#Also this is the last time I'm using these designs
ciphillan · 2 days
POV: he's gonna monologue about how much he dislikes you or smth
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I think being tortured and killed and revived again and again by a sadistic omnipotent AI for 109 years would fix me.
[Reblogs >>> Likes] ⚠️PLEASE DO NOT REPOST⚠️
Insane ramblings under the cut:
If harlan ellison didn't want us to fuck the incel war machine he wouldn't have written lines like "he was God as Daddy the Deranged" and "the machine masturbated and we had to take it or die". What else did he mean by this
I have no time and I must draw. I read ihnmaims last year when I started post-grad and instantly got AM brainrot. I binged every single piece of ihnmaims media within the next few days. The Hate and radio monologues live rentfree in my brain
I'm also not sure if I wanted the person he's got under bondage to be Ted or a self-insert. Feel free to imagine it as yourselves, AM fuckers
Btw I'm surprised how BIG ihnmaims nation is on tumblr! There's been a boom recently so HIIIII PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT THE AI WITH THE INSATIABLE BLOODLUST AND THE HOT VOICE
This is very different from my usual stuff bc I hate drawing straight lines and mostly draw humans. But I just wanna contribute something to ihnmaims tumblr SO BAD I wanna puke, yall are so talented and creative!! I don't have a solid AM design, I can barely draw machines and cables so this is all you get! A weird claw hand, somewhat of a 'spine' along the cables behind his monitor, an eye in his logo to stare at you as he ties you up, questionable cable placement etc etc
..was anyone gonna tell me amazing digital circus is based on ihnmaims. is pomni their ted
Cough cough AIDAN from the Illuminae files by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff was my evil AI lover awakening
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nihilnovisubsole · 2 days
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Picrew Update: Hair Edition
i'm alive! the picrew exists! i wanted to wait to do the hair update until i really had something to show off. this is, by a wide margin, the biggest section of the game, and whew boy is it a relief to have almost all of it done.
now, let me Q&A myself for a minute:
how are you still not done with this thing? i don't know, but i have good news: after six months of PT, i've made moderate improvements in my drawing arm. i've gained 15 pounds of grip strength! i still can't draw all day like i used to, but it's something, so i'll take it. and even if i could, i have a full-time job. i also developed a plan to divide my drawing time into intervals and do more sketches before i commit to lines, which will save me work in the long run.
wait, "almost" all of it? you're doing MORE hair? i have one more planned section for buns, ponytails, and other things that go on the back of your head. it'll be simpler to design than the rest of the hair, which is why i saved it for last.
have you spent more time on this picrew than you did writing dangerous crowns in the first place? probably!
can i make the sailor senshi on this? of course. asking the important questions here
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giamee · 2 days
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ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 prev. OG 5 GIRLS INTRO!
masterlist. next. ᯓ ᡣ𐭩
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"HI i'm y/n, i'm 21 and from teyvat. i'm a student, so yay summer break!"
"i'm here for what i hope is a good time. i've had a couple boyfriends before, in fact i broke up with my last one just a few months ago, so i'm really just looking to get out there again and what's a better way than to be here with all the hottest guys in teyvat?"
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"hey, i'm ganyu!! i work as a secretary and i'm 21, i live in liyue!!"
"i've never really had a boyfriend before haha, but maybe i'll find one here! my friends say that i'm a workaholic, and i feel like if i were to have a boyfriend he'll have to be able to handle the fact that i have a busy work life, or maybe just have one of his own."
"i'm not really the type to go out much, i definitely prefer a night in haha."
"my type? i like sweet guys, sort of a classic romantic type of guy who will make me feel special and understands my needs. that's all."
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"yo, i'm hu tao, my friends call me tao! i'm from liyue, i'm 19, and i'm a funeral director. didn't expect that one did you? you ever had someone on the show with that job before? yeaahhhh, thought not."
"one thing about me is i love a good prank. i've always kind of been a trouble child, ever since primary school. nothing too crazy, just enough to keep people on their toes."
