#Asian Food Store Online
hiyouuk · 6 months
The Rise of Asian Supermarkets in the UK
There is a new wave in the UK and everywhere else in the world – an increase in the popularity of Asian cuisines.  Some people are taking these dishes to stay in touch with their culture. Others just want to have a feel of what these sumptuous and nutritious dishes have to offer.
For the best dishes, you must use the right ingredients and cutlery. The rise in demand for Asian food has, therefore, led to an increase in the demand for a reputable Asian Supermarket in the UK. Fortunately, you shouldn’t struggle to source authentic Asian ingredients anymore – you can conveniently get them at HiYou.
So, why are Asian supermarkets becoming so popular in the UK? Here are the top reasons these supermarkets are becoming everyone’s favourite:-
Availability of Authentic Asian Ingredients/Groceries
Do you want to prepare that tasty Asian dish you enjoyed when young? The only way to ensure you have a genuine dish is to source authentic Asian sauces and condiments for the bold flavors you’re yearning for. Grocery stores that claim they have alternatives aren’t telling you the truth. Dishes prepared using these alternatives won’t just have the taste you want.
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More people are now aware that only authentic Asian ingredients can be used to prepare genuine Asian dishes. If you also want those trusted sauces and condiments, make HiYou your preferred shopping destination. Here, you’ll find the best Baijia Sesame Paste Spicy Seasoning, Chuan Bao Soybean Paste Chajang Sauce, and Dek Som Boon Soy Sauce Gluten Free among others.
The tasty Asian rice and noodles are also fast becoming people’s favourites. You can have different types of those in Asian supermarkets – specialty, sushi, and mixed grain rice for you. Lovers of ramen and soba aren’t left behind. Examples of the specific brands you can conveniently purchase at HiYou include:
Chunsi Shandong Ramen Noodle
Sau Tao Pumpkin Sliced Noodle
Formosa Yay Ten Grain Brown Rice
CheilJedang Cooked Glutinous Rice with Mixed Grain
Your Store with Top-Quality Asian Fresh Produce
When it comes to fruits and vegetables, you want them fresh, right? That’s what you get when you shop from the best Asian supermarkets around. Whether you want onions, garlic, lemon, carrots, red pepper, okra, or all of them, you’ll find them fresh in a reputable Asian supermarket.
Another area where these supermarkets do well is seafood. They are available in large quantities, and they are fresh. The lovers of tilapia, mackerel, shrimps, crab, octopus, cuttlefish, squid, and prawns among others are always sorted.
A Business Model Designed to Offer Convenience
Asian supermarkets replicate what they’ve always done – bringing convenience to Asian grocery shoppers in the UK. If you decide to go for in-store shopping, you’ll feel the grocery store environment is designed to make you comfortable. For instance, all the groceries you need are neatly arranged on the shelves with their prices attached. So, you can compare prices before you pick your items.
Are you busy, and do you still need your fresh Asian groceries fast? You can shop from your favourite Asian Food Store Online. Pick the items you require, make your payment, and choose the most convenient delivery time. You’re sure you’ll get your groceries from the comfort of your home when and as you want them.
Still, the Asian supermarkets have attractive promotions for shoppers. For example, you enjoy periodic discounts on select items. Check available offers and enjoy.
Embrace Asian Supermarket Shopping
Asian supermarkets are becoming the go-to destination for grocery shoppers in the UK. The stores have a wide range of authentic Asian ingredients and fresh produce. They also have great offers in addition to providing a convenient shopping experience. Choose Hi You for the best Asian groceries.
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six-of-ravens · 10 months
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NVM I got so mad I put PANTS on and went to walmart and. if this works I won't be mad.
(also feat. skittles which are my reward for braving walmart. usually it's beef jerky but I couldn't find any.)
(also also, you can tell I was mad bc I walked to the nearby-but-shitty walmart for this instead of waiting until nighttime when the Good Walmart would not be too busy. it's a horrible experience, they tried to shove a whole walmart superstore into an old, small, dark building and it increases the liminal walmart experience to an almost unbearable level. however. i am SO TIRED OF SNEEZING AND MOUTH BREATHING.)
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groceryonlineuae · 5 months
World of Online Baby Care Products Shopping in UAE 
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In the fast-paced and dynamic landscape of the United Arab Emirates, where time is a precious commodity, the convenience of online shopping has become an integral part of modern living. For parents, the ease of acquiring essential baby care products without leaving the comfort of their homes is a game-changer. Let’s delve into the various aspects of online baby care product shopping in the UAE, covering both the pros and cons. Additionally, we'll shine a spotlight on the significant advantage of free home delivery and the different types available. 
Convenience at Your Fingertips: The online marketplace is a 24/7 haven for parents. Whether it's the early hours of the morning or a late-night parenting session, the ability to browse and purchase baby care products at any time offers unparalleled convenience. No need to venture out to the grocery store nearby – everything you need is just a click away. 
