#Artemis Fowl books
anna-undaunted · 3 months
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A quick Minerva sketch
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themundanemudperson · 9 months
memes for fowlfest day 1
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Round 2 Poll 7
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Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt, the moon, childbirth etc.
Iris is the Greek goddess of the rainbow. She's the messenger of Olympian gods.
Iris Sagan's stage name, A-set, comes explicitely from the Egyptian pronounciation of Isis.
Isis is the Egyptian goddess who was also worshipped by Romans. She's a healer, a magician and a metamorph and brought her husband back to life.
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abeehiltz1159 · 8 months
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Round 3
Artemis Fowl submission
Charlie submission
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artemis-fowl-angst · 9 months
FowlFest, August 26th: Meme Day
Warning: TLG spoilers
Here’s a quick animatic of some classic memes we all know and love. Excuse the roughness and my inconsistent foaly design.
I’m also happy to say this is the first fowl fest I’m actively participating in, please tell me if I’m doing anything wrong.
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ms-tillus · 1 year
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Artemis and Holly, enjoying some good ol’ winter fun!
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buckethatjedi · 5 months
Artemis Fowl 🫶
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Finished the first book and it gave me art powers because idfk how I just drew this!!
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I’m rereading Artemis Fowl again after like 3 years and I just read the first book(5 stars) and everyone’s talking abt some Alex? I have completely forgotten the books and who he is so can somebody please tell me without too many spoilers? Thank you!
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Botanic Tournament : Main Bracket !
Round 2 Poll E
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(Holly and roses)
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embeanwrites · 1 year
It Was Always Simple (Artemis Fowl/Reader)
A/N: This is a commission for @gifted-burnout! Hope you enjoy! 
It had happened faster than Artemis would like to admit. He liked to be on top of plans, at least three steps ahead of his enemies, but she was always a variable that he couldn’t account for. If he predicted her to go one way, she would without a doubt go the other way. If he took this into account, she would then go the way he had first predicted. It was beyond frustrating, but Artemis was never one to back down from a challenge. 
She preferred to take things head on and recently the pair had been working on a new flood prevention plan for a local city, one that would without a doubt fix the issue of flooding that plagued the city every six months or so, but they had met resistance from, what Artemis had originally deemed to be nothing more than, a shady insurance company that made marks through flood claims. However, as the threats rolled in the two of them quickly realized that this was more than a shady company, it was an intelligent group that laid below many businesses. She had called it the mafia, Artemis told her she needed to watch less TV and get real about the threat. She then said the best way for them to deal with them was to face them head on, show them what they knew, and bust them. He disagreed but offered no other solution. 
One moment the two of them were arguing about the safety of her plan, the next she was storming away when he said no and shut her plan down. It wasn’t anything new, and it especially wasn’t a new argument. 
Leading them too now. 
He preferred to let her cool off, to come back to him on her own terms. He had found this was the best way to essentially “win” their fights, but it had been over two days and he hadn’t heard from her, and he had an undeniably bad feeling about this. He didn’t like this idea that she was going to prove him wrong, it was less about being actually right and was more about if she was safe. He no longer cared about being the bigger person in the argument and he didn’t care how mad she would be over this, he needed to talk to her.  
Sitting in his study, he impatiently fidgeted with his phone, opening, and closing the secure messaging app they normally used to communicate. Their last text messages staring at him, mocking him. He found himself staring at his phone, debating tracking her phone. Was it a breach of trust that she would get upset about? Yes. But he was starting to think it was worth it. 
Turns out, he should’ve done it sooner. 
“For the last time, I don’t know anyone named Artemis, especially a boy. I mean come on isn’t that a girl’s name to begin with. I think your facts may be-” Before she could finish her sentence the man slapped her, the sound echoing around them as she winced from the force. She kept her eyes trained to the side on the dark gray wall, pretending it was the most interesting thing she’d ever seen. She refused to let the stranger see her unwillingly cry from the blow, she would not let them win in any sense if she could. She would not be viewed as weak, especially by some Mafia scum. 
