#Also also: he's only allergic to sucrose.
radicheart · 1 year
Someone: offers Cal a chocolate kiss Cal: "Thanks! :)" tucks it away and never eats it because he's allergic to sugar 
 Another Alastor: offers Cal a chocolate kiss Cal: "Thanks! :)" eats it on the spot despite his allergy
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cloudcatssniff · 11 months
Genshin Snz Headcannons: Mondstadt edition (pt 2)
since he's made of chalk he doesn't have "allergies"
but inducing works pretty well
often uses feathers and stuff
weird magical or alchemy related stuff gets him sick
mostly fevers and coughing
fascinated by the process of sneezing
definitely did experiments on it
can sneeze with his eyes open
also does sneezing experiments
no specific allergies but her potions can make her sneeze
has experiments related specifically to if sneezes can be used as in any alchemical way
gets stuffy, sniffly colds
often overworks into illness
flits between the city and dragonspine so she's always a little shy
stifles sneezes (kittenish)
hates admitting she's sick
allergic to incense
gets even more annoyed and tired when ill
sneezes loudly and messily
usually forgets tissues or handkerchiefs
lets Barbara corral her to rest only when she feels like it
arguably best immune system in Mond
besides Razor-
very polite sneezer
a little allergic to foreign flowers
carries an embroidered handkerchief on her
to polite to refuse gifts even if they make her sneeze
gets sick in the rain
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smiledotdeer · 1 year
Headcanon Compilation 2.0
I made one of these back when I rebooted this blog, but I’ve tweaked and added to it since then, so here we go!
(It’s going under a Read More because good lord it’s a LOT.)
Alastor sometimes goes by the nickname of  “Cal” to differentiate himself from his alternates. “Cal” is short for  “Calloway” - a reference to his breaking into Heaven to get an alternate some signed Cab Calloway records. You can read about it here!
Alastor’s father’s name is Travis Reed. Alastor killed him when he himself was only 16 years old. Travis is indeed in Hell, and occasionally their  paths will cross. It always ends with Travis getting killed. He also generally refuses to call him ‘father’, instead preferring to call him by his name, and he’s publicly broadcast Travis’ personal information to try and cause problems on purpose.
Alastor’s mother’s name was Desdemona, maiden name of Guillory—which is the  name he’s taken to using for himself. She died as well, but she’s in Heaven, so Alastor doesn’t have any contact with her.
Alastor had a little sister named Josephine. She was born when he was 4, but died in a drowning accident when he was 10 (meaning she was only 6).
Alastor’s mother gave him a porcelain doll as a Christmas gift that his father destroyed later on. For Christmas of 2021, an alternate managed to find and restore the doll before giving it to him as a gift.
Alastor once nursed a baby alligator back to health when he was a child.
Alastor enjoyed playing with a homemade slingshot as a child, and he was actually quite a good aim with it.
Alastor hosts one scheduled broadcast every week on Sunday nights from eight to  ten in the evening. Each one is closed out with a single song request sent in by his listeners. He also visits the Cannibal Colony to hang out with Rosie and her friends every Thursday afternoon from 2-6 PM.
Alastor has a journal, and he writes his entries as if they are letters addressed to his mother.
Alastor has planted a rose bush near his radio tower in memory of his mother, with a plaque bearing her name. It’s tucked away from the public eye, in a little  clearing in the nearby woods. He takes very good care of it and would  fly into a rage if he ever caught someone trying to pick its flowers.
Alastor has a nervous habit of tugging at his cuffs. If he’s not wearing something easily tuggable, he’ll wrap a hand around his opposite wrist  and scratch. Sometimes he leaves marks due to pressing down too hard  with his nails.
Alastor is not covered in scars; they’re only on his forearms and back. His arms have scratches and dog bites from when he was trying to defend himself the day he died, and as a child his father would beat him so often and so hard that there are now  permanent marks slicing across his back. He also has a scattering of newer scars that he obtained during 2021′s E-Day.
Alastor is not afraid of dogs. He just strongly dislikes them because of their involvement in his death; it brings back terrible memories for him. In addition, his dislike only applies to beagles, since that was the breed used to hunt him down.
Mirroring his disliking of beagles, Alastor absolutely adores cats—literal or sinner. They are by far his favorite animal.
Alastor’s minions are actually rag dolls he makes by hand and infuses with the souls he’s collected over the years. He sews at least one new doll every day to keep their numbers high. If he makes a rag doll of your muse, he likes them. If he gives that rag doll to your muse instead of keeping it on his shelf, he really likes them.
Alastor’s shadow’s name is Cotton.
Alastor dislikes sweets because he is allergic to sugar—sucrose, to be  specific (aka the white granulated stuff you spoon into your coffee or  put in your cookies). Fructose and lactose are perfectly fine. Symptoms vary based on how much he eats, but even a tiny amount will get his tongue tingling, which is enough of a deterrent for him. More serious symptoms include breaking out in hives, having stomach cramps, wheezing, shortness of breath, and eventually vomiting.
Alastor tends to get uncharacteristically gloomy on his death day (November 6th).
Alastor can play the piano, organ, harpsichord, and violin! He's also slowly teaching himself how to play the guitar.
Alastor’s microphone voices and his rag doll minions used to belong to and be actual demons. They were his victims; their souls were used to animate his dolls, and their voices became a permanent part of his audience. Just like actual canned laugh tracks, whenever you hear Alastor’s microphone laughing, you are listening to dead people laugh.
Alastor doesn’t use washing machines or dryers. He still uses tin tubs, a rub board, and a clothesline. He tried to use a washer twice and simply could not figure it out. He also has a personally awful experience involving washing machines, which only gives him more incentive to stay away.
Alastor occasionally enjoys smoking both cigars and cigarettes. For cigars, he prefers the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaraguan. For cigarettes, his go-to brand is Lucky Strike, and he specifically tends to buy the Lucky Strike Reds.
Alastor carries the following items with him, on his person, at all times: his favorite knife, a Colt Model 1908, a cigarette case, and a vintage pocket watch.
Alastor wears cologne on a daily basis! The scent is a mixture of vanilla, burning wood, mandarin, pine needles and rosemary. Also, the bottle looks damn good on his bathroom countertop.
Alastor likes to collect and keep the whiskers Husk sheds. He doesn't do anything with them; they're just stored in a little box on his home office's desk. (This headcanon only applies to his NPC Husk unless a Husk's mun agrees with it.)
Alastor’s clothing and hair maintenance are both tended to by Niffty. (This headcanon only applies to his NPC Niffty unless a Niffty's mun agrees with it.)
The gold coins Alastor likes to flick at people are worth $50 apiece.
Alastor does, in fact, have hooves; he just covers them up with specially-made shoes most of the time so he can still appear somewhat normal…and also tap-dance more efficiently.
Alastor's top three favorite holidays (in order) are: Christmas, Mardi Gras, and Halloween.
Alastor served in World War 1—specifically in the Army. It's where he was first introduced to the world of radio.
Alastor shakes off his fluff-covered hooves like a soaked cat after he showers/bathes/otherwise gets wet.
Alastor's portals (and magic in general) are bright green.
Alastor can manipulate his microphone to move on its own. He can also make its staff and the discs at the top and bottom sharpen, effectively turning it into a weapon capable of stabbing and/or slicing, and when it’s idling it always hovers against his back. Here’s a visual ref of how I imagine his control over his microphone working!
Alastor’s antlers grow magnolias throughout March and April. While normal magnolias are harmless, Alastor's are not. Do not eat those. They are extremely poisonous and will kill you. Bonus headcanon that Husk likes to crush up their petals and poison someone’s drink if they’ve ticked him off in some way. (This headcanon only applies to his NPC Husk unless a Husk's mun agrees with it.)
Alastor's favorite season is autumn.
He prefers his meat rare. Sometimes he’ll even eat it raw.
Alastor’s handshake depends on the nature of the handshake. If it’s a greeting for someone he’s coming across for the very first time, Alastor will keep his hand almost perfectly vertical as it’s offered to them; a sign of neutrality, as well as mutual respect. If it’s a greeting for a friend/someone he likes, his hand will tilt palm up and close around theirs with a gentler touch. He may even warm his hand up a bit using his pyrokinesis to make himself more inviting and friendly. If it’s a greeting for someone he dislikes/has little respect for, he’ll offer his hand with the palm tilted towards the ground and squeeze their hand firmly to let them know he is in control. Additionally, alternates (or those familiar with magical practices) may pay attention to which hand he uses, as well—especially when making a deal. If he offers his right hand, it’s a sign of good will, and if he’s making a deal with that hand it means he has no intention of crossing or breaking the terms of their agreement. If he offers the left, there’s bad magic involved. He’s planning to betray that person further down the line, or perhaps even hex them in some way.
