#All the New Features of iOS 16
nynewsbash · 2 years
When will iOS 16 be released? iOS Release Date 2022?
When will iOS 16 be released? iOS Release Date 2022?
Apple on June 6 officially announced its upcoming operating system, which they claim to be bigger and faster than any other OS. After the success of the iOS 15, Apple added plenty of new features in its iOS 16.  Also, at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference, it has been announced that ‌iOS 16‌ and ‌iPadOS 16‌ will be Apple’s next-generation OS for iPhone and iPad.   In this article, we will…
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lacefuneral · 7 months
ok i've seen some posts about the tumblr alternative cohost but none that were actually helpful so!
(disclaimer: i am very new to this website. users who have been there longer can and should chime in with additions and/or corrections)
Cohost Introduction Post
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What is cohost?
Cohost is a fledgling website that is essentially a tumblr clone, but with its own culture and site-specific features. It is also very much a work in progress. You are encouraged to talk in the cohost forum to suggest changes for devs, report bugs, and upvote other people's suggestions. This website WILL grow and change over time. And as such, I do not know if/when the information I share here will be outdated. Edit: To answer an ask I received, anyone can join cohost without an invite. It used to be invite-only. It is not this way anymore.
Is "adult content" allowed there?
Yes. Cohost is not on the app store, meaning that it is not subject to Apple's specifications. You can post illustrations, writing, and photographs (cohost does not support any video formats at this time, just gifs). Cohost has an elaborate filtering and trigger warning system (moreso than tumblr), and you can disable adult content for your entire account or for individual tags. I actually don't engage with the adult content at all on there. Visual CSEM (both real and fictional) is specifically forbidden (although frankly I think the guidelines could be stricter wrt written content. Still, does seem to handle this better than AO3 does, going as far to say that written content about real minors is forbidden.)
How are minors protected?
The minimum age to join cohost is 16, and requires proof of parental permission to join. Users who are under 18 are automatically age-gated and cannot view adult content.
If cohost isn't on the app store, how is it used?
You can, of course, use cohost on a computer, but it is designed with mobile in mind. Opening the website on any IOS browser, clicking "share", and then "add to home screen" will install an app for you to use. The same can be done on an android. There is a guide here.
How does cohost work?
First, you create an account. Then you wait for approximately two days (read: weekdays) for the account to be activated. This is done to prevent spam bots. In the meantime, edit your profile. List some interests, your pronouns, your other social media links. Give yourself an icon. Note: icon and banner file sizes are small. You may need to shrink and compress images.
After the two days are up, make your first post! Write a basic introduction (with what you feel comfortable you feel sharing) and list some interests you like, maybe some hobbies, media, etc. And then tag this post with "#welcome to cohost". This will let existing members know that someone new has joined, and they may initiate conversation and/or follow you.
Next, go to the search and type in "The Cohost Global Feed" and click on the tag. Bookmark this tag. This is essentially one giant community space where you can find random users. (There is currently some discourse on the website as to whether this tag existing is a "bad thing" or not because "cohost isn't supposed to have a global tag". Just ignore that lol). Next, go back to search and type in things you like. TV shows, maybe. Video games. Music. Anything. See if people have posted in the tags. Follow them. Comment on their stuff. Click "like" to bookmark the post if you want to.
Most crucially, make sure that you bookmark the actual tag so you can look in that tag again later without having to manually type it each and every time. Also, you get a feed called "bookmarked tags" which allows you to scroll through all of them at once, which replaces the "for you" feature other websites have.
You can "share" a post (called "rebug" in user slang) which serves the same purpose as a reblog on tumblr. In a rebug, you can add your own tags or comment in the body of the post. Cohost users do not talk in tags as much as tumblr users - they tend to prefer to speak in the body of a rebug, or in the comment section (replies). At this time, you cannot view all reblogs. But you can view all comments in the comment section. Any post that is rebugged will preserve the tags of the OP, with any additional tags added being attributed to you. Rebugs are named after the website mascot Eggbug, a purple bee-like insect.
Posts are called "chosts" - and shitposting is called "shitchosting." Two examples of global shitposting tags are "#css crimes" - which is when a person does goofy things with the HTML/CSS editor to make colorful text, fake chat windows, and such - and "#shitchosting" which is a general shitposting tag. I've also seen people use tags like "#random".
If a post makes you laugh, check out the OP's profile. See if they post frequently, and if you have any common interests. If you realize you want to block or mute someone instead, you can.
You can send asks just like on tumblr, but your inbox must be manually opened first. So remember to do that.
How do I look at my own blog?
This is one of my gripes about the UI. You would think, intuitively, you would click here (at the top of the screen). But you would be wrong!
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It is ACTUALLY under the sidebar menu, called "Profile." And I'm not the only one to to complain about this. (To get back to your dashboard, by the way, you click on the cohost logo.)
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Are there sideblogs?
Yes! Each sidepage (sideblog) has its OWN set of likes AND followed pages (blogs). This allows you to easily switch between multiple sets of dashboards. A lot of users use this to have a SFW dashboard and an adult content dashboard. But it works like tumblr, too. You can have a side page/dashboard for whatever you'd like. Maybe one of your pages is for programming. Maybe another is for photography. You switch between your pages by clicking the arrow next to your icon/username at the top of the screen. ("Ohhhhh.... THAT'S what that's for.")
What's the userbase on there like?
Mostly programmers. Trans people. Furry artists. Plural systems. Furry trans plural programmers. Certainly a lot of shitposters. The website is trans-run and, as such, has zero tolerance for TERFs. Everyone seems pretty friendly from what I can tell. And there's very much a culture of "follow someone randomly based on their vibes" that doesn't happen as much on tumblr. Tumblr is more like "I really like this TV show, I'm going to follow 40 blogs about just this interest." Because the cohost community is so much smaller, there is a lot less content overall, especially fandom content. You can't follow 40 fandom pages because your fandom tag has a total of 3 posts, all made by one person approximately a year ago (well. for me anyway).
Cohost, then, actually has much more in common with real-life socialization. You seek out people with interests that may be very different from your own, and to find a common interest is very exciting! Unlike tumblr, you are encouraged to tag as much as possible. This allows your posts to be seen, to find common interests. And, of course, don't forget to look in "#Welcome To Cohost" too! You may find some new friends there.
What file formats can I post in?
Currently, I am aware of basic image formats working (like jpeg, png) animated gifs, and mp3s. You currently cannot upload videos to cohost. I believe the reason is not related to server costs, but rather as a way to curb the uploading of copyrighted content.
How does cohost make money?
There are no ads, and yet, as far as I am aware, cohost is operating comfortably. There is, however, an entirely optional "cohost plus" that is $5 USD a month. Currently, there are a few perks, but not enough to convince me.
What if I think something about cohost should change?
Cohost has a forum where users can submit ideas for features and other users can discuss/upvote those ideas.
Here is a list of posts made for newcomers to read:
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changes · 2 years
Tuesday, September 13th, 2022
🌟 New
Version 26.3 of the Tumblr apps for iOS and Android is now available, and it uses the default app icon.
Also in 26.3 of the Tumblr app for iOS, the alt text field now supports autocorrect.
In version 26.3 of both apps, the recommendation reason will be displayed at the top of the post. We have been working to implement this across all platforms.
