#Also developing the middle three kids is a pain because whenever i try i instead get pulled away by that time travel AU with Lullaby
nonuggetshere · 4 months
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tumblezwei · 4 years
Why Kyoko Mogami is the GOAT
And why y’all are SLEEPING ON HER
Spoilers for Skip Beat, but honestly idk how much of the story I’m gonna get into for this since I’m flying by the seat of my pants. Still, read at your own risk.
Also this is LONG lmao
Kyoko Mogami is a 16 year old middle school drop-out that works two jobs day and night in order to pay rent for the Tokyo apartment that she lives in all by herself 6 days out of the week. Going into the first chapter, there are three things immediately clear about her. 
1. She’s cheerful, kind, and also kind of batshit insane. From the first moment we meet her, her personality is throwing itself at our faces and refusing to calm down. (apologies for the bad quality images, I work with what I have)
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2. She loves Sho Fuwa, her childhood friend and rising rock-star that asked Kyoko to come with him to Tokyo after middle school graduation to support his career
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3. Nothing matters to her as long as Sho is happy. Sure, she laments that her love for girly dresses, cosmetics, and fairy tale princesses will never amount to anything since all of her money is going toward paying the rent on her and Sho’s apartment, but that’s fine. As long as her precious Sho is happy, so is she. 
And, as you’d expect, things go to shit pretty quickly afterwards. During one her off days from her night job, Kyoko decides to visit Sho at his recording studio with dinner. After sneaking in past the hoards of squealing teenage girls waiting outside to catch a glimpse of him, she overhears him talking to his manager. 
“I’m the heir to a prominent Japanese inn, do you think I’ve ever cooked or cleaned all by myself?” She hears. 
“That’s awful,” the manager replies, “you make it sound as if you brought her just to be your maid.”
“She’s basically been my maid since I was a kid, or else I wouldn’t have brought her along with me. It’s not like I forced her, I asked her a question and gave her the choice. It’s only natural that she’d work her butt off to support me.” 
And he just keeps going. Once he’s made enough to live independently, he’ll send her back. How dare his parents try to set him up with a plain-looking girl like her. She doesn’t even wear make-up! 
As images of flash in Kyoko’s mind of standing in front of make-up stores with no money to buy anything, she takes Sho’s words just as well as one might expect. By unleashing the box of tucked away emotions she’s held in her chest and swearing to take revenge on Sho for using her and throwing her away like this.
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. I failed to mention this at the start, but the beginning of the chapter introduces us to the most important piece of symbolism in Kyoko’s character development: Pandora’s box. 
For Kyoko’s entire life, she’s held this box inside herself. In myth, once this box was opened, all of the evil of the world is unleashed, never to be put back inside. So for Kyoko, the metaphor is quite apt. Hearing Sho’s words unlocks the box and unleashes a kind of anger that not even Kyoko knew she was capable of, a kind of determination and vengeance that has her dyeing her hair and staking outside of a talent manager’s house for days on end to whittle down his willpower and give her a chance to audition at Sho’s rival talent agency, LME. Every time she hears his name, or sees his picture, she’s filled with myopic sense of rage that no one can calm her down from. 
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Her sole mission in life is to get revenge on Sho Fuwa, a sentiment that finds her at odds with LME’s top actor, Ren Tsuruga, who sees her one-sided quest for vengeance as an insult to people who truly love acting. But as if Kyoko cares, she needs to get revenge! 
I’m gonna drop the pseudo-narration for a bit because I actually need to skip over a fair bit of plot to get to what I think makes Kyoko incredibly compelling, outside of being the funniest female character in existence. We’re going to jump forward in time to Kyoko’s first acting gig. Well, not so much an gig as much as it is a competition. She’s been tasked to play the role of a dignified inn keeper that’s serving tea to the main male character. After having broken her ankle and been challenged by the real lead actress, this is her first shot to prove she has the talent to make it in the acting industry. So in order to immerse herself in the role, she utilizes her experience of being trained by Sho’s mother to take care of the inn that his family owned. It’s here that we finally understand that Kyoko giving up her life back home for Sho wasn’t just a spur of the moment decision brought about by infatuation. It was something she’d been doing for her entire life. Everything she knows how to do, every skill she’s obtained, has been because of Sho. And this is the moment that she realizes that fact too. (the first image is from after the scene is done, wherein Kyoko cannot snap herself out of her character due to the lessons she was taught as a child, despite her sitting position making her broken ankle unbearably painful). 
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Even her righteous fury at being left in the dust is focused solely on Sho fucking Fuwa. Is there anything that she has than can be attributed to her own success? Does she have any skills that can’t be traced back to trying to make Sho happy? Who is Kyoko Mogami? Is she worth anything without Sho? 
And I want to make this clear right now, because I know the term “shoujo” makes people hesitate. THIS is what Skip Beat is about. Kyoko’s journey to find out who she is, and with every new role she takes on and with every experience she gains, she becomes just a little closer to finding out who she is and what she wants for herself. 
We watch as her love for acting slowly eclipses her thirst for revenge. A few arcs after this moment, she is contacted about a job to act in a music PV with none other than Sho himself. In the beginning, she accepts the job in order to prove to Sho that she’s climbing the ladder and catching up to him, but her performance suffers whenever she thinks about her revenge. And what saves her isn’t even putting aside her revenge, but prioritizing her own feelings above it. She wants to act! She wants to put on a good performance! So she needs to put aside those feelings of anger and draw from her past experiences to create a character that leaves Sho in the dust. 
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I’m gonna bet y’all are wondering about the romance, though. Because this is a shoujo, and of course it has romance. But hey, guess what? That romance is equally compelling and is an integral part to Kyoko’s character too. In the first....5 or so arcs, Ren Tsuruga ‘s relationship with Kyoko crawls it’s way out of the it’s rocky beginnings, and he slowly becomes a mentor figure to Kyoko. He’s her superior in acting, and she looks to him often for support and guidance when she’s struggling to perform a role or having difficulty with her fellow actors. To Kyoko, Ren is the goal, his level of acting is what she aspires to be, so she can stand on equal footing with him. Before there’s even a whiff of romance between them, there develops a solid bond of trust and support. And once the romance starts. Hoo boy. 
To fully understand why it’s taken 12 years irl for a confession scene to finally take place, we need to bring back the metaphor of Pandora’s box. Because not everything escaped Pandora’s box when it was opened. Pandora was able to shut the box just in time for one thing to stay locked inside: hope. In the myth, this is a good thing, while negative and vile emotions run free, hope still exists within people to become better. But for Kyoko, the box isn’t a safe place, it’s a repressed place. She spent her entire life locking away the negative emotions she felt, placing a smile on her face and hoping for Sho’s happiness. And when those emotions are set lose, she locks the box back up, sealing something else inside. Her hope, her confidence in anything having to do with love. 
It’s not just that Kyoko isn’t in love anymore, she feels as if she can’t be in love anymore, that she’s entirely incapable of it. The idea of falling in love with someone else terrifies her. What if she goes back to the way she was before? An empty shell that exists for other people and not herself. The box has been sealed tightly again, and by God this time she’s not going to let anything open it. And like, I don’t want to spoil much in this, as contradictory as that sounds. Because the scene where she realizes she loves Ren? One of the best fucking scenes in any romance manga ever. 
And. God. I haven’t even touched on her mom. Kyoko’s desire for love, that became so warped under Sho and so desolate after his betrayal, can all stem back to Saena Mogami. A woman who, no matter what Kyoko did, rejected any affection that her child tried to give, and gave none in return. “Even a mother can hate her own child.” We get bits and pieces of what Kyoko’s mother was like, and the environment that a very young Kyoko was raised in before her mother left her in the care of Sho’s parents. And eventually we realize that Kyoko isn’t afraid of her love being rejected twice, but a third time. 
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Like, y’all, I’m not good at these kind of essays. I keep wanting to go off on tangents, nothing is ever focused, I spend to much time just reading the manga instead of writing this fucking post. But please believe me when I tell you that Kyoko Mogamis character development is like none other. She’s truly at the top of her genre and it’s an actual crime that she’s so underrated. 
Before Kyoko gets even a single arc with Ren, she gets two with Kanae. The first with Kanae as a central figure, and the second where Kanae is her support. She’s the one that gives Kyoko the eureka moment she needs to pull of her performance with Sho. They are one of the most developed and deep friendships in shoujo that I’ve ever seen AND Y’ALL NEED TO STOP SLEEPING ON IT. LOOK AT THESE TWO
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And don’t take this poorly assembled post at face value, I’ve left out a lot of shit. Starting with how fucking funny this manga is. Kyoko’s special talent for her LME audition is peeling vegetables, there’s a running gag where Ren asks for her advice while she’s in a giant chicken costume, unaware that it’s her, the president of LME is an eccentric millionaire that likes to dress up in different themed costumes every day and loves throwing extravagant parties, Kyoko’s hobby is making voodoo dolls and talks to a miniature Ren doll whenever she needs encouragement or advice. 
And it’s all packaged alongside some of the most compelling character development I’ve ever seen (for both Kyoko and Ren), and some absolutely heartbreaking drama. You will never know true pain until “I don’t have a daughter.”
Read this, ya’ll. You won’t regret it. 
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 272: (Directed by Michael Bay)
Previously on BnHA: The My Child Soldiers Academia arc finally started to live up to its name as Tokoyami became the first (but I assure you not the last) victim of traumatic mental scarring courtesy of Horikoshi’s sick games! So he and Dark Shadow showed up to stop Dabi from murdering Hawks and were all “please don’t kill our mentor.” Dabi was all “AH BUT YOUR MENTOR KILLED SOMEONE ELSE, AND ISN’T THAT JUST LIKE THE HEROES THOUGH, THEIR HANDS ARE SO STAINED WITH BLOOD” and then he tried to set both of them on fire several times in succession. Hawks was all “Tokoyami just run away while he’s in the middle of his five-hour sermon” and so they tried but Dabi followed them! But then Geten was all “ALL RIGHT EVERYONE... CHILL” and fucking froze everything for no discernible reason, and Tokoyami fled the building with an unconscious Hawks in tow as the battle raged on. The chapter then ended with Gigantomachia being all “I smell my master!” and standing up, hahaha oh fuck.
Today on BnHA: Well you guys are not going to believe this, but it turns out that Tomura waking up is actually a very bad thing. A “worst case scenario” if you will! Because, get this, he has a quirk that can destroy anything, which spreads from whatever he touches to fucking everything and everywhere else. Gosh, if only we’d known about this since like 35 chapters ago. If only we’d had a spy among the villains who could have warned us, and three entire months to plan our attack, and literally every single hero in Japan on call to help us when the time came. Anyway so you’re really going to be shocked by this I’m telling you, but it turns out that when a crazy powerful person who wants to destroy everything finally wakes up, he immediately starts destroying everything with his crazy power. So X-Less dies and Crust dies and everyone else runs, and meanwhile the kids, who are on the outskirts of the city finishing up the evacuation, stand there in shock as the plot rampages toward them ready to swallow them whole. The chapter ends with Deku powering up to FORTY-FIVE PERCENT YEAHHHHH, and oh shit. Finally we’re doing this.
I am not even remotely done with all the shit I’m supposed to be finishing up, but fuck it, I need a break and reading the new chapter is by far the funnest thing on my current to-do list, so!
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-- ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohm --
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[puts on glasses and unfolds map while poring through a mess of scribbles on post-it notes] -- hold up, if my calculations are correct, I’m pretty sure “somewhere a bit further from the hospital” is, in fact, where a certain THREE TROUBLE-PRONE DISASTERS ARE CURRENTLY HOLED UP. AHHH
can it really be true. are we finally rejoining our protagonist and his buddy cop friends after 97 years. how will everyone react to Deku reacting to Tomura waking up ahhhh
so Burnin’ is yelling at the civilians to let them know if they have any family or friends who need assistance evacuating
god I hate the fact that this is a fucking understatement
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they’re not taking any chances after Kamino and Fukuoka huh. fool them once, shame on you. fool them twice, oh shit. but there will not be a third time! no one fucking destroys three cities in the span of six months on their watch, no sirree
(ETA: ...)
lol the kids are trying to get the elderly citizens on a bus to evacuate, but a lady is trying to give them candy and Kacchan and Ochako are of two different minds on whether or not to accept
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Kacchan is absolutely right about Ochako’s motivations, but in her defense, who the fuck turns down free chocolate
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(ETA: I sure hope these poor bastards had good insurance.)
also. this man here who looks like Beaker from the Muppets, who presumably has the power of Doing Anything Those Wacky Flailing Inflatable Tube Men That You See Outside Of Car Dealerships Can Do. ...yes. that’s it. that’s an intentionally incomplete sentence with a subject but no predicate. I just feel like we should all sit and stare at him for a good thirty more seconds before continuing on with our lives
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is... this... a space shuttle man
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is this literally just a man with a Boeing for a head. FUCKING QUIRKS THOUGH!!!!! ~*~wild~*~
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so now he’s slightly hunching forward with his hands pressed together and Todoroki is immediately sensing that something is wrong ahhhhh
(ETA from like 5 days later: I had that as “Tokoyami” instead of “Todoroki” for the better part of a solid week you guys. SHOUTO YOU WERE GONE FOR SO LONG I FORGOT YOUR FUCKING NAME whoop.)
