#Fungus Hack
healthproducts24x7 · 28 days
Fungus Hack
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My Gut Feeling Was Right: A Positive Review of Fungus Hack
For years, I'd been struggling with digestive issues. Bloating, gas, and occasional stomach cramps were a constant source of discomfort and embarrassment. I tried numerous over-the-counter remedies, from probiotics to fibre supplements, but nothing seemed to offer lasting relief. I even considered visiting a gastroenterologist, but the thought of invasive tests and potentially expensive prescriptions deterred me.
Then, I stumbled upon Fungus Hack online. The product's claims of addressing digestive problems caused by gut fungus piqued my curiosity. After some research, I was intrigued by the unique blend of natural ingredients, including prebiotics, probiotics, and various herbs known for their gut-supporting properties.
A Beacon of Hope: First Impressions
The Fungus Hack arrived promptly and neatly packaged. The included information booklet clearly outlined the product's benefits and recommended dosage. I appreciated the transparency regarding the ingredients and their sources.
Inner Harmony Through Daily Doses
Following the recommended dosage, I began incorporating Fungus Hack into my daily routine. Within a few days, I noticed a significant improvement in my digestion. The bloating and gas subsided considerably, and my stomach cramps became a distant memory. I felt lighter and more energetic throughout the day.
Beyond Digestion: A Ripple Effect on Overall Wellbeing
But the benefits extended beyond just my gut. My overall energy levels soared. I felt sharper mentally and had a newfound sense of clarity. I even noticed an improvement in my sleep quality, which I attributed to the reduced digestive discomfort. It seems that a healthy gut truly is the foundation for overall well-being.
A Natural Ally in My Wellness Journey
Fungus Hack has become a staple in my daily wellness regimen. It's a natural and effective solution that has addressed my long-standing digestive issues and provided a welcome boost to my overall health. I highly recommend this product to anyone experiencing similar problems. It's a worthwhile investment in your gut health and, consequently, your overall well-being.
A Final Note: Trust Your Gut
If you're on the fence about trying Fungus Hack, I urge you to give it a go. Listen to your gut feeling (no pun intended!) and take control of your digestive health. This product has been a game-changer for me, and it might just be the solution you've been searching for.
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Stubborn Toenail Fungus? My Positive Experience with Fungus Hack
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Stubborn toenail fungus can be a persistent and embarrassing problem. After years of battling it with over-the-counter remedies with minimal success, I decided to explore a more holistic approach. This led me to discover Fungus Hack, a dietary supplement gaining traction online. The focus on promoting healthy nails with a blend of natural ingredients appealed to me.
A Natural Approach to Fungal Nail Support
Fungus Hack appealed to me because it offered a blend of natural ingredients known for their potential benefits in supporting healthy nails. The formula boasts ingredients like Undecylenic Acid, Grape Seed Extract, and Beta-Glucans, all recognized for their antifungal properties.
While the exact mechanisms aren't fully understood, these ingredients may work by:
Creating an unfavorable environment for fungal growth.
Supporting the body's natural defenses against fungus.
The focus on natural ingredients resonated with me, as I preferred a gentle yet supportive solution to address my toenail fungus. Fungus Hack offered a way to potentially address the issue from the inside out, alongside good foot hygiene practices.
The Fungus Hack website provided clear information on each ingredient and its potential role in promoting healthy nails. They also offered explanations of the science behind the chosen ingredients. This transparency instilled confidence in the product's potential as a safe and supportive option for managing toenail fungus.
Easy Integration into My Daily Routine
The convenience of Fungus Hack is a major advantage. The capsules are easy to swallow and don't require any messy applications or special storage. The recommended dosage is typically two capsules daily, ideally taken with meals. This simple routine easily integrated into my existing daily supplement routine.
Noticeable Improvement and a Healthier Appearance
Within a few months of taking Fungus Hack consistently, I noticed a gradual improvement in the appearance of my toenails. The previously discolored and thickened nails started to show signs of healthy growth at the base. Perhaps the most rewarding benefit was the possibility of a gradual restoration of a clear and healthy appearance to my toenails over time.
Important Note: It's crucial to remember that everyone's body reacts differently to supplements. While my experience with Fungus Hack has been positive, it's always advisable to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medication.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper hygiene, managing medical conditions like diabetes that can contribute to fungal growth, and wearing appropriate footwear remains crucial for optimal nail health. Fungus Hack can be a valuable tool alongside these practices in your journey to support healthy nails and potentially combat toenail fungus.
A Supportive Option for Toenail Health Management
Overall, I've been impressed with Fungus Hack. The convenient format, the natural blend of ingredients, and the possibility of a gradual improvement in the appearance of my toenails have made it a valuable addition to my routine. If you're looking for a natural approach to support healthy nails alongside maintaining good foot hygiene, exploring Fungus Hack could be a worthwhile option. Remember, consistency is key, and it may take time to see results.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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thehealthandbeauty · 1 month
Fungus Hack - High Converting Fungus Offer Supplements - Health
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Fungal infections can be persistent, uncomfortable, and sometimes embarrassing. From athlete's foot to nail fungus, these infections can significantly impact your quality of life. However, with the right supplement, you can effectively address these issues and reclaim your health and confidence.
If you are suffering from fungal disease then use it will be beneficial FUNGUS-CAUSING HEALTH FOODS
I. Introduction
A. What is Fungus Hack?
Fungus Hack is a dietary supplement designed to combat fungal infections naturally. It is formulated with a blend of potent ingredients known for their antifungal properties.
B. Importance of addressing fungal infections
Fungal infections, if left untreated, can spread and worsen over time. They can cause discomfort, pain, and even lead to more severe health issues. Addressing these infections promptly is crucial for overall health and well-being.
II. Understanding Fungal Infections
A. Types of fungal infections
Fungal infections can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, nails, and internal organs. Some common types of fungal infections include athlete's foot, toenail fungus, ringworm, and yeast infections.
If you are suffering from fungal disease then use it will be beneficial FUNGUS-CAUSING HEALTH FOODS
B. Causes of fungal infections
Fungal infections are typically caused by fungi that thrive in warm, moist environments. Factors such as poor hygiene, weakened immune system, and certain medical conditions can increase the risk of developing fungal infections.
C. Common symptoms
Symptoms of fungal infections may vary depending on the type and severity of the infection. However, common symptoms include itching, redness, swelling, and discomfort in the affected area.
III. Introduction to Fungus Hack
A. What is Fungus Hack?
Fungus Hack is a natural dietary supplement that helps combat fungal infections from the inside out. It is formulated with a powerful blend of ingredients that target the root cause of fungal infections.
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B. How does Fungus Hack work?
Fungus Hack works by targeting the fungal overgrowth in the body and inhibiting its growth. It helps restore the natural balance of microorganisms in the body, thereby eliminating fungal infections and preventing their recurrence.
If you are suffering from fungal disease then use it will be beneficial FUNGUS-CAUSING HEALTH FOODS
IV. Key Ingredients of Fungus Hack
A. Caprylic Acid
Caprylic acid is a fatty acid known for its antifungal properties. It helps kill off excess yeast and fungi in the body, making it an effective treatment for fungal infections.
B. Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit seed extract contains compounds that have been shown to have antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It helps inhibit the growth of fungi and other harmful microorganisms in the body.
C. Amylase 5000
Amylase is an enzyme that helps break down carbohydrates in the body. It helps improve digestion and nutrient absorption, which is important for overall health and well-being.
D. Protease 3500
Pro tease is an enzyme that helps break down proteins in the body. It helps improve digestion and immune function, making it an essential component of Fungus Hack.
If you are suffering from fungal disease then use it will be beneficial FUNGUS-CAUSING HEALTH FOODS
E. Lipase 1000
Lipase is an enzyme that helps break down fats in the body. It helps improve digestion and nutrient absorption, making it an important ingredient in Fungus Hack.
V. Benefits of Fungus Hack
A. Fights fungal infections
Fungus Hack helps eliminate fungal infections from the inside out, providing long-lasting relief from symptoms such as itching, redness, and discomfort.
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B. Supports immune system
Fungus Hack contains ingredients that help boost the immune system, making it easier for the body to fight off infections and maintain overall health and well-being.
C. Improves digestion
The enzymes in Fungus Hack help improve digestion and nutrient absorption, ensuring that the body gets the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and strong.
If you are suffering from fungal disease then use it will be beneficial FUNGUS-CAUSING HEALTH FOODS
VI. How to Use Fungus Hack
A. Dosage instructions
Take two capsules of Fungus Hack daily with a glass of water. For best results, take one capsule in the morning and one capsule in the evening.
B. When to take Fungus Hack
Fungus Hack can be taken with or without food. However, for optimal absorption, it is recommended to take it with a meal.
VII. Safety and Side Effects
A. Potential side effects
While Fungus Hack is generally safe for most people, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, or stomach upset.
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B. Precautions
If you are pregnant, nursing, or have any underlying medical conditions, it is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before taking Fungus Hack.
VIII. Customer Reviews and Testimonials
A. Positive reviews
Many users have reported significant improvement in their fungal infections after taking Fungus Hack. They have praised its effectiveness and convenience.
B. Negative reviews
Some users have reported experiencing mild side effects such as nausea or stomach upset after taking Fungus Hack. However, these side effects are usually temporary and subside with continued use.
If you are suffering from fungal disease then use it will be beneficial FUNGUS-CAUSING HEALTH FOODS
IX. Where to Buy Fungus Hack
A. Official website
Fungus Hack is available for purchase on the official website. You can also find special offers and discounts available exclusively online.
B. Other retailers
Fungus Hack may also be available for purchase from other retailers such as Amazon or Walmart. However, be sure to purchase from a reputable source to ensure product quality and authenticity.
X. Conclusion
A. Recap of Fungus Hack benefits
Fungus Hack is a natural dietary supplement that helps combat fungal infections from the inside out. It contains a powerful blend of ingredients that target the root cause of fungal infections, providing long-lasting relief from symptoms and improving overall health and well-being.
B. Final thoughts
If you're struggling with fungal infections, Fungus Hack may be the solution you've been looking for. With its potent blend of ingredients and long-lasting benefits, it's a safe and effective way to reclaim your health and confidence.
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rraveboy · 11 months
what song from the SEOS soundtrack has the best remixes and why is it always Nerves
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Fungus Hack: Kicking Fungus to the Curb with Effective Support
For years, I struggled with a stubborn fungal infection. I tried over-the-counter medications and even explored some home remedies, but nothing seemed to work for long. The frustration was mounting, and I was starting to lose hope of ever finding a solution. Then, I came across Fungus Hack, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer.
Natural Ingredients for a Holistic Approach
What initially drew me to Fungus Hack was its focus on natural ingredients. The supplement is packed with powerful antifungal compounds like caprylic acid, olive leaf extract, and turmeric. These ingredients work together to combat fungal growth and promote overall gut health, which is crucial for preventing future flare-ups.
I appreciate that Fungus Hack takes a holistic approach to tackling fungal issues. It's not just about eliminating the existing problem; it's also about preventing it from coming back. This multi-pronged approach gives me peace of mind and a sense of control over my health.
Visible Results and Relief from Discomfort
It wasn't an overnight cure, but within a few weeks of taking Fungus Hack consistently, I started noticing a significant improvement. The itching and irritation began to subside, and the visible signs of the infection gradually faded. By the end of the recommended dosage period, I was virtually symptom-free.
The relief I experienced was truly remarkable. I was finally able to go about my daily activities without the constant discomfort that had plagued me for so long. Fungus Hack helped me reclaim my quality of life, and for that, I'm incredibly grateful.
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Simple to Use and Integrates Seamlessly into Routine
Another positive aspect of Fungus Hack is its ease of use. The capsules are easy to swallow and don't cause any unpleasant side effects. I was able to seamlessly integrate them into my daily routine without any hassle. This convenience factor makes it a sustainable solution for long-term use.
Knowledgeable Support Team for Added Confidence
The Fungus Hack team offers excellent customer support. They have a team of knowledgeable representatives who are readily available to answer questions and address any concerns. This level of support is invaluable, especially for those who are new to using natural supplements for health concerns.
Having access to reliable information and a team of experts I could trust gave me added confidence in using Fungus Hack. It showed a genuine commitment to customer well-being, which is something I truly appreciate.
Highly Recommend for Anyone Battling Fungus
If you're struggling with a fungal infection, I highly recommend giving Fungus Hack a try. Its combination of natural ingredients, effective results, and supportive customer service makes it a standout choice. It has helped me regain control of my health, and I'm confident it can do the same for you.
In conclusion, Fungus Hack has been a transformative experience for me. It's a well-formulated supplement that delivers noticeable results. With its focus on natural ingredients and a holistic approach, Fungus Hack offers a safe and effective way to combat fungal issues. If you're looking for a reliable solution, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Fungus Hack a chance.
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gtsdreamer2 · 8 months
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   You were deep in the Amazon rainforest. A recent graduate with your mycology doctorate, you were researching a special species of mushroom that only was said to grow deep in the jungle and only during the twenty four hours of the full moon during the autumn months. According to ancient texts found in the indigenous people's temples, the mushroom was used in fertility rituals and to signify a bountiful harvest during these months before the cold winter. You were curious about the cultural significance as well as the medicinal properties of this rare shroom. You didn't know what it looked like, only that it wasn't foraged for by the locals anymore and that it should look like a mushroom that you don't know.
   Hours of searching later, you begin to grow tired and wonder if you should give up and wait until the next full moon. The sun is starting to set when you finally spot something different. It's a mushroom you've never seen before, which is remarkable seeing as how you've seen them all. The cap is a pinky flesh color with an even pinker button on top. You giggle to yourself as you remark that it looks like a tit with a firm nipple poking out of it.
   Kneeling down, you take out your notebook and a pencil and begin to sketch it. 'I'm just drawing a boob.' You think to yourself. You stare in awe at this shroom as the sun continues to set. Taking your pencil, you poke the nipple-esque protrusion. Immediately this mushroom expells a giant cloud of spores right in your face. You gasp in surprise, sucking into your lungs an ample amount of the potent plume.