Alastor has a terrible tendency to stare at those that catch his interest. If they look back at him, though, he’ll usually be respectful and stop. Unless he wants to make them uncomfortable—in which case he’ll continue. In conversation, he’s usually pretty good about looking his company in the eye; it’s a trait he’s developed due to years of interviewing guests for his radio show—both in life and in Hell. The only time he’ll actively avoid maintaining eye contact is when he’s uncomfortable, but that doesn’t happen very often out in public.
Although he doesn’t own a cellphone (and according to him he never will, but who knows what could happen in the future), he is capable of sending text messages through a speech-to-text sort of function in his mic (somehow; don’t ask me about the logistics of it)! In essence: he speaks into his mic, and a few seconds later a digital message is sent to the recipient’s phone! He can send these messages to just one person, to more than one person…or it can be treated as a Hell-wide blog post of sorts that shows up on everyone’s devices (this, plus the fact that he is almost always broadcasting, is why I allow dashboard commentary most of the time). His grammar and syntax in said “texts” is always perfect.
Alastor is capable of “healing” people in the sense that he can transfer their injuries—either partially or in full—to himself.
Alastor’s house isn’t ACTUALLY his house! Nor is it one cohesive house! It used to belong to Larry Landers, the man that took Alastor in when he ran to New Orleans in 1914 and later on became his mentor in all things radio. Larry died in late 1944, and early on in the following year Alastor was summoned back to New Orleans by a human wanting to make a deal by absolute chance. He found out that Larry had passed on and his home was now up for sale (since he had no next of kin to take it over)—so he decided he’d simply take it back to Hell with him in a fashion similar to how he teleported an entire casino room into the Happy Hotel in the pilot. Additionally, he has split the rooms up since teleporting the house into Hell with him, putting each one in a different location and linking them up via magical runes on the floor that allow him to traverse them as he so pleases. When people enter his home, either via teleportation themselves (see: most Alastors) or by a more traditional means, they’re brought into the foyer by the front door, which is disguised as a small and simple house on its own. The majority of that home people see from the outside is an illusion; only the foyer is accessible this way. Everything else needs to be accessed via the runes.
Alastor’s first cannibalistic experience was him eating his own body after spending several hours trying to find it. The way I personally see non-perma-death in Hell working is similar to dying in most video games: you die, you black out for a while, and then you come back. Your body is right where you left it, and it has all the stuff you were carrying with you when you kicked the bucket. Yes, this includes clothes; you “respawn” totally naked. For Alastor specifically, this isn’t much of an issue, since he can simply snap his fingers and put on another outfit. Early on, before he got a handle on his powers, he was killed and took too long navigating his way back to his corpse. By then, he was starving and desperate and he literally just…ate it. Right there. In a nasty-ass alley. Probably growling and snarling at anyone that looked at him funny or got too close.
Alastor can shapeshift! The way it works for him specifically is a little bit like working with clay: he uses magic to remold himself into new forms. This involves him studying and memorizing the appearance he wishes to turn into so he can know what he’s doing, both inside and out. It’s also a permanent change, meaning that it stays in effect until one of two things happens: he repeats the process to remold himself back to his original shape, or he dies, since dying acts as a “factory reset” and puts him back to his original shape when he returns. Bonus headcanon to accompany this: in order to better know his own anatomy, Alastor absolutely studied his own corpse after dying several times.
Travis, Alastor’s biological father, has moved several times during the years he’s been down in Hell while Alastor has been active. Every single time, without fail, Alastor manages to find him again purely so he can continue making his life miserable—or, at the very least, annoy him. It depends on how he’s feeling that particular day, in all honesty. Usually, though, it ends in Alastor pulling out his Colt and shooting him point blank in the face. He’ll leave the more creative methods of torture and death to his listeners whenever they decide to take him up on his occasionally broadcasted announcements giving out Travis’ location. He, himself, usually cannot be bothered to waste much time on killing the guy.
If Alastor played video games in any capacity, he would be absolutely flawless at rhythm games.
Alastor has petted his own ears to help himself calm down. He pretends it’s someone else doing it. Until recently it’s always been his mother, since she was the one person in life he was close to and trusted. Nowadays, though, he has multiple options.
Alastor used to be alright with TVs despite Vox’s treatment of him, but then Vox kept crawling out of the one in his office to try and scare him. It worked and he wound up getting pelted with several Double Mauls Alastor had set up on his desk in case of intruders. Now he no longer keeps a TV in his office, and he generally skirts around TVs in general to avoid having Vox pop up again. If someone asks him to watch a movie with them, he’ll do it—but he’s bringing a weapon in case Vox shows up. This doesn’t extend to the silver screens in movie theaters, since those aren’t actual screens and thus I believe Vox can’t do the whole Samara thing by climbing out of them. So if anyone invites him to a movie in theaters, Alastor will (probably) accept wholeheartedly!
If someone hits Alastor? Fine. He’ll take the hit. He might even hit back if he deems it worth the trouble. If he’s hit by an alternate, and it isn’t some kind of pre-ordained tussle? He will be shocked, angry, and then leave (in that exact order)—and that alternate will never see him again. It’s like the difference between getting punched by a stranger at a bar and getting punched by a family member. It’s meaner if an alternate does it.
The best time to hear Alastor’s southern American accent is when he’s either just waking up or on the verge of falling asleep. It’s very cute and hardly anyone ever gets to hear it because he usually sleeps alone.
If anyone managed to kill Alastor in a fight (which would be hard to do given his power level and him not holding back in one), he would be sincerely impressed and come back a few hours later to track them down and try to befriend them.
Alastor broadcasts on frequency 901. This is the same as his sister’s birthday: 09/01.
Alastor doesn’t talk directly to people with his mouth. Instead, his voice is coming from his microphone. It just SOUNDS like he’s talking from his mouth, and he moves his lips to form the words even though he’s not making them directly. This explains the near constant filter over his voice.
Alastor’s voice claim is the same as TytoCat’s in “Deal Maker”.
His handwriting looks like this.
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miyaaaxy · 1 year
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random • modern au-ish
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☆ as tiny elementary kiddos: amber, jean, kaeya, eula, noelle, sucrose, dilic, and lisa created a club. they called themselves the knights of favonius and would play knights and princesses in the playground as well. they also have a groupchat called the knights of favonius for old times sake ♡♡ ☆ surprisingly, kokomi doesn't know how to swim. she hates to admit it because she is super embarrassed about it. ☆ baizhu is highly lactose intolerant. he can't even stand the smell of milk because he knows what it would do to him and his diggestive system. ☆ xiangling has a youtube channel called "xiangling's kitchen" and usually cooks dishes with their friends and teaches her viewers step-by-step how to cook specialty dishes. ☆ albedo is really picky when it comes to food. ☆ ganyu has really bad insomnia. ☆ jean likes plain black coffee. ☆ kequing is hella competitive when it comes to video games. she's such a tryhard. ☆ baizhu has a calico cat named herbie. ☆ noelle has a butterfly collection. her favorite butterflies are blue morphos. ☆ hu tao's favorite video game is omori. ☆ lisa likes cats but is too lazy to get one and take care of one herself. ☆ kokomi covers her dislike for seafood by claiming to be allergic to it. ☆ fishcl likes to watch cheesy romcoms and anime. ☆ bennett tells unfunny deez nuts jokes. fishcl always falls for them. ☆ sucrose has a very nice and cleaned up animal crossing island. removes any weed she sees. ☆ xingqiu and chongyun likes passing notes to each other in class. both are very sneaky doing so. ☆ yoimiya has tiny goldfish. sometimes over feeds them. ☆ ganyu adores mitski. ☆ fishcl, bennett, and razor love to play minecraft together. ☆ chongyun has a tumblr page dedicated to ghost-hunting investigations. ☆ gorou brags to people about how close he is to kokomi. ☆ beidou is really good at wrestling. ☆ chongyun and xingqiu spend lunch time in the library. ☆ ningguang gets sea sick easily. she can't stand being in a ship ☆ kiddo diluc had the fattest crush on jean. ☆ as teenagers, diluc was a harry potter kid while kaeya was a percy jackson kid. (read it from some pinterest post) they're argue a lot about it. ☆ thoma buys packs of caprisuns for himself only. ☆ canonly, kazuha loves cigarettes of sex bc i said so. ☆ klee plays that snake game on google on school computers.
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Venti Sprite HCs
Venti goes into sprite form when he feels particularly insecure and lonely. If he starts thinking a bit too hard on the past, he goes sprite real quick.
Very cartoonish in this form. His expressions are almost comical, and he has to communicate in like, chirps, and chimes, and other such noises, it's adorable. He's like Tinker Bell, minus the sexualization.
When he gets yeeted into pixie form, he craves comfort, specifically human comfort. It doesn't help that he's just generally very touch starved. He wants to be held.
The traveler (you choose which twin) somehow knows immediately, and scoops him up in their hands, and bring him to rest where their shoulder meets their neck, and he just melts. He spends the whole day there, and the traveler avoids any dangerous commissions so as to not dislodge the little sprite resting on them.