It hadn’t taken more than an hour of scoping out the fake insurance place’s front for her to be found out. So focused on the task at hand, she hadn't noticed the two men until they had already grabbed her and covered her nose and mouth with a sweet smelling cloth. When she woke up, tied down to an uncomfortable metal chair in a musty dark room, she figured it had to have been chloroform. Cowards, they didn’t even give her a fighting chance. Her hands were tied behind her back, her ankles were tied to the legs of her chair, and she couldn’t see for sure, but the chair seemed to be bolted to the ground. She wasn’t going anywhere these guys didn’t want her to and Artemis would have no idea where she was. 
She absolutely hated to think it, let alone admit it, but Artemis was right. Not only about the situation, but about her. She was foolish and she rushed into a situation and now she was paying the price. Knowing him, he would be patiently waiting for her to run back to him and listen to whatever his genius plan would be. She had no way to contact him, and she hadn’t told him what she was doing. Well he’s smart and it probably wouldn’t take him a terribly long time to find her, but how long would it take for him to realize something was wrong? 
At the thought of him waiting for her to return patiently, she pulled at the zip ties on her wrists as if she hadn’t been trying that for the past few hours. Her wrists were already red and raw from the strain, but she barely took note of the pain. 
“You have two choices, the way I see it. Tell me what Artemis Fowl knows about us, and you get to keep your life. Or you keep this ‘undying loyalty,’” He said mockingly, “and wind up in the bottom of some river and that’s the end of your story.” 
The answer was simple, in her mind. She paused for barely two seconds before plastering on what would have been an award winning smile if not for the split lip and bruises marring her face, and spat right in that piece-of-shit mafioso's face. She couldn’t help but laugh as he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back at a painful speed. 
Artemis didn’t like wearing his emotions on his sleeve, he spent his entire childhood learning how to perfect his poker face, to not let his enemies see how he felt. He liked keeping his cards close to his chest, but she had made it increasingly more difficult to do so. The way his heart sounded like it was going to beat out of his chest, the butterflies in his stomach, and the way his mind would grow foggy when she was around, it all determined him even more to not allow their last conversation to be in anger. 
When Artemis had located her phone, which was in an area she had never been and one the two had linked to the fake company he became increasingly more concerned for her wellbeing. Artemis couldn’t allow himself the time to wonder if he was in the wrong. Every second wasted could mean disaster. He had quickly shown Butler all he had discovered, luckily, he didn’t need to go into too much detail before Butler had connected the dots his young charge was laying out and the two of them soon got to work. 
It took them less than half an hour to get ready and to get to her phone’s location and they were immediately met with resistance, and while Artemis normally wanted to take his time, toy with his opponents, and outsmart them, he felt his anger as if it was red hot lead in his veins. He wanted nothing more than to put down the men who had hurt her in order to find her and bring her back to safety. The more time that passed he became increasingly worried for her health and wellbeing. 
Artemis was breathing hard, knuckles bruised and bloody but not as bad as the now unconscious goon lying beneath him. He couldn't feel his split knuckles, his sole focus on finding her, saving her, destroying those that took her, and keeping her from ever recklessly endangering herself again. He vaguely felt Butler’s hand on his shoulder, urging him to keep going. 
The pair launched themselves into the security room as Butler fired a tranquilizer dart at the guard. Artemis quickly stationed himself in front of the many camera screens. He took them in at a speed that was barely human, looking for any sign of her. It took Butler looking to point her out to Artemis. He fought the numb feeling as she was clearly unconscious and strapped to a chair. The blurry camera gave away no clear wounds, but at the very least, Artemis noted, that her chest was falling and rising so she was alive. 
“It’s down the hall and to the right. Cover me and I’ll get her.” Artemis found himself ordering without really thinking about it, but surprisingly Butler didn’t argue with the command. Maybe he recognized just how important she had become to Artemis.
As quietly as the two could, they ran down the hallway, checking corners before they finally hit the door she was behind, Artemis quickly got to work on the lock, letting the simple task allow him to focus on something other than his nerves. 
