#And Thena is going to be a force to be reckoned with
Hi! Hope you don’t mind a 2 part prompt but I have to ask and tell you this idea!
For the Ice Queen/Tyrant King AU
We know that Kro tried to poison Thena. What if the little heiress wants to take revenge on Gil by harming him?
An assasination through a Hitman. Gil gets shot 3 times (we need the drama, darling) and gets rushed in a hospital and is undergoing a surgery with his condition being critical. Thena is worried that Gil hasn’t showed up for their lunch so she calls his secretary and learns what happened to him.
Gil had been in surgery for three hours already.
They were supposed to have lunch. She had been waiting, expecting him. He could have been wrapped up in business, but when she had waited past a half hour with no word she had called.
Gil had been shot 3 times, two to the ribs and one close to his clavicle. Surgery had to be performed, although it was unclear if the bullets would really have to be removed or not. They weren't that far along yet--his condition wasn't that stable yet.
Thena had taken the news from his office and left, immediately finding out that he had been rushed via ambulance straight to Ajak's care. She was the one operating on him now, she had to imagine. The Ice Queen had gone straight there, waiting for word on his condition, telling Kingo she was indisposed until further notice.
She had been pacing around in the waiting room--emptied for the sake of the privacy of the case. That, and she would have sent away anyone else there anyway. She checked the clock regularly, every single minute seeming to drag on like trying to swim to the surface with an anchor around her waist.
She refused to cry. She was in the business--she knew the risks, the dangers. She knew that their lives would never know a contentment that the everyday person could. Their stakes were too high, their businesses too important. She had seen the consequences of business before. She had been in a very similar position herself, before. There was no reason for this to shake her terribly.
She hadn't stopped shaking.
The Ice Queen nearly collapsed as Sersi came running out to her, her scrubs covered in blood after assisting Ajak in surgery. "S-S-Ser...Sersi..."
The Poison Princess' face crumbled as Thena tried desperately to collect enough breath to speak. She was even more ghostly pale than usual. Sersi walked over, putting her hands on Thena's shoulders, "he's pulled through, Thena. Just breathe."
"Breathe, breathe," Sersi repeated, holding Thena's eyes to hers and breathing in deeply to encourage Thena to follow. Some air did come into Thena's lungs, her shoulders moving as she did. Sersi could feel the cold sweat on Thena's skin. "We stopped all the bleeding, repaired what we could. I'm not saying he's in the best shape, and we'll keep a close eye on his condition until he wakes up. But he's through the worst, right now."
Thena's knees unlocked, nearly dropping her to the ground in a heap. Sersi caught her, letting Thena use her for support however she needed. "Th-Th...Than..."
"It's okay," Sersi whispered, pulling Thena into her arms to embrace her as much as the Ice Queen would allow. Although, in a surprising turn, Thena leaned into Sersi's comfort. Sersi whispered and hushed and cooed gently against Thena's thick blonde hair, letting her bury her tears alongside Gil's blood.
Thena pulled away, swiping at her cheeks. Sersi did as well, wiping away tears and the faintest marks of blood that had gotten on her reddened skin. "Can I see him?"
"They're moving him to a room now," Sersi whispered. "But you should be...prepared--mentally."
Thena looked at Sersi--at her friend. "Do we know?"
Who had done it. She was asking if they knew who had attacked the Tyrant King.
Sersi shook her head. "We're looking, Thena, I promise. But it wasn't anyone from Koreatown."
It was outside work.
Thena gave Sersi's arm a squeeze as she prepared to find her way to Gilgamesh's side. "Ask Kari? A-And Druig--maybe he's seen something or some-"
Sersi nodded, cutting Thena off with the promise of doing so. "You go. We'll find them, Thena."
The blonde nodded, sniffling again as Sersi headed back behind the double doors. Thena took in another deep breath, pulling her lace around herself so tightly she wondered if the family heirloom would withstand it.
Thena moved numbly through the halls until she reached the room given to the Tyrant King. She could hear the cold, sterile sound of monitors and sensors and machinery. She opened the door, nearly collapsing again as she saw him.
Gil was lying more still than she had ever seen him, breathing evenly at least, with an oxygen mask over his face. One of his lungs must have been damaged.
Thena collapsed into the seat next to his bed. This wing of the hospital was Ajak's, and only people privy to their business would be here anyway. But even if they had been in a civilian hospital, Thena wondered if she would be able to resist falling to her knees.
The tears came again at the sight of him. She never could have guessed what seeing him like this would be like in her mind. It was so different from their line of work, or even when her friends had been injured because of their business. It was so, so different.
Everything she loved was lying in that bed. It was hard not to feel like her entire future was there, sprawled out in front of her but dangling precariously out of her reach. She could try and hold on as tight as she could, but what happened from here was technically out of her control.
"Oh, Gil," she sighed, moving closer. She ran a knuckle over his cheek, noting the pallor of his skin. He was heavily sedated, for the pain, in a deep sleep. And yet he lacked the signs of his naturally relaxed sleep. He didn't have a slight smile on his face, he wasn't drooling, or snoring.
Her Gil was barely there.
Thena pulled her hand up with his, bringing his ring tattoo to her lips and kissing it lightly. "I'm right here, Nae Sarang."
No response, of course.
"I'm so sorry," she whispered, holding his hand and watching every rise and fall of his chest desperately. "If I had been with you..."
He would tell her that he wouldn't have wanted that--that she could have gotten hurt along with him. And he wouldn't want that.
"I never would have let this happen."
He would have taken any bullet--any hardship and pain. He would take it to save her from it. But she would too. If she had been there, she would have given her life for him just as quickly. Not that it was in her nature to give up anything willingly. But for Gil, she realised, she would.
She would take on this pain for him if she could.
Thena leaned over, kissing his cheek. "You rest. I'll take care of things, don't you worry."
She picked up his jacket, slipping it around her shoulders as she sat down again. It still smelled like him, offering her what minimal comfort it could. She pulled out her phone.
"Boss, I heard about the big guy, how is-"
"Kingo," she uttered, silencing him immediately. She kept Gil's hand in hers, her fingers clinging to his, "find me the Little Heiress. Bring her to me."
"Thena, I-"
"I want her hand delivered to Gil's office for me."
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wives-natlho · 7 months
She's Not Who You Think She Is (Memories of Coco part 4, finale)
She’s not who you think she is. She’s a monster, a murderer, and a coward.  We found her ship, bearing your name, and have hauled it to Western La Noscea.  Come and meet me here. I want to talk to you. I’ll be waiting. 
The letter once again came sealed and slid under the front door of the Sweet and Savoury, addressed to Coco. It arrived when Coco was the only one at the bar. She had gone to the basement to clean up, and it was lying there when she came back upstairs. She checked outside and found no sign of anyone near. Not even footprints. 
This has gone on too long. This has to end. It must.
We’ll do some reconnaissance, and form a plan, Coco thought. We’ll show up in force, ready to bring this all to a close. This madness has to stop.
She started penning a notice for the Savoury patrons and employees to gather once again. 
A couple of folks from the Savoury offered to help. Namely Einar, the Miqo'te tavern owner, and a Padjali woman with a penchant for espionage named Uari-Uk-Upash. Both have been extremely helpful with other tasks in the past. Uari-Uk was present when Jaye’s voidsent Ikkobach was captured and forced into its crystal prison. Einar is also a force to be reckoned with for sure, most recently wielding some sort of blood magic that Coco didn't fully understand. 
And, of course, Athena and Jaye would be alongside. 
The plan was simple, but maybe not easy. 
Athena and Uari-Uk-Upash, whom Coco affectionately called "professor", scouted around the Western edge of La Noscea. They spotted it in a cove surrounded by aetheric coral and Sahagin eggs. The ship itself was crawling with Sahagin, and beginning to be covered in eggs and coral itself. However, the Navigator's mark on the ship's hull was uncovered and untouched. They wanted us to spot it. After reconnaissance, the group met up on a small vessel borrowed from some Sharlayan connections.  
Ride up, get in, get the captain, and get out. That's the idea. 
The longer the group was there, the more Sahagin would swarm, so speed and efficiency was key. Uari-Uk, Athena, Einar, and Jaye would be on Sahagin duty. Keep the area clear so Coco can get inside the ship. The crew upstairs was relying on their Bartender to do the actual search and rescue inside the ship. 
"Got it?" Athena's voice snapped Coco back to focus. She was gripping the railing on the boat, staring off into the mass of Aetheric Coral just ahead. "Does everyone understand the plan?"
Coco nodded. "Yes…" 
"Hey, wait a minute… Why is Coco going in alone?" Jaye protested. "You'd never let me do that, 'Thena!" 
"You're right. I wouldn't… Not yet anyways." Athena peered at the Viera’s small voidsent friend, currently resting on Jaye's shoulder and watching intently. "But Coco is ready for this… And she needs this."
"It doesn't feel great to be talked about like I'm not here." Coco said over her shoulder. 
"Tell me about it." Einar smiled a crooked grin. He had come up against this sort of life-defining moment before. From the smile, though, Coco couldn't tell if he actually found the humor in the situation, or if he was just trying to break the tension.
"Sorry." Jaye blurted out. She gave a sharp look to Ikko, still on her shoulder, clearly hearing something no one else did. "Hush, you. That's mean." 
Athena looked over and raised an eyebrow. Jaye just shrugged. 
"Okay, it's time. Let's focus up." The professor got down to business, as she is wont to do. 
Coco didn't see the first assault. She was the last onto the ship, intended to run through an opening made by the others. She climbed onto the Memories' railing and witnessed the results of the attack. They tried not to kill any Sahagin. They were supposed to be allies of the Maelstrom. However, Einar and Jaye were both still struggling to grasp the limits of their respective powers. Some few lay dead at their feet.
"Go, hurry!" Jaye shouted. Ikkobach had placed its form between the doorway into the ship and oncoming Sahagin. It moved aside for the oncoming Coco, rapier drawn and steeled to finally finish this. 