In the iOS and Android apps, there’s a new landing page for Tumblr Blaze. Check it out by tapping “Tumblr Blaze” in your settings. You’ll also be able to access a dedicated feed of all of your Blaze-able posts here.
On web, when sharing your post about how many crabs you summoned, you can now switch blogs and publish the post to a different one.
🛠 Fixed
Fixed an issue in the Android app that caused some notifications to open a web browser rather than the app.
Fixed an issue in both the iOS and Android apps that caused the new at.tumblr.com links to open the App Store or Play Store rather than the app. Be sure to update your app in order for this fix to take effect.
Version 26.3 of the iOS app fixes an issue that caused featured tags to be absent from in-blog search.
Version 26.3 of the iOS app also fixes an issue where Spotify and Soundcloud audio embeds were misaligned in reblog trail items.
Version 26.3 of the Android app fixes an issue where italicized text was clipped at the end of the word.
Version 26.3 of the Android app fixes an issue where your list of followed tags could include duplicates of the same tag after following a tag, then refreshing the page.
Fixed an issue that prevented the Support from from loading in the Android app (please update your app in order for this fix to take effect).
When logging into your account in a web browser, the cursor will now automatically be placed in the password field after entering your email address.
Fixed a few issues that made it difficult for folks to verify their email address in some cases.
🚧 Ongoing
Nothing to report today.
🌱 Upcoming
With the release of iOS 16, we’ll be ending support for iOS 14 soon.
Experiencing an issue? File a Support Request and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
Want to share your feedback about something? Check out our Work in Progress blog and start a discussion with the community.
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himejoshikomaeda · 16 days
i'm kind of curious what you like about lostword. never really tried it myself n all.
— io
1. really easy to get your favorite characters
2. really easy to make your favorite characters viable no matter who they are
3. game isn’t very hard — no artificial difficulty spikes that force you to spend money to max out a unit or whatever. on that note, leveling up and upgrading units doesn’t take much time at all, allowing you to use lots of your favorite touhou characters if you’d like to.
4. the only characters that would probably require real money to aid in acquiring are the game’s made-up alternate universe versions of characters that i can’t imagine anyone giving a shit about. (sorry guys i’m never going to want to spend money so i can have.. sci fi space warrior sanae)
5. no temptation to buy anything in the store because the prices are all absurdly high. i will literally never be tempted to spend 80 dollars on a microtransaction. i consider this point to be a positive, because what is being sold is completely unnecessary.
6. game is written by perverts.
7. protagonist is a girl. this can’t be changed.
8. the main story is FANTASTIC. it’s really really really cool. finishing chapter 3 is what made me gush last night. the hifuu story is really cute too.
9. this might be something not everyone cares about, but the characters are very touchy-feely with each other, and with the protagonist. it’s very nice. i like when characters are handsy. skinship is compelling to me
10. writers aren’t pussies about yuri (important)
11. there is never not an event story going on (they rerun old events in between new ones), so if grinding event points is fun for you (it’s fun for me), that’s always an option no matter what.
12. great autobattle features. lots of customization for autobattles and auto-rematches for grinding materials.
13. despite what i just said, grinding is honestly optional. you don’t need to grind for levels, because levels come easily, and you don’t need to grind for materials after a while, because they give you so many.
14. story card (equippable items basically) art is cute. where would we be without modelo patchouli and her fat thighs?
15. despite having the usual scarlet devil mansion bias, a LOT of more obscure characters get a lot of spotlight, especially in event stories. one i remember enjoying a lot starred seija, sagume, and.. shizuha aki.. as the main characters (along with the protagonist of course). there are lots of cases like that.
16. characters all feel like they love you without it feeling at all like a harem game. sorry if this is cringe but don’t fucking lie and say you don’t want to be loved by the cast of touhou.
17. less of a point for me because i’ve been playing it since launch, but my girlfriend got into it recently and they have been ABSURDLY generous with her as a new player.
there are obviously criticisms to be had with the game (it’s a mobile game, it’s not perfect or anything by any stretch of the imagination), but you asked me what i liked about it. i’ve had a lot of fun with it in my time playing it, and my girlfriend is, like, obsessed with it, just getting into it.
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NASA’s Juno Gives Aerial Views of Mountain, Lava Lake on Io
Scientists on NASA’s Juno mission to Jupiter have transformed data collected during two recent flybys of Io into animations that highlight two of the Jovian moon’s most dramatic features: a mountain and an almost glass-smooth lake of cooling lava. Other recent science results from the solar-powered spacecraft include updates on Jupiter’s polar cyclones and water abundance.
The new findings were announced Wednesday, April 16, by Juno’s principal investigator Scott Bolton during a news conference at the European Geophysical Union General Assembly in Vienna.
Juno made extremely close flybys of Io in December 2023 and February 2024, getting within about 930 miles (1,500 kilometers) of the surface, obtaining the first close-up images of the moon’s northern latitudes.
“Io is simply littered with volcanoes, and we caught a few of them in action,” said Bolton. “We also got some great close-ups and other data on a 200-kilometer-long (127-mile-long) lava lake called Loki Patera. There is amazing detail showing these crazy islands embedded in the middle of a potentially magma lake rimmed with hot lava. The specular reflection our instruments recorded of the lake suggests parts of Io’s surface are as smooth as glass, reminiscent of volcanically created obsidian glass on Earth.”
Maps generated with data collected by Juno’s Microwave Radiometer (MWR) instrument reveal Io not only has a surface that is relatively smooth compared to Jupiter’s other Galilean moons, but also has poles that are colder than middle latitudes.
Pole Position
During Juno’s extended mission, the spacecraft flies closer to the north pole of Jupiter with each pass. This changing orientation allows the MWR instrument to improve its resolution of Jupiter’s northern polar cyclones. The data allows multiwavelength comparisons of the poles, revealing that not all polar cyclones are created equal.
“Perhaps most striking example of this disparity can be found with the central cyclone at Jupiter’s north pole,” said Steve Levin, Juno’s project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “It is clearly visible in both infrared and visible light images, but its microwave signature is nowhere near as strong as other nearby storms. This tells us that its subsurface structure must be very different from these other cyclones. The MWR team continues to collect more and better microwave data with every orbit, so we anticipate developing a more detailed 3D map of these intriguing polar storms.”
Jovian Water
One of the mission’s primary science goals is to collect data that could help scientists better understand Jupiter’s water abundance. To do this, the Juno science team isn’t hunting for liquid water. Instead, they are looking to quantify the presence of oxygen and hydrogen molecules (the molecules that make up water) in Jupiter’s atmosphere. An accurate estimate is critical to piecing together the puzzle of our solar system’s formation.
Jupiter was likely the first planet to form, and it contains most of the gas and dust that wasn’t incorporated into the Sun. Water abundance also has important implications for the gas giant’s meteorology (including how wind currents flow on Jupiter) and internal structure.
In 1995, NASA’s Galileo probe provided an early dataset on Jupiter’s water abundance during the spacecraft’s 57-minute descent into the Jovian atmosphere. But the data created more questions than answers, indicating the gas giant’s atmosphere was unexpectedly hot and — contrary to what computer models had indicated — bereft of water.