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here come dat angst. here comes Horikoshi’s hand beckoning the trio closer and welcoming them to the pain parade ahhh. from now on that’s how I’m ending all my sentences btw. it just seems right. ahhh
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ladies and gentlemen, YOU WERE SAYING DEKU DIDN’T HAVE ENOUGH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT LATELY? HE’S NOT INTERESTING ENOUGH AS A PROTAGONIST, IS HE? well maybe that’s because Horikoshi has been saving this one juiciest of plot nuggets for a rainy day precisely like this! BRING ON THAT CHOSEN ONE ANGST AHHHHH
anyway so yes it is indeed OFA speaking to him in the form of Lil Bro a.k.a. the first user
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lol I’m trying to think of commentary but it’s difficult seeing as I’M ALREADY SCROLLING DOWN TO IMPATIENTLY READ THE NEXT PAGE
lmao the fuck
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it absolutely boggles my mind that this guy is somehow still alive. ??! how many chapters and panels has it been now. he’s like the goat in the t-rex pen in fucking Jurassic Park. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET EATEN ALREADY
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do you... want a blanket. ...?
(ETA: do you ever just. wake up and you’re like “ah shit it’s cold”, and then you destroy an entire city. mm.)
do you all suppose X-Less is fully aware that he’s about to die though? he hasn’t even moved. I imagine that sitting next to Tomura actually is much like sitting next to a giant t-rex. like he has to know there is no getting out of this alive. poor guy
damn Mic isn’t even looking back he’s just running back into the main room where all the rest of them are
wow this fight is still going on
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I don’t know why, I just expected it to all magically be over all of a sudden now that we have bigger things to worry about. do you guys remember when we were all worried about the High End Noumus being the biggest threat. hahahahaha
(ETA: moment of silence for ALL OF THE FUCKING HIGH ENDS lmao. that did not go how I expected that plotline to go AT ALL, but at least we got the best fucking battle in the entire manga out of it.)
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goddammit. my reaction to this should have been much more “!!!” and “OH SHIT”, but he dragged it out so much that my initial reaction was one more of relief than horror. maybe it’s because of the way I read the chapters, constantly pausing to do commentary as I go along, but whenever a chapter has a ton of panels of people just staring into the distance awash with dread, it really stands out to me lol. there’s only so much I can write about that kind of thing. ah well at least we’re finally getting to the action
I genuinely can’t tell if Ujiko is frightened that he’s about to be disintegrated by Tomura’s quirk, or excited that Tomura is awake
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maybe both lol. well don’t worry you’re not gonna die that easily, much as you would not catch me complaining if you did
thanks Gran
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lol where was all this speed throughout the rest of this arc though. “we’re only competent when the plot necessitates it” huh. is that right
oh shit it’s destroying the rest of the lab
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those are all of Ujiko’s collected quirks, right? someone please tell me if this is a good or a bad thing. on the one hand if they’re all destroyed it means Tomura can’t get them and Ujiko can’t make any more Noumus. but on the other hand this means they won’t ever be able to give them back to the original users (if any of them are even still alive). and also that’s a lot of evidence that’s being wiped out as well
oh shit they didn’t know about this?!
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even after Deika City, you didn’t put two and two together?? even with all of Hawk’s intel?? what the hell did you think happened there?
well this explains why everyone was so la-dee-da-no-rush about capturing him though. well that’s on you guys. next time maybe don’t waste 20 minutes uselessly battling redshirt Noumus while Mirko has to do everything herself
anyway so I feel like people other than X-Less are almost certainly going to die here, and fuck. I’m not ready for any of this
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I want to see it crumble so bad. now this is the kind of foreboding cinematic disaster movie bullshit I can get into
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...okay so I see Ryuukyuu in the top right, and I think that’s RockLockRock on her back. Thirteen is clearly there in the bottom center, but I don’t know who that is next to them. and then of course Gran and Mic on the left. and a bunch of others spread out in various other places, but... where the hell is Aizawa??
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oh my god I gasped in real life. stop making me fear for the lives of main characters!!
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he. he --. crust. he. ...
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I literally stopped reading and had to stop and cover my mouth with both of my hands I’m
silence. no screaming. no flailing. no freaking out. just silence
shit. rest in peace you old sedimentary bastard. respect to you for saving the father of my children in your last fleeting moments. I still have not the slightest idea how you rose through the ranks to somehow become the sixth fucking highest rated hero (HERO BILLBOARD CHART, IS EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT. ARE YOU FEELING OKAY), but you sure did go out with style though
also this may be tacky of me to point out during such an emotionally charged moment, but one second Aizawa is wearing his goggles like normal, and the next they’re suddenly pushed up onto his forehead so we can see the anguish in his bloodshot eyes. there was no reason to do that other than angst and we all know it. so yes Shouta you dramatic bitch, I am calling you out. why Horikoshi felt he had to add to your many accumulated traumas is beyond me. you don’t deserve this and I am so, so sorry
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seeing as we just went over this with Gran, I will take the high road here and won’t ask why you’re only this fast now and couldn’t have been this useful this ages ago back before Tomura woke up. oh wait does sarcastically saying I won’t bring it up count as bringing it up. well whatever. middle road, then
sob I’m getting flashbacks to the end of Return of the Jedi when they’re all frantically flying out of the Death Star as it explodes
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friendly reminder that Ryuukyuu, clearly the fastest one here despite carrying like 20 people, was number 10 in the rankings for some unknown reason. again, r.i.p. Crust you well-meaning geriatric soul
also just a stray thought, I hope it’s clear now why it was so important to give Deku those additional quirks. at a minimum he needs Blackwhip and Float just so he doesn’t instantly die the moment he’s in Tomura’s general vicinity. sob I’ve joked so much about flying quirks and here they are becoming fucking prerequisites now
anyway so Ujiko is mourning the loss of his lab, which again, good riddance mostly. but r.i.p. that evidence though
(ETA: nah the “total loss” part is referring to how the heroes fucked up so soundly and thoroughly. anyway no one would blame Mic if he accidentally dropped Ujiko in the midst of all this chaos, I’m just saying. I guess they need any intel he could still provide now more than ever though.)
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oh my god oh my god it’s still spreading??!
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fuck fuck fuck at this rate it’ll reach the kids
(ETA: that happened really fast actually.)
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I can’t tell if her earthbending was able to stop it or not?? god help us all if it didn’t, I’m not even sure what else could stop it at this point
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they really did. only to fuck it up completely at the finish line. well, the man most singularly responsible for it is dead now, again r.i.p. Crust you useless old legend
lmao despite myself
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“by a miracle, or maybe through sheer will” even he acknowledges that Tomura waking up was basically complete bullshit. yes blah blah yadda yadda got zapped by some exposed wires explanation science. because we all know that getting electrocuted will fix you right up when your heart has stopped and you have completely flatlined. you can definitely trust Horikoshi on this and there’s absolutely no need to google how defibrillators actually work
also is he somehow wearing a cape now. again by a miracle or maybe through sheer will
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(ETA: one has to wonder what Ujiko’s plan was, assuming this scheme had actually played out. were they just banking on Tomura not waking up cranky and disoriented and wanting to test out his power. his quirk doesn’t exactly distinguish friend from foe here I’m just saying.)
the part of me that goes all “ooh ahh” when all the buildings explode in Independence Day is singing inside. but never fear, the rest of me is appropriately horrified though. what was that Burnin’ was saying about the city becoming a large-scale battle zone? sob
also this page sure serves as a nice refresher for exactly why Tomura Waking Up Was Bad, which was inexplicably a topic of some debate in recent weeks. yes in spite of everything the villains are still the bad guys who’d have thought. almost as if the purpose of humanizing a character is to show that they’re human, not that they’re right
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finally finally finally!!!!!!
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and there is no one coming to save them this time. no one to arrive at the last second and say “it’s all right now because I am here.” they have to save themselves. they have to save everyone. the training wheels are finally coming off. the safety net has been removed. after 272 chapters, the story has finally reached a point where these kids, these children, who in spite of all they’ve been through have been protected and shielded from the worst of it up till now, will finally have to be the ones to save the day all on their own
and they are not ready. but also maybe they kind of are??! but they definitely are not. and oh god oh god oh god, FINALLY WE’RE REALLY DOING THIS. TIME TO FIX THE MESS THOSE SILLY GROWN-UPS MADE, CHILDREN. YOU GOT THIS
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dusksmote · 3 years
Is there any background info you can give on characters in WTSAU?
Like any cool hc you give the characters?
okay i have SO MANY 😩 but i can’t say all the best ones until later cuz they involve SPOILERS
so i’ll try to say all the ones i can with the information given:
- Kyle’s had feelings for Stan since he realized he was gay, which was in middle school. When Stan came out as bi he told Kyle first, before Wendy, even though they were dating at the time. Kyle’s insecurities prevented from acting on his feelings even after they broke up.
- Wendy has pegged Stan in the past, but Kyle is the first guy Stan’s ever been with. Wendy has come around to support their relationship since the events of ETL chapter 4.
- Stan is always the first one to say ‘I love you’.
- Kyle was the last one in their big friend group to lose his virginity, but he has one of the highest sex drives of the guys. He and Stan switch off being top almost equally, but Kyle prefers to top and Stan prefers to bottom. they fuck daily.
- When they want to have a hard, passionate fuck Kyle tops. when they want to have slow, emotional sex Stan tops. Kyle has slight sadist tendencies (inflicts pain) and Stan has masochist tendencies (receives pain). Stan is especially into breathplay (choking, face sitting, crushing, etc.) and assplay. he’s the best ass eater (so call him a bottom feeder 😂) and Kyle’s superior in the blowjob department.
- Stan has hyperhidrosis, meaning he sweats more than the average person. this is why their rooms/the truck/anywhere they fuck smells so strong. there’s a few hints for this in ETL/WTSAU, he keeps antiperspirant in his locker and in the truck, he gets really sweaty whenever they have sex. Stan also has asthma and acne, which Kyle’s been helping him treat. Kyle loves popping his zits for him.
- Conversely, Kyle is super hygienic and always tries to keep himself clean and dry. when Sharon comes into Stan’s room in chapter 1 and describes the smell, the gym locker scent is Stan, the Old Spice is Kyle, and the ‘inside of a rubber balloon’ is their latex lubricant. 
- Everyone at school considers them the obnoxious, overly romantic couple. they hold hands, cuddle, kiss, and dirty talk in front of everyone. they think they can get away with it without people noticing but they’re chronically conspicuous and not stealthy. the working title for the fanfic was actually ‘Ain’t Slick’ for a while before it changed to What They Say About Us!
- they’re fucking devoted to each other and are exclusively monogamous. Stan is especially protective of Kyle and Kyle is fiercely possessive of Stan. 
- Kyle applied as a math major in his college applications, and will eventually get a PhD for logic and set theory. Stan’s a bio major and wants to go into physical therapy.
- Stan doesn’t smoke weed out of principle (because of his dad) so Kyle also doesn’t smoke in solidarity. 
- Kyle is a type 2 diabetic, and doesn’t need to always take insulin. his weight gain began with the World of Warcraft episode and was maintained instead of lost like in the show. his weight is a cyclical feedback loop of: genetics (mom’s side of the family), too much insulin (when using insulin therapy), and diet. this led to him developing lordosis (excessive weight warps his spine) so he didn’t grow as tall as he would have, and makes his weight appear more exaggerated. short stature, weight, and body image issues led to quitting basketball which in turn contributes more to his weight. this impacts his self-worth which leads to stress eating. his biggest fear is that he’ll never stop gaining weight and will end up as big or bigger than Cartman.
- Stan has gained a few pounds since he started dating Kyle, while Kyle has lost a few.
- Kenny is straight, but has voluntarily sucked dick before. he and henrietta have hooked up a few times in the past after running into each other at poetry slam events which Kenny takes Karen to. 
- Butters and Cartman are exclusively gay, and think girls are fucking gross. they’ve only every slept with each other.
- Kenny, Cartman, and Butters are all best friends and do pretty much everything together. even though Butters and Cartman are dating, Kenny never feels like a third wheel because they rarely act romantic in front of anyone (including him). however, when Style start dating and Cutters come out about their relationship, Kenny begins feeling like a fifth wheel.
- Butters lives almost entirely at Cartman’s house. His parents actually don’t mind because they enjoy not having him around. Liane is 100% the cool mom from mean girls who asks them if they want snacks or a condom. Sometimes all three of them crash at Kenny’s house for variety (or when he has to watch Karen because his mom is drinking/out of the house).