Just inside, it was surprisingly quiet. The slick layer of egg sack and whatever goop the Sahagin used to mark their territory worked as an effective insulation. The air was hot, but dry. The fish men had no reign inside the ship. This was someone else's territory. 
Her boots clunked against the wood below, and betrayed her presence, provided the battle above didn't already do that. Coco had been one step behind this entire time, though, and did not expect to have the element of surprise. She walked through a doorway into a large opening inside the ship. The room was dark except for a single light at the opposite end, some kind of Garlean technology strung up to highlight a chair, upon which sat Captain Goss: bound, gagged, and barely breathing. 
"Don't take a step closer. You've seen what this thing can do." Coco heard a metal click from the darkness alongside the familiar voice. A beat of silence, and then he continued. "How have you been, Sister? I assume you've figured that part out by now." 
"You're no family of mine!" Coco practically growled. 
"Oh? Then what about her?" The first visual sign of the assailant was a Garlean-looking revolver with its hammer cocked, pointing at the head of the older woman. 
"Wait, don't!" Coco lurched forward before catching herself and taking a deep breath. She still stood a dozen or so yalms from the light. 
"Careful. Step closer and all of your answers will be blasted away." The gun moved closer to Captain Goss, also showing the glove and sleeve of the assassin. Coco recognized the garments from the Garlean military. 
She took a half step backwards. “Okay… Let’s talk, then. Why have you done all this?”
“Yes. Let’s talk.” The figure stepped forward, with no hat or mask this time. Standing in the light was a half Roegadyn, half Hyuran Garlean man. He wore full Imperial military regalia. His “dress blues” as it were. He pressed the weapon’s barrel into the Captain’s temple, as she remained unconscious. “How about you recap what you know so far?”
Coco was hesitant, but relented. She told her side of the story. “I know I’ve been being stalked by someone who wanted me to see people getting killed. I know that you’re most likely my half brother, and that Captain Goss here is your mother as well as mine.”
“Good. What else?”
“Ugh. I don’t have time for this!” Coco was getting annoyed. 
Her brother pressed the barrel harder against the bound Sea Wolf. “Okay, okay!... Um…” Coco searched for more answers in her mind. “You know about her fight against this clutch of Sahagin, and that she tried to cover it up. That you made some kind of deal with them to get back at her. And… I know that she wouldn’t still be alive if you just wanted revenge.”
“Exemplary work, sister.” Coco winced at the word. She hated the way it poured from his deranged lips. “You’re right about almost everything. I haven’t been stalking you, though. Just nudging you to find out more on your own.”
 “You’ve lost your mind.” Coco sounded almost empathetic. “How much did Garlemald take from you?”
“Garlemald took my pain, that this woman gave to me and turned it into something more.” The assassin snapped to attention and signaled a Garlean salute. “My name is Titus aan Goss, found son of the Empire! I have suffered the fruits of my mothers sin, as have you and many others. I wanted you to know this. To know the source of your pain and misery. To know the monster from whose loins you sprang, full formed and destitute.”
Coco’s confusion was obvious on her face. What is this lunatic on about!?, she thought.
“This woman,” he continued pointing the pistol back at Captain Goss, “is a murderer. She slaughtered innocent Sahagin, and left her own crew to die. She fled the scene afterwards and paid to have the incident covered up while she lay low far inland. A coward!”
Coco took a deep breath in and released it through her nose. She was focusing both on the words and trying to form a plan of how to get out of here without losing what is most likely her mother.
“This woman,” the assassin grew angrier, “fucked a Hyur she had never previously met, and dropped me, the result of her dalliance, in a small town to the north to live alone, with no one to care for me! A Whore! Were it not for the Garleans I would have suffered as an orphan like you did.”
Coco noticed the assassin moving more subtly towards her, releasing his watch on Captain Goss in the chair. 
“This woman,” he was almost shouting, “fucked a captain that she hated, and dropped you, the result of that dalliance, in the godsdamned desert. You should hate her for the life she has forced upon you.”
A silence fell in the room. The dull thuds above waned, telling Coco the fighting was nearly done. She cleared her throat and calmly spoke. “What do you want from me?”
“I want my sister. You’re the only person left I could possibly identify with.” He lowered his weapon and flipped it around in his hand, holding the handle out towards Coco. “I want you to know the pain I have suffered, and to help me to end its source. And I wanted you to know there is a route to freedom at my right hand. As a blade fighting for power and truth in the Empire.”
“Wait…” Coco’s eyes widened and looked around rapidly. “Are you fucking serious!? You’ve killed at least three people trying to get my attention. And you think I would join you!? Are you out of your fucking mind?”
“... What?” The assassin’s shoulders slumped. “You don’t understand, still? You don’t see that this is all her doing?” He raised the pistol once again, pressing it to the head of the still unconscious Captain Goss. “Fine. Then I am truly alone.”
“No!” Coco readied her rapier and dashed forward across the room.
Athena and Jaye rushed into the room, following the blast. Three bodies lay on the floor, awash in blood. 
Coco, Captain Ana Goss, and the assassin, Titus aan Goss. 
“Fuck.” Athena cursed through the silence.
Jaye's heart pounded as she fell in behind Athena, checking various pulses. 
Coco was breathing, but with a gunshot wound in her shoulder from the pistol’s first bullet. 
“Wait! I know what to do here!” Jaye thought back to her time in Gridania, attempting to study aetheric manipulation in the Conjurer’s guild. She focused for a brief moment and began to muster water and light aether from the air to focus it on the wound. Athena nodded, and checked on the other two corpses. 
The pistol lay on the floor just outside of Coco’s grasp, with two spent rounds from the revolving chamber, and the assassin’s head was half missing. A spray of blood painted the opposite side of the ship’s interior. 
“Shit.” Athena didn’t know what else to say. 
She turned and examined Captain Goss, the older white-haired Roegadyn woman. She was unharmed, but still tied to the chair and toppled over on her side. Athena’s training informed her this woman was clearly under the effects of some sort of poison or medication to keep her sleeping. She wasn’t even breathing that hard. 
Coco sputtered, springing upright and then yelping from the pain in her shoulder. She looked around and saw her loved ones tending to her and her mother, and saw the carnage from the shot she fired from the assassin’s own gun. Whatever this was, this madness, it was over now. Coco’s adrenaline wore off and she was suddenly very tired. 
“Hey.” Jaye smiled. “You okay?”
“Nope.” Coco chuckled. “That’s gonna fuck me up for a while. But I think I’ll be alright eventually.”
Coco looked over Jaye’s shoulder and saw Athena standing, worried and pissed off. 
“What about the Sahagin?” Coco asked.
“Quiet for now, but we’d better hurry.” Athena replied.
“Right.” Coco winced when standing up, supported by Jaye, while Athena picked up Captain Goss like a sack of popotoes. 
They left the room, the gun, the assassin, and the ship behind. The Sahagin can have whatever is left. 
Former Captain Ana Goss, whose ship is now lost, woke up in a Maelstrom first aid tent. Her eyes focused on what looked almost like a mirror that somehow looked 30 years into the past. 
Coco, shoulder wrapped in bandages, spoke. “Good, you’re awake.
… We need to talk.”
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ofswannsx · 2 years
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                      ATHENA MCQUEEN.
named after the goddess of wisdom, athena lived up to her namesake. while caspian took after their father, athena was more so their mother  ( though, the mcqueen surely shines through )  she was a surprise to her parents who were in the middle of divorcing when she came about. feisty, quick-witted and sass to last for days, athena’s a force to be reckoned with. like her mother and brother she was drawn to the water. she enjoyed following her mom on her ventures out on sea. being out there help athena find a sense of self. it was easy to get lost when you had many siblings. she’s just trying to make a name for herself outside her famous parents and giant family. after going back and forth on what and who she wanted to be, she enrolled into walt university to figure that out for herself.
INSPIRED  BY  : bridget ( total drama island ) , annabeth chase  (  percy jackson ) ,  lagoona blue  (  monster high )  ,  buffy summers  (  buffy the vampire slayer  )  ,  stephanie brown ( dc )  ,  donna sheridan (  mamma mia ! )
BIRTH NAME.  athena elinor mcqueen NICKNAMES.  thena. DATE OF BIRTH.   january 2. AGE.     twenty-four GENDER.   cis female. PRONOUNS.  she/her. SPECIES.   half-siren. POWERS.   amphibious transformation, extraordinary strength, speed swimming, siren song, regeneration. SEXUALITY.   bisexual. PLACE OF BIRTH.    elias, california. CURRENT RESIDENCE.   elias, california. OCCUPATION.    studying archeology at walt university. work the aquarium when not in school. 
HEIGHT. 5'6" BUILD. toned. HAIR COLOUR/STYLE. blonde. EYE COLOUR. brown. PIERCINGS.  ears & belly button. TATTOOS. lightning bolt on her rib ( x ), 444 on her inner forearm.  NOTABLE MARKINGS.   n/a. GLASSES/CONTACTS ?  she’s got great vision. FACECLAIM.  madelyn cline. VOICECLAIM. madelyn cline.
PHYSICAL AILMENTS.   none. ALLERGIES.   n/a. SLEEPING HABITS. she likes her sleep thanks.  BODY TEMPERATURE.  she runs cold. DOMINANT HAND.    right. DRUGS / SMOKE / ALCOHOL ? no / she’ll smoke with caspian sometimes / yes
POSITIVE TRAITS. upbeat, dauntless, natural born leader, determined NEGATIVE TRAITS.  stubborn, honest to a fault, hot-tempered, competitive  USUAL MOOD.  content. LIKES. the beach, surfing, the feeling of the sun on your skin, sand castles, reading in nature, sherbert ice cream, swimming, racing, winning, seahorses, summer, getting lost in something you love, traveling DISLIKES.  losing, having her alone time disrupted, people who litter, plastic straws, men ( sometimes, depending on said man ), rude people BAD HABITS.  luring men to their death ?? it happens u know. 
MOTHER.    elizabeth swann, step mom fran bernoulli FATHER.      monty mcqueen. SIBLINGS.    dante, elise, caspian, nina, stefan, enzo & seraphina mcqueen CHILDREN.   none. BIRTH ORDER.   fifth out of eight kids // second child to monty and elizabeth. SIGNIFICANT OTHER.  who’s to say. CLOSEST FRIENDS. rey hamato, aerwyn hamato-seara & this could be you !
