#Advertising Air Balloons
creativeadagencyadzze · 7 months
Elevate Your Brand with Advertising Air Balloons
In the competitive landscape of advertising, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to capture the attention of their target audience. One method that has proven to be both captivating and effective is the use of advertising air balloons. These giant, floating canvases not only command attention but also provide a unique and memorable way to showcase your brand. In this blog, we'll explore the power of advertising air balloons and how they can take your brand to new heights.
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The Sky's the Limit:  A Unique Advertising Approach Advertising air balloons offer a fresh and unique approach to brand promotion. Unlike traditional advertising methods, these floating giants take your message to the skies, ensuring that it stands out in the crowded marketing space. The novelty of seeing a branded balloon soaring overhead captures the curiosity and interest of potential customers, leaving a lasting impression.
Visibility from Afar:  Maximizing Brand Exposure One of the key advantages of advertising air balloons is their visibility from great distances. These inflatable wonders act as high-flying billboards, ensuring that your brand is seen by a wide audience. Whether at outdoor events, festivals, or even from a distance in the city, your message becomes a focal point, creating a visual spectacle that is hard to ignore.
Memorable Branding: Creating Lasting Impressions The sheer size and presence of advertising air balloons make them inherently memorable. People tend to remember experiences that stand out, and a giant branded balloon floating gracefully in the sky is sure to leave a lasting impression. This memorability translates into brand recall, a crucial factor in the consumer decision-making process.
Versatility in Marketing: Tailoring Your Message Advertising air balloons are incredibly versatile, allowing you to tailor your message to specific events or promotions. Whether you're launching a new product, celebrating a milestone, or participating in a community event, these balloons can be customized to reflect your brand's personality and the specific message you want to convey.
Cost-Effective Impact: Balancing Budgets While the idea of flying a branded balloon might sound extravagant, it's surprisingly cost-effective when compared to other forms of outdoor advertising. The long-lasting impact and visibility provided by these balloons make them a wise investment for businesses looking to maximize their marketing budget.
Eco-Friendly Advertising: A Green Solution In an era where sustainability is a growing concern, advertising air balloons offer a relatively eco-friendly solution. Made from durable materials, these balloons can be reused for multiple campaigns, reducing the environmental impact associated with traditional advertising materials.
In the dynamic world of advertising, finding ways to stand out is crucial. Advertising air balloons provide a captivating and unique platform to elevate your brand above the competition. With their high visibility, memorable impact, and cost-effective nature, these floating giants offer a winning combination for businesses seeking to make a lasting impression in the minds of their target audience. So, why keep your brand grounded when it can soar to new heights? Embrace the sky's the limit mentality with advertising air balloons and watch your brand reach new peaks of success.
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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Monster-Size Balloons! - Famous Monsters of Filmland ad (1961)
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vintagepromotions · 2 years
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‘Young individualist is riding high’
Advertisement for clothing by Len Stuart and sold in Franklin Simon department stores, featuring the illustration of a fashionable young woman in a hot air balloon (c. 1960).
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fyeahtimwalker · 1 year
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English Pear & Freesia Cologne campaign by Tim Walker for Jo Malone, 2022
Starring Adwoa Aboah. Set design by Shona Heath. Styled by Harry Lambert. Film co-directed by Emma Dalzell Khan.
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kply-industries · 2 years
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libertyballoon · 1 year
This method, like billboards, can help you make your brand or product visible to thousands of people at once from miles away. Additionally, given the reach potential, media outlets and spectators will be compelled to capture images and share them with a broader audience.
In this post, we have compiled a list of advantages you can get as a brand through hot air balloon advertising. If you want to grow your reach and potential clients’ reach, then keep reading ahead.
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mizusnose · 5 months
Hii!! I love ur writings AND UR ART TOO! I have a req 😈
Mizu meeting reader who has heterochromia!
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And I miss you on a train, I miss you in the morning
Been missing Japan tons recently so this one’ll be set in modern day Tokyo. Here is a list of translated terms/phrases:
Gouchyui kudasai. Abunai desu kara.. : Please be careful, since it’s dangerous
Keigo: super politeful form of words/grammar.
Gaikokujin: foreigner.
daijoubu desu: It’s okay/I’m fine. In this situation, can also mean: I’m okay (without it)
arigatou gozaimasu: thank you (very much)
samu—!: cold/chilly. it’s actually 寒い (samui), but ppl shorten it in daily conversation by dropping the i.
arigatou: thanks, more familiar.
ohayo: good morning
Summary: A meet-cute in a train car leads to an unlikely friendship that blooms into something more. Discussion of beauty standards in Japan. Insecurities are discussed. Tons of flirting, some heavy petting.
SFW, some nudity but nothing blatantly sexual.
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The first time you saw her, it had been on your morning commute to work. The autumn weather muted that far underground. The wind from departing and arriving trains was the only thing that would create a breeze in the otherwise stagnant air.
