
Did you feel like a creep, watching him play Mario Kart with your brother in the living room?
Not really.
What did you really have to be ashamed of? It's not like he knew you were doing so. Besides, could anyone really blame you? You couldn't take your eyes off his arms, not when his veins deliciously showed up everytime he gripped the controller tight. You just couldn't help but wonder how his veiny hands would feel against your throat.
You've never really spoken to Anton, despite him being at your home literally 24/7 due to his friendship with your brother. He was also somehow in majority of your classes, given the fact you were the same age, yet you sat on completely different sides of the class and shared completely different friendship circles. There was nothing for the two of you to speak about, nor did you have anything in common, an unsettling awkwardness lingering between you every time you were left alone. You just found no reason to talk to him.
That, however, didn't stop your hand from burying itself between your thighs every other night, wishing your fingers were his.
You didn't know what it was about him that had you pressing your thighs together, even with the mere mention of his name. Maybe it was his soft, yet deep voice, wondering how he'd sound whimpering and moaning into your ears, or maybe it was his athletic build that you often caught yourself sneaking glances at whenever he played basketball with your brother, wondering what it'd be like to leave your marks all over him. Or was it simply the thrill of wanting someone off-limits that had you so excited? Finally finding something you couldn't have, after years of everything being just handed to you, receiving princess treatment from your whole family your whole life. You just didn't know.
"Earth to Y/N.", Sungchan waved his hand in front of your face, trying to catch your attention, before walking past you to grab a bag of chips from the pantry.
"Huh?", you muttered, shaking your thoughts away.
"I said what do you want for dinner? Mom said she's working overtime, so we should just order food.", Sungchan explained, as Anton awkwardly leaned against the pantry door, waiting for your brother to be done.
"Oh, just order for yourselves.", You brushed off, causing him to snap his head towards you.
"Why? Aren't you eating? Are you dieting again? I told you, you don't need to diet. You're perfect just the way you are. Wait, are you sick? Are you not feeling well?", Sungchan rushed, making his way towards you, placing his hand on our forehead to check your temperature. Your eyes flickered towards Anton, his eyes looking everywhere but you, as you let out a groan of embarrassment, hating how overprotective your brother was of you.
"Chill. I'm fine.", you swatted his hands away, "I have a date.", you shrugged, ignoring how steam came out of Sungchan's ears at the mention of a date.
You also tried to ignore how Anton's eyes snap towards you, noticing it from the corner of your eyes, trying to convincing yourself not to get your hopes high, as it was just another one of your delusions.
"Are you serious? A date this late? You wish.", Sungchan scoffed, glaring at you, "You're not going."
"But it's-"
"I said, you're not going.", Sungchan sternly pointed, as you stomped your foot onto his, making him yelp in pain.
"But mom-"
"Mom would've said no, too! It's literally 7:30pm, and your curfew is 8, so when do you think this date's happening? Because it's certainly not happening after that.", He continued, cutting you off, as you let out a loud groan, hating how stubborn he was.
"You're literally so annoying, maybe if you let me spe-", you huffed, before you were cut off by his phone ringing. He gave you a pointed look, letting you know the conversation was over, as he left to his room to take his call.
You let out a shriek of frustration, shoving multiple grapes in your mouth, grumbling about how annoying your brother was.
"A date?", you heard someone ask, as you choke on the grapes, forgetting the extra presence. Your face grew warm, embarrassed by the fact he had just witnessed your small disagreement with your brother.
"Yeah. What about it?", you mumbled, leaning onto the counter to grab some more grapes, looking towards him.
Your eyes widened slightly, noticing a different look on his face, completely different to the warm, bright smile he always had on. His jaw was clenched, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at you with a look you unrecognised.
He looked extra hot.
