#Aren't we *all* test muses in our own way?
ghostytoad · 7 months
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* Fun n' Games *
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ROTTMNT Boys x GN! Leo-esque reader who enjoys drama, making jokes, and being overall awesome
Summary: The Hamato brothers unexpectedly fall for the smug, but genuine, fun-loving reader despite their egocentric habits
Headcanons for: Mikey
GN! Reader; Romantic; Fluff || Words: 1.8k
Raph | Donnie | Leo | Bonus!!
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this boy will not hesitate to call dibs on being y/n's best friend the moment they meet; not only are they super cool and confident, they're pretty funny too!
he genuinely admires everything about y/n, from their charismatic and funny nature to the way they seem to keep their cool under pressure
mikey likes to refer to them as the "color bomb of our family portrait" (whatever that means) and will insist they are the splash of color the group's been missing this whole time
nicknames!! he will literally call y/n everything under the sun as a show of affection; some of his favorites include "leo 2.0" and "rainbow"
mikey will take every chance he gets to cling onto y/n like a koala bear or use them as his personal lap pillow; he is the most physically affectionate of the brothers, so expect lots of tackle hugs and cuddles too
insists that it's completely platonic though! cuddling doesn't always have to be romantic or just for couples or anything! if he's not holding onto y/n's hand, he's at the very least hovering in their space at all times
he just happens to enjoy how warm y/n is and they don't seem too bothered by the touching so it just makes sense that y/n is the first one mikey calls when he's in major need of hugs
y/n has a big ego, but mikey doesn't exactly help that fact with his endless praise and compliments; it's like he has stars in his eyes every time he sees them do anything mildly exciting. if anything, y/n is TOO HUMBLE in his eyes
he constantly brags to his brothers about how great y/n is (and how lame the boys are compared to them) to the point where it's painfully obvious to evevryone how lovestruck he is; every conversation somehow loops back to y/n and if no one's around for him to gush about them to? he'll just channel that affection into his art!
every time he invents a new dish, y/n is the first person to taste test his new creation. and if they say they like it? he will make it his new specialty dish for the next few weeks. y/n gets to name it too! a special privilege for only the greatest of greats in his eyes
every time y/n comes over to the lair, he immediately stops whatever he's doing to greet them and show them around like it's their first time ever being in the lair. it's basically a tradition at this point.
no joke, he will literally take them on a tour of the place like it's a new bachelor pad or something
"welcome to our humble little abode~ please feel free to relax on any of our luxury beanbags or "sacco" as the italians call it! to our left, we have the most advanced in genius technology, created by our very own donatello hamato!" "mikey, this is the third time this week they've been here. please for the love of plato, get out of my lab and let me work."
it's also just a fun little way for him to show off his new art without looking too braggy and he can't pass up a chance to pester his brothers; truly a silly little menace
if he's drawing, he usually has y/n pose for his practice sketches; they're just so photogenic and fun to draw, the perfect muse! and they don't complain as much as leo does when he has to model for mikey
he also keeps a special sketchbook meant just for y/n and him; they hand off the sketchbook back and forth every other week to fill with sketches and doodles of anything and everything. mikey thinks it's the purest form of bonding and gives every one of his doodles some meaning that ties back to y/n
the one-liners aren't exactly his style, but he still finds y/n to be incredibly funny, especially when it comes to their pranks. he will not hesitate to join in on their latest scheme (he's terrible at keeping secrets tho so they don't always work out)
is genuinely considering starting an improv troupe or a comedy duo with y/n; he thinks they could make it big if they just had the right venue! or maybe they could start their own cooking vlog together?
"c'mon, just one open mic nite! i promise it'll be fun and you're gonna kill it on stage! and i'll be front row cheering you on!"
y/n has their own little spot in the projector room right by mikey for movie nights; complete with a secret snack stash he's hidden in their beanbag for the two of them to share (he will eat most of it tho if y/n doesn't stop him)
he's not too keen on the idea of dragging them along on dangerous missions, but he will not hesitate to take them for a trip to the hidden city. after all, what better way to introduce y/n to yokai/mutant culture and the untamed world of mysticism than by exploring the mystic metropolis itself?
takes y/n to all of his favorite restaurants and parks when they're out, he enjoys being able to share his safe space(s) with someone special to him! and of course, he wants y/n to have fun too so he won't say no to visiting some of their favorite places!
unlike donnie and leo, mikey's pretty good at keeping y/n's more impulsive nature in check; he might be the wild card, but he's also very aware of the fact that Y/N is a human and as such, should be handled with care! (ironically, he gets upset when raph does the same to him)
don't get him wrong, he doesn't baby y/n, no no. he is simply trying to be a caring, considerate, and responsible friend. he's sure y/n can handle themselves, but the yokai world is new to them! mikey just wants to take it slow is all!
it's not until papa splinter decides to bring up the dreaded topic of grandchildren that mikey is confronted with his own feelings
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"All I know is that you boys are only getting older and with each passing day, my hope for grandchildren is getting smaller and smaller."
"DAD, WE AREN'T EVEN ADULTS YET! At least give us a chance to vote for the first time before you start yapping on about kids!"
"It is not the timing I am worried about. It is the sheer lack of game you three seem to have with the ladies. You have to BE a player to start the game." Splinter muttered the last part as if he were talking to himself. A bewildered trio of turtles sat before him in their usual "begging circle" before his favorite chair, unsure of how this conversation went so wrong. All they wanted to do was borrow their dad's iconic Lou Jitsu suit. And he was lecturing them about romance and grandchildren?!
Y/N and Mikey had no idea just what they were walking into when they sauntered into the projector room together, bags of snacks in hand for another movie marathon. Splinter let out a fond chuckle as Y/N greeted the rat with a bright smile and a wave.
"You see, I do not worry about Orange. Clearly he is the only one to receive my dashing looks and irresistable charm! How else would he have caught Y/N's sleek eye?" The old man threw a wink Mikey's way as the turtle stopped in his tracks to glance back and forth between his brothers and father.