"i like people that are funny, can match my vibe. i don't like boring people. we're here to have fun, aren't we!?"
"one ick i have? to begin with, people who call them icks. and uhh... i also hate when guys make it a point to say how strong they are by comparing my own strength?? like yes, you can curl my bench, i'd hope so or otherwise we'd both be weak as shit."
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"hey, i'm rosaria, i'm from mondstadt. i'm 26, and... well i've had a lot of jobs over the years. it's a bit of a funny story, actually, i used to be a nun. clearly that was meant to last 'cos i'm on this show now. right now, i work as a bartender. it's quite fun, getting to know the regulars. i can do most of their orders off the top of my head now."
"one of my icks in a guy? i don't think this really counts, but you won't believe the amount of guys i've met who are just... can't get over the fact that i used to be a nun. it's not that serious, like? i get it, but this isn't a porno."
"my type? good question. i don't know. but the last guy i was talking to had a bunch of tattoos and this really hot beard so, maybe that."
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"so... i just talk into this mic? okay."
"hello.. everyone! i'm jean, i'm 26, and i'm an office worker. nothing too glamorous, haha. oh yeah, and i'm from mondstadt"
"my type in a guy is someone who's a bit more mature, you know? i'm not a teenager any more, i don't have the patience to date around with idiots anymore!" (chuckles)
"growing up, my dad and my brothers always made sure to treat me really well so that when i'm older i'll know how a guy should treat me. i guess you could say that my standards are pretty high, yeah"
"ooh, an ick? if a guy wants to go 50/50 with me. if you're broke, just say that"
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𝜗𝜚 gia's notes :: the banners r kinda ugly o well. graphic design is my passion 🤓 also i left the y/n bio kinda blank so it's not too specific :)
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kerubimcrepin · 21 hours
An update on Welsh & Shedar - Part 1
Recently, Kim Bruges has been posting a lot of materials in regard to various Krosmoz media, which includes the previously-posted animatic videos.
And today brings us to the topic of Welsh & Shedar, of which we now know new details.
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"Character: Bechamel. These are my own design researches but the 2 last images are reference posings based on designs reworked by a collective work. (I seem to remember that it was Carlo Toselli who proposed the final design seen in the trailer)."
Unlike most people's theories, the ecaflip girl's name is not Shedar, it turns out. X)
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"character: Khan Karkass. I did not design Khan. this is just a reference posing."
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"character: Rillette (unused research) that character is a bellaphone."
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As was the common theory, this character was a bellaphone, which were previously observed in the Wakfu series.
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She has appeared on the famous leaked preview image, and some of the W&S concept art, all of which depict her in a more chibi style. Considering this character's absence from the Welsh & Shedar trailer, she may have been scrapped, but we may never know.
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"character:Mou (the big cat)."
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character: Mulou. This is my design research but it has been heavily changed by a collective work. The final version is visible in the trailer
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"character:"mama" (i'm not sure to remember the real name). This is not my design but just a board for expressions."
(There are more concepts of her, but its hard to download images from instagram...)
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Also, quite interestingly, this character's design is quite similar to this Aux Tresors and Wakfu Season 4 background character design. Possible inspiration/reusage?
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small strip showing the eyes in the clouds. it shows that the idea of the eyes is in Tot's mind since long time ago. He finally used them in Wakfu season 4.
(There are more parts to this strip, but I only grabbed the last three to save time)
We had already seen this in the trailer, btw!
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The next part will have the more interesting concept art and information, pertaining to Sipho and Zabel.
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tmntkiseki · 2 days
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles Forever Liveblog
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Movie opens with the Purple Dragons doing a robbery of some sort. Hun, what are you up to?
I really, really love the little sequence that introduces the 2003 turtles. The animation is so slick and cool-looking.
Also, it's kind of interesting how the 2003 segments are animated in a (more detailed) version of the Back to the Sewer style, with Splinter, Casey, and April maintaining their BttS designs? But the turtles themselves look more like how they did during Fast Forward (it's because we're back to having white slits for the eyes, thank god.)