You watched as his eyes slowly travelled from your face, downwards, lingering on your chest. Scrunching your eyebrows, you look down to see what he was looking at, before your eyes widened even more. Your boobs were practically hanging out of your pink cami top, looking extra plump from being pressed onto the counter. Clearing your throat, you looked away, noticing him push himself off the wall from where he initially was, walking towards you. You could feel your heart jump from your chest, the closer he got. Not knowing what to do, you just allowed your inner self to panic, but plastering a stoic expression on your face, eating your grapes.
You let out a soft gasp, feeling his body heat radiating from behind you, feeling his presence so near. You've never been this close to him, your mind going haywire as you try to figure out what was going on.
"With who?", Anton leaned down, muttering near your ear as you bit your lip, trying not to react to both his proximity, and the way his voice had dropped an octave.
"I said with who, princess?", he pushed his body closer against yours, making you whimper, feeling the tent in his shorts press against your backside, as he caged you against the counter. You hated that nickname, something that was given to you by Sungchan's friends for being a 'princess'; in better words, a spoilt brat. Yet, something about the way Anton said it had your pussy throbbing.
"What's it to you?", you rolled your eyes, feigning composure, hearing him scoff behind you.
"Are you really that fuckin dense?", Anton seethed, clenching his jaw even more when he felt you press your ass back into him, wanting to feel more, "Or was I just stupid to think your brainless head could actually work for once.", he muttered, rutting his clothed length against you, as you bit your lip harder, trying not to make any noise.
"Get on the counter, or do you need me to do that for you too? Since you're that fuckin stupid.", he snapped, pushing you up, his large palm on your stomach, pushing your back down onto the counter. You were too needy to even think straight, letting out desperate whines, every degrading word he spoke going straight to your pussy. This was exactly what you dreamed of every night, your desires finally coming true as you feel him push open your legs.
Not even sparing a second to even remove your clothes, his hands pushed into your shorts, two fingers circling over your clit as you let out a silent sigh of relief.
"Such a slut. You're already soaked and I barely even touched you.", he scoffed, tracing small circles over your clit faster, the whimpers from your lips escaping more frequently. The way your body twitched, he knew you were already close, rolling his eyes from how quickly you were able to reach your high. Just as the knot in your stomach was about to release, Anton removed his fingers from your shorts, making you whine from being denied your pleasure, grinding your hips against nothing, seeking some sort of friction to ease your needs.
"Please.", you whine out, frustrated from the lack of attention on your throbbing pussy, hating the way he pulled back to look at your desperate state, condescendingly.
"Look at you begging for me when you were supposed to be going out with another dude. What? Did you plan of fucking him tonight?", he snarled, pulling down your shorts to get a better view of your pussy, groaning at the sight of you clenching around nothing.
"No, only you.", you blabbered, not thinking straight. You hadn't even thought of the implications of your words, nor did you notice the way his eyes lit up when you said so, focused solely on your pleasure.
Anton wasted no time, as he dove straight into your pussy, his mouth latching onto your core. You threw your head back onto the counter immediately, your fingers burying themselves into his hair at the sensation, tugging it roughly. He moaned onto your cunt, sending vibrations up your body as you let out a loud moan.
"Shut up.", he snapped, releasing you from his mouth, as he reached up to put pressure on your throat, choking you. You eyes rolled back from the feeling of his hands restricting your airways, your mouth hanging loose, his cock throbbing at the sight.
He went straight back in, his tongue eagerly flicking your bud, lapping at your folds, while his hands roughly squeezed your thighs, pushing his face deeper into you. He couldn't stop, even if he wanted to, infatuated with how you taste, humming in satisfaction.
"How do you think your brother would react if he found out his sweet little pretty princess likes her pussy eaten by his best friend?", he laughed, condescendingly, smirking as he pulled back to look at your swollen clit, placing harsh slaps against your pussy, before diving right back in with his tongue. Your hands quickly rushed to your mouth, trying to suppress the sounds escaping your mouth, not wanting to be caught by your brother, as Anton increased the pace of his laps, sucking harshly on your clit.
