#Anna dressed in blood
good-books-to-read · 1 month
Need a new haunt?
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Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
Cas, his mum and his spirt sniffing cat travel around, his mum a kitchen witch and Cas following in his father’s footsteps hunting and killing ghost. Until a simple case goes wrong, Cas knows he should be dead but the ghost he was trying to kill Anna saves him, there’s more going on than the two realise.
City of ghosts by Victoria Schwab
Cassidy parents are ghost hunters that have their own Tv show, unlike her parents Cassidy can really see them, her best friend is even a ghost. And in this new city something different lurks, Can Cassidy save herself and those she loves in time?, the books are set in different countries the first book starts in Edinburgh.
Gap Year in Ghost Town by Michael Pryor
Set in Melbourne Australia following a young man Anton working the family trade passing ghosts on, the gentle way, unlike the new company setting up that Rani is a part of takes a more slashing approach, however there’s a massive spike in violent manifestations and the two must find a way to work together before it’s too late.
The Screaming Staircase by Jonathan Stroud
For over 50 years the country has been overrun with ghosts and agencies have popped up to deal with this ongoing threat, one such person is Lucy Carlyle who moves to London to join a notable agency however she finds herself with a ramshackle agency called Lockwood and co. With a few mishaps they find themselves with one chance to save the agency and that is in the most haunted house in England, can this ragtag group make it out alive or die trying.
Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson
Artemisia is training to be a grey sister, a nun who cleans the bodies of the deceased so they don’t come back to hurt the living, she like this life, the dead don’t talk and pry into her past. But when an unexpected attack by ghost possessed soldiers forces her to wield a high relic to save those she loves. With all knowledge lost on how to control it, Artemisia finds herself in a race against time to understand herself, the creature within the relic and to save the world.
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rotten1angel · 6 months
there’s something about romance books where one of the characters is either a vampire or a ghost or sum supernatural because AHHHH
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JOMP BPC - November 7th - Non-White Author
going with Kendare Blake, who I hope will write more horror one day 🖤
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ofmoonsandlight · 2 years
the feminine human urge to cry because you don't know what happened to anna korlov
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deschainartnerd · 1 year
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Dressed in blood
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jynersq · 9 months
as soon as oct 1 hits you KNOW what time it is
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missams53 · 2 years
Update and July TBR 2022
Update and July TBR 2022
So May and June were a little weird. In May, I was able to finish two books. The books that I finished were The Wild Robot and The Land of Stories: A Grimm Warning. However, in June, I did some reading but did not finish a book. At the beginning of June, I got really sick, so I just slept and watched TikTok videos. I did do some reading, but I just wasn’t in the mood to read or blog. However, I…
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schrutexbucks · 2 months
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Just because my D.U.I. made my community service mandatory, doesn't mean that I was any less committed.
The Vampire Diaries S1 E19 Miss Mystic Falls
one gifset per episode 19/171
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darkstarsrise · 3 months
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oh no, @kcrlcv is hot...
ㅤㅤㅤ❛ shall i drink your blood fresh, or slice your neck and spill it out first? ❜
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✧˖*°࿐ The threat as it was should have been terrifying. She should have been terrifying, and okay, so she was terrifying in that way that a predator can be beautiful and graceful, yet you still knew that it could rip you to pieces without expending enough effort to even need the calories you'd provide when it ate you. Cas knew without a doubt in the world that she could absolutely tear him apart because he'd seen her in action, but he wasn't afraid.
ㅤActually, that was a lie because the primitive lizard part of his brain recognized the lethal danger and was shouted over by the conscious part of his mind that took the jolt from the fear and fed it into excitement. It was Anna, his Anna, and she was beautiful in any form, be it the quiet. peaceful girl that held his face in her cold hands or the floating, black-eyed goddess with the tendrils of inky hair that moved as though she were underwater and her dress dripping with thick, dark blood. The threat as it was should have made him back up because even as a ghost hunter, he was no match for her, or it should have made him run because as a human he was just a chew toy for her, but instead he tilted his chin up to regard her, almost like he was offering more of his throat.
ㅤ"Fresh, of course. Why waste it and get your dress all dirty?" he teased her, a little smile sliding over his lips despite himself because he simply couldn't fear her, not Anna, not anymore. "Anna, come back."
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mircalla-tepez · 1 year
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~Duchess Anna Henrietta of Toussaint~
From The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine DLC. 
Model/Wig/Makeup: me ( www.instagram.com/mircalla_tepez ) 
Foto: Amelie Munic Photography
Dress: The flying Dutchwoman 
Jewelry: Naruvien - Einzigartige Requisiten
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annatateson · 2 years
GREETINGS SIX... wait, one of those is just my main blog... FIVE ESTEEMED FOLLOWERS!