Seriously, if Back to the Sewer had looked more like this, it probably wouldn't be the only 2003 art style I do dislike to an extent.
We were only just properly introduced to the 1987 turtles and I'm already understanding why people abhor how they were characterized for this movie (I say this as someone who has literally only seen two episodes of the 1987 series. Specifically, the very first one and the Mona Lisa episode.)
Hun is gonna regret taking that mutagen BIG TIME.
03!Mikey likes the initialed belt buckles.
Underrated animation detail: the 1987 turtles are animated using a simple one-color shading approach while the 2003 turtles are animated with more detailed two color shading.
87!Raphael's reaction to meeting 03!Splinter is adorable.
I'm glad that 03!Mikey is enjoying the company of the 87 turtles, at least.
I know a major sore spot for this movie is the fact that the original 1987 actors couldn't reprise their roles due to circumstances out of anyone's control, but I am loving 87!Shredder's voice.
03!Raphael getting mad at 87!Donatello for kill stealing is making me laugh more than it should
I hate to break it to you, Krang, but 03!Shredder and 03!Krang are one and the same.
87!Shredder being disappointed that 03!Shredder is an Utrom is hilarious knowing that the little red blob is actually an intergalactic terrorist who has literally killed billions of people over the last several centuries.
All it took to wake up Ch'rell was 87!Shredder referring to himself as, well, the Shredder. Nice to see being frozen in a block of ice didn't get rid of his ego.
Other things from Back to the Sewer I do like: The Hauler. It's a massive improvement design-wise over the moving van from Seasons 4/5 that served as the second Battle Shell.
Poor, poor, foolish 87!Shredder and Krang. If there's anything I've learned watching the 2003 series, it's that you can't keep Oroku Saki/The Shredder/Ch'rell down forever.
Honestly, I do like Karai's outfit from Back to the Sewer. If she had her original haircut and was depicted in a different art style (you know, one that doesn't make her look like stick), I'd actually say I'm quite fond of her overall design. (I have a similar attitude towards BttS!Casey, too.)
Karai is seriously not taking any shit from the 1987 antagonists
Hun, repeat after me: I do not want the 87 ooze. The 87 ooze is bad. Bad things will happen to me if I try to get more of the 87 ooze.
He didn't listen.
Other aspects of Back to the Sewer I appreciate that show up in Turtles Forever: The 03 Turtles directly addressing Splinter as "Father" rather than "Master."
Hun, I fucking told you that you did not want that mutagen!
Damn, Hun must feel humiliated bowing down to the Shredder and calling him "Master" again. (Not like he has a choice. Are the Purple Dragons even going to listen to him anymore?)
Damn, this is the third time that the 2003 Turtles have had their home destroyed ;A; They're so used to it at this point that they don't even react in anguish this time.
Oh boy, even Mikey is finally sick of the antics of the 87 turtles (though in his defense, they did kinda teleport out of their lair when Splinter was in trouble and all four 03 turtles are worried sick for their dad.)
They deliberately had 87!April getting kidnapped by the mutant banana after the turtles left to make her seem more helpless when compared to the 03 version, didn't they?
This scene with 87!Splinter giving 03!Leo and 03!Raph some bowls of rice, oh my GOD ;A;
Hun isn't wrong that as long as they have Splinter, the turtles will come running. These boys would do anything to protect/save their father.
How many people do you think died when 03!Shredder unleashed the Technodrome on New York City?
Turtles Forever is a lot more... destructive than I was expecting. (2003 dimension is straight up getting TRASHED.)
Okay, that bit where Leo pointed out that at least Raph isn't stuck riding on the blimp like Mikey is got me to laugh.
2003 turtles are slowly but surely warming up to the 87 turtles. This is development I like to see.
"If there is one constant in the multiverse, it is the predictability of you turtles! Threaten something you hold dear, and you will ignore your better instincts!" You didn't have to call them out like that, Ch'rell.