Extensive Product Range: Online platforms boast a virtual cornucopia of baby care products. From diapers in various sizes to a diverse array of baby food options, the choices are abundant. This extensive range provides parents with the freedom to explore and select products that perfectly align with their preferences and requirements. 
Time Efficiency: The hustle and bustle of daily life leave little room for unnecessary delays. Online shopping eliminates the need for physical travel, parking hassles, and waiting in long queues. It's a time-efficient solution that allows parents to focus more on quality time with their little ones. 
Product Reviews and Ratings: The online space provides a valuable platform for customers to share their experiences through reviews and ratings. Parents can leverage this information to make informed decisions, ensuring the quality and suitability of the chosen baby care products. 
Cons of Online Shopping: 
Inability to Inspect Products: A drawback of online shopping is the absence of a hands-on experience. Parents may miss the tactile satisfaction of evaluating the texture of baby diapers or examining the packaging of baby food before making a purchase. 
Delivery Delays: While online platforms strive for swift deliveries, unforeseen circumstances may lead to delays. This could be inconvenient, especially when parents urgently require baby care essentials. 
Shipping Costs: Some online platforms may impose shipping fees, impacting the overall cost of the purchase. It's essential for parents to factor in these costs when evaluating the convenience of online shopping. 
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Free Home Delivery Options: 
Standard Free Delivery: Many online platforms offer standard free delivery on orders that meet a specified minimum purchase amount. This not only encourages bulk buying but also provides an affordable option for parents to get their baby care products without incurring additional costs. 
Subscription Services: To further streamline the shopping experience, some online stores provide subscription services. Parents can sign up for regular deliveries of baby care essentials, ensuring a steady supply. Often, such subscription services include free grocery home delivery as part of the package. 
Promotional Free Delivery: Savvy shoppers keep an eye out for promotional periods where online stores may offer free home delivery as part of special deals or discounts. This presents a golden opportunity to save on shipping costs while stocking up on baby care products. 
In the ever-evolving landscape of baby care product shopping in the UAE, online platforms emerge as a beacon of convenience. The advantages of a diverse product range, time efficiency, and the added benefit of free home delivery make online shopping an attractive option for parents. However, it's crucial to be aware of potential drawbacks such as the inability to physically inspect products and occasional delivery delays. 
As you navigate the online realm of baby care product shopping, consider leveraging the various types of free home delivery options available. Whether through standard free delivery, subscription services, or promotional offers, these options add an extra layer of convenience to your parenting journey. Embrace the digital era, and make the most of the evolving landscape of online baby care product shopping in the UAE. 
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softjjong · 1 year
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hvacservicesdubai · 1 year
all ramen noodles
Korean ramen halal new items in UAE Dubai for the first time one of the best Korean spicy halal noodles in MENA now in UAE in the Korean grocery store family mart supermarket
DAEBAK is the name of the noodle's ramen brand. and the spicy levers are different. starting from the ghost pepper spicy chili daebak ramen with 2 flavors Korean ramen cup noodles and pouch.
1- spicy chicken ghost pepper daebak ramen 2- cheese spicy chicken ghost pepper daebak ramen
and the 2d s[picy ramen daebak level is the habanero spicy chili are 2 flavours only cup type as far as now 1- kimchi soup habanero daebak ramen 2- spicy chicken habanero daebak ramen
the normal or the original daebak halal Korean ramen are 5 flavors pouch type only as far as now.
1- daebak spicy mushroom flavor. 2- daebak jjampong seafood flavor. 3- daebak kimchi flavor. 4- daebak rabokki flavor. 5- daebak seaweed meyukgug flavor.
not spicy and it tastes so good it has the real taste of the Korean food tastes that each noodle is made with. REFER TO THIS WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.familyk.ae
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caesar-valles · 1 year
How To Identify Fake Vs Genuine Branded Asian Food Products
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Authentic Asian food brands are becoming increasingly popular in the western world, with many shoppers opting for these products over more traditional European or American brands. Unfortunately, there is a growing problem of fake food brands being sold on the market. 
These days, we live in a world of counterfeit goods, from handbags and cosmetics to phones and electronics. Unfortunately, knock-off Asian food items are no exception. As these fraudulent goods become increasingly difficult to identify without an expert eye or extensive research, consumers around the world need to know how to properly differentiate between genuine and food fraud products.
In this article, we will discuss how you can recognize the difference between fake and genuine so that you can make an informed decision before buying anything. We'll explain some key tips on how to stay aware of potential fakes while online shopping or in your local store. 
Check for authentic labels and packaging
One of the first things to look for when determining the authenticity of Asian food brands is the label and packaging. Genuine brands will have accurate labels with all the necessary information, such as ingredients, usage directions, manufacturing dates, etc. Imitation products may have inaccurate or missing labels, or they may be printed on low-quality paper or materials. When in doubt, always double-check the label against an online source or contact the manufacturer directly. In addition, anti-counterfeit labels may also be present on genuine products.
