#Alessandro Carloni
Best Angelina Jolie movies and performances:
1. Changeling - Clint Eastwood (2008)
2. Kung Fu Panda - Mark Osborne and John Stevenson (2008)
3. Kung Fu Panda 2 - Jennifer Yuh (2011)
4. Girl, Interrupted - James Mangold (1999)
5. Kung Fu Panda 3 - Jennifer Yuh and Alessandro Carloni (2016)
6. Playing by Heart - Willard Carrol (1998)
7. Gia - Michael Cristofer (1998)
8. Maleficent - Robert Stromberg (2014)
9. The Bone Collector - Phillip Noyce (1999)
10. The Good Shepherd - Robert De Niro (2006)
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kylekirkwoods · 4 months
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FILMS I WATCHED IN 2024 KUNG FU PANDA 3 (2016) Dir. Jennifer Yuh Nelson & Alessandro Carloni ↳ I saw the future of kung fu, and the past. I saw the panda who could you unite them both.
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paleanimation · 7 months
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Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) dir. Jennifer Yuh Nelson & Alessandro Carloni + Pastel Meltaways
Before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind. Hence... the dramatic entrance.
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tai-lung · 9 months
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KUNG FU PANDA 3 (2016) dir. Jennifer Yuh Nelson and Alessandro Carloni.
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dailyflicks · 2 years
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Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) dir. Alessandro Carloni & Jennifer Yuh Nelson
+ Bonus:
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davinaclare · 1 year
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KUNG FU PANDA 3 (2016)
Dir. Jennifer Yuh Nelson and Alessandro Carloni
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nine-frames · 10 months
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Kung Fu Panda 3, 2016.
Dir. Alessandro Carloni & Jennifer Yuh Nelson | Writ. Jonathan Aibel & Glenn Berger | Art Dir. Max Boas
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Kung Fu Panda 4
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:: Trama Kung Fu Panda 4 ::
Mentre i Cinque Cicloni sono via per allenarsi dopo aver compiuto varie missioni, Po, destinato a diventare la guida spirituale della Valle della Pace, è costretto a cercare il suo successore come nuovo Guerriero Dragone mentre combatte insieme a una volpe ladra di nome Zhen, i nostri eroi dovranno sconfiggere un nuovo spaventoso nemico chiamato "La Camaleonte", una terribile ed infida strega che riporta in vita Tai Lung e gli altri nemici sconfitti dal panda nei film precedenti con l'unico scopo di governare la città di Juniper e la Valle della Pace grazie alle tecniche di kung fu che ruba a questi ultimi.
Kung Fu Panda 4 è un film d'animazione del 2024 diretto da Mike Mitchell e Stephanie Ma Stin.
Prodotto da DreamWorks Animation e distribuito da Universal Pictures. È il quarto capitolo del franchise di Kung Fu Panda, e sequel di Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016), e presenta Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, James Hong, Bryan Cranston e Ian McShane che riprendono i ruoli dei film precedenti, con Awkwafina, Viola Davis e Ke Huy Quan che si uniscono al cast come nuovi personaggi.
Ai registi Jennifer Yuh Nelson e Alessandro Carloni venne chiesta la possibilità di un quarto film di Kung Fu Panda prima dell'uscita del terzo film nel gennaio 2016, con Nelson che in seguito affermò nell'agosto 2018 di essere aperta a un quarto capitolo. DreamWorks ha annunciato ufficialmente il quarto film nell'agosto 2022, con Mitchell, Ma Stine, e Rebecca Huntley rispettivamente come regista, co-regista e produttore nell'aprile 2023. La maggior parte del cast vocale principale è stato annunciato nel dicembre 2023, in seguito al casting di Awkwafina nel maggio di quell'anno.
Un film (in Italiano anche pellicola) è una serie di immagini che, dopo essere state registrate su uno o più supporti cinematografici e una volta proiettate su uno schermo, creano l'illusione di un'immagine in movimento.[1] Questa illusione ottica permette a colui che guarda lo schermo, nonostante siano diverse immagini che scorrono in rapida successione, di percepire un movimento continuo.