She was easy to notice.
Her height forced her to duck under the hanging advertisements with a practiced ease, neck long and slender. A white turtleneck against thin golden chains peeked out from her indigo jacket, spots of sunlight soaked into the snow.
And her eyes—a frozen-over ocean in the middle of the Marunouchu line, an early morning in winter. You breathed and suddenly it was the dead of winter in Sendai and the birds fluttered away up above you.
It’d only been a second, a millisecond, the flutter of a bird’s feather. Then she was gone. Her dark hair a shadowing eclipse against the sharp of her chin, the red of her nose—her eyes.
The train ride went uninterrupted. A jingle, shuffling, and then you were on your way to work. You didn’t quite notice though. Your breath a bleary thing in your ballooned-out chest. Belly wide and searching. An open mouth, fanged and hungry.
The next time you see her, it’s in the dead of night. The last train barely caught. Your mini skirt pressed against your bare thigh and the seat. Make-up dark and hair wild in the nearly empty train car. Winter’s fist had started to close around the Tokyo metropolitan area and the nights became a sharp kind of cold. You felt frozen in your seat.
She’d been sitting there, right across from you in the middle of the row of empty seats. Straight tapered office pants meeting her oxford shoes, that same indigo jacket, golden chains glinting in the glow of the moving lights outside. Her glasses caught in the passing stations, a muted orange that blocked the blue of her eyes.
You stared, entranced. You knew it was rude, but the image she made against the smeared nighttime Ginza scenery made you hold your breath, amazed. The last time you’d seen her, it was too quick. Barely a snapshot of a second. So you drank your fill, greedy and tipsy. The train shifted on the tracks and you both leaned into the bend, your bodies in line.
You distantly wonder if she’s willingly not paying attention to you after the doors automatically open and close following two stops. She hasn’t looked up once from her book, her fingertips a dull pink against the English title.
You want to put them in your mouth—a wild thought that conjures itself in your bleary mind.
When she finally does look up, her eyes greet your own and holds—a challenge. Her dark eyebrows furrow: anger. She observes you closer, focusing on your eyes.
You blush, and quickly look away.
You know she’s seen them: your eyes. People usually narrow their own eyes at you after realizing, and yet—hers shift when you meet them again. There’s no longer a scowl, her eyebrows rise instead, lips parted. A question, a surprise, Intrigue.
Oh, you think, oh.
Your chest buzzes and you wonder if your lipstick is still intact. If your eyeliner hasn’t been smudged. If you still look desirable.
There’s no one else but you two, so you quirk an eyebrow, satisfied to see her flush and look away. The cut of her jaw hidden by her short dark hair.
Her wired earbuds follow, they press against her chin and her hair, and you wonder what she’s listening to. If she can hear your breath quicken, heart rate spiked.
The train doors open at your stop and your stomach flips when she stands as well. Her head ducks underneath an advertisement about train manners, and she waits for you to stumble out first. You feel her hands around the air of your body, the pressure of the feeling against your waist. She doesn’t touch, but you wish she had.
“Gouchyui kudasai. Abunai desu kara..” She mutters down to the ground after you’ve both swiped out of the station. Keigo and all.
Her hair flutters in the tunnel wind, grey eye bags and pink cheekbones that make you wonder what her job is. You settle your miniskirt and nod quickly. The glow of the FamilyMart shines on you both, a play, an experiment.
Yet, as she turns to leave, you feel like it’s gone interrupted. Your story, and hers.
“I’ve! um—I’ve seen you around”
She stops, doesn’t turn around. You continue in clunky Japanese. The alcohol settling deeper in your belly, confidence rising in your throat,
“Are you free for lunch or dinner or..”
She freezes—and you feel like you’ve misread the entire situation, but as she turns back around, she nods. A jerky thing that heats up your face.
Her necklace glints in the nearby streetlights as she puts her Line info into your contacts. Her hand encompasses all of your phone, fingers long and palm wide. You ache at the sight.
“Mizu?” Your fingernails brush the character she’s entered after she hands it back to you: 水. Mizu, mizu mizu.
“Mn. My parent’s..Gaikokujin. Thought it sounded pretty.” She looks embarrassed, her short cut hair brushing her jaw, her ears. Yet, her eyes stay on yours. A lull.
“It is.” You swallow around your words. Greet her with your own gaze, a smile.
She doesn’t trust you to walk home in your stumbling state, so she guides you into the FamilyMart nearby.
She grabs a water bottle for you, a hot milk tea for herself. Like this, in the fluorescent light, she’s taller than the aisles and towers above you. Her nape meets her neck and the hair is shaved there. Short—like a boy’s. You want to touch the skin there, just below it.
She pays despite your assurance that you can pay for yourself.