If he stays in pixie form longer, you can often find him cuddling up to Diluc. He can't really drink in this form, but he likes Diluc, so he sticks to the redhead, chirping merrily every now and again.
As we all know, Diluc is a softie behind that glare. He just want to halp. He must protecc. So of course he lets little wind sprite Venti stick by him with minimal eye rolls. (When night comes, he lets Venti snuggle up to his collarbone, his tiny little body right against Diluc's heartbeat, so he knows this friend is alive. Diluc makes sure to threaten him to never tell anyone, naturally.)
Even in wind sprite form, he is still violently allergic to cats. But now, when he sneezes in respones to cats existing, he then causes a massive gust of wind, the force sending him spiralling off in the other direction. It is entirely impossible not to laugh at this sight. Even Albedo, Sucrose, and Diluc let out a lil chortle at the panicked chimes of the flying sprite.
He enjoys feeling smaller. Less important, less responsibility, less pressure. Safe. Protected. But he does prefer to be a human. More freedom, more options, more things to do. He tends to only go into sprite form when stressed or lonely or both. Poor boi.
Note: He also goes into sprite form with Zhongli, and Zhongli becomes a big ol' dragon, and curls around Venti, and it's just so warm and comfy, and both of them are purring, and fUck I'm sOFT. Eventually, as their friend group grows, this cuddle pile gets even bigger and warmer and sweeter and thus, better, as more people they love join them.
I just want them all to be happy and somft and comfy. Is that really so mucb to ask, Mihoyo???? Plz, I am a soft little baby, I need the fluff.
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smiledotdeer-a · 2 years
Headcanon Compilation
Alastor sometimes goes by the nickname of “Cal” to differentiate himself from his alternates. “Cal” is short for “Calloway” - a reference to his breaking into Heaven to get an alternate some signed Cab Calloway records. You can read about it here!
Alastor's father’s name is Travis Reed. Alastor killed him when he himself was only ten years old. Travis is indeed in Hell, and occasionally their paths will cross. It always ends with Travis getting killed. He also refuses to call him ‘father’, always preferring to call him by his name, and he’s publicly broadcast Travis’ personal information to try and cause problems on purpose.
Alastor's mother’s name was Desdemona, maiden name of Guillory - which is the name he's taken to using for himself. She died as well, but she’s up in Heaven, so Alastor doesn't have any sort of contact with her.
Alastor had a little sister named Josephine. She was born when he was four, but died in a drowning accident when she was six.
Alastor's mother gave him a porcelain doll as a Christmas gift that his father destroyed later on. For Christmas of 2021, an alternate managed to find and restore the doll before giving it to him as a gift.
Alastor once nursed a baby alligator back to health when he was a child.
Alastor enjoyed playing with a homemade slingshot as a child, and he was actually quite a good aim with it.
Alastor hosts one scheduled broadcast every week on Sunday nights from eight to ten in the evening. Each one is closed out with a single song request sent in by his listeners. He also visits the Cannibal Colony to hang out with Rosie and her friends every Thursday afternoon from 2-6 PM.
Alastor has a journal, and he writes his entries as if they are letters addressed to his mother.
Alastor has planted a rose bush near his radio tower in memory of his mother, with a plaque bearing her name. It’s tucked away from the public eye, in a little clearing in the nearby woods. He takes very good care of it and would fly into a rage if he ever caught someone trying to pick its flowers.
Alastor has a nervous habit of tugging at his cuffs. If he’s not wearing something easily tuggable, he’ll wrap a hand around his opposite wrist and scratch. Sometimes he leaves marks due to pressing down too hard with his nails.
Alastor is not covered in scars; they're only on his forearms and back. His arms have scratches and dog bites from when he was trying to defend himself the day he died, and as a child his father would beat him so often and so hard that there are now permanent marks slicing across his back. He also has a scattering of newer scars that he obtained during 2021′s E-Day.
Alastor is not afraid of dogs. He just really dislikes them because of their involvement in his death. It brings back terrible memories for him. This dislike only applies to beagles, since that was the breed used to hunt him down.
Mirroring his disliking of beagles, Alastor absolutely adores cats - literal or sinner. They are by far his favorite animal.
Alastor’s minions are actually rag dolls he made by hand and then infused with the souls he’s collected over the years. Making these rag dolls takes up a decent chunk of his time when he’s not doing broadcasts or working for the hotel. If he makes a rag doll of your muse, he likes you. If he gives that rag doll to your muse instead of keeping it on his shelf, he really likes you.
Alastor occasionally enjoys smoking both cigars and cigarettes. For cigars, he prefers the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaraguan. For cigarettes, his go-to brand is Lucky Strike, and he specifically tends to buy the Lucky Strike Reds.
Alastor's shadow’s name is Cotton.
Alastor dislikes sweets because he is allergic to sugar - sucrose, to be specific (aka the white granulated stuff you spoon into your coffee or put in your cookies). Fructose and lactose are perfectly fine. Symptoms vary based on how much he eats, but even a tiny amount will get his tongue tingling, which is enough of a deterrent for him. More serious symptoms include breaking out in hives, having stomach cramps, wheezing, shortness of breath, and eventually vomiting.
Alastor tends to get uncharacteristically gloomy on his death day (November 6th).
Alastor can play the piano, organ, harpsichord, and violin! He would like to learn the guitar, but he never remembers to get around to it.
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kae-karo · 3 years
For dialogue prompt:
Xiao: do I look like a cat to you?
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y’all i’m losing my mind over this sdlfkjsdfjlskdlk the cat!xiao hivemind is REAL (also tagging @plot-hole-ventilation thank u love!!)
[send me a dialogue prompt from this list and a genshin character!] 
tags: cat,,,,xiao,,,,,, and a bit of xiaoven as a treat, canon divergence
“Hey, hey Xiao?” 
Xiao lifts his head to find Venti rushing up to him, a bottle in hand and a wide grin on his lips. Xiao tips his head, lets himself appreciate Venti and all his brightness for a moment. The sun to Xiao’s moon, if he’s feeling particularly sappy, though he would never say so aloud. Even now, he keeps his expression pointedly even, with the exception of a subtle quirk to his brow.
“Hey,” Venti says again as he slides to a stop, a little breathless and with a sun-kissed flush to his cheeks. “Will you taste this for me?”
Xiao blinks at the bottle Venti sticks in his face, brows furrowed at the unusual blue-green hue of the liquid inside.
“What...is it…” He glances up, past the mysterious drink, to find Venti’s eyes wide and pleading.
“C’mon, taste it for me?” Xiao narrows his eyes. “I dunno what’s in it,” he says as he pulls back a bit, tips his head and focuses on the bottle. “Juice or something, probably.” And then he turns those wide eyes on Xiao again, pleading and hopeful and-
Xiao sighs, pulls the bottle sharply from Venti’s grip. Unfair that he has such an easy time convincing Xiao of anything, but Venti grins and sits back on the grass and tips his head and archons, Xiao would do almost anything for that smile.
“Thanks, Xiao.” 
Xiao drops his gaze to the bottle, ignores the warmth he can feel quite suddenly on his cheeks. He uncaps the bottle, sniffs experimentally. Something...fruity, maybe? Or tangy, or perhaps bitter. Maybe all of the above, it’s hard to tell for certain. He casts a quick glance at Venti, whose expression flashes with a hint of hope and excitement.
It’s so strange, how easily he feels. How easily he shows those feelings, even when it bears little relevance to the situation. Stranger still that Xiao can make him smile, feel some kind of happiness. It makes his chest warm, as though Venti has planted a tiny sun there, glowing bright.
He takes a short sip, just enough to taste, and regrets it when an unsettlingly slimy texture coats his tongue. He coughs, and a grimace overtakes his face as he shoves the bottle at Venti.
“Not juice,” he manages, recoiling and dragging a hand across his lips, hoping to erase any residual- eugh, this might be worse than some of his darkest nightmares. He turns a glare toward Venti, but Venti’s eyes have gone wide, and the bottle falls from his hand.
Xiao watches with furrowed brows as it lands on its side, as the remaining contents spill out and onto the grass. 
“Xiao, um,” Venti coughs out a nervous sort of laugh, “I don’t really know how to say this, so, uh…” He leans in, and Xiao freezes, heart hammering at the hand that reaches toward him. Toward his face- no, his head? And-
And fingers brush against something there, something that was definitely not there a few minutes ago. Xiao’s hands fly to his head, and panic drips down his spine at the- at the pointed ears he finds suddenly attached to his head.
Venti falls back on his elbows when Xiao leaps to his feet, and Xiao notices movement in the corner of his eye. Spins quickly, catches sight of- 
“You have a tail!” Venti shouts, though he seems to be finding this far more amusing than Xiao.