"What… did I just walk in on?" his confusion translated into a sharp grimace, the corner of his frown quivering.
"Dad here's bugging us about dating." Leo couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"Wha- I thought he was gettin' on our case about grandkids or somethin'?"
"No, no. He was clearly implying that we have no social, relationship, or emotional skills to speak of and therefore have no chance at prospective mates with which we might eventually settle down with and have offspring of our own." Donnie's pout was apparent as he recapped the conversation, unsure if what his father said was a positive or negative sentiment.
Mikey and Y/N exchanged equally horrified glances, dropping the bags of goodies.
"WH-WHAT?!" they cried out in unison.
Y/N could barely get a breath in between their screeching tirade of 'NO NO NO' and Michelangelo's "STOP STOP STOP", both of them making a show of flailing about in humiliation and shaking their heads. Y/N and Mikey? Settling down?! KIDS??!!
"I feel as though I may have missed something…" Splinter watched the spectacle of shame with a quirked brow, stroking his greying beard and shrugging to himself.
The young mutant stopped his panic long enough grab Y/N by the shoulders and sharply turn them to face Splinter, pointing his finger into their cheek as if he were presenting them.
"DAD, WE are FRIENDS. FRIENDS! FFFRIEEEENDSS!" he hissed between clenched teeth, motioning between himself and the human that stood beside him. Behind him, his brothers quietly chuckled and snorted amongst themselves, but he chose to ignore them as he continued.
"WE are NOT getting married any time soon!" he gave Y/N a gentle pat on the shoulder and shot them a soft smile, "No offense."
"N-No, none taken!" Y/N nodded, eyes still wide with shock.
"WE are NOT having kids ANYTIME SOON!" With each word, Mikey's face loomed closer to his father, the man's amused grin unwavering.
"And if anything, I sincerely doubt someone as amazing, sweet, and funny as Y/N would ever wanna have kids with someone like me considering THIS whole situation!"
His hands waved over his body frantically to refer to his mutant form, oblivious to the now-offended scoff Y/N gave.
"Y/N and I were just here to-"
"You don't think I'd be with someone like you just because you're a mutant?" Y/N couldn't keep their irritation from seething off of them as their arms crossed tightly on their chest and their foot tapped impatiently against the cold floor. They were not happy. Mikey shrunk in on himself at the display and waited for them to continue, the entire room now listening intently.
"I'm sorry, is it just me or did you drink a big ol' mug of DENSE juice?" Their finger aggressively poked against the young turtle's plastron, "I happen to LIKE everything about your 'whole situation' and I happen to think YOU are just as amazing and funny, Michelangelo Hamato!" Despite the sincerity of their words, each syllable was spat from their downturned lips as their glare became fatal with angst. Neither of them paid any mind to the others, mouths gaping and eyes rounded with surprise. The box turtle's green cheeks burned a dark red at their words, his heart pounding wildly against his chest and his muscles tense with excitement.
"Does… does this mean I can hold your hand now? Like romantically...?" he squeaked, barely able to contain his glee. Y/N sheepishly nodded as they took his hand in theirs and pulled him into a gentle embrace. From behind him, a chorus of groans and sighs sounded from his brothers. All he could think of now was that Y/N liked him back. Maybe even loved him. Not even his brothers could ruin a perfect moment like this.
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coconvtfm · 11 months
i really want to write more mumu's on discord! i write any gender opposite any gender and am also open to polyamorous pairings.
under the cut you can find some stuff i'd love to write! like this if you're interested!
let's write some robot x human shit mixed in with alien x human and all of that. set in the year 4000 plus, let's think of what the earth has become? a liberal haven, or very conservative? are there robots who are becoming more and more like humans? have aliens joined the population? what are they like? are there different species? and how do they all interact?
superhero stuff? let's write some villains and superheroes and civilians in a city we make our own. villain falling for hero? heroes hooking up? a person who suddenly discovers their partner is the person on the front page of the newspaper, saving the world. yes.
the earth's population has dwindled during the last few decades as people living a single life has increased dramatically. the world's government has made a very brisk decision to make that population go up and has subjected all people to a dna and personality test before matching them up, in either couples or throuples. we follow people who have been matched and live in a city we create, some have had to move here from another continent and have to adapt and others hadn't expected that their test would determine that they're gay/poly, etc.
a/b/o words are my absolute favorite thing ever. we can create a pack or multiple packs, have them possibly fight or merge. we can have star-crossed lovers, arranged pairings, unusual pairings that aren't accepted by their packs, etc.
give me a group of muses who live in the 1950s! let's have them all be related/connected in some way and let's get those juicy 50s undertones. needing to get married because, whoops, she's pregnant. queer folks that can't come out. greasers vs socs. we can even venture into race relations in those times. trans peeps? let's explore it all.
a royal setting, modern or historic. we can play muses from the royal family, nobility that is in their circle, staff, etc. let's have forbidden and arranged matches, rivalries, and scandals. leggo!
a presidential setting, the president, the first spouse, the staff, all the stress and the intrigue and the tension.
let's have some gang-inspired thingies? rival gangs in a city we create... doing crimes and going wild?
a modern-day mumu that is set in a small town where the links and history goes deep. we can flesh out the connection between each muse (as in what were they like as kids, teens, young adults, etc), and we can have that long history together impact their ongoing stories.
a mumu set in the hp world? maybe we set it in the future, or way in the past - we can even use a hogwarts legacy setting if you prefer - and use the lore but create our own characters. i love aspects of blood purity, also hybrids and all that. can be set at hogwarts, but like... we can create an eighth through tenth year like a college setting or it can be set outside of that.