"F-Fuck, i'm close.", you cried out, as you felt his nose brush against your clit every time he lapped at your folds, the pressure in your stomach building. He smirked, picking up his pace as his head ruthlessly moved back and forth, licking and sucking your core, his tongue teasing your entrance while his free hand moved to your bud, flicking it to stimulate you more. Before you knew it, the knot in your stomach snapped, as you let out a high pitched whine of his name, releasing into his mouth.
He continued his work on your pussy, even after you had come down, as you tried to close your legs on him, only for him to push them back open.
"Just fuckin take it.", he mumbled, slipping two fingers in, as his tongue continued swirling around your bud, immediately pumping them faster, curling them perfectly to hit your g-spot every thrust.
"I-I can't.", you cried from overstimulation, trying to push him away, as his hand pressed against your stomach, forcing you down.
"Yes you can.", Anton insisted, his entire attention on your cunt as he worked his fingers through your hole, groaning at the feeling of your spongy walls. His fingers thrust in and out of you, finding your sweet spot as he repeatedly abused the spot, loud mewls escaping your lips as he continued sucking on your clit while working his fingers. Your legs were shaking from the intensity of his thrusts, his fingers diving deep into you as you felt another wave of orgasm approach you. Chanting his name repeatedly, your grip on his hair tightened as you reach your high. Your mind went blank as your eyes rolled back, the pressure in your stomach suddenly released as you let out a loud cry.
Exhausted, you open your eyes, looking down at him, your eyes widening at the sight of him, realising he had just made you squirt.
"That was so fuckin hot.", Anton whispered in a daze, leaning forward to slurp some of your juices, only for you to kick him away from overstimulation, "Didn't know you had it in you to squirt like that, princess.", he smirked, pinching your pussy before helping you up.
"You're cancelling that date. Fuck that, you're blocking him.", Anton glared, handing you your shorts as you put them on.
"I don't think so.", you shrugged, ignoring his sigh of frustration, walking away from the mess you had just made, bumping into Sungchan as he returned to the kitchen to join you two.
"Why didn't you just say it was a girl's date? I didn't know you were having a sleepover at Yujin's.", Sungchan huffed, tired from hearing their mom lecture him over the phone.
"I did try to. Not my fault you kept cutting me off.", you rolled your eyes, stomping up the stairs to your bedroom, as you slammed the door behind you.
"Damn, what's gotten into her pants?", Sungchan muttered, rolling his eyes, as he turned to look at his bestfriend, "Why are you smiling like tha- What the fuck happened here?", he jumped, looking at the mess on the floor.
Anton tried wiping the shit-eating grin off his face, horribly failing to do so.
A girl's date...
"Just spilt some grape juice.", Anton shrugged.
"You like grape juice?", Sungchan asked, confused.
"Love it.", he smirked, grabbing a cloth to wipe the mess.
"Let me help you.", Sungchan offered, making the younger snort.
"Trust me, you don't want to.", he laughed to himself, leaving the older confused.
"Okay...", Sungchan muttered, walking away from his giggling friend.
I guess grape juice was his favourite after all.
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first smut i've written in 4 years, yeah the quality's lacking, ended up rushing the end too, but i hope you enjoyed !! feedback is appreciated!! :3
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catcze · 8 months
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You have arrived at:
⠀⠀「 ⠀# F O N T A I N E ⠀」
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Giving them random kisses [part 2] ⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley, Neuvillette, Lyney, Kaveh, Alhaitham
⠀ ⠀ Waking him up in the middle of the night, asking for food ⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley, Alhaitham, Cyno, Scaramouche / Wanderer, Xiao, Childe, Kaveh, Diluc, Neuvillette, Kazuha, Ayato, Albedo, Kaeya, Thoma, Zhongli
⠀ ⠀ Wearing his clothes ⠀ ⠀— Kazuha, Wriothesley, Neuvillette, Kaveh
⠀ ⠀— Arranged Marriage
⠀ ⠀— Wrapping his fists after he gets into a fight
⠀ ⠀— Domestic life
⠀ ⠀— Dog boy Wriothesley with a tail
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley making out with you after a fight (suggestive content)
⠀ ⠀— Friends with benefits + mutual pining
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley tending to your wounds
⠀ ⠀— Wolf Hybrid Wriothesley
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley with scruff
⠀ ⠀— He gets spooked in haunted houses
⠀ ⠀— Wrio x a con artist
⠀ ⠀— Breaking up with him (crack, but also angst)
⠀ ⠀— Giving him the silent trearment
⠀ ⠀— Wrio who steals your cute accessories
⠀ ⠀— Bodyguard Wriothesley
⠀ ⠀— You make me understand what the love songs are talking about.