God, the fact that The Next Mutation is the only major iteration not featured when Shredder does his entire rant on the multiverse and how the turtles pretty much always win XD
Casey was straight up going to cry when he thought the turtles had all disappeared with the Technodrome.
2003 dimension literally being reduced to inks, blue pencils, and then flat out nothing is really cool from an animation standpoint but also highkey terrifying
Welp, this scene confirms that the Purple Dragons are, in fact, still listening to Hun despite the fact that he's been mutated. That's good for him, I guess.
The scene where April and Casey disappear, HELP
"Ain't exactly Mister Roger's Neighborhood, is it?" -- 03!Raphael, accurately describing Turtle Prime. (He loves it.)
Mirage!Leonardo's narration as he and his brothers fight the 03 and 87 turtles JDSKGJDFKJGKF (Doesn't help that it's ripped directly from issue 1)
Mirage!Raph calling the 03 and 87 turtles sellouts on account of the multicolored headbands... wheeze.
Karai really is having second thoughts about helping her father destroy the multiverse, huh?
Fucking Mirage!Shredder getting taken out by the 87 and 03 turtles hurling a bunch of garbage at him SJGKJDFGKFDKGJ
"If there's one constant in the multiverse, it's the Shredder's big fat ego!" Oof, 03!Leo.
The only thing this final fight is missing is 87 and Mirage!Splinter.
Okay, seriously, what was with that bit where 87!Leo, Raph, and Mikey all broke down in tears and looked to 03!Raph for comfort?
Ch'rell seriously does not care that he is literally going to destroy himself if he destroys the Mirage turtles, Jesus Christ.
And the Turtles Multiverse was saved... By Bebop and Rocksteady?
This bit where the 87 and 03 turtles use each other's catchphrases as they say goodbye is really sweet.
"Oh, I sure hope this thing sells." "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." Sobs.
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thecluelessdoctor · 2 days
spins in a swivel chair
Guys it's fucking time.
HELLUVA BOSS SEASON 2 EPISODE ... 8?? 9?? Idk I forgot lmao
Boy do I have some things to say
Alright let's get into it.
I'ma start with what I think the episode did right.
Animation, as usual, is awesome, props to all the animators y'all did WONDERFULLY, esp in that beginning duet.
I like that they did a full on stolitz episode with no major sub plots. Yeah there were the cherubs but they were still pretty closely tied to the main plot so.. yeah lmao.
Blitz is a character I've always related too and damnit this episode made it worse lmao.
If there's one thing I will always give helluva boss props for it's blitz's character consistency while still adding more layers to him. I also really liked how in this episode we see a more.. soft side?? To blitz?? Not soft but like - a more caring side ig lmao.
Also in this episode we get a real taste of found family like the show wanted us to see before and not just a desperate man trying to force himself into the lives of people who do not want him.
Also blitz in a different outfit always makes me feral because damn this man slays more than I ever could. Also back to the character consistency part, blitz's love for horses still being a little detail about him makes me happy like yes I love it when shows give characters interests without shoving it in your face.
The rest of IMP being wingmen (in their own, weird way) also is fun lol.
Also the cherubs and the DORKS working together is so fun i love the returning villains and I hope we get more of them lol. Also the cherubs being traumatized by the lust ring was ... Kinda funny. Honestly this episode was... kinda funny-?? It's still sex humor as usual but yk.
Also fizzy in rainbow pants let's fucking go.
And I'm glad the eyes on blitzø's gloves are being used and not just pointless clutter in his design. Because now they have the asmoduan crystal like let's go.
Also having a stolitz episode WITHOUT via or Stella even being brought up is SO refreshing. I liked how it was just about stolas' raw emotion, and care for blitz.
And HOLY SHIt. Ok. The end scene of blitz yelling at stolas' for "throwing him away", and once blitz REALIZES stolas' actually CARED about him, he tries to run after him, but it's too late. He's fucked up.
Ok I've sung my praises, let's go into my criticisms.