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Day 27
Hello all! Welcome to day 27! One more day closer to the end of the month. Thank you for all the love on my posts so far even if they're just musings produced from my brainrot of the 141, Los Vaqueros, and Konig. I came across the prompt "Write about a time you were lost (figuratively or literally)." And I wanted to put my own spin on it. So, we look at how the 141, Los Vaqueros, and Konig may handle you getting lost with them when a mission goes awry.
The mission split your group, and you knew from the check-ins from the others they were safe, but alone.
You had been lucky to find the Captain quickly, stumbling across him in an alley where you nearly shot each other.
When he passed you a map and compass, you bit your lip.
"Sir, I haven't navigated in a while, maybe you ought to lead this."
"You'll be fine." He dismissed. You knew you were screwed.
After an hour of hiking through the backwoods, you broached it again.
"Sir, I think I've gotten us lost..." You all but force the map in his hands.
"Surely not... ah, well I'll be damned. I'll take it from here." He concedes, taking the lead with the map.
You could easily tell your Lt. wasn't happy at having to hike out of a mission gone wrong, let alone with you in tow. You had silently handed him the map at first, and he shoved it back into your hand.
"You nav, I'll keep an eye out for the others."
"Ghost, you really should-"
"Start moving kid, this isn't a discussion." You decide on a path you thought was moderate enough for you two given your mild injuries.
Too bad the map didn't account for damaged roads and washed-out bridges. When you came to a section you'd either have to wade through a knee-high creek or go back the way you'd come he turned to you.
"Where the fuck are we kid?" He growled, holding his hand out for the map. His glare was enough to make you hand it over and then quickly retreat from him.
"I see. Look, how about you take over looking for signs of the others, I'll keep this..." He nods, eyes simmering down from the boil they'd been a moment ago.
"Yes sir."
He hadn't taken you seriously. You realized this now.
"Soap, I barely passed navigation in basic and haven't tried since, now isn't the time to test it."
"Nonsense rookie, you'll be fine."
You were not. He seemed to recognize this too after an hour of walking.
"Hey, let me see that..."
A few minutes of searching later, he sighs heavily.
"You weren't kidding, were you rookie?"
Gaz seemed okay with the longer route home. He was reassuring you it was fine.
"Look, stop apologizing, alright? I should have listened to you."
"Still, after that horrid experience, I'm sure we'd both rather be at the safe house, not still walking around, I'm sorry."
"Well, I should have taken you seriously. We got into this together eh, let's get out of it together now." He'd smiled. You grinned back, nudging his shoulder as you walked.
"Thanks, Gaz."
"No problem, now let's go."
The man seemed more concerned with putting distance between you guys and the currently imploding plan you'd been trying to make work.
"Sir, I really can't navigate too well, maybe you should-"
"Let's get out of here first. We can find our way back when we aren't being shot at."
It was about a half hour of briskly dodging any noises before he turned to you again.
"Okay, I think we're good, now... where the hell are we?"
"I don't really know, I tried to warn you, sir." He nods, looking around before digging in his pack for a map.
"We'll be alright, out this way I think we can cut a path through..."
Honestly, he was amused after you were both out of harm's way.
"How about we pretend this didn't happen?" He asked, passing you a canteen as you walked. It had been about 45 minutes since the last check-in, so you knew you two would be the last to arrive.
"Why? I think the massive delay in time will tell them we got lost."
"Nah, we'll tell them it was just a detour..."
"...Alejandro will never let you live it down, will he?" You'd grinned.
"...No, no he won't." He laughed. You shook your head.
"Lead the way home then, 'cause I sure as hell don't know it."
The man's silence made you a little hesitant to ask him about the map you currently held. He hadn't raised any questions yet so far.
You two had ended up separated from the main group when an unexpected patrol came by in the midst of a recon op.
The goal was to be at a rendevous point by now, but it was dawning on you you had been walking in a path that was increasingly leading you away from the rendevous at about a 45 degree angle on the map.
"Um, Konig?" You'd murmured, halting where you were. He turned to you, staring.
"We need to alter our course. The rendevous is about a mile east..."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I didn't realize, I'm sorry..."
"Let's just get going, they're likely waiting."
As you walked in your new direction, he spoke again.
"It happens to all of us, at least this is a calm time." You nodded.
The worst time I got lost anywhere was on a group trip to Yellowstone national park. Our group was split between two cars and we got separated after nightfall. At 18, that experience was absolutely terrifying. Almost hitting bison who were just chilling in the middle of the roads only made it worse.
TLDR, I do not recommend staying in Yellowstone past dark, shit gets scary fast.
Edit, posted after midnight, I'm sorry. Formatting is a bear sometimes.
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roguesenses · 1 year
💀 >:-))) hehe
💀 for what my muse would say upon hearing about your muse’s death.
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TW: character death, kinda graphic violence & izuku actually losing his marbles
He's gone. No, he isn't.
Deku, you have to let go. Have to?
Have to?
Izuku sat cross-legged, Katsuki cradled against his chest. His eyes were soft as he diligently dabbed blood from the blond's forehead with his sleeve. The crimson river slowed into a light trickle and eventually came to a complete stop. By then, Izuku's sleeve was soaked through and began dripping on its own.
Deku, someone was calling out to him again, and though they physically stood close, their voices sounded so far away. You are going to kill him!
Him? Oh, that's right, there was still a villain attached to the tendrils of black whip extending from his back, wasn't there?
Thud. Crack. That was the sound of black whip slamming the man against the side of a building, followed by the noise generated from the pathetic snapping of his bones. Izuku was familiar with the sound, for he had broken his own so many times on his path to becoming a hero.
Have to. Those words drifted back to him. Someone tried to calm and convince him earlier with that phrase but all it did was agitate him further. Have to, have to. Their lives were so full of that. Have to stay determined, have to never give up. Have to be a hero and have to do our best. Have to hold it together when all you wanted was to fall apart.
For once he was sick of it.
