#Alpha Iorveth
unknownmusing · 1 year
The Witcher Fanstory - Ioroche Fic: 'Fate Never Comes by Accident' - (Part 1 of ?)
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Iorveth/Vernon relationship
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Alpha Iorveth and Omega Vernon
1 of ? parts
For @chamotea, @apastandfuturenerd and other Ioroche Shippers out there
For a long time, Vernon Roche - Temerian Commander of the Blue Stripes, Foltest's Hound and right-hand man - has been hiding his status as Un-mated Omega, even though in the past King Foltest ordered for his Scent-gland to be 'Cut' and his Crest Fronds on the nape of his neck to be 'Scarred' so that he didn't send Foltest's men into a rut-filled frenzy - until one day he returns to a place where he first met his long-term enemy - Iorveth.
Complicated issues arise though when Vernon, experiences Heat-sickness; rumours spread that Nilfgaard is spreading it's way across the map and plan to attack Vergen next and Aen Seidhe Alpha finds himself falling for his long-term enemy.
PART 1 - Prologue - 'Returning to a Place where One First met their Enemy'
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"Water's cold as hell. Come on, witcher!" Vernon Roche - Temeria Commander of the Blue Stripes, hidden Omega and Un-Mated - shouts up at the white-haired Witcher, who is taking his sweet time in the large boat bearing on the large sail the crest of the Temerian lilies busy making sure everything is sorted - before joins him and Triss - the female Sorceress, who had decided to accompany them both.
It meant to just be him and Geralt doing some 'Reconnaissance' only for Triss Merigold - a Beta, thankfully and not an Alpha as he didn't need two on the ship it would just cause problems even though he never gone into Heat for quite some ever since Foltest had turn the 'Scent-Gland Cutting' process do him not wanting an Un-Mated Omega sending his men into a Rut-filled frenzy - to decide she was coming with them and she want take them saying 'No' to her about it.
" Your witcher's arse is going to have to get wet. Jump." He shouts up, seeing Geralt looking down at them then swing himself effortlessly over the side of the boat to splash right beside him with his Alpha scent less dulled - which meant the wee flask he seen the Witcher taking was Pheromone Nuller, to help null the scent of an Alpha or Omega - where soon the three of them head wade out of the water to the riverbank.
Following the riverbank, the group of three make their way to Flotsam - a small village surrounded by a large tall forest which according to Roche's secret informer was overrun by a group of Scoiateal with very strong Alpha Leader who lead them - with Merigold starting to ask him questions, while the Witcher walks behind them checking stuff on the way - plants, tracks and occasionally placing some in his satchel.
"Any news from your secret informer?" She asks him, forcing him to sigh heavily because what can he tell her - most of it so poetically written it given him countless headaches to figure what his informer was talking about, he blames Thaler for choosing a Bard to be his secret informer for information.
"The port's blocked. Some merchants have been hold up for months…" Roche replies, pinching the bridge of his nose when feels another headache coming on and slight sickness in the stomach - something which even Ves, his second-in-command who felt more like his daughter had noticed commenting he should see a Special Doctor about it in case it were something affecting him - quickly turning to look over his shoulder to see where their wayward Witcher is.
Geralt, looks like he's choosing not to get too close to him but indicates he's alright and that they should keep on moving.
"What about roads through the forest...? Merigold asks him, making him turn his face back to her when the trio continue to walk along the river-bank, shafts of sunlight shining down through the towering canopy of trees above their heads.
Vernon, tries not to think of his first mission to Flotsam, where him and Ves along with the rest of the Blue Stripes had attacked on the road they took to get to the place by Scoia'tael resulting in such a clash he been glad to get away by the fabric of his gambeson seeing the leader - Iorveth - being held back by his men, holding a scrap of it in one gloved hand, mouth bloodied and smirking at him.
"Iorveth rules the forest...." He states in reply, cheeks flooding with heat at the memory of that annoying Scoia'tael grabbing him mid-way through their fight to lick his cheek where he ascertained a cut followed by stealing a kiss from his lips that afterwards he punched his enemy for good measure due to the un-wanted kiss.
"Where are we?" Roche asks suddenly, confused because they way their coming he doesn't remember - had Flotsam outskirts changed so much, he literally couldn't remember his way or was this a different route from the one he first taken during his first mission to the place hearing the Sorcress beside chuckling at his question. That didn't help him at all in hearing it.
"In a forest, Roche. I thought you've been to Flotsam before." She says, seeing how he looks at her with slightly widened eyes then giving shrewd glare - because how would she knew that unless one of his Blue Stripes had let it slip out - at her, finding himself that he's going have to talk to his men about what they say to the female sorceress.
The three of them are just about to go around a corner when a hand touches his arm, stopping him from going further that flicks his gaze to Geralt, who's come up to him tilting his head slightly like he can hear something Roche can't hear at the moment.
"Hear that?"
Listening, Roche, quickly catches only the brief rustling before it moves on than a sudden scent wafts it way towards to wrap around him - his internal ovaries of his Omega body choose at the sametime at the moment to cramp painfully - that he immediately recognises the scent.