⠀ ⠀— College AU with bad boy Wrio as your boyfriend who loves you
⠀ ⠀— Trying to get out of bed but he's being an ass (fluff ♡)
⠀ ⠀— Gifting him a collar
⠀ ⠀— [City of stars] singer! reader x Wriothesley
⠀ ⠀— Motherfucker stole your donuts
⠀ ⠀— Wrio learning how to speak tagalog for Filo! reader
⠀ ⠀— Trying on his gauntlets
⠀ ⠀— Does he take initiative?
⠀ ⠀— When you have to wake up before him
⠀ ⠀— Finding stickers all over him (somewhat suggestive)
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley admiring you in the flowers
⠀ ⠀— Matching jewelry
⠀ ⠀— Your dog is stealing your boyfriend!
⠀ ⠀— He always takes care of you when you're drunk
⠀ ⠀— You won't regret marrying me
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀— Sorta Sequel :  He cries on your wedding day
⠀ ⠀— Sharing a smoke (suggestive)
⠀ ⠀— Taking care of sick! reader
⠀ ⠀— Trying to rizz you up, but you fluster him instead
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley can open cans with one hand
⠀ ⠀— Painting his nails
⠀ ⠀— You can ask me for anything
⠀ ⠀— He insists on carrying all your shopping bags
⠀ ⠀— Wrio & reader with a similar dynamic to Vi and Caitlyn
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley touring your sons around the fortress (reader is called 'mom' but no pronouns were used)
⠀ ⠀— Carrying you because of an injured foot
⠀ ⠀— Reader knew Wrio when he was younger
⠀ ⠀— Boobs, thigh, or ass? (suggestive content)
⠀ ⠀— Wild West Wriothesley
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley angst
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀— Sequel : Happy ending !!
⠀ ⠀— He melts in your arms when he's tired
⠀ ⠀— He makes a pink tea party for you !
⠀ ⠀— Laying down on him
⠀ ⠀— Caring for you on your period (afab reader)
⠀ ⠀— Wriothesley has a lip piercing
⠀ ⠀— [Sorta Tangled AU] Thief! Wrio x Royal! reader
⠀ ⠀— Accidentally wearing his shirt
⠀ ⠀— Athlete Wrio x Cheerleader Reader
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀— Sequel : More ideas !!
⠀ ⠀— Seeing you in the sunshine
⠀ ⠀— Little Red and the Wolf
⠀ ⠀— Making out in a corner of the fortress
⠀ ⠀— "Why do you love me?"
⠀ ⠀— When he sees you in a fitted suit
⠀ ⠀— Wrio flirting in french
⠀ ⠀— Reader doesn't like tea
⠀ ⠀— Asking Wrio for a big hug
⠀ ⠀— You're his world
⠀ ⠀— Comfort for bad days
⠀ ⠀— Giving you his coat when you're cold
⠀ ⠀— Sigewinne knows
⠀ ⠀— 1920's crime boss Wrio
⠀ ⠀— He gives you princess treatment (gn reader)
⠀ ⠀— Patching him up after a fight
⠀ ⠀— Does he take initiative?