ZODIAC SIGN. aquarius. MBTI. istp. TEMPERAMENT.   choleric. HOGWARTS HOUSE.    gryffindor. MORAL ALIGNMENT.   true neutral.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN.   english, italian & spanish. DRIVE ?       yes. JUMP START A CAR ?       yes. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE ?       yes. RIDE A BICYCLE ?       yes. SWIM ?      yes ... she’s a fish PLAY AN INSTRUMENT ?      yes. PLAY CHESS ?      yes. BRAID HAIR ?     yes. TIE A TIE ?          yes. PICK A LOCK ?          yes. SEW ?        yes.
COMPASSION.          8/10.
EMPATHY.         8/10.
CREATIVITY.          10/10.
MENTAL FLEXIBILITY.          10/10.
PASSION.          10/10.
LUCK.         8/10.
EDUCATION.          10/10.
INTELLIGENCE.          9/10.
CHARISMA.         8/10.
REFLEXES.          9/10.
WILLPOWER.          9/10.
STAMINA.          10/10.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH.          9/10.
BATTLE SKILL.          9/10.
INITIATIVE.         10/10.
RESTRAINT.          9/10.
STRATEGY.         10/10.
TEAM WORK.         7/10.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
Yeah thena and Lena as a ship. I like how thena older wiser and broken can see Lena and just admire and embrace the good and dark in Lena.
I had to think about this for a second, because instinctively, my first au for a Thena/Lena AU would be Lena being one of the Eternals all along. That feels more organic than Thena somehow bonding with someone she hasn't known for a millenia or two.
But then the more I thought about it, the more I could kind of lean into Thena being into our Lena. Like, maybe Lena and Sersi are just friends, and Lena comes along to help after the attack in London.
I think Lena would be rather effective against the Deviants, since she would be a) a force to reckon with using her newly mastered magic, and b) an enemy they are entirely unprepared for. Which could actually make Lena a greater target for the Boss Deviant, since absorbing her power would make him way stronger.
So I sort of have a scene in my head of them all in the jungle or a similar local, and Lena's being absolutely barraged by the Deviants and her shields are starting to fail when she finally calls for help. And Thena, hearing her cry, snaps out of her episode and goes into guardian mode. And guardian mode keeps her grounded in this reality, on this planet.
But after the fight is over, maybe Thena starts to panic, and tells Lena to run, believing that her control might snap and she'd go on a rampage starting with the fragile human. Instead of leaving, Lena talks her through the panic attack, and channels waves of gentle comfort through their joined hands until Thena calms.
The fact that Lena wasn't scared of her, let alone helps her, endears Lena to Thena immediately. Thena finds herself curious, and asks for Lena's story from Sersi. Except Sersi doesn't really know it. Which means Thena has to do the legwork herself. It starts with Thena telling Lena about her various roles thru history, which Lena is fascinated by.
When Lena finally shares her life story in turn, Thena just melts for her. Because suddenly here's someone as broken as she is-- yet somehow more resilient. Because Lena is a survivor like her, a fighter in her own way. But also something unknown and unfamiliar. Because magic is new for the Eternals, in a way. Sure, what they do is interpreted as magic, but Lena's gifts are actually magic.
So Thena starts to spend more and more time with Lena, meditating together and sharing meals which soon shifts to quiet hours spent in low light.
It doesn't necessarily become romantic between them. Perhaps they remain like Thena and Gilgamesh had been-- possessing a love that transcends romance or sexual attraction in the way we humans know it today. But their bond is still just as tangible, as deep and abiding as any other love could be.
And just imagine Lena relaxing on the floor in front of Thena's legs, resting her head against Thena's knees as Thena strokes her hair the way she pet that iguana in the jungle.
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multifandumbmeg · 2 years
Knightmare and Darach 12.5
We continue to chug forward. Finally past the time skip! A short snippet today with no trigger warnings necessary.
Day 46
In the days that followed, Druig was like a wire drawn too taut, ready to snap at any moment. Even so, he managed to conceal his stress, only breaking character when he climbed into bed with Makkari each evening for a much-needed rest. They continued to avoid any subject of the once distracting feelings they had for one another, consumed with their daily tasks, expectations, and the ever-present threat of death.
New recruits had arrived, along with many healers and volunteer medics without magic, a new addition thanks to the dire circumstances. With hundreds or even thousands of injured soldiers per day, the healers could simply not keep up, so medics were taught to intervene and triage warriors whose injuries weren’t fatal or could wait with minimal care.  
In addition, Phastos had created a wicked new invention that was leveling the playing field against the Deviant Army. They were black powder launchers, creating localized explosions where the wielder aimed. They took down plenty of enemies, but just as easily killed comrades in the wrong place and some of the materials to make them were hard to come by. Thus, they were in high demand and short supply. Nonetheless, the Royal Army of Domo had started to actually win some battles and gain territory.
It was on this day, under these improving (if only slightly) conditions that a beautiful volunteer medic made her way to where Druig and Makkari were standing, having just arrived at her new post.  
“You must be Druig and Makkari!” The cheerful, dark-haired woman said. Druig froze. He had never met this woman, but he certainly recognized her well enough.
Who the hell is this? Makkari asked.
“Sersei,” Druig extrapolated. “Ikaris’ Sersei.” The woman’s face soured.
“Well, not quite anymore.” She replied a little curtly.
Ooh, strike one. Makkari signed.
“Oh. Sorry. Well, he’s an asshole and didn’t deserve you anyway.” Druig replied awkwardly.
“Too right. He threw the most monumental fit that I wanted to come out here, especially considering how mopey he’s been that Ajak won’t let him come and fight. But I had to. People need help, and it’s not like my family farm had any shortage of siblings to work it just fine without me. I had to do something, and unlike him, I don’t have a country to run so no one’s stopping me.” Sersei explained, chin high.
I like her, Makkari signed with a grin.
“Makkari says she likes you. If we’re going to be friends you have to learn to sign though, it’s way too hard to get spare paper and ink out here every day just so Makkari can make observations about whacking things with her swords.”  
Makkari glared at him. Or about wanting to whack people.
“That too.”
“That sounds brilliant! I’d love to learn!” Sersei exclaimed, clearly enthused.  
And learn she did. Over the following weeks, Sersei slotted in with their friend group easily. It was insane to believe she’d once saddled herself with Ikaris, but all supposed it must have simply been her unerringly kind nature looking for a passion project. Ikaris had truly been an imbecile to let her go, it seemed, for she was sweet, funny, and a force of goodness to be reckoned with. Sersei saved hundreds of lives with her quick study of medicine, and made short work of befriending Makkari by studying sign language intently. She and Thena practiced incessantly to pick it up more quickly, and in no time Makkari had a support system of easy communication stronger than ever. Druig was happy to see her with female friends, able to discuss freely things she wouldn’t have thought to bring up with him, and actually smiling again from time to time. He learned a lot, mostly about the female body, from observing their rapid-fire conversations. He figured the information would eventually come in handy, so he simply contained his shock and filed the knowledge away for later, minding his business.  
On those quiet days, when she was smiling like the sun again, chatting with the girls or training to her hearts content, a tiny spark of the warmth from before would bloom in him. A seed of hope that maybe this would all end one day, and when it did, they might be able to pick up where they left off before.  
All good things come to an end though, and when the war took a turn for the worse again, the flicker of joy and hope expired in all of them. Villages burned, children were slaughtered, and the Deviants continued to march inward, devastating Domo once pure landscape with ash and blood.
Day 59
It was a mistake. It was a mistake. He’d ruined everything, and now it would never be the same again. Makkari was never going to love him again. He was sure of it. She was always distant after that, and he buried the agony that followed that truth in the emptiness that threatened to swallow him whole. He would just have to turn everything off and pretend it didn’t matter. He couldn’t let loneliness engulf him this time, not when so many people were depending on him.
Day 563
Eighty percent of the country was under Celestia occupation by Deviants on the day they arrived.
Thousands of residents had been evacuated to the far overcrowded capitol, and letters from home had grown sparse. It was a tense time for everyone, and their forces were looking exceedingly slim, holding out in strongholds underneath the central plains and surviving mostly on guerilla warfare.  
The familiar form walked towards them from the horde of new volunteers, slinging their hood back to reveal a proud, pinched little face that had no business being there on the front lines.
“Good evening, losers. I heard you needed some help.” Sprite purred.
“Get your pint-sized ass back on that cart and go back to castle Domo,” Druig snapped. “I’m the General now, so that’s my call to make.”
What the hell are you doing here? Makkari signed frantically.
“Oh, we’re doing child soldiers now?” Thena asked. “Absolutely not. Go home and bring back Gilgamesh, at least he’ll be useful.”
“Would anyone mind explaining who this...spirited young one is?” Sersei asked politely.
“You must be that milkmaid Ikaris was boinking, huh?” Sprite asked, delicate as ever.
“Lovely.” Sersei replied, averting her gaze and shutting her mouth tightly.
“Look, guys, I’m almost seventeen now. I could get married if I wanted to. Doesn’t that make me old enough to fight for my country when it’s in peril? Ajak said I could-”
“Like hell did Ajak give you permission.” Druig cut in. “She only sends me letters every chance she gets complaining about you constantly pestering about this.”
“Okay, so maybe I gave myself permission. But I’m older now. And I’ve been practicing. I’m stronger than you could ever believe, Druig. Let me join the Corps. My primary discipline is still illusion magic, so I’ll stay out of the line of sight and help you guys from afar, alright? I can do this. I know the Mage Corps has been getting smaller and smaller. People can’t just pick up magic like they can swing a sword and hope for the best. I’m the only backup you have. Please, let me help.” Sprite plead.  
Druig chewed the inside of his cheek. They were right.  Their ranks were disturbingly small and highly spread out across the major battle fronts. The army needed every single mage they could get. And Sprite was older now. Plus, they’d lived through the war. They’d been robbed of their childhood already.