There was no mistake on who it was.
"I....smell....an elf..." Roche grits out, forcing himself to concentrate when he makes his way around the corner of the riverbank, his ears picking up the sound of the flute starting to be played that tries to rid himself of the haze which is starting to settle in.
Something which been happening quite a lot when a Alpha with intense scent confronted him or released their scent into the air - to ascertain where it's coming from.
A short distance down the riverbank, the trio finds the player of the flute - an elf, wearing the colours of forest emerald-green with badges stolen from mutiple factions playing a ornately carved wooden flute, the red badanna covering one of their eyes - that Vernon Roche, chokes out "That's......." when recognises precisely who it is.
Iorveth - his long-term enemy, an Elf and also an Alpha - who sensing he's being watched lowers his flute to get up turning on the fallen log he been sitting on - waiting it seems for them to arrive, so had that been what had been watching them from the cliff-face above hidden by the foliage above as him, Geralt and Merigold stood on the riverbank discussing their best course of action - to face them, confronting Roche straight away.
"Vernon Roche! Special Forces Commander for the last four years. Servant of the Temerian king. Responsible for the pacification of the Mahakaman foothills. Hunter of elves, murderer of women and children. Twice decorated for valor on the field of battle.."
Irked so much by hearing this, Roche, lets out snarl baring his Omegan fangs as he tries to shake off the cloying scent wrapping more strongly around now he was in front of the very source of it, he hits back not caring whether it offends or doesn't offend the Alpha elf in front of him.
"Iorveth - a regular son of an Alpha whore." He spits out, seeing Iorveth bristling at the comment his Alpha scent increasing ten-fold that Roche, wonders how's he still trying to stand even as his internal Omegan Ovaries cramp painfully within his body and sweat begins to form on his body.
"I've long awaited our next meeting. You left me with this parting gift, last time, you came here." Iorveth smirks out, bringing up the piece of gambeson - Temerian blue-coloured, even though faded - to show off to Roche, who balks at the sight of it feeling behind Merigold and Geralt stepping closer to him . "Laid down plans, set many traps... And now you appear in my forest of your own volition."
"SHUT UP!!" Roche shouts, stepping closer to the where Iorveth, stands looking down at them so irked and annoyed that he's just gonna to bear the Alpha scent wrapping around it's way around - like a caress slipping all over him and getting under his skin to saturate him in it. "You aided the man who slew my King....."
"Alpha or Beta King or Beggar - What's the difference? One dhi'one less." Iorveth barks back at him, baring his own Alphan fangs down at Roche - part of his mind wondering what would like biting down into his Crest Fronds on the back of his nape and Scent glands on the side of his neck if had them - who wills himself not rush into literally attacking the elf, he needed to make time for Merigold and Geralt do their thing so continues in berating his long-term enemy.
"Triss, we need to take him alive. Know any useful spells?" Geralt whispers over to Triss.
Seeing how the situation between Vernon Roche and the very tall, Alpha elf called Iorveth is going.
One who's scent was definately potent, Iorveth, would have to be what was called an Aen Siedhe Alpha, one who was more powerful than any Alpha elf or even Human Alpha that he's glad he took his Omega Nuller because Geralt, wasn't Alpha at all but an Omega Witcher and the only one who was as far as knew of.
"Get his attention. Divert it from Roche." Triss whispers back in reply, her hands crackling with magical energy that it makes the hairs on the back of his neck prickle - 'Fuck' he thinks 'She's serious with it' - up and down due to the atmosphere becoming electrified around them slightly as she calls on the source of her Powers to use it.
"I'll try." He cracks out, shaking of the static shock he's getting to move over to Roche, who's nearly at breaking point that this makes Iorveth, flick a single emerald-green gaze over to him with a look 'Who are you to be interrupting us?'
"Climb down and we'll finish this. I await....." Vernon shouts, before moving to lean against boulder with one hand on it looking like he's going collapse at any moment leaving Geralt to hear Iorveth chuck back a response of. "Hah! You're a man without honor, Vernon Roche. An insect I'll not duel, but one that I will crush after I deal with Vhatt'gern here..."
The glare he receives, forcing him to raise any eyebrow in response, crossing his arms over his chest choosing to say his next words carefully or not too carefully if he actually thought about them.
"Seems you spout the same old Elven drivel." Geralt states up to Iorveth, hearing an indignant splutter in Elvish come from the Alpha elf with the bows of the Elvish archers hiding in the shrubbery tightening coming back to him with a question.
"What do you mean, Vhatt'gern? One who hides his true status. You should be ashamed as Omega for hiding it..." Iorveth argues down at him, outing him straight-away that Roche, who's been listening looks at him with confusion and bewilderment that Geralt, knows there is no use hiding it now he been outed by the Alpha elf who smirks at him because both know he's right about him.
"I have my reasons. But that's not why I'm here or my companions." Geralt reasons out, avoiding even looking at Iorveth, who gives a shrewd glare down at him - whether in disgust he doesn't know as of yet.