- Kenny wants to study psychology in college and become a family therapist or social worker. he’s taking a gap year to save money then going to community college. Cartman and Butters applied to the same schools and plan to stick together long-term.
- Butters and Cartman’s relationship started as experimenting with each other as their sexualities developed, and began after Cartman confided that he had sexual feelings for Kyle. Cartman and Butters have also developed genuine feelings for each other, and overtime their relationship transformed into what it is now. because of how their relationship started, they’re very open about any sexual feelings they have for other people and have a ‘hall pass’ for friends they’re allowed to fuck if given the chance, without it considered cheating.
- Butters is a huge gossip. he will promise to keep secrets and then immediately turn around and tell Cartman--which totally happened after Kyle said he thinks Stan has a crush on him in ETL chapter 2. Butters and Cartman keep nothing from each other, and the only secrets they won’t tell are the ones about each other. 
- Kenny is the easiest of the larger friend group to confide in, and keeps every secret he’s given. he’s known Cartman and Butters have been together since the beginning, about Cartman’s crush on Kyle, and Kyle’s crush on Stan. People naturally come to him for advice and to vent. The least likely person to confide in him is Kyle, who’s more likely to curl in on himself instead of expressing his feelings.
-SO much shit about Cartman and Butters’ relationship I can’t say yet because it comes up in the fic 😩 please ask me about these two again later when i can say more!!!
- Tweek is a dom top and Craig’s his catamite. they try to get away with sex anywhere they can and have gotten very stealthy because of it. Tweek also has one of the highest sex drives of their friend group, and Craig will let him do whatever he wants anywhere, anytime. 
- Tweek is constantly high on stimulants (cocaine, meth, adderall, etc.) and Craig experiments with him in certain settings. this is what gives Tweek his boosted self-confidence and flippant attitude. 
- Pete Thelman (hair flip goth) is their coke dealer. Tweek trades him his ADHD meds for it, which Pete resells to posers. If Tweek doesn’t have enough to cover the cost he and Craig make up the rest by giving Pete sexual favors. sometimes they have threesomes for fun too.
- Tweek and Craig both think Kyle is hot and would fuck him given the chance. being open about this with each other makes them feel closer and strengthens their relationship. they have roleplayed as Stan and Kyle in bed before while high out of their minds.
- they're deeply in love and would do anything for each other. Craig could get Tweek to stop taking drugs if he wanted to but right now they enjoy experimenting with them together. in the words of everyone who know them, ‘Tweek and Craig are perfectly fucked up for each other’. 
Kyle’s family:
- Sheila’s biggest regret as a parent is letting Kyle get fat, because she was also overweight as a kid and dealt with the same issues he does now. It’s the same reason she feels obligated to help Kyle’s cousin overcome his weight dilemma (by trying to get him and Stan to hang out).
- Ike is an eboy who loves lil peep. He, Karen, Tricia, and Firkle all make tiktoks together and complain about their gay older brothers/friends.
- random fun fact: If Ike and Karen get married that would mean Kyle and Kenny are brothers-in-law, which would mean the main five all end up as extended family to one another.
Stan’s family:
- Sharon has plans to divorce Randy but is waiting until Stan leaves for college to not uproot him from school and his friends.
- Grandpa Marsh is still kickin’ in the old folks home and Shelly’s off in college.
- Randy’s a narcissist who lives vicariously through Stan’s accomplishments in sports. the easiest way to explain it is: Randy’s not as proud of Stan for being a successful athlete and attractive jock as he is proud of himself for producing one. Stan’s ability to get laid with (he presumes) hot girls makes Randy feel like he has game too. one of the reasons he’s disgusted by Stan’s relationship with Kyle is if Stan’s fucking some big fat guy it doesn’t align with his narrative. 
this is just the stuff i could think of off the top of my head, i’ll probably come back and add more to this as i remember it. ask me again in a few chapters!!! i have so much i want to say about bunnyman, cutters, the future for style, and their families that i can’t say yet!
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uhhhdanika · 4 years
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is that SEO SOOJIN? no, that’s just DANIKA KANG. SHE is TWENTY-THREE years old and is a STUDENT NURSE. rumor has it they’ve been in town for TWO MONTHS. on a good day, they’re INTUITIVE & PROTECTIVE. but watch out! they can also be COLD & BLUNT. MORE BY HALSEY plays in my head whenever i think of them. can’t wait to see them around springhill! 
HELLO !! I’m so excited to be here... this is Danika, the infamous twin sister to Daniel Kang !! Get it ?? Dani and Danny !! Anyways, below the cut will be her intro that I just kind of whipped together, forgive me !! I will also include some wanted connections below as well, mostly based on songs because that’s where I get the most muse !! Like this to plot or hit me up with your muse’s name on discord @ shut up you spunky lesbian#0666  @shstarters​
tw: emotional abuse, miscarriage(s)/stillbirth, abortion mention, depression
Danika, like Daniel, was raised in a loving home. With the house being so full, you would think she would often have to fight for her turn with affection and attention. However, the Kangs were a very equal home. Naturally, being the absolute youngest (Daniel being only a few moments older than her), Danika grew to have a peculiar complex where she thinks that no one actually cares? It’s weird. She has this odd need to prove herself to her family at all times, which no one in the family knows where it comes from. Maybe she just wants to be the best... who knows. 
Growing up, she wasn’t the most fashionable, growing up with her elder sister’s hand-me-downs but making the best of them. Considering their family never had much, the need to prove herself grew from just impressing her family to impressing her peers. In school, she was an honour roll student with a GPA of 4.0 throughout her academic career. 
However, straight after high school, she didn’t take her intelligence into post-secondary. Instead, she left the entire idea of school behind to go live with a new boyfriend. The two moved away from her native Seattle to Inglewood, California. They lived in a small, crowded two-bedroom apartment with two other roommates. Of course, she missed her family, but she was independent !! So she thought. What Danika doesn’t realize is that at eighteen years old, you actually don’t know everything about the world. 
During this time, her boyfriend became emotionally abusive, gaslighting her and controlling her every move. Soon, she stopped calling her family as often as she did, only checking in with them, so they know she was still alive. Danika was so enamoured by him, she didn’t clue into his behaviour and how harmful it actually was. The man had convinced her that her entire family hated her for moving (which was far from the truth). 
At the same time, Danika became pregnant. She was ecstatic, he was not. Although her boyfriend was a grade-A asshole, he didn’t make her get rid of the baby. The one thing in the world that Danika wanted most, but never expressed to anyone but her twin, was to be a mother. Things seemed to be looking up, she started to buy small items such as baby clothes or toys and keeping them in a small storage bin in their shared room. 
One night she awoke with intense pain, and her worst fear came true. She was in the middle of losing her baby, the baby she just found was a little girl. The girl she was dreaming of having her eyes and her boyfriend’s nose. It was too late to try and save the baby, with the couple not being able to do anything but let it happen. It seemed out of grief, the boyfriend began to cheat on her. Most of her friends in her life called bullshit, but Danika being in love with him, decided to give him a couple more chances. After walking in on them in their apartment, that was Danika’s final straw. She packed up her things and moved back to Seattle. 
Showing up on her family’s doorstep, hoping that they would forgive her after the last year and a half of ghosting them. Spoiler alert: they did.  Danika ended up telling them everything, minus her pregnancy. The wound was still too fresh for her to talk about, even months later. The previous relationship changed her, she became colder and blunter. Trust issues began to grow, leading to failed relationship after failed relationship. 
Eventually at 21 years old, after two years of living back with her parents, Danika had a new boyfriend. He seemed much more loving, caring, and overall a 180 compared to her last boyfriend. A couple months into their relationship, they decided they wanted to start a family. Danika moved in with him and they ended up trying for a baby with no luck until just when they were going to give up. 
Danika got pregnant again and almost carried to full-term before losing the baby. It was two months before she was due, the couple having the nursery complete and the baby shower happening the month before. This crushed her, leaving her to develop post-partum depression. This one hurt more than the first. She had a name, she had a nursery. This time she had two loving parents who wanted her. She and her boyfriend ended up splitting up from the grief and once again, Danika moved back with her parents. Danika grew jealous of the older siblings with children, her heart yearning for that same joy. 
Eventually, in order to heal from her pain, Danika decided to go to school far away from Seattle. She and her twin moved to Springhill for different reasons, but they lived together. Figuring that if she couldn’t protect her own child, she might as well protect her brother as well as she could. Danika decided that she wanted to go to nursing school, eventually specializing in labour and delivery.
Fast Facts
She is bisexual but has never had a serious relationship with a woman.
Her favourite colour is burgundy. 
She is an ISFJ personality type.
Some defining features for her would be her nose ring in her left nostril, a small tattoo on her hip of her baby’s initials. 
Connections They Could Have
Hurricane (based on Panic! at the Disco’s 2011 song):
Messy, unhealthy friends with benefits/hook up relationships. They can be either male or female or NB. They are absolutely terrible for each other, using sex to cope with their life issues. Outside of this intimacy, the two could hate each other or be frenemies.
said no more war, no more clothes. give me peace! oh, kiss me!
Picturing Love (based on July Talk’s 2016 song):
Two friends just destroying the patriarchy! Just kidding. However, just two friends that bitch about relationships in this day in age and how they don’t expect their love lives to get any better.
One Last Night (based on Vaults’ 2015 song): 
An on and off again relationship, could just be beginning or could be someone from Seattle. Male or female!
UDK (based on Olivia O’Brien’s 2019 song)
Frenemies or a dislike for each other. Spreading rumours about each other around town, not understanding how one could dislike someone this much before actually getting to know them.
Best friends?? 
She just needs more friends other than her twin lol.
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disregardcanon · 6 years
fma 03 au where tucker decided to make the kid that was staying with him into a chimera instead of nina
strangely, this au has a happy ending? what?  
tucker’s test is approaching. he has a few fucked up animal hybrids in the basement that won’t be enough to give the military and a few bits of research even more laughable than the crock he turned in last year. he needs a breakthrough and he needs it now. he knows that his only chance at all is making another chimera with another human.
he’s already done it before, and he did it with his own wife. he’s not afraid to do it again. he hypothesizes that the reason that the chimera he made of his wife failed was that she was an adult. she was too old to fully adjust to the transmutation. he needs someone younger. really, it just comes down to how young? 
nina is a preschooler. she’s already learned a fair amount of human speech and she still has the neuro-plasticity that comes with that age. but she’s also far from fully-formed. if this goes wrong and she’s not able to adjust to the change and gain knowledge beyond what she already has, she will be mentally a preschooler forever. 
hell, if it goes WRONG ENOUGH, then she will be completely lost. and, even if he won’t admit it to himself, he doesn’t want to lose her, at least not when he still has a week before the inspection to get together another plan. he can direct his science elsewhere and still keep his daughter, so he decides to try someone else. 
it seems wisest to go with someone in the middle of a grown woman and a preschooler. someone in the midst of developing. someone half-way grown. someone that he has easy access to. and someone that still has a physical form.  
so the genius twelve year old he’s housing who already suspects him of committing some sort of atrocity, even if he’s not sure what it was? he seems like the perfect option for this attempt. he knows that ed is snooping around, and he fits all the qualifications that tucker has set in his brain. 
al is out of the house visiting the hugheses and ed is pouring over some text or another, and it’s easy enough to trick the kid into the basement by promising to let him see his research from the first chimera experiment. 
then, shou tucker creates his chimera. this one can talk too. hughes insists on escorting al back to the tucker estate. al is very surprised to see that neither ed nor nina is with tucker when he greets him at the door. hughes insists on staying for a while. maybe getting a tour, because he can tell that there is something UP and he's not leaving al to that alone.
tucker shows them every bit of the mansion and promises that they'll find ed and nina in the basement, which, ya know. not ominous at all. they get down there, and they find glowing eyed abominations in cages and a large, wolf looking beast lying down beside nina, who's gently petting it.
"it's alright," she promises, "it's okay."
"nina," it says, in a voice strange and deep to be human. it sounds a bit like a dog's bark if that dog learned to talk.
"it can talk?" al asks, his eyes widening. tucker runs a hand through the creature's mop of golden hair between its bright white ears.
"al?" it asks. al feels a terrible dread set on, and he realizes he still hasn't seen his brother.
"this is a perfect talking chimera, alphonse," tucker says, "it's an immense improvement on the first. the first one was too old to make the change, but this one? it was in the glow of adolescence. the perfect time for the change."
"how the hell did you make that?" hughes demands. al doesn't miss how his hand ghosts over his gun.
"i will reveal all those secrets at my inspection," tucker says, "i'm sure you will have clearance to view those documents, lieutenant colonel." tucker tries to run a hand through the chimera’s hair, but it flinches away. then seems to glare at tucker. 