“What on Teyvat did you give me,” he growls as he spins around to glare at Venti, but Venti’s eyes go wide in panic and he shakes his head sharply. Raises hands in surrender. Xiao’s anger recedes a fraction, but only because it is Venti.
“I was just- I was in Albedo’s lab-” Archons, that is not a good start. Genuine concern settles heavily in Xiao’s stomach. “And I saw this, and it looked like it’d taste good, but it had a little note by it,” Venti continues, though he doesn’t look as panicked as before.
“It said ‘cat’, so I thought maybe it would make cats follow someone around...” 
Xiao blinks - that is the first thought he jumped to? Now that Xiao’s aware - rather hyperaware, in fact - of the ears and tail, he can feel them twitching with his agitation. 
“And if it did, well,” Venti tips his head, twists his lips and focuses more on Xiao now, “I’m allergic to cats, y’know. So I figured it’d be better if someone else tried it? Or,” he adds, gaze going distant again. “I thought maybe it was actually for a cat-”
“Do I look like a cat to you?” Xiao snaps, but regrets it immediately when Venti recoils. His startled panic disappears after hardly a second, though, replaced with a tight-lipped sort of look, one that barely conceals his obvious laughter.
“Well, you do now,” he gets out just before a giggle escapes, though he at least has the common decency to slap a hand over his mouth and prevent any further laughter. A sudden wave of embarrassment floods Xiao’s veins, and he turns on a heel to stare somewhere that isn’t at Venti.
Gods, he’s a- a cat. A cat, of all things. Ears and tail, though at least he doesn't have fur everywhere. How mortifying.
“I’m sure Sucrose and Albedo can help us fix it,” Venti says quietly, then, and Xiao exhales a slow, steadying breath. He is irritated, yes, but Venti had admitted he didn’t know what the bottle contained. Xiao could’ve been a little more intelligent about the situation himself. 
“Let’s go,” Xiao grits out, keeps his gaze pointedly fixed on the ground when he turns around. He’s surprised to find Venti on his feet already, and he lifts his eyes just enough to find Venti’s lips pressed into a tight line again. The same as earlier, when he’d been trying not to laugh.
“Forget it, I’ll go myself,” Xiao declares, embarrassment flooding his body with heat. His tail- archons, he has a tail - thrashes behind him, and he stalks off past Venti before he can say a word.
He is then immediately pounced on, and Venti drags him to a stop and rushes around to stand in front of him.
“Nonono, I’m sorry, please let me help? You’re just-” He stops short, lips pressing into that too-telling line again, and it makes Xiao’s chest ache. “You’re just so cute!” 
Cute. Xiao swallows.
“Ah! I mean…” For some unknown reason, Venti’s face turns red at his own words, as though he hadn’t just called Xiao cute. The word leaves Xiao paralyzed, and Venti stammers for a moment longer before clearing his throat.
“I mean, not that you’re not...always, uh. Cute.” 
Always...cute? Xiao blinks in confusion, both at the statement and Venti’s nervous expression. The meaning hits him a moment later, and his eyes go wide, and he feels warm-
Warm from the inside. That tiny sun glowing in his chest, the warmth caused always by Venti.
“Let’s go,” he grits out quietly, and Venti follows when he marches off in the direction of Dragonspine. 
“I’m- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“You too.”
“Wh- huh?” Venti rushes to catch up to Xiao’s side, and Xiao swallows. Glances at Venti from the corner of his eye, then turns back to watching his feet as they walk. His tail flicks unpredictably, and he feels it catch Venti’s arm before twitching away.
“You. You’re, um. Cute. Also.”
Venti stops dead in his tracks, and Xiao curses his own idiocy. Why would he say something so stupid? So-
An arm loops through his unexpectedly, and he nearly pulls away until the warm, sweet scent of Cecilia flowers washes over him. Venti smiles wide, bright as the sun when Xiao glances over, and Xiao’s chest glows with warmth.
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avdhootrohan · 4 years
Care of baby after vaccination, after vaccination care for baby, baby care after vaccination, how to care baby after vaccination, taking care of baby after vaccination, how to take care baby after vaccination, how to take care of baby after first vaccination. How To Take Care Of Baby After Vaccination Tips to treat minor discomforts that vaccines can cause in your toddler. The side effects of vaccines are few , temporary and of minimal importance when compared to the diseases they prevent. The discomfort of the toddler is because the vaccine acts as a mild disease, which creates antibodies to fight viruses or bacteria, and prevents future infections. Symptoms after baby's first vaccinations Generally, the symptoms that occur are: pain, fever, swelling, a slight redness where the puncture was and irritability. These side effects should not last more than two days; If so, consult your pediatrician as soon as possible. Scientists have been able to verify that babies who are fed exclusively with breast milk have less fever and have fewer symptoms after vaccination than those who receive mixed or artificial breastfeeding. This is not only due to the nutritional characteristics of breast milk, but also to the protective effect, tranquility and well-being of breastfeeding. Very young infants should not receive any medication , but, in the case of older infants or children, consult a doctor to find out which medication and what dose are indicated. - Fever. Depending on the vaccine, fever may appear on the same day of inoculation or one week later. It does not usually exceed 38.5º C and usually does not last more than 24 hours. - Swelling, pain or redness in the puncture area. This discomfort usually does not last more than one day. - Pain at the time of the puncture. The prick hurts and scares babies because they do not expect it and do not understand what happens, but this pain lasts a few minutes. - Irritability. It is normal for the child to be more irritable on the day of vaccination and cry more. He is uncomfortable and manifests it this way. How to calm pain after vaccination If your child has been vaccinated recently and you see that he is more irritable, tearful, with a fever or that the puncture area hurts, do not be distressed and follow these tips: To relieve pain, place wet wipes at room temperature over the place where the vaccine was given. Pay close attention to your temperature in case you show an allergic reaction , if you see or feel something that is not normal, consult your doctor immediately. It will be a very difficult day for your little one: consent it a lot, since with love everything heals. Do not self-medicate the toddler and keep in mind all the recommendations of your pediatrician. If your child has been vaccinated recently and you see that he is more irritable, tearful, with a fever or that the puncture area hurts, do not be distressed and follow these tips: To calm the pain of the prick, experts recommend breastfeeding if you are still breastfeeding. And it is proven that it is very effective before, during and after vaccine injections. It is a comfortable and effective system that takes advantage of the ingestion of a sweet substance such as milk, with direct contact with the mother and the relief of suction to prevent the baby from passing fear and pain when vaccinating. Another option they recommend is the ingestion of some sweet liquid. In general, this measure is recommended when you cannot breastfeed. It is advisable to dissolve an envelope of sugar in a glass with a finger or two of water (25% sucrose) and administer approximately 2 ml, little by little, with a syringe or dropper, in the baby's mouth, about 2 minutes before the injection. But remember that this recommendation is only to relieve the pain of vaccines, it should not be used as a usual method at home as it can cause tooth decay or other damage to the child. It is also recommended to take baby in your arms and calm him, walk it or distract it with games, songs or television. If baby gets a fever, you can make him bath with warm water to lower its temperature and, if it does not work, use an antipyretic previously prescribed by your doctor. The swelling of the area can be relieved with compresses of cold water. Finally, you must continue with his routine and kep his diet same, you do not need to modify anything unless the child is bad and requires it. How to take care of baby after first vaccination Appropriate dose. Give him plenty of fluids. Apply clean, damp cloth over the area where the injection was applied. Global statistics show that vaccination saves nearly 3 million lives each year and prevents the disability of more than 750,000 girls and boys as a result of infectious diseases. When taking the girl or the boy to the vaccination, it is important that mothers and fathers are informed about the care that is required before and after vaccination. In some cases, certain reactions occur, usually during the first night after application, which are perfectly controllable at home. Signs of allergic reaction The professional indicates that, although they occur in a minimum percentage, some allergic reactions that already require medical treatment may occur. And the signs that indicate the need to resort immediately to the consultation are: difficulty breathing, hoarseness, inflammation of the throat, weakness, tachycardia, dizziness, paleness or a rash, persistent vomiting and seizures. Steps after vaccination The doctor recommends waiting about fifteen minutes before leaving the vaccination, as sometimes a reaction can occur during the first minutes after vaccination. If a serious reaction occurs, doctors will ensure proper treatment. In addition, it indicates the administration of paracetamol before the application of the vaccine to prevent fever and relieve discomfort, after medical indication about the appropriate dose for the baby, according to his age and weight. "This medicine should be given every 6 hours for 2 days after vaccination," says the doctor. Another recommendation is to give the girl or the boy plenty of fluids because this helps reduce the fever. Finally, the pediatrician argues that it helps relieve pain and inflammation by applying a cold compress (clean, damp cloth) in the area where the injection was placed.
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jsaini1920 · 5 years
13 Surprising health benefits of White Musli and side effects
White Musli is a kind of medicine that is known as a miracle in Ayurveda. It is a kind of plant that takes small flowers inside it. It helps in treating many diseases. Drugs are also made by mixing it with many other substances. The white Musli is a very powerful aphrodisiac and string Eradogenic herb used in Ayurveda and herbal science.