“Are you really considering this?” Thena asked incredulously.  
Druig, Makkari signed. Are you sure?  
“They’re right. We’re desperate.” He admitted. “Fine, you can stay. But you’re bunking with Thena, I don’t want you around all these adults unsupervised. And you will follow my orders, without fail or complaint, including staying out of sight.” Sprite smiled wildly.  
“Pleasure doing business with you.”
“Oh dear.” Sersei added. “What an adventure this will be.”
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Upcoming Marvel Movies Release Dates: MCU Phase 4 Schedule, Cast, and Story Details
We’ve got everything you need to know about the upcoming Marvel movie (and TV!) schedule all in one place! The Marvel Cinematic Universe plan now stretches all the way to 2023 (and beyond). The amazing thing is, it’s even more ambitious than we anticipated, with new movies getting announced all the time. It looks like even something on the massive scale of Avengers: Endgame was only the beginning. How can anything ever be bigger than that crazy Avengers: Endgame finale?
Well, we’re going to find out! It’s a bold new era for the MCU right now, and the seeds of what comes next have already begun not in theaters, but on TV with Disney+ with the wildly successful WandaVision!
We’ve compiled as much information as we can find on every Marvel movie and TV series coming out in the next few years in a handy release calendar for you. This is where you can check out all the details on Marvel Phase 4 and beyond. However, be advised, almost every single MCU Phase 4 movie release date remains in flux because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic which is wreaking havoc with every industry in the world, so bookmark this page and check back frequently for updates.
Release Date: Jan. 15, 2021
Ever wonder what happened to Wanda after she went full Scarlet Witch on Thanos in Avengers: Endgame? Well, WandaVision depicts a grief-riddled Wanda dealing with the death of Vision in less than healthy ways. The official synopsis for the series describes WandaVision as “a blend of classic television and the Marvel Cinematic Universe in which Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany)—two super-powered beings living idealized suburban lives—begin to suspect that everything is not as it seems.” We won’t spoil anything else in case you haven’t seen it yet, but if you haven’t…what are you waiting for?
This show is going to have serious ties to the MCU, with elements that will be important for Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness and Captain Marvel 2 having prominent roles. And the cast is a who’s who of MCU luminaries, including Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff, Paul Bettany as Vision, Kathryn Hahn as Agnes (we have our own theories about who this character actually is), Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau, Kat Dennings as Darcy (her first appearance since Thor: The Dark World), and Randall Park (Ant-Man and The Wasp) as former SHIELD agent Jimmy Woo.
WandaVision will air nine weekly episodes on Disney+.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Release Date: March 19, 2021
“The legacy of that shield is complicated.”
Yes, it is. And we’re going to find out just how complicated when Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes reckon with the legacy of Captain America in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney+. Here’s the official synopsis for the series…
“Following the events of Avengers: Endgame, Sam Wilson/Falcon (Anthony Mackie) and Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) team up in a global adventure that tests their abilities—and their patience—in Marvel Studios’ The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.”
Like WandaVision, this isn’t a theatrical release, but also like that show, this is far too important to the future of the MCU to ignore. We’re expecting big things from this one, especially with Daniel Bruhl returning as Captain America: Civil War villain, Zemo. Emily VanCamp will return as Sharon Carter, and Wyatt Russell is going to make his MCU debut as John Walker, who Marvel fans know as the USAgent.
Black Widow 
Release Date: May 7, 2021
The Black Widow movie was heading for a May 1, 2020 release before the coronavirus outbreak, but Disney and Marvel have decided to delay it until the industry’s infrastructure is back to some semblance of normal. First they bumped it to November, but now we have to wait almost a full year from that originally scheduled date before we see Natasha and friends. Disney and Marvel Studios seem absolutely committed to keeping Natasha on a theatrical release rather than sending her to Disney+, though.
Here’s the official synopsis:
“Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow confronts the darker parts of her ledger when a dangerous conspiracy with ties to her past arises. Pursued by a force that will stop at nothing to bring her down, Natasha must deal with her history as a spy and the broken relationships left in her wake long before she became an Avenger.”
Cate Shortland directed the film, and Scarlett Johansson stars, with Florence Pugh and David Harbour alongside her. One of the movie’s villains is Taskmaster, and we wrote a little bit more about him right here.
Natasha Romanoff will get a prequel movie of sorts here, as we catch up with Widow right around the events of Captain America: Civil War. Will the plot affect her character’s ultimate fate in Endgame? Do not count on it.
Hopefully this one finally comes out on schedule.
We have more information on the Black Widow movie right here.
Release Date: June 11, 2021
Tom Hiddleston will reprise his most famous role, as Loki finds himself on a heist through time and space “as he steps out of his brother’s shadow” after the events of Avengers: Endgame! Oh, and based on this trailer, there’s all kinds of weirdness awaiting, including the return of Heimdall, some other Asgardian hijinks, DB Cooper (yes!), Owen Wilson playing an obscure character based on a beloved Marvel Comics writer, and…Loki running for President!
Look, he couldn’t possibly do a worse job than the guy was in there for the last four years so…Vote Loki!
Tom Hiddleston stars, of course, and the cast also includes Owen Wilson, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Sophia Di Martino, Wunmi Mosaku, and Richard E. Grant. Michael Waldron is head writer.
Venom: Let There Be Carnage
Release Date: June 25, 2021
Andy Serkis (Mowgli) steps behind the camera for Venom 2, which now boasts the catchy title of Venom: Let There Be Carnage. The first film, buoyed by a terrific showing at the Chinese box office, made an absolute ton of money, despite being released to mostly scathing reviews.
Venom 2 will follow up Sony’s 2018 Spider-Man-less spinoff film, but will likely be more connected to the MCU this time around, thanks to a renewed deal between the company and its Marvel Studios partners. Tom Hardy will return as Eddie Brock, of course, and as you can probably guess from that title, he’ll be facing off against Woody Harrelson’s villain, Cletus Kasady aka Carnage!
Don’t be surprised if this ends up moving off this release date if people remain skeptical about returning to movie theaters.
Read everything else you need to know about Venom 2.
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
Release Date: July 9, 2021
Simu Liu has been cast as the titular Shang-Chi and Tony Leung as The Mandarin (hey, that name sounds familiar! But this time, we’re getting the real Mandarin on screen). Destin Daniel Cretton is directing from a script by Dave Callaham. Given its “Ten Rings” title, Shang-Chi should be steeped in Marvel lore!
This has been delayed twice. Let’s hope that’s the end of it and we get to see it in July!
We have more info on the Shang-Chi movie right here.
What If…?
Release Date: Summer 2021
The beloved comic book series that tells tales of how things might have turned out differently in the Marvel Universe is becoming an animated series on Disney+!
Here’s the official synopsis:
“What If…? flips the script on the MCU, reimagining famous events from the films in unexpected ways…Marvel Studios’ first animated series focuses on different heroes from the MCU, featuring a voice cast that includes a host of stars who reprise their roles.”
We know that at least a couple of these roles include Chadwick Boseman’s final performance as T’Challa as well as the return of Hayley Atwell as Agent Peggy Carter!
The Eternals 
Release Date: Nov. 5, 2021
The Eternals has completed principal photography and is on post-production. Chloe Zhao is directing from a script by Matthew and Ryan Firpo. Marvel described the film as an “epic story, spanning thousands of years, features a group of immortal heroes forced out of the shadows to reunite against mankind’s oldest enemy, The Deviants.”
The cast features Richard Madden as Ikaris, Kumail Nanjiani as Kingo, Lauren Ridloff as Makkari, Brian Tyree Henry as Phastos, Salma Hayek as Ajak, Lia McHugh as Sprite, Don Lee as Gilgamesh, Angelina Jolie as Thena, Gemma Chan as Sersi, and Kit Harrington as Dane Whitman, the Black Knight.
This one was another victim of the release date shuffle, having moved from February of 2021 to November of that year. We’ll get to see Jack Kirby‘s wildest creations eventually!
You can read more about The Eternals movie right here.
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Release Date: Dec. 17, 2021
The next Spider-Man movie finally has a title! Spider-Man: No Way Home will once again take place in the MCU since Marvel and Sony solved their differences, good sense prevailed, and Tom Holland’s Peter Parker will remain a vital part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
This one, well…this might be a live action Spider-Verse movie from the sound of it. Jamie Foxx will reprise his role as Electro from the maligned Amazing Spider-Man films and Alfred Molina will return from the Raimi era as Doctor Octopus. Wait. Are they trying to make this a multiversal Sinister Six movie? Because…we could be down for that.
Release Date: Late 2021
Jeremy Renner returns as Clint Barton to train his replacement as Hawkeye, Hailee Steinfeld’s Kate Bishop! Apparently based on the brilliant run of comics by Matt Fraction and David Aja, Hawkeye will also prominently feature Lucky the Pizza Dog, one of the great canines in Marvel Comics history.
The cast also includes Vera Farmiga as Eleanor Bishop, Fra Fee as Kazimerz Kazimierczak, Tony Dalton as Jack “Swordsman” Duquesne, Florence Pugh as Yelena Belova, Alaqua Cox as Maya “Echo” Lopez, and Zahn McClarnon as Willie Lincoln. We wrote more about all these new characters here.
Ms. Marvel
Release Date: Late 2021
Ms. Marvel is finally coming to live action! Here’s the official synopsis for the series…
“Ms. Marvel introduces Kamala Khan—a 16-year-old Pakistani-American growing up in Jersey City. “A great student, an avid gamer and a voracious fan-fiction scribe, she has a special affinity for superheroes, particularly Captain Marvel. But Kamala struggles to fit in at home and at school—that is, until she gets super powers like the heroes she’s always looked up to. Life is easier with super powers, right?”
The cast includes Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel, Aramis Knight, Saagar Shaikh, Rish Shah, Zenobia Shroff, Mohan Kapur, Matt Lintz, Yasmeen Fletcher, Laith Naki, Azher Usman, Travina Springer, and Nimra Bucha. Episodes are directed by Adil El Arbi & Bilall Fallah, Meera Menon, and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy.