⠀ ⠀— Dangerously yours
⠀ ⠀
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willyoubemycherryy · 3 months
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❣︎𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑛! 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐽𝑜𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑧’𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑙 𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑔𝑓 (•̀ᴗ•́)و
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ to @missusnora @eymie @eleanorbaybars
Warnings: slight role reversal, cursing, threats, she’s had just about enough of his tomfoolery😂, gf b^llying, hickeys, biting, Joe may have won the battle but the war is far from over
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“𝑨𝒎 𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒐𝒇𝒇? 𝑵𝒐𝒑𝒆. 𝑫𝒊𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒔𝒐.”
. . . . .
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“Can you help me work out?”
That was the one sentence that ended up triggering it.
Joe’s cuteness aggression.
It was utterly adorable. Seeing you arrive to the training room in your tshirt, cute little shorts, and white sneakers, looking up at him so determined to crush it.
You were never much of an athlete, you were just born hot but seeing Joe all the time motivated you to give it a try.
How hard could it be?
You give up 40 minutes later.
It was hot. You were sweaty. You were sore.
The worst part wasn’t even the pain in your lungs. It was the fact that your boyfriend hadn’t even broken a sheen. Groaning from your place on the floor, you try to catch your breath.
Now, to his credit, Joe tried to hold it back. But it was so charming how tuckered out and annoyed you were after some stretches and strength training. Your pretty face red from exertion, shorts ridden up, short wispy hairs of your hairline sticking to your forehead with sweat.
Something about you being smaller than him and trying so hard, that made him want to eat you up.
Huffing as you turned to your side, it was cooler for a second before you felt a puff of warm air near your thigh then a light pain.
“…did you just BITE me?!” Shock all over your face as you snap your head down to look at Joe who just hums before biting you again, this time near your ass.
He’s never felt this type of impulsiveness before. You getting fed up should not be that cute. Too bad it is.
Cute, pissed off and soft, he just felt the urge to go a little feral.
“You’re so cute, toots. I can’t help it. All breathless n tired.” He murmurs around smaller bites of your thighs. The warm wetness of his mouth feels good but the sting of his teeth make you tingle.
Before you can poke fun at him for the getting hot-collared at your current state, Joe flips you onto your back. Wrapping his big arms around your hips with his head at the apex of your closed thighs, your heart picks up at the sudden intimate position as he proceeds to nuzzle into them so vigorously it felt like getting rug burn.
He’s never gotten like this out of nowhere so shocked is an understatement. Shakily gasping, you pull his head back to look at you.
Seeing his eyes are more dilated than before makes your heart skip a beat.
“What’s gotten into you? Aren’t you supposed to be helping me not give me the chewtoy treatment”.
Joe nods, “I know, you just looked so precious”, he smiles innocently before rising and pulling you to your feet.
You’re still confused but let it go.
“So, since I’m tired and this sucks, can we to my place and get something to eat now?”, The blank disinterested, honesty makes Joe break out in a wide grin. Chuckling because you really have no idea how darling you are.
Instead of answering he walks closer to you, bends down, and instead of biting your cheek, he sucks the fat into his mouth. Amused at how you almost immediately start whining.
“Nooooooo. Food, not me!” You were starting to feel put out. After all, you were supposed to be the nuisance in this relationship :(
Humming happily, Joe keeps sucking at your cheek, biting and pulling it before he lets go laughing when you start to stomp your foot with your cute little complaints.
He’s laughing even harder when he looks and notices the huge red circle left behind. Tearing up and doubling over, he can hardly catch his breath at how done you look, topped off with a giant hickey covering the apple of your cheek.
Hungry and sore, you ignore your boyfriend and walk to get your stuff near the mirror as he laughs with reckless abandon at what? You don’t know.
Until you look up at the mirror and see it.
Gasping you spin around to yell at him. Hitting him on his chest, it’s threat after threat. Even more pissed at the way he just laughs and takes it like a lovesick fool.