   You hack and cough, but its way too late for that, they're already lodged deep within you and entering your blood stream. Your eyes dialate and your body grows hot. You stand and lean against a tree, trying to catch your breath. You can feel your heatbeat in every nerve. Your cells are responding in a way they never have to the new foreign agent that has begun to take over you. Your heatbeat concentrates in your breasts as you feel your nipples grow almost painfully erect. Then you feel your breasts start to press against your soft white cotton top. You can feel the belts on your corset tighten to try and contain whatever is happening to you. Suddenly you shoot up four inches in height.
   Your sudden growth spurt elicits an a forced maon from your mouth. "Mmmph!" You cry out as a second wave hits you. The belts on your corset snap and suddenly you're six foot five with the seams of your jeans splitting. You feel your feet break free from your hiking boots as your toes sink into the damp rainforest earth.
   'This is starting to feel really good.' You think to yourself as you start to regain a semblance of your normal senses. Doing a body check, you can tell that you've grown. Your breasts have at least doubled in size and are now very hot and sensitive to the touch. You can feel a hunger deep in your womb as if ovulating on steroids.
   You attempt to sit down on the cool jungle floor, your now massive ass shredding the back of your jeans as you squat down. You pick up your pad and pen and continue to make notes about the shroom.
   'It is clear that this is how the Amazon women in the lore of this land gained their stature, and I can clearly feel why this particular fungus was revered for its fertility-inducing properties. I feel so full of life, yet I also feel the need to be bred full of babies.' Looking back at your notes, you are in shock that you actually wrote that down.
   You wonder to yourself how potent the flesh of the shroom might be, considering what just inhaling some of the spores had done to you. As the sun began to set, you walk back over to the shroom and delicately pluck it out of the ground before greedily shoving the whole thing into your mouth, quickly swallowing it without so much as trying to find out what it tastes like. Again the euphoria strikes your body. You feel its effects ten fold as you quickly gain four feet in height and explode out of your inadequate top. Sitting back down on the remainder of your ruined clothes, you bask in the feeling of your massive body and heightened strength and senses. You close your eyes and listen to the jungle around you, lamenting that you ate the only specimen that you had found on your journey, and now the only evidence was what it had done to you. When you open your eyes, the realize that the moon has peaked through the canopy. Your dialated eyes can see the jungle floor quite clearly now, and shimmering all across the damp dense expanse before you, you can see dozens more of the mushroom glowing against the moon, as if drinking in its power. 'It would have been so much easier to find at night.' You chastise yourself as you stand up again. You leave your ruined clothes behind as you pick up your foraging Satchel and start to delicately pick as many of the shrooms as you can carry, trying your best to put them in containers without them expelling more spores. 'This will be so great for my research.' You think to yourself. 'And it'll make a great snack for the walk back'. You giggle to yourself as you pop another three into your mouth.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 6 months
TT: Someone has hacked my main and is just tweeting ominous threats about rodents and fungus? What is this??
TT: When the spores descend, what will you do? Beg?
TT: Y’all talk crazy for folks who aren’t even immune to the fungus that’s all I’ll say.
TT: You all talk mad shit on me just you wait until the mice arrive.
TT: I got back in. I really need to keep my passwords safer.
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apsciencebydan · 9 months
Hottest summer lashes look: The Ophiocordyceps
Letting zombie fungus grow from your face is a bold beauty hack. It works tho? I mean I like it.
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Kicking the Fungus: My Positive Experience with Fungus Hack
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Stubborn toenail fungus can be a persistent and embarrassing problem. After years of battling it with over-the-counter remedies with minimal success, I decided to explore a more natural approach. This led me to discover Fungus Hack, a dietary supplement gaining traction online. The focus on promoting healthy nails and clear skin with a blend of natural ingredients appealed to me.
A Natural Approach to Fungal Nail Health
Fungus Hack appealed to me because it offered a comprehensive blend of natural ingredients known for their potential benefits in supporting healthy nails and skin. The formula boasts ingredients like Undecylenic Acid, Grape Seed Extract, and Beta-Glucans, recognized for their antifungal properties and ability to support the body's natural defenses.
The focus on natural ingredients resonated with me, as I preferred a gentle yet effective solution to address my toenail fungus. Fungus Hack offered a way to potentially address the issue from the inside out without the risks or drawbacks associated with some topical antifungal medications.
The Fungus Hack website provided clear information on each ingredient and its role in promoting healthy nails and skin. They also offered explanations of the science behind the chosen ingredients and their potential benefits for combating fungal growth and supporting the body's immune system. This transparency and the emphasis on a natural approach instilled confidence in the product's potential effectiveness as a safe and supportive option.
Easy Integration into My Daily Routine
The convenience of Fungus Hack is a major advantage. The capsules are easy to swallow and don't require any messy applications or special storage. The recommended dosage is two capsules daily, ideally taken with meals. This simple routine easily integrated into my existing daily supplement routine.
Noticeable Improvement and Healthier Nails
Within a few months of taking Fungus Hack consistently, I noticed a significant improvement in the appearance of my toenails. The previously discolored and thickened nails started to show signs of healthy growth. Perhaps the most rewarding benefit was the gradual restoration of a clear and healthy appearance to my toenails.
This newfound confidence in the health of my nails motivated me to continue using Fungus Hack and prioritize maintaining good foot hygiene. I focused on keeping my feet dry, changing socks regularly, and wearing breathable shoes. Fungus Hack seemed to act as a natural support system in my journey to healthier nails.
Important Note: It's crucial to remember that everyone's body reacts differently to supplements. While my experience with Fungus Hack has been positive, it's always advisable to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medication.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper hygiene, managing medical conditions like diabetes that can contribute to fungal growth, and wearing appropriate footwear remains crucial for optimal nail health. However, Fungus Hack can be a valuable tool in your journey to support healthy nails, combat fungal growth, and promote overall well-being.
A Reliable Partner for Natural Nail Health Support
Overall, I've been very impressed with Fungus Hack. The convenient format, the natural blend of ingredients, and the noticeable improvement in the appearance and health of my toenails have made it a valuable addition to my well-being routine. If you're looking for a natural way to support healthy nails and combat toenail fungus, I highly recommend exploring Fungus Hack alongside maintaining good foot hygiene practices. Remember, consistency is key, and Fungus Hack can be a helpful companion on your path to healthier and more confident-looking nails.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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phoebepheebsphibs · 3 months
And the story goes on…
Spoiler warning for Until I Found You Lore.... CW: Mentions of torture, abuse, and experimentation.
@boots-with-the-fur-club @daboyau
Prev || Next || Reference image for Mikey’s scars || illustration
Mikey couldn't stop sobbing.
The other Donnie was writhing on the floor, screaming in pain as he gripped his head tightly. Something was wrong, something was very very VERY wrong...
But Michael could only watch and cry and shout at his brother to "Open the thing, open the thing up, Donnie! OPEN THE ORB!!"