Release Date: January 21, 2022
Spider-Man spinoff Morbius is Sony’s next big Marvel release, and it’ll officially be the first spinoff to properly connect to the MCU. Here’s the official synopsis for the film…
“Dangerously ill with a rare blood disorder, and determined to save others suffering his same fate, Dr. Morbius attempts a desperate gamble. What at first appears to be a radical success, a darkness inside him is unleashed and transforms this healer into a hunter.”
Safe House‘s Daniel Espinosa directs from a script by Matt Sazama, Burk Sharpless, Art Marcum, and Matt Holloway. Jared Leto stars as the vampiric title character, and the cast also includes Matt Smith, Adria Arjona, Jared Harris, Al Madrigal, and Tyrese Gibson.
Read more about the character of Michael Morbius here, and find everything you need to know about his upcoming movie, right here.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Release Date: March 25, 2022
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness looks like it will open up the storytelling possibilities in the MCU like never before. And that’s just based on the name alone. Scott Derrickson was scheduled to direct, but has bowed out because of “creative differences” with Marvel. But the good news is that Marvel found a suitable replacement in none other than Sam Raimi, who of course has plenty of superhero experience thanks to his Spider-Man trilogy in the early 2000s!
This one has loads of connections to the wider MCU. Elizabeth Olsen will be here as Wanda Maximoff post WandaVision, and the film will also connect to Spider-Man: No Way Home and its own multiversal ambitions. There are also a few rumors doing the rounds that Jericho Drumm aka Brother Voodoo could be introduced in this sequel. We’ll keep an eye on that and update this if there’s any substance to them.
We have more information on Doctor Strange 2 right here.
Thor: Love and Thunder
Release Date: May 6, 2022
Taika Waititi, who gave us the delightful Thor: Ragnarok, will return to write and direct. Chris Hemsworth will be back, but will it be as Thor? Natalie Portman is your new Thor (yes, you read that right, Jane Foster will wield the hammer…just as she did in the comics!). Christian Bale has also joined the cast as the terrifying Gorr the God Butcher.
Oh, and did we mention that the Guardians of the Galaxy will be along for the ride, too?
We have more info on Thor: Love and Thunder right here.
Black Panther 2 
Release Date: July 8, 2022
Black Panther 2 is still on Disney’s release schedule, despite the tragic, untimely death of star Chadwick Boseman. Marvel has made it official that they have no intention of recasting the role of T’Challa, which is absolutely the right move.
Ryan Coogler will return as director, but there are no other details currently available. We have more information on Black Panther 2 right here. Interestingly, Coogler is also bringing a Wakanda TV series to Disney+ at some point in the future, too.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Sequel
Release Date: October 7, 2022
Is it technically an MCU movie? Nope. But with all the legal weirdness going on between Marvel and Sony, and this franchise’s very multiversal concept, who’s really to say that it ISN’T an MCU movie either, right? In any case, the sequel to the best Spider-Man movie of all time is coming in 2022 with Avatar: The Last Airbender mastermind Joaquim Dos Santos directing and David Callaham writing.
There’s also an “untitled Marvel movie” still technically scheduled for this date but…that is almost certainly not gonna happen now. Expect whatever that project was to move to one of these below dates or to some other currently unspecified date on the calendar.
Captain Marvel 2
Release Date: November 11, 2022
WandaVision writer Megan McDonnell has been tapped to write the screenplay for Captain Marvel 2. You know what else is really cool? Candyman‘s Nia DaCosta will direct!
We have no idea where we’ll find Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) in the sequel to her hugely successful first standalone MCU entry. Will she be fighting to loosen her former Kree pals’ iron grip on a pre-Avengers galaxy? Or will the follow up film see her fighting for justice in the present?
In any case, we know that she’ll be facing off with Zawe Ashton as a currently unnamed antagonist.
Read more about Captain Marvel 2 here.
And then there are still some dates that Marvel has announced that they have yet to match projects to. Those dates are…
Feb. 17, 2023
May 5, 2023
July 28, 2023
Nov. 3, 2023
Some of those dates could very well be good fits for the following films…
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Peyton Reed will return to direct the third installment of the Ant-Man saga, perhaps the most unlikely trilogy in Marvel’s entire arsenal. Paul Rudd will return as Scott Lang, and you can almost certainly expect Evangeline Lilly to return as The Wasp and Michael Douglas as Hank Pym.
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The villain of the film? That will be Kang the Conqueror, who will be played by Lovecraft Country‘s Jonathan Majors. The inclusion of Kang opens up all kinds of interesting possibilities for the MCU, and may even tease the arrival of the Fantastic Four down the line! We wrote more about those possibilities right here.
We’re also going to need fast confirmation on Michael Pena’s return as Luis, though. Luis is key…
This will probably slide in to one of those 2023 release dates above.
Well this one was a surprise. In 2019, Marvel announced that they will be rebooting the Blade franchise with Mahershala Ali playing the titular daywalker. Ali’s True Detective co-star – and former Blade villain – Stephen Dorff is excited to see what he can do with the character, and so are we.
We have more info on Blade here.
Deadpool 3
Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Loeglin will be the writing team tasked with bringing the Merc with a Mouth to the MCU. What a Deadpool 3 could look like in the interconnected Marvel Cinematic Universe is, of course, anybody’s guess, but if anyone can crack wise about the follies of this kind of corporate synergy, it’s Ryan Reynolds.
Fantastic Four
The MCU Fantastic Four movie is finally happening! Marvel’s first family will join the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a film directed by Jon Watts, who did such a wonderful job with the first two MCU Spider-Man movies. That’s all the information that’s out there at the moment, but as soon as we have more, we’ll update this. It also appears that WandaVision is setting up the Fantastic Four, so stay tuned.
We have our own theories on why Marvel went with the Fantastic Four before the X-Men, but that’s another story.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 
Avengers: Endgame left the team in an interesting place. We broke down some of the story possibilities right here.
After a tumultuous period which saw James Gunn fired and then rehired as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 director, he will become the first Marvel director to ever complete a trilogy for the studio. However, Gunn can’t even begin filming Guardians 3 until he finishes production on The Suicide Squad for DC, as well as an HBO Max Peacemaker prequel. Once those projects are finished, he’s free to return to the MCU.
We have everything else you need to know about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 right here.
And as for those others? Well, we’re still waiting on word on movies to bring the X-Men (other than Deadpool, of course) into the MCU. Could any of those 2023 dates do the trick? It’s very possible! And this doesn’t even account for all of the other MCU Disney+ TV shows that don’t have release dates yet…
Tatiana Maslany will play Jennifer Walters, a lawyer who ends up with her cousin Bruce’s gamma-irradiated blood. Hilarity certainly ensues. Kevin Feige has promised that since this will be a courtroom show, you never know who else from the MCU could show up.
Moon Knight
Oscar Isaac will play Marc Spector, a disturbed fortune hunter who also happens to be the avenging avatar of an Egyptian moon god.
The first of two series that will explore the legacy of Iron Man and Tony Stark in the MCU, Ironheart stars Dominique Thorne as Riri Williams, a teenager at M.I.T. who creates her own suit of armor to right the wrongs of the world.
Armor Wars
Don Cheadle will reprise his role as Rhodey and will have the solo spotlight in the War Machine armor in a series that deals with a nightmare scenario for the MCU: what if Tony Stark’s Iron Man technology fell into the wrong hands and was getting duplicated by villains? Based on a classic comics run, Armor Wars promises big action and lots of obscure bad guys. We can’t wait.
Secret Invasion
Samuel L. Jackson will return as Nick Fury alongside Ben Mendelsohn as Talos for a series about the shape-shifting Skrull infiltration of Earth. Secret Invasion could be the biggest thing to happen to the MCU since Endgame.
Very few details are available on this one at the moment, but Ryan Coogler will develop at least one Wakanda-set TV series for Disney+. We wrote more about some of the implications of this here.
Hopefully all these shows arrive by 2022. We’ll keep updating this with new information as it becomes available.
The post Upcoming Marvel Movies Release Dates: MCU Phase 4 Schedule, Cast, and Story Details appeared first on Den of Geek.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Spicy 04 - Outside
"Really, I'm good," Gilgamesh declined, rooting himself to the spot as they pulled at him with all their mortal might.
"Come on, Champion," one of the women squealed in their glee. She pulled at one of his arms fruitlessly. "You are always in the forges."
"Surely the Goddess prefers you refreshed."
Gil blushed at the way they implied that Thena would just come and collect him for...that. "I don't know if you want to put words in the Goddess' mouth, girls."
The women sprang off Gilgamesh at her appearance. She looked every bit the part of the Goddess of War, the patron saviour of Athens. She strode over with long strides, white toga, shimmering silks and gold adorning her. The ladies feigned some remorse as they bowed to her. "Goddess Athena."
She ignored their greeting, long used to the manipulation of her name. She looked right at Gilgamesh. "Well, are you finally going to join them today, Champion?"
He smiled; he thought it was funny to imagine she was jealous in situations like these. Which she had told him herself he was incorrect about, of course. "Do I ever, Goddess?"
Thena looked back at the human women, who shrank more under her unwavering gaze. She raised her hand, a trident appearing at her will. She sent it straight into the wall of the bath, the water swiftly escaping through the cracks in the stone. "It seems this bath is out of commission. Find someone to repair it."
Gil chuckled as the women scurried off, eager to escape the ire of their deity. He squeezed her shoulder, "come on, you know they're harmless."
Thena grabbed his shoulder in return, all but dragging him to the temple called hers.
Gil grunted as his back hit cool, shaded side of the column. Thena was on him already, kissing him hard, grasping the front of his robes. His hands moved over her arms, bare, save for the golden bands around her biceps. "Thena."
She didn't reply, just demanded more from him as her tongue pushed into his mouth. She wasn't usually in the mood to talk after incidences like these. The only thing she wanted to do was feel him.
Gil let her have her way, giving over all she wanted and thensome. He moaned as she arched her back and her shoulders rose, pressing herself closer to him. She pressed closer still, raising a knee between his legs. He grunted as she made contact.