Il processo di produzione cinematografica viene considerato ad oggi sia come arte che come un settore industriale. Un film viene materialmente creato in diversi metodi: riprendendo una scena con una macchina da presa, oppure fotografando diversi disegni o modelli in miniatura utilizzando le tecniche tradizionali dell'animazione, oppure ancora utilizzando tecnologie moderne come la CGI e l'animazione al computer, o infine grazie ad una combinazione di queste tecniche.
L'immagine in movimento può eventualmente essere accompagnata dal suono. In tale caso il suono può essere registrato sul supporto cinematografico, assieme all'immagine, oppure può essere registrato, separatamente dall'immagine, su uno o più supporti fonografici.
Con la parola cinema (abbreviazione del termine inglese cinematography, “cinematografia”) ci si è spesso normalmente riferiti all'attività di produzione dei film o all'arte a cui si riferisce. Ad oggi con questo termine si definisce l'arte di stimolare delle esperienze per comunicare idee, storie, percezioni, sensazioni, il bello o l'atmosfera attraverso la registrazione o il movimento programmato di immagini insieme ad altre stimolazioni sensoriali.[2]
In origine i film venivano registrati su pellicole di materiale plastico attraverso un processo fotochimico che poi, grazie ad un proiettore, si rendevano visibili su un grande schermo. Attualmente i film sono spesso concepiti in formato digitale attraverso tutto l'intero processo di produzione, distribuzione e proiezione.
Il film è un artefatto culturale creato da una specifica cultura, riflettendola e, al tempo stesso, influenzandola. È per questo motivo che il film viene considerato come un'importante forma d'arte, una fonte di intrattenimento popolare ed un potente mezzo per educare (o indottrinare) la popolazione. Il fatto che sia fruibile attraverso la vista rende questa forma d'arte una potente forma di comunicazione universale. Alcuni film sono diventati popolari in tutto il mondo grazie all'uso del doppiaggio o dei sottotitoli per tradurre i dialoghi del film stesso in lingue diverse da quella (o quelle) utilizzata nella sua produzione.
Le singole immagini che formano il film sono chiamate “fotogrammi”. Durante la proiezione delle tradizionali pellicole di celluloide, un otturatore rotante muove la pellicola per posizionare ogni fotogramma nella posizione giusta per essere proiettato. Durante il processo, fra un frammento e l'altro vengono creati degli intervalli scuri, di cui però lo spettatore non nota la loro presenza per via del cosiddetto effetto della persistenza della visione: per un breve periodo di tempo l'immagine permane a livello della retina. La percezione del movimento è dovuta ad un effetto psicologico definito come “fenomeno Phi”.
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byebyelemonpie · 8 months
byebyelemonpie's may 2023 recommendations
My may top 5 movies:
Kung Fu Panda trilogy (2008, dir: Mark Osborne, John Stevenson; 2011, dir: Jennifer Yuh Nelson; 2016, dir: Jennifer Yuh Nelson, Alessandro Carloni) [Rewatched the first two after a decade and watched the third for the first time] Listen, I don't know what happened to me or to the world that made me uninterested in these movies somewhere between the second and the third one, but I'm glad that went away because these are actually really good. Like, the animation, the aesthetic, the story: they're all great and enjoyable, and a lot of fun! -
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018, dir: Ol Parker) [Rewatch after five years] The songs are still bangers and a lot of fun, even though this is way more sad than the first one. Wacthing it with friends is even better! -
13 Going on 30 (2004, dir: Gary Winick) [Rewacth after seven years] Still a cute and fun rom-com. The time-travel and the moral consequences of a 13 year-old in her own older body are never even thought about, but that's probably for the best, because I genuinely enjoyed it as a kid, even though I didn't want to grow up. -
Sky High (2005, dir: Mike Mitchell) [Rewatch after more than a decade] Just okay, I remember liking this a lot as a teen, but never seeing it again. Loved the whole character of Warren Peace, his name and his backstory and to be honest I wish the whole thing would have been about him. But still not that bad! -
So I Married an Anti-Fan (2016, dir: Kim Je-young) [First time watch] No idea how I found this, but it was pretty fun. I haven't really written anything on my notebook about it other than "not that bad", and all the letterboxd reviews are about this k-pop idol whom I don't know, I'm so sorry.