Look for quality ingredients
Another way to spot fake brands is by looking at the ingredients list. Genuine usually contains high quality ingredients that are sourced from reputable supply chains. Fake products may contain bad ingredients that are not as nutritious or flavorful. 
Reading the ingredients list carefully can help you make sure that you’re getting the real deal.  Additionally, plant-based or vegan versions of Asian foods may also be available for those who are looking for healthier options.
Avoid unfamiliar brands
If you come across a brand of Asian food that you’ve never heard of before, it’s best to be cautious and avoid buying them. It could be a genuine product, but there’s also a chance that it could be counterfeit. Stick with brand names that have been around for many years and have a good reputation in the industry.
Examine the price 
Fake Southeast Asian food products are usually sold at a much lower price than genuine ones. While there may be some legitimate deals out there, always check the price against other retailers to make sure that it’s not too good to be true. 
Ice cream, fly by jing , and frozen meals are some of the most common items that are counterfeited. Be sure to compare prices before buying any of these items. If you find an unusually low-priced item, it could be a sign that it’s counterfeit. Furthermore, small batches of genuine products may be sold at a discount, but keep an eye out for any suspiciously low prices.
Buy from reputable stores 
To ensure that you’re getting genuine products is to only buy from reputable grocery stores and websites. Make sure to read customer reviews before making any purchases and avoid buying from unknown sources. Asian, American, or international stores are all possible sources of genuine products.
In summary, it’s important to be aware of the differences between genuine and fake branded Asian food products so that you can make an informed decision before buying anything. By following these tips, you can be sure that you’re getting the real deal and not a counterfeit product.
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buddy-basket · 2 years
Are you munching on having some crispy and crunchy delights meal? Then try out some South Indian dishes like Sambar, Dosa & Nariyal chutney. You will experience a brilliant blend of South Indian flavors. To make them, hereby sharing a simple and easy-to-make recipe for south Indian cuisine. If you find difficulty in finding the ingredients in Canada for sambar, dosa, or chutney mentioned below then you can buy them online from Buddy Basket. It is a popular south asian grocery in Canada.
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atinystraynstay · 5 months
Different Sides - Kim Seokjin
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Synopsis: To Seokjin, the world was his to claim. He could care less about the differences that were meant to keep people separated or the physical miles that made the distance. Especially when it comes to you, he was ready to give your relationship his all.
Pairing: Kim Seokjin x reader
Genre: Fluffffff, strangers to lovers high-key missing Seokjin hours 💜
Word Count: 2.5k
Kim Seokjin has always been curious about the world around him. He believed everywhere told a story. And instead of reading about it, he wanted to just experience it for himself.
While Jin was exploring the world outside of Korea, he knew that he always had to find Korean food wherever he goes. Whether it was at a restaurant or finding ingredients at home, he was determined to get a little piece of home wherever he goes. On this particular trip, he wondered into an Asian grocery store. He never knew places like this existed, but he was overjoyed.
That afternoon, you found yourself venturing to the Asian grocery store. You were inspired by a video you saw online of a person making a stew, which you figured would be perfect for a cold, rainy night.
With a list of ingredients typed onto your phone, you began to stroll through the aisles for everything you needed. You were pretty confident looking through the produce aisles. Potatoes, onions, green chili. Where you struggled is one you got to the spices.
You frequently glanced between the English typed on your phone with the Hangul on the printed labels. Maybe you could just grab what looked like it was used in the video? But the problem was also that many of the ingredients looked alike. Your eyes glanced around you to see if an employee could help you but there was no one in sight.
Jin was around though. He wanted to make naengmyeon, a craving he had since he landed in the United States. He was able to pick up most of the ingredients pretty easily, but he was having a hard time locating the actual noodle packets for it.
That's when he spotted you. You were staring up at the expansive shelves of spices, eyes bouncing around. He took note of the freckles that decorates your cheeks and the few moles that kissed your jawline. Your eyebrows were slightly scrunched which he found adorable.
Slowly, as to not startle you, he made his way over to you. His packet of ingredients rested on his forearm.
"You seem like you might need some help? May I?"
Jin silently thanked his parents and the universe for allowing him to study abroad when he was in his youth. He had gotten pretty good at being able to read English. He was just trying to work on speaking it without additional assistance, especially since he was traveling on his own. You looked up, relief washing over your face. Jin was mesmerized by the color of your eyes. He couldn't quite describing them but he found them enchanting. They were such a unique color, almost as if it was a color made just for you. He noticed your eyebrows relaxed as you eased down from your tiptoes.
"Please? I thought I was doing a good job at writing all the ingredients down, but I forgot about the part of the bottles being in a different language."