"What have we done wrong?" He whispered, leaning down and pressing his forehead against his childhood friend's, seeking solace. "Haven't we done our best? Aren't we good people?" Izuku's tears rolled quietly onto the smooth skin underneath, a hint of warmth for the devastating cold. "Why are we being punished?" He ran his fingers across Katsuki's scar, recalling how they fought and bled for this country with nothing but the best intentions. Only to end up like this.
"Before, being a hero was all I wanted," he admitted, shutting his eyes. Wishing he could feel the other's hand in his hair again, gently and clumsily comforting him. "As time passed I started wanting different things...and..." He paused, tear-crusted lips curving in a bleak smile. "...I wanted to be with you, Kacchan. I haven't even gotten to tell you yet because I thought...I thought we had time."
Thud. Snap.
A low grunt to indicate that a certain someone was still alive when another person, much better than him in every way, was dead.
The thick, concrete wall which the villain had been crushed into multiple times was cracking, with blood and whatnot seeping through the edges.
Believe it or not, Izuku wasn't trying to torture him. What he actually wanted was to wrap black whip around the man's neck and rip it free from the rest of his body. His rage was boiling so hot that it seared him from the inside. Without an outlet, perhaps he too would perish.
Izuku fought himself on this, attempting to shake free of the murderous fury and that was why the black whip was unstable - it was reacting to his conflicted emotions and instead of dealing a fatal blow, it opted to slam the target around.
The other voices in the proximity grew quiet. Perhaps they finally realized that he had, for the most part, lost his reasonableness and those who could talk sense into him were either dead or in another city. Now that All for One was gone, the one capable of bringing the most danger upon the still fragile society was him - one of the people who wanted to protect it the most. Maybe they didn't want to...or didn't dare to test him further.
Ironic, isn't it? Izuku held Katsuki's body a little closer, trying to keep it warm as he turned his eyes. First toward the villain who was slowly being reduced to a pulp, then at all the heroes who hovered at a safe distance. Maybe a true hero really doesn't exist after all.
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isolaradiale · 1 year
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Data runs rampant, not only within the mists that crawl through city streets and shadow kissed forests, but upon the illuminated screens of technology that both Stars peer into. Every reaction was duly noted in the glimmer of Pleiades' glasses, much as she assumes it is for Caelum, likely keeping vigilant eye on his own respective area of interest. Before long, she offers an almost contented hum at what she sees, head tilting as she shoots a glance from the corner of her eyes toward him.
"I think this is more than enough data for my purposes. Is it enough for you, though?"
Part of the scientist attempts to smile, though it comes as more of a grimace.
"Well, it didn't turn out how I expected. Certainly not as much carnage as I thought. But I think that overall, they were able to connect with themselves a little deeper. So if they gained any knowledge from that... hm. I suppose that's good enough for me."
Emeralds linger on her fellow scientist, finding herself in agreeance the more she thought on it, moving to stand from the seat she'd been in. "They've learned quite a bit, I think. Perhaps next time we can put you in charge of our next little test? Maybe you can think of something more... ah, murder-y to tune everything up? There are always opportunities to see them raise from the ashes, of course," she shrugs almost leisurely at the suggestion, reaching over to input a few keystrokes.
To that, it seemed he finally relaxed--perhaps a little too much--he wobbled a bit on his feet. Now seated, his one good eye turned to the other.
"Something about that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe I'm starting to like this place after all, hm-hm~"
Slender fingers tapped on his cane as he chuckled.
"...We'll have to see. Maybe that won't be necessary for a while."
Pleiades' expression hardly shifts, her smile growing, if anything, as she finally places the last inputs in with silent acknowledgement. Everything was set up, the last of their experimentation to be silently swept away with but another click of a button, thrusting everyone under their gaze back into a sense of normalcy. Or, perhaps, as normal as one can find themselves after the trials and things they have faced until now.
"Oh, but I do wonder if our darling subjects have come to notice the reality of themselves yet," she muses, hands shoving themselves into the pockets of her white coat, all before offering a speculative smile. "No, allow me to correct myself: if they've come to understand what they actually aren't一"
"--Pleased with our antics, I imagine." Came a cheeky little laugh.
"Well. I'll take care of the ones stuck in Purgatory if you take care of our surface-dwellers."
A gentle roll of her eyes in turn. "Very well. Then, let us begin..."
And with one click of a button does it all begin to return to how it once was. Where Caelum works upon his Purgatory tenants, her fingers are swift to realign the way mists swarm the perimeter of the city, peeling it back to release any still snared within their very own data. No longer does the crimson eclipse watch their every breath, returned once more to an innocent moon that lights the streets as if nothing has changed at all, before the mists finally settle at long last as a looming reminder of what had transpired.
All except for one opening, a new path to be taken, toward an area of Radial Island that was once blocked only a few days ago...
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and that concludes our event rerun for MISTIFIED!
to start, there are a few notes on clarification: compared to other times when your muse returns to life, this time they'll discover they aren't being manifested into their homes and waking up in their bed anymore. instead, they get the unique experience of walking out of where they were kept during the event for the very first time! going forward, this is what you’ll expect if your character dies in isola, with the echo being the point of origin for post-death situations until they leave. for more information on this, refer to the 'exiting abyss' section of the echo's branch page!
we'd like to thank everyone who participated in this rerun. when we first ran this event, it was when we introduced THE ECHO and SKY-STREWN ISLES to our list of locations. you can still find them over on THE MAP, of course, alongside the other branches listed!
we're also happy to say that those who participated in this event will be receiving a FLAT REWARD as a prize for it! this means that so long as you participated in some way with the event and show us, you'll be able to redeem a small unlock without any other strings or word counts attached! some examples are:
one weapon unlock
one small power unlock/upgrade
500 stars
however if your character has already participated in the original mistified run and received an unlocked weapon or ability, you may only claim the stars reward! we have records of what was given out during the last run of the event, so do not try to claim an unlock if you already have. we will know!
all you'll need to do is go to THE GALAXY inbox and send in a request with what you'd like and your participation. much like the requests for housing, you'll have between MARCH 20TH until APRIL 3RD, 11:59PM to redeem this if you qualify!
once again, thank you all for your participation, and we'll see you in a new event in april!
