#Anna watches BCS
woozapooza · 2 years
That post I just reblogged about how Better Call Saul handled Jimmy’s prison sentence so deftly reminded me of something related that I’ve been thinking about since the finale aired: how the BCS finale makes me really grateful for El Camino. I mean, I was already grateful for El Camino, I absolutely loved it, but it feels even more important in the light of “Saul Gone.” I’m okay with Jimmy going to prison (okay with it on a narrative level, I mean) for all the reasons articulated beautifully in that post, but also for another reason that’s possibly the most important, without which I might not be fully at peace with the ending of BCS: the fact that Jesse doesn’t go to prison. It is so incredibly important that we’ve seen one of our main characters get away without any legal consequences. Jesse is in many ways a victim of circumstances, but he is a criminal yo, he’s a drug dealer, he has blood on his hands. Legally, he should absolutely be in prison. But he gets away, and we in the audience are supposed to be happy that he gets away, and that, more than any other detail about the Badverse (Gilliverse, methverse, whatever we’re calling it), tells me unambiguously that in the world of the story, just like in the real world, the law is not synonymous with morality. Because of that, I’m 100% confident that we are not supposed to read Jimmy’s ending as mere justice. It’s a lot more complicated than that, which is exactly the kind of beautifully, maddeningly nuanced storytelling I would expect from Gilligould & Company.
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rogerdeakinsdp · 6 months
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Cillian Murphy + favorite music moments
happy birthday, Robin! (@madeline-kahn)
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infestedguest · 10 months
I am legitimately devastated to learn that “women are my favorite guy” isn’t yet another phrase spawned by tumblr meme culture like I assumed it was, and that it actually originates from a song created by some cishet white guy named Kyle who has built an entire tiktok career off of making fun of neurodivergent people.
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marciliedonato · 11 months
they’re just like me fr
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dramatic-dolphin · 1 year
my primary school class was so funny, you'd leave a group of the girls unsupervised for a few minutes and we'd organize a talent show. we'd run to the teachers like "erika néni i had an idea, we're gonna do a talent show during recess! :)" and the teachers would be like. sure why not. go have your fifth talent show this year so far. we support you.
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northern-passage · 1 year
You've been writing about vampires eh... can I ask is there an aspect about vampires that you wish was portrayed more across media, be it televised or literature?
Of course, if there is it's probably included in what ever you're writing, so if you can't answer this because it may be a spoiler, that's fine :)
ohohohohohoho this is a fun question.
i actually talked abt this not too long ago with someone else, but i really wish more vampire media would focus on the Hunger of it. obviously modern vampire stories are a hit or miss especially if it's a romance (twilight did irreparable damage to that subgenre) but i just want my vampires to be nasty and hungry and i want to see them struggle with it.
what i've been writing is a mix of things but one of the main characters is a freshly turned vampire, and she doesn't really understand what's happening to her or how she got here, so a big part of the narrative is her trying to remember what it was like to be human as well as coping with how she has to live now and the violent things she's done. her (human) partner is trying to salvage their relationship while going through all of this as well, and she's also being forced to do terrible things to protect her girlfriend and keep them together. the third character is one that's outside of them and she's older and been around longer and she's just really lonely, and she is also doing (you guessed it) terrible things in an attempt to feel a part of something and someone else.
i don't like vampires being perfect and beautiful and hundreds of years old, i want them to be young and messy and stupid! also STOP making confederate vampires what the hell is wrong with you...