He chuckled lightly at you. Not because he was amused by your struggle, but he just found your adorable. He also loved that you thought you had to justify yourself to him, but there was no need. It was fate by the universe for you two to cross paths like this.
Jin held out his free hand, motioning for your phone. He gladly took your device and began to scroll through. He was able to easily pick up the exact spices you needed. It also worked out in his favor seeing as he could easily reach them from his height. With ease, he grabbed the remaining spices you needed before setting them down in your basket. "You know, there is one thing you're missing from your list." To your surprise, you raised an eyebrow. You figured that this stranger must know what they are talking about. Just eyeing his own basket, he seemed to know his way around the kitchen, so surely he could put two and two together to figure out what you were making. "What am I missing? Is there a secret ingredient to make it better?" You laughed. "Yeah, you're missing my number. Every good meal needs good company."
You weren't the type of person to invite someone over spontaneously, let alone someone you just met a few hours ago. Yet, there was something about Jin that was different. After the interaction at the grocery store, you craved being around him.
Your eyes bounced around your studio apartment. You wanted to make sure everything was set up appropriately. Was it too casual? You had floor lamps on rather than the harsh overhead light in the main part of the room. There also were three candles of different heights lit on your kitchen table. Was it too romantic?
All the ingredients were laid out on the kitchen island, ready to be prepared. Jin insisted that you two cook together. "I just want to make sure you do it correctly," he teased you in the grocery store. If it meant that you could to spend time with him, you weren't complaining.
Knock knock knock
"Shit," you murmured underneath your breath. You didn't get the chance to second-guess yourself. Your heart pounding almost to the same beat at Jin knocking on the door. How could a stranger make you so nervous so easily?
"Coming! Just give me a second," you called out. You walked over towards the front of your apartment while your hands got busy at smoothing out your clothes. You wore a pair of ripped jeans and a grey sweatshirt with the hands rolled up to the elbows since you two were cooking. You had your hair half pulled back by a claw clip, showing off the gold earrings you might've stolen from your sibling.
Before you answered the door, you looked at your reflection in the mirror. You made sure your makeup, while light, was not smudged. You gave yourself a quick smile, wanting to make sure you had nothing stuck in your teeth. Your hands were trembling with excitement.
Satisfied with your appearance, you walked fully to the door. You unlocked the top lock before opening it up. You gasped softly to be presented first with a bouquet of flowers, Jin smiling sheepishly.
"Really hope you're not allergic," he joked. You giggled before shaking your head, gladly taking the flowers into your arms. "Not trying to take this date to the hospital."
"I'm sure you could even make a trip to the hospital fun," you teased. You stepped aside to allow Jin into your apartment. He smiled as he crossed the threshold, watching as he shrugged off the jacket he was wearing. Holy fuck. His back and shoulder muscles are impressive.
Seokjin could feel his eyes on him, causing him to smirk. He glanced over at you from over his shoulder. "Like what you see?" As if to make things worse, he rolled his sleeves up to his elbows now that jacket has been discarded. You just couldn't take your eyes off of him, and he knew that.
Your cheeks quickly gained a red hue. You wanted to apologize, not wanting to be rude. However, hearing his laughter as he proceeded to head towards your kitchen gave you some relief. While at the same time, your stomach was warm and fuzzy from hearing him. He really was something.
"Are you coming, sweet girl? Every great chef needs their sous-chef."
Making dinner quickly became the thing you two did. Whether it was for one another or together, the two of you were always in the kitchen. It was your favorite way of showing your love to someone. Jin was just content to be wherever you were.
That day in the grocery store turned into your first date of many. Throughout Jin's visit to America, he made frequent visits to your apartment with bags filled with groceries. Your apartment became filled with delicious smells, infectious laughter, and the sound of you two making out.
You couldn't believe how quickly things have escalated between the two of you. Yet, it felt like you two have known each other this whole time. He understood you in ways nobody else has even tried to comprehend before. And you were so curious about him - from his wit to his kind heart.
The months of Jin's stay were quickly dwindling down to a few weeks. And now, there were only a few days.
Everyone said the two of you would never work out. Your friends were concerned that the distance would be too much for you two to endure. Your parents were not the biggest fans of him considering they only had met him once.
Yet, their voices were all white noise to you. The only person that mattered when it came to your relationship was Kim Seokjin. Every day, he made it his mission to make it known how committed he was to you. He knew long distance relationships could be a source of anxiety, especially when it comes to unknowns.
There was nothing more that he was certain about than how he feels about you. The two of you met when Seokjin was on a solo trip. Since studying abroad in his youth, he was fascinated with the world around him. That is why he was so inspired to take up English, so he could be more connected with the world.
At the moment, you were both lying on your couch. Jin's back was against the arm of the couch, so you could rest comfortably against his back. One of his arms was wrapped around your body, keeping you close. Your other hand was playing with his free hand. You were comparing your hand sizes, seeing as he was much larger than your own. You would spread your fingers and he would mimick, adding to your amusement. In reality, it was serving as a distraction from what you really wanted to do.