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findroleplay · 2 years
Two 30+ Ladies Looking for Andrew Garfield Spidey [JCINK Forum RP, Platonic/Brotherly]
Hello hello! Thanks for taking a look at our buddy request. The short and sweet of the story is that we’re two 30+ RP loving gals who happen to play Tom Holland (Ruby) and Tobey Maguire (me) Spider-Mans and we’re looking for an Andrew Garfield Spidey to complete our trio on the panfandom JCINK site we run called, Between the Lines.
  While *Spoilers* we LOOOOVE No Way Home, we don’t require that you pull him from it. Tobey Peter comes from directly after that movie, but our Tom Holland Spidey comes from around Endgame. He has no idea what awaits him. Muhahaha!
  We're currently working our two Spider-Mans into the same city with a bit of Eddie Brock and Vee causing chaos in the middle. Tom Peter maaaaay currently be playing host to a certain alien made of black goo while Tobey Peter is reluctantly teaming up with the symbioteless Eddie to help his younger self and he could really use Andrew Spidey's help.
  As long as he's still his Amazing Spider-Man self, we’re pretty flexible on whether your Spidey knows about the other Spideys or if you want to add a bit of comic/previous iterations for flavor (for example, my Tobey Spidey has a begrudging friendship/hinted at relationship with his universe’s Deadpool, he’s worked briefly with the X-Men), etc.
  Ruby also has a cinnamon bun of a murderer with Andrew’s face (FCs can be reused, yay multiverse!) and we’d love to see some wonderful chaos where people mistake Peter for Angel and freak out… because glorious IC drama. This totally isn’t required, though and definitely up to you on how you wanna roll.
  With that said, there are a few things we do want, both from the character and a writing partner in general.
  The Character:
  Andrew Garfield as the FC (naturally)
Mid 20’s to mid 30’s
Near the end of his dark place after Gwen’s death, or through it.
Still his wonderful, quirky nerd of a self.
You as the writer:
  We’re pretty much always throwing ideas (and some IC chat) back and forth to test out headcanon babies. We’re definitely looking for a third buddy to gush, plot, and write with. We don’t need constant communication, but we would prefer daily chats.
Rubes and I can be fairly speedy, but flexible posters. Some days we post multiple 200+ word posts a day. Other times we might go a week between posts. We have our own stuff going on from mental health to busy work schedules and that means we have our slow times like everyone else. But we’re also friends and we chat and support each other even when one of us can’t post for whatever reason. Someone who posts less than once a week on a regular basis and just disappears off the face of the Earth with no communication when a real life moment hits isn’t going to work for us.
We consider ourselves fairly good writers with a decent grasp of grammar and creative writing (show don’t tell, etc). Ideally, you’d be the same. To clarify on this point, we don’t need you to be perfect. We definitely are not. But we do love to paint a picture.
We tend to write anywhere from 100 to 500+ words depending on our muses and would like the same in return.
We’re both in the EST timezone if that matters. It really doesn’t to us. We’re looking for a buddy and while it would be amazeballs to have someone up and chatting when we are, we’re in it for the friendship and the story, not the clock.
We’re also both over 30 and the board is 18+ for players. We're definitely looking for a mature writing buddy regardless of the rating of the content we choose to create. With that said, we’re not looking to ship the Peters. Our Tom Holland Peter is 15 and this would be purely a brotherly/mentor style relationship. Not a romantic one. Nothing against that ship at all. It’s just not the adorable brotherliness we’re looking for.
Finally, we're both admins on BtL and looking to have this plot (and others) on our site. We’re more than happy to make other characters for each other on site, but won't do private discord, tumblr. or Doc RPs and aren't willing to join another site at this time. 
And finally, we're REEEAAALLY craving this plot right now, but, ultimately, we're looking for another buddy we can swap plots and characters with. Feel free to check out the board, or catch us on Discord to see if we might be a good fit (Brie#6630 and Ruby#6300).
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chrysolina · 6 years
Ask - Can you please write a chris evans imagine when the condom breaks, and the reader ends up pregnant. And she’s not happy while chris is over the moon about it. And they kinda get into an argument - anon
Thanks for the great ask anon, I’m so sorry I changed it up a little bit still, here it is!! Hope you enjoy ((:
Summary - You had always been so careful when having sex with Chris, the prospect of being a mom always scared you lifeless. So how will everything turn out when you forget to use contraception and fall pregnant with Chris’ baby?
Word count - 3k ish (flashbacks are in italics)
Warnings - SMUT at the beginning (again +18 readers pls), crying, anxiety mentioned, bad childhood mentioned, floof, heartwarming shiit (:
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A quiet and deep slumber had set around the neighbourhood that was settled deep in one of the boroughs of Boston. You didn't care to know about this tranquility outside as you slept peacefully in the strong arms of your boyfriend of four years, Chris Evans.
Face resting beside his chest and his arms warming you like a human blanket, nothing could wake you from your sleep - not even Chris could wake you from your dreamful slumber.
That, however, was just what he wanted to do. He took a quick glance at your alarm clock and sighed in defeat. Being awake at 3:45am with a raging boner from a hot and heavy dream he had wasn't ideal for Chris, nor was the fact that the subject of his dreams was attached to him like a magnet to a fridge.
Chris had to do something about this, his balls were screaming with release and needed to be freed from his boxers now. He thought good and hard about his decision, he could get up to go to the toilet to find his release but you were right there before him in one of his shirts, your pussy tantalisingly close to his boner and with nothing else on underneath - how could he deny himself of some earth shattering sex with the hottest woman around?
'Fuck it.' Chris decided on what to do and began to slowly rub his straining erection up and down the inside of your thigh.