Favourite series in may:
Spy x Family (Japan, 2022) [First time watch; anime] A spy needs to infiltrate the family of an important political figure to stop the war between the two prominent regions of his nation, but to do so, he needs to have a wife and a daughter. He finds them in a secret assassin and a mind reader respectively. This anime is so much fun!! It's hilarious and even heartwarming at times. I decided to read the manga as well because I fell in love with the characters so fast. -
Ted Lasso - season 3 (USA, 2023) [First time watch] This series has been a very nice comfort show since I started season 1 last year. I loved how everyone had a character development and I very much enjoyed the positivity and feeling of hope throughout the series and especially in the end. -
Schmigadoon! - Schmicago (USA, 2023) [First time watch] This musical series is still one of the most innovative around and I LOVE the songs and the references to the musicals it parodies. I think I might have enjoyed this second season more than the first because I like more musicals from this era than the ones referenced in season 1. I still wish they will eventually make a thrid season, because if they manage to make parodies of all musical eras, they will have my whole heart, although this had a perfect ending, so I am conflicted on this. -
Dark Blue Kiss (Thailand, 2019) [Rewatch after a year] This was the first Thai series I've ever watched, but I had overrated it, so I decided to revisit it with a better knowledge and some more place for comparison. It turns out that it's still pretty good! Pete and Kao's story and its stupid jealousy, their cute bickering, and Kao's will to come out to him mum but fear of rejection is still very well done. Their breakup phase is still so sad! New's little pouty face should be enough to make people forgive him, especially when Kao didn't do anything outwardly terrible. The communication problem in this couple is still annoying, but the last scene makes up for everything and they have my heart. I'm not the greatest fan of the second couple - when a lot of fans would say the opposite - but I still love fellow Pokémon Go fan Mork and I still think he deserves better, I'm not sorry. -
Quacks (UK, 2017) [First time watch] As usual, six-episodes-long British sitcoms that are about specific time periods were cancelled after one season, and so was this gem. This series was about several doctors working at a Victorian hospital and trying new ways to cure patients. It was very interesting other than pretty funny.
[byebyelemonpie's 2023 recs]
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lavidaanimada · 1 year
3 mujeres que inspiran en el mundo de la animación
Como herramienta que hace posible crear cualquier realidad, la animación parece magia cuando está bien hecha; pero al mirar lo que hay detrás, te das cuenta del reto que representa.
El desafío de lograr buenas animaciones lo han aceptado muchas mujeres geniales a través de la historia, aquí tienes 3 contemporáneas, ¡ellas nos inspiran con sus logros!
🐴 Lisa Hanawalt
Lisa es conocida por haber trabajado en la producción y diseño de producción de BoJack Horseman, también por ser creadora de Tuca y Bertie: una serie animada para adultos que es salvaje y 100% recomendada.
Animadora, ilustradora, productora y fan de los caballos, ella ha puesto de su parte para lograr series animadas que marcan esta generación y que ya se han llevado varios Annie Awards (premios a la animación).
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🌿 Jennifer Yuh
Como artista de storyboard y directora, Jennifer es admirable por su éxito al dirigir sola una de las películas animadas de los grandes estudios en los últimos tiempos: Kung Fu Panda 2.
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Este largometraje ha sido un éxito; fue nominado a los Oscar como mejor película animada y se llevó 2 Annie Awards, uno de ellos por la dirección.
Ella también codirigió Kung Fu Panda 3 con Alessandro Carloni, participó como artista de storyboard en Spirit y Madagascar. En la actualidad, Jennifer es directora de Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024).
Nota: si disfrutas el trabajo de Jennifer Yuh, puede que también te guste lo que hace Domee Shi, directora del cortometraje Bao y la película Red.