"I'm trying!" his brother yelled back. "It's a different design from my tech, I'm doing the best I can considering I don't have my tools with me and I'm using my bare hands--"
The alternate Donnie started shrieking in agony, his cries ringing through the halls and echoing mercilessly in Mikey's head. He falls to his knees, the glowing marks on his arms and legs turning that evil shade of blue.
"WELL EITHER GET APRIL TO POOF YOU OUT OR -- GOT IT, I GOT IT, I GOT THE THING TO OPEN!" UIFY Donnie yelled back, finally hacking into the sphere and causing the shields to dissipate. Immediately the three fall forwards, with Mikey regaining his footing at once and pouncing at the quivering Donatello on the floor.
Mikey wrapped his arms around Donnie, sobbing into his shoulder as he pressed his hands against his shell and the back of his head. A soft, warm amber glow began to spread over the shaking softshell, his eyes slowly refocusing as he turned and stared down at the copy of his brother. Apparently this Mikey was also in-tune with his mystic powers. Amazing, considering the age gap between him and the other Mikey, and the fact that they'd not even known about mystic abilities until they'd met Draxum and taken his magic weapons for themselves. This one must've been practicing magic for a while... Donnie's headache ceased. He watched as the tiny, trembling version of his brave baby brother kept pressing his small and delicate hands against his shell and neck, quietly mumbling to himself - praying possibly, or perhaps reciting a magic spell. Whatever he did, it helped tons. But it seemed to exhaust the poor kid as he slumped over, his head rolling into the crook of Donnie's neck and shoulder. Michael's soft, slow breaths tickled uncomfortably against his sensitive skin, and he flinched.
"Michael, get off of him!" the other Donnie said, coming forward and pulling the kid away. "If this Donnie's anything like me, he doesn't like to be touched. Especially after... whatever the heck happened to him."
"I-it's fine, he helped, he... What exactly did he do?" Donnie asked, slowly getting to his feet.
Donatello Von Draxum picked the child up and held him close to his chest. Mikey had fainted, it seemed, though his eyes fluttered open and shut several times. His head lolled from side to side, rolling around as if he was trying to force himself to stay awake but failing utterly. He mumbled softly, muttering whispers to no one specifically before finally succumbing to the exhaustion and resting his head against his brother.
"I'm... not exactly sure," Donatello Von Draxum mumbled, slowly pulling the bandages from Mikey's arms and checking for any mystic injuries. "Best guess is... he leant you some of his strength."
"His strength?" Dee questioned.
"Whatever you needed in the moment. Strength, presence of mind, life-force, that kind of stuff. It could explain why he's so sleepy now."
"Will he be alright?!" Donnie asked, hoping he didn't just cause a version of his brother to be in a vegetative state for the rest of his life.
"He's okay. He just needs a nap. It's nothing too extreme." Donatello Von Draxum looked over Donnie with concern. "YOU on the other hand..."
"Yeah. That was not fun."
"No fun in fungus, huh?"
"Roll credits," April interjected, having gone to retrieve Donnie's tech-bō for him.
"Very clever. I suppose... we should go look for Raphael now," Dee decided as he took the staff from the Mayhem-ified April.
"Are you sure you don't want to rest?" she asked, eyeing him nervously. "Those things have a way of draining you. Physically, just as much as emotionally."
"I am fine," Donnie insisted. "But you've got some... something on your arm."
"What?" April asked, looking down at said appendage, which had a black and blue smear across it. "Oh, ew, gross. It's the goo from that hand.PNG. Yuck! I didn't even notice that..."
Mutant April wiped the sludge off onto her jacket.
"No worries, I think I'm all good."
"What about Michael?" Donnie asked, pointing to the still out-of-it box turtle in DvD's arms.
"I can carry him," he insisted. "He weighs practically nothing. We'll be coming along."
"Good, the more help we can get the better. I don't think it's safe for anyone to split up anymore. Let's go find my Raph and your brothers," Donnie said, taking the lead.
The four walked on through the hallways, Mikey mumbling or muttering and even humming in his dazy sleep as they searched for the others. Donnie kept glancing over at him to make sure he really was okay. He seemed fine. It reminded him of the time his April had gotten her wisdom teeth removed, she'd sent them a video her mom had taken of her after she'd woken up from the surgery. They guys all had a big laugh over it, how loopy and looney she'd been, constantly gibbering about nothing and then falling back asleep. The memory made him smile a little. It helped to alleviate the stress, to simply pretend that was what had happened to this Mikey. And not that he'd sacrificed some part of himself for Donnie's sake. And not even for his Donnie's sake, for a complete stranger.
It was so unbelievably awkward.
The two Donnies barely said a word to each other. Donnie kept giving glances at Mikey and DvD would catch him, and Donnie's head would snap in the opposite direction. Poor April was stuck in the middle of their silence, doing her best to lighten the mood but eventually giving up and straying ahead of them.
Donatello glanced over at Mikey again. Michael had made some small squeaking sound - a yawn maybe - and curled up into his brother's hold. The bandages on his arm were loose... That's right, DvD had checked his arms earlier for cracks -- had that meant that there might actually be some danger to whatever spell he'd used to help Donnie?! He could see the cracks right there! DvD said he was fine, but Donnie could clearly see the holes and thin lines made from --
Mikey's overuse of ninpo didn't make holes, they made cracks like broken glass that webbed across his arms! So, where had...
"Did you... want to hold him or something?" DvD asked.
Donatello was startled from his train of thought and realized he'd been staring at Mikey for too long.
"Oh! Um, no I didn't -- unless that is, you would like a break?"
"Like I said, he's not that heavy," Donatello Von Draxum repeated flatly.
"I recall. I was just worried for him, is all, and I--"
"You were staring at him."
"Oh, was I?"
"Quite obviously so."
"Ah. I apologize for the social faux pas of staring rudely at your brother."
Silence again.
"But do you want to hold him?"
"You are... offering?"
"Your brother is gone, for the moment," DvD stated. "And I saw how you looked at my Mikey. For you, there is precious little to distinguish the two. Correct?"
"Well... I suppose they are very similar," Donnie ceded.
"And he undoubtedly considers you family as well."
"That is evident, considering what he did for me."
"That's your fault, you know."
"Excuse me?" Donnie sputtered, stopping in his tracks. "How is it my fault for saving you three from getting spored?"
"Apologies, I misspoke. I merely meant that you did something that reminded him of... of something bad that happened to us."
"Then am I to assume that's why he reacted the way he did?"
"I see."
Donnie looked down at the alt. Mikey, still fast asleep. He was so much smaller than his brother. So... petite. No, Miniscule. Maybe Runty. Donnie kept searching for the right word. Not weak, or tiny, he was so...
Frail. That was the word. Thin limbs connected to a slip of a body, a tiny round face with baby cheeks so slim and slender. He was just too small.
"...I think I will carry him. If only to relieve you of duty for a short while."
