#Aether Answers
aetheranswers · 1 year
How’s ur sister? ;D
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AETHER: c'mon, paimon, i wasn't really gonna punch them...
PAIMON: paimon still thinks you were a little quick to get violent!!
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ectospacecadet · 8 months
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-[Life and Favourites]-
Been having a lot of fun RPing as this guy on Discord, he’s received so much positive feedback as his own character and the lore ties he has to AGIT. I can’t wait to tell you his story!
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planetaryaether · 1 year
unfortunately i really don't have the time or the attention span to keep up with livestreaming or vods so have just been seing stuff about kirbycraft on dash. If you know/it's too much trouble could you give me the cliffnotes of Rythian kirbycraft stuff of importance?
Apologies for the late response! I was a few streams behind on KirbyCraft so I wanted to be fully caught up before answering. So KirbyCraft isn't really a rp but there is some lore and plenty of nods to Blackrock, so I have broken it down by stream in case there is a specific moment you are interested in/want to watch for yourself!
Stream 1: 20/01/2023 - Rythian died immediately - Rythian "finagled" his way into the group - "You can't trust endermen" - Ryhian is the only one with a brain cell "deep breaths rythian, deep breaths" - (Exasperated) "don't cause trouble with the endermen!" "don't cause war with the endermen, that's like 3 seasons from now" - "I can give you all the lore if you want" "Their entire world got ruined by a big ol' magical experiment so now it's a wasteland" - (after being called edgy) "listen. edge is my history. I can't pretend I wasn't an edgy boy. I'm holding onto that" - In response to "if we're cold, they're cold" about endermen "He's not cold - he comes from a dimension of void. He has no sense of temperature!"
Stream 2: 27/01/2023 - Rythian is assigned the leaky room below the farm (even out of rp rythian gets the shitty room)
Stream 3: 03/02/2023 - Rythian is a canonical boob man - (In response to Briony being excited about the idea of getting an enderman to pick up a pumpkin) "why are you so excited about an enderman, they re evil" "Briony, you are so naive, you'll be the death of me one day"
Stream 4: 10/02/2023 - (About endermen) "I may or may not speak that language"
Stream 5: 24/02/2023 - Au is different from blackrock lore (Rythian can be friends with endermen)
Stream 6: 03/03/2023 - The gang decides to live in a woodland mansion Rythian's wrestling intro is "the voodoo people" (pendulum remix) by Prodegy - "I may not have a finatical hatred for endermen, based on my character's backstory, anymore, but they're still dangerous enemies!" - Rythian goes into how he joined the Yogscast and that he has always had a passion for creative projects so the moment he had the chance to make one, he made Blackrock
Stream 7: 10/03/2023 - Rythian says endermen deserve nothing but then backtracks and says they can have a block. Is deemed a "big softie" for showing the smallest amount of not-hatred towards endermen - Rythian blames a portion of their house burning on an enderman - Rythian (about getting xp back after dying) "I guess I gotta go either go on a killing spree or find some nether quarts I suppose" Briony "Oh, no it's happening. Rythian has reached peak evil Rythian" "It's the evil alt-rythian"
Stream 8: 17/03/2023 - "Beginning of my villain arc? maybe" literally 5 seconds later quotes the lil jon remix of cooking by the Book - Kirsty calls the idea of the end cute Rythian: "It's not. It's terrifying and despair enducing"
Stream 9: 31/03/2023 - Rythian suggests giving the enderman that lives in their house a gift (something pretty that grows) because the End is devoid of anything twits a conversation about bears to (half-jokingly) say that it is okay that he kills endermen because it is 'in his nature'
Stream 10: 14/04/2023 - Only briony can tame endermen by looking them in the eye. Rythian jokes about how many mystery mods are in the mod pack and how he would prefer that all endermen are automatically hostile and "go full-on ender-war" - Rythian is against adding a big-titty-endermen mod - Because the end was transformed into a wasteland with no resources/food, its inhabitants changed into a form that could survive without sustenance. Endermen can survive most poisons, diseases, and curses. - Rythian compares the 'friendermen' to slave soldiers - Rythian describes as an "angy boy" - Originally Nilesy was supposed to be a part of KirbyCraft
Stream 11: 21/04/2023 - Rythian doesn't like that the endermen seem to think that their mansion is a safe place for them - Rythian tries to befriend an enderman and it says "I remember you" - Rythian acknowledges the usefulness of befriending endermen
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aetherborn-witch · 14 hours
- @transfem-goddess-temple -
Ooh, a sister of the slutty faith. We could certainly use more nuns in my domain, if you wish to fill that role. And don’t worry, I’m sure that I can fulfill all of the needs you have, and fill whatever holes need to be~
@transfem-goddess-temple I'd love to learn more. Mind if I explore your temple a bit and kneel at your altar
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riordanverseaddict · 1 month