Some of you may remember my the hubristic claims I made earlier this year that I would participate in NaNoRenO on top of moving house...
Well, none of that happened BUT, depite STILL BEING IN THE PROCESS OF MOVING HOUSE OVER SIX MONTHS LATER (hmm... calm... cool grass... soft sheep), I have been slowly working on the project in between my games art job and last week finally stumbled on some delicious, unexpected free time to make an incredibly cursed meme and ALSO finally draw up a first draft of the main characters!
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YES, they are currently nude (I gave them some flowers to protect their modesty because some of them wouldn't want their genitals broadcast on the internet and I treat my characters with some DAMN RESPECT) but I shall give them clothes all in good time and also coif their hair into impeccable period accurate updos (well, somewhat accurate...).
I also want to do some fun experimenting with different art styles. I thought that this semi-realistic style would be a good starting point to branch out from, though (though I would add a load of shading and stuff since they're currently just block colours underneath a sketch...).
Anway, yeah, the game is called Flowers of Blood and I hope that it's everything my fourteen year old weeby babybat self could have dreamed of! It will be full of queerness, gothic tropes, sexy vampires, mystery and romance!
I want to keep a sort of devblog here to record this process and I love looking at this sort of thing myself so maybe someone else will enjoy watching me trying to scramble together a game on my ownsome! :D Maybe someone wants to come and watch me crash and burn! Free schadenfreude :D
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JOMP BPC - March 19th - Pretty Dress on the Cover
I couldn’t resist being a little silly with this one 😜 but the dress on Anna Dressed in Blood certainly is eye-catching, no?
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marciliedonato · 2 years
Ok but for real. Everyone get in the shelter we're on indefinite drugstore perfume lockdown....
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deschainartnerd · 1 year
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A ghost
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fierceathlete · 3 months
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starter for @kcrlcv
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Rumors about the old house had started a long time ago, even before she was born. The place was in disrepair and parents often warned their children to stay clear of it. Most probably didn't believe in the ghost tales the house got swept up in. However, parents didn't want their children stepping foot inside an abandoned house that was most likely rotting away from neglect.
Unfortunately, all those warning had just turned the house into an attraction for teens with nothing better to do.
It'd become a test of courage to step into the house alone. Often, you were expected to snap a photo of yourself inside the building to prove you'd actually done it. There were plenty of times that people would run out of the building with fear in their eyes. Sputtering out stories about a ghost, though no one believed them. Those people did end up turning into the laughing stocks of the school though.
Now here she was, standing in front of the old house. It wasn't for a test of courage. Her interest had been drawn in my the murder that'd happened here last month. One of the guys from the football team had gone in for a test of courage. When no one had seen him on Friday night for the game, he'd ended up leaving the house in a body bag on Saturday morning.
The police tape had been removed last week, all the evidence they could possibly find apparently collected. No more cruisers outside to make sure no one stepped in and contaminated the scene. Now was her chance. How could she possibly pass up a murder mystery in a supposedly haunted house?
As she opened the door and stepped into the house, the ginger was fully aware that her decision making skills were absolute shit. Perhaps she was just lacking the necessary thought process to make sure she prioritized living over her own curiosity.
Oh well.
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orphicdreamers-wp · 5 months
Hi! I wanted to send a request for rutger. Reader and rutger are dating and theyre at a frat party. Readers drunk and gets taken advantage of. Rutger finds out and him and some of the other hockey boys (who readers grown close with) take matters into their own hands.
Rescue You — Rutger McGroarty
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Summary: In which you find yourself needing rescued.
Content Warning; Underage drinking(Reader is 20), sexual assault, victim blaming themselves, blood, fighting, protective Rutger & UMich Hockey Boys, 18+ content!!
Pairing: Rutger McGroarty &Reader(Romantic) Umich Hockey players & Reader(platonic)
Notes: I hope this does the request well. I also added a bit of JJ McCarthy bc I love him.
You honestly didn’t even want to be at this party, Rutger and Seamus had practically forced you to come. But nonetheless you put on a cute dress and spent the better part of the night under Rutger’s arm. You had grown bored of watching your boyfriend and his friends play beer pong. You pressed a kiss against Rutger’s cheek, “I’m gonna go grab a drink Rut.” Rutger’s hands snaked around your hips as he pulled you into a kiss that left you speechless, “I’ll be here my love.” Your heart soared as you walked out of the room and heard Rutger’s friends poke at him for being overly affectionate towards you. Which he always was when he had when he was drunk.