“bastard,” the chimera growls. strange. that’s not what al expected to hear come out of its mouth. though, it’s probably softer than the “i want to die” that the first talking chimera managed before it did so. it doesn’t set al’s sense of dread at ease, though. 
al looks closer at nina, still working her hands, gently, through the creature's fur. it nuzzles closer into her. then he looks closer at the chimera itself.
it's fur is bright white, but it has a mane of golden hair cascading down it’s back. if that weren’t enough, when al examines it a little closer, he can see that it only has three legs. 
"where is alexander?" al asks. he thinks he knows what happened here. why ed and alexander aren’t here. why the chimera said bastard. why it called him by name. 
"probably running around somewhere up stairs," tucker says dismissively.
“why is it missing a leg?” al demands, the dread in his gut only growing. tucker smiles at him, sadly.
"oh alphonse," he says, "i wish you weren't so observant." then he looks al dead in the eyes as he adds, “alexander had four limbs. edward had two. i suppose you can say they met in the middle.” al feels sick to the stomach he no longer has. tucker made that thing using his brother and the dog. 
hughes draws his gun.
“call the police, al,” he orders.
"do you really want to get them involved?" tucker says, "they'll cart him off to experiment on. you won’t even get to say goodbye.” 
"change him back," al demands, "fix my brother!" tucker laughs.
"oh alphonse," he says, "a chimera is a perfect transmutation. you can never separate them.” he gestures towards the brother-dog chimera. “it’s not your brother or my dog anymore. this chimera is its own entity.” he looks gleeful as he says it. and al wants to shout that his brother is IN THERE and he wants to beat him bloody with his metal hands that won't even feel it, but nina looks up at him with wide, terrified eyes.
"big brother," nina says, "what's happening?" she bites her lip. "where's little big brother?"
"he's right here," al says, and his voice cracks a little. he gently touches his brother-dog on the head, and he looks up at al with eyes that are somehow both absent and pleading, both far off and intensely in the moment.
"al," the brother-dog-chimera says, "please. it hurts."
"i'll save you, i promise," al says, working his metal fingers through his brother's fur, "i'll get your body back. i swear." the noise of response isn't quite a bark but isn't quite a scream, and al wants to cry but doesn't have the proper parts anymore. tucker made his brother into this. they might have sinned, trying to bring back their mother, but it wasn't like this.
it wasn't anything like this.
"so," tucker says, "what will you do, elric the eldest?" al clenches his fist. he wants to punch tucker so hard that the man’s head breaks against the weight of his hand, but that won't bring his brother back. it won't spare nina from whatever the aftermath of this will be. it won't actually help. 
"i'm leaving," alphonse says. he doesn't know where he'll go, but anywhere has to be better than this. then he can gather his thoughts. nina and ed will be safe, and he can figure out how to save his brother from this abomination tucker has made of him.
"take them back to my house," hughes orders, "i'll take care of this." al scoops nina up, and threads his fingers through his brother's fur (hair, he reminds himself hair).
"come on," he says, "we have to leave." the being that both is and isn't both ed and alexander pads behind him, and they make their way to the hughes's residence.
so hughes calls in the military, and they come to arrest tucker for human experimentation and the murder of edward elric. the chimera, as far as anyone knows, died after its creation. hughes and roy had ed declared legally dead along with it so that the military won’t be searching for him to be a lab rat. it wasn’t that hard, either, with ed’s bloody automail just sitting around in tucker’s basement.
al gets to the hugheses, and gracia thanks god that elicia is already asleep for the conversation that they have to have. al is soft with nina and explains it all in a way that she can understand, and nina does not let go of edxander the whole time. edxander doesn't seem to want her to either. a few hours later, hughes finally gets back and tries to pitch his (and roy’s, of course, hughes and roy tend to be a package deal) idea for what should happen now. 
"look, al," hughes says, "i can take nina, but i can't take your brother. he's safer with roy."
"look i promise, roy has your best interests at heart. he cares too." al doesn't know if he believes that.
"brother thinks he's a bastard," al says instead. hughes laughs.
"i'm sure your brother’ll let roy know that, too." al realizes that this is a battle he'll lose, and it's probably not worth fighting, as long as his brother is safe. so he agrees to let edxander stay with roy on the condition that the hugheses will take him whenever al is in town staying with them. nina will be able to visit whenever she wants.
nina stays with the hugheses, and al agrees to take on ed's post as a state alchemist to continue their research on the philosopher's stone and ensure his brother's safety. he actually worries what will happen to edxander if he does not agree to take his brother's position.
so we have alphonse elric, eleven years old, soul sold to the military in order to keep his brother from becoming a lab rat. 
we have edward elric, melded with alexander. his body is in constant pain but he tries his hardest to stay lucid. and on occasion, he’s there. sometimes he fights through it and he’s just ed. and being just ed includes all the cursing that comes with it. but sometimes it’s just alexander in there. and sometimes it’s just two beings shoved together into a body that doesn’t work right, howling in pain because ed was still growing and their body knows it and tries to accommodate. 
1. winry makes edxander an automail dog leg like den’s, and takes it upon herself to braid his mane because no one else in his life knows how to braid, apparently. she knows that’s the way ed would want it. 
2. mustang takes edxander in but hawkeye ends up taking him a lot of the time. much to roy's chagrin, he much prefers staying with her.
3. sometimes, edxander will bite mustang or knock him down. sometimes it's when he's in pained, unconscious chimera mode. sometimes it's when he's in dog mode. sometimes it's when he's in ed mode because ed is a little shit.
4. nina loves on al whenever he is in town and calls him big brother and loves on ed at least four times a week. she's the one that coins the term edxander.
5. nina is the BEST big sister to elicia guys you have no idea.
6. al does not make a philosopher's stone in lab 5, but god. he considers it. he thinks his brother would be disappointed in him for even thinking about it, but he dares not tell ed about it himself. if he is disappointed he might try to bite al and then just hurt himself. he might break all his teeth on his armor. and like, being a chimera is bad enough. he doesn’t want ed to be a chimera that can’t even eat. 
7. nina insists on learning alchemy from al because alchemy isn't evil, just that thing her dad did with it was. she wants to help get al and ed's bodies back. 
8. by the time that liore happens nina is seven and al is fourteen, and by the time that hughes dies she’s just turned eight. nina wants to help, desperately. she’s good at alchemy and big brother’s always galavanting around the countryside trying to figure out how to fix himself and ed and she wants to help. he doesn’t let her and he doesn’t let her and he doesn’t let her, until he makes a stop to see her and ed and gracia and elicia before he sets off for liore and the Scar and Rose and Philosopher’s Stone nonsense. 
9. nina stows away on his train and really, it’s probably more dangerous to try to send her back on her own and he doesn’t have time to take her back himself so he decides that he can protect her, just this once, on this one mission. he buys her a bright red marker to carry around in case of emergencies to draw a transmutation circle and that will probably be good. 
11.. NOPE NOT GOOD AT ALL! the liore nonsense TM occurs and then al becomes a philosopher’s stone and dante kidnaps nina. she brings her to the homuncu-hideout. nina is fine, but a little freaked out all the time. she surprisingly hits it off fairly easily with wrath, and they bond over their alchemy and she makes him question what it is he’s fighting for. if he even needs to be made human when he already feels everything and can do alchemy and his mother loves him. al, on the other hand, finds chimera tucker. again. 
12.. tucker, obviously, doesn’t want to make a doll of nina. because nina is living and breathing and very much not a chimera. he wants al to let him see her. so, his brilliant idea is to offer to make one of his human dolls of so that he can give it to al in "exchange" for the brother he ruined. then he thinks al will let him see nina again. al doesn't know how to explain to this man that humans are their SOULS not their bodies, and no matter what, his brother is melded with alexander... because of tucker himself. it reminds him of majahal in all the worst ways. body over soul. 
13.. al leaves. tucker is not able to knock him out.
al runs into lust after this, and she demands that he make her a human. al being Fed Up and just not giving a shit and not seeing the harm in it, actually tries the thing. it does not work.
“i’m sorry,” al says, “i don’t think i can do it. i don’t think it’s possible.” lust laughs.
“of course it isn’t,” lust says, “i served that woman for ten years, for nothing. nothing at all.” but al convinces her that being alive is something and that now that she KNOWS she can leave and go find her way in the world. maybe she does find herself, maybe she doesn’t. but she does leave and he does not see her again.
after just deciding that a human is a soul and not a body, al is a lot less likely to believe that sloth is their mother (this isn’t necessarily better or worse, just different.) he does, however, believe that getting sloth off of dante’s side is a smart idea. he lets her convince him to come to dante (which isn’t hard at all, considering that dante still has nina) and then he convinces her to hightail it as soon as he gets there.
if you count greed, that’s three homunculi down. if you count pride because killing pride is roy’s responsibility, that’s four down. that just leaves envy the pseudo-sibling, wrath who’s already kind of friends with nina and probably won’t fight them, and gluttony. and of course, dante herself, the body-snatching, baby threatening to kill, could be his step-mom if she and hoho never got divorced demoness that she is.
“well hello, alphonse,” dante says as he walks into a great room, “welcome to my abode.” al would roll his eyes if he had any. abode? who says abode? apparently, body-stealing alchemists who wear pink ballgowns in the middle of the day, along with other beautiful women in other beautiful ballgowns. what does she want with rose anyway? and why does the other woman seem so out of it? she doesn’t even seem to notice that al is here. al knows that he should ask about that, but the first thing he demands is
“dante. where is nina?”
“envy,” dante orders, “go fetch the girl. our collateral’s no good if he can’t see her.” envy comes back a minute later, holding nina, who is flailing and shouting, “let me down!” wrath trails behind, looking on with what looks like... worry? what would he have to be worried about right now?
“nina!” al shouts. nina’s eyes widen as she looks over to the sound of his voice.
“big brother!” envy sets nina down, but doesn’t let go of her wrist. 
“you can have the brat back after we get what we want,” envy says. al glares. he knows that they can’t tell that he’s glaring, but it makes him feel better.
“i see that sloth didn’t accompany you,” dante says, “such a shame. i was going to make her human.”
“you can’t make a homunculus human,” al says firmly, “i tried with lust. it didn’t work.” dante laughs.
“what?” wrath asks, “that’s what you promised us all?!?!” he looks like his name. dante ignores him.  
“oh alphonse,” she says, “you really think that you already know how to wield that stone. learning how to wield a philosopher’s stone properly requires practice. if you allow me to, i can teach you.”
“you already have me here,” al says,”why don’t you just use it yourself?” al doesn’t actually want dante to reach into his chest cavity and rip the stone out, but he doesn’t understand why she WOULDN’T. he knows that she’s a stronger alchemist than he is. she can transmute without a circle. if she really wanted to, he knows that she could take it from him without breaking a sweat.
“well the thing is, alphonse,” dante says, “it’s merged to your armor. it seems that only you can use it. scar ensured that.” 
“you’re going to steal rose’s body, aren’t you?”
“not if it truly offends you so much,” dante says, “if you wish, i can find a different host. one who isn’t your friend.”
“but then someone else has to die,” al says. he doesn’t want rose to die, but he doesn’t want anyone else to either. he can’t choose between a friend’s life and a stranger’s. it isn’t right. 
“isn’t that just an equivalent exchange, the way that you two always claimed?”
“that’s not equivalent,” al says. he doesn’t know what it is, but it’s not equivalent.
dante laughs. 
“equivalent exchange is a ruse, alphonse. a bed time story to tell little alchemists to help them sleep at night. do you think it was equivalent that your brother lost a leg and an arm you lost your entire body? do you think it was equivalent that  you two passed that state alchemist exam when you were children, when some people study their entire lives for it? nothing in this world is truly equivalent, alphonse. sometimes we can give far more than we get.”
“but you never give anything,” he says, “you take and you take and you take from people. “
“yes, alphonse,” she says, “because i found the way to cheat the system. why shouldn’t i do whatever i need to get whatever i want? didn’t you promise to do whatever you had to to get your own body back? don’t you desperately want a body?”
“that body isn’t yours.” al doesn’t even know how many bodies that woman has worn through, how many lives she’s stolen for her own greed and vanity. “i want to get my own body back, not steal someone else’s.” dante laughs then, like his mother did sometimes when he said something hopeful but naive.
“your body is gone, alphonse. disappeared through the gate. you will never get your body back, but you can have a body. an organic form, all to yourself. i can even help you pick it out, all for yourself.” she smiles. 
“we can find you a boy your age, or perhaps a dashing young man. someone with similar features, or maybe someone with looks you’ve always envied. when you shop for bodies, there really are endless possibilities.” alphonse feels sick to his stomach just listening to her talk like that, even sicker than he did when she suggested that his body might be gone. 
maybe it’s impulsive. maybe it’s stupid. maybe it’s selfish, but al needs to know, one way or another. he needs to know if this has all been for naught. if he can get his body back or if the the choice will be between staying in this armor forever or stealing another person’s body, like dante wants him to. he knows what he’ll choose, but he doesn’t want to HAVE to. he opens his chest plate up, and the red light bursts forth from his insides. then, he touches the stone and focuses.
bring me back my body. he thinks. give it back to me.
the world goes white, and then, suddenly, al opens his eyes. he feels the hard ground under his back. he sees dante looking over him, laughing.