"Alright, I've known you for about two months now. Something is going on in that pretty little head of yours,'' Jin commented.
He lifted his head off of your chin, so he could look at you properly. You often got quiet when you had something on your mind, something that you were going back and forth about confessing. Your eyebrows would furrow the slightest bit. You always thought you were slick about it, but he could see right through you.
"Come on, talk to me."
Jin offered a gentle smile. He was ready to listen to whatever was troubling your mind. You felt so comfortable around him.
"What are we doing, Jin?"
He furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head in confusion. "Right now, we're laying on your couch. We might cook, or if you want to just order in, you can show me your favorite restaurant. I won't get jealous because know I'm your favorite chef though," he smirked.
Normally, his humor helped lift the mood but not this time. Not when there were so many scenarios playing out in your mind at this exact moment.
"No, I mean, what are we doing? What is this between us?"
Jin sat up a bit straighter, but he didn't loosen his hold on you. His smirk did disappear though and furrowed eyebrows. He was providing all the space possible to allow you to elaborate.
Sure, he's thought about it. He was also curious as to what you two were heading toward, or what you could call yourselves. He's never felt a connection as intensely as whatever it is you two had. But he was aware that time was no longer on their side, and it was time to explore what life was outside of the bubble you two created.
If only he could freeze time before it all burst.
"Y/n, angel, I'm not sure."
You frowned at his words, trying your best not to fall apart in front of him. It could have just been a summer romance to him, nothing more and nothing less. You couldn't help but get your hopes up though.
"We have something special," he reaffirmed. "And I know that things are going to be different once I head back to Korea. I guess I'm not sure where things are heading because everyone has tried telling us that it's not going to work between you and I. But I want to prove them wrong." "So why don't we? Why don't we give it a try? Who says that it has to end the moment we say goodbye at the airport?" "What if instead of 'goodbye', we just say 'see you later'?" He offered.
If there was one thing about Kim Seokjin, he was a determined man. Whatever he wanted, he practically got.
However, Jin was skilled at making sure you never felt pressured to say yes to him. He was just happy to be in the same room as you. But, little did he know, it was so easy to say yes to him. You'd say a million times as long as it brought that charming smile of his.
Two years later
"I don't thnk anyone in this room would have thought we'd be here today," your best friend spoke into the microphone.
You couldn't help but groan a bit in embarrassment, turning your head to hide in Jin's shoulder. His laughter rumbled from his chest, vibrating throughout you which made your heart flutter with excitement. He had such an effect over you.
His lips gently pressed to your head, an arm around your petite body. He couldn't help himself but run his finger over the white lace that covered your body. He just loved the feeling of the material underneath his fingertips.
What he loved more was the fact it was you sitting beside you. You wore a gorgeous white dress that looked custom-made for him. Truthfully, you could have walked down the aisle in a sack and he'd still be mesmerized by you.
"Seriously though. Their love story is one that you read about in romance novels, the ones where everything good happens. But they proved that impossible can be possible."
You lifted your head off of Jin's shoulder to look up at him. Every struggle was worth it knowing he was yours forever and always. After trying to battle canceled flights, time differences, and missed calls - you two made it. You defied the odds to get to this moment where you two are officially Mr. and Mrs. Kim Seokjin.
"I love you, Mrs. Kim,' he whispered. "And I love you, my handsome Mr. Kim," you giggled.
He grinned wide before pressing his lips to yours lingeringly. You lost count of how many times he kissed you tonight, but he just couldn't get enough of the feeling of it. The way your lips felt against his, how soft they were - how each kiss felt like the first kiss.
He was devoted to you and you were devoted him. Now, you just proved everyone wrong with what you two knew this whole time.
There was nobody else for you but Kim Seokjin.
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desertdollranch · 9 months
As 'Barbie' becomes the only billion-dollar blockbuster solely directed by a woman, one doll maker in the Bay Area is hoping to break barriers of her own.
When 3-year-old Jillian Mak asked for her first doll last year, her mom, Elenor Mak, couldn't wait to get her one.
But her excitement turned to disappointment the moment she set foot in the store. 
"There were rows and rows of Caucasian dolls [with] blond hair and blue eyes," she said. "And then, on the very side, there were these ethnic characters that looked ambiguously Asian, Latina. You just weren't sure."
She ended up buying the closest thing she could find, a doll with big green eyes and dark brown hair. But the idea that in 2022 she couldn't find a single accurate Asian American doll, in San Francisco of all places, was hard to wrap her mind around. 
"Dolls are not just a toy that's in passing," she explained. It's the child's first imaginary friend. It's the child trying to make sense of the world."
That's when Elenor Mak decided to do something about it. She started by doing an online search for "How to make a doll?"  