"Speak then. Tell me you're reason...I'm waiting." Iorveth says, sitting back down again on the fallen log with Geralt, flicking his gaze over to Roche, who's breathing is slightly laboured and looking like he's been drugged up to eyeballs with fisstech when he knows it's Iorveth's Alpha pheromones affecting the other man - though in a way which is very concerning, so would have to make it quick.
"Fine. Since your so piqued to listen, Squirrel." Geralt grits out, gleefully smirking when Iorveth tenses at being named something which the Scoiateal hating being called giving him a look of pure loathing then continues. "The Kingslayer's among you. We've come for him and only him."
"Are you sure? You do know he's an Alpha, don't you, Vhatt'ghern?" Iorveth asks him, smirking when Geralt curses so loudly in his native langauge associated with where he came from Triss, admonishes him for it by sending static electricity increasing one of the Elvish archers says something oddly like 'Damm, Mosquitos!!?" leaving Iorveth, to look at them both with suspicision.
"Then our interests collide... The Alpha Kingslayer is under my protection and I'll not hand over a guest." the elf continues, when Geralt, is not quick to come back with anything or manage to having been stunned into silence at the new information - the Kingslayer of Foltest was an Alpha, which meant getting close to them was going be very difficult.
"Enough of this!!" Iorveth shouts, startling all three of them at the tone - because it not been shouted normally, but in a Alpha command - forcing Geralt to resist kneeling down on both knees due to it - the last time he did, it been something he never wanted to be forced to do again - with Roche, trying to the same even though his knees are nearly buckling and his body wanting to obey the Alpha above him.
"TRISS NOW!!!" Roche hears Geralt shouting - voice muffled though like he's just submerged underwater - hearing some Elvish being shouted, followed by series of spitting curses and hisses.
Managging to turn his face to look, Vernon sees Iorveth - his long-term enemy - is lying on the ground bound by electric coils which are wrapped tightly around the elf Alpha, who struggles only to give up when he realises he's been caught.
"Bloedhe.....Vhatt'ghern......I'lll.....Gaaa.....kill that Sorceress......Urghhh...." Iorveth snarls out, followed by slumping in exhaustion with a silent command to Ciaran, who's looking down from the hiding spot above to get back to Base.
There is nothing at the moment he could do, seeing Letho, the large Alpha Witcher behind his second-in-command looking at white-haired Vhatt'gern with something like sadness he couldn't tell because soon he's hauled up by the Sorceress, using one of the tendrils of magical coils like a leash or rope.
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mischiefxmuses · 1 year
Post Event Plotting/starter call. Like for plotting and I’ll hop into DMs. If you want starters please comment which muse you’d like the starter for and the starter from. 
I will dropping pretty much every pre event thread just for my own sanity. If there is one you desperately want to keep just let me know.
{With ship plots I am very keen on chemistry and not forcing them}
Henry Creel aka One / Aware / Stranger Things (??/5)
Henry is open for ship plots. (Heterosexual) - Flings, exes, slow burn ship. (not someone who wants to change him) 
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Angel / Aware / Buffy The Vampire Slayer (??/5)
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Billy Loomis / Aware / Scream  (1/5)  - Josh
Billy is open for ship plots. (Heterosexual) - Flings, exes, slow burn ship (not someone who wants to change him.)
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Charles Xavier / Aware / X-Men  (??/5)
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Cleo Mckinnon / Aware / Harry Potter (??/5) 
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Cordelia Goode / Aware / AHS: Coven (??/5) 
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Dream / Aware / The Sandman (1/5)  - Elliot
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Fleur Delacour Weasley / Aware / Harry Potter (1/5) - Hagrid 
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Galadriel / Aware / Rings of Power (??/5) 
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Harwin Strong / Aware / House of The Dragon (??/5) 
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Hunter / Aware / The Bad Batch (??/5)
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Iorveth / Aware / The Witcher (??/5) 
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Jorah Mormont / Aware / Game of Thrones (2/5) - Sherlock, Drogon
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Kirby Reed / Aware / Scream (??/5)
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Loki Laufeyson / Aware / Marvel (??/5)
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(Newly Alpha) Peter Hale / Aware / Teen Wolf (??/5) 
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Rabastan Lestrange / Aware / Harry Potter (??/5)
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Satine Kryze / Aware / Star Wars (??/5)
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Silco / Aware / Arcane (??/5)
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Sion Val Palpatine / Aware / Star Wars (??/5)
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Tenel Ka Djo / Aware / Star Wars (??/5)
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Thea Queen / Aware / Arrow (??/5)
Thea is open for plots (heterosexual) - Exes, flings, ship
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Toothless / Aware / How to Train Your Dragon (1/5) - Benjamin
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Xavier Thorpe / Aware / Wednesday (??/5)
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Yennefer of Vengerberg / Aware / The Witcher (1/5) - Pyrrha
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Ygritte / Aware / Game of Thrones (??/5)
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greenapplespider · 15 days
What we have learned from you:
Adult men of 30-40 years old who have problems in a relationship behave like 11-13-year-old Hinata, because they are gay, and not terrible and nasty heteros. Very realistic and logical (no)
Roche should be embarrassed like a tomato or a prepubescent schoolboy when he sees a TALL AND BEAUTIFUL ALPHA IORVETH .