“you know,” she says, “i didn’t actually think this would work.” then, she scoops up the philosopher’s stone from his chest.
wait- chest? that’s a human chest. and he feels the ground against his back, and he lifts them up, and- are those his arms? they are they are they are they are! he has his arms back!
dante clutches the philosopher’s stone, and then her hair shifts from black to pink to match her dress. 
“ah,” she says, “looks like it works.” al pushes himself off the ground. his body feels weird, being made of flesh and actually feeling things.
“big brother!” nina shouts. she finally breaks free of envy’s hold and she runs over to him, engulfing him in a hug. it feels so warm and right and real after years and years of feeling nothing, but he can’t even feel happy about that. dante has the stone. she’s going to steal rose’s body. she’s going to kill her.
“it appears you were right, alphonse,” she says, “you could get your body back all along. but now that you have it, i don’t need you.” she turns towards rose, and al knows that once she walks the six or seven feet between them, it’s all over. dante will steal rose’s body. this will be the end.
“nina, do you still have that marker?” nina pulls her red marker out of her shoe and draws a quick transmutation circle, then al grabs part of his discarded armor and throws it on the circle. they transmute a knife, and then he throws it directly at dante. somehow, it hits. the knife lodges itself in the rotting skin near dante’s collar bone.
dante seems unfazed as the blood starts to squirt out.
“it seems that i was not clear,” dante says, “if you and miss tucker wish to leave now, you are free to-”
“no! you can’t let him go!” envy screeches, “that’s the son of hohenheim! if i can’t kill him, at least let me kill his son!” 
“you will do as i tell you, envy,” dante says, then she sends a fake smile to alphonse and nina, “you can leave unharmed if you do not get in my way any further.” envy shifts into chimera ed, and al feels a stab of pain. 
“he wasn’t your only brother, alphonse” envy seethes, and then he shifts into an adult body with long, blonde hair. just like ed’s. “i was your brother- i was SUPPOSED to be your brother. hohenheim made me, years ago! but he called me an abomination. he hated me and he loved you-” 
“envy, you are causing a scene,” dante says, sending envy a toxic glare.
“i don’t care, MOTHER! all i wanted was to kill hohenheim, but you won’t even let me fuck with his precious sons!” envy shakes their head.
“lust was right. you don’t give a fuck about us.” dante rolls her eyes, and pulls something out of her bag. then, she throws it at envy, who recoils.
“my- my-”
“it’s your remains, envy,” dante says, “i am tired of your whining. and i am tired of taking care of you. i have what i want. this ends today.” then, she snaps her fingers, and envy’s body disintegrates.
“so,” dante asks, with a fake smile, “what do you say? will you leave?”
instead of answering, nina launches a knife she must have transmuted while al wasn’t looking at dante. it doesn’t hit, but it sends their message loud and clear. they will not go quietly out of this fight. that does not, however, mean that they will fight well.
al doesn’t know how to fight without his armor, and nina has never NEEDED to fight. neither of them knows how to do this. there is a fight, violent and bloody, with lots of improbable alchemy. wrath gets rose out of the line of fire, and al thinks he might, surprisingly, be on their side? they are saved when the elevator door behind them opens and mustang and hawkeye step out, mustang might be bleeding from a wound to his chest, but he still looks raring to fight. hawkeye looks even more so, considering that she’s not even wounded.
al would take a moment to wonder how tf they knew to look here, but he will take this for what it is: a blessing.
“dante,” mustang says, clutching a skull in his hands, “guess who we just killed?” hawkeye holds out her guns, daring anyone to move against her.
“pride too?” dante says, “it appears i’m running out of homunculi.” she drawls this, as if she’s not at all concerned.
“looks like you won’t be a threat, then,” mustang says, snapping his fingers. he produces a large spark. dante snaps her fingers, and the philosopher’s stone glows brightly. then, rains starts pouring from the ceiling. mustang’s flame goes out. he won’t even be able to produce more.
“you really think you can move against me in the rain, general mustang?” she asks, laughing as the rain soaks through her hair and her dress. then, she makes a move to transmute something- but no one will ever know what it would have been.
hawkeye puts a bullet in the middle of her eyes. dante’s body falls down to the ground, dead, just like any other human. the philosopher’s stone falls right along with it. the rain stops, and it gleams right there, on the floor beside her.
mustang’s eyes widen, “is that?”
“the philosopher’s stone,” al says. both hawkeye and mustang’s eyes turn towards him, and their faces light up. apparently, they hadn’t noticed that he was there yet.
“i got my body back,” al says sheepishly.
“he got his body back!” nina shouts. she goes to grab the philosopher’s stone, then shoves it in his hand.
“come on,” she says, “we have to go save little big brother and alexander.” al nods. he hears the stomp of gluttony’s footsteps and then he eats dante’s corpse in one gulp. then he runs away.
“we’ll probably have to deal with that at some point,” mustang says.
“at some point,” al concedes, but there’s NO WAY that he’s waiting another second to go save his brother. (the author is NOT dealing with it. gluttony can just go be a cryptid for all she cares) 
14. they go directly to mustang’s house, where he has a few of his guys on edxander duty. luckily for them, edxander doesn’t tend to torment anyone who isn’t named mustang.
al uses the philosopher’s stone and focuses on ed and alexander, as individuals. he tries to remember all the best times that he had with his brother. he tries to remember alexander trailing after nina, barking happily. he tries to remember them in the same room, as different, distinct entities. (after being fused for so many years, it’s harder than al would like to admit to call those memories to the surface without being tainted by the others)
but, thankfully, al is able to do it. when he’s done, ed is lying on the ground, his pink, fleshy body with two stumps, and alexander is lying above him in all his furry white glory. alexander wags his tail. ed moves his good arm.
then, al hears ed’s voice, properly, for the first time in ages. he opens his eyes, irises glinting gold against the white of his eyes.
“am i?” he looks down at his hand in wonder, “am i- back?” his voice cracks a little at the end, like he can’t believe.
“yes, brother,” al says, “you’re back.” then he picks alexander up and moves him, gently off his brother’s body. then he scoops him into a hug.
“al,” he says, eyes widening, “you got your body back?” nina has gone to pet alexander, to let him know that they’re happy to have him back too.
“yeah,” al says, “it’s a pretty new development.” he still feels weird in his body, a little like a colt that’s just learning how to walk. he wonders if ed will feel weird being back in his body.
“get in here, both of you,” ed says, to nina, and then the hug pile gains two new members.
“hope i’m not interrupting anything,” mustang says, “but the team wanted to check on you.” alexander barks, and it sounds like “bastard!” mustang’s looks shocked as the rest of his team follow him into the room.
“did alexander just?” ed tries to say yes, but a bark comes out instead.
“we’re not fixed,” ed says, “i don’t feel- i don’t feel the same. as i did back then.” al wants to say that of course he doesn’t, because ed did manage to grow a little since he was twelve. since he used to be human. but al knows that’s probably not the case. he can’t imagine that he and alexander spent so many years fused together without it actually rubbing off on each other.
nina takes his hand.
“but you’re better, right? you’re better, little big brother?” ed nods.
“yes nina,” he says, “i’m better. thanks to you guys. all of you. except the bastard.”
“excuse you?” mustang says, with feigned insult.
“alright,” ed says, smirking, “bastard included.” al didn’t trust the guy, back when he had to leave ed with him, but he really proved himself. he cares about them in his own smug way. even enough to come yell at al for not letting him know what his plan was earlier back in resembol.
15. ed isn’t the same. not really. spending that long as a chimera changes some of a person’s behaviors, and it seems like it might have changed his makeup a little too. but he’s not in pain anymore, and he’s always ed, without alexander or seething mass of pained chimera thrown in the mix. it’s not perfect, but it’s so much better.
16. winry makes him new, human automail for the first time in years. she doesn’t even complain about it. then, she moves to rush valley to study with the best automail mechanics out there and to make out with paninya.
17. ed and al and nina all make the decision that they want to try to help other people affected negatively by alchemy like in the end of brotherhood. they travel around, researching and having great adventures and loving each other. 
18. wrath makes his way to the curtis’s and stays with them, and eventually he meets up with The Gang TM to help them with their quest and be friends. because i love wrath curtis and he deserves nice things okay 
19. nina eventually changes her name to elric because fuck her dad
20. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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thedaughterofkings · 7 years
the one I want
Finished for Sterekweek ‘17 Days Four and Five: Mates and Lyrics&Quotes, though it was originally started for Solstice, the Sterek charity zine! Check it out, preorders start in November and you don’t want to miss that!
I ended up submitting another fic for the zine, so now you get to enjoy 2.1k of a soulmate AU with soulsongs!
We’re soaring, flying, there’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach…
“If we’re trying, so we’re breaking free,” Derek sings under his breath while brushing his teeth and chokes on his toothpaste when Laura suddenly speaks up behind him:
“High School Musical? Really, little bro?”
“Shut up, Laura,” Derek croaks and slams the door in her face.
His soulmate is either a twelve year old girl or hates him. They’ve been singing nothing but High School Musical for days and Derek is going out of his mind. Sure, his mum gets misty eyed whenever he starts singing, talking about “soul songs” and how lucky he is to have a soulmate close enough to hear his heart song, but Derek has some serious doubts about this soulmate business if it makes him belt out Get’cha Head in the Game in the middle of the basketball court. How strong the urge is to sing along with your soulmate out loud supposedly depends on how close you are to them, but Derek couldn’t find anyone who looked like they were currently singing High School Musical in the crowd, so not even embarrassing himself in front of most of the school got him any closer to finding out who his soulmate is.
Derek wants to find them so he can wring their neck, not because he’s “secretly a romantic marshmallow at heart”, no matter what Laura says.
Until he can get his revenge in person, though, he’s going to put on some speed metal on the way to school and yell along in the car. If there’s any good in the world his soulmate will be taking the bus to school and be forced to screech along with him.
Derek never claimed to be a good person and he’s getting really fed up with High School Musical.
Hey, I just met you and this is crazy...
“But here’s my number, so call me maybe,” Derek says through clenched teeth and the barista laughs at him.
“I don’t go for jailbait, kid, but here’s your coffee and call me maybe in five years,” he says and Derek snatches his coffee and hurries out of the café with his face burning hotly.
This stupid song has been stuck in his head for weeks, thanks to everyone and their mother - including his soulmate - singing it. Mostly Derek has been able to ignore the urge to sing along - other than proximity, enthusiasm is the most important factor when it comes to soulsongs. If you just hum a song under your breath, your soulmate probably won’t even hear it. If you sing along to something on the radio and are separated by a couple of blocks, your soulmate is probably going to hear it and be filled with a slight urge to sing along, but that urge is nothing you can’t resist. But just as the urge gets stronger the closer two soulmates are, it also grows with the enthusiasm of the singer. So for Derek not being able to resist the push of the soulsong, his soulmate has to be either around the corner or belting out Carly Rae Jepsen as if his life depends on it.
Yes, his. Derek can’t know for sure until he meets him, but occasionally he can hear an actual voice singing their soulsong and he’s pretty sure it’s male. Laura’s romance novels - which Derek reads for research, really! - always read that as a sign for an especially strong connection, but Derek isn’t sure how reliable they really are. An awful lot of Lairds and Ladies discover that their soulmate has been the stable boy all along in those novels, and that just doesn’t seem statistically probable. But still, Derek’s soulmate is almost definitely male and quite probably near him singing Carly Rae Jepsen.
So Derek quickly looks around to make sure no one is near him and then starts singing himself:
“Shut up, just shut up, shut up!”
Singing a Black Eyed Peas song that will have him declare himself “crazayyyyy for tryin’ to be your ladyyyy” in just a few lines might not be the best choice, but Derek hopes that it’ll get his opinion on Carly Rae Jepsen’s telephone struggles across nevertheless.
Would you know my name, if I saw you in heaven. Will it be the same, if I saw you in heaven …
Derek bites his lip and looks around automatically, hoping to see someone singing Eric Clapton, but everyone seems to be deep in conversation with someone else. Out of the corner of his eye he thinks he sees one of Cora’s classmates leave the cafeteria, but he’s gone too quickly for Derek to check whether he might have been singing.
His soulmate had sounded so sad and while he’s mostly been a giant pain in Derek’s ass so far, he feels as though he has to do something to help. That’s hard to do without knowing what’s wrong, though, or even what’s wrong with whom, as he’s still no closer to finding out who his soulmate is. There’s no way to comfort his soulmate physically, but there’s one thing Derek can do:
“Don't give up 'Cause you have friends. Don't give up You're not beaten yet. Don't give up I know you can make it good.”