Honestly? I don't have TOO many. I still have some, I always do, but this episode.. was honestly really enjoyable.
Sure the sex stuff is.. pretty annoying and gets old fast but it's helluva boss what can ya do, really?
I feel like, now this is a whole show critique, not just the episode, but I feel like we are going to fast. We are told it's been a ton of time from the last time stolas and blitz did their monthly activities so ueah.
I feel like the emotional convo was a LITTLE stiff in the beginning, but yall? Brandon rogers make blitz sound so genuinely angry and sad, so I feel like it brought us back.
I'm Dotty, and I shouldn't be genuinely invested in this telenovela ass show
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a-french-coconut · 21 hours
Athena x Ares
She looks with disdain at the war unfolding below her.
So much carnage, so much mortality.
Ares must be basking in the bloodbath he created.
Her half-brother unfurls mixed emotions within her being.
What they share in common is what divide them.
Athena is tactical, she is who whispers in the mind of generals about great plans. She stands from afar, away from the front line.
Ares is a soldier on that front line, he is covered in blood while he fights alongside the mortals.
He is brutal, fearless, rushing into combat before she has time to design a plan worthy of victory.
And no matter how much he hates it, he embodies the soldiers who obey the generals she guides.
In the spectrum of war, they stand at the opposite of each other.
Her eyes narrow when she sees him amongst the soldiers.
He is not allowed to mingle on a such level and he knows it.
So does their father, whose punishments are not to deal with slightly.
Ares, the King is watching you.
She sees him stiffen, clearly debating if his soldier's life are worth what awaits him, but he does not vanish from the battlefield.
Ares, you fool, come back on Olympus now !
Her hands grip her spear tightly as dark clouds gather right above her brother who he still standing amongst the mortals.
He will kill them if you stay.
Thunder rumbles, the last warning from their father before he acts on.
Ares disappears in flash and the storm is avoided.
"Why must you always be so defiant ?" She asks to him, feeling his presence behind her.
He shrugs, placing his shield next to her spear, and watches with her the battle.
"They will lose without me." He says, hands gripping the balcony, "it's not fair."
"It's war."
"And yet Father prohibits me from intervening, in my own domain." He snarls, the balcony reduced to dust.
"Our domain," she corrects him, "we both share war in this pantheon, Ares."
He laughs, a mirthless sound showing his blood stained teeth.
"Your definition of war is pathetic."
Anger rises in her as she turns to face him.
"I'm not the one relishing in carnage and blood."
She takes a step forward, fury boiling in her at the insult.
"If one of us is pathetic, Ares, it's you." She snarls, ignoring the clenching of his jaw, "Unable to control your very domain. And do not forget that your precious soldiers are my generals' pawns to move as they see fit."
His red eyes flash, an aura of rage glowing around him as he refuses to back down and also gets closer.
"You call me bloodthirsty but do you even hear yourself ?" He hisses. "Calling them pawns, as if they are mere objects to move around !"
"You're a hypocrite Athena, a prideful goddess boasting about protecting heroes when in reality you send to die the real heroes."
He's screaming at her, towering over her as his divine essence shows.
"I can't believe I spent the last eons loving you !" He roars, whole body trembling with fury.
His words are a shock, a spear piercing her heart.
He is silent, tense and looking everywhere but her.
She waits for him to back track, to justify himself but he stubbornly doesn't say anything.
"Yes." He cuts her, "I love you." he repeats with a certain sadness and resignation.
"You can't imagine how much I hated myself for it." He chuckles bitterly, "to love you as you embody everything I stand against, the massacre of soldiers as if they didn't matter, the generals safe in their bunkers are they watch, not a drop of blood staining their clothes."
"Ares," she says with caution, "I have sworn an oath of virginity, one I take very seriously and that I don't intend to break-"
"I never expected from you to do so." He sighs, picking up his shield. "Love doesn't have to be carnal, in my eyes at least."
"I... I wouldn't have expected that from you."