Canon Roche is bad and not big gay enough, and fans of iornon like you hate him and want to break and change him. The "real" Roche for you is just a sexy doll for BIG iorveth.
Ohh thank god- Marina, i was afraid something happened to you; you didn’t message me for a couple days and i was worried.
1. Stop being mean to Hinata??? No one is “nasty” for their sexuality- that isn’t something you can control, so it’s silly to dislike someone for something so mundane.
2. Lately, I’ve been more so into Iorveth being on the receiving end tbh- but like meh, if it’s written well 🤷‍♀️ and no A/B/O kinda weirds me out (personally, no beef to those that enjoy it, it just kinda squicks me). Also, I don’t think tomatoes have feelings, they’re fruits.
3. Love cannon Roche, that doesn’t mean I can’t also enjoy fanon embellishments and slash fiction. My favorite fic are usually those that are as close to cannon as possible. There is no “real” Roche- he is make-believe.
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witcher-trash · 2 years
Weekly (?) Witcher Fic Recs 14
A Contract's a Contract, No Matter How Small (geralt/jaskier, aiden/lambert, mature, wip, 35k) Unexpected side effect of Jaskier praising witchers far and wide: children making the logical jump that witchers can handle ALL monsters. Including such subspecies as the under-the-bed variety. And, well, what are you supposed to say to a child who asks you to fight a monster for them?
A Helping Hand (aiden/lambert, explicit, complete, 7k, omegaverse) Lambert finds an unexpected heat coming on with no one around to help him through it, that is until a handsome alpha happens across his path. The only problem is that the alpha is a Cat Witcher and everyone knows that Wolves and Cats don't get along...right?
A Witcher's Plumage (coën/lambert, explicit, complete, 2k) Wolf witchers are the only ones who wear the old fashioned codpiece ensemble. It has an unexpected effect on Coën, and he's not sure how to deal with it.
Birds of a Feather (coën/erland, mature, complete, 4k) Erland had spent his ruts alone for many, many years now. Ever since... ever since. He was alone by choice, for he was never short of offers. Omegas fresh from their first year on The Path, who thought themselves wiser for their time in the world, would approach their Grandmaster with a bow, giving him their respect before they all said the exact same thing: “Grandmaster Erland, I offer my company. It would be an honor to assist you in your time of need.” But he always turned them away, always.
Lambert's Nightmare (coën/lambert, explicit, complete, 3k) The dreams had never fully abated for Lambert. They weren’t usually the vivid, violent ordeals of his boyhood, when he woke up screaming in the dormitories with Voltehre shaking his shoulders, his face creased in worry. It was as if age and the Path had worn away his sensitivity, leaving behind a callus to protect him from the worst of the horrors he faced on a daily basis. How could you stare down a wraith manifested from the abject cruelty of humanity with any part of a soul left? There was truth to the rumours of soulless Witchers, of that Lambert was certain. So much loss had hardened him to the prospect of losing his brothers on the Path. It was all part of the wider clusterfuck of being a witcher. But when Ciri arrived, they had started again. Or: Lambert experiences troubling dreams when Ciri arrives at Kaer Morhen and fears that her presence will only bring ruin and pain.
Little Bear (lambert/OC, lambert/grayson, explicit, complete, 8k) Getting to know his brother—his actual brother, not just a brother in arms like Geralt or Eskel—was the sort of thing Lambert never imagined for himself, someone who remembered and missed their mother, who shared something with him other than the bullshit of a Witcher's life. It was... fuck, it was good, it made him feel connected to the world again like he hadn't in so very long. Lambert wasn't used to having good things in his life and now he had more people to trust, more people he knew had his back. For the longest time, all he had was Eskel, Geralt, and maybe Vesemir, but the Bears were solid. They didn't say much and pretended not to like each other, but they offered him a place for winter, that wasn't nothing, not to a Witcher.
Lord What Fools These Witchers Be (aiden/eskel, geralt/jaskier/yennefer, teen, complete, 22k) When Lambert brings Aiden to winter with him in Kaer Morhen, Eskel is catapulted straight into his own personal hell. It would be easier if he didn’t like the Cat. Instead, he finds himself falling head over heels for his brother’s boyfriend and trying to hide it from a pack of nosy Witchers. If only Aiden would stop flirting with him...
Mutual Defeat (iorveth/roche, explicit, complete, 4k) Roche glances at the tent door. No one understands this odd dance he has with Iorveth. He knows half think him mad, while the other half think he must have some genius strategy planned out to end the elf in a glorious and triumphant battle, staged to maximise Iorveth’s humiliation and the Blue Stripes’ elevation to infamy. The latter idea is laughable really. There is no planning for Iorveth. He is chaos. Unpredictable, volatile. Roche's opposite in every way, and yet... Or: Roche thinks he has Iorveth right where he wants him. Turns out Iorveth doesn't much mind being there.