Took her bowling in the arcade We went strolling, drank lemonade...
Laura has declared the week ‘Grease week’ and it’s all they’ve been watching and listening to for three days and Derek doesn’t even mind. Summer Nights in particular has been stuck in his head and he’s singing it under his breath on his cooling down walk home after his daily run through the preserve. As he’s alone he’s doing both parts to the best of his ability, but when he sings the next lines, a different voice answers him.
“We made out under the dock-” Derek sings and the new voice continues:
“- we stayed out 'til ten o'clock. Summer fling, don't mean a thing, But ah, oh, those summer nights.”
Derek whirls around and sees a guy who looks vaguely familiar. He’s got messy brown hair, laughing light brown eyes, and dark moles scattered all over his pale skin. Derek is pretty sure he’s one of Cora’s classmates. He thinks he knows him actually - it’s Sheriff Stilinski’s son, if Derek is not mistaken, Stiles.
“Dude, Grease!” Stiles says, grinning widely, and Derek automatically retorts: “Don’t call me ‘Dude’.”
“What should I call you then?” Stiles asks, unperturbed, and Derek suddenly develops a coughing fit because - was that flirting? It’s not unheard of - they are not the Victorians after all, obsessed with keeping all contact between anyone but mates or family to a very decorous minimum. There’s no guarantee to hear your soulsong and find your soulmate, so of course people flirt, hoping to find a partner nevertheless. But Derek has been hearing his soulsong for most of his life, and it just hadn’t felt right to go look for anyone but his soulmate. So he’d just awkwardly glowered whenever someone had tried to approach him and eventually people stopped trying. But that means his first hand knowledge of flirting comes from Laura’s romance novels and again, Lairds and Ladies are not the most realistic example to model your experiences on. So Derek just offers his names slightly hesitantly:
“Derek? I mean, I’m Derek, Derek Hale.”
“Oh, you are Cora’s brother!” Stiles exclaims and sticks his hand out for a fist bump that Derek returns, increasingly bewildered. “I’m Stiles, Stiles Stilinski, and we should totally sing Grease together!”
Derek manages to hold back the automatic “I know” in reaction to Stiles offering his name, but instead he blurts: “We should?” which really isn’t much smoother.
“Yes, we should!” Stiles insist and starts: “Summer lovin’ had me a blast-”
He looks at Derek expectantly and Derek just can’t resist those puppy dog eyes (and the insistent voice in the back of his head saying how familiar Stiles’ voice sounds despite Derek never having heard it before): “Summer lovin’, happened so fast-”
Stiles cheers and continues with a wink: “I met a boy crazy for me-”
Derek can feel his cheeks growing hot and his voice is slightly hoarse on the next line: “I met a boy, cute as can be-”
This time it’s Stiles’ turn to blush and duck his head and Derek’s voice comes steadier again as they join up on the next lines:
Summer days driftin' away, To uh - oh those summer nights…
I'm walking on sunshine (Wow!) And don't it feel good!
“So happy, dear bro?” Laura sticks her head into Derek’s room with a grin and laughs when Derek falls off his bed. He’d been jumping around and singing along with his soulmate until Laura interrupted him and not even lying on his back like a turtle can wipe the grin off his face. His soulmate has been happy, happier than happy, singing joyful songs in a voice that is feeling more familiar every day.
Derek has been spending more time with Stiles lately, Stiles joining him on his daily runs regularly, but also seeking out Derek in school for lunch or in between classes. He is always singing, an eclectic mix of Disney songs and eighties power ballads and whatever's top of the charts right now. Derek mostly rolls his eyes at Stiles’ antics (it comes without saying that Stiles’ renditions always have to include a full blown choreography), but sometimes he retaliates with musical theatre, symphonic metal, and on one very memorable occasion with a perfect rendition of the fresh Prince of Bel Air.
That night his soulsong is full of kings and princes and thrones and “chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool” and Derek just knows who his soulmate is, but at the same time he doesn’t know. Not for sure. It might all still be a remarkable coincidence. Not very likely, but possible and Derek can’t take the chance. So he’s going to - as Laura likes to tell him - put on his big boy pants and sing his soulsong and hope it’ll be answered. Tomorrow. Tonight he’s going to sing happy songs in his room and hope his soulmate hears them, too.
Because I’m happy …
I got chills they're multiplying And I'm losing control 'Cause the power you're supplying It's electrifying…
Derek is in the forest, waiting for Stiles, and singing his soulsong. There’s a difference between simply singing and singing your soulsong. The latter depends on intent and belief and hope. The intent to promise yourself to another, the belief that you’ve found them, and the hope that they feel the same. Singing your soulsong gives your soulmate a choice: to accept or to reject - but ignoring it is not an option. So Derek hopes to hear his soulsong returned - by Stiles of course.
“You better shape up, 'cause I need a man And my heart is set on you You better shape up, you better understand To my heart I must be true-”
Stiles does not just sing the next lines - Stiles does all the jumps and twirls and shimmies Sandy does and even a cops a feel. There’s a pronounced blush on his cheeks, but it seems to have been caused by delight rather than anger, and Derek feels the ball of icy anxiety in his belly melt. His soulmate is Stiles, that much is clear, the only thing that remains in question is what Stiles’ answer is going to be. But Derek has a hunch what it might be:
“Nothing left, nothing left for me to do-”
Stiles winks and sings one last line:
“You're the one that I want!”
Then he throws himself at Derek in an exuberant hug that sends them both to the forest floor. The impact knocks the breath out of Derek but Stiles’ face close to his, bright with joy and framed by leaves caught in his hair, more than makes up for it. Stiles settles in more comfortably on top of Derek and grins down at him. Derek swallows and asks, still slightly breathless:
“Is that your answer?”
Stiles smirks and whispers:
“You are the one I want, Derek Hale.”
And then he ducks his head down for a kiss that first knocks their teeth together painfully, but gentles when Derek curves one hand around the back of Stiles’ head and slightly tugs until their mouths fit together perfectly. Stiles sinks more heavily into Derek’s embrace and Derek wraps his other arm around Stiles’ waist securely and loses himself in the kiss.
In his head, their soulsong continues:
Oo-oo-oo, honey The one that I want You are the one I want
[my other Sterekweek 2017 fics]
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harrison-abbott · 4 years
History Teacher #3
 I left high school ten years ago and there are still events and memories from that personal time period which affect me in the present day. I realise that many people struggle with depression. Many people have a horrific time during high school. I wanted to write about a collection of memories which are linked within my specific experience of high school, which still have not stopped bothering my consciousness in concurrent time.
 I chose to do History in high school instead of Geography. I had a profound interest in History as a boy of thirteen, and still do now at the age of 27. My first History teacher was a very clever, witty man who really didn’t belong in a high school of such rough circumstances. But he did a fine job at teaching history, alongside a classroom of boys whom would disrupt his rhetoric repeatedly. There were only little snippets of learning that we received from Mr Mowat (that was his name) but those that he delivered were brilliant.
 Mr Mowat talked about World War II, and the Viking settlements in northern Scotland, and we did a project on 1960’s Britain – talked about all of it with such passion. You have to admire the people that work in high schools who are able to retain a sense of passion and wisdom when under such bleak environments.
 Mr Mowat retired when I was in my 3rd year, and he was replaced by a woman named Mrs McPherson.
 I had always been anxious in class, and found the classroom environment excruciating. The gabble of boys with their banter and interruption and laddish rivalry; there was no possible way to break into that, and have a voice during class. But when it got to 3rd year within History class, things were a bit different.
 Mrs McPherson was from New Zealand. She had a cartoonish accent, and a chirpy, chatty character. She clearly had a form of passion for History as well, but her classes were vastly different from Mr Mowat’s. The kids were confused by her at first. But the content we learned during classes was still very interesting, so it seemed to defuse her sparky presence.
 I was exquisitely shy during class. Any class, not just in History. There were times when I wanted to put my hand up to answer questions, but whenever I did I would blush crimson, so that put me off doing so again. Most of the time, I just preferred being silent. I was silent around most people. I had little interest in the other children.
 People seemed to find this attribute attractive in me, in the sense that they could attack it easily. The children most of all would say to me, “You don’t talk.” in the same flat delivery, the same words. They wouldn’t ask me anything or attempt to make any conversation. They would just say those three words. They couldn’t understand that I just wasn’t intrigued in them.
 The sect of folks that most did this were girls. Girls would come up to me in the playground and tease me, try to get me to say things. Girls would keep speaking to me during class, or call out my name, point at me, shout at me. All this behaviour I found bamboozling and intensely embarrassing. I just didn’t get it. It was all mockery, to my mind, and I found no way of defending myself. I sat or stood there, blushing: that was all I could do.
 These incidents were most evident in my History class. I was intimidated by Mrs McPherson’s extroversion, to an extent that I never said anything at all. But then, there were group exercises around the class that obliged the pupils into having to contribute, in room discussions or whatever. And whenever I had to say something, I stuttered, or said it clumsily. And when these things happened, the girls would laugh. I didn’t understand why I arose such mirth, because I wasn’t saying anything funny.
 (And I had this nervous twitch back then ((which still resonates to this day, although it is a lot less apparent these days)) which occurred whenever I felt disturbed in social situations. And the children made rollicking fun of it. Everybody did, my brothers and friends included. I earned the nickname Twitch because of it.)
 In that History class, I barely had to move to arouse a burst of laughter from this little clique of girls in the room. But what made it worse was that it wasn’t just the girls that were laughing, it was Mrs McPherson as well. In fact, she kept making little references to me in public, and then the clique of girls would look around at me, and piss themselves …
 Every time I was in any sort of spotlight, McPherson would smile or giggle. I honestly could not understand why I was receiving this kind of attention.
 It got to my final year of high school, and I had chosen History as a subject. In that year, the topic in class was Japan’s isolation period from the medieval age until the 19th century. It amazed me that, of all the wondrous accomplishments Japan has achieved throughout its history, the teacher managed to pick the most boring time period in its tenure.
 Mrs McPherson was the teacher. But, anyway. During the end of that winter, the teacher invited all the pupils out to a Japanese restaurant. The class was small, maybe ten or fifteen in size, and we were all, supposedly, adults, either sixteen or seventeen in age. I was sixteen at that point.
 I remember going into the restaurant, following the girls and Mrs McPherson. All the girls sat at one side of the table, the boys at the other, and in the centre of the table, dividing all of them, was Mrs McPherson. I remember thinking it might be a bad idea to sit next to the girls, but, I was already going in that direction.
 The table scene commenced. We ordered food. I had never been in a restaurant scene before, and I found it wildly sentient. The waiter chap came up and asked me what I wanted. I was a vegetarian and I didn’t know what to order on the menu. I pointed at something, and in front of me Mrs McPherson was smiling.
 McPherson clocked on that I was vegetarian and she asked me why that was. She was clearly the avatar of the dinner table, which consisted of about fifteen people, most of them children my age. She had one adult next to her, which was another lady History teacher. The gabble of boys had started chatting amongst themselves at one end of the table. The girls were doing the same the other end. I was in the middle and feeling mute as ever.
 McPherson kept asking the children what they were thinking about going to do at University. At this point, most of them were applying for University or else had already been accepted in. When she asked the questions around the table, the kids responded with prosperous answers. Then conversation would develop. She would then go into her own interpretations and developments.
 At this stage, I wasn’t considering University. I was sixteen and didn’t know what University would entail. And thus, when McPherson asked me questions about what I was considering in academia, I didn’t know how to respond. Everybody else at the table was giving great answers. I felt like I was failing. I found it hard to eat the food in front of me.
 McPherson herself was positioned a metre in front of me. And she kept asking me questions, which I tried to respond to. I noticed that when I looked at her, she looked down into her plate instantly. She couldn’t look at me and kept darting her eyes down. I tried to respond to her questions and my voice was very light and high pitched. I thought I was being witty in my trade; I could only manage a few words at a time. But I thought I was doing well in my dialogue.
 And then McPherson just started laughing. She would ask me a question, and I would answer, and she would laugh. She would cover her face up with her hand and laugh. I sat there looking at her. She continued to ask me personal questions without looking at me.
 By this point, everybody else at the table had gone silent. They were all listening with their heads down. All of the girls had gone silent and quietly peering up at me to see how I was going to react. All there was was this McPherson woman, who must have been in her 40s, laughing.
 All the girls had gone silent, apart from the girl that was sitting next to me, whom was one of those I mentioned earlier that used to laugh at me when I did something during class.
 The table conversation had cornered onto what the pupils were doing for their History dissertation that year. As I was saying: all the other kids were giving good, elaborate answers, and when McPherson asked me what I was doing I said I was studying Fyodor Dostoevsky.