“The probe did amazing science, but its data was so far afield from our models of Jupiter’s water abundance that we considered whether the location it sampled could be an outlier. But before Juno, we couldn’t confirm,” said Bolton. “Now, with recent results made with MWR data, we have nailed down that the water abundance near Jupiter’s equator is roughly three to four times the solar abundance when compared to hydrogen. This definitively demonstrates that the Galileo probe’s entry site was an anomalously dry, desert-like region.”
The results support the belief that the during formation of our solar system, water-ice material may have been the source of the heavy element enrichment (chemical elements heavier than hydrogen and helium that were accreted by Jupiter) during the gas giant’s formation and/or evolution. The formation of Jupiter remains puzzling, because Juno results on the core of the gas giant suggest a very low water abundance — a mystery that scientists are still trying to sort out.
Data during the remainder of Juno’s extended mission may help, both by enabling scientists to compare Jupiter’s water abundance near the polar regions to the equatorial region and by shedding additional light on the structure of the planet’s dilute core.
During Juno’s most recent flyby of Io, on April 9, the spacecraft came within about 10,250 miles (16,500 kilometers) of the moon’s surface. It will execute its 61st flyby of Jupiter on May 12.
More About the Mission
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages the Juno mission for the principal investigator, Scott Bolton, of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. Juno is part of NASA’s New Frontiers Program, which is managed at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, for the agency’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Italian Space Agency (ASI) funded the Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper. Lockheed Martin Space in Denver built and operates the spacecraft.
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blazing-dynamo · 2 years
I spent the night making a Listening Guide for the 8th Doctor for my partner, and figured I would share. I made it as a checklist in iOS. The numbers/abbreviations are connected to my Plex Audiobook server so might not line up with the names/numbering of the official releases.
8th Doctor Order
Charley Era
Main Range
- [ ] 16 - Storm Warning
- [ ] 17 - Sword of Orion
- [ ] 18 - Stones of Venice
- [ ] 19 - Minuet in hell
- [ ] 28 - invaders from mars
- [ ] 29 - Chimes of Midnight (Christmas Special!)
- [ ] 30 - Seasons of Fear
- [ ] 31 - Embrace the Darkness
- [ ] 32 - The Time of the Daleks
- [ ] 33 - Neverland
- [ ] 50 - Zagreus (Season Finale!)
- [ ] 52 - Scherzo (best one bring tissue)
- [ ] 53 - Creed of the Kromon (new companion!)
- [ ] 54 - The Natural History of Fear
- [ ] 55 - The Twilight Kingdom
- [ ] 61 - Faith Stealer
- [ ] 62 - The Last
- [ ] 63 - Caerdroia
- [ ] 64 - The Next Life (Season Finale!)
- [ ] 72 - Terror Firma
- [ ] 75 - Scaredy Cat
- [ ] 77 - Other Lives
- [ ] 80 - Time Works
- [ ] 83 - Something Inside
- [ ] 88 - Memory Lane
- [ ] 101 - Absolution
- [ ] 103 - The Girl that Never Was (Season Finale. End of Era.)
Charley Era Bonus content:
Charley is a fan favorite so she has a whole bunch of side content compared to the other eras.
Eighth Doctor Adventures
- [ ] CPFA1.01 The Mummy Speaks
- [ ] CPFA1.02 Eclipse
- [ ] CPFA1.03 The Slaying of the Writhing Mass
- [ ] CPFA1.04 Heart of Orion
- [ ] 8DA1.00 Living Legend
These are Charley stories made after the end of Charley’s era. Charlotte Pollard the Further Adventuress is brand new. Living Legend was like a year after she left (don’t fact check me)
Main Range
- [ ] 111 - The Doomwood Curse
- [ ] 114 - Brotherhood of the Daleks
- [ ] 116 - The Raincloud Man
- [ ] 124 - Patient Zero
- [ ] 125 - Paper Cuts
- [ ] 126 - Blue Forgotten Planet
This resolves the charley cliffhanger. She travels with the Sixth Doctor for some timey wimey further pissing off of the web of time. If you still don’t have enough Charley she has her own series that follows after her adventures with Sixie.
Main Range
- [ ] 123 - The Company of Friends
- [ ] 153 - The Silver Turk
- [ ] 154 - The Witch from the Well
- [ ] 155 - Army of Death
Eighth doctor in the main range without Charley. 123 is with his comic/book companions. The others are the Mary Shelly companion stories! Fun fact he mentions these travels as just happening in Storm Warning so they are a direct prequel.
Main Range
- [ ] 100 - 100 (technically only in part 4)
- [ ] 275 - End of The Beginning
One offs
- [ ] The Light At The End (50th anniv special)
The Legacy of Time
- [ ] 1 Lies in Ruins
- [ ] 2 The Split Infinitive
- [ ] 3 The Sacrifice of Jo Grant
- [ ] 4 Relative Time
- [ ] 5 The avenues of Possibility
- [ ] 6 Collision Course
This chunk is all big anniversary cross overs that feature charley. Some with 6. Some with 8.
Companion Chronicles
- [ ] 4.12 Solitaire
Short Trips
- [ ] 2.8 Letting Go
- [ ] 5.8 Foreshadowing
- [ ] 6.11 The Man Who Wasn’t There
- [ ] 9.11 Hall of the Ten Thousand
- [ ] 10.8 These Stolen Hours
Classic Doctors, New Monsters
- [ ] 3.4 If I should die before I wake
This last selection is all small short stories that take place during the Charley Era.
Lucie Era
Eighth Doctor Adventures
8DA Season 1
- [ ] 1, 2 Blood of the Daleks
- [ ] 3 Horror of Glam Rock
- [ ] 4 Immortal Beloved
- [ ] 5 Phobos
- [ ] 6 No More Lies
- [ ] 7, 8 Human Resources
8DA Season 2
- [ ] 1 Dead London
- [ ] 2 Max Warp
- [ ] 3 Brave New Town
- [ ] 4 The Skull of Sobek
- [ ] 5 Grand Theft Cosmos
- [ ] 6 The Zygon that Fell to Earth
- [ ] 7 Sisters of the Flame
- [ ] 8 Vengeance of Morbius
8DA Season 3
- [ ] 1 Orbis
- [ ] 2 Hothouse
- [ ] 3 Beast of Orlock
- [ ] 4 Wirrn Dawn
- [ ] 5 Scapegoat
- [ ] 6 The Cannibalists
- [ ] 7 The Eight Truths
- [ ] 8 Worldwide Web
8DA Season 4
- [ ] 1 Death in Blackpool
- [ ] 2 Situation Vacant
- [ ] 3 Nevermore
- [ ] 4 The Book of Kells
- [ ] 5 Deimos
- [ ] 6 The Resurrection of Mars
- [ ] 7 Relative Dimensions
- [ ] 7b An Earthly Child
- [ ] 8 Prisoner of the Sun
- [ ] 9 Lucie Miller
- [ ] 10 To the Death (end of the Era)
Lucie Era Bonus
8DA Season 5
- [ ] 1 The Dalek Trap
- [ ] 2 The Revolution Game
- [ ] 3 The House on the Edge of Chaos
- [ ] 4 Island of the Fendahl
This season is technically not an 8DA release but is called “the further adventures of Lucie miller” and takes place before Human Resources. But I wouldn’t slot it there, and instead just listen as a bonus.