"Very well," DvD relented, carefully exchanging his brother into Donnie's arms. Donnie had carried his Mikey before, and even his Leo. Heck, he'd carried all three of his brothers on more than one occasion. He'd let them grab onto his legs or arms while he flew above the city with his hover-shell. It was quite a feat, all of them clinging together like the barrel of monkeys toys from their childhood. And he'd gotten his leg dislocated from its socket for the trouble, but that was nothing too bad really, and Leo had helped fix him up. He desperately missed his brothers... All this to say he knew what to expect, to carry a slightly smaller version of his baby bro.
The alt. Mikey was placed into his hold.
Ooooooh pizza supreme in the sky this kid literally weighed nothing.
Donnie's eyes widened. He'd expected some kind of difficulty, some weight, but no -- it was like carrying air. The only weight he could feel was from the clothes, it seemed. He'd estimated this Mikey to weigh somewhere in the vicinity of 70 pounds, maybe even 65. It felt like he weighed no more than 10.
"He's... he's so light..." Donnie's voice trembled.
"I did say he weighs almost nothing," DvD smirked.
"I thought you were using hyperbole!" Donnie snapped. "When was the last time this Mikey was weighed? He should have more tone in his muscles than this!"
"Well, years of near-starvation will result in major weight loss."
"Mikey -- my Mikey -- said he told him a bit about his life... but I never imagined..."
He never imagined this kind of troubled life for him. He knew the kid had a hypoglycemic condition, too. He couldn't imagine how difficult that had to have been for him. No wonder he was so skinny, his clothes baggy and nearly falling off of him, the bandages... Donnie's attention was brought back to the little boy's arms.
"...How did he get these...?" he asked softly, pulling the bandages off and showing the other Donnie the scars and marks on his arms.
Donatello Von Draxum went pale. He almost looked sick to his stomach, as he slowly re-wrapped the bandages for Mikey.
"...Those were my fault."
"Your fault?" Donnie was astonished. His voice came out as barely a whisper.
"Partly. Some of them were from me, some were from my father-- ahem. From Draxum."
"Draxum did this?" Donnie's blood began to boil. "But... why? And why did you--"
"The story is that I had left the Baron to try and start a new family with Mikey, Leonardo, and Raphael. I'd been... planning to trick our brothers into returning to Draxum so that they could join his army of mutants against the humans, but eventually I realized I couldn't go through with it. So I left without saying a word. Draxum got wind that his other experiments survived, and started searching for them. He found Mikey first, kidnapped him, and left a calling card for me so that I would know where he was. I confronted him, only to end up in a trap. He... he wanted me to return home and help him experiment on Michael."
"Did you?" Donnie asked, drawing the small child closer to him, holding him tightly to his chest.
"I had to. He threatened to torture Mikey, to intentionally sabotage his experiments on him and hurt him if I didn't assist. I had no choice. To ensure Michael's safety... I had to do whatever Draxum ordered me to. Day after day, it was nothing but surgery after surgery after blood test after--"
"I thought you said experiments," Donnie growled. Mikey whimpered in his hold; Donnie readjusted him slightly so he could rub his head to soothe him.
"That's what he told me, initially..." DvD continued. "But on the first day... he revealed his experiments were more medically-based than he'd lead me to believe. But I couldn't say no. He was going to inspect his spine, I had to stay and make sure he didn't--!"
Donatello Von Draxum covered his mouth as he gagged at the memory. His hands trembled.
"...It... It was inhumane. Unethical. Horrible. Even Huginn and Muninn - whom I don't typically get along with well but tolerated more than Draxum - agreed that his tests were unreasonable and not meant so much to inspect Michael's state but more so to punish me for having left Draxum and kept my brothers a secret from him. And Draxum kept it up for seven whole days. Most experiments and examinations were him cutting into Mikey with a scalpel and studying his skeletal structure and veins and nervous system first-hand. The rest were to see how his body reacted to certain potions and formulas and magic spells, to test his mystic endurance. He wanted to see if he could be a strong warrior... and if not, he wanted to see if he had any mystic talent."
"All that... just to know whether or not Mikey had mystic abilities?"
"I don't have any magic ability myself," DvD explained. "I know all the spells and potion recipes, I understand how to do it, and I know how it all works but... I'm disconnected from it. Draxum was always disappointed with me over that. He hoped that Mikey would show some promise."
"What happened?"
"He took it too far. On the sixth day, Draxum told me that Michelangelo possessed the greatest capacity for mystic power and ability to date."
"He what?!" Donnie yelled, forgetting the sleeping figure in his hands. "I mean, I know my Mikey became the greatest mystic warrior in the future, but... to have surpassed everything?"
"It came as a shock to me, as well. And Draxum said... He said he was going to take Mikey's powers away from him and then set him free. But it was all a lie. He was going to kill him... I fought with Draxum. I won. I took Mikey home."
Donatello could tell he was intentionally leaving out some big parts of the story. But based off of everything, he figure it was best to leave it unsaid.
"So that's why... Mikey leapt at the chance to help me," Donnie whispered. "Why he was so upset when he saw me hurting... it reminded him of you?"
"Yes. And it is also why he wears those bandages, though the wounds have long since healed."
"Why is that?"
"Because he knows that I feel responsible for that hurt. I did that to him. I helped to cut him open and chisel into his shell. I hurt him. But I'll never let anything hurt him ever again."
Donnie nodded, understanding that protective drive. He felt the same way about his brothers.
"In that case... maybe you'll want to carry him again?" Dee offered.
Donatello Von Draxum didn't even try to politely decline. He immediately reached over and took the boy away, who at this point was slowly coming out of his sleepy stupor. DvD held Mikey on his hip, letting him rest his head against his shoulder. Mikey groggily wrapped his arms around his brother's neck in a hug, yawning once more before going back to sleep. The son of Draxum felt the deep inhale and exhale from his little brother against his chest, proof that he was alive and well and trusted him above all else. DvD smiled, the first time Donnie had seen him smile -- really smile, not just an evil grin at the mention of humanity's destruction -- since he'd first met him.
"Do you think... my Mikey is okay?" Dee asked after the silence began to return.
"I am sure he is. He has you to look out for him. You'll rescue him, and all will be well again."
Donnie smiled.
"I hope so..."
"Hey, you lazy-bones!" April shouted. She'd gained a lot more ground than them during this bonding episode. "Hurry it up! I think I found one of the guys!"
…I have failed you, master. My injuries… they impede me.
They are inconsequential, my dear disciple. Rest easy, for you are still needed. You've done well thus far. But there is still much to be done if I am to take over this realm. So many tragedies to intercede, so many traumas to feed off of, so many toys to play with and BREAK.
But what of the others? Without my work—
I shall finish my collection soon enough. You did your part, and now we have a new player. Our new deliverer of destruction. They shall lead the others to their doom.
A new...? Do you mean you have infected one of the children? They serve our cause now?
Indeed, thanks to you.
How intriguing... but who...?
Rest for now, and regain your strength. Your services are yet to be utilized.
Very well... whom shall we be expecting to join us next, my master?
...I want the big one.