No need to speak (arnaghad/erland, gen, complete, 1k) Erland and his bear had their own language, after all, made of small gestures, trinket bought from the Path, quiet moments, and small whispered conversation, it was enough
Parhelia Rewired (eskel/geralt/lambert, mature, wip, 5k) "Almost in position. How's everything looking on your end, Scorpion?" "Five by five from here," rumbled Eskel's voice in Lambert's earpiece as he crept along the darkened corridor, sword at the ready for any unexpected surprises. "Don't forget it's the second hall on the right, not the first," came Geralt's deep monotone. Lambert blew a raspberry into his mic, "This ain't my first fucking rodeo, Roach. Tell me something actually useful - like how you've got our exit plan secured already." "Your exit is clear. Still don't know why you got to pick the call signs." Was it just him or did Geralt sound fucking petulant? Lambert grinned as he glanced around the corner to find the hallway empty as expected. Priceless. "Scout gets to pick the call signs. Paperweight shuts his cakehole, Roach," Lambert chirped back over the line.
Scarred Hearts are Fixed With Love (eskel-centric, teen, complete, 5k) Eskel comes to terms with the new scars on his face with a little help from his family along the way.
Soft Spot (eskel/lambert, explicit, complete, 6k) Geralt cheated during their sparring, and when Lambert calls him out on it, he says his same old famous line. Go cry to Eskel. Which is exactly what Lambert does, and it gets him a beautiful night curled around the leader of their pack with as much comfort as he can stand. Eskel's always had a soft spot for their youngest wolf.
The Bitter Blood Inside (geralt/jaskier, explicit, wip, 50k) The course of Jaskier's life is changed forever more, by the hand of a furious vampire. Geralt is there, the only one who might help him in the trials to come. Whether that be to cure him, or kill him, the bard would always trust his decision. It is only himself he can no longer trust.
time is a dangerous enemy - series (iorveth/roche, iorveth/letho, mature, wip, 14k) Iorveth is feeling his age. After 1,000 years, the face of the continent has changed. He has changed with it- and that isn't always a positive feeling. Considering what he's lost, and what he's gained. Was it worth it?
Tomorrow (eskel/lambert, teen, complete, 2k) Lambert and Eskel meet on the path, and Lambert gets more than he bargained for. Featuring angry, scared Lambert and gentle, protective Eskel.
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bard-llama · 4 years
from Discord: A/B/O Trope
Hmmm okay, so I think this would have to be a curse of some sort. Maybe one that affects a whole town or kingdom, so BIG. I think what would freak people out the most is that a/b/o doesn’t have anything to do with gender roles and anyone could be any of them (i.e. a woman could be an omega or an alpha or a beta). There would almost certainly be witch hunts in response, unfortunately.
Buuuut maybe that’s where our rare pair comes in! Roche and the Blue Stripes sent to find the ones who cast the curse and end it (maybe King Foltest is a beta and he’s pissed his dick isn’t the biggest around. Ves has bigger.)
Now the elves... maybe they worked with the spellcasters? idk why they would beyond “let’s fuck with humans”, but tbh they don’t need a whole lot more of a reason. If they worked with the mages, it probably wouldn’t affect them, but hey, there’s always a double cross. I think... hmm, I think Iorveth might be a beta or an omega. Idk why I’m all “leaders are betas and are sick of the alphas and the omegas doing shit”.
Now if we get into what Roche and the Blue Stripes would be?
Ves is 100% an alpha. I think Roche would probably be a beta, tbh. Able to bring together alphas and omegas into a cohesive team, manages to not laugh in Foltest’s face over the whole “but she’s bigger” conversation, but lbr Roche has always known Ves has the biggest d around.
PT is definitely an alpha. As in, you try to get away without medical care? He WILL come for you and gently scold you in a way that makes you feel way guiltier than if he just yelled. I think Finch is also an alpha, but he’s mostly old enough to manage the aggressive hormonal changes. When he wants to, anyway. He will 100% excuse going for a kill shot when he wasn’t supposed to by “well, you know us alphas, always gotta be aggressive”. Roche is so done with it.
Fenn I think is a Beta. He’s got aaaaaallll the people-pleaser energy. Silas is an omega, I think, but him as an alpha would also be fun. Thirteen is 100% omega and proud of it. Mmmm, I think Shory is his wife’s omega, and Sofia is a take-no-shit alpha.
Send me a trope AU and I’ll make it work in canon ‘verse.
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by Ghost_wolf2002
Jaskier is an omega, his husband doesn't make that much money and he grew up in a rather poor area in Westeros, his alpha doesn't even love him like he used to do, and he ends up becoming abusive and rude, Ramsay doesn't make legal money like he probably should, in fact, he works for the Bolton's crime family, so that puts Jaskier in even more danger, Jaskier decides to get dragged along by his beta friend, Margaery Tyrell, to a party in downtown Winterfell for an evening with the Starks and Vengerbergs, and it doesn't really go as well as you would expect it to.