Then, she searched for an Asian toy maker. For the next few months, they researched everything from eye shape to skin tones to hair color.  
"We would go out in the sun and look at our black hair and compare it to these samples," she said. 
While there were a few Asian American dolls by big-name companies like American Girl, she thought they were "too stereotypical."
"We talk about how she loves sports," she said. "It's not a traditional association."
She named her doll Jilly Bing — Jilly for her daughter's nickname, and Bing is the Chinese word for cookie. One of Jilly's accessories is a hat that flips into an egg tart.
"We wanted kids to have fun and delight in learning about different Asian foods," she said.
Maria Teresa Hart, the author of the book 'Doll,' said being able to see yourself in them is critical. 
"We have all of our feelings and assumptions about society are all contained in these toys and children are smart they do pick up on that" she said. "They may not be able to articulate it as well as we can, but they do understand what is being shown to them."
Elenor Mak is now planning a whole cast of "lovable characters" she said will reflect the entire Asian American experience, including bi-racial dolls. 
Jilly Bing, which sells for $68 online, seems to have struck a chord, the dolls began shipping on Aug. 1, with hundreds of pre-orders. 
But the only customer that really matters is the one living in her house. 
When asked what she loved most about Jilly Bing, 3-year-old Jillian exclaimed: "Everything!"
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najia-cooks · 9 months
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[ID: A large bowl filled with rice noodles, julienned carrot and cucumber, piles of herbs, and grilled 'chicken' strips; a bowl of sauce with minced chili and garlic is to the side. End ID]
Bún sườn nướng chay (Vietnamese rice noodle salad)
This is a vegetarian ("chay") version of bún gà nướng, a Vietnamese rice noodle ("bún") salad with grilled chicken ("gà nướng"). Chewy rice noodles, fresh vegetables and herbs, and a tangy, slightly spicy sauce combine with grilled or pan-seared 'chicken' to create a rich, flavorful, well-rounded dish. A marinade of lemongrass, sugar, garlic, and vegetarian fish sauce caramelizes around the 'chicken' as it sears, creating a sweet-and-savory crispy coating that perfectly complements the bright, herbacious salad. This dish can be made with Vietnamese sườn non chay, or with any meat substitute you have on hand.
Recipe under the cut!
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Serves 4.
For the nước chấm (dipping sauce):
1/2 cup water
Juice of 1 lime (2 Tbsp)
2 Tbsp rice vinegar
1/4 cup vegan fish sauce
3 Tbsp sugar
1 red chili (de-seeded and sliced)
3 cloves garlic, minced
Fish sauce doesn’t take “like” fish, merely fermented and intensely salty. You can buy a bottle of ready-made vegan fish sauce from a Southeast Asian brand such as Au Lac, or you can make your own by combining the following ingredients:
For the vegan fish sauce (nước mắm):
3 Tbsp liquid from a jar of fermented bean curd
1 Tbsp white miso paste
1 Tbsp light soy sauce
1/4 tsp salt
For the chicken (gà):
300g vegan chicken substitute (I used Gardein), or 100g sườn non chay
2 cloves garlic
1 stalk lemongrass (or substitute lemon zest or a bit of preserved lemon pulp)
Juice of 1 lime (2 Tbsp)
1 Tbsp vegan fish sauce
1 Tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce
1 Tbsp Vietnamese soy sauce
2 tsp vegetarian 'chicken' broth concentrate, or bột nêm chay (optional)
2 Tbsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp neutral oil
Sườn non chay may be found in bags online or at your local Asian grocery–the bags will be labelled “sườn non chay” as well as “vegan meat slice,” “textured soy bean protein,” “vegetarian food,” or “vegan food.”
Bột nêm is a Vietnamese seasoning sold in powder or granule form. Vegetarian (“chay”) versions of the seasoning may contain shiitake mushroom, lotus seeds, carrots, tomatoes, and kohlrabi, as well as salt and MSG. It can be purchased in pouches or boxes from an Asian grocery store, or you can use any other vegetable stock powder.
For the salad:
300g vermicelli rice noodles
2 cups bean sprouts
1 large carrot (julienned)
1 seedless cucumber (julienned)
6 leaves romaine lettuce (julienned)
1 bunch fresh cilantro
1 bunch fresh rau răm (Vietnamese mint), or mint
2 stalks green onion, sliced
Handful of peanuts
Fresh Vietnamese herbs can be found in the refrigerator section of an Asian grocery store, particularly one that specializes in southeast Asian food. You can also experiment with whatever leafy herbs you have on hand.
For the chicken:
1. (If using sườn non chay:) soak meat slices in cool water until rehydrated. Squeeze out excess water and cut each slice in half along its shortest dimension, to get two blocks of the original height and width.
2. Slice lemongrass. Peel away any tough, dry outer leaves to reveal the yellow-green leaves within. Remove the root end of each stalk, as well as the tough green portion at the top of each stalk (reserve this latter to boil in stocks). Thinly slice the tender yellow portion of each stalk.