Much to Chris' delight, your brows furrowed ever so slightly and you mewled at the friction on your leg. Truth, you were also having an increasingly hot and heavy dream with your one and only. You thought this was a joke; Chris rubbing his erection up against you as you two hugged and waited for a cab outside a restaurant in Boston was just ridiculous but when your eyes fluttered open to find his hips grinding on your own - you knew this was real.
"Chris.." you mumbled out with a slight moan when his erection touched your heat. "What are you doin—mmfh" lips were on suddenly yours, silencing you in a flash. You caved in and pulled him closer to you, his erection nestled under your dripping pussy. Without much thought, the covers were pulled away and Chris lazily rolled you on top of him, shimmied his boxers off in the process; allowing his heavy, pulsation dick to spring up and hit your lower stomach with a smack.
"This," Chris smirked devilishly and positioned his tip at your lips, his length tearing you open inch by inch.
You didn't know where this had all come from. Maybe you had eaten something bad at work? Or maybe you had a stomach bug after eating all those spring rolls from the Chinese the other night, yes that must've been it.
In your mind, there was no reason you should be throwing up the contents of your stomach every several hours..or become more fatigued than usual or be more hormonal than usual.
Before you could think of anything else, you locked the bathroom door and rummaged feverishly through the neat baskets in the cabinet behind the door.
Cumbersomely, you picked the pregnancy test box from its place and hatched it open, the contents of the box falling with a loud clatter on to the floor. In fear of waking Chris - who was just the other side of the door - you quickly picked up the contents and read through it.
"Three minutes..three minutes, got it." You mumbled to yourself, took to the toilet and began to pee on the plastic stick of doom.
You begged to whatever divine being in the skies you weren't pregnant, the thought of introducing up possible parental worries to your mix of a bad childhood, anxiety and tendency to fear the worst only made your stomach drop in terror.
You just did what you had to do, put the cap back on the stick, set the timer and left it on the sink basin.
Instead of pacing around the bathroom like most soon-to-be mothers would do, you just sat silent on the rim of your marble bath thinking rationally about the outcome.
So what if you were pregnant?
Would Chris be happy with the news?
Of course he would, he wouldn't have stopped in the Babies-R-Us section of Toys-R-Us to look at those cute baby grows last week for no good reason. Nor would he have fussed and cooed over your nephew as much as he did.
"Hey babe! Come have a look at these!" Chris caught your attention from the breastfeeding pump section and dragged you over to the baby clothes section. "Aren't they adorable?" He mused dreamily at the tiny pink frilly dresses, baby-grows and other accessories, an arm winding its way around your shoulder and pulled you into him.
"They are, yes but my brother had a boy, Chris. A boy. And besides," you rolled your eyes at the pout on his plush pink lips. "He's got loads of clothes." You laughed and pushed the trolley back to the various priced pumps, the sizes, different contraptions and names were starting to freak you out a little.
"Well what happens if one day, we could be buying some pink frilly dresses for our own little princess.." Chris mused again, this time more purposeful as he drew soft circles into your hips with his large warm hands. Like a switch, your back straightened tensely and made your mind do a double take.
"How about it Y/N?" Chris hummed into the crook of your neck as he kissed and sucked the area tentatively, hands still drawing circles on your hips - much to your displeasure.
"I would like it yes," You huffed with a slight sharpness. Chris' head rose from your neck and you could feel the smile radiate off him without looking. You didn't want to break that beautiful smile but god were you scared of parenthood.
"But I'm not quite ready yet Chris." You released yourself from his hold and went on with the baby-based shopping list for your little nephew, picking up the best sounding and looking pump and placing it in the trolley.
A unruly ringing noise sounded from your phone and broke you from your silent trance. You were rapidly quick to turn it off and then rushed straight to the sink to find out the answer on the stick.
'Breathe Y/N! Breathe! You have to breathe!’ You thought frantically to yourself as your eyelids slammed shut and you inched towards the stick, hands out in trepidation and fear.
It was at that moment that you knew that all your prayers, wishes and pleads had gone unanswered and that your life was going to change very drastically. Nobody prepared you for the moment your eyes peeled open and you saw the answer stating you dead back in the eyes, nobody told you the feeling of dread you'd feel once you saw those words displayed like a hazard sign.
It was undeniable. You were indeed three to four weeks pregnant with yours and Chris' child.
For what could've been hours, minutes or seconds, you sat at the base of yours and Chris' bed with the positive pregnancy stick in hand. Much to your relief, Chris wasn't in the room when you opened the door with tears rolling down your cold red cheeks.
He had gone out to get the two of you some breakfast and coffee and would be back in ten, so said his note that sat on the semi-made bed. That was twelve minutes ago, according to the time on your phone but like his ways, Chris was still on time and the sound of his car rumbling back into the driveway broke your trance on nothing particular.
The front door slamming shut, Dodger's gleefull bark and the sound of feet padding back up the stairs became more enhanced to your senses. Everything was dialled to ten and you hated it.
The bedroom door then creaked open - to your shock - and in slipped a lazy looking Chris dressed in black  joggers and a beautifully tight cream white long sleeved t-shirt, his hair tussled here and there most probably due to his baseball cap he ditched downstairs.
You weren't meant to stare at him so blankly but judging by the worried look on his face once he saw you, you knew you'd probably lost your colour whilst you were waiting for him with the worrisome thoughts channeling through your brain.
"Y/N, talk to me. You're not looking too well, are you alright?" Suddenly Chris began to lightly shake your frame and broke you out of your deep trance, your eyes focusing immediately on his worried blue eyes right before you.
"I'm—I'm fine Chris. I—I just wanted to let you kn-" before you could almost tell him the news, Chris' eyes rolled down to the stick that sat limply in your hands and took immediate notice over it.
"Hey what's this?" Chris interjected and licked the stick from your hands quickly. It didn't take him more than a second or two to read the answer on the tiny screen and before you could register it, Chris had stood up and had his back to you and was cradling the stick like a newborn.