Words: 1020, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Of Chains and Ice
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: Other
Characters: Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Arya Stark, Jaime Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Robb Stark, Brienne of Tarth, Tyrion Lannister, Ned Stark, Cersei Lannister, Theon Greyjoy, Gendry Waters, Bran Stark, Sandor Clegane, Margaery Tyrell, Catelyn Tully Stark, Petyr Baelish, Rickon Stark, Davos Seaworth, Joffrey Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Robert Baratheon, Ramsay Bolton, Tywin Lannister, Lyanna Stark, Samwell Tarly, Rhaegar Targaryen, Tormund Giantsbane, Loras Tyrell, Jaskier | Dandelion, "Savage Sam" Tarly, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, The Hansa | Geralt's Company (The Witcher), Eskel (The Witcher), Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Triss Merigold, Nymeria (ASoIaF), Roach (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Iorveth (The Witcher), Vernon Roche, Emhyr var Emreis, Other Wiedźmin | The Witcher Character(s)
Relationships: Jon Snow/Sansa Stark, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark, Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Petyr Baelish/Sansa Stark, Theon Greyjoy/Robb Stark, Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon Snow/Robb Stark, Renly Baratheon/Loras Tyrell, Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark, Jon Snow/Ygritte, Arya Stark & Sansa Stark, Khal Drogo/Daenerys Targaryen, Tommen Baratheon/Margaery Tyrell, Joffrey Baratheon/Bran Stark, Arya Stark & Bran Stark, Joffrey Baratheon & Tommen Baratheon, Jaskier | Dandelion/Oberyn Martell, Oberyn Martell/Loras Tyrell, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Sansa Stark, Daenerys Targaryen/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Renfri | Shrike & Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Jaskier | Dandelion & Renfri | Shrike, Philippa Eilhart/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Jon Snow, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon/Jon Snow, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion & Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Dettlaff van der Eretein/Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Dettlaff van der Eretein/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Anna Henrietta | Anarietta & Syanna | Rhenawedd, Anna Henrietta | Anarietta/Dettlaff van der Eretein, Dettlaff van der Eretein/Syanna | Rhenawedd, Jon Snow & Loras Tyrell, Robb Stark/Jeyne Westerling, Theon Greyjoy & Robb Stark, Ramsay Bolton/Robb Stark, Ramsay Bolton/Jon Snow
Additional Tags: Lesbian Margaery Tyrell, Past Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Political Jon Snow, Protective Robb Stark, Modern Westeros, Minor Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Jon Snow and the Starks Are Not Related, Kings Landing, Joffrey Baratheon is His Own Warning, Ramsay is His Own Warning, Jaime Lannister Has Issues, Happy Cersei, BAMF Cersei Lannister, Jon Snow Knows Something, Pregnancy, Romance, Italian Mafia, Good Parent Ned Stark, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Crime Boss Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Drugs, Narcotics, Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Child Abuse, Slow Build, Porn, Suicide, Arranged Marriage, Marriage Proposal, Family, LGBTQ Themes, Boys Kissing, Kissing, Explicit Sexual Content, Canon-Typical Violence, Sexual Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, Abuse, Cuddling & Snuggling, Loss, Polyamory, Idiots in Love, I'm Sorry, Religion, Blood and Injury, Major Character Injury, Injury Recovery, Jealousy, Threesome, Sexual Tension, Awkward Tension, Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Torture, Organized Crime, Crimes & Criminals, References to Drugs, Unplanned Pregnancy, Wealth, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
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unknownmusing · 1 year
The Witcher Fanstory - Ioroche Fic: 'Will Always be there to Save One no Matter What Happens' - (Part 1 of ?)
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A 'what if' fic where Vernon is captured before getting back to the Kaer Morhen Keep by Imlerith and taken back to Tir ná Lia (Aen Elle homeworld)
Vernon is a half-elf from the Royal Bloodline of Half-Elves
Iorveth/Roche relationship
CW: Slight dark themes in this with some mild references to gore and violence (Eredin forces Geralt to drink Unicorn blood), recovering from injuries ascertained and unwanted advances
For @chamotea, @apastandfuturenerd, @altebar and other Ioroche shippers out there
PART 1 - 'Captured and in the Enemy's Grasp'
The clashing of steel against steel, the constant stream of the soldiers of the Wild Hunt attacking the keep of Kaer Morhen seems relentless as Vernon, scrambles his way through half-destroyed walls, broken crates and tears in the earth due to just the sheer power of the King of the Wild Hunt's powers, nearly reaching the gate of the fort when out of nowhere something slams into the side of him.
He goes flying hitting going through a gap in a stone-wall to hit another one where his head harshly smacks against it that slides down into crumpled heap to one side, heavily dazed by the impact with every sound around him muffling to a faint din.
Trying to lift himself, his elbows shake in the effort, Vernon collapses back down with vision fading in and out focus fast that the last sight he sees is off a large armoured elf bearing a mace approaching before sinks into unconcious state. Remembering nothing thereafter.