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phantomphangphucker · 1 month
Phic Phight - Fungus Is Known To Grow Amoung Death After All
@lovelyunknown @skarlettskwrl
An ecto-nanobot powered suit plus a fungus specifically made to latch onto and grow on ectoplasm, wasn’t a great mix.
Danny was starting to get a little worried, worried about Val specifically. He was used to her being slightly on edge pretty often, just as she was likely used to him being on edge pretty often, but this was weird. She’d been jittery, twitchy, spazzy even. At first he thought she’d caught a ghost and was ‘inspecting’ it or that Vlad was giving her a disturbing amount of hassle. Even her just being worried about tests or her nanobots getting noticed by the school nurse would make sense. Perhaps her dad was being harder on her? Or pressuring her to hang up the suit?
Then, then, he noticed the smell. The sickly sweet meaty lime smell that made his mouth water. Made him cock his head to the side and pause in taking his next step, a more ghostly part of himself getting the way he sometimes got around blob ghosts; bitey and twitchy. Then his ecto-field sensed it, and the alarm bells officially went off. The way it sensed like creaking branches or spreading rot; like she was just going to suddenly start violently twitching at inhuman angles and trying to rip out the walls.
This all seemed… familiar too him, unfortunately. ClockWork didn’t tell him to stay away from too many places, but the Riot Sands and its Moxowasp fungus was one of them. And this? Yeah this smelled and felt like Moxowasp fungus. She’s not growing glitchy moving murderous antlers so that’s a positive, so not a full fungal infection but she seemed a bit past just the ‘spore sickness’ version. But he’s not sure, she didn’t have symptoms she should have from his invisible, slightly predatory, stalking/observing. She wasn’t getting weird white fuzz on her or hacking up bits of branches, she wasn’t acting wacky in the high way.
She was human so, arguably, even if she did have moxowasp fungus then it shouldn’t really affect her, but that didn’t account for her nanobots which were ectoplasm based. Danny frowning and leaning back in his chair, side eyeing Val who’s staring wide-eyed and tremoring slightly, maybe it was her nanobots that were being affected specifically? and the symptoms were being passed on? Those things were in her brain and all her muscles after all. But that just makes it harder for him to be sure and he can’t just ask her ‘hey did you eat or get stabbed by weird sponge-y crumbly branches? Or fight a ghost with that stuff coming out of them?’. Well he could do that but it would probably get him stabbed by a cattle prod.
Or it would as Phantom. But as Fenton? Maybe not. She might listen to Danny Fenton the only close friend and ex, son of ghost ‘experts’ and ‘the kid who may have gone into the ghost zone that one time’. His accident being public news might actually be useful for a change, besides just being used as a scapegoat to explain having weird ecto-contamination to explain his ghostly shit. And he did take off suddenly all the time and skipped multiple days sometimes, he could say that Danny Fenton and his stupid luck made him have a little run in with the moxowasp stuff before. His folks did try to get every sample they could get their hands on after all. If they ran into moxowasp fungus they absolutely would sample that stuff and Danny probably would actually get sick.
Okay. Yeah. He can work with this. Problem is how does he talk to her about this? Because if his guess is right then yeah, she can get him sick. Or maybe he was strong enough now that he’d have more resistance? Heck ClockWork could have told him about this specifically because Val was going to get infected with it and they wanted him to know about to catch the signs early. She didn’t have any outward signs so maybe it would actually be safe to touch her, try to drag her off somewhere to talk?
And then the bell goes off and he’s out of time to think about it, by the time he’s stood up Val’s basically stormed out of the classroom, bumping into multiple desks and people as she went. Okay yeah, Danny’s following her, immediately…. Even if that takes him straight into the ladies room. Awkward but he’s lived down worse.
Of course what greets him ain’t great, Val hunched over a toilet shiver trembling and looking like she just threw up; Danny trying to be quiet about leaning over her and yup, weird squiggly white branching stuff in the toilet. Okay, one hundred percent yes, she’s got a moxowasp fungus infection. She wasn’t actually sprouting out branching so that was good, but still.
Watching her scratch her head harshly and crack her neck to the side with a hard jerk, smacking herself on the toilet rim (ew), “ow. Why-ugh. Why’d- did I do that? That was… stupid? I think?”, and she cringes basically her whole body.
Danny wincing, a little nervous to touch her but since when did he not help people just because of nerves? Tapping her on the shoulder twice, “Val?”; okay maybe he sounded a little squeaky, but this was freaky alright? And that scent was making his skin crawl, the mouth watering only making him more creeped.
She jerks, snapping her head around to him, twitching sideways and blinking so harshly it might as well be a spasm, “danny? Isn’t this- like- laddies? Ow”, squeezing her eyes shut again, “I’m ‘ine”.
Danny laughs awkwardly, “eh, ha ha. Ah. Yeah no. I don’t think so. Nah”, cringing a little when she just kind of stares at him, shit yeah her scleras are a bit on the green side. Oof. “Ha”, bending down onto his ankles to be a bit more in her level, “Val you definitely are not. And also, you’re not suddenly going to be just by ignoring what’s going on”, okay Fenton, try to play this off without revealing you know she’s Red. “I… have no freaking clue how the crap you got this of all things but, hey, uh, Amity’s a, ah, pretty fucking weird town, am I right or am I right?”.
She groans at him, like she honestly barely even heard him, “what… what are you even, you know, talking ‘bout?”, pushing herself to stand up, “I think.. I’m just going to go, uh, outside”.
Danny’s up like a gunshot, “oh no, absolutely not”, poking a single finger on both her shoulders, “bad. You are sick sick. And like, okay, this is kinda fucked and shit, but I know what’s up with you”.
Now that, that finally gets her attention, her squinting, “explain then. I know”, she sways a little and shakes her head, “I know you’re weird so”.
Danny snorting, “gee thanks, Val. I’m pretty aware of that too”, frowning at her, “okay, now this is gonna sound fucked, but you’ve got a weird ghost illness? It’s like a weird fuzzy sentient branch thing?”, tilting his head and trying to keep his eyes in front of her eyes, “woozy, the twitching, disoriented but also kinda high?”, pointing a finger that she doesn’t follow at the toilet, “vomiting weird sponge-like white branches. This shit can be a, well not death sentence, but like end of their unlife? sentence? Yeah let’s go with that. The branch stuff basically eats ghosts from the inside out till they’re just mindless husks housing a violent fungus”.
She purses her lips, “fuck”.
Danny nods cringing, “yeah”, glancing at the toilet and back to her, “you gotta get that branch stuff outta you, and any kinda white fuzzy stuff. The branches are the fungus, moxowasp fungus by the way, and the fuzzy is spores or, uh, some shit”. Wow was this ever awkward. “You stay here and I’ll go find some salt to help with the whole vomiting thing, gotta get that stuff out and I’m not a freaking doctor”.
She actually slumps onto the ground thankful, the muttered, “I weirdly wanna poke you”. Danny pointing at her a few times, “ah, yeah, um, that’s probably the fungus wanting to try and spread and stuff, if you had the antlers going on they’d be all, trying to attack me and stab me and shit. Super freaky so let’s not get to that, yeah? Yeah”, he’s out of that bathroom in a flash, thankfully no one’s in the hallway so he’s able to just go invisible and go through the walls to steal some salt from cafeteria.