"Chris I—" You tried to backtrack on what was most probably going through his head by standing and reaching out to him, the most you could do was pull on his t-shirt feebly.
Without hesitation, Chris spun around and embraced you in a bone clenching hug that lifted you a few inches off the floor and choked you for air.
"You're...actually?" Chris mumbled after he put you down and stared you down with a face splitting smile that could beat any other soon-to-be father's smile out there.
You smiled pathetically, shrugged your shoulders and nodded your head with a grimace - how were you going to tell Chris? What were you going to tell him?
'Oh yeah I don't want your baby since I have a freakish fear of becoming a mom - no, that wouldn't go down well' you thought to yourself and watched Chris back away from you and fist bump the air in joy. As if he had heard your thoughts Chris stopped his celebrations immediately and turned back around to look at you, perplexed as to why you weren't as happy as he was.
"You are happy about this? Aren't you Y/N/N?" Chris inquired in such a false manner your blood boiled at his tone. Why would he be using such a tone on you? You didn't know why but he sounded selfish and unresponsive to your anxious disposition. "Tell me you are, please."
"I can't lie and say I really am, Chris." You shrugged off his stare with a straightforwardness you didn't think you'd have at such a time.
Like fire to oil, his eyebrows furrowed quicker than you could imagine and his hold on your forearms suddenly became loose as he backed away from you.
You didn't understand, what was Chris doing? One minute he was making you furious, the next weepy and guilty. You just couldn't stick it.
"And why not? Didn't you say you wanted a baby?" Chris snapped with a bitterness similar to your own on the inside. He was getting defensive, you could tell by the tight disposition of crosse arms and his clenched jaw - and judging by the tone of his voice, he wasn't going to be up for a heart-to-heart discussion right about now.
"Yes I did Chris but I'm just really—" your bottom lip trembled with a quiver you knew was soon to bring back tears. You couldn't keep looking at Chris, instead you took to looking at this inanimate object on the floor and allowed your arms to wrap around your torso protectively - a comforting habit learnt through time.
"You're just really what? If you're gonna start pegging blames on me then just fucking don't. Sure we had sex one night a while back without protection but I assumes you were on the pill so.." Chris mumbled the last part of his speech more to himself as he rubbed his beard in frustration, to what you couldn't understand.
He was getting so feisty all of a sudden, you just couldn't understand it; it didn't help anything at all and only made you feel more ashamed of your fears by the second.
"Why are you acting like this Chris?" Your voice broke out in a strangled heartbroken sob, your eyes clenched shut in an attempt to stop the tears, ever-so slightly.
Chris' heart broke at the sight of you before him, ghostly pale, a shaking and sobbing mess covered only by one of his large sweaters that reached about midway down your thigh.
If it wasn't for his ego, Chris would've just scooped you up into his arms there and then and kissed the tears and fears out of you. His ego, however, chose a different route. "Acting like what Y/N?" You have no clue how long I have waited for a family of my own! A happy family just like everyone else has, just for me!" Chris partially yelled at you as the tears of his own woes stung the corners of his eyes and burned them without second thought.
"I get that Chris! I'm just—I—I—I'm so so scared being a mom!" You similarly yelled at Chris but your yell was more heartbroken and honest than his was defensive and protective of his own wishes.
As if on cue, the anger within Chris bubbled down to a mere blip at the sight and belief that you were scared; he knew all about your anxiety and crappy childhood with crappy parents and he hated himself even more for not realising earlier.
Slowly, Chris reached out to you and made contact with a tender touch, a touch you only caved into and crashed into his arms without hesitation. The sobs just wouldn't stop coming out for a good while as you stood there in Chris' tender embrace, your tears stained and wet his shirt carelessly.
After a solid two or three minutes of having a good cry, your tears turned to sniffles and you poked your head up to look at your boyfriend with a small smile. 
"What's the matter baby?" Chris cooed and rubbed your cheeks with both hands in an attempt to warm them up. "What are you scared of?" Chris inquired again, this time more gentle than the last as he lightly kissed your forehead in an attempt to coax the worries out. 
"I'm just..scared I'll be a really bad mom, that's all." You huffed in a defeated and guilty tone.
It was all true, as much as you really wanted to be a mom to your own bundle of joy, you never had any real standard to prepare you for a possible motherhood role - your own mom passing away when you were twelve hours old and your not-so motherly aunt taking and  your brother in from that point on.
"Really?" Chris' eyebrows flew up in surprise to your confession. "Considering how motherly you naturally are with children, I wouldn't say you'd need to be scared at all baby." Chris smiled at your embarrassingly flushed cheeks and kissed them as if they were pieces of fresh gold.
"You think?" You mumbled into his chest out of sheer embarrassment. You never let anyone catch on to your maternal ways or dreams, you thought you had been successfully that department but apparently, not so much.
Chris just laughed and agreed positively and wondered how you could be so scared of something you were so good at.
Even though Chris had never told you, he always seemed to catch your lingering gazes on passing pregnant women, baby clothes or babies in strollers walking down the street whilst you were with him. He never told you either that he somehow knew you were pining for a family either, but you didn't need to know that right now - so he thought.
“No honey, I know you’ll be the best mom ever.” Chris told you sincerely, his lips then meeting yours in a passionate yet tender kiss that could make you easily see stars. The two of you stayed in each other’s arms for what seemed like an eternity, Chris’ hands slowly working down your frame to the lowest part of your stomach and rubbed the soon-to-be domed area with a touch that only radiated love.
Only when air became absolutely necessary did you and Chris break away from each other and gazed into each other’s eyes, your hands finding their way on top of Chris at the bottom of your stomach and cupped them tenderly.
“I know I haven’t done anything romantic for this and I will make it up to you..” Chris began to ramble and took to looking away from your inquisitive stare on him. “But first, I need to know something...Y/N, will you marry me?” Chris smiled nervously down to you and watched your face shrink from its smile to a shocked smile.