Thena flipped their positions, pressing her hands to the limestone and looking at him over her shoulder. He knew what she was asking, although she knew that he preferred closer, softer, sweeter. But he understood what she wanted, winding her hair over her shoulder so he could at least see her a little--could at least kiss her neck.
Gil groaned as she pushed her ass into him, knowing damn well how ready he was. He parted her toga in the front, reaching around to run his fingers against her before pushing it out of his way. She was ready too.
Thena let out a long, loud moan as he pushed into her. Second only to when she was literally on top of him, feeling him push into her from behind always managed to make her knees go numb. She gripped the stone as he held her hips with one hand, already moving steadily. The other hand came up, unclasping the cascading layers of silk around her until he could pull the folds of her toga open as far down as he could manage. Despite their shaded spot she could feel the warmth of the sun on the bare skin of her back.
Gil let out another moan as he felt her tighten around him, the air on her skin washing over her senses for a moment. He leaned forward, desperate kiss her spine, her shoulders, her neck--any part of her he could reach. He pressed his hand over hers, both of them bracing their impact. Her hips met his with every move. Jealousy really brought out her possessive side.
As if she could read his mind - and wanted to argue with him - she extended her arms, pushing against him even harder. It was a challenge, and he took it evenly. His hand lifted her hips easily, parting her legs further. His palm pressed against the skin below her stomach until she could feel nothing else but him.
"Gil, fuck," she whined. She always became more vocal like this. "Yes, just like that."
His vision blurred. He liked it when she was vocal. "Fuck, Thena."
"Fuck, yes, yes, harder." So demanding, his Goddess.
Thena's hands flexed, digging her nails into the stone until it cracked against her strength. Her forehead, or rather the tiara of her armour, made contact with the stone as Gil leaned everything he had into her. Her spine curved at a steep angle, hips held still as he drove them closer to the edge together. "Gil!"
Gilgamesh buckled as she came, everything about her surrounding him and taking over his every sense as he fell with her. Their hips ground together as they both rode out the ecstasy of it, evidence of their entanglement dripping down between them.
Thena purred as her spine relaxed, still leaning against the cool limestone. She let it touch her hot flushed cheek until Gil spun her around again, kissing her. She let him; he had fulfilled her demands. It was her turn.
Gil sighed as her arms came to rest over his shoulders, slowly folding around his neck and then sliding over his opposite shoulders again. He pulled away, taking in the glow of her skin, the quickness of her breath, the way her hair flew around her freely. This was what he missed whenever they fucked with her facing away from him.
Thena let him brush her hair back and then trail his finger down over her cheek. It came to rest at her chin, his thumb swiping over her plumped lips. It was a movement far more intimate than some open air fucking. Far more intimate than anything any human could imagine doing with him in their debaucherous little imaginations.
Gil kissed her again, softer and sweeter. And she returned the kiss just as lovingly. He sighed, "I miss this, y'know. I want to look at you in all your glory."
Thena let him shower his flowery words over her. He liked doing it, and she would never admit in this millennia or the next that she never wanted him to stop. "You're looking at me now."
"And how glorious it is," he grinned, kissing her again. He looked at the column behind them as they pulled away. "Well, it's in better shape than last time."
Last time Phastos had needed to replace a massive section of the stone, crushed by either him or Thena or both of them (in the heat of the moment). He had asked, and then regretted asking immediately.
But Thena didn't mind the damage at all, not even to the temple they'd erected for her own comfort and leisure. Let them see, she figured. It was yet another way of letting them know that Gilgamesh - Athena's mighty Champion - was not for their entertainment.
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
drama for the runaway bride au: A man from the nearby village has seen Thena at Gilgameshs little forest house and informed royal guards who informed the King and now they're standing in front of Gilgameshs door again and invite themselves in and they're dragging Thena back to the castle
Gil smiled down at the flowers in his hand. Thena would love them--they were soft and white and lovely, just like her. He would put them in some water when he got home, maybe after dinner. Thena was probably chopping vegetables this very second. She was getting better at it.
It had been almost a year since she found him--or since he found her, maybe it was better to say. The beautiful bride he found hiding in a tree trunk was no longer a lost little fawn. She had come to learn everything that was required to keep the house in good order. She had taken over those duties all together when he'd been injured.
The cabin was as much hers as it was his, as far as he was concerned.
And it was high time he tell her as much, too. Maybe it was silly to do something so formally when she had indeed lived alongside him all this time. He often blushed to remember that they even shared a bed. But he felt he had to say something--let her know just how important it was to him that she was here.
"No, let go of me!"
The flowers dropped from Gil's hand. He took off in a run, his feet slipping faintly as he charged towards the house, a royal carriage parked out front.
"Get off me!" Thena screamed, so unlike her usual self. But she was a force to be reckoned with, clawing and thrashing, teeth bared like a wild animal.
"Your highness, please," the men pleaded with her.
"Let her go!" Gil bellowed before he could even think about it. All he knew was that he could see Thena being taken away, and he had to stop it. "Get away from her!"
"The lumberjack is back!"
"Stop him!"
"He has a weapon!"
"No!" Thena pulled against the suits of armour holding each of her arms. "No, don't hurt him!"
Gil slid to a stop, holding his axe but eyeing the line of royal soldiers with their swords pointed at him. "What do you think you're doing with her?"
"The princess is coming with us!"
"Like hell she is," he snarled at them. He would fight all of them, outnumbered or not, if he had to. "You're not going anywhere with my Thena."
"Gil!" she cried out for him. She managed to pull away from her captors, shoving the men out of her way until she could stand in front of him. "Enough!"
"Your highness, move!" the frontmost man barked at her.
"No!" she barked right back at him (that was his Thena). "Or would you rather report to my father than you've run me through trying to capture an innocent man?"
The guards did lower their weapons, although it didn't do much to make Gil feel better about the whole thing. The captain glared at him. "He is no innocent man, your highness. The lumberjack stands accused of kidnapping and holding the princess hostage."
"There is no such crime," Thena stated, although it seemed that - princess or not - her word didn't weigh as much as it should to the men facing them.
"His majesty has been searching, my lady," the captain scowled at her, still standing in front of Gil to protect him. "For nigh on a year, now."
It was a year this very day, actually.
"Then tell him you've found me," Thena challenged, her shoulders squared and her braid sliding off her shoulder and down her back. "Tell him you've found me and that I refuse to return."
The other guards looked between themselves. They were just men following orders, doing their jobs, trying to feed themselves and their families.
"I cannot, your highness."
"Well I won't be going with you, so you may pick which is a worse fate," Thena snipped at him, grasping Gil's hand behind her. "But if a hair on this man's head is hurt, I will have the lot of you executed."
Gil blinked. The men didn't seem to take her all that seriously, but he would be trembling in his armour if he were in their shoes. They hadn't seen her furious at the end of a long day when he'd forgotten to wipe his muddy boots off yet again.
"Princess Thena," the captain resumed his attempt at reasoning with her. He stepped forward, hand on his chest (and off his weapon). "Not only your father but your fiance the prince has also-"
"I have no fiance, captain," Thena cut him off without even batting an eye. "And if there is a snivelling pup inhabiting the castle saying he is, then I mourn for the days of your honour as a royal guard."
Damn, she really had a way with words, especially when they were insulting.
"My lady, I implore you," the captain bent at the waist and bowed to her. "I am not to return without you, sworn on my life."
Thena sighed. She wouldn't be responsible for something like that--she refused to be. Gil gave her hand a squeeze, "captain?"
"Highness?" he peeked up at her, a little too eager for how little time had passed.
"If my father has threatened you all with death," she held her head high. "Then I suggest you run away."
The men paled.
"These forests are deep. You could find the village, start anew, take your families and leave the prison my father calls a castle. But I will not return there with you, and if your lives depend on me doing so, then I am telling you now to save yourselves."
"Highness," another guard interjected, although Gil got the sense that he wasn't really allowed to speak up so freely. "If it's about the lumberjack, perhaps your father would employ-"
Gil shrank slightly, and he was behind her! The men facing them flinched.
"My father," she said it like she would talk about hay mould, or spiders, or wild boars. Her eyes locked with the guard, "is not fit to stand in the same room as the man behind me."
"Stop calling me that!"
"Princess," the captain took the reins again, his voice raising. "I have been ordered to bring you back. And I regret to inform you that I am to use any means necessary to do so."
"Truly?" she didn't back down from the threat, but still stood close enough to Gil that no one would be able to approach him without her being in the way. "Would you tie me up and kidnap me, captain? Would you apprehend the crown princess?"
"If I must, my lady," he informed her with an equal lack of remorse. "I was ordered to retrieve you, alive, but by no means was I told to do so with gentility. And if I must bring you back by force, then so be it."
Gil gripped his axe again. He didn't like where this was headed. Thena backed up into him even more, pressing her back to his chest. Her hand gripped the handle of his axe, throwing off his grip. She didn't want him to fight.
"I'm sure my resistance will be attributed to my so called 'kidnapper' fighting you off?" Thena assumed aloud.
"Aye," the captain confirmed.
"Then I must tell you..."
Gil held his breath same as the guards did. He didn't know what she had up her sleeve, but it had better be good. It really seemed like everyone's lives were depending on it.
"That I have already married him."
What was that now?
The men traded looks, most horrified, a few more curious than anything. The captain looked positively flushed with rage. "I beg your pardon."
"I have married this man," Thena proclaimed like it was nothing. She wound their fingers together.
"Each and every marriage must be officiated properly, your highness." The captain looked mortified, but in an angry way. "Your father will never recognise it as a lawful union."
"Then I suppose you will have to go and tell him regardless."
"Thena," he breathed against her hair. He wasn't sure if this would only invite more trouble down the line or not, especially considering it was a bold faced lie. But he went with it.
"That his daughter has run off and had a bastardisation of a marriage in the woods with some lowly peasant?!"
Gil huffed; he wasn't rich by any means, but he wasn't sure if he was a peasant, either. He had just worked at the castle not two weeks ago!