 The girl that was sitting next to me asked me what I was doing for my dissertation. By now, the table had gone completely mute, aside from this girl and McPherson in front of me.
 “Dostoevsky,” I said.
 The girl rolled her eyes, waved her hand and went, “Ohh, what a bore he is.”
 And Mrs McPherson laughed, covering her face up.
 McPherson asked me if I still played the drums. (I played the drums during high school and would have lessons outside of History class.)
 “No,” I said, “I gave up.”
 “Do you have any hobbies?”
 She didn’t hear when I said it the first time. She said, “Sorry?” and for the first time in the evening she looked me in the eyes. And I looked into hers and said:
“I don’t have any.”
 And her face instantly curled into shame. And McPherson never said anything to me the rest of the night. The girl next to me, referring to me in the third person, said:
 “I thought he said ‘drama’ …” and also never said anything the rest of the night.
 McPherson drank a half of one glass of wine that night.
 I have gone over this memory so many times since it happened, and it occurred a decade ago. For some reason, it formed a basis of nervousness in my behaviour. That initial memory in being within a restaurant was so painful that I still think about it almost daily. Perhaps there is a sense of illness within that. But people who are Autistic can relive painful experiences like the above story relentlessly. At least, that is how it is for me.
 I still do not know why the woman was laughing. To me, in any social environment, to laugh at somebody during conversation is profoundly rude. I went into that social context as an infant, and I anticipated something bad was going to happen. And was bullied and mocked by somebody three years my senior, whom, despite being a champion of its subject, had learned nothing of History.
 When I go into restaurants or cafes these days, or when I am at a table filled with my family, or people I don’t know, I always see this memory of the History Teacher, Mrs McPherson, and her just laughing at me across a table. I go over it on and on, as if it were directly in front of me, as it was ten years ago.
 Even when I go into cafes on my own, I find it hard, and I feel insanely awkward, even when the staff are very pleasant. I always leave the staff a good tip. It is just a mystery why that incident with the History Teacher still bothers me. I am curious for what other people think about what happened.
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thedietian · 7 years
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Hi – My name is Alison Matthews.
And less than a year ago I found myself in the very place you are in right now…
I was overweight, unhappy, struggling with my health (more than I even knew at the time) and was beginning to lose hope…
Until I discovered the HIDDEN cause of my unwanted weight gain and the real reason why I couldn’t seem to lose the pounds – no matter what I tried…
Today I’m going to share with you my incredible story of how I was able to lose 67 pounds, lower my blood sugar, reverse my weight-related health problems, and transform my life!
And show you how you can join me, and millions of other women across the country who are experiencing the same life changing results.
By making this one easy change to your diet and lifestyle…putting your body in the fat burning zone simply by eating healthy, delicious, NAKED foods.
And in just a moment I’ll tell you exactly what these naked foods are, and how you can follow a ‘fool proof’ plan that will guarantee you see results and make it impossible to fail!
I don’t want to frighten you, but I want to share some terrifying statistics with you…
A study from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shows that 68.8%, more than two-thirds, of Americans are overweight or obese.*
And as embarrassing as that might be, it gets even worse…
Overweight and obesity are risk factors for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and other serious health problems.
Here’s a shocker: 86 million Americans already have prediabetes – and what’s even scarier… 9 out of 10 don’t even know they have it!*
In fact, experts at the CDC predict that by 2020 HALF of all Americans will develop diabetes or prediabetes.*
But last year this all seemed like someone else’s problem…
Let me start with my story.
I can honestly tell you that when I stepped in front of the bathroom mirror, I could barely force myself to sneak a peek.
Fully naked? Well, I was horrified. And after 20 years or marriage and three kids the idea of letting anyone see me naked – even my husband – was terrifying.
Like you, I longed for a slim waist, a flat stomach, toned arms, and a tight, shapely butt.
And year after year, I’d keep telling myself I was close.
You know, I’m just one more “Hollywood” diet, one more “miracle” pill, or one more hot yoga class away from “perfection.”
Then, one fateful evening and one glance in the mirror, I finally had to admit, I was NEVER again going to have that slim, tight body I had in my 20s.
It’s a sad day when your dream suddenly looks to be out of reach.
It’s not like I wasn’t trying. I exercised a reasonable amount. I ate right.
And of course, I tried the latest “diet pill,” and even a few popular TV-doctor diet plans that “couldn’t fail.”
I was not lazy… and I actually did have a lot of willpower, but it was never enough.
Year after year, I added a few pounds that just wouldn’t go away.
Finally, 5 pounds turn to 10, then 20, and then… well… the mirror doesn’t lie.
“Give up and face facts,” I told myself. “No matter what you do your middle-aged shape is not going to change. No matter what you see on TV, losing weight is not easy… it’s impossible.”
Sound familiar? I think most women (and men, too) eventually reach the same sad conclusion.
What he told me sent a shockwave through my body…
My weight problem had progressed beyond just losing a few pounds.
My Body Mass Index (or BMI) was over 30… which meant I was officially “obese.”
But even more terrifying, my blood sugar was through the roof, and I was diagnosed with prediabetes.
I was just in my 40’s… I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!ng!
The reality was that I was on the path to full-blown type 2 diabetes. Or worse.
I was shocked. I was embarrassed. And I was scared… For my life, for my kids.
My doctor told me I had to take action immediately – BEFORE it is too late!!!
But I had already tried everything I could think of to try to lose weight…
It would take a miracle to save my shape and my health.
But you know, miracles do happen… and they can come from the craziest places and when you least expect it.
First, let me tell you the results of my miracle in advance: I was able to experience this weight loss transformation in just 6 weeks AND change the results of a few medical tests from not very good to great.
And I did it all by using a sneaky piece of advice I got from a friend… not a good friend at the time (she is now, believe me!) but a THIN friend who shared her “secret.”
And NO… it wasn’t a super diet pill or a prescription drug or a metabolic booster or expensive (and boring) prepackaged meal program…
It wasn’t anything I’dever been told… in fact, it was quite the opposite.
The idea is surprisingly simple…
Eating naked foods! Foods stripped of all the HIDDEN ingredients that are causing your hormones to go haywire and keeping your body out of the fat burning zone.
But the devil is in the detail!
What are NAKED foods? Which foods should I eat, which should I avoid? Where do I shop? Who has the time to read labels that aren’t honest to begin with.
Then I found something that was a godsend. A step-by-step program you can follow that does all the planning and thinking for you. Now eating NAKED was easy, really simple, and impossible to screw up!
The Naked Diet is the first, comprehensive food system of its kind that literally takes all of the thinking out of your dieting… and does the hard work for you.
By following a step-by-step diet program, focused on eating healthy, delicious, nutrient rich,naked foods that naturally regulate your body’s hormones and get you back into the fat burning zone!
The Naked Diet takes great pride in the fact that it’s done-for-you diet plan gives you absolutely everything you need to be successful and reach your weight loss goals!
Just follow the system step by step and you will be on your way to becoming a healthier, happier, slimmer, sexier you…
And once you begin eating these healthy, delicious, naked foods (that by the way – you are going to love!) the pounds and the fat will begin to melt off.
REDUCE Stress and Inflammation – Inflammation is actually what medical scientists have discovered is responsible for aging*. Not simply “getting older”…
SLOW DOWN the Onslaught And Increasing Devastation Of Type 2 Diabetes…
LOWER Your High Blood Pressure…
Improve Heart Health and seriously lower your risk of dangerous cardiac problems in the future…
Look better NAKED by burning stubborn belly flab. And in fact, overall, you’ll enjoy a…
MUCH BETTER SEX LIFE! Imagine how good you’ll feel looking FORWARD to intimacy, instead of running from it.
You’ll enjoy love-making and deeply re-connecting in your relationships, simply because your self-worth will be SO much higher.
And because taking care of yourself becomes much more of a priority, once you’re slimmer.
You’ll find loving yourself and enjoying your life more, is one of the most amazing benefits of having more confidence! …
Eliminate and Prevent Angina, which is chest pain that’s caused by decreased oxygen to the heart…
DECREASE your risk of Sudden and Unexpected Death, from heart disease or from having a stroke.
You can ignore everything else, but please don’t ignore this! …
Also, INCREASE Your Energy, And ELIMINATE The Constant “Laziness” you seem to have…
ELIMINATE That Very Scary Shortness of Breath, whenever you’re trying to do anything physical…
INCREASE Your Desire, and your ability to play with, and enjoy your children, your grandchildren, and even your friends…
ELIMINATE Constant Nagging Aches and Pains. In fact, most orthopedists will tell you… for every pound of weight you lose, you actually eliminate 7 to 10 pounds of extra pressure off your knees!
Eliminating the pain and pressure on your knees makes it so much easier and less painful to exercise.
When you finally lose those last ten pounds… Things completely change.
If you want to, you’ll have the strength and energy to run around outside, or on a treadmill for high-intensity bursts of between 30 and 60 minutes at a clip, 3 to 5 times a week.
And ELIMINATE Typical “Fat Person” Experiences, Forever!
Instead, you’ll experience putting on pants that are loose… pulling out last year’s clothes and finding they actually fit you better, for a change… and enjoy shopping for new clothes again…
Over time, you’ll find MOUNTAINS of fat have literally fallen off your arms, legs, waist… your love handles and chin… and of course your hips, your thighs, your butt, and your stomach…
Once you start to experience these changes, it will be like looking at someone else in the mirror… only it won’t be someone else – it will be you!
Adjusting to your new “normal” life, will actually take some getting used to.
All thanks to the life-changing results of eating naked foods and following the ‘fool proof’ step-by-step plan…The Naked Diet.
My incredible transformation made me feel SO good, I decided I had to share this amazing diet plan with other women.
Women who were just like me. Stuck. Frustrated. Struggling with weight, health issues, body issues and a lack of confidence.
Women who had tried what feels like everything out there, but over and over and over again didn’t see any results.
Women who were sick and tired of eating tiny-portioned microwavable meals that always left your wanting more.
Women who thought dieting was all about counting calories, starving yourself and missing out on your favorite foods.
You can eat healthy, nutritious, delicious foods, every day and still lose weight and build muscle.
All you have to do is understand the principle behind eating NAKED foods.
So, I got involved in the NAKED movement. And I’ve never been happier.
Sharing my story with women every day and then seeing their amazing results brings so much joy to my life. I am truly blessed.
And in return, they share their incredible stories with me too…
Here are just what a few of the amazing stories I hear from women every day who have tried the Naked Diet and experienced life-changing results:
“Five Stars! It works! Since I started The Naked Diet I have been losing 1-2 pounds a night and I feel great! It’s true. When you start eating naked, the pounds just melt off.”
“The naked diet works because it isn’t a diet,” Kim told me, “it’s a lifestyle. I have more energy, am in a better mood, and actually look forward to eating the meals – because I never feel like I am missing out on any of my favorite foods!”
“The Naked Diet may have saved my life,” Marina wrote me. “It’s embarrassing to say, but at one point I was up to almost 300lbs… I was in pain, having health problems, and was beginning to lose hope… But the easy to follow, step-by-step Naked Diet plan made it so simple. Now I am healthier happier and feel like I am starting a whole new chapter in my life. Thank you!”
“Just after a few weeks of following The Naked Diet, my results were so incredible…My husband started following the diet plan with me! And his results were just as incredible! He was losing weight while building muscle, and he looked and felt better than he had in years! We are now the fit, sexy older couple we always wanted to be!”
These are just a handful of the responses I have been getting from women all over the country who are thrilled with the results they are getting from The Naked Diet.
That’s why I couldn’t be more excited to share this with you today!
Women from every walk of life continue to rave about how this diet system has transformed them into healthier, happier, slimmer, sexier versions of themselves.
And when you look healthier, happier, and sexier … you’ll feel the same way.
The Naked Diet is the perfect solution for anyone who, like me, needs to lose 20 pounds or more, and has struggled with food, weight and health issues, even after diet after diet after diet.
Even if you have not gotten to that point yet, the NAKED DIET is the perfect way to stay slim and sexy, live a healthy, fit lifestyle, and keep off those unwanted pounds…
Well, a lot of things… But the number one thing is, it isn’t a “diet” at all.
It’s a lifestyle. The NAKED lifestyle.
It is a plan. A strategy. A targeted system that lays out EXACTLY what you need to be successful, takes all the thinking out of it, and tells you EXACTLY what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and for healthy snacks.
It gives you everything you need to start right now and teaches you a sustainable way to continue making the same healthy choices, so you lose weight and keep it off – month after month, year after year…
Walking you through every step of your weight loss journey. Because that’s exactly what it is… A journey.
A journey of self-discovery, where you “uncover” the woman you were meant to be. Your true self. The absolute best version of you.
And to help you stay on track during the incredible process and reach your goals.
The Naked Diet takes great pride in the fact that its step-by-step diet plan gives you absolutely everything you need to be successful!
