#Aos parallels
ex1ra-1erres1ial · 22 days
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6'x05 3x10
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chronicowboy · 28 days
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agents of shield: 4,722 hours (season 3, episode 5) | 9-1-1: buck, bothered and bewildered (season 7, episode 4)
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captainsolocide · 1 year
"you gave your girlfriend a tracker?" aos spock vs. putting a tracker on jim in the undiscovered country prime spock
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fili-the-jester · 5 months
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the sillies
(cinnamon rolls who can kill you)
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MK: "We don't have any other option! We have to trust him." Red Son: "*laughs* Great speech noodle boy! Super motivational!"
(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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Red Son: "*laughs maniacally* I, Red Son, will bind the powers of the celestial artifacts with Spider Queen's own venom, save my father, and reforge the world as I see fit! *more maniacal laughter*" Mei: "Red Son that was amazing!" MK: "Such a good hero speech!" Red Son: "-Villain speech! And perhaps my best of all time!"
(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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Lady Bone Demon: "Save your hero speech child—I've existed long enough to know when it's over. MK: "You still think that the universe really wants anything, from any of us?" Lady Bone Demon: "Don't you?"
(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
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Sun Wukong: “ENOUGH! I’ve never let anyone dictate my destiny in the past, and I’m not about to start now. None of us are! We can’t change who we were yesterday or in a past life, or a hundred life times ago! We live with the choices we’ve made, for what matter is the choices we make RIGHT NOW! Only we decide who we are and what we do with the power we have!”
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Curse MK: "Nice hero speech bud! But I know better—deep in your hearts, you don't believe a word of that."
(4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
Hero speech.
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okay, so we're all familliar with the parallels of Jim looking up at the Enterprise being built, and Spock looking up at the panel of Vulcans making the decision to let him into the VSA in Star Trek (2009), both about to make the most important decisions of their lives, right?
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well, here's another parallel for you: again consider Jim in ST (2009) looking up at the Enterprise being built, alone, at rock bottom, and hoping to whoever is up there that he's making the right decision. The Enterprise is a symbol of hope and light, yet Jim himself is both metaphorically and literally in the dark.
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versus this scene:
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Jim in Beyond, yet again looking up at the Enterprise but this time she's being rebuilt after a mission in which he, her Captain, managed to save her crew and possibly thousands of other civilian lives. And most importantly, he's no longer alone but surrounded by friends. Yet again, the Enterprise feels like a symbol of hope and resilience, but this time Jim doesn't feel so hopeless.
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leonsgotit · 2 years
a couple of my favorite star trek tos and aos parallels 🫶🫶
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[image ID: two images stacked on top of each other. the top image is of jim kirk from the original series saying to spock: “Sometimes a feeling, Mr Spock, is all we humans have to go on.” the bottom image is of jim kirk from star trek into darkness saying to spock: “You’re right! What I’m about to do, it doesn’t make sense, it’s not logical—it is a gut feeling!” end image ID]
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[image ID: two images stacked on top of each other. the top image is of dr mccoy (bones) from the original series saying: “Shut up, Spock! We’re rescuing you.” the bottom image is of dr mccoy (bones) from star trek into darkness saying: “Shut up, Spock! We’re trying to save you, damn it!” end image ID]
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[image ID: two images stacked on top of each other. the top image is of leonard nimoy’s spock giving what i can only describe as a “bitch please” look. the bottom image is of zachary quinto’s spock giving the same look. end image ID]
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snalsupremacy · 1 year
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If I had a penny for every light hair guy built like a refrigerator who declares their love for their anti-social dark haired and shorter crush by screaming it to the ocean, I would have two pennies
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Love it when father-daughter duos start day 1 of their relationship in an interrogation room and end it driving away together in an oldschool "family heirloom" car.
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grizzlybearattack · 1 year
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Chapter 1, Chapter 1082
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blorboy · 1 year
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boy meets maria and ao no flag ; parallels
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ib3li3v3you · 3 months
I just finished interview with the vampire and i feel like ive been gutpunched, hugged, had my throat slit, kissed on the forehead and knocked out. Is this normal??
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outtagum · 11 months
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STAR TREK, dir. J.J. Abrams (2009) SILO, 1.06 “The Relic” (2023)
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everyryuujisuguro · 6 months
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rodlaveraryna · 3 months
exposing myself as a hamilton fanatic but hear me out... de sinnaur and hamilton/burr parallels...
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
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Mei: "We trusted you! All of us! How could you lead us into the fight without a real plan? Time and time again I've watched you put MK in danger leaving him to figure out EVERYTHING on his own. Don't you realize you're hurting the people who care about you the most?"
(3x10 The Samadhi Fire)
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Mei: “Inaction is careless! If you’re not giving everything you have to protect the people you care about, you are nothing! I would watch my sword shatter into pieces a thousands times, so long as I used it to protect the ones I care about. If you're just gonna sit here and screw around, the maybe you don't deserve power.” Ao Lie: "And perhaps with greater caution you would still have your sword. I know a thing or two about disappointing people, about feeling powerless to protect them, but I do not sense that you are a disappointment! Even now, locked away in imminent danger your thoughts are to protect others!" Mei: "But how am I supposed to protect everyone if I don't have my sword?" Ao Lie: "A sword is powerless, without the hand that wields it."
(4x05 Court of the Yellow Robed Demon)
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Mei: "How dare you! My friends are in danger because of you! And you're not even going to stick around to finish the job!?"
(4x14 Better Than We Found It)
Something something "I just wanted to protect the people I cared about—to be strong enough. I lost sight of why I was doing any of it." something something the people your trying to protect being put in danger anyways something something, Mei was so upset at Wukong in s3 because she felt SWK had failed at protecting the people he cared about, aka "If you’re not giving everything you have to protect the people you care about, you are nothing".
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