It's a strange sense he's not in Kaer Morhen that makes Vernon flutter his eyes open weakly groaning in agony at the pain radiating still from the head-wound he ascertained - fragments of what happened come in, but quickly dissolve away like sand through one's fingertips before he can grasp and fully make sense of them.
He remembers running to the gate of the fort, but afterwards it was all a blurred jumble mess which he cannot make sense of then a large booming noise startles him into awareness with his vision fully clearing to reveal he's in large bedchamber placed on large bed with soft see-through drapes hanging down from the cieling over the bed. More booming, followed by orders being shouted in Elvish that his all body shudders immediatly - just the tone of it was overwhelming - that he finds himself letting out deep mewling noise - something he cannot stop from happening - rubbing himself into the sheets of the bed where a scent of....an Alpha.....Elf.....begins to make him move them with the pillows to create a Nest.
His rational human side is screaming at him to stop and realising what is doing goes to stop himself when a presance behind him makes him turn to look over his shoulder straight at one of the Wild Hunt, but their name he doesn't know just that the pheromones coming off them are so much he sways slightly because of them. "Little Omega..." they purr out to him, indicating with their gauntled hand for him to approach and gulping down saliva which has built up Vernon pads over to edge of the Nest he created using the large bed's sheets and pillows plus fur blankets to outline it.  Vernon keeps his head lowered down not wanting to look up at the large elf - Imlerith - he had found out when the memory of being knocked out by large mace had come flooding back, who stands near the edge of the bed sipping some wine, before places the goblet down on small circular table. "I see your confused." Imlerith says to Vernon, who flinches when gauntled hand reaches out for him - he can see it has specks of crimson flowers are still on it - that scrambles out of the makeshift Nest, grabbing a dagger placed on the table to hold it in front of him indicating to the large elf not come towards him.
"What do you want with me?!!!" He stammers out - his voice breaking with fear and horror, because he heard from Geralt the worst of the Wild Hunt was Eredin's Second-in-Command Imlerith, Slayer of Tulic - a Great Unicorn and the oldest of the Unicorn Clan who fought in vain to save his people only to be slain during the Battle of Frost and Horn as it was called in tales referring to how the unicorns gored the ranks of Eredin's Army and Eredin's Army used Frost against them. The large elf says nothing, just in few steps comes over to him to grab hold of his hand holding the dagger by the wrist tightening the gauntled hand around to make Vernon drop it then indicates to his other gauntled hand, forcing Vernon to look fearfully at it - Was he being asked to do what he think the large elf was asking him? - then shuddering leans forward to begin cleaning the gauntled hand of the crimson splatters and god knows what else.
"It's his blood you know. Manage to get me good for being a Leader of the Scoia'tael, but let's just say....he underestimated me. He will not be coming back, Vernon, my sweet little Omega." Imlerith smirks down at him, taking hold of Vernon's chin when he pulls back with widened eyes - the large elf had to be lying to him about Iorveth, there was no way he would go down like that.
"You're lying to me!!!? Iorveth would never.....!!!?" Vernon begins to argue back, only to cut himself off, trembling so much that he nearly revealed to the enemy how close he was to Iorveth beginning to mutter. "Iorveth.....would....he...."
A growl comes from Imlerith, indicating for him to stop muttering under his breath, where he knows the large elf will want out of his armour so moving his hands - his other which been holding the dagger which now lays on the floor - to start slipping the armour off the large elf, even though his hands are shaking and fumble slightly in the process.
The corridors of King Eredin's palace are wide and vast, marble polished floors, tall spiralling pillars and gardens placed in different layered tiers where right in the centre is a large lake connecting to endless waterfall tumbling over the edge to the valley down below where large expanses of forest spread in all directions, mountainscapes towered above and yet, there is the strange stillness in the air that indicated the whole area had been once a happy place. Geralt, sitting kneeling on both knees beside Eredin - who is busy sitting at a table perusing some documents and occasionally taking sips of some deep rich wine or actually Unicorn blood - something so barbaric that he hated seeing the elf slaughtering remaining herds of Unicorns in the valley below for that sake. Vernon, he had overheard the other human Slaves had been taken as slave by Imlerith due to a certain reason that only Caranthir knew - and knowing that elf, it was no doubt due to Vernon's half-elf status and bloodline - when he been brought bound and gagged into the throne-room after having been captured. He had decided while Iorveth was in coma to try and rescue Vernon. Maybe been brash and too hot-headed rushing in on his own - but Vernon was his friend. So he could not abandon him to a fate of being slave for the rest of his life.
"You seem lost in thought, my White Wolf." Eredin saying, makes Geralt come back to the present moment at hand seeing the dark elf is looking down at him - those piercing, harsh cold eyes staring his - that he knows he must say something or will face intense punishment for not saying anything.
"A fleeting memory." Geralt tells Eredin, who he knows is not convinced by this. A hand comes up to turn his chin, followed the glass goblet filled with the unicorn blood to be placed against his lips, he knows he must drink it all - this was for the sake of not being harshly punished.