She’s scratching at her head again, there’s… definitely a white bump there, not great, “okay, water, salt, a vomiting one way ticket. Drink and think of super gross shit and nausea and shit. Please do not throw up on me. I will throw up on you back”.
She snorts, “ew”, but winds up biting him when he makes her drink the water salt mixture; him cringing but not letting it stop him.
She’s not going to let go of his hand now, is she? Lovely. Okay… it’s not the best idea to use his powers right now but duplication it is, ‘cause he’s gotta get the branching off her head before she legit becomes a danger and in danger. He swears he can physically feel spores or stuff moving from her mouth to his hand, like hard spider webbing; super creepy.
She vomits on his hand… he does not follow through on his threat to vomit on her back. Grimacing, “eugh, thanks for that”. Weee, he’s probably gonna get spore sickness now, love it. At least that gets her to release his hand, before she vomits on the floor this time. There’s white branches squiggling on the ground, occasionally sprouting off-shot branches.
What did ClockWork say? Fire? Fire. Sure he could just make some fire, his pyrokenesis might be cold instead of hot but fire was fire. If she saw that it would be a problem though right? Him squeezing her head between his knee and chest as his duplicate gets back with a pair of wire clippers, the heavy duty kind, “don’t move your head, I gotta snap off a beginning of an antler. You don’t want that shit spreading out of you or through your head more, unless you feel like going completely mindless or assaulting people”.
“Ugh. Eh. Do it”.
Danny giving her a quick back pat with his bitten hand, which was healed at least… even if chopping the hand off would probably be better long term than letting whatever might have gotten in spread. He clips off the antler growth instead, eyeing his hand, eyeing the back of Val’s head; fuck it. He bites his own shoulder and goes snip happy at his wrist. Officially getting a duplicate to text Sam and Tuck invisibly to get to this bathroom for emergency clean up services with full protection on and something to make fire. He’s definitely getting blood on the back of her clothing now, not great, and she’s vomiting again which is technically great.
What’s actually great is the beginnings of an antler do not regrow. Yay. Val groans into him and that sweet smell makes him gag to himself some; gagging more so to avoid wanting to bite her. He forces more of the salt water down her throat.
So if he’s going with the theory that her nanobots are infected then how is he supposed to get that stuff cleaned? Well… if he could get her to summon out her suit… she might be loopy enough to not realise she shouldn’t be doing that. Ah fuck it, he flares some ecto-energy from a foot, just enough to set off her sensor, just as Sam and Tuck get in. They’re thankfully quiet, panicked but quiet, and immediately get to work (with full sleeve gloves) cleaning the ecto and blood he’s getting everywhere. Tucker glances at the squiggling antler stuff, Danny nodding for him to clean it up too while mouthing ‘fire’ and while Val -probably on instinct- summons out her suit and then actually passes out. Great. Cool. Not good.
Danny muttering, “shit”, putting her on her side, letting Sam patch up his wrist while all three kind of stare at all the fuzzy white patches over her suit.
Tucker blinking, “what the fuck is that?”.
Danny grimaces, “fungus. I had a feeling it was on the nanobots, we’ve gotta get that shit off”. Tucker lifting up the cleaning kit and grabbing a rough rag. Danny nodding, “you might need a knife too, for scrapping, and just make sure to keep her on her side in case she vomits more”.
Sam nods, “right, people can choke on their vomit if they’re on their backs”, eyeing Danny, “now why don’t you have a hand?”.
Danny sighing, “she bit it, so, uh, I cut it off? To try and avoid getting sick?”.
“I’d call you stupid but you probably made the right call. Dummy”. Her nodding at his patched wrist then joining Tucker, pointing at him with the hand that wasn’t scrubbing or scrapping off fuzz, “if you can catch this then do you dare try helping more”.
“I have been vomited on at least twice”.
“I do not care”.
Danny sticks out his tongue but sits back, letting his two friends get Val as cleaned off as possible. Tucker having to hack her suit to force summon out Every. Single. One. of her weapons to clean them off. She only vomits once at least. It’s something.
Sam and Tucker sitting back, peeling gloves of cautiously to replace them with clean ones, Tuck looking to Danny, “okay dude, what are we supposed to with her now? Like, is she good?”.
Sam glares at the geek, “we’re not leaving her on a bathroom floor, Tucker”.
Danny rolls his eyes, pushing himself up with his one hand, “no, obviously not. I’ll have Phantom, with actual protective gloves on, take her home once someone force deactivates her suit, tell her dad about making sure she vomits every hour until there’s no more goddamn wiggling branches”, pacing in a little circle, “and the story is that Phantom could smell the fungus stuff and showed up, one Danny Fenton gave the ghost the low down and Phantom agreed to take her home to rest and continue with the vomiting away from the highly ecto-contaminated kid who could absolutely get sick from her”, giving them a thumbs up, “cool?”.
They exchange glances before shrugging at him. Tucker smiling, “it’s your plan, man”, looking around the bathroom, “obviously this needs to be cleaned more”, holding up a blowtorch, he does get her suit deactivated too.
Danny nodding, changing into his ghost form and slipping on the longest gloves they had in the kit. Touching her in ghost form wasn’t his greatest idea but there wasn’t much else he could do. Sam using some of the bigger bandaging to ‘wrap’ Val up for easy transport and less chance of her touching him. Him grabbing her up immediately after and phasing up through the roof and off to her house.
Damon looks worriedly from Val, who’s now more or less resting on the bed, to Phantom, who feels very awkward. “Okay, so when she wakes up, which she will, you need to get her to vomit. There’s gonna be moving white branch things, don’t freak but she needs to get all of that out of her system”.
Damon nods, opens and closes his mouth a few times before figuring out what he wants to actually say, “alright, okay, how did she even get this moxo thing? A ghost sickness?”.
Phantom rubs his neck, “her suit. It’s ectoplasm powered, it runs on ectoplasm and ecto-energy just like all ghosts do. That got infected and that is basically part of every part of her body”, frowning, “if she was a ghost and every part of her was ecto then she’d already be past the point of help”.
Damon rubs her shoulder as she twitches spastically, “will she be fine?”.
“If you make sure she keeps getting that stuff out of her then yeah, she’ll be fine. The Fenton boy recognised her symptoms and got an antler clipped off before it could actually properly take root in her. I got her suit cleaned off later, she’s not perfect but it’ll work. She’s still human so she’s not really at risk”.
“Are you sure”; that’s not a question.
Danny nods strongly, “absolutely”. The father seems to accept this, moving a bucket near her and looking to settle down to keep watch over her.
(Danny is thankfully right. Val showing back up in a few days, basically thanking Danny for the solid save, it was awkward but appreciated. Damon’s and Val’s opinions of Phantom also went up a few notches. Val wanted absolutely nothing to do with any kind of anything with white branches afterwords, reasonable. Her practically demanding an in-depth explanation from Danny Fenton about the moxowasp fungus; Danny was slightly amazed to make it through that conversation without a slip up. Danny was also completely and utterly amazed that she somehow did not actually get him sick; score one for emergency hand removal and weird halfa genetics and being over powered).