“You little irritant! This better fade fast or I swear I will end you!”
“It’s not even that funny!”
“Joe, I swear to god!”
“If I wasn’t so tired, I’d kick your ass!”
He tries to tone it down but one look down at you; your adorably angry red face, bite mark littered thighs, cheek hickey, and he’s falling out all over again.
You were completely darling. His feisty little girlfriend. He really couldn’t help but to want to pick on you a bit.
Still, he didn’t want you to actually get angry so he takes a few deep breaths to settle.
“Toots, m’ so sorry…I got carried away, didn’t mean anything by it.” He leans down to press a gentle to kiss to said wronged cheek, biting his inner lip to smother any remaining chuckles.
Your glare has him cooing internally, taking your hands in his bigger ones and kissing your knuckles.
“You’re a pain in my ass but you’re lucky you’re pretty and I love like you,” rolling your eyes as you accept his apology and affection before pulling him with you.
“Let’s go get something to eat. And never besmirch my countenance like this again”, Lord help him. Why did you also have to be so unintentionally funny? He’s sucking in his lips like his life depends on it trying not to laugh. Pfft, besmirch.
“Joe.” Shit.
“Right, angel. Never do anything that might inconvenience your countenance again.” Doing his best to sound repentant and not nip the top of your head when you nod once to establish that you mean business as you pull him along with you.
You must really be over it because usually you’d drag it out, get really dramatic with him earning your forgiveness so, he’s relieved he’s off the hook.
little did Joe know, you were going to get him back. . . .
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treason-and-plot · 1 year
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Friday 5.33 pm
It’s been a good day for Roy. After two days of negotiations he finalised a six-figure endorsement deal with Herbalife Nutrition for one of his most promising athletes, eighteen year old soccer sensation Harrison Steiner, and he's looking forward to celebrating tonight with Anya. But first he needs to stop by the marital home for a few hours, to have dinner and spend some quality time with the kids. As he noses the car through the gates he sees Violet raking the driveway, and Joanna and Alexandra whooping and screeching with laughter as they play in a big pile of leaves. He toots the horn and the girls shriek and wave and continue to kick and throw the leaves around. Violet leans the rake up against the fence and walks over to him after he’s gotten out of the car. She’s bra-less, literally bouncing, her face lit by a huge smile, her skin glowing under its faint sheen of perspiration.
“Hey, did you hear the news?” she says.
Somehow Roy doesn’t think she’s talking about Harrison’s Herbalife deal.
“What news?” he says, making a superhuman effort to maintain eye contact.
"We can go and see Sonia tomorrow!" she says.
"What?" he says. "Seriously? How do you know?"
"Someone from The Oaks rang me," she says. "About an hour ago. They said we can go and visit her between 10 am and midday. All of us. She wants to see all of us. Isn't that fantastic? She must be getting better!"
"They didn't ring me," says Roy. "How come they rang you?"
"Probably because I'm her official partner, Roy," says Violet, enunciating each word with aggravating slowness, as if he's a halfwit.
"Yeah, but I'm her ex-husband and the father of her four kids, AND I'm footing the bill for her treatment," says Roy. "You would've thought that would entitle me to a phone call as well. Wouldn't you? Or am I being entirely unreasonable?"
"Why is it even important? Isn't the important thing the fact that Sonia's well enough to see us?" says Violet.
"Yeah, okay, fair enough," says Roy. "Yeah, that's great news. Sonia's getting better. Have you told the kids?"
"I thought we could tell them all together over dinner," says Violet. "Apollo's making veal scallopini. Henrietta's helping him. I'm not sure what Angus is doing. He's probably in his room."
"Okay," says Roy. "I'll go and see." He turns his back on her and treads heavily up the front steps. He fucking hates veal.