Opening his mouth, he allows the substance to be poured into it, with him gulping it down struggling when too much is poured it trickles down the sides of his lips until finally only few dregs remain in the glass which is taken away from his stained lips, while he wills himself not to sick it back up.
He must endure it.
"Good, White Wolf. No sicking it up, like before, remember." Eredin states, wiping a thumb over his lips to smear the unicorn blood over them smirking at how Geralt looks.
"Come." Imlerith commands Vernon, checking the leather collar attached to a chain around his throat making him get up from his kneeling position on the floor to be lead out the large bed-chamber, passing by other servants who stop and bow their heads low - their frightened gazes telling him that the dark elf sent wave of terror through them that no-one dare disobey him.
Vernon, sticking close to his 'Master' or 'Alpha' shudders at the coldness radiating in the hallway of the palace and also the fact that he's wearing nothing but chemise-lace Slave clothing which did nothing to keep him warm or cover him that all he can do is bear being looked at by the dark elves' Lord and Ladies, who are either standing talking amongst themselves or heading to their own sleeping qaurters or other parts of the palace.
Reaching the gardens, he notices under a large stone-carved temple-like structure sits a figure in ornate throne near a circular table with another person kneeling beside them on a pillow - the silvery-white hair shaved slightly at the temples and short ponytail, minus his beard - that Vernon, lets out a gasp of his name when Imlerith, brings him up to the two people recognising Geralt, who looks equally shocked at his appearance.
"Oh, what's this. Does your Little Lily, now, my White Wolf, Imlerith?" the other dark elf purrs out, sending shivers up and down Vernon's body he immediatly grips the nearest thing closest to him - Imlerith's arm - trying to hide himself from the gaze, which feels like could render his soul in half. 
This elf was dangerous, highly dangerous that he worries if Iorveth - if he is still alive - were to fight them he might not survive at all. 
Imlerith gives out chuckle, moving to sit down across from the other dark elf indicating Vernon to kneel on the pillow beside it which at first because still frightened steps backwards shaking his head from side to side which makes a large hand grab his chin forcing him to look into Imlerith's amber eyes knowing he must obey that gulping down saliva moves to the pillow to kneel down in same position Geralt is in.
"Good, little Omega." Imlerith purrs out, settling in the other throne-like ornate chair to begin talking to the other dark elf, who he overhears is called Eredin, King of the Wild Hunt and can feel is paying particularly interest in him everytime Imlerith, discusses the results Caranthir Ar-Feiniel had made of him especially the fact Vernon Roche is a Half-elf Omega from a Royal Bloodline of Royal Half-Elves.
Vernon, flicks his gaze over to Geralt, who moves to crawl over to him on his hands and knees where remembers a servant Slave had told him that Slaves could greet each-other in the presance of their Masters.
But anything further like discussing escape or even trying to escape or even speaking without their Master's presance would result in punishment - with the Witcher, nuzzling his cheek to reassure him everythings going be alright he turns to nuzzle back to hide his tears forming in his eyes.
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by Ghost_wolf2002
Geralt had no idea where Dandelion was, for all he knows, Dandelion could be in Nilfgaard right now trying to fuck a couple of omegas and erase his entire memory of him, or he could be singing songs at bars trying to get by as the hunt continues for this wild beast in Toussaint, but does Geralt really need to worry about what Dandelion was doing right now? no, the omega needed to focus on his studies, but maybe Geralt was certain that Dandelion was up to something shady, he just didn't know what it was, but it made him worry.
Words: 1332, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Broken Bones, Bruises and Bleeding Knuckles
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: Other
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Triss Merigold, Eskel (The Witcher), Roach (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Iorveth (The Witcher), Vernon Roche, Emhyr var Emreis, Dettlaff van der Eretein, Calanthe Fiona Riannon, Vesemir (The Witcher), Valdo Marx, Ermion | Mousesack, Keira Metz, The Wild Hunt (The Witcher), Anna Henrietta | Anarietta, Renfri (The Witcher), Avallac'h | Crevan Espane aep Caomhan Macha, Philippa Eilhart, Eist Tuirseach, Fringilla Vigo, Other Wiedźmin | The Witcher Character(s)
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Eskel & Triss Merigold, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Jaskier | Dandelion & Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Aiden/Lambert (The Witcher), Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach/Jaskier | Dandelion, Eredin Bréacc Glas/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Eredin Bréacc Glas/Original Female Character(s), Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Iorveth, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Lambert, Dettlaff van der Eretein/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Dettlaff van der Eretein/Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy
Additional Tags: Pregnancy, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Abuse, Slavery, Master/Slave, Abduction, Kidnapping, Suicide Attempt, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Friendship, Drama, Romance, Blood and Gore, Blood and Injury, Explicit Sexual Content, LGBTQ Themes, Smut, Platonic Relationships, Unhealthy Relationships, Torture, Rape/Non-con Elements, Fingerfucking, Public Humiliation, Love, Loss of Parent(s), Loss of Powers, Slow Build, Royalty, Werewolf Politics, Violence, War
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