“‘ts only 120 yen.” is what she says, turns to the cashier and waves away a bag, daijoubu desu, collects the receipt and turns to leave, arigatou gozaimasu. A barely there bow, the receipt crushed in her palm, and then you’re both outside in the softly falling snow.
She opens the bottled water for you and you hiss after you take it: samu—!
She chuckles, watches you take the lip of the bottle into your mouth: tracks your throat as you swallow. You feel like you’re burning up inside your chest and finish half the bottle in one go.
“Do you live far?”
“Just past the next streetlight. I’ll be okay, promise.”
She looks unsure. It’s not windy, but strands of her hair push against her face. She presses it away. Behind her ear that has a stud in the soft flesh of her lobe. You follow the movement in your tipsy state. Watch it glimmer in the night.
“Let’s meet again soon, then.” Her hand gestures to your bare legs, eyes averted and away—flushed, “Stay warm.”
She presses the hot milk tea into your hands. Swaps it out for your water bottle. It sloshes against the plastic when she meets your gaze. She’s inspecting you. Tracing the outline of your face, your eyes. Your fingertips welcome the warmth, and you open your mouth to thank her: arigatou
“Get home safe.” Her hands brush your own, and she grins at the touch, slow and soft.
A taxi’s unoccupied sign blinks on in the dark nearby. The rush of the trains sound behind you, a car drives by.
She leaves then, and you watch her go. Her shoulders sharp in the cold night. The snow falls on you but the unopened milk tea burns and you think of her again and again. Even after you turn and walk away too.
The walk back is slippery and when you get home, your phone sits content in your pocket. You smile, a big happy thing. Her name sits in your mouth, and you think: Mizu, mizu, mizu. As if your lips would forget in the morning.
You go out for dinner later in the week.
Mizu is shy. She jokes only after you’ve both ordered a round of sapporo, her flush an insistent thing. Her neck is long and you watch as it reddens through the night. The glow of the shop the only thing keeping your hands to yourself.
The conversation flows steadily. Like two lifelong friends. The banter is easy, and the flirting easier. You notice Mizu’s steady gaze on you and you smile to welcome it. A flower unfurling in the sun.
You both promise to do it again afterwards. Mizu’s hands linger on yours when you leave, and the touch sinks into you, a slow gulp of water against your throat.
It’s breathless and exciting, being with Mizu. She texts you ohayo’s and brushes your hair out of your face, stands close in the train, and slips her hand into yours when she walks you back home after your fifth date. The first night you spend together, her thumb slips against your cheekbones and she smiles,
“You are so beautiful.”
She kisses you and your body and your thighs. She fucks you the way she had promised over texts late at night. Kisses your eyelids afterwards, a love that blooms between you both.
“Did you ever get bullied about it?” She asks one morning.
You’re both naked, the sunshine glinting on the sheets and into the kitchen where you’re making coffee. The question is asked unsure, a train passes by in the distance.
“I did. Not too much, but yeah.”
“Me too.” Mizu shoves on her shirt, a button down that she leaves open, the space between her breasts littered in marks, “Kids can be mean.”
You nod, tilting your head to the side when Mizu comes up behind you and kisses your throat. The muscle in your shoulder. Your back: the bone there.
“You’re stunning.” She whispers. Moves her hands up your body, a warmth that stirs between your legs, “Fuck what anyone says—kids especially.”
You laugh, twisting around to face Mizu. Her eyes meet your own, a clash of colors and you let her gaze win. You tuck your face into her neck and blow a raspberry to the skin there.
“It’s not so bad now. Usually, people just think I forgot to put in my other contact.” Mizu huffs, lets her hands wander lower, “The plus side is that I got a hot girlfriend out of it.”
You pull back and peck Mizu’s unassuming lips. She stutters around the sudden labeling, and you smile to let her know it’s okay. It’s okay.
You spend the day together, a lazy Sunday. And when you see the scene you both make in the bathroom mirror after a shower you flush at it all: Mizu, naked, her eyes boring into you and tracing the lines of your body. And you, the color of your eyes, each a separate hue. Yet, the love inside them the same and as blatant as ever.
“You’re beautiful.” You say, grabbing Mizu and kissing her. Pushing her bangs away from her eyes, hand settling on her back. There’s a freckle there you’d kissed earlier. You press into it.
Mizu chuckles, finds your lips and pulls away to whisper into the opening of your mouth. A secret, a wish, a promise.
You keep every single one.
Haha, so I really just miss FamilyMart and affordable food and the stellar Japanese public transportation so here this is. Didn’t specify reader’s eye color so you can imagine whatever colors you want—including your own!
title inspired by about you by the 1975
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ajortga · 6 months
hot cocoa?
pairing: tara carpenter x fem reader (platonic sam carpenter x fem reader)
a/n- a winter's special of december! ahh christmas! i'll be gone for 2 weeks for the holidays but i wanted to wrap something special for you guys, I started this in october and i was like its literally too early, so i finished it up! i have another idea for a story but i havent started on lead series at allll..