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misforgotten2 · 5 months
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or a Shirley Temple (Black) or a salad dressing or a ice cream topper or a treatment for Athlete's Foot or a mouth wash or a enema or that thing that lets you forget all those bad decisions you made in your life
People Weekly - December 1974
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coochiequeens · 1 month
Is this kid even able to start transitioning? West Virginia placed restrictions on minors being able to transition.
PUBLISHED: 21:27 EDT, 21 April 2024 
A West Virginia transgender athlete won her shot put competition in her first sporting event following an appeals court ruling that allowed her to participate - as other contestants refused to play against her.
Becky Pepper-Jackson, 13, competed in the Harris County Middle School Track and Field Championship on Thursday, two days after a court ruled West Virginia’s transgender sports ban violates the teen's right under Title IX.
Pepper-Jackson took home first place in the shot put competition with her 32-foot effort, three feet further than second place, and she placed second in discus.
Despite being legally allowed to compete, some athletes protested Pepper-Jackson's participation by refusing to play against her. 
Five girls from Lincoln Middle School stepped up to the circle for their turn, then refused to throw the ball.
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Becky Pepper-Jackson (pictured), 13, won her shot put competition in her first sporting event following an appeals court ruling that allowed her to participate
In addition to taking puberty blockers and estrogen hormone therapy, Pepper-Jackson has legally changed her name and has a birth certificate listing her as female
Offering the teen a 'choice' between not participating in sports and participating only on boys' teams 'is no real choice at all,' Judge Toby Heytens wrote in the ruling.'
The defendants cannot expect that B.P.J. will countermand her social transition, her medical treatment, and all the work she has done with her schools, teachers, and coaches for nearly half her life by introducing herself to teammates, coaches, and even opponents as a boy,' Heytens wrote.
In a statement, ACLU West Virginia attorney Josh Block deemed the ruling a 'tremendous victory.'Following the decision, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said he was 'deeply disappointed' and vowed to continue fighting to safeguard Title IX.
'The law was passed more than five decades ago and was meant to address sex discrimination in education by ensuring that women had equal opportunities to participate in federally-funded programs.''We must keep working to protect women’s sports so that women’s safety is secured and girls have a truly fair playing field,' Morrisey said on Tuesday. 'We know the law is correct and will use every available tool to defend it.'
In the ruling, the appeals court reaffirmed that government officials had the authority to establish separate sports teams for boys and girls and enforce the line between them.
'We also do not hold that Title IX requires schools to allow every transgender girl to play on girls teams, regardless of whether they have gone through puberty and experienced elevated levels of circulating testosterone,' the court proclaimed.'We hold only that the district court erred in granting these defendants’ motions for summary judgment in this particular case and in failing to grant summary judgment to B.P.J. on her specific Title IX claim.'
In a dissenting opinion, Judge G. Steven Agee wrote the state can separate teams by gender assigned at birth 'without running afoul of either the Equal Protection Clause or Title IX.'
West Virginia is among the 24 states barring transgender women and girls from competing in sports consistent with their gender identity.
Pepper-Jackson told NBC News in October that she would not give up on her fight to compete in girl's sports.
'I want to keep going because this is something I love to do, and I’m not just going to give it up,' she said. 'This is something I truly love, and I’m not going to give up for anything.'
Her mother, Heather Pepper-Jackson, said, 'She likes to do the best in everything, be it algebra or running or shot put or discus.'
'She tries to excel in everything that she does, just like any other kid... if she didn't start the fight, who's going to?'
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athletesfootblog · 7 months
The Natural Path to Healthy Feet: Self-Made Remedies for Foot Fungus
While over-the-counter and prescription antifungal medications are readily available, some individuals prefer a more natural approach to treating this ailment. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of self-made remedies #footfunfus #naturalremedy
While over-the-counter and prescription antifungal medications are readily available, some individuals prefer a more natural approach to treating this ailment. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of self-made remedies for foot fungus and why they can be a healthier alternative for some. Minimizing Chemical Exposure One of the primary reasons people turn to self-made remedies for foot…
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healthyfeetlondon · 9 months
Our feet constitute intricate architectures, a symphony of bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons collaborating harmoniously to enable motion and impart stability. Neglecting their maintenance can culminate in an array of complications, including fungal infections like Athletes foot treatment Greenwich and the vexation of corns.