13 Surprising Health Benefits of White Musli and Side Effects
White Musli is especially for those people with fewer sperm count and less libido. In the Ayurveda, root Musli root powder is used. It is also used in the form of Ayurvedic formulations, which contains Musli pies. It is a tree growing itself. How to Eat White Musli You can grind the roots of white Musli and make their powder. This powder is sold in many different ways in different ways because it can also be different for eating. You can also take the powder of the roots of white Musli if you do not want to take the powder, then you can take its capsules too. White Musli powder should be taken after two or three hours to eat. 1. Consumption for children You can take it for your children, but do not consume it in a large amount because it can be dangerous. You allow your children to take only one gram of white Musli powder at a time. 2. For boys (from 13 to 19 years old) Children can consume this powder from one or a half grams to two grams, but taking more than this can also be harmful. 3. For the young man (who are 19 to 60 years old) The youngsters can only take this powder from the quantity of three to six grams. 4. Eat for the elderly Elderly people should not eat more than three grams of this, it can also be dangerous for them. 5. Eating for pregnant Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should only eat up to two grams of white Musli, the excessive amount can be harmful to them and their child.
Identification of white muesli White Musli is a medicine whose leaves are slightly raised and its roots are like tubes. The flowers of this plant are white and the leaves are a bit yellow. Its flower has six petals. The seeds of white Musli are black. Nutrients in white Musli The roots of white Musli are rich in vitamins and minerals. In white Musli, many nutrients like - carbohydrate, protein, saponin, alkaloid, fiber, calcium, potassium, magnesium, glucose, sucrose are found.
13 Surprising health benefits of white Musli
1. Beneficial in arthritis It is often seen that when an elderly person has arthritis, there is inflammation in his joints, and in this case, you can advise them to consume white Musli. The use of white Musli in arthritis disease decreases the likelihood of swelling in the joints, the likelihood of inflammation also increases. This is due to its adverse quality. 2. Beneficial in cancer  Those who have cancer problems should take white Musli because the consumption of white Musli can reduce cancer. Experts also believe that consumption of white Musli can reduce cancer.
To reduce the problem of cancer, take one gram or half teaspoon of Musli powder in milk or water and take it twice a day, this will greatly benefit you. 3. Beneficial in diabetes Those who have diabetes should eat white Musli because it is very beneficial for them. It gives strength to fight diabetes. If the problem of diabetes occurs to a thin person, it is very beneficial in its treatment, but it is very slow in obese individuals. You can consume half teaspoons of powdered milk in a glass of milk and this will benefit you a lot.
4. Beneficial in weakness In today's time, due to more work and life of Bhagdaur, a man gets very tired after the day's work, due to which he feels very tired and weak at night. If you also suffer from this problem, then take white Musli with sugars. By consuming it will reduce your tiredness and the body will be filled with new energy.
13 Surprising Health Benefits of White Musli and Side Effects
5. Beneficial in weight gain Those who have very little weight, they want to increase their weight in many ways, for that, you can take white Musli because of your weight increases due to white Musli consumption. You eat white muesli with a glass of milk, this will benefit you a lot.
6. Beneficial in small spermatozoa White Musli is considered very useful for short sperm because it makes counting, quantity, liquefaction time and mobility very good. The white serum made from Musli improves the level of testosterone and testes to a great extent. 7. White Musli Beneficial in Nightfall White Musli is also used for nightfall in the night. When the patient feels about weakness, backache, or low energy after emission at night, then you can also use white Musli. You take white Musli with sugars because it helps you reduce the frequency of emission during the night and give body rebirth. 8. White Musli Beneficial in erectile dysfunction Those who do not have strength in the gendered tissues, white Musli is very beneficial for those people. You can improve the hardness of your penis using the white Musli and with its help, you help in making emissions for a long time. Works on white Musli tests and hormones also stimulate spermatogenesis. 9. Beneficial in mental stress In today's times, people take a lot of stress on anything or anything, they tend to get angry because of which they get mental strain, in such a way it should be consumed white muesli because it reduces mental stress and the mind It also relaxes.
10. Beneficial in breastfeeding For women who have to breastfeed their children, white Musli has a lot of benefits because it increases the quality of milk in women, as well as helps in getting rid of the vaginal dryness in women.
13 Surprising Health Benefits of White Musli and Side Effects
11. Beneficial in the immune system In today's times, pollution and wasteful eating habits weaken people's immunity or disease resistance, due to which people easily suffer from any disease. In this way, you can consume white Musli because white muesli contains such properties which help in increasing disease resistance. 12. White Musli Beneficial in sex You can make your sex life good by consuming white Musli because your consumption increases the amount of blood in your genitalia and you can remain excited for a long time. It increases your sex drive and makes your personal life very much better. 13. Beneficial in impotence White Musli is very beneficial for people who are at risk of being impotent because they increase semen. If you consume it regularly, the risk of impotence can be reduced to a great extent. Take a spoonful of white peanut powder with cow's milk, it will give you a lot of benefits. You take it twice a day, it will get rid of impotence.
13 Surprising health benefits of White Musli and side effects
1. Excessive consumption Consumption of white Musli can also be harmful, as it contains the amount of fiber and moisture and tightens the stool, due to which there is a lot of trouble in the small intestine and it has a negative effect on the whole body. is. You may occasionally experience any obstruction in the intestine, which also has to deal with constipation, cramps, and pain. 2. Allergens By the way, allergy is very rare, but sometimes it is allergic to a person, in which the patient first starts swelling and the nose is closed due to the flow. The throat starts getting itchy and the irritation begins to occur. 3. Deficiency There is a lot of weakness in the patient, because of which his tongue starts drying up and his body keeps on removing. It starts to cause headache and breathing difficulties also occur. 4. Decrease in hunger When a person consumes more puffed rice than needed, the person gets hungry gradually. When you are consumed with hunger, you should show the doctor. 5. In pregnancy and breastfeeding It is not known till date that whether the use of white Musli during pregnancy or breastfeeding is appropriate, but if you are in this condition then you should stay away from it and if you want to consume it, make sure to consult a doctor or gynecologist. 6. Increased cough People who consume white Musli and have cough problems, it can be due to white muesli, because white muesli is cool and it enhances cough. If you already suffer from cough problems, do not consume white Musli. Related Post
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Hardwood Checks out Through JORD.