Cold breeze slipped through your body as you walked through the pathways of New York City. The weather was coldly crisp, your breath would fog up as you exhaled through your parted lips.
As petite flakes of snow fell gracefully, the wind began to pick up. You felt goosebumps begin to coat your arms, shivering and wrapping your hoodie around yourself tighter. 
You sat just outside of your local coffee shop, you could feel the warmness caressing your body as the door opened and closed, a small ding ringing as a customer stopped by. You waited for your girlfriend, Tara to finish her coffee bean shopping like she did every two weeks for Sam.
You never minded tagging along with her, having her take her time. You would give anything to spend more time than you already have with her. It was so crowded today, as much as you wanted to go in and feel the warmth of her, of the coffee shop, you couldn't. It was compacted and surely you would be squeezed from all of the figures. You didn't mind to tell her to take her time. But today, winters storm began to blow with harshness, causing you to wish she would buy her coffee beans quicker.
Your nose was red, sniffling as the cold sweet air inhaled through your body perfectly. You could swear that if you wrapped your (Tara's) hoodie around you even tighter than it already was, it would pop and tear like a balloon. 
Christmas lights brightened all of New York, complimenting the snow just right. There was an ice skating rink at the center of NYC, jumbo screens projecting holiday advertisements. You saw little children wearing giant puffy jackets with earmuffs and gloves, giggling as they walked around the streets with their parents. Faint holiday songs could be heard, mixed with the laughs and chatters of people around you. You exhaled, your breath fogging up in the winter snow.
Your shoulders un-tensed as soon as you heard the coffee shop bell ding. Your tiny, sweet, cozy-looking Tara waddling out with her coffee beans in hand. Her eyes beamed at you as she pulled you in for a tight hug, nose nuzzling your neck.
"Hi baby." You smile, blush creeping on your cheeks as you felt your heart flutter.
Her body warmth spread through you like a wave. You sighed happily, smelling her sweet scent from her hair.
It made you want to hold her just a little tighter. 
Your girlfriend giggled, kissing your cheek as she caressed your face.
"You must be cold, baby. You're freezing!" She gasped as she touched your snowy, icy cold face, rubbing your blushed cheeks. Warmth flooded through you.
She took off her beanie and placed it gently on your head, securing it. 
"You look cute," she cooed, snuggling you.
You felt warmer, of course you did, you always felt warm with Tara around.
"I'm sorry I had to make you wait for so long. They sold out of our favorite and they were checking if they had any in the back. You must've been freezing, your nose is all red Y/N."
You sniffle, rubbing your nose as you kiss her, "Don't apologize love, it just got a little chilly." You grin, your body shaking again as the wind picks up once again.
"A little?"
"Okay it's really cold," You admit.
Tara rolled her eyes playfully, looking up at you, "You should've worn more than just my hoodie, I could've lent you my scarves and boots, earmuffs too!" She paused, seeing how your body shook slightly, "Come on, let's go back to our home and make some hot cocoa."
You immediately nodded, "Hot cocoa sounds... Warm."
Tara snorted softly, giggling once again as her arm curled around yours, you nuzzled her nose and sniffled as you both walked back to your apartment.
The walk back was quite easy, if Tara doesn't mention the fact you both slipped on the slippery ice cold pavement on your way home. Tara fell first, but you fell harder with her, both of you sliding down the freezing concrete as you both squeal, struggling to get up.
Both your backs hurt, stretching when you finally entered the apartment building. 
You were freezing, as much as Tara's warmth seeped through you, you felt so numb and cold, your body shaking as you clung on to her, teeth chattering.
"My poor sweetheart. Let's get you inside. Oh Y/N you're shaking." She whispers, voice tinted with concern and worry.
By the time Tara opened your shared apartment with Sam, your frozen body practically dropped to the floor like a piece of bread, groaning against the carpet as Sam came over and laughed.
"Taraa, didn't I say to tell Y/N that it would be freezing?"
"Oh it's my fault? I'm sorry," she mocks, eyeing down her sister, "I'm not the one who ordered their sister to go out knowing that her girlfriend would tag along in the freezing cold."
Sam scoffs, patting your back as you shook, "If your mouth keeps moving any longer I think Y/N will freeze."
Tara immediately snapped out of it, looking down at you as she leaned down, "Shoot, I'm sorry, let's get you somewhere warm."
Her arm wraps around your waist securely as she holds your back and lifts you up easily, your head tucked against her chest as she carries you to the couch and grabs a blanket.
You lay there, shaking, your eyes barely open as Tara jumps in your arms and wraps her legs and arms around you to warm you up, nuzzling her nose to yours. 