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mr2swap · 1 year
Bodyswap Clinic: "Too old for college"
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-Too old for college?- Said the college board when I retired without warning, I'm only 65 years old, and I'm not that old. I worked without arriving a single day and that's how the motherfuckers thank me with just a few bucks at the end of the month to live on, I didn't even complain when they invested all the money that was earmarked for the physics department in new uniforms for all teams sports
His much adored athletes could not solve a simple equation if it weren't for me, but it would be hypocritical of me if I complained out loud about something that benefits me I enjoy so much. When the captain of the football team arrived begging on his knees to take the exam with him because if they weren't going to kick him out of the team, I couldn't refuse.
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He took me in the car that his parents gave him for his birthday to the nearest body swap clinic, and we made an agreement, only 3 days he would spend 3 days in his body answering all the exams that he was too stupid to pass, and I can say that They were the best 3 days I had had in years. It was great to be young again.
And not only being young but also being popular, muscular and being fucking attractive in all my life I had never stepped foot in a gym but in the body of Jacob Taylor the quarterback of the university football team it was like living again. I even dared to abuse the deal I had with Jacob a bit and went to a gay bar on the other side of town, god! I must have broken like 4 asses that night with the tremendous tool that I had between my legs.
Likewise, I was always gay, but I didn't have the best self-esteem or the best looks, it's not like there was a long line to get fucked by a 70-year-old nerd like me. But in Jacob's muscular and attractive body I felt confident and even somewhat arrogant, -Do you want to touch them?- I told the first guy that he bought me a beer at the bar while flexing Jacob's huge arms just to show off. It felt good to be the center of attention for once in a lifetime.
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The next day after taking all of Jacob's exams, it was a piece of cake, I was sure that Jacob would stay on the football team at least until he had to take another exam, the 3 days ended so quickly that I did not realize it, but He was a man of his word, so I gave him back his body and as soon as I got back to my old and tired body I felt like shit, Jacob gave me some money and thanked me and left in the car that I had been driving for 3 days.
I returned to my house and apparently Jacob did not go out for 3 days because he was in a mess, there was a huge bag of half-eaten Cheetos in front of the television, and he even left the sports channel on before leaving my house, I started cleaning my house returning to my routine as if nothing had happened, but the next day Jacob showed up at my house.
And he was not alone, he bro"ught 2 friends who wanted the same treatment as Jacob -please "bro" we need to pass the almost if we don't want to be kicked out of the team- I couldn't help but smile as those 2 athletes knelt in front of me and I gladly accepted they passed the days, the months and when I realized it, my room was full of athletes fighting for whom their beloved teacher would take their body.
"If I don't take this exam, my parents are going to kill me"
"If they expel me from the university, my girlfriend will break up with me"
"My mother told me that if I failed one more time they would take me out of the university and put me to work in the family business"
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Were some of the comments heard from testosterone-filled athletes all over my room fighting each other to take a turn for me to answer all the answers that they are too idiots to make themselves.
Suddenly all the athletes from that university had the highest grades in the entire state and all thanks to their old and beloved professor, little by little I began to spend more time in the body of stupid athletes and less in my old and tired body and maybe Someday I would stay in the university forever passing from body to body of dumb athletes to help them in their exams.
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Now I'm late, I have a math test in an hour and if I rush to finish it, maybe I'll have time to go to my favorite bar because the body I'm in now has a huge cock.
esp: sucked.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V8VH1NvA7mC2B12uj8iKyxrI472vT_L_d85zQA_smOM/edit
Normally, I only post one story a week here on Tumblr. But today is a special day, it's my birthday, and I was looking for an excuse to show you my birthday cake. lol
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