Short Trips
- [ ] 3.8 All the fun of the Fair
- [ ] 6.4 The Curse of the Fugue
- [ ] ST7.7 Flashpoint
- [ ] SST 2014-06 Late Night Shopping
- [ ] SST 2013-03 the Young Lions
- [ ] SST 2015-12 The Caves of Erith
Liv and Helen Era
Yes technically this was the Molly era but she got too famous between dark eyes part 1 and 2 so it’s really Liv’s Era, and Helen joins soon after. This era is a string of box sets so basically just Dark Eyes >Doom Coalition >Ravenous > Stranded, but what follows is a checklist so you can keep track.
Eighth Doctor Adventures
Dark Eyes
- [ ] 1.1 The Great War
- [ ] 1.2 Fugutives
- [ ] 1.3 Tangled Web
- [ ] 1.4 X and the Daleks
- [ ] 2.1 The Traitor
- [ ] 2.2 The White Room
- [ ] 2.3 Time’s Horizon (Hello Liv!)
- [ ] 2.4 Eyes of the Master
- [ ] 3.1 The Death of Hope
- [ ] 3.2 The Reviled
- [ ] 3.3 Masterplan
- [ ] 3.4 Rule of the Eminence
- [ ] 4.1 A Life in the Day
- [ ] 4.2 The Monster of Monmarte
- [ ] 4.3 Master of the Daleks
- [ ] 4.4 Eye of Darkness
Doom Coalition
- [ ] 1.1 The Eleven
- [ ] 1.2 The Red Lady
- [ ] 1.3 The Galileo Trap
- [ ] 1.4 The Satanic Mill
- [ ] 2.1 Beachhead Track
- [ ] 2.2 Scenes from Her Life
- [ ] 2.3 The Gift
- [ ] 2.4 The Sonomancer
- [ ] 3.1 Absent Friends
- [ ] 3.2 The Eighth Piece
- [ ] 3.3 The Doomsday Chronometer
- [ ] 3.4 The Crucible of Souls
- [ ] 4.1 Ship in a Bottle
- [ ] 4.2 Songs of Love
- [ ] 4.3 The Side of the Angels
- [ ] 4.4 Stop the Clock
- [ ] 1.1 Their Finest Hour
- [ ] 1.2 How to make a Killing in Time Travel
- [ ] 1.3 World of Damnation
- [ ] 1.4 Sweet Salvation
- [ ] 2.1 Escape from Kaldor
- [ ] 2.2 Better Watch Out
- [ ] 2.3 Fairytale of Salzburg (Another Christmas Special)
- [ ] 2.4 Seizure
- [ ] 3.1 Deeptime Frontier
- [ ] 3.2 Companion Piece***** See Below
- [ ] 3.3 LEGEND
- [ ] 3.4 The Odds Against
- [ ] 4.1 Whisper
- [ ] 4.2 Planet of Dust
- [ ] 4.3 Day of the Master 1
- [ ] 4.4 Day of the Master 2
I highly recommend skipping to the Bliss Era before Companion Piece. They were released simultaneously and have a crossover in companion piece and it makes it better. But you could always “Spoilers sweetie” and find it out later.
- [ ] 1.1 Lost Property
- [ ] 1.2 Wild Animals
- [ ] 1.3 Must-See TV
- [ ] 1.4 Divine Intervention
- [ ] 2.1 Dead Time
- [ ] 2.2 Unit Dating
- [ ] 2.3 Baker Street Irregulars
- [ ] 2.4 The Long Way Round
- [ ] 3.1 Patience
- [ ] 3.2 Twisted Folklore
- [ ] 3.3 Snow
- [ ] 3.4 What Just Happened
- [ ] 4.1 Crossed Lines
- [ ] 4.2 Get Andy
- [ ] 4.3 The Keys of Baker Street
- [ ] 4.4 Best Year Ever
Liv and Helen continue into What Lies Inside and Connections, but I don’t have it yet so I don’t know the episode names.
Liv Era Bonus Content
Main Range
- [ ] 149. Robophobia
Liv was actually an almost-companion for the 7th doctor. She told him no, and kicked herself until the 8th Doctor showed back up.
The Robots
Liv’s Spin off. Takes place during Ravenous 2 when the doctor has to leave her for a year. I haven’t listened yet so I don’t know the titles but there are 6 seasons of 3 episodes
Ninth Doctor Adventures
- [ ] 2.3 Hidden Depths
Crossover with the Ninth Doctor Range.
Short Trips
- [ ] 7.1 The World Beyond the Trees
Bliss Era
Aka the Time War! Can technically be listened to whenever because it doesn’t directly reference things but it’s best after Doom Coalition, but Before Ravenous.
Eighth Doctor Adventures
Time War
- [ ] 1.1 The Starship of Theseus
- [ ] 1.2 Echoes of War
- [ ] 1.3 The Conscript
- [ ] 1.4 One Life
- [ ] 2.1 The Lords of Terror
- [ ] 2.2 Planet of the Ogrons
- [ ] 2.3 In the Garden of Death
- [ ] 2.4 Jonah
- [ ] 3.1 State of Bliss
- [ ] 3.2 The Famished Lands
- [ ] 3.3 Fugutive in Time
- [ ] 3.4 The War Valeyard
- [ ] 4.1 Palindrome 1
- [ ] 4.2 Palindrome 2
- [ ] 4.3 Dreadshade
- [ ] 4.4 Restoration of the Daleks
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A Small Collection of Archived Wii Message Board Official Nintendo Messages
from my Wii Family Edition (black) - it was used when my family got it in March 2013 to replace our other Wii (disc drive died) and apparently the former owners got some system messages - as did we, one message being from when we first obtained the system.
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excuse the quality, automatic shutter speed on iOS is a bitch when attempting to get pictures of CRT screens. (inb4 just use a capture card)
Full texts:
under cut as they are incredibly long, sorted (as best as i can tell) chronologically.
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* The Nintendo Channel may be downloaded for 0 Wii Points(TM). Nintendo
Wii Menu version 4.3 has been improved. This update provides a behind-the-scenes fixes that will not affect features but will improve the overall system performance. To update your Wii Menu to the latest version, please select the Update button at the bottom of the screen or select the System Update option in Wii System Settings.
Because unauthorized modifications to save data or program files may impair game play or the Wii console, updating to Wii Menu version 4.3 will also check for and automatically remove such save data or program files.
**Please note: If you've updated your Wii Menu after 9/7/10, you may not need to update again.
Thank you for updating your Wii console!
Play your Wii games and accessories on Wii U
Did you know that you can play nearly all of your existing Wii games on Wii U? Your Wii controllers and many Wii accessories can also be used with a new Wii U console—along with any downloaded games, save data, and other info stored in your existing Wii console.
It's time to discover Wii U
Wii U is the all-new home console from Nintendo. It's not just an upgrade—it's an entirely new system that will change the way you and your family experience games and entertainment.
The second screen on the included Wii U GamePad controller enables never-before-seen ways to play games and enjoy TV. And for the first time ever, you can see Mario and your favourite Nintendo franchises in glorious HD.
Learn more about Wii U at Nintendo.com/WIIU < http://www.nintendo.com/wiiu/what-is-wiiu/ >
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govindhtech · 2 months
Apple M4 Chip and iOS 18: A Look at Next-Level Performance
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Apple M4 Chip Rumors Apple M4 Chip Features
Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman says Apple will add M4 Chips to its Macs in late 2024. Artificial intelligence performance will be improved by the Apple M4 Chip. Apple intends to launch its first Macs equipped with the Apple M4 Chip family of CPUs in that time frame.