She can feel your body practically shaking as she smiles, holding you tighter, Sam comes in and grabs the biggest blanket she can find and throws it over both of you, ruffling her sisters hair in the process.
"I put the ingredients by the counter for some hot chocolate, you guys wanna make it together?"
"Yes!" You both say in unison, practically leaping off each other as your hands wrap around each other to the kitchen.
You think your nose is frozen, Tara has to grab her scarf and wrap it around you as if you're Frosty the Snowman, giving your forehead a kiss.
Your little family warms up the milk on a pot near the stove, while that happens, the milk chocolate is melting in the microwave and Sam is grabbing some new whipped cream from the pantry along with Tara grabbing some peppermints to flake on top after. 
A ding is heard and everyone races to the microwave, Sam opening it and grabbing the bowl, but dropping it back from it being to hot. Tara snickers, prepared as she grabs it with an oven mitt, but you're even more prepared, taller then Tara and tickling her as you grab it with your mitt and using the spatula to mix, leaving the Carpenters whining.
Your eyes beam in victory as you stir, pouring it into the warm and sweet milk as they argue, mixing it all together.
The smell smells like it came straight out of a Christmas movie bakery, the scent makes your mouth water, you can tell it does for Sam and Tara as well, since they have both stopped talking and are staring at the pot like buried treasure.
Now it's everyone's turn to scurry to grab a cup, the three of you frantically grabbing the whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and peppermint flakes, the rivalry long forgotten, every one of you just wants a sip.
You pour the steaming and cozy drink from the pot to the mugs quickly, hearing Sam and Tara's impatient huffs, when you're finally done, every one of you grasps the side of your mugs and sips the sweetness.
You can't tell if it's the cold and the way you quivered or the cocoa itself, but it tasted so warm and creamy. It was perfect.
A small "mhh" sound leaves your lips as you exhale a satisfied sigh, the Carpenters following in suite as a smile forms on Tara's face.
Sam sees the way you both are quite satisfied and huffs, "It would've tasted better if I were to mix-" she's cut off by a shriek when Tara sprays whipped cream on her nose.
That was definitely not the right way, because a war has just broken out as you and Tara run for your lives from Sam.
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phineas-and-herb · 11 months
WIBTA if I sold the farm I started without my wife's say?
I (54M) recently emptied my wife (50F) and I's bank account to start a local bunny farm. I was very careful to get all the proper accommodations for the rabbits, build a proper hutch, tons of hay, and a huge sign to advertise our business. The last thing to do was get the rabbits, but this somehow slipped my mind. When my wife came home and saw the new farm, we didn't have any rabbits yet so naturally she exploded at me. I tried to protest that I didn't "forget" to get the rabbits, I was just gonna get them last, but she wouldn't let me speak. Suddenly, a rouge hot air balloon crashed right in front of my eyes onto our property and fell right on my wife (she was completely uninjured) but the hot air balloon basket was overflowing with rabbits. I told my wife she should apologize to me, and while she never did, she did seem a bit more accepting of the farm now that we were fully stocked with rabbits. But now I'm being offered a handsome sum of money for the farm, and I desperately want to take it. I figured since I'm the one who built and stocked the rabbit farm, that I can make this decision on my own. I even have a great idea of what to do with the money I'll make from selling the farm - I'm gonna start a van rental business, so even though we won't have the farm anymore, we'll still have a steady source of income. WIBTA if I sold my lucrative bunny farm to buy a van rental place?
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bewilderedbunny · 2 years
Objection! (Eddie x reader smut) 18+ only!
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Author's note and content warnings:
2.6k words of silly smut. minors DNI!
I thought that a meet cute between a court stenographer and defendant would be fun. Please keep in mind that I know nothing about the judicial system and my only point of references are Better Call Saul and Legally Blonde. (I also found out that the dancing inflatable tubeman wasn't invented until the mid-late 90s. Please forgive me for my ignorance.)
Fem!reader along with use of she/her pronouns. No use of Y/N, just honey, ma'am and sweetheart. Mechanic!Eddie (it isn't touched on much in the story but that is his job in this world) slightly sub!Eddie, vigilante!Eddie, Eddie has a little bit of a stocking fetish, Eddie is a thigh man in this fic, mentions of drugs, oral sex (f receiving) unprotected piv sex (don't do that IRL) strangers to lovers.
Credit to @firefly-graphics for the divider ❄️ not tagging anyone since this isn't my usual fluff 💗
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It's a gray, snowy morning as you step off the city bus and walk to Hawkins courthouse. You check your watch as you enter the building. The first case of the day is at 8am and you've got 45 minutes to get your coffee and set up your station.
Most days are pretty much the same with your work. Scribing every word spoken during a case, then later editing and finalizing the transcript. Every once in a while you speak when you need someone to repeat themselves or when you are called upon to read a portion of the transcripts. Other than those instances, your job is to turn off your brain and type as fast and accurately as you possibly can. It can be a monotonous, boring job but it works for you.