As the door unlocked and opened, Artemis was immediately met with a heartbreaking sight. It was clear she was still alive, and they had made quick eye contact, so she knew she was saved, but she immediately looked back down and kept her mouth shut, which was very unlike her. 
Artemis quickly got closer and got out a pocket knife, first cutting the zip ties on her ankles that were keeping her pressed to the chair, and then gently cutting the ones on her wrists. She winced as the bonds came off but made no move to leave the chair. Artemis took her face between his hands, brushing her hair out of her face. He took stock of her busted lip and bruised check, he tilted her head one way to confirm there wasn’t something more sinister waiting for him. He tried to get her to make eye contact to check her for a concussion, but before he could ask any follow up questions, she started to cry. 
If this was a few years ago, he wouldn’t know how to respond, he’d probably remove himself from the situation entirely, but his heart ached for her in this moment. He decided that waiting there for more guards to come or anything would just further traumatize her, so his best move was to remove her from the situation completely. Even though he would do anything in this moment to end their entire organization now. Slowly, so as not to spook her, he gently gathered her into his arms and picked her up bridal style. He was worried at first that she’d try to fight back, saying she can walk on her own, but instead her head laid on his shoulder and her arms wrapped around his neck. He knew his own face must’ve been burning with embarrassment, but he was just happy to have her back. 
“Butler, are we clear to leave?” He asked quietly, not wanting to startle her even worse. Butler nodded, looking briefly at her as she curled further into Artemis’ grasp, if it wasn’t for the situation Butler may have smiled or teased the two for how far they’ve come together. 
The rest of the day was a blur, she remembered Artemis carrying her and gently placing her in the car, taking the time to buckle her in. He asked her if she was hurt anywhere that he couldn’t see, to which she simply shook her head. He sat next to her in the back while Butler began driving them back to Fowl Manor, Butler debated for a few minutes whether she may need the hospital, but ultimately decided Artemis would have said something if she needed. A few times she would catch him looking back at the two of them in the rearview mirror, and if it was any other day, she’d probably be making faces at him or at the very least talking to Artemis. 
She knew it was coming. The moment for him to tell her that he was right, and she should’ve listened to him, but so far, he hadn’t said much of anything other than checking up on her. He helped her into the guest room at Fowl Manor and ran around getting her water and a snack. Finally bringing a first aid kit and started treating her face and wrists. He had started with her face and a gentle grasp of her chin. 
With tired eyes she watched him dab some rubbing alcohol onto a piece of gauze. She looked up and he gave her a small smile as he gently grasped her arm to turn her hand palm facing up. 
“This will sting.” He murmured, as he softly pressed the gauze to her busted lip, she couldn’t help the sharp intake of air and slight jump back. However, he acted like he didn’t notice as he continued cleaning. 
It went on like that for a few minutes, Artemis slowly and carefully cleaning her face and then gently moving onto her wrists and her trying to think of something, anything to say that get them past this unbearable silence, she knew he’d never break it, he was too proud, too sure of himself being correct all the time, and he-
“I should’ve been there. I’m sorry.” He whispered and for the first time in their entire relationship she was shocked at the emotions in his voice. This was so not like him, she was expecting a lecture. 
“Artemis, you couldn’t-” She started. 
“I did know, I know you and I…I should’ve at the very least listened to you. This was dangerous and I knew it and I let you go for it anyway. I never should’ve let you leave; I should’ve listened, we should’ve kept trying to find a suitable plan, but I never should’ve let you leave knowing you and knowing how dangerous those men are.” Looking up at Artemis’ blue eyes he immediately darted his eyes away from hers, but she could still see the pain he was holding…he was actually upset at this, and strangely not at her. 
“Artemis, you do know it wasn’t your fault, right?” She asked softly, taking his hands in hers and it was at the moment she noticed his knuckles, bright red in contrast to his pale skin. “Artemis.” She tsked, not waiting for his permission, she took the used gauze from him and gently started cleaning his knuckles. 
“That’s unhygienic.” He murmured, as she let out a humorless laugh and shook her head. 