M4 Chip Release date Since Apple unveiled the M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max CPUs all at once in October of last year, it’s probable the Apple M4 Chip range may be shown around the same time. Gurman said the M4 will be arriving in late 2024 and early 2025 for all Macs.
The first to get Apple M4 Chips are the iMac, low-level 14-inch MacBook Pro, elite 14-inch MacBook Pro, 16-inch MacBook Pro, and Mac mini. The 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Air models will get them in springtime 2025, the Mac Studio’s in mid-2025, and the Mac Pro later in.
Apple is approaching manufacture of the Apple M4 Chip, which will come in at least three flavours. Donan, Brava, and Hidra are the codenames for the entry-level, mid-range, and top-tier chips, respectively. The low-end Mac mini, MacBook Air, and entry-level MacBook Pro will all utilise the Donan chip, while the higher-end MacBook Pro and MacBook mini will use the Brava chip.
Since the Hidra chip is made for the Mac Pro, it is likely a “Ultra” or “Extreme” category processor. With regard to the Mac Studio, Apple is testing variants that include an M4 Brava CPU variant that is likely of a better calibre than the M4 Pro and M4 Max “Brava” chips, as well as an unpublished M3-era chip.
The maximum amount of Unified Memory that M4 models of Mac desktop computers might handle is 512GB, a significant increase above the present cap of 192GB.
Although TSMC, an Apple supplier, is expected to use an enhanced version of the 3nm process for increased performance and power efficiency, the M4 chips will be constructed using the same 3-nanometer technology as the M3 processors. Apple also intends to include a much enhanced Neural Engine with more cores for AI applications.
This week brought news of Apple’s hardware roadmap. They plan to release a complete portfolio of M4-based Macs later this year, along with various iPad models, and should solidify plans for the introduction of newer iPad Pro and iPad Air models next month.
As they examined how things are going with the iPhone 15 Pro now that it is halfway through its flagship lifetime, they also heard some new rumours regarding iOS 18, which is scheduled to be introduced at WWDC in a few months. Continue reading below for all the information on these tales and more!
As to the source, the M4 series of CPUs will be rolled out later this year to the MacBook Pro and iMac lines, and during 2025, additional models like as the MacBook Air, Mac mini, Mac Studio, and Mac Pro are anticipated to get updates as well.
According to a recent report by Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, other models with M4 series CPUs would be introduced in the next year, after the initial release of the first ones later this year. Gurman provided a more detailed plan for these Macs in his Power On email today.
Gurman reaffirmed that the Mac Studio and Mac Pro would be compatible with Apple’s internally tested M3 Ultra processor, but he added that it is “all but assured that at least some of Apple’s high-end desktops” would forego the M3 chip series.
Gurman said that Apple would highlight the M4 processor series’ artificial intelligence capabilities.
iOS 18 iOS 18 Features
According to reports, Cloud Servers Won’t Be Used for Apple’s First AI Features in iOS 18
According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple’s initial round of new AI capabilities for iOS 18 won’t depend on cloud servers at all.
In the Q&A part of his Power On email today, Gurman said, “It appears that that the first set of features will work entirely on device as the world watches Apple’s big AI unveiling on June 10.” “That indicates that there is not a cloud computing element to the organization’s large language model, the application that enables the new capabilities.”
iOS 18 update Gurman predicts that Apple will likely continue to provide certain cloud-based AI capabilities powered by Gemini from Google or another supplier. Regarding possible collaborations in generative AI, Apple is said to have spoken with businesses including China’s Baidu, OpenAI, and Google. Although it is uncertain whether Gemini or another chatbot will be directly incorporated into iOS 18, it is not anticipated that Apple’s ChatGPT like chatbot would be included in iOS 18.
Given that Apple supply chain experts, like Ming-Chi Kuo and Jeff Pu, have said that the business is aggressively buying AI servers, it is plausible that Apple may eventually provide some of its own cloud-based generative AI capabilities.
New generative AI capabilities for the iPhone’s Spotlight search function, the Siri, Safari, Shortcuts, Apple Music, Messages, Health, Numbers, Pages, Keynote, and other apps are reportedly coming with iOS 18. Previously, Gurman stated that generative AI would let Siri answer more difficult inquiries and auto-complete phrases in Messages.
iOS 18 release date At WWDC, which runs from June 10 to 14, Apple is likely to reveal iOS 18 and other software improvements.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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iphonegetfree · 1 year
iPhone 14 Pro Max Giveaway Free
Amazing new giving way idea iPhone 14 and 14 pro max.You can get Apple iPhone 14 for free by playing a quiz. This is open worldwide contest it’s meaning there are no country restrictions. Enter to win an free iPhone 14 Pro max This is incredible gadgets giveaways of the Apple latest smartphone.
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Free iPhone 14 Pro Max Giveaway Today
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iPhone 14 Pro Max Features Specifications
Apple’s new iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max have been floating in the market for a while now. Improve faster then old model’s iPhone 13 pro max even iOS. If you are interested in buying the iPhone 14 and want to know more about what is expected of it, read on to know more:
Apple’s new iPhone 14 should be a great improvement and a big hit among all iPhone’s. Apple iPhone 14 has been in the news for a long time, and people are eagerly waiting for its launch as it will be a great upgrade.
iPhone 14 Pro Max display
6.7-inch Super Retina XDR Dynamic Island FTW Size: 6.7 inches Resolution: 2796 x 1290 pixels, 19.5:9 ratio, 460 PPI Technology: OLED Refresh rate: 120Hz Screen-to-body: 88.45 % Features: HDR support, Oleophobic coating, Scratch-resistant glass Ambient light sensor, Proximity sensor
iPhone 14 Pro Max Camera System
Main camera: 48MP quad-pixel sensor. Specifications: Aperture size: F1.8; Focal length: 24 mm; Pixel size: 2.44 μm. Second camera: 12 MP Telephoto, OIS, PDAF. Specifications: Optical zoom: 3.0x; Aperture size: F2.8; Focal Length: 77 mm. Third camera: 12 MP ltra-wide, PDAF. Specifications: Aperture size: F2.2; Focal Length: 13 mm; Pixel size: 1.4 μm. Fourth camera: ToF 3D depth sensing Video recording: 3840x2160 4K UHD 60 fps, 1920x1080 Full HD 240 fps, 1280x720 HD 30 fps Front: 12 MP Auto focus, HDR Video capture: 3840x2160 4K UHD 24 fps System chip: Apple 16 Bionic Processor Hexa-core CPU Hexa-core 2x3.46 GHz Avalanche + 4x Blizzard GPU Apple GPU 5-core graphics RAM: 6GB Internal storage: 128GB Device type: Smartphone OS: iOS (16.x)
Capacity: 4323 mAh Type: Built‑in rechargeable lithium‑ion
Charging : Fast charging, Qi wireless charging, USB
MagSafe wireless charging Max charge speed: Wireless: 15.0W
Storage :128GB 6GB RAM, 256GB 6GB RAM, 512GB 6GB RAM, 1TB 6GB RAM
Bluetooth: 5.3 Wi-Fi: 802.11 a, b, g, n, ac, ax Wi-Fi 6; Wi-Fi Direct, Hotspot Sensors: Accelerator, Gyroscope, Compass, Barometer, LiDAR scanner Hearing aid compatible: M3, T4
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cydiasety · 1 year
How to Install Cydia iOS 15
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Cydia is an app store that lets you download third-party apps on jailbroken iOS devices. It's a great way to customize your device with free games, music, and other apps. There are also many tweaks you can use to make your device work better.