"I stopped trying to impress you a long time ago." He shrugs, "There was no point in trying when I already knew you despised me for what I represent."
Ares gives her a bitter smile, tinted with sadness.
"Nobody loves war, after all."
Her mind is in a frenzy, trying to compute his words and the fact that he's leaving.
She is unprepared for the yearn in her heart when she sees him leave.
They stand at the opposites of war.
What's that phrase Aphrodite rants about every time an unlikely couple is formed ?
Opposites attract.
"I do." She whispers, "I love war."
Somehow, the wind carries her words and Ares stops walking.
When he turns, there is a vulnerability she has never seen in his eyes.
"I'm not one of your pawn, Athena," he warns her, "if this is a game for you, don't even try to include me."
"It's not a game," she says firmly, "I do feel something for you."
She gets closer to him, since he is glued to his spot.
"We are both patrons of the same domain," she reasons, "it is natural for us to have a special bond."
"As long as you respect my vows, I am ready to love you Ares. And I suppose we can still have demigods children."
"You don't mind that I sleep with mortal women ?" He asks surprised, "or men ?"
"As long as it purely physical, no."
Quick as the wind, she conjures her spear and place it under his throat.
"Should you dare break those conditions while you are with me, you will regret it I assure you." She threatens him.
Ares only smiles, a dangerous glint in his eyes.
"Is fighting going to be our love language ?" He conjures his own spear and shield, deflecting her attack.
Athena takes a defensive stance, waiting for Ares to make the first move.
"I hope you don't mind losing." She taunts him.
"Not against you."
She rolls her eyes, even though she blushes, and block with Aegis Ares' strike.
"How do you think our family is going to take the news ?" She asks him, making a jab at his unprotected side.
"I think Artemis is going to kill me." He groans, dodging her spear.
"I won't let her." She slams him with her shield, sending him on the ground.
He kicks her, making her lost balance and falling too as he gets up.
He is stronger than her physically, but she is more strategic.
Instead of trying to get up, she grabs him and pulls him down.
He is too surprised to respond when she kisses him.
It's quick, just long enough for her to straddle him and place a knife under his throat.
"I win." She says smugly.
He doesn't respond, still dazed.
"Men, all it takes is a kiss." She scoffs, getting up.
"We should fight more often." He offers, still on the ground.
"And we will," she answers, amused, "but right now, we have a meeting to attend. Get up."
When they enter the room at the same time, Aphrodite blows a kiss to Athena, the goddess of love squealing quietly, earning herself a weird look from Artemis.
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fuzzypuppybuddie · 4 months
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The sibs doodles (Twitter request)
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suniani · 11 months
REPOST BECAUSE MY WIFI IS DUMB AND STUPID AND HALF OF MY PREV POST DIDN'T LOAD!! i deleted it in a panic so the ask is gone as well but ty @morgansplace for reminding me to draw this, i in fact did start that morning but i draw very slowly lmao 😭
credits to @ajstaria and @sillyguymilooooo for these posts, i found them so funny i had to draw them
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art tag: @redobutton , @daveys-angel , @anthrokiaera , @itsdaifuku , @milosirlgf , @teaseat
if you want me to add you to the tag you can dm me!!
(idk what possessed me to put guy in that shirt i just saw it on pinterest and said 'this is guy core')
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karokawwo · 3 months
the last drawing i did of this old ass oc (i made her when i was around 9) and honestly it doesn't look as shit as i remember
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i should DEFINITELY redraw her tho i've been thinking about her lately and giving her more animal features
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squisheebugdoodles · 11 months
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dump of just some of the characters i've gotten ready for art fight this year 83 this particular set are all ones that i got in a trade with a friend years ago, except the green guy which i did still get from them but wasn't designed by them, if i remember right? i love them all very very much <3
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doodlingwren · 3 months
I didn't log in on Tumblr for a week bc was busy in UNI hell and the second I came back, I heard about the data sold to AI mess and what the fuck am I supposed to do or to say lol...