“We’re past that.” She replied as she dabbed the clean end of the gauze gently over his knuckles, unlike her he made no sound or movement as she cleaned. “I need you to understand it wasn’t your fault, Artemis.” She gently repeated and he sighed. 
“If something had happened to you, I wouldn’t-”
“But nothing happened, Artemis. I’m okay. A few bruises, but that’s pretty typical in our line of work.” She reminded him. “I signed up for this, remember? Us working together to try to ‘save the world’.” She added extra emphasis to the ‘save the world’, causing him to let out a small laugh. 
“Can I say something crazy?” He asked as he removed the gauze from her hands, setting it on the bed and with a featherlight touch he grasped both her hands. She had never noticed how much bigger they were than hers, sure Artemis was tall and could be intimidating, but never to her. 
“When are you not talking crazy?” She said hoarsely with a half-smile. She watched him take a deep breath. 
“Today was scary, for multiple reasons, but one thought kept going through my head that if they had…if you were…” He struggled before clearing his throat. “If you had died today and I hadn’t gotten the chance to tell you how much you mean to me I would have never forgiven myself. I was so shaken when I saw you on that screen with your head down and for a single moment, I thought I was too late and that you died thinking I didn’t care about you…about us.” 
“Artemis, I don’t know what to say.” She whispered; she almost couldn’t believe what was coming out of his mouth. This smart, infuriating, well dressed individual sat in front of her was looking at her as if she hung the stars in the sky and for the first time in their friendship all those feelings came crashing into her. They were never trying to one up each other, they were trying to impress each other.
“You don’t have to say anything, I just need you to know that I’m in love with you.” He supplied as if it was the easiest conclusion known to man. If she hadn’t been so emotionally and physically exhausted, she may have laughed or tried to tease him before giving in, but right now she just needed him to know. 
“I’m in love with you too, Artemis Fowl.” He smiled and looked down at their hands. 
“Promise you’re not going to ‘sike’ and take it back tomorrow?” He said looking at her with a rare smile. 
“While that would be hilarious, Fowl. I do mean it. I promise.” She said, leaning over he gently kissed her check. “Oh, come on, two years of friendship, building up to this, you can do better than that.” She joked, putting her right hand on his check, and pulling him in for a real kiss. It was soft and chaste, much unlike their relationship up to this point, but she couldn’t help but smile as the two pulled apart. 
“You need to get some rest, you’ve had a horribly traumatic day, my dear.” My dear. It rang in her head, and she fought back a smile. However, he was right, the mess of the day and finally being safe was catching up with her. 
“Will you stay with me?” She asked and Artemis smiled. 
“Of course.”
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anna-undaunted · 2 months
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“I remember now, you saved me!”
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the-autistic-spider · 3 months
something i just realised about Artemis fowl
so he goes looking for fairies because he had small amount of memory he interpreted as a dream
and to get this he had to meet the fairies
so doesn't that make Artemis fowl a paradox?
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Jesus was a Jewish preacher and religious leader. For Christians, he is God the Son, the savior announced in the Bible.
Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt, the moon, childbirth etc.
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abeehiltz1159 · 9 months
“Artemis Fowl and the Lost Colony”: Stuff I Like So Far
No.1!!! He’s so!!!! Blorbo!!!!! 🥺❤️
Butler having a sense of humor
Artemis having a sense of humor
Artemis and Holly’s consistent banter
“Glad to hear it,” said Holly. “I had visions of you two drinking tea at the beach while I sweat it out here.” / Twenty yards from where Artemis was sitting, waves swirled along the beach like emerald paint poured from a bucket. / “Tea? At the beach? No time for luxuries, Holly. There is work to be done.” He winked at Butler. [Chapter 6, page 125]
Mulch actually being an honest being
Billy Kong. Not him as a character. Just his name.
“He’s crazy,” [Mulch] gibbered, . . . “The pixie is crazy! Give me your gun, Holly. I’m going to shoot him.” [Chapter 7, page 141]
the scene where No.1 tries speaking English!
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Round 4
Domovoi Butler submission
Damian Wayne submission
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