14. Something you wish you were better at?
Ooh many things, these include-:
1) swimming (I can swim very well just wish I had proper training and did better)
2) saying "good morning" without fumbling through all the greetings first (trust me I've been in super awkward situations with this)
3) continuing with things that I started with (I'm looking at you all my hobbies)
4) being able to zone back in in time (it would save me from all the awkward situations in school)
5) academics (fun fact: my teacher wrote "She is good but she can do better" as my remarks last year when I scored 94% since then I crave for more)
6) shutting up 💀 because I talk alot
7) understanding my own abilities to do work in a given amount of time and not have the "fuck it I'll wing it" attitude all the time
8) genuinely, time management
9) focusing without losing interest in the thing i'm doing (because when i focus on something I have interest in, time loses it's meaning)
That's it for now!
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aethersgrave · 10 months
hi aether important and serious question what’s your opinion on Mothman (my beloved mothman/hj)
who tf is Mothman
let me open Coggle
okay, Mothman..
I love it. Thank you for opening my eyes to Mothman you cult leader
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vineboom-sfx · 1 year
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take the choccy love
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aetheracha · 2 months
bais list ?
stray kids - im ot8 !!
ateez - hongjoong but they ALL bais wreck me so i cant stay loyal TT
enhypen - sunghoon and jake
p1harmony - keeho and intak
txt - soobin
nct - chenle and haechan, i get a new bais every week i swear i cant stay loyal LMAO
bts - rm and jhope, i dont listen to them as much but bts has a v special place in my heart
i have more but i cant remember them rn </3
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thestarshimself · 9 months
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akagi0021 · 5 months
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i love how hes more assertive in the recent updates
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wrathofrats · 6 months
All I’m saying is Omega, Ifrit, and Aether wet t shirt contest
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aetheranswers · 9 months
Oh, Aether pleasure to meet you. What are your thoughts on Fontaine so far?
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AETHER: the pleasure's mine, wriothesley. monsieur wriothesley, should i say...? hehe. i guess what i think of fontaine so far--it's. well. there's a lot of water.
[ @ask-wriothesley ]
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ectospacecadet · 8 months
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-[Graceful Stride]-
He loves playing Guitar Hero and DDR, also sometimes he forgets to float because he’s been in the Ghost Zone for so long, gravity is still a thing.
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planetaryaether · 2 years
With that being said, I feel like Zoey would absolutely go "count how many sand is here Teep, that's our first mission"
Just imagine that scene, but it's the BRC crew when they first get to the Twilight
ABSOLUTELY and if they ever found a creature that was compelled to do whatever she says (re: being the twilight princess) you know she would 1) tell them to do random stuff like that just because she can and 2) eventually get tired of them and tell them to do something like that to make them leave for a VERY long time
(bonus points if they are magic and can complete her requests really quickly so she just comes up with increasingly obscure tasks in hope that ONE of them will take a long time)
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aetherborn-witch · 7 days
hands you flowers
Dont bite those
Aww you are too sweet!
I won't bite the flowers I promise.
bites your hand
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riordanverseaddict · 29 days
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
Ooh I have some fun facts
1) I have a really good memory. I can read something once and then recall it. I've given my biology tests like this, I didn't study, just gave a reading and rest relied on my memory of what we did in class and got 98%
2) I've never fainted in my whole 15 years of life. Never
3) I've almost died atleast 4 times and that too before I turned 10 :D
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