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3. Mix all marinade ingredients in a large bowl. Marinate chicken for 20-30 minutes while you prepare the nước chấm and vegetables.
4. Remove the chicken from the bowl, leaving any excess marinade behind. Heat a couple teaspoons of oil on medium in a large pan then sear the chicken, turning once, until deeply golden brown on both sides (or use a charcoal grill). (If using a pan) filter marinade to remove lemongrass slices, then pour extra marinade over the chicken and cook, stirring often, until coated.
5. Cut chicken into strips, or as desired.
For the nước chấm:
1. Mix vinegar, lime juice, fish sauce, sugar, and water in a small saucepan. Heat, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved.
2. Remove from heat and add minced garlic and chili. Pour into a bowl and allow to cool.
For the salad:
1. Boil the vermicelli according to package directions. Drain and rinse with cool water to halt cooking. Toss with a little bit of neutral oil to avoid sticking.
2. Roast peanuts in a dry pan on medium-low, stirring often, until golden brown and fragrant.
3. Julienne carrot, cucumber, and lettuce. Roughly chop herbs.
4. Plate vermicelli followed by vegetables, herbs, chicken, and peanuts. Spoon some nước chấm over the salad and set remainder to the side to serve.
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lxh-arts · 6 months
Biu Kitchen - Snowy Mooncake
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( >◇< )BI~BIU! 🥮
Snowy mooncake:
Osmanthus custard filling
cream cheese 100 g
1 egg
milk 50 g
caster sugar 50 g
cornstarch 15 g
butter 5 g
dried osmanthus flowers, to taste
Candied osmanthus flowers, to taste
*Enough for 6 mooncakes
Snow skin:
Snow skin premix powder 200 g [see TN]
water 200 g
Coloring powder
[TN: snow skin premix powder can be purchased online or from Asian food stores. Recipes are also available online to make your own.]
Coloring powders:
Pumpkin powder /vegetable carbon
strawberry powder/Butterfly pea flowers
matcha powder/cocoa powder
*Choose whatever filling you want
Step 1. Snow skin
Pour boiling water into the snow skin premix powder and mix with spatula until combined.
Tint the dough with the coloring powders and wrap with plastic wrap.
Step 2. Osmanthus custard filling (makes 6 fillings)
Mix together all ingredients except the osmanthus flowers. Transfer to nonstick pan and stir over low heat, then pour into the dried osmanthus flowers and stir until combined.
Divide the custard into portions of about 25 g each. Poke a small indentation into the custard ball and place a small amount of sugar into the indentation to heighten the osmanthus flavor.
Place the fillings into the refrigerator to chill until used.
Step 3. Filling the mooncakes
Enclose 25 g of osmanthus filling in 25 g of yellow-colored snow skin and pinch closed. Shape gently into an oval. Mix a small amount of brown dough.
Use a pastry bag to pipe out Bidiu's eyes and attach them to his face. Use a knife to cut the shapes of Bidiu's mouth and attach them to his face.
Use 15 g of yellow dough to form Bidiu's ears. Attach them to his head with a little water and you're done!
☆ When adding the coloring powder to the dough, you can add a few drops of condensed milk to make the mixing easier.
The cream cheese should be brought to room temperature beforehand.
The prepared mooncakes should be kept refrigerated and consumed within 3 days.
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hiyouuk · 7 months
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Asian Food Haven Online: UK's Top Supermarket
Whether you're preparing traditional family recipes or experimenting with fusion cuisine, our Asian Online Supermarket is here to enhance your culinary adventures. Start shopping today and savor the authentic tastes of Asia in the UK.
Discover an extensive array of authentic Asian groceries, fresh produce, spices, and gourmet products that bring the rich and diverse tastes of Asia to your kitchen.