🐱 Natasha Allegri
Como animadora, artista de storyboard y dibujante de cómics, es reconocida por su trabajo en Hora de Aventura, ¡gracias a ella existen los personajes Fionna y Cake!
Natasha es la creadora Bee and PuppyCat, una miniserie animada con algunas características de las historias tipo chica mágica, las cuales tienen su origen en el manga y anime; la diferencia es que Bee and Puppycat es animación estilo cartoon y está enfocada al público adulto.
La protagonista es Bee quien, después de ser despedida, vive aventuras con un toque surrealista gracias a un gato/perro llamado Puppycat.
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Otra mujer poderosa que fue parte de Hora de Aventura es Niki Yang, ella fue artista de storyboard en esta y otras series, como Gravity Falls; también es reconocida por ser la actriz de voz en estos shows, interpretando a BMO, Arcoiris y Candy.
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Lisa Hanawalt, Jennifer Yuh y Natasha Allegri, además de ser exitosas en el mundo de la animación, también tienen en común el hecho de que sus proyectos son en parte o del todo comedia; esto implica un nivel de dificultad muy alto.
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derekfoxwit · 1 year
The Hollywood Handle, more specifically their Twitter: (Makes a possibly wrong estimation of how little Pixar’s Elemental might make, domestically, on opening weekend)
Some Clowns: “This is proof that we need misconducting hugger John Lasseter back so there can be actual creativity!” (proceeds to ignore the following):
Lasseter kicking Brenda Chapman off of the director position for Brave (as well as other cases of kicking directors out)
Not only doing this again on Skydance’s Luck (removing Alessandro Carloni and replacing him with Peggy Holms), but said film earning underwhelming reception and seeming like diet Pixar
The fact that Lasseter more or less became executive producer after Toy Story 2, with his last directorial content (Cars 1 and 2) not being Pixar’s best loved material, with Cars 2, even today, STILL being Pixar’s most poorly-received movie
The actual executive BS going on that messed with any changes to get money (continuously dropping Pixar material on Disney+ since Onward bombed; etc.). In turn, conditioning many people to just wait for things to go onto the streaming service.
The Last Wish’s domestic opening weekend was lower than Hollywood Handle predicted for Elemental ($12.4 Million compared to the predicted 28-38M for Elemental). Word-of-mouth is a strong tool.
Implicitly prioritizing box office numbers over streaming numbers (Hello, Encanto and Turning Red) and indirectly SUPPORTING an executive fucking over creators
Brushing off Pixar due to a lack of the old “Brain Trust”; might as well brush off the Disney Renaissance films for not having Walt or the Nine Old Men
In turn, indirectly dismissing the talent that’s at Pixar at the moment
Lemme know if I missed something. I’d like to thank @kylekozmikdeluxo 
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TITLE: Kung Fu Panda 3
Sibulo Buendia Leona
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Kung Fu Panda 3 is a 2016 computer-animated martial arts comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson and Alessandro Carloni. The film is the third season in the Kung Fu Panda film that continues the story of Po, a easy-going and lovable panda who becomes the Dragon Warrior and defends the Valley of Peace from various threats. The film started with introducing the new villain, Kai. Soon, Po learned that there is a threat and needed to go out and find a way to learn chi so that he can prepare to fight Kai.
Starring Jack Black as the voice of Po, the Kung Fu Panda 3 promises to take audience on a new, fun, and exciting storyline that appeals to not only for kids but also to adult audiences.
                  THE GOOD IN KUNG FU PANDA 3
Despite the fact that Kung Fu Panda 3 was published in 2016, a time when animation technology was still developing, I was utterly mesmerized by its visual grandeur. The animation's use of vivid colors and gorgeous lighting was simply magnificent. The way the combat scenes between the endearing protagonist Po and the powerful antagonist Kai were orchestrated was a marvel of visual craftsmanship.
Po's voice actor, the one and only Jack Black, gave a performance that can only be described as remarkable. His interpretation brought Po to life in such a way that he seemed to have jumped off the screen and into our hearts. 
Infusing the characters with depth and personality, the voice performance by the entire cast—including the fearsome Furious Five—was genuinely superb.