For those that just completed the Akron Marathon this past weekend break, listed below is a wonderful post to read that is actually a section off guide Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? The guardian on the additional shoulder - which talked better to me, compared to I talk with me - stated OH Dorothy, this is actually not your mistake, you are Operating Your Body - despite exactly how you feel you always keep trying - you will definitely figure this out - you will. Having said that, as you mentioned, if your brain is operating merely great on ketones, opportunities are your body system isn't really alright. When you participate in one thing like a triathlon, a multi-hour hike, or even a future race, you're subjecting your physical body to stress and anxiety that results in harm as well as takes time to recover. My other half claimed he would certainly stand protector but after that did/said absolutely nothing when a few guys used. They certainly giggled when I went out the slow to wash my palms along with bright red cheeks (I was actually type of humiliated), however luckily nobody yelled at me! My objective was to be in the low 6:20 s, however I understood my body was not visiting participate. Rebecca as well as I high-fived, assisted a few other individuals over the wall structure as well as took place to examine our new-found stamina and also peace of mind on other challenges. This must additionally be actually noted that on Time 6, in a match from tears-about-to-happen, I stomped my means right into the kitchen area, got a spoon as well as slowly delighted in a small (heaping) scoop of almond butter. I calculated I would certainly attempt to kick back up Vejo as high as I could, and then recover any type of shed energy on the quick downhill before the actual test: Dammeron. The important point I desired to finish with these runs was to practice what morning meal that I will possess and what gels and also alcoholic beverages I would certainly try throughout the run to sustain electricity as well as boost energy along the way. Eventually there is actually http://nettoyageduverre.info from the Verdon Energy Moisturiser, an excellent item. Drinking electricity alcoholic beverages and snacking on salted crackers will definitely keep your salt amounts up. Do not take a look at the ranges. The flu infection differs from the acute rhinitis and various other viruses accordinged to numerous variables, featuring just what aspect of the body system are affected, and also how the signs and symptoms, all at once, influence the body and also its own function. Must agree with the earlier opinion that the top quality of the ladies ethnicities are actually surely brokening as are the gentlemens I would certainly you look back. Transform this to low as well as the water has opportunity to take in. Your body system behaves in precisely the same way. Just before I left behind the house I had currently had my stomach meds (prilosec) and my Advair inhaler for my bronchial asthma, alongside some pseudoephedrine and high levels of caffeine through 5 hour electricity and finally took a little Afrin for my allergic reactions. At this point I was actually still thinking that I possessed a slim chance from boosting the age group course document which I had actually specified in 2015 in 4:27:30. I enabled outdoors influences to shadow my mind on exactly how I was 'meant' to look, rather than embracing the powerhouse from a body that I possessed. That put rainfall yet I wound up jogging adverse divides (1:25.30) and was 2nd overall (featuring females as well as males). When guys ask concerns in chat, that is actually generally to a lot better understand the various other individual's account. The body makes use of Beta-Alanine by converting this into Carnosine enabling you to exercise for a lot longer just before really feeling the 'shed'. As well as because these power bodies operate on a combined continuum, precise surveillance of energy systems could be difficult and complicated. Simply to become clear, just what I'm stating is actually that even when Sanders promoters were actually ADDITIONALLY racialists, rapists, Canadians, ultra-conservative Republicans, females, and also irritated white males - they would be actually the dumbest one of that collection. The analysts notify that such glucose-only beverages might make intestine pain and also advise sucrose-based choices, or glucose in water, can help make physical exercise much easier. I have actually overcome a number of personal injuries with the use of physical body sensing as well as various other ChiRunning procedures. As well as if I relocate 2 additional lanes away from you, this most likely implies I don't intend to consult with you any longer, merely sayin'. I am actually not quite certain exactly how upcoming full week will go given that I'm running the Runner's World 3.8 path race/5k/10k/ 13.1. To be truthful, I fidget given that this is just what I want to phone a risk region." Dashing 2 5ks in one weekend break is actually not as wrecking to your physical body as competing all of those with each other. And also what that indicates is actually when you simplify, our body systems possess 2 power burning systems. Nike uses the Dynamic Fit unit, which is an encouraging inner sleeve that wraps under the arch and also around the midfoot for much better arch help and a protected, yet non-restrictive fit. Allow your graphic connection with your target" to pull your body system ahead while you are actually moving via all the measures of the knee-bending physical exercise. Regarding Linda's functionality, I actually took a look at the UNITED STATE Track & Area website for roadway racing files and found the W45-49 age incredibly missing out on for half-marathon, so I'm not sure if her 1:13:31 is actually eligible or not. I'll be actually carrying out a handful of runs while in Montréal so I have my Bloks and Chances to keep my energy up during the jog (considering I received Jennifer and I dropped in the lumbers ... our team're visiting need to have electricity in Montréal!) as well as a handful of clubs in order to get by means of the day. When your the hormone insulin amounts are actually higher which is generally what that feels like after you have consumed or even when you remain in that post absorptive condition or digesting food items, it is actually harder for your body system to take in the body fat. The trash delivery service often goes by the name United States Postal Service. Through that filter (the Professional Persuader filter ), Iowa could be significant as an electricity enhancer for the project. I am going to remain to consume carbs, normally as GU electricity gels, throughout competitions (I ate 30+ GUs throughout Western States) and much higher strength long term. Research studies have actually revealed that this job carried out improve VO2 maximum for individuals who weren't fit at the starting point from the research. A big aspect of prosperous endurance running has to do with the monitoring from offered energy.
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radicheart · 3 months
Headcanon Dump
Alastor sometimes goes by the nickname of “Cal” to differentiate himself from his alternates. “Cal” is short for “Calloway”.
Alastor’s father’s name is Travis Reed. Alastor killed him when he himself was only ten years old. Travis is indeed in Hell, and occasionally their paths will cross. It always ends with Travis getting killed. He also refuses to call him ‘father’, always preferring to call him by his name, and he’s publicly broadcast Travis’ personal information to try and cause problems on purpose.
Alastor’s mother’s name was Desdemona, maiden name of Guillory - which is the name he’s taken to using for himself. She died as well, but she’s up in Heaven, so Alastor doesn’t have any sort of contact with her.
Alastor had a little sister named Josephine. She was born when he was four, but died in a drowning accident when she was six.
Alastor enjoyed playing with a homemade slingshot as a child, and he was actually quite a good aim with it.
Alastor hosts one scheduled broadcast every week on Sunday nights from eight to ten in the evening. Each one is closed out with a single song request sent in by his listeners. He also visits the Cannibal Colony to hang out with Rosie and her friends every Thursday afternoon from 2-6 PM.
Alastor has a journal, and he writes his entries as if they are letters addressed to his mother.
Alastor has planted a rose bush near his radio tower in memory of his mother, with a plaque bearing her name. It’s tucked away from the public eye, in a little clearing in the nearby woods. He takes very good care of it and would fly into a rage if he ever caught someone trying to pick its flowers.
Alastor has a nervous habit of tugging at his cuffs. If he’s not wearing something easily tuggable, he’ll wrap a hand around his opposite wrist and scratch. Sometimes he leaves marks due to pressing down too hard with his nails.
Alastor is not covered in scars; they’re only on his forearms and back. His arms have scratches and dog bites from when he was trying to defend himself the day he died, and as a child his father would beat him so often and so hard that there are now permanent marks slicing across his back.
Alastor is not afraid of dogs. He just really dislikes them because of their involvement in his death. It brings back terrible memories for him. This dislike only applies to beagles, since that was the breed used to hunt him down.
Mirroring his disliking of beagles, Alastor absolutely adores cats - literal or sinner. They are by far his favorite animal.
Alastor’s minions are actually rag dolls he made by hand. Making these rag dolls takes up a decent chunk of his time when he’s not doing broadcasts or working for the hotel. If he makes a rag doll of your muse, he likes you. If he gives that rag doll to your muse instead of keeping it on his shelf, he really likes you.
Alastor’s shadow’s name is Cotton.
Alastor dislikes sweets because he is allergic to sugar - sucrose, to be specific (aka the white granulated stuff you spoon into your coffee or put in your cookies). Fructose and lactose are perfectly fine. Symptoms vary based on how much he eats, but even a tiny amount will get his tongue tingling, which is enough of a deterrent for him. More serious symptoms include breaking out in hives, having stomach cramps, wheezing, shortness of breath, and eventually vomiting.
Alastor tends to get uncharacteristically gloomy on his death day (November 6th).
Alastor can play the piano, organ, harpsichord, and violin! He would like to learn the guitar, but he never remembers to get around to it.
Alastor’s microphone voices used to belong to and be the demons he's hunted down over the years.
Alastor doesn’t use washing machines or dryers. He still uses tin tubs, a rub board, and a clothesline. He tried to use a washer all of once and simply could not figure it out.
Alastor occasionally enjoys smoking both cigars and cigarettes. For cigars, he prefers the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaraguan. For cigarettes, his go-to brand is Lucky Strike, and he specifically tends to buy the Lucky Strike Reds.
Alastor carries the following items with him, on his person, at all times: his favorite knife, a Colt Model 1908, a cigarette case, and a vintage pocket watch.
Alastor wears cologne on a daily basis! The scent is a mixture of vanilla, burning wood, mandarin, pine needles and rosemary. Also, the bottle looks damn good on his bathroom countertop.
Alastor likes to collect and keep the whiskers Husk sheds. He doesn’t do anything with them; they’re just stored in a little box on his home office’s desk. (This headcanon only applies to his NPC Husk unless a Husk’s mun agrees with it.)
Alastor’s clothing and hair maintenance are both tended to by Niffty. (This headcanon only applies to his NPC Niffty unless a Niffty’s mun agrees with it.)
The gold coins Alastor likes to flick at people are worth $50 apiece.
Alastor does, in fact, have hooves; he just covers them up with specially-made shoes most of the time so he can still appear somewhat normal…and also tap-dance more efficiently.
Alastor’s top three favorite holidays (in order) are: Christmas, Mardi Gras, and Halloween.
Alastor served in World War 1—specifically in the Navy. It’s where he was first introduced to the world of radio.
Alastor shakes off his fluff-covered hooves like a soaked cat after he showers/bathes/otherwise gets wet.
Alastor’s portals (and magic in general) are bright green.
Alastor can manipulate his microphone to move on its own. He can also make its staff and the discs at the top and bottom sharpen, effectively turning it into a weapon capable of stabbing and/or slicing—and when it’s idling it always hovers against his back. 
Alastor’s antlers grow magnolias for two weeks in March. While normal magnolias are harmless, Alastor’s are not. Do not eat those. They will kill you. Bonus headcanon that Husk likes to crush up their petals and poison someone’s drink if they’ve ticked him off in some way. (This headcanon only applies to his NPC Husk unless a Husk’s mun agrees with it.)
Alastor’s favorite season is autumn.
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benegap · 7 years
Sugar n’ Spice and Everything Nice
By Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.
Unfortunately many little girls and little boys, too, are made of sugar; the sugar they eat. The average person eats 153 pounds of sugar a year, which is equivalent to over half a cup a day. The average teenage boy eats twice as much sugar than any other age or sex group. That puts him at over a cup of sugar a day.