Anyway, I must add that I'm not going, like, anywhere else. Am I tired of this situation? YES, trust me. I've already experienced art being stolen to be handed over to AI programs (I'm talking about you, DeviantArt) but I'm exhausted from moving from one social to another. The most fucked up thing is that even with a deactivated account, your stuff can be used to training Midjourney and shit, so… like, there's not a lot to do.
The thing that makes me mad is the way Tumblr handled this. By the way they wrote the announcement, it does feel like it has already happened, and the update was just a notice.
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giftedpoison · 7 days
thinking about how the other day I felt happiness for the first time in a long time (like happiness about where I am at in life and joy for my future plans. Like I was working 8-4:30 and I was thinking about how I was going to do a few ubereats runs until 6ish after and then come home and get to write and crack open my kung fu binder again that I've been working with to prove to myself I'm ready to go back)
usually I just feel content at like a 5 sometimes if I go to a concert or whatever it can get up to 6,7,8. but that's it
and I have that persistent depression disorder. that i never remember how to spell.
So you can imagine my surprise when i genuinely just felt happy and at peace? And i had mania by fob album stuck in my head. life was good.
I then got sucker punched by my physical health symptoms that were really bad and almost collapsed and could not hold myself up so I was leaning on a cart not moving when it hit 4:30. And did not do anything that I planned to after work because of it.
the key is i felt happiness for the first time in forever.
#and the thing is I think it was because I finally decided it might be time for me to go back to kung fu after taking a year and a half off#because I quit because I couldn't get myself to go to lessons and then I also couldn't get myself to practice outside of class#PLUS at the time I had just started medication for my panic attacks had recently developed a tic disorder#and was working at a job that was slowly killing me#and I was really just trying to figure my shit out#(the last day I was really able to meaningfully attend was for my belt test that I passed but I had a massive panic midway through because#I had also started zoloft that day and it didn't occur to me taking a kung fu test designed to mimic a fight and breed endurance in a fight#aka get my heartrate up would be a bad idea with starting zoloft designed to slow my heart rate)#but the thing about kung fu is it was always something that brought so much joy and happiness#if I was struggling to get there I'd come home and be so energized and excited and happy#and I think I'm finally in a place where I can have it back? (idk juries still out on the health issues)#because I spent all of 2023 working on myself and my mental health and I quit my old job this past september#and I have a new job#plus a direction in life??? like I'm stage managering for some bands at a fest#and then later stage managering for a renn faire#while I'm working part time at target#and finally retail isn't my main gig (i used to be full time) but the side gig to take me where I want to go#And like recently I ran into someone from kung fu while I was working and they were so excited to see me#and I want to go back so bad because it's nice to know that she and a couple other people (she mentioned I was brought up recently) still#remember me and wonder where I went even a year and a half later
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starsandthorn · 10 days
so no furina story quest 2 :((
#personal stuff#delete later#AUUUGH.#i guess since she isn't technically an archon she'll get one at the same time as everyone else. but no neuvillette quest either??#we don't get to dive deeper into the previous hydro archon or anything?#no spices from the west either... what's the point of this update even#kidding. dainsleif quest at last. oh my god#looked like remuria during the trailer?#also i am simultaneously getting immernachtreich and hexenzirkel vibes from certain places in the trailer. hmm#SPOTTED ALBEDO'S FLOWER ON THE STAINED GLASS#OHHH SHIT. SIBLINGS. HOORAY [afraid]#okay i thought we would go back to remuria for the dain quest but it DOES make more sense to go back to sumeru with its links to khaenri'ah#oh my god the eng pronunciations of these names are killing me. i have never heard them said like this before <//3#but yea sigewinne and clorinde look nice :]#sethos!!!!#love him.#he's traveling!! visiting sumeru city!!!#interesting to me that he was a spear user in the story quest but now he uses a bow#hermanubis took my polearm proficiency can't have shit in the temple of silence#was kind of hoping we'd at least get the polearm he used to flesh out that weapon set#aww the animation looks nice. kind of hate that they're leaning so far into the ''aether as the mc'' thing but whatever. it's fine#SECRET ROOM IN THE MONDSTADT LIBRARY. HEXENZIRKEL DESIGN DETAILS. LET'S GOO#OH IT'S PERMANENT? WOOO#i don't even care abt the rewards for the most part i'm more excited by the hexenzirkel implications and getting to go to mondstadt#natlan teaser wooo. i'm not. super excited about any kind of mount system i'll be 100% honest#maybe i'll change my mind on release but like. i did not love the sorush system#i enjoy exploring as Me and My Characters. idk#i really hope we at least get gourmet supremos. christ. we didn't see them at all in fontaine
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sysig · 2 years
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So uh (Patreon)
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thatonecrookedsmile · 1 month
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More progress being made. I finished re-reading The Illusion of Living this past Friday. It's a nice book. 👍 This was the last of the Bendy books in this "marathon" that I'm doing which I had already read previously and now I'm rereading, meaning that I'm kind of up to date when it comes to rereading all the books that were released until December 2021. But the race is not over yet. Soon I'll start Fade To Black, and (technically) I'll finally be up to date.