“Are you sure—you you want me?” You blubbered out bewilderedly and stared at Chris like he was insane. “This isn’t because of the baby—is it?” Your voice quivered at the thought that he was just marrying you for convenience sake.
“No, no god no!” Chris stammered with a tone that you couldn’t understand. “Y/N, we’ve got nine months to be selfish with each other and do as we please before it’s the three of us. And..and as bad as it sounds, I wanna be so selfish and have you all to myself for these nine months.”
“And what about after the baby?” You teased and tickled his hairy jaw with your index finger.
“I’ll still want you to myself.” Chris smirked at your teasing tone and hooked his arms around your back and pulled you into him. “Sure the timing isn’t right but Y/N, you gotta understand I’m not doing this for the baby; I’m doing this for us.” Chris looked you dead in the eye as he spoke
“You’ve always been the one, the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with - children or no children. So what’d you say?” He smirked at you as if he already knew your answer and he was right, he did know your answer.
“A million times, yes.”
Tags - @patzammit
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isolaradiale · 3 years
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Data runs rampant, not only within the mists that crawl through city streets and shadow kissed forests, but upon the illuminated screens of technology that both Stars peer into. Every reaction was duly noted in the glimmer of Pleiades' glasses, much as she assumes it is for Caelum, likely keeping vigilant eye on his own respective area of interest. Before long, she offers an almost contented hum at what she sees, head tilting as she shoots a glance from the corner of her eyes toward him.
"I think this is more than enough data for my purposes. Is it enough for you, though?"
Part of the scientist attempts to smile, though it comes as more of a grimace.
"Well, it didn't turn out how I expected. Certainly not as much carnage as I thought. But I think that overall, they were able to connect with themselves a little deeper. So if they gained any knowledge from that... hm. I suppose that's good enough for me."
Emeralds linger on her fellow scientist, finding herself in agreeance the more she thought on it, moving to stand from the seat she'd been in. "They've learned quite a bit, I think. Perhaps next time we can put you in charge of our next little test? Maybe you can think of something more... ah, murder-y to tune everything up? There are always opportunities to see them raise from the ashes, of course," she shrugs almost leisurely at the suggestion, reaching over to input a few keystrokes.
To that, it seemed he finally relaxed--perhaps a little too much--he wobbled a bit on his feet. Now seated, his one good eye turned to the other.
"Something about that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe I'm starting to like this place after all, hm-hm~"
Slender fingers tapped on his cane as he chuckled.
"...We'll have to see. Maybe that won't be necessary for a while."
Pleiades' expression hardly shifts, her smile growing, if anything, as she finally places the last inputs in with silent acknowledgement. Everything was set up, the last of their experimentation to be silently swept away with but another click of a button, thrusting everyone under their gaze back into a sense of normalcy. Or, perhaps, as normal as one can find themselves after the trials and things they have faced until now.
"Oh, but I do wonder if our darling subjects have come to notice the reality of themselves yet," she muses, hands shoving themselves into the pockets of her white coat, all before offering a speculative smile. "No, allow me to correct myself: if they've come to understand what they actually aren't一"
"--Pleased with our antics, I imagine." Came a cheeky little laugh.
"Well. I'll take care of the ones stuck in Purgatory if you take care of our surface-dwellers."
A gentle roll of her eyes in turn. "Very well. Then, let us begin..."
And with one click of a button does it all begin to return to how it once was. Where Caelum works upon his Purgatory tenants, her fingers are swift to realign the way mists swarm the perimeter of the city, peeling it back to release any still snared within their very own data. No longer does the crimson eclipse watch their every breath, returned once more to an innocent moon that lights the streets as if nothing has changed at all, before the mists finally settle at long last as a looming reminder of what had transpired.
All except for one opening, a new path to be taken, toward an area of Radial Island that was once blocked only a few days ago...
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and that concludes our event, MISTIFIED!
to start, there are a few notes on clarification: compared to other times when your muse returns to life, this time they'll discover they aren't being manifested into their homes and waking up in their bed anymore. instead, they get the unique experience of walking out of where they were kept during the event for the very first time! going forward, this is what you’ll expect if your character dies in isola, with the echo being the point of origin for post-death situations until they leave. for more information on this, refer to the 'exiting abyss' section of the echo's branch page!
we'd like to thank everyone who participated in it. as such, we have a few things to follow up with this particular event beyond just wrapping it up. and first up... we'd like to announce that we have not only one, but two new branches for you all to interact with! we'd like to introduce you to THE ECHO and SKY-STREWN ISLES respectively. you can now find them over on THE MAP, too, alongside the other branches listed! and as a special note, just like we've done with newly released branches in the past, we're offering a one time PERSONAL HOME TRANSFER to the new branches. what this entails is if you've used a mysterious key or requested a personal home before this event, you'll now be given the option to move your homes to these branches instead.
KEEP IN MIND: you will only be able to move your homes to the two new branches released from this event and nowhere else unless you purchase another mysterious key. this is mostly to make it fair for others across the board so others don't feel locked out or punished for having bought a house prior. for this redemption, you'll have from NOVEMBER 8TH until NOVEMBER 22ND, 11:59PM to submit a housing request as you normally would and let us know it's to make good on this one time transfer!
as for the second announcement, we're also happy to say that those who participated in this event will be receiving a FLAT REWARD as a prize for it! this means that so long as you participated in some way with the event and show us, you'll be able to redeem a small unlock without any other strings or word counts attached! some examples are:
one weapon unlock
one small power unlock/upgrade
500 stars
all you'll need to do is go to THE GALAXY inbox and send in a request with what you'd like and your participation. much like the requests for housing, you'll have between NOVEMBER 8TH until NOVEMBER 22ND, 11:59PM to redeem this if you qualify!
once again, thank you all for your participation, and the stars wish you happy holidays!
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