The latest update to iOS 15 comes with a lot of bug fixes and improvements. It's important to keep up with all of the latest updates so you can enjoy your iDevice and its features without worrying about bugs.
However, even with the latest update to iOS 15 a lot of people are still struggling to find an easy way to Cydia install on their iDevices. Thankfully, a new jailbreak tool called CydiaFree has been released for iOS 15, and it's the ideal solution for those who are looking to get the latest Cydia install on their iDevices.
Unlike most of the other popular jailbreak tools, CydiaFree doesn't require any hardware or software to run and it can be installed on almost all iOS devices. To install Cydia iOS 15, just download the iOS 15 Jailbreak app from our website and follow the simple installation instructions.
If you're on an iOS 15 / 16 / 17 device, there are some downsides to Cydia. One of the biggest is that it can cause your device to drain its battery quickly. It's best to avoid installing any Cydia tweaks if you plan on using your device for long periods of time.
This is because some of the tweaks can increase your device's performance and cause it to heat up. In addition, they can also cause your device to crash and drain its battery. To fix this, you can use a tool called Anti Revoke that will help you stay safe from any malware and viruses that might be lurking in your Cydia installers.
Another downside to Cydia is that it can get messed up with the latest iOS update. For example, it can crash on your device if you have downloaded an app that has an outdated version of Apple's SDK. So be sure to check out the release notes before downloading a tweak for your device.
As you can see, there are a number of disadvantages to Cydia, but it's a fantastic way to customize your device and feel more comfortable with it. As a result, a lot of people have started using it on their iOS devices.
So if you're on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch and want to try out the latest Cydia tweaks, be sure to check out the Cydia Demo for your device. You can download it for all iOS versions, including iOS 15, and experience Cydia without risking jailbreaks or warranty voiding.
Cydia is a great way to customize your iOS device, and it has been around for quite some time. It's a fun way to add new features and improve your device's performance. It's also a great way to save money on paid apps.
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8unnycup64min9 · 1 year
Hi guys, this is my first game review of 8unnycup64min9,
Okay, finally! The game is now completely done. It's about time that game is moment you've waiting for.
Today we talk about this new mobile game the sequels of gogo Happy&Smile, based of the flash game of Newgrounds.
Now let's review of the NEW Happy&Smile mobile game,
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Happy&Smile: Super Battles -TCG Deck Building Auto Battler Action Game-
(해피앤스마일: 슈퍼 배틀즈 -TCG 덱빌딩 오토 배틀러 액션 게임-)
"Happy&Smile: Super Battles" (previously title a.k.a. "Happy&Smile: City of Fighting") is a 2D TCG (trading card game) deck builder stradegy/top-down/side-scrolling/roguelike/beat 'em up arcade action game of next new Happy&Smile game, created by Korean indie game developer "Happy Rabbit Show".
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Since begin in 2006, in Newgrounds, the flash game called "gogo Happy&Smile" is an 2D side-scroller flash game, which is inspirations of SNK's Metal Slug and The Behemoth's Alien Hominid (flash game version and console version).
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As "Happy&Smile: City of Fighting", they been selected won of Open Play Day 2014, Tokyo Game Show 2015, Busan Indie Connect 2015, and more. And once finally retitle as "Happy&Smile: Super Battles", they been selected won of Google Play Indie Game Festival 2022 TOP 10, which is now available in Korea at Google Play was released on August for pre-registration game.
The iOS version is focusing to release too longer coming soon.
Happy&Smile: Super Battles is inspiration games of TGC games like Clash Royale, role-playing games like Kingdom Hearts: Union x (cross), side-scroller/beat 'em up arcade games like Double Dragon, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game, Konami 80's and 90's games, Popslinger, and top-down/roguelike games such as Nuclear Throne, Enter the Gungeon, Blazing Beaks, Hotline Miami, etc..
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In the game intro, the animation opening intro feels like 90's retro anime/Saturday morning cartoon shows. The animation retro-stylish like RDR (Ram Daram), PopSlinger (indie top-down shooting scrolling game), or any retro cartoons/ other indie games, until after the game starts.
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Fight alongside your friends as you gradually build up your deck with cards and medals! An action arcade strategy game that combines an action arcade game and a card deck building auto battler system to build a deck with cards and medals.
The game featuring is a combination of an action arcade game and a card deck building auto battler system. - A very creative combination of side-scrolling action + TCG deck building + auto battler - It is easy to operate, and the side-scrolling action and TCG method are familiar to the public.
Various characters designed in "cartoon style" -Characters organized by type, implementing various abilities according to type
A game that combines card collection system and medal reward due to level up that stimulates "collection desire" - Composed of medals and card collection elements that children love - Can be linked with off-product smart toy products (NFC game medals)
The gameplay of Super Battles is so very great and freshly for gesture game touchscreen like slide or swipe the screen and tapping the screen, and holding the mobile device like a game controller, it feels like a arcade. Except the block tap when the enemy will hit you before too late fast. The game features to draw a cards like Clash Royale and other card games and then attack vicious waves of enemies and bosses to increase more blue coins to level up and pick one skills and attacks medals, the MORE gets stronger to defeat all types of enemies.
Music and Sounds:
The music composed by MOTIFSOUND, the soundtracks are fascinating and feels very good jazzy, outstanding metal rock, and types of music. The game sound effects are very fun and enjoyable like retro 8-bit or 16-bit games and other sounds.
Graphics and Arts:
The game graphic sprites are SO VERY EXTREMELY EXCELLENT feels like gogo Happy&Smile flavors including bunch of characters and objects like cartoon styles and the animation intro like the 90's cartoon shows. The artworks are very massive cute and adorable (but even little bit violences) and the backgrounds are too awesome too.
Problems or not Problems:
The big problems are the bug fix including like gun shooting, player can't move while gun keeps shooting, no PvP, no events, how to block enemies, card gauge meter not been fulled, and anything of a lot of bugs to fixing too hard.
Okay, Happy&Smile: Super Battle is very good mobile game for me, not bad game (don't ask). Until the game is coming soon or next year for more to see. So I'm gonna giving 9 out of 10 of that game I never played.
Download the app for FREE at Google Play (not any at countries, South Korea country only).
Or you can play the original browser game here as you can!
That's it for now. Stay tuned for more game reviews and see you bloody next year. ;)
Thank you indie game developer!
Plus, here's the game trailer.
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leexsa · 2 years
i downloaded iOS 16 and macOS ventura on my phone and macbook respectively, so im here to share about some of the cool stuff!
the lockscreen is POGGERS, but i still have no idea how to put people in front of the font and stuff. i'll probably figure that out later, but i'm happy with this rn. the font options go from nice and aesthetic to slightly deranged, with weird numbers and all. the widgets were a good idea.
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music player!!
the music player has two modes. one more compressed and compact:
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and one more bigger zoomed-in version of the album art!