From the time we come into this world to the time we leave, sweeteners are present in most of our diets. The first non-milk food that a baby is likely to receive in North American hospitals is a 5-percent glucose-and-water solution (IV). Some baby milk formulas still contain sugar. Children are rewarded with sugar. “Eat your dinner and you will get your dessert.” Some behavior modification classes reward children with candy when they have finished an assignment or have not disturbed the class. Children even sell sugary products, such as Girl Scout cookies and sweet morsels at church bake sales. The list goes on.
Dr. William Crook feels that he has an understanding of the role that sugar plays in the hyperactivity of children. He found that gastrointestinal growth and invasion of candida albicans, a yeast, was approximately 200 times greater in mice who received dextrose in their feedings than in a control group of mice who received no dextrose. When a person has candida, there is more gut permeability. This means that food in the gut can get from the intestines into the blood stream undigested or partially digested, when candida is present. This undigested food does not belong in the blood stream, and can cause hyperactivity.
There is plenty of information on sugar and children. The problem is that it is controversial. Some research shows that it does cause hyperactivity and aggressiveness in children. Other research shows that it does not seem to cause any abnormal behavior. The research of Alexander Schauss, author of Diet, Crime and Delinquency, shows that when sugar is removed from a child’s diet, school grades go up.
Three university behavioral researchers evaluated the diet changes instituted during 1980, 81 and 83 by Dr. Elizabeth Cagan, of the New York Public School System. The researchers found that the four years which showed gains in national ranking were the same four years in which there were major dietary policy revisions involving sucrose, fats, and food additives. After the policy changes, the schools showed a significant rise in national percentile ranking that correlated to the percentage of children eating school food.
Before the diet changes, the 804 schools averaged in the 41 percentile nationally (1976-79) based on achievement tests scores. During the four years in which the diet changes occurred, the mean national academic performances ranking rose to the 51 percentile. New York City schools moved from 11% below the national
average to 5% above the national mean.
So where do I stand? It is simple, so simple. If your child has any of the following problems, I suggest that you take sugar completely out of his/her diet for at least ten days.
· difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
· difficulty concentrating
· low grades in school
· allergies
· frequent headaches
· hyperactive or listless
· overweight
· many dental fillings
· cannot go for more than four hours without eating
· colds or bacterial infections more than once a year
You have nothing to loose. In fact, you will probably save much money not buying ice cream, cakes, candy, and the like. You might even alleviate some symptoms your child is having and help his health. Early childhood symptoms can mean adult degenerative diseases.
I have seen many children who have had one or more of the above problems. Sugar is removed from the child’s diet and miraculous things happen. If some of your child’s symptoms do go away, but some are still there, I recommend that you remove all wheat and dairy for another ten days. The reason for the elimination of milk products and wheat products is that many people have become allergic to these products because they have been eating them with so much sugar. Wheat is made into donuts, cakes, pies, and cookies. Milk products are made into ice cream, cheese cake, and puddings. By eating these sugary products we have made ourselves allergic to wheat and milk. We can make ourselves allergic to any food we continually eat with sugar.
Obesity in children now is a problem worldwide. Significant factors influencing fat and weight gain include increased TV watching, fast food dining, and poor physical education programs at school. Only 36 percent of our children are in a daily athletic program at school. Children should learn lifelong habits at home to reduce the problems of obesity and the health related problems that go with it. Unfortunately it is the overweight moms and dads that have been teaching their children eating, exercise and TV habits. If you have an obese child, remove all sugar, wheat and dairy products and the problem might solve itself.
I love working with children because they have not abused their bodies for forty years like many of us. Their bodies regain health easily when substances are removed that have been upsetting their body chemistry. It takes just a few days to see a difference. Don’t forget the psychological aspect of health. Children can have psychological problems just like adults and this causes stress on the body that can upset the body chemistry.
Remember one thing. Respecting your child is more important than nagging him not to eat sugar. He can change his diet when he reaches 21 years old, but if the respect has not been in his childhood, it is very difficult to change his psychological makeup at age 21.
My children were about 7 and 11 when I understood what sugar was doing to my family. I just removed the sugar from our home, all of it. I knew that they ate it when they went out, and I said very little about this. I set the example. They saw me have more energy and less symptoms. I did not yell at them because I felt better. So love and respect your children. That is the most important thing.
The process of removing sugar is evolutionary, not revolutionary. Take small steps (just like a child does) in changing the eating habits of your whole family. If you do, you will help you child during his or her childhood but also you will help to eliminate the degenerative diseases later.
Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. is a nutritionist, researcher, lecturer, and author of the new edition of LICK THE SUGAR HABIT, HEALTHY BONES, and THE SECRETS OF NATURAL HEALING WITH FOOD. Nancy did her undergraduate work at U.C.L.A. in Food and Nutrition. She received her Ph.D. from Walden University in Health Services. Visit her website at http://ift.tt/2jXiVPt
Goldman, J., et al. Behavioral Effects of Sucrose on Preschool Children, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 14, 4 (1986): 565-577
Behar D, Rapoport J, Adams, Berg C, and Cornblat, M Sugar Challenge Testing with Children Considered Behaviorally Sugar Reactive, Nutritional Behavior 1 (1984): 277-288
from Health Insure Guides http://ift.tt/2y0T0MS via health insurance cover
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Proper Childhood Feeding
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Proper Childhood Feeding
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Copyright 2005 Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.
Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D, M.H., HMC
A lifelong legacy of good health emanates from the institution of correct feeding practices at birth. Unfortunately, in this era, feeding children in accordance with Nature’s dictates has fallen out of fashion.
Good parents make every effort to provide for their children materially and to orient their moral compasses. But their nutritional guidance responsibility is often neglected. As a result, many parents unwittingly subvert their offspring’s health and human potential. Proper feeding not only benefits the child in the immediate sense, but also serves as a paradigm the child is likely to adopt and pursue throughout his or her adulthood. Proverbs 22:6 teaches: “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
For the most part, disease is not, as is popularly thought, a direct outcome of microbial infection; rather, it’s the result of disregarding one of Nature’s primary laws: Human beings have an inherent relationship with those fundamental elements necessary for life: proper diet; pure water; fresh air; adequate sunlight, exercise, warmth, rest and sleep; emotional harmony; proper posture. Disease is an outgrowth of a deficiency or excess of one or more of them.
Violation of this law leads to the two primary roots of disease: autotoxemia and enervation. Autotoxemia is a polluted state of the internal milieu. This toxic burden impedes all bodily functions, including elimination, and so increases and perpetuates itself. Enervation is a state characterized by depletion of nerve force and reduction of the body’s resistance to infection. These two conjugated factors fuel each other and constitute the primary disease state. Acute ailments such as colds and flu as well as chronic ailments such as recurrent middle ear infections, diarrhea and eczema are secondary effects of this primary state.
When systemic level of toxicity surpasses the body’s threshold point of tolerance, a crisis of toxemia ensues. Medical science classifies these crises as acute “diseases,” according to their unique symptom complexes (e.g., bronchitis, colds, flu, pneumonia, etc.).
In reality, these crises are the body’s urgent efforts toward elimination of toxins. The crisis of toxemia continues until the level of toxicity has been reduced (via sweating, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, nasal drainage) to below the threshold point of tolerance, after which it subsides as naturally as it arose. However, if drugs are used to suppress toxic discharges, the poisonous matter (which the body is seeking to expel) is forced away from eliminating organs and secreting surfaces, and forced deeper into the tissues which further lowers the body’s vitality, setting the wheels of chronic disease in motion.
In this era, traditional naturopathic knowledge regarding childhood feeding has fallen into near-total obscurity. Harry Benjamin, N.D. writes in Everybody’s Guide To Nature Cure (1936): “Parents assume that the children’s ailments of today are something inevitable. So they are –if children are fed as they are today.” The import of this observation has increased exponentially in this ubiquitous junk-foods era.
Aliveness is dependent upon what naturopaths refer to as vital force and Chinese medicine calls chi. Vital force is the fundamental energy sustaining life and is present in every cell’s vibratory, biological process. The Chinese feel that a large proportion of vital force is liberated from food upon digestion and assimilation. Thus, the quantity of vital force—the very force that is the impetus of growth and development—is dependent upon our food’s quality.
Medical science now clearly acknowledges that childhood diet is a critical factor in adult health. A recent study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that weekly servings of French fries to girls between the ages of 3 and 5 significantly increases their risk of developing breast cancer later in life.
By now, the link between improper childhood feeding and lifelong obesity with all its associated health risks (e.g., diabetes, heart disease, cancer) is well-established. Astonishingly, 60% of American children are obese (i.e., over 30% of body weight is fat). Unlike adults, a child’s body, when challenged by an excess quantity of fat, creates new fat cells rather than relying upon the storage capacity of pre-existing cells. At maturity, the number of fat cells is fixed and can never be reduced. Normally, the adult body contains 30 to 40 billion fat cells. Adults who became overweight as children may house as many as 90 to 120 billion fat cells.