"Yes," she persisted, "tell him exactly that, or anything else. But he may know that I love the man I am with, and that I will not return to his gilded cage to be sold like chattel."
The captain sighed deeply. If looks could kill, he would be on trial for regicide, "if that is what her highness wishes."
"It is an order."
As if the word 'order' were a magic spell, the men all snapped up straighter, heels together. "Ma'am!"
"Then we must inform the king," the captain declared, pulling back his tiny battalion to deliver truly terrible news.
"I wish you luck," Thena sent them off with the snide wish, crossing her arms as they loaded into the carriages again. She kept glaring until they were dragging themselves off the beaten path and back to the main road again.
Gil let out a breath once they were out of sight. He leaned on his knees, heart hammering, "wow."
Thena also sighed, turning around to face him. "I suppose we will have to be prepared for the possibility that the magistrate will come knocking next."
"Uh, Thena?"
"Perhaps Eros will come with some fake document to state that I am not legally allowed to marry anyone but him," she continued, rolling her eyes and sorting out her braid again, "like a land deed."
"Thena," Gil tried again.
"As much as I never want to see him again, I would pay any price to see the image of my father's face when he finds out his crown jewel has-"
"Thena!" he interrupted, not at all yelling at her but certainly not keeping quiet anymore. He stood to his full height again, smiling at her, "married, are we?"
Finally faced with the consequences of her lie, she looked down at the ground between them, quickly flushing rouge. "U-Uh, w-well-"
"Wish I had known," he chuckled, trying to get a peek at her face, "I'd have gotten you a gift, darling."
She squirmed, toying with the edge of her apron (which none of the guards noticed was literally made from her once-wedding dress). "I had to think of something they couldn't argue with me about."
"No, I guess you were right," Gil chuckled, throwing his arm over her shoulders and pulling her closer, "now I just have to worry about your dad busting down my door, huh?"
"Please," she scoffed at the very idea, "Father hasn't set food outside the castle in well over two decades. I think he would sooner write me off as missing and deceased than lift a finger to verify it himself."
Gil wasn't sure if that was so true, but he couldn't do anything but take her word for it at the moment. He kissed her forehead, "are you okay?"
She sighed, leaning against his chest, tugging at the suspenders over his flannel shirt. "I tried to hide again but they circled the house and took me. I was worried...I thought you wouldn't-"
"Hey, okay, sh," he whispered, pressing his nose to her temple as she sniffed back her tears. He had been scared of that very thing. "It's okay, nothing like that is gonna happen."
Neither of them could guarantee that.
Thena put her hands on his hips, while he did the same for her. "I'm sorry to lie like that."
He shook his head. He didn't mind it nearly as much as she thought he did. Maybe he minded that it wasn't actually true, but that was for a later date. "It is our anniversary, actually."
Thena smiled, their foreheads meeting gently. She rose on her toes, just enough to touch her lips to his, "happy anniversary, my sweet lumberjack."
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Upcoming Marvel Movies Release Dates: MCU Phase 4 Schedule, Cast, and Story Details
We’ve got everything you need to know about the upcoming Marvel movie (and TV!) schedule all in one place! The Marvel Cinematic Universe plan now stretches all the way to 2023 (and beyond). The amazing thing is, it’s even more ambitious than we anticipated, with new movies getting announced all the time. It looks like even something on the massive scale of Avengers: Endgame was only the beginning. How can anything ever be bigger than that crazy Avengers: Endgame finale?
Well, we’re going to find out…eventually. But it’s a bold new era for the MCU right now, and the seeds of what comes next will begin not in theaters, but on TV with Disney+.
We’ve compiled as much information as we can find on every Marvel movie and TV series coming out in the next few years in a handy release calendar for you. This is where you can check out all the details on Marvel Phase 4 and beyond. However, be advised, almost every single MCU Phase 4 movie release date remains in flux because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic which is wreaking havoc with every industry in the world, so bookmark this page and check back frequently for updates.
Release Date: Jan. 15, 2021
Ever wonder what happened to Wanda after she went full Scarlet Witch on Thanos in Avengers: Endgame? Well, you’re gonna find out in WandaVision, which appears to depict a grief-riddled Wanda dealing with the death of Vision in less than healthy ways. The official synopsis for the series describes WandaVision as “a blend of classic television and the Marvel Cinematic Universe in which Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany)—two super-powered beings living idealized suburban lives—begin to suspect that everything is not as it seems.”
This show is going to have serious ties to the MCU, with elements that will be important for Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness and Captain Marvel 2 having prominent roles. And the cast is a who’s who of MCU luminaries, including Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff, Paul Bettany as Vision, Kathryn Hahn as Agnes (we have our own theories about who this character actually is), Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau, Kat Dennings as Darcy (her first appearance since Thor: The Dark World), and Randall Park (Ant-Man and The Wasp) as former SHIELD agent Jimmy Woo.
WandaVision will air nine weekly episodes on Disney+.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Release Date: March 19, 2021
“The legacy of that shield is complicated.”
Yes, it is. And we’re going to find out just how complicated when Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes reckon with the legacy of Captain America in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney+. Here’s the official synopsis for the series…
“Following the events of Avengers: Endgame, Sam Wilson/Falcon (Anthony Mackie) and Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) team up in a global adventure that tests their abilities—and their patience—in Marvel Studios’ The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.”
Like WandaVision, this isn’t a theatrical release, but also like that show, this is far too important to the future of the MCU to ignore. We’re expecting big things from this one, especially with Daniel Bruhl returning as Captain America: Civil War villain, Zemo. Emily VanCamp will return as Sharon Carter, and Wyatt Russell is going to make his MCU debut as John Walker, who Marvel fans know as the USAgent.
Release Date: March 19, 2021
Spider-Man spinoff Morbius is Sony’s next big Marvel release, and it’ll officially be the first spinoff to properly connect to the MCU. Here’s the official synopsis for the film…
“Dangerously ill with a rare blood disorder, and determined to save others suffering his same fate, Dr. Morbius attempts a desperate gamble. What at first appears to be a radical success, a darkness inside him is unleashed and transforms this healer into a hunter.”
Safe House‘s Daniel Espinosa directs from a script by Matt Sazama, Burk Sharpless, Art Marcum, and Matt Holloway. Jared Leto stars as the vampiric title character, and the cast also includes Matt Smith, Adria Arjona, Jared Harris, Al Madrigal, and Tyrese Gibson.
Read more about the character of Michael Morbius here, and find everything you need to know about his upcoming movie, right here. Um…don’t be surprised if this one ends up moving off this date at some point at the rate we’re going. Technically that March 19 date is correct, but official promotional materials now only say that the movie is “coming 2021.” We’re leaving it here until we hear otherwise, though.
Black Widow 
Release Date: May 7, 2021
The Black Widow movie was heading for a May 1, 2020 release before the coronavirus outbreak, but Disney and Marvel have decided to delay it until the industry’s infrastructure is back to some semblance of normal. First they bumped it to November, but now we have to wait almost a full year from that originally scheduled date before we see Natasha and friends. Disney and Marvel Studios seem absolutely committed to keeping Natasha on a theatrical release rather than sending her to Disney+, though.
Here’s the official synopsis:
“Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow confronts the darker parts of her ledger when a dangerous conspiracy with ties to her past arises. Pursued by a force that will stop at nothing to bring her down, Natasha must deal with her history as a spy and the broken relationships left in her wake long before she became an Avenger.”
Cate Shortland directed the film, and Scarlett Johansson stars, with Florence Pugh and David Harbour alongside her. One of the movie’s villains is Taskmaster, and we wrote a little bit more about him right here.
Natasha Romanoff will get a prequel movie of sorts here, as we catch up with Widow right around the events of Captain America: Civil War. Will the plot affect her character’s ultimate fate in Endgame? Do not count on it.
We have more information on the Black Widow movie right here.
Release Date: May 2021
Tom Hiddleston will reprise his most famous role, as Loki finds himself on a heist through time and space “as he steps out of his brother’s shadow” after the events of Avengers: Endgame! Oh, and based on this trailer, there’s all kinds of weirdness awaiting, including the return of Heimdall, some other Asgardian hijinks, DB Cooper (yes!), Owen Wilson playing an obscure character based on a beloved Marvel Comics writer, and…Loki running for President!
Look, he couldn’t possibly do a worse job than the guy who’s been there for the last four years so…Vote Loki!
Tom Hiddleston stars, of course, and the cast also includes Owen Wilson, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Sophia Di Martino, Wunmi Mosaku, and Richard E. Grant.
Venom: Let There Be Carnage
Release Date: June 25, 2021
Andy Serkis (Mowgli) steps behind the camera for Venom 2, which now boasts the catchy title of Venom: Let There Be Carnage. The first film, buoyed by a terrific showing at the Chinese box office, made an absolute ton of money, despite being released to mostly scathing reviews.
Venom 2 will follow up Sony’s 2018 Spider-Man-less spinoff film, but will likely be more connected to the MCU this time around, thanks to a renewed deal between the company and its Marvel Studios partners. Tom Hardy will return as Eddie Brock, of course, and as you can probably guess from that title, he’ll be facing off against Woody Harrelson’s villain, Cletus Kasady aka Carnage!
This one was originally tentatively scheduled for October 2020, but has been shuffled away for the moment as studios continue to move release dates around because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Read everything else you need to know about Venom 2.
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
Release Date: July 9, 2021
Simu Liu has been cast as the titular Shang-Chi and Tony Leung as The Mandarin (hey, that name sounds familiar! But this time, we’re getting the real Mandarin on screen). Destin Daniel Cretton is directing from a script by Dave Callaham. Given its “Ten Rings” title, Shang-Chi should be steeped in Marvel lore!
This has been delayed twice. Let’s hope that’s the end of it. At least it has resumed production!
We have more info on the Shang-Chi movie right here.
What If…?
Release Date: Summer 2021
The beloved comic book series that tells tales of how things might have turned out differently in the Marvel Universe is becoming an animated series on Disney+!