The animation in Kung Fu Panda 3 was a wonderful feast for the senses, a fascinating spectacle that left me in amazement despite the limits of technology at the time. The film reached new heights thanks to the combination of breathtaking visuals, thrilling battle scenes, and excellent voice acting, producing an amazing cinematic experience that never ceases to astound and inspire.
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”Your Real Strength comes from being the best “you” you can be. So who are you? What you are? What do you love? What make “you” you?
Beyond its comedic brilliant, Kung Fu Panda is a goldmine of profound insight with scenes that provide life-altering lessons. The movie offers audience members some pearls of wisdom that really hit home among the physical and clever gags. It's amazing how the movie seamlessly and effectively combines fun and important life lessons.
The notion that every weakness may be turned into a strength is one of the movie's most potent themes. Even our weaknesses can become sources of power through cooperation and solidarity. This inspirational message emphasizes the significance of resilience and cooperation in our quest for personal progress by encouraging us to embrace our flaws and work together to overcome obstacles.
The phrases from the movie are like pearls of wisdom that stick with us long after the final credits have rolled, giving us significant insights that may one day change our lives. Beyond simple amusement, Kung Fu Panda is a source of illumination, inspiring us to contemplate life's deeper truths and equipping us with priceless life lessons that have a lasting impact.
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The one blemish that slightly tarnished the brilliance of Kung Fu Panda 3 was the sense of the story being nudged into place. Perhaps, the introduction of Kai could have been seamlessly woven into the original storyline, or alternative avenues could have been explored to unveil the next formidable villain. Acknowledging that the tale may have reached its natural conclusion could have been a courageous decision as well.
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Overall: Star Star Star Star.5 
In conclusion, Kung Fu Panda 3 is a cinematic masterpiece that captivates with its compelling story, mesmerizes with its breathtaking visuals, and uplifts with its powerful messages. It's a film that leaves you craving for more, yearning for another season of Po's epic adventures. Highly recommended for kids and adults alike, this film is a treasure trove of laughter, inspiration, and pure cinematic magic that will continue to captivate audiences around the world for generations to come.
Writers: Sibulo, Buendia, Leona
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tinyreviews · 2 years
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I am kinda disappointed that they revealed Oogway chose Po in the first movie cos he knew Po was special, after being rescued and taught by pandas long ago. The original point of Po was that an ordinary guy could be special if he tried hard enough. Now, to be special, you had to destined to be.
Kung Fu Panda 3 is a 2016 computer-animated supernatural martial arts comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The film is directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson and Alessandro Carloni ( in her feature directorial debut) and written by Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, David Cross, James Hong and Jackie Chan, with Randall Duk Kim, Bryan Cranston, J. K. Simmons and Kate Hudson.
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campcrystal-lake · 1 year
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November was Post-1990 Movies Month for me, meaning I prioritized watched films released during or after the year 1990. Here are 9 of my favorite post-1990 movies that I watched for the first time this year in November.
Below are my star ratings for each film and some of my thoughts on them. Have a great month of December!
Se7en (1995) dir. David Fincher - ★ ★ ★ ★ ½ I actually saw this a long time ago, but I was so young and remembered so little about it that a re-watch was essentially experiencing it for the first time. I’m glad I gave this another shot because it is really great! It has some genuinely pretty disturbing moments and really makes use of a dark color scheme to create a fantastic atmosphere. David Fincher is one of my favorite directors for sure.
Little Women (2019) dir. Greta Gerwig - ★ ★ ★ ★ ½ Every actress in this is wonderful, but this movie most of all solidified my appreciation for Saoirse Ronan. Her performance in this is so charming and Jo March is a very lovable character. I’d never heard of the story prior to this film’s release, however it’s apparent that there was a lot of love put into this adaptation of it. I also have to mention the Bob Odenkirk jumpscare in this- he didn’t take me out of the movie or anything but I was not expecting to see him in this at all lol
1917 (2019) dir. Sam Mendes - ★ ★ ★ ★ ½ I didn’t go into this with particularly high expectations, but I ended up really enjoying it. The cinematography and score in particular are fantastic.