In cases of childhood physical illness and behavioral dysfunction, a pivotal and often overlooked factor is improper diet. In the digestive system, intestinal villi represent a type of “root system” charged with absorbing nutrients from the small intestine and transporting them to the blood. Like a plant, the integrity and vitality of the human organism is largely dependent upon its root strength and the quality of accessed nourishment.
Poor nutrition directly contributes to behavioral- as well as physical dysfunction in a variety of ways. Vital nutrient deficiency is an obvious one. For instance, zinc-deficient children are not only immunologically compromised, they are also subject to learning disabilities, moodiness and proneness to violent behavior.
Proper childhood feeding actually begins before birth. William Howard Hay, M.D. writes in Superior Health Through nutrition (1891): “As we eat, so are we. We die, cell by cell, every day of our lives and, cell by cell, we are recreated. We not only have the means of proper re-creation in our hands through our manner of feeding, but also original creation [of cells] depends largely on the state of the mother’s chemistry.” Thus, the importance of optimal prenatal nutrition cannot be overemphasized. For many children, a pattern of food allergies, obesity and chronic unwellness is institutionalized before they are even born
Mother’s Milk
Human milk meets the infant’s special growth requirements. To accommodate evolving nutritive requirements, both composition and volume of breast milk change as the infant matures. Each species’ milk is adapted precisely to the specifications of its own young. Accordingly, vast differences exist between nutrient profiles of human milk and those of other species. For instance, human milk contains 1% – 2% protein as opposed to the 3.4% protein-content in cow’s milk.
Importantly, human milk’s amino acid composition is ideally suited to facilitate the great degree of brain growth that occurs in a child’s first year of life. Cow’s milk, on the other hand, is structurally adapted to rapid development of muscle and bone mass rather than brain tissue (adult cows have relatively small brains).
Whether milk or soy based, commercial baby formulas are a highly problematic substitute for mother’s milk. Commercial formulas evoke diverse allergic reactions which often affect digestive function. Formulas generally provide difficult-to-digest proteins (more than baby can absorb), giving rise to putrefying accumulations in the bowels. Also, undigested protein can enter the bloodstream which causes distal-site inflammation and elicits adverse immunological responses.
Mother’s milk contains only one type of sugar: lactose. Artificial formulas are laden with refined sugars such as sucrose, maltose and dextrose which tend to ferment in the child’s digestive tract, interfere with the digestion of formula protein-content and lay the groundwork for many catarrhal disorders associated with childhood, including chronic ear infection, tonsillitis, croup and colic.
The Nursing Mother’s Proper Diet And Lifestyle
Despite breast milk’s superiority to the milk of other species and to commercial formulas, this does not mean that all breast milk is of good quality. Quality of breast milk will vary in accordance with the quality of mother’s diet and lifestyle. A healthy, thriving child is most likely the product of a nursing mother’s lifestyle that is characterized by: proper diet; adequate fresh air, exercise, sunshine, rest and sleep; emotional balance; avoidance of negative influences.
The nursing mother should eat a high water-content diet consisting of large quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables and comparatively smaller quantities of whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, fish, skinless chicken and turkey. She must also avoid all common allergenic foods (e.g., dairy, wheat, peanuts, etc.) and rotate moderately allergenic foods such as corn and eggs on a four-day schedule.
The Three Feeding Periods Of Childhood
Ideally, childhood feeding should consist of three clearly demarcated phases:
1) Breast milk period: breast milk is taken along with supplemental fresh, raw fruit and vegetable juices.
2) Transition period: intermediate-phase when the child takes both breast milk and proper solid foods.
3) Post-weaning period: the child subsists on a diet similar to that of adults.
Ultimately, the best way to ensure a child’s physical and behavioral integrity is through careful and knowledgeable implementation of each phase. For example, a common feeding error in infants is the premature introduction of starches. Starches do not occur in breast milk and infants are unable to digest it.
Starch digestion begins in the mouth as saliva contains the starch-splitting enzyme salivary amylase. Noted naturopath Paavo Airola, N.D. writes in Every Woman’s Book: “Salivary amylase will not be present in a child in any appreciable quantity for at least 6 months. Another starch-digesting enzyme secreted by the pancreas is also not present in sufficient amount to digest starch….The baby’s digestive system is not equipped to efficiently digest starch foods until 1-year or longer, and therefore, he should not be fed starchy foods for at least that long.”
It’s common practice for mothers to introduce cereals to 4-month-old infants. This crucial feeding error may impact the child’s health for the rest of her life. Herbert Shelton, N.D., founder of the Natural Hygiene System, writes in The Hygienic Care Of Children: “The present widespread practice of feeding cereals, baked potatoes, bread and other starch foods to babies is responsible for much illness in them. Indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, colic, skin rashes, tonsillitis, etc. are chief among the outgrowths of such feeding.” I have always advised mothers against feeding starches to babies until they are at least 14-months-old.
Clearly, investing in a child’s future must go beyond a college education fund to include parental investment of time and effort to learn about and implement optimal prenatal and childhood nutrition. In fact, it is one of the most important gifts a child can receive.
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smiledotdeer-a · 2 years
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Alastor sometimes goes by the nickname of “Cal” to differentiate himself from his alternates. “Cal” is short for “Calloway” - a reference to his breaking into Heaven to get an alternate some signed Cab Calloway records.
Alastor's father’s name is Travis Reed. Alastor killed him when he himself was only ten years old. Travis is indeed in Hell, and occasionally their paths will cross. It always ends with Travis getting killed.
Alastor's mother’s name was Desdemona, maiden name of Guillory - which is the name he's taken to using for himself. She died as well, but she’s up in Heaven, so Alastor doesn't have any sort of contact with her.
Alastor had a little sister named Josephine. She was born when he was four, but died in a drowning accident when she was six.
Alastor's mother gave him a porcelain doll as a Christmas gift that his father destroyed later on. For Christmas of 2021, an alternate managed to find and restore the doll before giving it to him as a gift.
Alastor once nursed a baby alligator back to health when he was a child.
Alastor enjoyed playing with a homemade slingshot as a child, and he was actually quite a good aim with it.
Alastor hosts one scheduled broadcast every week on Sunday nights from eight to ten in the evening. Each one is closed out with a single song request sent in by his listeners.
Alastor writes his journal entries as letters to his mother. She may be long dead and unable to read them, but he still likes to do it as a comfort for himself.
Alastor has planted a rose bush near his radio tower in memory of his mother, with a plaque bearing her name. It’s tucked away from the public eye, in a little clearing in the nearby woods. He takes very good care of it and would fly into a rage if he ever caught someone trying to pick its flowers.
Alastor has a nervous habit of tugging at his cuffs. If he’s not wearing something easily tuggable, he’ll wrap a hand around his opposite wrist and scratch. Sometimes he leaves marks due to pressing down too hard with his nails.
Alastor is not covered in scars; they're only on his forearms and back. His arms have scratches and dog bites from when he was trying to defend himself the day he died, and as a child his father would beat him so often and so hard that there are now permanent marks slicing across his back.
Alastor is not afraid of dogs. He just really dislikes them, mostly because of their involvement in his death, but also because he never seems to get along with them. And the bigger they are, the more that dislike grows. This dislike does not transfer over to hellhounds or other dog-like demons, though; he discerns the difference.
Mirroring his disliking of dogs, Alastor absolutely adores cats - literal or sinner.
Alastor's hands get cold so easily during the fall and winter months. Even with his gloves on, they tend to be chilly at best, freezing at worst.
Alastor’s minions are actually rag dolls he made by hand and then infused with some of the souls he’s collected over the years. Making these rag dolls takes up a decent chunk of his time when he’s not doing broadcasts or working for the hotel. If he makes a rag doll of your muse, he likes you. If he gives that rag doll to your muse instead of keeping it on his shelf, he really likes you.
Alastor occasionally enjoys smoking both cigars and cigarettes. For cigars, he prefers the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaraguan. For cigarettes, his go-to brand is Lucky Strike, and he specifically tends to buy the Lucky Strike Reds.
Alastor's shadow’s name is Cotton.
Alastor dislikes sweets because he is allergic to sugar - sucrose, to be specific (aka the white granulated stuff you spoon into your coffee or put in your cookies). Fructose and lactose are perfectly fine. Symptoms vary based on how much he eats, but even a tiny amount will get his tongue tingling, which is enough of a deterrent for him. More serious symptoms include breaking out in hives, having stomach cramps, wheezing, shortness of breath, and eventually vomiting.
Alastor has a pet possum given to him by an anon that he’s named Moonshine. He doesn’t know its sex, and in all honesty, he doesn’t care to know, so he always refers to it with gender-neutral pronouns - and he fully expects you to do the same.
Alastor tends to get uncharacteristically gloomy on his death day (November 6th).
Alastor can play the piano, organ, harpsichord, and violin! He would like to learn the guitar, but he never remembers to get around to it.
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