You hang up your coat, grab a paper cup of coffee and sit at your station as you wait for the first case of the day.
The prosecutor enters, you see it's Leonard Mitchell. He's one of the older DAs and he has a reputation for being stubborn and irritable.
Next to enter the room is the defendant accompanied by his attorney. The defendant is wearing a slightly wrinkled white button-up shirt, black jeans, and boots, and his long brown curls are tied back into a bun. He whispers something to his lawyer as they take a seat.
The defense attorney looks vaguely familiar to you, but you can't place his name. He's in his mid-forties and has the cadence of an overworked and under-resourced public defender.
The bailiff enters the room and announces,
All of you rise as the judge enters the room.
"Court is now in session. The honorable Judge Steward is presiding."
Judge Steward is one of your favorites. She's mastered the art of being patient yet firm and she's always been kind to you. You're scheduled to work beside her all day today.
"Good morning, everyone. Calling the case of the State of Indiana versus Edward Munson. The charge is petty theft. Mr. Munson, how do you plead?"
Eddie pleads not guilty and the proceedings begin.
The prosecutor starts his argument.
"On the evening of November 12th, an air dancer was stolen from Wheels and Deals car dealership. That air dancer was then seen at one of the defendants' rock shows."
Judge Steward interjects, "What is an "air dancer" exactly?"
"Your honor, an air dancer is an inflatable figure that, when attached to a fan, dances and flails around. They are mostly used for advertising, which was what Wheels and Deals Auto purchased this item for until it was stolen by Mr. Munson. The loss of potential profits from losing this item is substantial."
Eddie scoffs and his defense attorney rebuts with,
"They aren't exactly Superbowl commercials. They could bring in what, an extra sale or two?"
"Yes- of a car. Of which the average sale price for this establishment is for one single vehicle is $14,000."
Eddie's eyes go wide, he can't seriously be expected to pay 14 grand for a balloon, right?
The judge asks, "Mr. Mitchell, how much did Wheels & Deals purchase the air dancer for?"
The arguments continue for a while, once they are finalized, Judge Steward makes her ruling.
"On the charge of petty theft, I find Mr. Munson guilty. He is ordered to pay $20 in restitution and work 12 hours of community service. The court is now adjourned."
As everyone leaves the room, you're approached by Regina, Judge Steward's clerk.
"You're the court reporter today, right?"
"Yes, I am."
"You can go. Judge Steward had something come up so the rest of the cases today are being postponed."
You grab your coat and walk outside. The ground is covered in slushy snow and as you walk down the courthouse steps, you lose your footing and start to slip. Just as you do, a hand reaches out to hold your elbow and steady you.
You look up and see the balloon thief smiling down at you from a step above. Now he's added a hoodie, leather jacket, and a denim vest over his button-up.
"Careful there, sweetheart. You could've fallen and landed on your money makers." He nods to your hands as he says "money makers" which makes you laugh.
"That would have been awful. Thanks, Mr. Munson."
"No problem. Let's make sure you make it the rest of the way in one piece, 'kay?"
He holds onto you the rest of the way down the stairs. Once you're on the sidewalk, he lets go, you miss his touch instantly.
"Thanks again, Mr. Munson. Take care."
"You too, sweetheart."
He gives you a nod before walking to the parking garage. You wait at the bus stop and check the schedule. The next bus isn't due for another 15 minutes. You would normally head back inside to wait but you don't want to risk embarrassing yourself again with the stairs.
You're shivering and breathing into your hands as a beat-up van approaches. Eddie reaches over and rolls down his passenger window to talk to you.
"You're gonna freeze out here, y'know?"
"Oh, I'm fine Mr. Munson. Really, don't worry about it."
"C'mon, let me drive you home."
You take a moment before getting in the van. It smells like cigarettes and some type of woodsy air freshener or cologne.
You buckle your seatbelt and thank him.
"Of course. Can't leave a fair maiden such as yourself to freeze. Where to?"
You smile at him and give him your address.
There's a comfortable silence between the two of you as he drives.
You look over at him and say, "Can I ask you something?" He looks at you from the corner of his eye.
"Why did I steal the air dancer?"
"Why did you steal the air dancer?"
"I didn't, he just came to my show. Can't help it that he has great music taste. Nice guy, actually. Named him Ozzy.
You laugh and he then says,
"That dealership is the worst, scamming people into buying shitty used cars for well over what they're worth. I work at Thacher Tire and we have so many people come in after being scammed by that place. I just had enough."
God, he stole something so stupid for such a sweet reason.
"That makes sense. A little payback for the people."
He looks at you and smiles, a beautiful dimpled smile "Exactly."
"How do you feel about the verdict?"
"Well, I'm still disappointed that my original trial by combat request was denied."