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this is a really nice touch for people who are into album art and like seeing them, and the compact method works with those who want to be a little more private about what theyre listening to. theres also a little equaliser on the top right of the progress bar right next to the song title, which i think is pretty neat!
other stuffystuff:
overall, the animations seem a lot more natural, and i really like that. it makes me feel more comfortable using my phone, and it feels as if it's brand new. this just shows how much software affects the experience, and apple outdid themselves this time. although, there are a few slight animation errors that i've already informed them about, so hopefully they do something soon.
the scrolling on the home page is almost the same as iOS15, but instead the dots at the bottom have a search function when the phone is still. i think for small handed people like me would be okay to use it, but i'm not really sure this function is needed since all we can do is just swipe down for spotlight.
but when we DO swipe down, there's a new animation that makes the search button at the bottom of the screen come up to be the search bar itself. pretty cool ngl
the fixed app row at the bottom of the homescreen seems even closer to the edge, either that or my eyes are failing me. there's no battery percentage yet, but hopefully the actually update has it :')
the hold picture thing isn't working for me as for now, but that's maybe bc i'm on an older phone. can beta testers who use newer phones tell me if it works on yours?
the fitness app was a good thing i feel. im always super unmotivated to exercise, so i think seeing the rings themselves can help me force myself to exercise everyday :D
that's all for iOS! onto macOS!
ok first things first, ventura is BIG. like big BIG update. 12gb???? my computer was having a difficult time to download everything, but i eventually got it downloaded. and the biggest thing in this update:
stage manager!
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(dont mind the ayato wallpaper thanks ���)
stage manager actually boosted my productivity in class, a LOT. my moots know that we use our computers a lot in class, and stage manager helped me not only focus, but do my work more efficiently. i used to be a very everything-full-screen person. i would put all of my windows in full screen mode and travelling between them was a little bit torturous. but stage manager somewhat found a middleground for people who love full screen and minimised windows. they made it so that your current window was big enough to feel like it's full screen, but you still have the stage manager at the side for you to switch your windows whenever you want to.
however, it was a little difficult to navigate at first. i kept opening windows that i wasnt supposed to and i had no idea how to group tabs and separate them. hopefully the feedback i gave to apple will allow them to give more direct instructions on how to use the stage manager.
oh. that's pretty much everything. well for me at least, most of the update was an aesthetic upgrade, but self performance could also be boosted! i'm not sure about other features, but these few are the ones that really stuck with me!
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itopic · 2 years
iOS 16 will be officially released in the fall of 2022. The new features are:
• Lock screen customization and widgets
• Live activities and Focus filters
• iCloud shared Photo library
• Passkeys and shared Tab groups
• Live text, Visual look up, and Dictation enhancements
• Updates for messages, Mail, Home, Health, Wallet, Maps, and more
All iPhones from iPhone 8 and up will get iOS 16 update.
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NASA’s Juno Is Getting Ever Closer to Jupiter’s Moon Io
The spinning, solar-powered spacecraft will take another look of the fiery Jovian moon on July 30.
When NASA’s Juno mission flies by Jupiter’s fiery moon Io on Sunday, July 30, the spacecraft will be making its closest approach yet, coming within 13,700 miles (22,000 kilometers) of it. Data collected by the Italian-built JIRAM (Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper) and other science instruments is expected to provide a wealth of information on the hundreds of erupting volcanoes pouring out molten lava and sulfurous gases all over the volcano-festooned moon.
“While JIRAM was designed to look at Jupiter’s polar aurora, its capability to identify heat sources is proving to be indispensable in our hunt for active volcanos on Io,” said Juno Principal Investigator Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. “As we get closer with each flyby, JIRAM and other instruments aboard Juno add to our library of data on the moon, allowing us to not only better resolve surface features but understand how they change over time.”
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From left, Ganymede, Europa, and Io – the three Jovian moons that NASA’s Juno mission has flown past – as well as Jupiter are shown in a photo illustration created from data collected by the spacecraft’s JunoCam imager.  Credit: Image data: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS. Image processing: Kevin M. Gill (CC BY); Thomas Thomopoulos (CC BY)
Launched in 2011, the spinning, solar-powered spacecraft has been studying the Jovian system since 2016 and will begin the third year of its extended mission on July 31.
Io’s Hot Spots
Slightly larger than Earth’s moon, Io is a world in constant torment. Not only is the biggest planet in the solar system forever pulling at it gravitationally, but so are Io’s Galilean siblings – Europa and the biggest moon in the solar system, Ganymede. The result is that Io is continuously stretched and squeezed, actions linked to the creation of the lava seen erupting from its many volcanoes.
During Juno’s last flyby of Io, which occurred May 16, the JunoCam imager took a picture from 22,100 miles (35,600 kilometers) showing a smudge at the moon’s Volund region, near the equator. Such smudges are smoking guns to planetary scientists.
“When I compared it to visible-light images taken of the same area during Galileo and New Horizons flybys (in 1999 and 2007), I was excited to see changes at Volund, where the lava flow field had expanded to the west and another volcano just north of Volund had fresh lava flows surrounding it,” said Jason Perry of the University of Arizona’s HiRISE Operations Center in Tucson. “Io is known for its extreme volcanic activity, but after 16 years, it is so nice to see these changes up close again.
During that same May 16 pass, JIRAM found a smoking gun of its own. Built by the Italian Space Agency, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, the infrared imager was able to capture 125-mile-wide (202-kilometer-wide) Loki Patera, the largest volcanic depression on Io. At less than 6 miles (10 kilometers) per pixel, the JIRAM data reveals what could be an active volcano. The team hopes for another look with the next flyby.
“The data show the lava could be bubbling to the surface in the northwest portion and creating a lava lake to the south and east,” said Alessandro Mura, co-investigator from the National Institute for Astrophysics in Rome. “Any volcanologist will tell you it is important to determine whether a lava lake has a stable source of material from an underground chamber. These data, and those we collect on upcoming flybys, will be crucial to understanding the kind of volcanism that is occurring at Io.”
Young Scientists Engage Jupiter
On July 17, Bolton and other members of the mission met with 49 students and early career scientists from all over Europe at the University of Rome to attend a weeklong workshop on Juno’s cutting-edge data on Jupiter and its moons.
“The contributions of the European scientific and engineering communities have been so fundamental for the success of our mission,” said Bolton. “This is just a small way of giving back to the community that means so much to us. During the workshop, students and early career researchers got to work with members of the Juno science team to develop some exciting scientific projects based on our data. Based on what I saw and the enthusiasm of these young people, the future of planetary exploration is bright here in Europe.”
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At top and bottom right, JunoCam images taken in May 2023 of Jupiter’s moon Io show lava fields surrounding volcanoes Volund A and B appear to be growing in size. Previous NASA spacecraft imaged the same region in 1996, bottom left, and 2007, bottom center.  Credit: Galileo: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona. New Horizons: NASA/JHUAPL/SWRI. Juno: Image data: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS. Image processing: Jason Perry (CC BY)
More About the Mission
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages the Juno mission for the principal investigator, Scott J. Bolton, of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. Juno is part of NASA’s New Frontiers Program, which is managed at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, for the agency’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Lockheed Martin Space in Denver built and operates the spacecraft.