Requiem for a Dream (2000) dir. Darren Aronofsky - ★ ★ ★ ½ This film is basically an hour-length anti-drug PSA, but fortunately a pretty well-made one. I do think the score was a bit overplayed and I’ve yet to see a film that can convince me that Jared Leto is a good actor- he was by far the worst part of this. However, Ellen Burstyn’s performance in this unforgettable and I appreciate how this film explores a lesser-discussed aspect of drug addiction. Not as good as I’d always heard it was, but still a solid movie.
Joker (2019) dir. Todd Phillips - ★ ★ ★ ½ I know people are gonna disagree with me having this film here but I honestly liked it a lot more than I thought it would! Joaquin Phoenix has proven to be a talented actor time and time again and this movie is no exception. I think this film works as an interesting deconstruction of the character as well as a decent examination of how mentally ill people are mistreated. There are problems, sure, but considering the reputation this had I went in expecting a lot worse.
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (2021) dir. Dean Fleischer-Camp - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ By far my favorite film that I watched this month and likely my favorite film of 2021! I had such high expectations for this and it did not disappoint. The animation in this looks very nice and Marcel is just about the most adorable character ever put to screen, in every aspect- I love his design, his voice, and his quirky personality. I also felt that this film handled its themes of family, community, and lost connections quite well and would be a great introduction to those types of deeper ideas for younger audiences.
The Mummy (1999) dir. Stephen Sommers - ★ ★ ★ ★ Kinda sad that I didn’t grow up with this movie because it is a ton of fun! Brendan Frasier is perfect and I really loved Rachel Weisz here, too. Some aspects of it haven’t aged perfectly but I still had an absolute blast with it.
Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) dir. Jennifer Yuh Nelson & Alessandro Carloni - ★ ★ ★ ★ YES I am putting a Kung Fu Panda movie on this list because the Kung Fu Panda series fucking owns. These movies consistently feature gorgeous animation and great character designs and this film is no exception. They’re also one of the few animated film series that frequently cast celebrities over professional voice actors and use them well, which is quite refreshing- we all know how great Jack Black is, but I think the rest of the cast here does a solid job, too. I go against popular opinion with this film in my thinking that it’s better than Kung Fu Panda 2, but honestly these movies are just so great all around and this one is a ton of fun.
Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignornace) (2014) dir. Alejandro González Iñárritu - ★ ★ ★ ★ This is an interesting examination of the impact that franchise film making has on celebrities’ careers. I find that it’s only gotten more poignant as the years have gone by and superhero movies have continued to dominate the film industry. I don’t have much else to say about this beyond praising the camera work and the great performances, especially those of Michael Keaton and Edward Norton- it’s an overall very solid film.
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petnews2day · 1 month
Warner Bros.'s 'The Cat In The Hat' Animated Feature Will Hit Theaters On March 6, 2026
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/OWjLN
Warner Bros.'s 'The Cat In The Hat' Animated Feature Will Hit Theaters On March 6, 2026
Warner Bros. Pictures Animation (WBPA) has shared details regarding its upcoming animated feature adaptation of Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat, scheduled to hit theaters on March 6, 2026. The film is being written and directed by Alessandro Carloni (director, Kung Fu Panda 3) and Erica Rivinoja (writer, Trolls, Cloudy with a Chance of […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/OWjLN #CatsNews
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houseofgeekery · 2 months
Movie Reviews: 'Kung Fu Panda 1, 2 & 3'
Directors: John Stevenson, Mark Osbourne, Jennifer Yuh Nelson, Alessandro Carloni Cast: Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Seth Rogen, Jackie Chan, David Cross, Lucy Lui, James Hong, Randall Duk Kim, Michael Clarke Duncan, Dan Fogler, Dennis Haysbert, Jean Claude Van Damme, Brian Cranston, Kate Hudson, Ian McShane, Gary Oldman, JK Simmons, Danny McBride, Fred Tatasciore Plot: Po, an…
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