Your laughter fills the van, delighting Eddie as he continues,
"I'm glad I only have to pay $20, wish it was $0 but it's much more ideal than 14k."
"Very true."
"And the community service is fine. I mean, I was doing service for the community by stealing the damn thing in the first place but whatever." You nod in agreement as he continues,
"I'll be honest, one of the reasons I stole Ozzy is that I thought he'd be fun for shows. And for business."
"At the tire shop?"
"No, I deal on the side."
"Deal… cars?"
He laughs, "No, uh, other stuff."
Your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline and scold him,
"Eddie! Don't tell someone you met at the courthouse that you're a drug dealer!"
"Aw, I'm not Mr. Munson anymore? I liked when you called me that." You roll your eyes as he pulls up to your home. You're disappointed the drive was so short.
"I'm mostly just sad that I had to give Ozzy back to those dickheads. He belongs on stage with the real Ozzy, y'know?"
Your heart hurts at his personification of the inflatable man. You place your hand on his arm and say,
"Maybe they sent him to a farm where he can dance to Black Sabbath all day with others just like him."
He looks at your hand and bites his lip as he smiles.
"That's the dream. What, uh, what do you have going on the rest of the day?"
"Well, they sent me home early so I have no plans. I'm all free."
"Yeah? I'm kind of a free man too, in a way. Avoided some serious prison time today."
"Yeah? What are you gonna do with your newly found freedom, Mr. Munson?"
He looks at you for a moment before leaning in to kiss you. It's soft at first, your lips are barely touching as warm breath fans over you. He holds the back of your head with one hand and rubs your thigh with the other as he deepens the kiss. You give a tentative swipe at his lips with your tongue. He opens his mouth and repeats the action to you. You have your hands pressed against his chest as you lick into each other's mouths.
You pull back and invite him to come inside, he smiles a big toothy grin before jumping out of the van and sprinting (and sliding) to the passenger side to open your door. You giggle at him, he holds your waist as you walk up to your front door. You hesitate before opening it, realizing you should make sure he isn't some notorious drug kingpin.
"What do you deal?"
"Just weed. Sometimes other stuff but it's usually just weed."
"Other stuff? Like what?" Once the door is unlocked take off your shoes and he follows suit.
"Well, it's rare that anyone wants it, but every once in a while I sell ketamine."
"The horse tranquilizer?"
"What's a girl like you know about special k?" He asks.
You chuckle, "A girl like me spent 60 hours last week transcribing in drug court. Probably recording some of your clients, now that I think about it."
You lead him to your bedroom. Once you're inside, he slips off your coat and cardigan, then begins unbuttoning your shirt.
"Well with customer confidentiality I couldn't possibly say." He removes your shirt once it's unbuttoned and leans down to plant kisses along your breasts. You moan and tug at the many layers covering his torso, he takes the hint and removes them.
"Of course. You're a professional, after all." You kiss his neck and trace the tattoos that decorate his chest with your fingers.
"But, the next time one of my customers gets picked up, I may have to show up to their arraignment if it means I get to see you again."
You laugh and lay back on your bed before replying, "You think that would be good for their case? Their dealer showing up with a stolen air dancer?"
He climbs on top of you, a couple of loose curls hang by your face as he leans in.
"Who knows? I may just woo you into accidentally writing the transcript as not guilty."
You roll your eyes and kiss him.
He runs his hand up your stocking-covered leg. Once he reaches the top of your thigh where the fabric ends, he lets out a groan.
"Fuck, these don't go all the way up? You're killing me here. Let's get this skirt out of the way so I can get a better look."
He unzips your skirt and rolls it down your legs. Once it reaches your ankles, he stops and rests his head against your calf.
"Honey, you are something else." He kisses his way along your leg. He looks into your eyes as he lightly bites the fabric of your stockings and pulls. Your thighs go to close on instinct but he pulls them apart.
"Y-you tear those and you're buying me another pair."
"That's fine. Got a deal set up later today with Arod for some Ket."
"Arod? Legolas' horse in Lord of the Rings? He- y'know nevermind. It's not important right now. I'll tell you after."
You laugh at him and he returns his focus to kissing up your thigh. He lays smooches and licks in the area where your mound and thigh meet.
Your hips buck, he holds them down and says, "Woah, down girl."
"You're ridicu-"
He cuts you off by pressing his mouth to your clothed pussy.
You gasp and hold onto his hair.
He pulls back to slide off your panties and says, "Keep talking, sweetheart. Tell me how ridiculous I am while I lick you out." your face heats up as he uses his pointer and middle finger to spread your lips, inspecting you.
"Fuck. Isn't she pretty?"
He spits directly on your clit which makes you squirm. He licks a flat stripe up your folds before eagerly lapping at your clit. It sends little shocks through your whole body. His big hands keep your thighs spread as he devours you.