i also wish people would stop trying to be "too cool" for vampires. i don't mind people changing certain parts of vampire lore (i've changed some things myself) but i really dislike the disdain some people seem to have for classic vampires. why are you writing about vampires if you don't even like them or think they're silly! i feel like this can be applied more generally to a lot of things these days, though, there's definitely this fear of being "cringe" permeating everything and people seem to only enjoy a lot of stuff "ironically" and i just don't get that.... anyways i want vampires to explode in sunlight again
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mariatesstruther · 7 months
okay WAIT an eloise at christmastime x tlou au in which tommy and joel miller work at the plaza hotel to support their niece sarah, who gets to live at the plaza in exchange. ellie lives there too, for the same reasons—anna is working there as a line cook, and the plaza’s owner has allowed both of them to stay for as long as they need. tess is their general manager, and maria is the owner’s daughter, a law student at columbia who stays at the plaza to help out her father when she has the time
the plaza is owned by hank moreau, a hotel mogul who made a legacy being the first black man to own and manage the plaza through his longstanding hospitality company. he employed anna, joel, tommy, and tess at the plaza when he took-over, both as a thanks and as recognition for their hard work at his other hotels for years
okay so the actual plot: maria is coming back in town because she’s engaged and set to be married at the plaza, but her fiancé is actually a douchebag and tricking her into thinking he loves her so that he can steal her and hank’s money. sarah and ellie find this out somehow, probably hear him bragging about his plan to his buddies over poker as they sneak around in the adults-only area if the hotel. and theyre like!!!!!!! absolutely!!!!! fucking!!!!! not!!!!!!! we NEED to stop this guy!!!!!
exposition and maria/tommy first meeting under the cut 🫶🏾
sarah and ellie have known maria for years, since they were both little girls that had just moved into the plaza and maria had invited them both up to her penthouse suite for snacks and movies. she told them all the best places to hide, the best days to get free food from the banquet and the days to avoid, as well as who to go if they ever need help—including her, tess, and her father. point is, the girls love maria. they’ve always loved maria. so theyr’e Not Fucking with this Fiancée Asshole or this farce of a wedding
they also know that tommy is in love with maria, has been basically since the moment the two met, which was just a few weeks before that first sleepover. sarah and ellie were there to witness it all: they’d been messing around with tommy’s tool cart as he went through rooms and lame parts of the hotel to fix shit. sarah had sent ellie flying down the hall with it right as maria had been walking around the corner—ellie crashed into maria so hard, she’d been knocked into the wall behind her, the folder full of papers she’d been holding flying all over the place
tommy, sarah, and ellie had all winced at the crash. at that point, they were all new and nervous to be there, and they knew who maria was by name but had yet to meet her. still, without knowing who she was, all of them knew fucking around in front of the guests was the number one way to get kicked out of the plaza.
“jesus, girls. mira por donde vas!” tommy had immediately gone over to where she was on the floor, offering her his hand, expecting her to be pissed and for his and joel’s chance to give sarah a better future to go straight down the drain he’d just fixed.
but then he’d heard her start to laugh. and it was the most glorious giggle he’d ever heard. maria smiled up at tommy from the ground, papers fallen around her like snowfall and bringing out the sparkling white of her teeth—he’d fallen head-over-heels in love with her right then and there.
“ma’am, are you alright?” he asked, reverently taking the small, perfectly-manicured hand she’d slipped into his and pulling her up gently. “i am so, so fuckin’ sorry for that—i mean, uh—i apologize for them. think the girls got a lil’ too carried away.” the last part had been expressed pointedly over his shoulder at ellie and sarah, who were standing shyly by his cart with childlike embarrassment on both their faces.
“no, it’s fine, i’m just fine. no need to be sorry,” maria’s still laughing by the time she gets up, smiling right up into tommy’s face and—wow, is she beautiful. he doesn’t remember ever being stunned by anyone this much in his whole life. she’s got long, beautiful locs with loosely-curled hair at the ends, falling long down past her waist like rapunzel. wearing a short pink blazer dress and matching heeled loafers, she’s a confusing yet dazzling combination of intimidating and adorable. tommy feels the heat of her hand in his even after she lets go. “i may have needed the laugh, honestly. thanks, girls.” she directs the words to ellie and sarah kindly and genuinely, and tommy feels himself immediately warm to her as he watches the anxiety on their faces ease from over his shoulder.