Prompts: Valerie is feeling ill, but this is no human sickness. Ghostly Cordyceps
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So.. I'm apologizing in advance bc there are a lot I wanna see... Uhm... Here's my list?? Ofc you don't have to do all of them!^^ and any that you do wind up doing take ur time ofc ofc:)
22. Forced to watch
14. Gasping for air
11. Infection
6. Left to bleed
15. Poison
17. Accident
18. Isolation
25. Failed rescue
26. Self-inflicted
32. Begging
30. Dangerous temperatures
38. Hole
39. Speechless
40. Change
I will write more of these prompts but I finished this one and wanted to get it to you!
So this probably isn’t exactly what you meant with self inflicted but I took it literally and ran.
Another another different scenario for No Fun in Fungus
26. Self-inflicted
After Leo is done hacking up a lung from the spores that invaded his airway, he grabs Donnie’s inhaler.
He was right next to him, he couldn’t be far, right?
Leo stands up, movement burdened by his recent fragility. His brothers were probably going to be mad about it afterwards but this is a special circumstance.
He soon sees a shadow in the middle of all the haze. It’s large, so he assumes it must be Raph. Moving forward and seeing the outline of a spiky arm only solidifies the idea in his mind.
“Hey! Raph! Is Donnie with you?”
Suddenly the form is clear.
Too clear.
It’s him.
Future him.
He’s holding Donnie in his arms.
His Donnie.
He’s still.
Too still.
“Wh…..what….what is this…?”
Future him turns, glaring at him with pure, uncut hatred he hasn’t seen since Shredder.
“This? This is our brother. You didn’t get to him in time. We never do.”
Leo takes a shaky step back.
“You’re dead. You can’t be here. D-Donnie can’t be….I’m….I’m still sleep. I have to be.”
Future Leo walks closer.
“The only nightmare is the one we keep living in. No matter what disaster you prevent, the fires you put out, this still happens.”
Leo grips the inhaler extremely tight.
“No! I don’t know what’s happening but….but this isn’t it!”
Future Leo basically shoves Donnie’s body towards Leo.
“YOU LOOK! LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID! What you do! What you always do! You fail. Over and over again.”
Leo’s breathing grows heavy and shaky. He can’t stop looking at Donnie’s face. There’s tear marks and bruises on his neck.
Like there were hands there…..
He choked.
He suffocated.
Leo screams and manages to turn away. Future Leo grabs his face to keep making him look.
“You can try to squirm out of it, but you will never be able to run. You have to learn like that I did. You can’t save any of them. You have to use them for the greater good.”
Leo stops screaming.
“What greater good!? Like how you let Mikey shatter into pieces!?”
“It was the only reason you defeated the Kraang! The only reason Casey is alive!”
“HE IS OUR BABY BROTHER!” Leo sobs, turning the inhaler into a sword.
“He WAS!”
“Just like Donnie WAS!”
Leo grips the weapon tightly, fingers bleeding onto it the harder he does.
“I won’t be you. I won’t!”
“You become me. You always will. There is no escape.”
“Not if I don’t have a future in the first place!” Leo holds the sword to his neck.
Donnie’s body is suddenly forgotten about as future Leo grabs the sword in an attempt to stop him. He uses the prosthetic arm to do it which makes Leo angrier.
Leo manages to bring it harder against his skin. His neck bleeds this time. Why won’t he let him do this!? It’s not like it affects his timeline! It’s a different one!
Does he just want him to suffer like he does!?
“Leo!” Future Leo yells.
“Leo, it’s not real!” Raph yells.
Leo blinks several time.
But he was just….
“I-I’m so sorry.”
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scraemoo · 4 months
pondering how the Watcher even had access to the federation technology. did it use to work with them? did ElQ gave the Watcher access? is it a tech nerd? if the Watcher is connected to the shadow virus, did it use the virus as a hacking thing? perhaps it's an artificial intelliegence fungus??
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Blurb of rise boys with a gamer s/o?(:
My first non-Yan post in a while-
Tw: none.
Rhombus of Lady Gaga’s Nose:
I think all the boys like to play some form of video games- especially since they have like an arcade type room within their lair. I would say he likes to join you, as long as they aren’t the too violent ones- he’s a softie. Definitely loves playing Mario games with peach in them-
Lady of the Toe Fungus:
He likes to join sometimes, and when he does, he is a BITCH. He will try everything and anything to piss you off, especially if it isn’t a team game. Mario party? Literal hell- if he ever loses, he’ll definitely call for a rematch right away. He will not stop until he wins, which isn’t the hardest for him.
Diminuendo your Fucking Voice:
Bro literally has gotten addicted to games before, so it’s no surprise that he uses gaming as like a date type thing. He definitely likes to play ones where there’s other people so he can piss them off by hacking or some other coding shit. As someone who does computer code, he probably tries to make games for you to play tbh- (Mikey helps with graphics)
Merengue Pie but Watery:
I think he plays the least amount of video games from what I see. If isn’t joining you, then he’s probably watching while drawing or some other hobby. At times he likes to observe the graphics and the art style of the game. When he plays video games with you, he’ll at first be super nice before suddenly pulling the betrayal card cuz he’s a little demon-
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morningbloodystar · 7 months
ok so remember me? set up your account for you while on a coffee binge, sometimes hacks into it and makes your tags ✨dadifer, and calls you my bby boy?
can you adopt me please? pros include loads of heart emojis and spicy food magicked to you
cons include another insane gremlin you're responsible for
you up for the challenge, bby boy dadifer?
have hearts 💕💕💕 as a down payment
Right, I'm quite sure it's impossible to forget the ever-present calamity like the one you are, Ro. You're like a fungus. You never disappear.
Regardless - adopting you, you say?
.....I don't mind. But - and I mean this - you pay for your own coffee, because bloody Hell, love, you'll make me go broke.
And you don't call me baby boy. Or Dadifer. Or anything other than my name, thank you very much. Dad is the only exception.
But, yes, I do need to check with @chloe-decker-lapd.
Have a few hearts back - you don't need to put down a down payment, love, you're not buying a house 🫀🫀🫀
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ash-and-starlight · 4 months
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that its likely not your fault with the monstera. Propagation is extremely difficult, especially in water. It all comes down to luck of the draw in the end. Could be the host plant had an underlying issue and the cutting couldn't hack it. I find I have a lot more luck with soil propagation than hydroponic but if you try again with a monstera, I'd get some neem oil to keep on hand. Fungus gnats love the conditions monsteras need to thrive and they're as annoying as fruit flies
aaa ty for this i think im gonna stick to just propagating pothos for now lol, i still have no clue what went worng bc the cuttings had no problems with starting to sprout new roots but. the leaves were just spotted brown and shriveled anyway 🫡 and ty for the neem oil advice!! i had it already against fruit flies i'll keep it ready to use in case of fungus gnats too
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