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
The slur topic is a bit weird tbh, not because people are annoyed about certain terms sounding like or being alike, but because it forgets that certain slurs are particular to a specific place, and not everyone is going to know or even care to research because it has no relevance to them, or is even something that pertains to their social experience. Expecting everyone to adhere to specific rule of not using what is a "slur" in one place probably won't work, because of how different the understanding of language and personal social politics are. If a term has absolutely zero relevance where you live, and it's already tied to a different meaning a/b/o as a term for omegaverse, how should they ever connect the dots, or care to find out that someone from a different culture also uses that words as a slur? Why is a completely unrelated person suddenly guilty of the insults and slurs perpetuated by people of a different culture? And even just the awareness of it or the mind of it. Will people who ask this also respect not using slurs and terms of insults from other cultures? Or is this a thing only expected of people when it comes to anglospheric racially/sexuality/indentity charged insults and slurs? How many people think "colored" is an insult or a slur? In South Africa it's a description for, I quote "multiracial ethnic communities". The other name for the makrut lime, "kefir/kafir/kaffir/cafri" is considered a racial slur against black people in South Africa, yet it's still readily and openly used in recipes, videos, food guides. It also originated in Islam and was used against non-believers. Oriental has a big negative history in the West, and is considered a negative term, and degrading. Yet you can easily find a lot of Asian stores that use that specific term or tag to refer to items produced and sold in the global market. I think a big one is also for other Spanish speakers that the word "negro" for the color black is constantly being pointed at as a slur by people not speaking Spanish, but as a Spanish speaker myself it's literally just a color. Crayola could sing a song about the misunderstandings about their multi lingual labelling of their crayons. I remember a person from the West having a giant tantrum about an online stores url, "BiginJap" ranting about the fact that the "Jap" part, even though the store using it Big in Japan, is a literal japanese store, from Japan, selling Japanese products. Gypsie is considered a slur across a lot of Europe, if not most of it, I still see people argue that because "it's fine here in the US" they don't have to care about it and can just use it, even if they're not part of that group. Who's in the right here? The Roma and Sinti people or Europe? Or the people using the term in the US? I am not saying you can't criticize the use of these words, but I'm saying that to in a way or some form to consider the intent when they're used. To assume the worst, especially when the person does not share your culture, language, or awareness of your culture shows a degree of ignorance and personal cultural-centrism that just won't work on a global scale. You can say "this is a slur where I am" but whatever that means to anyone not part of your culture, is up to them by the end of the day, especially when it's meaning can wary so much.
No, in general, nobody expects anyone to care about anything to do with Australia. That's partly why people are irritated about this one: the difference between what everyone is expected to know about the US vs. Australia.
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groceryonlineuae · 6 months
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awek-s-archived · 1 year
oh muslim friends I found a cool online store that sells other asian snacks and foods and they’re all halal…… in case anybody was looking etc they also regularly post reveals of popular snacks and whether they are/can be halal!!
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samkat10423 · 2 months
Veronaville - sort of
Well, I just got back from a trip to New Orleans and was playing in Twinbrook, but then I saw something online about Veronaville, and figured "Why not?" Now, when I played the Sims 2, I mostly hung out in Pleasantview, with the occasional excursion into Strangetown. Never really did much with Veronaville, because to be truthful I didn't really care for the builds there. So, I am NOT a hardcore Veronaville player. Which is why, I plan on changing things. A lot.
Anyway, there are - to my knowledge - currently 2 versions of Veronaville for the Sims 3, and my personal favorite is the one done by danjaley. Mostly because she has a centralized downtown. She does warn you that hers is a "beta" version, created a long time ago, and that you may have issues.
So, I had planned to steal some lots from Monte Vista to use in this town, but they were all too big. But no matter. I just started editing the ones she had - mostly because I wanted to update the town to use later ep lots. But there wasn't a lot of space. So, what to do.
Today, I decided that since she had used an edited version of Riverview for her town, I'd just open Riverview and plunk her lots down in it - after I got the routing fixes from Mod the Sims. And that's what I did. It took me a week to come to that decision, but oh well.
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This first lot is called Pentameter Parkway. In her town, it's on a much smaller lot, so I made a few tiny changes to her build. In my town, I placed it where the military rabbithole was - a 44x44 lot. (That lot I put out where that crazy Cottneye sim has his bunker). The front of the lot is basically the same as she built it.
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But in the back of the lot, I placed a small, soccer field. I also widened the main building a tad and added some windows to this side. I think her original lot came to where that crosswalk is on the road.
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In her description, she says that this is "a good place for sims to get groceries and mags," so on the one end, I made it into a comic book store. None of this stuff was available when she created her town. Plus, I use CC in my game. Lots of CC.
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In the center of the build, I made a tiny grocery store. I thought about placing the rabbithole rug here, but she also created the Veronaville Market, where she placed the grocery RH. So, this store just has the general store register.
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Then on the end, I got rid of the bathrooms - I put them into that separate building you see in the 1st picture - and instead, made this into a tiny Asian cafe. I got most of the foods from Sandy over on Around the Sims 3. And viola! One lot finished! Go, me!
Then I went into the island part of town.
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This is the bistro lot she created. I did flip the build - mostly because I wanted it to face the street that runs past the city hall. And when I was reconfiguring it a bit, I decided to add that one parking space for the current owner - Antonio Monty. She called it Ristorante Montecci - named after the family who created it. But I figured they all died out and Antonio bought it. If you read his bio, he's having problems keeping it afloat. Sucks to be him.
I also placed a few more lots. But I'll show them to you later. I do want to thank danjaley for all her lovely builds And her commentary on the different lots. A lady after my own heart! She did an amazing job on all of this. I prefer her street and sidewalk surfaces and that she didn't clutter the town with a bunch of streetlights. I had replaced the lights with that one from Monte Vista, but when I switched worlds, I had to delete them. Oh well.
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