Just to continue my chain of posting about the books I finished (at least, the main ones that I really wanted to read) here it is…something I did at the beginning of March, on the night when shit went down. (I hope you know what I'm talking about). I saw the tweets first hand, I was there! Right at the damn moment. And it was..something reading those tweets alright. If the image above doesn't show it, my mood that night and the next 1-2 days wasn't so… great. You might read this and think I'm exaggerating, but that night especially I, uuhhh, I didn't feel good! And this image (and maybe 2 more posts I made that night) are the results of that. (And to think that a week before this happened, I had finished rereading DCTL after a long time. Talk about better/worse timing than this)
At least, if you want the bright side of this, it's that even after that day, I decided to continue with my book marathon, and I don't regret it. I was down that day, but I wasn't out yet damn it!! and I'm still not. (I don't know if this sentence makes a lot of sense, but you get my point)
As a bonus, here's something I did the night I got to the part where Henry is first mentioned in the book (you can consider this as a representation of my reaction when he's first mentioned, both for when I read TIOL for the first time in 2021, as now in this rereading)
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Feat. canon Henry design and my fanon design for him (I wanted to include him here + I still read this book with my fan-designs in mind)
#bendy and the ink machine#batim#crookedsmile open his mouth#crookedsmile open his mouth;bendy#ABBY LAMBERT; IN MY HEART YOU ALWAYS BE CANON TO THE GAMES; I DON'T CARE WHAT THE OTHERS SAY#also;i'm a Henry Stein fan;could you tell#re-looking at the first image and realizing that I will probably have to change my Abby design eventually;specifically; the hair.#I'm sure this hair doesn't match with what was described in DCTL or TIOL;#It's going to be a little strange; I'm so used to drawing her like this; but hey; every now and then we have to make sacrifices#To summarize my thoughts on TIOL: it's a nice book! Although it is not my favorite among the other Bendy books written by Kress#It's great to see more of Joey; delving deeper into his character and seeing how he thinks and seeing more of his life before the studio#is an interesting read! but I still prefer stories like DCTL and TLO; you know;especially because these two also have the horror factor in#which;considering what TIOL is; it doesn't have it. It's still a good book tho. It's just not my favorite#and re: the whole book canonity thing: I was not happy! Wow; what a surprising thing to say#as someone who enjoyed the books;I was disappointed with what I thought was expanding the games universe;In the end;just wasn't doing it#like;ok;sure;that doesn't mean the books aren't worth reading; I'd say they are! but still;*points to the last tag*#Maybe; one day; in the future; I can even accept this decision and move on with life; you know. understand the why of this.#but in the current present? yeah;no. I will continue to ask myself why#I would say more; but Tumblr has a tag limit apparently so I'm running out of time. as a last message: read the books#regardless of what the devs say; I still think these things should be recognized.#that's all; peace
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