Here’s the official synopsis:
“What If…? flips the script on the MCU, reimagining famous events from the films in unexpected ways…Marvel Studios’ first animated series focuses on different heroes from the MCU, featuring a voice cast that includes a host of stars who reprise their roles.”
We know that at least a couple of these roles include Chadwick Boseman’s final performance as T’Challa as well as the return of Hayley Atwell as Agent Peggy Carter!
The Eternals 
Release Date: Nov. 5, 2021
The Eternals has completed principal photography and is on post-production. Chloe Zhao is directing from a script by Matthew and Ryan Firpo. Marvel described the film as an “epic story, spanning thousands of years, features a group of immortal heroes forced out of the shadows to reunite against mankind’s oldest enemy, The Deviants.”
The cast features Richard Madden as Ikaris, Kumail Nanjiani as Kingo, Lauren Ridloff as Makkari, Brian Tyree Henry as Phastos, Salma Hayek as Ajak, Lia McHugh as Sprite, Don Lee as Gilgamesh, Angelina Jolie as Thena, Gemma Chan as Sersi, and Kit Harrington as Dane Whitman, the Black Knight.
This one was another victim of the release date shuffle, having moved from February of 2021 to November of that year. We’ll get to see Jack Kirby‘s wildest creations eventually!
You can read more about The Eternals movie right here.
Spider-Man 3
Release Date: Dec. 17, 2021
While the next Spider-Man movie doesn’t have a title yet, it’s happening, and the best news of all is that it’s happening in the MCU! Marvel and Sony solved their differences, good sense prevailed, and Tom Holland’s Peter Parker will remain a vital part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
This one, well…this might be a live action Spider-Verse movie from the sound of it. Jamie Foxx will reprise his role as Electro from the maligned Amazing Spider-Man films and Alfred Molina will return from the Raimi era as Doctor Octopus. Wait. Are they trying to make this a multiversal Sinister Six movie? Because…we could be down for that.
Release Date: Late 2021
Jeremy Renner returns as Clint Barton to train his replacement as Hawkeye, Hailee Steinfeld’s Kate Bishop! Apparently based on the brilliant run of comics by Matt Fraction and David Aja, Hawkeye will also prominently feature Lucky the Pizza Dog, one of the great canines in Marvel Comics history.
The cast also includes Vera Farmiga as Eleanor Bishop, Fra Fee as Kazimerz Kazimierczak, Tony Dalton as Jack “Swordsman” Duquesne, Florence Pugh as Yelena Belova, Alaqua Cox as Maya “Echo” Lopez, and Zahn McClarnon as Willie Lincoln. We wrote more about all these new characters here.
Ms. Marvel
Release Date: Late 2021
Ms. Marvel is finally coming to live action! Here’s the official synopsis for the series…
“Ms. Marvel introduces Kamala Khan—a 16-year-old Pakistani-American growing up in Jersey City. “A great student, an avid gamer and a voracious fan-fiction scribe, she has a special affinity for superheroes, particularly Captain Marvel. But Kamala struggles to fit in at home and at school—that is, until she gets super powers like the heroes she’s always looked up to. Life is easier with super powers, right?”
The cast includes Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel, Aramis Knight, Saagar Shaikh, Rish Shah, Zenobia Shroff, Mohan Kapur, Matt Lintz, Yasmeen Fletcher, Laith Naki, Azher Usman, Travina Springer, and Nimra Bucha. Episodes are directed by Adil El Arbi & Bilall Fallah, Meera Menon, and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Release Date: March 25, 2022
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness looks like it will open up the storytelling possibilities in the MCU like never before. And that’s just based on the name alone. Scott Derrickson was scheduled to direct, but has bowed out because of “creative differences” with Marvel. But the good news is that Marvel found a suitable replacement in none other than Sam Raimi, who of course has plenty of superhero experience thanks to his Spider-Man trilogy in the early 2000s!
This one has loads of connections to the wider MCU. Elizabeth Olsen will be here as Scarlet Witch, and the film will also connect to the untitled Spider-Man 3 and its own multiversal ambitions. There are also a few rumors doing the rounds that Jericho Drumm aka Brother Voodoo could be introduced in this sequel. We’ll keep an eye on that and update this if there’s any substance to them.
We have more information on Doctor Strange 2 right here.
Thor: Love and Thunder
Release Date: May 6, 2022
Taika Waititi, who gave us the delightful Thor: Ragnarok, will return to write and direct. Chris Hemsworth will be back, but will it be as Thor? Natalie Portman is your new Thor (yes, you read that right, Jane Foster will wield the hammer…just as she did in the comics!). Christian Bale has also joined the cast as the terrifying Gorr the God Butcher.
We have more info on Thor: Love and Thunder right here.
Black Panther 2 
Release Date: July 8, 2022
Black Panther 2 is still on Disney’s release schedule, despite the tragic, untimely death of star Chadwick Boseman. Marvel has made it official that they have no intention of recasting the role of T’Challa, which is absolutely the right move.
Ryan Coogler will return as director, but there are no other details currently available. We have more information on Black Panther 2 right here.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Sequel
Release Date: October 7, 2022
Is it technically an MCU movie? Nope. But with all the legal weirdness going on between Marvel and Sony, and this franchise’s very multiversal concept, who’s really to say that it ISN’T an MCU movie either, right? In any case, the sequel to the best Spider-Man movie of all time is coming in 2022 with Avatar: The Last Airbender mastermind Joaquim Dos Santos directing and David Callaham writing.
There’s also an “untitled Marvel movie” still technically scheduled for this date but…that is almost certainly not gonna happen now. Expect whatever that project was to move to one of these below dates or to some other currently unspecified date on the calendar.
Captain Marvel 2
Release Date: November 11, 2022
WandaVision writer Megan McDonnell has been tapped to write the screenplay for Captain Marvel 2. You know what else is really cool? Candyman‘s Nia DaCosta will direct!
We have no idea where we’ll find Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) in the sequel to her hugely successful first standalone MCU entry. Will she be fighting to loosen her former Kree pals’ iron grip on a pre-Avengers galaxy? Or will the follow up film see her fighting for justice in the present?
Read more about Captain Marvel 2 here.
And then there are still some dates that Marvel has announced that they have yet to match projects to. Those dates are…
Feb. 17, 2023
May 5, 2023
July 28, 2023
Nov. 3, 2023
Some of those dates could very well be good fits for the following films…
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Peyton Reed will return to direct the third installment of the Ant-Man saga, perhaps the most unlikely trilogy in Marvel’s entire arsenal. Paul Rudd will return as Scott Lang, and you can almost certainly expect Evangeline Lilly to return as The Wasp and Michael Douglas as Hank Pym.
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The villain of the film? That will be Kang the Conqueror, who will be played by Lovecraft Country‘s Jonathan Majors. The inclusion of Kang opens up all kinds of interesting possibilities for the MCU, and may even tease the arrival of the Fantastic Four down the line! We wrote more about those possibilities right here.
We’re also going to need fast confirmation on Michael Pena’s return as Luis, though. Luis is key…
This will probably slide in to one of those 2023 release dates above.
Well this one was a surprise. In 2019, Marvel announced that they will be rebooting the Blade franchise with Mahershala Ali playing the titular daywalker. Ali’s True Detective co-star – and former Blade villain – Stephen Dorff is excited to see what he can do with the character, and so are we.
We have more info on Blade here.
Deadpool 3
Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Loeglin will be the writing team tasked with bringing the Merc with a Mouth to the MCU. What a Deadpool 3 could look like in the interconnected Marvel Cinematic Universe is, of course, anybody’s guess, but if anyone can crack wise about the follies of this kind of corporate synergy, it’s Ryan Reynolds.
Fantastic Four
The MCU Fantastic Four movie is finally happening! Marvel’s first family will join the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a film directed by Jon Watts, who did such a wonderful job with the first two MCU Spider-Man movies. That’s all the information that’s out there at the moment, but as soon as we have more, we’ll update this.
We have our own theories on why Marvel went with the Fantastic Four before the X-Men, but that’s another story.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 
Avengers: Endgame left the team in an interesting place. We broke down some of the story possibilities right here.
After a tumultuous period which saw James Gunn fired and then rehired as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 director, he will become the first Marvel director to ever complete a trilogy for the studio. However, Gunn can’t even begin filming Guardians 3 until he finishes production on The Suicide Squad for DC, as well as an HBO Max Peacemaker prequel. Once those projects are finished, he’s free to return to the MCU.
We have everything else you need to know about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 right here.
And as for those others? Well, we’re still waiting on word on movies to bring the X-Men (other than Deadpool, of course) into the MCU. Could any of those 2023 dates do the trick? It’s very possible! And this doesn’t even account for all of the other MCU Disney+ TV shows that don’t have release dates yet…
Tatiana Maslany will play Jennifer Walters, a lawyer who ends up with her cousin Bruce’s gamma-irradiated blood. Hilarity certainly ensues. Kevin Feige has promised that since this will be a courtroom show, you never know who else from the MCU could show up.
Moon Knight
Oscar Isaac will play Marc Spector, a disturbed fortune hunter who also happens to be the avenging avatar of an Egyptian moon god.
The first of two series that will explore the legacy of Iron Man and Tony Stark in the MCU, Ironheart stars Dominique Thorne as Riri Williams, a teenager at M.I.T. who creates her own suit of armor to right the wrongs of the world.
Armor Wars
Don Cheadle will reprise his role as Rhodey and will have the solo spotlight in the War Machine armor in a series that deals with a nightmare scenario for the MCU: what if Tony Stark’s Iron Man technology fell into the wrong hands and was getting duplicated by villains? Based on a classic comics run, Armor Wars promises big action and lots of obscure bad guys. We can’t wait.
Secret Invasion
Samuel L. Jackson will return as Tony Stark alongside Ben Mendelsohn as Talos for a series about the shape-shifting Skrull infiltration of Earth. Secret Invasion could be the biggest thing to happen to the MCU since Endgame.
Hopefully all these shows arrive by 2022. We’ll keep updating this with new information as it becomes available.
The post Upcoming Marvel Movies Release Dates: MCU Phase 4 Schedule, Cast, and Story Details appeared first on Den of Geek.
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