The Naked Diet 30-Day Weight Loss System
– giving you a step-by-step diet program that will  completely transform your life
The Ultimate Weight Loss Guide
– to help break down the science of weight loss and explain it in simple, easy to understand terms
The Naked Diet Ingredient Guide
– so you will know exactly which foods to pick up  when you are at the grocery store
The Naked Diet Meal Replacement Recipes
– to give you delicious, nutrient dense snacks to  jump start your metabolism, ignite fat burning, and give you energy, so you feel great throughout the entire process!
Plus, The Rapid Weight Loss Goal Setting
– to keep you on track and focused, no matter what.
Yes! I want To Order The Naked Diet Today!
Everything you will ever need to finally lose weight, feel great, and transform your life with the body and life you desire.
So you can look good NAKED again!
Just follow the system step by step, and you will be on your way to becoming a healthier, happier, slimmer, sexier you…
I’m guessing by now you would like to see how you too can start seeing the incredible results of The Naked Diet for yourself.
Now, I’m not going to lie to you…
When I was considering trying The Naked Diet myself for the first time, I was worried about the price…
I mean, it sounded GREAT. But what if it didn’t work? Did I really want to spend the money?
But I want you to do me a favor…
Think about all the money you have spent and all the time you have wasted other so-called solutions that did nothing but leave you frustrated and disappointed.
You know the diets I’m talking about…
The ones that promise the world, but once you try them, deliver nothing at all.
Women tell me about these diet programs all day long and it’s what has inspired me to share this amazing diet plan that I can PERSONALLY vouch for …
The Naked Diet takes great pride in the fact that its step-by-step diet plan gives you absolutely everything you need to be successful and reach your weight loss goals!
Which is why after losing an incredible 67lbs with The Naked Diet, and absolutely transforming my life, I knew I had to share my story with other women.
So, I reached out to the team at the Naked Diet and asked if there was anything I could do to help spread the word.
Anything at all I could do that would help convince every woman in America who is struggling to lose weight, struggling with weight related health issues, body issues…
Anyone and everyone who wants to get back in shape, look great, feel great, and transforms their lives just like I did.
And they were so moved by my story – I became their official spokeswoman…
I’m sure you would agree… looking good naked again and being free of weight related health problems would be worth more than the cost of several expensive diet systems.
But I have a saying when it comes to dieting… that when it comes to achieving results, LESS IS MORE.
And that’s why when I got a chance, I asked if we could take things step further –
create a one-time offer for women out there like me who desperately need help, but are afraid or feel hesitant or skeptical that this really works.
So, I’ve convinced the folks at the Naked Diet offer you this:
We could offer the Naked Diet at the same price, and I’m sure our customers would be really happy with it.
However, my goal with sharing the Naked Diet is to get it in the hands of women everywhere, women who like me, needed help losing weight and are desperate for a solution.
I want to get the word out that the Naked Diet Is the premiere diet and weight loss program that offers the absolute best to everyone, not just celebrities or the ultra-rich.
And because I was so passionate about my own experience and personal transformation, and because I want you to share these amazing results with me…
I’ve convinced the folks at the Naked Diet to offer a one-time only, special promotion to get this program in the hands of as many women as possible.
Because I know that the for every woman who we can help change their lives, that’s one more supporter and advocate to help me spread the word.
Because I want to thank you for spending your valuable time watching this video.
And because I know that if you are still here, you care clearly interested in starting your journey to becoming a healthier, happier, slimmer, sexier you…
I want to offer a special, limited time, internet only, price just for you.
And you can get access to all of this from your computer, phone, or tablet.
Everything you will ever need to finally lose weight, feel great, and transform your life with the body and life you desire – will be at your fingertips 24/7 – and is just a click of a button away.
The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.
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The post Naked Diet – Get Started – CB — Naked Diet appeared first on The Dietian.
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netmaddy-blog · 7 years
Paid to Travel? Can You Really Get Paid to Travel (or for Free?)
New Post has been published on https://netmaddy.com/paid-to-travel-can-you-really-get-paid-to-travel-or-for-free/
Paid to Travel? Can You Really Get Paid to Travel (or for Free?)
Traveling… ahh yes, doesn’t everyone love to travel? Well, I know, I know… the pains of connecting flights, delays, cancellations, dragging luggage a mile across terminals… the hassle of renting cars, fighting traffic in a foreign country (and figuring out which side of the road to drive) and trying to figure out what the guy is telling you when all’s you asked was “where is the bathroom?”… Aside from all of that, is it not the greatest feeling when you can step away from the normal routine, take a few deep breaths and realize you have nothing to do but sit on the beach… your hardest decision is if you’re going to have steak or lobster that night… and your biggest worry is if you have enough sun screen? That’s what traveling is all about… when it transposes us from our everyday lives and places us in a completely new culture… seeing, breathing, eating and dancing to what people 10,000 miles away from you are doing and thinking to yourself “this is the kind of stuff you see on TV”. That’s when it’s all worth it… that’s why traveling is so amazing.
But, one of – if not “THE” – biggest obstacles in traveling is that little green piece (or many pieces) of paper called MONEY. Whether you’re trying to visit a friend in Dallas or take your wife to Bora-Bora, it all costs Money-and a lot of it. The days of those Southwest “$49.00” fares are long gone and even the little weekend getaways whack a dent in your pocket book. There are definitely ways to shave off a few dollars here and there, but no matter how you slice it, traveling is expensive. Not everyone has a cush, 6 or 7 figure salary that allows them to take off 6 day weekends or weeks at a time to party in Ibiza. So, is there really a way to travel-and I mean really travel-and either get paid or travel for “free”??
The travel industry is an $8 TRILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY. Yes, you read that right… that’s Trillion with a capital “T”. So, other than the hotels, airlines and luggage manufacturers, how can you get involved?
Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can earn a living, traveling across the world:
Flight Attendant: This is actually a great way to visit a LOT of places-FAST. The average flight attendant makes $37,000.00 a year, with the higher level salaries hovering in the $75,000.00-$90,000.00 range. It’s definitely an advantage if you know more than one (1) language. Flight attendants receive a daily per Diem for meals, along with flexible work schedules, discounts on flights, hotels and travel expenses for vacation. The downside is that when you are working, the flight schedule can be grueling-traveling to multiple cities in a 12, 18 or 24 hour time frame. When you finally stop to rest, the urge to go sight-seeing or check out the city, is traded out with the simple need to sleep in a bed. Oh yea, I forgot to mention… have you ever NOT seen a few angry, annoyed or upset people on your plane? Yep, be prepared to deal with those rude customers during your 12-24 hour shift!
Commercial Airline Pilot: Same deal with flight attendants, in terms of work schedule, but the pay is much better-depending on the size of the jet and company, you can be making $121,000.00 a year. If you want to go to flight school, pass your minimum 250 hours of flight experience, go for it! Just make sure you have perfect vision and hearing. Again, if you want to make this a career, you will visit cities all over the country (and the world), but be prepared to deal with thousands of customers, weather and equipment problems, grueling schedules and the stress that comes along with the responsibility of flying so many people to different places.
Travel Agent: As you may already know, travel agents know all about the best places to visit. They are the middle men between the hotels, airlines, tourism bureaus and the travelers. More than likely, they have an opportunity to visit some of these places so they can see everything for themselves-that’s a pretty sweet perk, eh? Typical salaries are anywhere from $25,000.00 to $35,000.00 and most likely be required to enroll in some sort of training, typically with the Travel Institute.
Freelance Writer or Photographer: What a cool job this would be… traveling all over the world… spending your time with various cultures, observing how the people communicate, eat, sleep and worship. You truly are “free”, relaying what you see and experience to the people sitting on their couch, thousands of miles away. Only catch… well, it’s that one thing we talked about a little earlier: MONEY. Obviously, you are not going to get paid before you get to these places, so be sure to plan this out a little bit, stock up some green in your checking account and pick up some pointers on how to express yourself with the pen & paper or with the camera. Try to develop some sort of “following” so you have a good base of people reading and viewing your content. Do not try to fly to India with a thousand bucks and an iPad, expecting to start a travel blog that generates cash, allowing you to wander the world for the next few years. You might as well go to your nearest casino and play blackjack. If you can pull of this occupation (and to those that currently do this), I tip my hat to you-great work!
Okay, now that we have gone over a few of the travel “jobs”, you may be saying, “well, I like my job right now and don’t really feel like dealing with all of those people and flying across the country 6 times, only to sleep in Des Moines for the night.” If you’re in between jobs, just out of school or simply want to take a “sabbatical”, why don’t you consider these routes in traveling the world:
You Speak English?: Speaking English can provide access to countries in all places across the globe. Some companies offer free room & board in exchange for you to help their employees enhance their English speaking skills and knowledge. There are also programs you can find on the web that well set you up with a certain country and company in order to train their people English. Now that you have your room & board covered, now we just need to figure out how we can pay for food and drink…
Start Giving Back: Feeling charitable or want to help others? Why not look to jump on a church mission trip, Habitat for Humanity-International, or if you can take off more time, join the Peace Corps? Obviously, this is not going to be as glamorous as sailing the Mediterranean, island hoping the Greek Isles, but if you want to feel good about helping out people less fortunate-and work hard-pack your bags and sign up for a volunteer opportunity. You will definitely see some places without paved roads, running water and people simply looking for a roof over their head. Giving the less fortunate the simple things we take for granted: food, clothing and shelter, will give you new sense of gratitude, after completing one of these tours.
All of these ways to travel are great and all, but how many people have the opportunity to take off extended amounts of time or have the nerve to just walk away from their job and become a commercial pilot or join the Peace Corps? Everyone has a job because it pays the bills and gives us financial security. I don’t know about you, but I am responsible for my wife and three(3) children, thus taking the plunge on the “unknown” is absolutely NOT realistic.
So, back to the original question above… How can you realistically travel for free? And when I say, “travel”, I mean, really travel… That means taking a care-free vacation… not having to worry about if you can afford to leave the resort for dinner that night, or buy those extra pair of sunglasses… Care-free travel means doing what you want, when you want and not worrying about the bill when you get back home. Let’s break down a few ways in which we really can travel for free (or as close to it as we can get)… or even better: GET PAID TO TRAVEL!
Use Those Points!: You know, I always knew I was going to be thankful for all that money I spent on my credit card. Now that I racked up all that debt, I also racked up all those points! Points I can use towards booking a new flight or maybe pay for my stay at the Bellagio in Vegas… where I can blow even more money!… I’m kidding!… kind of. Whenever you are looking to obtain a new credit card, choose the card that offers the most, when used. Compare the interest rate for charges and cash advances, the annual fees and also the credit card that provides the best rewards. If you fly a certain airline, be sure to input your frequent flyer number to gather those miles. Use travel sites that allow you to accrue points when you purchase flights, hotels, cruises and rental cars. You’re paying for this stuff anyways, so why not try and earn a little more for the next time you want to take a trip?
Vacation Packages through a Resort or Company: Very similar to a travel agent, only you are selling pre-packaged vacations at a discount to consumers. Instead of creating a customized travel package based on what and where the customer likes, you are selling a pre-packaged stay at a specific resort or hotel/resort/meal itinerary. They come in all shapes and sizes… and they can be dirt cheap (think: hotel next to Senor Frogs-Cancun during Spring Break), or the Rolls Royce type of trip. Depending on the type of company or resort, there are many perks with the access to all of their locations, with commission schedules pretty generous. There are limitations on the demographic of the clientele and if you are representative a company or resort with mediocre selections-and reviews then it may put you in a rock in a hard place.
Direct Selling with a Travel Company: With this, you really do have the opportunity for the best of both worlds-traveling the world on the cheap (or in some cases, for FREE!) and making money. Typically, people that get involved in this industry already have a full time job and are looking for a better, cheaper way to travel and an additional source of income. It can be extremely lucrative, in terms of creating wealth and a residual income, but a lot of the members simply take advantage of the fact they can generate a few extra dollars every month and access to the premium resorts at wholesale pricing. The direct-sell companies in the travel industry offer 5 star packaged vacations at 2 Star pricing, as well as access to their trip planning website that works like an Expedia or Travelocity. Also, confirm there are ways you can accrue points, when you buy flights, vacations, or even their travel mall, so you can use those points for a free trip. Bottom line: do your research… choose a company that has a great reputation and make sure you have a good support system… thousands of people are catching on to these companies and are really capitalizing on the residual income and extremely low cost of travel.
As you can see, traveling for “free” is really only for professional poker players and the kids with enormous trust funds. You are going to have to work one way or another whether it’s building up a stockpile of cash and funding an overseas trip or jumping into a new occupation on a plane or abroad. There are multiple ways you can get paid to travel, as well as minimizing your travel costs through various companies and resources… it’s all a matter of preference on what you want to do and how much time you have. Traveling can be a life changing experience or simply a much-needed time-out from our crazy lives. Whatever you choose, just make sure to not take it too seriously and enjoy yourself!
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