“sorry for knocking the shit out of you, lady,” ellie says, and he cringes.
luckily, it only serves to make maria laugh once more, and the woman lifts a hand to wave away the apology. “i wasn’t watching where i was walking, anyway. my fault,” she insists kindly, then turns her attention back to tommy. he finds he likes being under the weight of her sharp, pretty brown eyes. “the real problem here is that i don’t recognize you guys, and i recognize everyone. are you new? i’m maria. maria moreau.”
“oh, shit,” tommy can’t stop himself from saying. he feels sarah and ellie both turn their eyes to him, instantly picking up on his nerves. he can see the amusement on maria’s face at his clear and shocked recognition. he immediately goes down to start picking up her fallen papers, hands fumbling as fast as his words. “we really are so, so sorry, ma’am, and didn’t mean to disturb your day. we don’t do this often at all, i promise ya. i just needed to watch them the girls while i took care of an emergency repair, so—,”
“jesus, cowboy, calm down,” maria cut him off immediately, voice amused and her smirk melting into a pleased, charmed smile. to tommy’s surprise, she drops right down to the floor next to him and starts collecting her papers beside him, uttering a small thank-you as he passes her the ones he’d already picked up. “i told you already, i needed a laugh. don’t worry about it.”
“so i won’t have to worry about your father comin’ to my door and firing me for nearly knockin’ the head off his daughter?” tommy’s tone is joking and light, but there is clear underlying anxiety in his voice as he asks. the quip is said low enough that neither sarah and ellie hear, the girls talking behind them as they pick up the few tools knocked from tommy’s cart in it’s collision.
“not if i have anything to say about it,” maria says, her tone light but serious. she gives him a long, pointed once-over that he can’t help but interpret as flirting, a blush heating up his face before he can control himself. “i really don’t recognize you at all, cowboy. i was right about you being new, wasn’t i?”
“yes, ma’am.”
“what’s your name?”
“tommy,” he responds as they both get up. at first, they end up just a tad too close, so he takes a polite step back as he hands her the last of her papers.
“tommy,” maria repeats back to him, and he feels a rush of something shoot up his spine, forcing him to stand up straighter and taller, at the sound of his name from her lips. she must notice, because she smirks at him knowingly as she holds her messy folder to his chest. “you don’t have to worry about a thing. i think i’d like to keep you around.”
and she had—well, her father had, technically. but maria had remained close friends with the millers and the williams for years, always treating sarah and ellie with gifts, stopping by the halls to talk with joel while he fixed pipes or by the kitchen to hang with anna while she did her prep—and always speaking, joking, and flirting with tommy every chance she got. they never became anything official; mostly because, according to joel and anna, tommy was always too chickenshit to ask her out. by the time maria finished her ADA training and moved out of state, tommy was surely in love with her but equally determined not to hold her back. he always wanted the best for her and believed she deserved far better than the maintenance man at her father’s hotel, so he held his tongue. she left. then she comes back with a complete douchebag of a fucking fiancée, set to be married at the plaza on christmas
and it’s up to sarah and ellie to stop the motherfucking wedding
for my mariatommy lovers, specifically @ameerawrites @bumblepony @clickergossip and @liveandletcry23
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dragoncharming · 5 months
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Welcome back to the Weekly News. I'm your host Ren Ruyi bringing you all the news that the An emperor doesn't want you to know. Our special hostage this week is second prince, or should I say the new crown prince.