You entered the kitchen and began to pour vodka into a solo cup. “Pretty lame party right?” You jumped at the voice, you turned around to find it belonged to a boy in one of your lectures, Logan or Landon was his name. You smiled sheepishly, “Could definitely be better.” He grinned at this, as a sinking feeling overcame you, “I’m Landon by the way. Your in my intro to gender in media lecture right?” You nodded, “I think so, I’m Y/N.” He grinned as he grabbed a beer, “A pretty name for a pretty girl.”
Your stomach churned at his words, “Ha thanks.” He had his arm on the cabinet above your head, “You look like you could use something strong. Come on, I have fireball in my room.” You stomach sank, but you’d been drinking beer while observing your boyfriend for most of the night so your judgment was impaired as you agreed and followed him to his room. Your drunken state seemed to poise an opportunity for him. He shut his bedroom door before leading you to the bed. As you sat down you saw the look in his eyes darken as he leaned forward, further and further until his body weight was on top of you. He was easily 6’5 and potentially double your body weight so you had no way of moving.
Anna, Seamus’s girlfriend furrowed an eyebrow as she searched the house for you. She turned to Rutger, “McGroarty, where’s your girl?” Rutger furrowed an eyebrow, “I’m not sure. She said something about going to get a drink.” Anna furrowed an eyebrow as she got up to find you. Landon had both of your hands pinned down with a harsh grip. You had your back to the door, the door creaked open and you heard Anna’s voice, “Sorry, shit my bad, wait Y/N?” She would have recognized the lacy black mini dress on your body, she made it. “Your seriously cheating on Rutger when he’s downstairs?”
Landon was panicking and pulled up his pants and hurried out of the room. Once you realized he was gone from the room you broke into sobs. Anna rushed to your side, she reached out to pull you into a hug when you flinched and your tears streamed down your face, “Anna, don’t tell him.” Anna looked at the bruises forming on your wrists and her jaw clenched, “Okay, honey I won’t tell Rutger but you should.” You sniffled, “He wouldn’t be able to look at me the same. I’m scared Anna.” Anna sniffled, “Can I hug you Y/N?” You nodded through your tears and melted into your friends arms.
You finally calmed down enough to go downstairs with Anna. Rutger, Luca, Seamus, Ethan, Mark and Adam were all still playing beer pong. The game was quickly abandoned as soon as Rutger got a glimpse of your tearstained cheeks and bloodshot eyes. He was immediately heading for you, “Baby, what happened?” You pulled back from him slightly, “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have been drinking so much.” Luca’s jaw clenched, he put two and two together.
Jazz, Luca’s girlfriend shook her head, “No, you didn’t do anything wrong sweetie.” Rutger’s hands found their way into a ball, “Who did it? I need you to tell me who did this to you.” You let out a small sob, “His name’s Landon. I don’t know anything else.” Adam’s jaw tensed, “Dark hair? Big guy?” You nodded as Anna held you into a warm embrace. Adam turned to his brother, “I’ll be back.” He walked out of the room, “McCarthy!” JJ’s head shot up from the redhead he was doing a body shot off of, “What’s up bro?”
Adam scoffed, “Where’s your boy Landon?” JJ shrugged, “Last I saw him he was headed out back. Why?” Adam clenched his fist, “He just took advantage of my boys girl. I’m about to kick his ass.” JJ shot up, feeling anger course through his veins, “He did what?” Suddenly you were left standing with Anna and Jazz on either side of you. The drinking game long forgotten as your boyfriend and his teammates stormed outside. You insisted on following them.
The minute the backdoor opened, the entire feeling of the backyard changed. Landon was sat on a lawn chair with a perky blonde on his lap. JJ approached the pair and looked at the girl, “If I were you I’d move.” The girl took one look at JJ and got up, sensing the blonde football player was serious. Landon glared at his teammate, “Man I was working my magic here.” JJ scoffed, “I really don’t give a damn dude. Your such a piece of shit.” Landon scoffed and began to speak only to be cut off by Rutger punching him in the face.
Landon barely stumbled and went to retract his fist only to be punched in the face from the opposite side by Luca, “Don’t even try it bitch.” Mark came from behind pulling Landon around and punching him so hard Landon fell to the ground. Landon looked to JJ for assistance, “Bro your not gonna help me out?” JJ crossed his arms, “Not when you take advantage of a drunk girl under the same roof as me. I’m not defending you. You did it yourself.” Landon scoffed, “That’s what this is about? That bitch?” Rutger could have sworn he was seeing red as he pulled his hand back and repeated hit Landon in the face. Only stopping when he saw blood on his hands and saw the horrified look in your eyes. He scoffed, “Expect a appointment with your coach and the dean.” He walked away from him and towards you, “Y/N baby I am so so sorry.” You felt your body give way as you leaned into your boyfriend’s arms.
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