#And I don't regret it
deliciousnecks · 1 year
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"Listen to this place. It sounds like the entire house is going to collapse at any moment."
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agustmylove · 7 months
I am always going to have special place in my heart for mdzs and I really do find tgcf beautiful. But svsss is going to be THAT novel that I'll always come back to. It is THAT novel I'll reread again and again and would find peace and enjoyment. People can say whatever they want about my preferences and how the other two is better but MXTX thank you for giving me svsss.
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dnalt-d2 · 27 days
Recent Egg Developments, How I Feel About It, and What I'm Doing After
Alright I'm gonna stop being sad for like two minutes, or at least long enough to explain what exactly happened for those who missed it
So we had the Murder Mystery Event today, and a lot of people showed up. It was really fun, and we really enjoyed it
And then, after it was over, Richarlyson informed us that he was leaving QSMP. He did not give a reason as far as I know, and I don't think it's smart or fair to speculate. I have my own ideas as to why, but I know that sharing them wouldn't be productive
Not long after, over on Phil's stream, Chayanne and Lullah informed us that they were leaving as well. They did talk pretty vaguely about "The next time they wake up," but this could have likely been some flowery language and not literal. There's a strong chance they will not wake up in QSMP again
As of now, Pepito and Leo are the only Eggs confirmed to still be part of the project, but I'm not really sure what the future will hold for them
Like I said before, I am personally hoping this is a sort of indefinite hiatus. Like they're leaving and there's a strong chance they won't come back, but there could be a non-zero chance sometime in the future. I would not get my hopes up for this though, because the chances of that happening are most likely very slim
I am honestly really sad about this development, but we all knew this couldn't last forever. I wish we had a better resolution, but this is how things are for now. I don't know if this is related to the Admin Situation or not, but again, since that hasn't been confirmed, we shouldn't speculate. It's just as possible that they felt they were done with this chapter of their life, which is entirely fair. I will never hold this decision against them, and I really hope others don't either. I wish them the best, and I wish you all the best as well, QSMPblr
Because I'm honestly not sure where I'm gonna go from here. Chayanne and Lullah were a huge reason I was so invested with QSMP, and the same goes for all the other Eggs. And while I'd love to say that I'll definitely stick around 100%, I'm just not sure I'll do that. I guess we'll see, but if I start petering out after this, know that I had a hell of a time over here
I've never been part of a fandom to this capacity before, and I had a hell of a time. Theorizing, ranting, sharing my thoughts, it was all a blast. And I wanna say that I might not have interacted with others due to anxiety, but I was always so happy to see that people liked what I had to say, and seeing that some people were coming back for it, or going through my blog and liking everything. I may have never said anything, but I saw you, and I appreciate you all so much
I might start talking about more non-QSMP Stuff here too, so if anyone who followed me JUST for QSMP, sorry. But I don't want this blog to die out, because it's been such a fun chapter for me. It might be a new chapter now, but I'm still gonna be here for it
Thanks again everyone. Thanks Egg Admins, Non-Egg Admins, QSMP Creators, QSMPblr, and Everyone else in-between
And of course, Thanks Quackity, for making such an incredible experience
It's been a wild ride
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ichangemyusertoomuch · 3 months
Jack Harkness is the type of guy to ask you a fun and pointless "would you rather" question and then yell at you for getting it wrong.
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genderenvyninja · 1 year
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lucadrawss · 3 days
🏥 (for the outfit game)
I’m doing what has to be done. It’s a cannon event.
*evil laughter*
BAM! A soul stealing demon in a maid dress! (They're wearing shorts underneath)
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They're plotting my murder as we speak.
Asks here
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Incoming Matchup for @virtue-and-beneviolence​
Tokyo Revengers
Izana Kurokawa
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read the tags 💜
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mintysstar · 2 years
After Operation: Blackout
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My favorite kind of jetkie fics are the ones where JPG comforts Rookie just hugging him and giving him some kisses on his forehead, helping him to sleep after having nightmares about the event.
Both of them are damaged, and I love how they end up talking about how they feel about the Operation, caring for each other.
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elliocrett · 11 months
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kaeya skin appreciation ✨
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likeafairytale · 8 months
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the Blackwater siblings - playlist
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deliciousnecks · 2 years
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it’s THAT side profile.
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dailywebtoon · 2 years
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kawaimoonshine · 3 months
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😼🐈Cat Dynamic🐈😼
More art? Sort of soon? Really shows that I'm focusing on the wrong things lately
But Evelyn and her little sister Rebel together? As cats? Yes. Apparently this is also the first time I showcase Rebel lol
This kinda sums up their personalities. Rebel being smoll and feral who brings havoc into the household, never a dull moment with her, and Evelyn is the calm one, just watching chaos unfold
And although Rebel is physically older than Evelyn, she's still up and running but one could argue that Evelyn has been longer in Hell (Evelyn died at the age of 39 and Rebel at the age of 66). And also Rebel when they were alive, was taller than Evelyn and she had disliked being short as a kid and now she's again short in her demon form
Also two slightly different bgs bc I couldn't choose. White is the original that was in my head but black also looks good
Anyway, have a doodle page as a bonus
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the-scandalorian · 11 months
You asked for more Monster!Din asks, and I am but a simple whore your humble servant. He is also my favorite, so I must know. Is there anything about his monster form that Din actually enjoys?
um Tess i absolutely LOVE this question. i hadn't ever asked myself this and now i'm like how?? it's such a good character work question for him
i am kissing your brilliant brain 💜
now that i'm thinking on it, the answer is absolutely yes... BUT he won't be ready to admit that to himself for a hot minute--in large part because feeling out of control is sort of blotting out everything else for him at the moment
and the avoidance is compounded by the fact that appreciating his strengths feels like admitting to himself how dangerous he is and he doesn't like to confront that
but, in truth, he enjoys his heightened senses: the stellar eyesight and night vision, the sense of smell and especially taste. plus his physical abilities/strength
he'll come around to these things because he is, ultimately, a practical guy. if his spine decides not to cause him pain every day anymore, he's gonna be happy about it. he'll gladly trade sciatica for fangs 😂
but the part he really truly LOVES? he loves being able to protect you so well--so completely. he loves being the scariest thing on the planet because that means nothing can hurt you. it's the flipside of feeling like a monster for him and potentially a bridge to emotional growth//being willing to trust himself
and because it's ultimately for YOU, that will be easier for him to stomach as something he likes/is grateful for. i think over time, with the help of reader and maybe after working through some religious trauma, he'll be able to let go of the guilt he carries around which is a very effective barrier to a healthier perspective
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asinglesock · 4 months
It is so humbling to start using an actual lexicon after months of the one inside the language learning textbook from which all the assignments were constructed. No, I don't actually know the alphabet, why do you ask?
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nobody-is-here01 · 1 year
Please someone take away character ai from me
I just had a conversation with the Duolingo owl, and I killed him.
Your welcome.
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