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anna-scribbles · 2 years
the way i don’t even watch ml and will be reading this fic like… you should be paid for pr anna you’ve got a talent
anon I don't know quite how to explain this but you are literally metamorphosis's intended audience
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isalabells · 9 months
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woozapooza · 2 years
Obviously I already loved the scene where Skyler interrupts Ted’s audit and saves him by pretending to be a total airhead, but I just hit that episode (4x09, “Bug”) in my rewatch today and now I love that scene even more because of how it further establishes one of the biggest differences between Walt and Skyler. Skyler is capable of being just as devious as Walt, and she isn’t immune to letting her ego control her (as we see with the whole carwash thing), but she doesn’t have Walt’s obsessive need to admired. On the contrary, Skyler is willing to have people unfairly look down on her if she thinks it’s for a good cause. She doesn’t turn Walt in to the authorities because she can’t bear for her son to know the truth about his father, even though she knows that she’s making herself the villain in Walter Jr.’s eyes as a result; Walt, in contrast, complains about Skyler’s gambling cover story because “I don’t want Junior thinking less of me.” Then in 4x09, she makes herself look incompetent—in her actual area of expertise, no less!—because it will throw the IRS off Ted’s trail, and therefore off her trail. This comes just four episodes after “Shotgun,” in which Walt completely sabotaged himself because he just couldn’t bear to hear Hank give Gale credit for his (Walt’s) work. The only instance I can think of where Walt voluntarily made himself look bad (though to be fair, I could absolutely be forgetting something, in which case please let me know) is the phone call in “Ozymandias” where he makes Skyler out to be more of a passive victim than she really was, but in my opinion that’s barely comparable to the Skyler examples I gave, as it’s just an exaggeration rather than a complete falsity.
My point here isn’t that Walt was ever obligated to do something quite like what Skyler does in “Bug” (although now that I think about it, I would love to see him bimbofy himself). Nor is it that either of the examples I gave of Skyler willingly making herself look bad was definitively the right thing to do (they’re both complicated situations and evaluating the ethics of each isn’t the point of this post). Nor is it to say there’s something wrong with wanting to be appreciated. It’s just to say that I find it genuinely admirable how Skyler is often willing to see beyond her ego in a way Walt usually isn’t.
Also, I want to add that this realization reminded me that I thought about something very similar while watching BCS! I made a post a while back saying “BCS 3x09 is the most Jimmy has ever reminded me of Walt and BCS 3x10 is the least Jimmy has ever reminded me of Walt.” What I meant by that was that while Jimmy’s Sandpiper scheme in 3x09 was devious and cruel, the way he set things right in 3x10 made him appear both heartless and stupid, and even though he behaved awfully in the previous episode, I genuinely admire the sacrifice he made to make up for it. This is obviously very different from the Skyler examples I discussed above, but I think the contrast it creates with Walt is comparable. Walt sometimes feels regret, but I can’t see him ever deliberately disgracing himself to rectify things like Jimmy did.
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boag · 10 months
Francesco Carrozzini gotta be one of my least favorite people in the world and I still don’t rlly know what my beef is with that man but I HATEDDD him when I was 11 and he was dating Lana so I lowkey cyberbullied him and he still has me blocked on my old spam account because of that which I still think is really really funny.
But major props to him for being in these iconic paparazzi pics and also for inspiring Salvatore. I must give credit where credit is due
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annasvinyl · 2 years
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Well done, Helen. Uh, would you consider staying for the evening bulletin? I'm sacked, aren't I? Oh, well, you know, you did walk out on us. I'll consider it. Hm? If you let me do an extended update at 5.30, solo. And then I'd like to read the lead at the 6pm bulletin. And I'd like to alternate the lead story every other day. And then, every Monday, I'd like to do the special report of my choosing, with Dale. So, you put that in writing, and, yeah... I'll consider it.
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marciliedonato · 11 months
Ok ok ok cool talk now I need y'all to start talking about glamorous on Netflix before I turn this car around and drive off a cliff 😃🤠
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suenitos · 6 months
what other content do you consume outside of dteam/dnf?
ive been getting into rupauls drag race over the past few months actually . im not really into other youtubers/ccs lately because i dont rlly trust a lot of them LOL and to be honest none of them really excite me the same as dteam. idk im weird because i just dont get into stuff really easily unless i find a way to feel actually insane about it . but let me know if you or anyone reading this has any recs for anything! no promises i get into it but just wanna know what you guys are into as well
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queeranese · 21 days
sorry to say but i've been getting into the vampire diaries with one of my friends and unfortunately i'm invested
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