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The Apple iPhone 14 Pro
A Revolution in Smartphone Technology
The Apple iPhone 14 Pro is newest model in Apple's famous smartphone series, showing big improvements in design, performance & features. The phone has a beautiful screen, strong processor and creative camera system. The iPhone 14 Pro represents top-level device that expands the possibilities of what a smartphone can achieve. In this blog post, we will talk about all important features and upgrades of the iPhone 14 Pro. We will also explain why it is a must-buy device for anyone looking to get a new smartphone.
iPhone 14 Pro Design
One thing you see first about iPhone 14 Pro is its beautiful design. The phone has a smooth, all-glass body & a ceramic shield on the front, making it look very high-quality & nice to touch. The iPhone 14 Pro comes in many different colors, like the new Midnight, Starlight, and Green choices. This lets you pick a phone that matches your own taste.
The iPhone 14 Pro also comes with new ProMotion display. This screen can refresh up to 120Hz, making everything look smoother & touch more reactive. Because of this, using the iPhone 14 Pro feels very fast and smooth when you surf internet, play games, or watch videos.
iPhone 14 Pro Performance
Inside the iPhone 14 Pro, there is Apple's new A16 Bionic chip. This chip gives very high performance & works with great efficiency. The A16 chip is quicker & uses less power than the one before it, so you can use even the most heavy apps and games without any problem. The iPhone 14 Pro comes with 8GB of RAM, which helps for smooth multitasking and good performance no matter what activity you do.
The iPhone 14 Pro is also having 5G connectivity, making it quicker & more dependable than before. If you are watching HD video online, downloading big files, or playing games on the internet, the iPhone 14 Pro's 5G function makes sure you stay connected all time.
iPhone 14 Pro Camera
The camera on iPhone 14 Pro is very special part of the phone. It has three lenses: a 12MP wide lens, a 12MP ultra-wide lens, & a 12MP telephoto lens. This makes it possible to take beautiful pictures and videos no matter where you are or what you want to capture. The iPhone 14 Pro also has better performance in low light, because it has a bigger sensor and more advanced image processing abilities.
The iPhone 14 Pro has a new feature called Cinematic Mode. This lets you make videos with a shallow depth of field, giving them a movie-like appearance & feeling. You can change the focus while recording or after you finish, which gives you extra control over your video projects.
iPhone 14 Pro Battery Life
The iPhone 14 Pro has a bigger battery compared to the older model, so you can use it all day without stressing about low power. It also comes with fast charging support, which helps you charge your iPhone 14 Pro up to 50% in only half an hour. Also, the iPhone 14 Pro can charge without wires, which means you can quickly recharge your phone anytime during the day.
iPhone 14 Pro iOS
The iPhone 14 Pro uses Apple's newest operating system, iOS 16. This version brings many new features & improvements. There are redesigned widgets, a revamped Control Center, better privacy settings, and improved multitasking abilities. iOS 16 is considered the most advanced mobile operating system so far from Apple. With regular updates and new features coming often, the iPhone 14 Pro will keep giving a smooth & easy user experience for many years ahead.
The Apple iPhone 14 Pro is a really amazing piece of smartphone technology. It has beautiful design, strong performance, & new features that make it very special. With its ProMotion screen and A16 Bionic chip, plus the triple-lens camera system & iOS 16 operating system, the iPhone 14 Pro shows what a top-quality smartphone should be like.
If you like taking photos, playing games on your phone, or need a strong device for your active life, the iPhone 14 Pro is very good choice. It has top performance & looks amazing with advanced features too. The iPhone 14 Pro will satisfy all these needs without any problem.
So, if you want to buy a new smartphone & looking for the best choice, you should consider Apple iPhone 14 Pro. This phone has very advanced technology & offers an amazing experience for users. The iPhone 14 Pro is definitely worth your money because of its high quality and top features.
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pulsemarket · 18 days
Get Ready to Elevate Your Spotify Experience with SpotifyMP3Downloader!
Are you tired of being bound by the limitations of streaming? Say hello to SpotifyMP3Downloader, your ultimate solution to unlock the full potential of Spotify!
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Why Choose SpotifyMP3Downloader?
Seamless Integration: Seamlessly integrate SpotifyMP3Downloader into your Spotify experience, enhancing it like never before!
Limitless Possibilities: With SpotifyMP3Downloader, the possibilities are endless! Say goodbye to restrictions and hello to unlimited downloads of your favorite Spotify playlists.
Enhanced Flexibility: Take control of your music with SpotifyMP3Downloader’s enhanced flexibility. Download playlists, albums, spotify playlist downloader or even single tracks with just a click!
Unleash Your Music Library: 4. Expand Your Collection: Expand your music library like never before! Download and save your favorite playlists to enjoy offline, anytime, anywhere.
Discover New Favorites: Explore new horizons with SpotifyMP3Downloader. Discover new artists and genres, and download them instantly to curate your personalized collection.
No More Buffering: Experience uninterrupted music bliss with SpotifyMP3Downloader. Say goodbye to buffering and enjoy your tracks without any interruptions.
User-Friendly Interface: 7. Simple and Intuitive: Navigate effortlessly through SpotifyMP3Downloader’s user-friendly interface. Downloading your favorite playlists has never been easier!
Customizable Settings: Tailor SpotifyMP3Downloader to suit your preferences with customizable settings. Personalize your downloading experience with ease.
Quick Downloads: With lightning-fast download speeds, SpotifyMP3Downloader ensures you spend less time waiting and more time enjoying your music.
Stay Connected, Stay Updated: 10. Automatic Updates: Stay ahead of the game with automatic updates from SpotifyMP3Downloader. Enjoy new features and enhancements without lifting a finger.
Community Support: Join a thriving community of music enthusiasts! Share tips, tricks, and playlists with fellow SpotifyMP3Downloader users.
24/7 Customer Support: Need assistance? Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to address any queries or concerns you may have.
Security and Reliability: 13. Safe and Secure: Rest easy knowing your downloads are safe and secure with SpotifyMP3Downloader’s robust encryption technology.
Reliable Performance: Trust in SpotifyMP3Downloader’s reliable performance to deliver your favorite tracks without fail, every time.
No Ads, No Distractions: Say goodbye to annoying ads and distractions! Enjoy an ad-free downloading experience with SpotifyMP3Downloader.
Compatibility Across Devices: 16. Multi-Platform Support: Whether you’re on Windows, macOS, iOS, or Android, SpotifyMP3Downloader has you covered. Enjoy seamless compatibility across all your devices.
Sync Across Devices: Sync your downloaded playlists across all your devices effortlessly. Access your favorite tracks anytime, anywhere, on any device.
Offline Enjoyment: Take your music offline and enjoy it on the go, even without an internet connection. Perfect for road trips, flights, or simply unwinding at home.
Legal and Ethical: 19. Compliance with Regulations: Rest assured, SpotifyMP3Downloader operates in full compliance with copyright regulations. Enjoy your downloaded tracks legally and ethically.
Support the Artists: Show your support for your favorite artists by downloading their tracks through SpotifyMP3Downloader. spotify playlist downloader Ensure they get the recognition they deserve for their incredible work.
Conclusion: With SpotifyMP3Downloader, the power to control your Spotify experience is in your hands. Say hello to unlimited downloads, seamless integration, and unparalleled flexibility. Elevate your music experience today with SpotifyMP3Downloader – because music should be enjoyed on your terms!
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