The slick, wet sounds combined with both of your moans is, quite frankly, obscene.
He moves down to your entrance and gives it a few licks before shoving his tongue in as far as it will go. You gasp and shudder as he presses in and out, fucking you with his tongue. He switches from keeping your thighs spread to squeezing them against his head. You're a bit worried about hurting him, but he's having the time of his life.
The vibration from the little pleasured noises he is making, the feeling of his tongue inside you, and his nose nudging against your clit has you nearly sobbing.
You feel his eyes bore into you and when you finally give in and look down at him, he's a mess. Red cheeks, ruffled hair, and a twinkle in his eyes as he watches you come undone.
He shakes his head back and forth desperately for a moment before moving up to focus on your clit. Having his pretty pink lips eagerly suck at your oversensitive clit is almost painful. As you feel the pressure in your belly build, you tug on his hair and whisper that you're close. He continues sucking, working for your orgasm like it's a prize to be won.
When your release hits, you're seeing stars. He doesn't stop sucking and lapping until you push him away, twitching and teary-eyed. He moves up your body and kisses you. He's more gentle with your mouth than he was with your cunt and the taste of him mixed with your own slick is mouthwatering.
You reach down and fumble with his belt. You tug down his pants and boxers just enough for his cock to spring out. It's a bit longer than average and thick with a reddened, leaky tip. You stroke it softly as he kisses your neck.
"Gotta be inside of you, honey. Please?" He practically whimpers.
"Mhmm, put in me."
You feel him smile against you before saying,
"Yes ma'am. Here, let me help." Reaching down, he covers your hand that's holding his cock with his own and guides your hands up and down your folds before prodding at your entrance.
He enters you slowly, inch by inch, until he's buried all the way in.
"Jesus Christ, I'm not gonna last long. She's squeezin' me so tight. I nearly creamed my pants from eating you out."
"It's okay, Eddie. Take your time."
He holds still for a moment before grinding into you. You moan and hold onto his shoulders. Once he has control over himself, he finds a rhythm. The patch of curly hair surrounding his cock tickles your clit with every thrust. He reaches down to grip your thighs as he fucks you. He lasts for a few moments before pulling back to look at you with a pained expression on his face.
"You okay?"
"Fuck, I'm so close. Where c-can I cum?"
"Wh-where do you want to cum?"
"Your thighs, fuck. Want to cum on your thighs so bad."
"Please, paint my stockings, Mr. Munson."
Your words send him over the edge, he curses and pulls out, covering your stocking and skin with his release. He lays down beside you and pulls you to his chest. You listen to his heartbeat while he takes a moment to catch his breath. Once he does, he says,
"So, as I was saying, Arod is Legolas' horse and-"
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not-quite-wild · 7 months
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[id: ~7 hot air balloons:
1) bottom left corner is a white dog’s head with a brown spot on its eye and it’s tongue lolling
2) bottom center is a multicolor pattern kind of staggered
3) all the way right (half out of the picture is a black balloon with horns
4 & 5) top right are a yellow dog with white/grey markings and hidden halfway behind the dog is a yellow balloon with some kind of advertising
6) to the left of the dog and yellow ballon is a black ballon with brighter colors “dripping” down in streaks
7) a balloon with green on top and bottom with white in the middle and a red dragon (?) in the white part
/end id]
We made a trip to Albuquerque to see the eclipse and it happens that the balloon festival was around the same time, so we went for that too. It’s an amazing spectacle and worth it if you’re in the area (I’d even make a trip for it, but the local we talked to said we had the benefit of a light crowd, possibly because lots of people planned to attend on the day of the eclipse).
@becausegoodheroesdeservekidneys I appreciate everything I’ve learned from you and I don’t think I would’ve noticed this balloon without your influence. Thank you!
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did we like- adopt you into the good omens fandom like what happened?? Are you our official mascot now? At the good omens sports games, are we gonna tote around a sign with your profile pic on it and wave it around??
Omg it's a new maggot. I was not adopted, I was kidnapped. By force. It was not a choice and that must be made clear. Now I'm here and have Stockholm syndrome and am waxing poetic about Crowley's hair.
Indeed I am the official mascot, but no, you will not tote a sign with my profile pic on it. It is customary at all Good Omens sports events to literally haul me there and wave me around like those long air sock balloon advertisement thingies. Key word is haul, I will resist. It will be symbolic of how I was dragged into this fandom.
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blainesebastian · 1 year
full of magic
words: 1,327 ship: austin butler x reader summary: ( @livwholikestv requested) “austin takes the reader to disney world* + proposal  notes: thank you so much for the request sweetheart, i really hope you like it!  warnings: none tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylesmendeshearted, @rairaielv, @guacala
The sun hangs low, turning the entire sky a fluffy pink and lavender purple, almost like cotton candy pieces. You expected the humidity to stay in the air, almost like breathing in swatches of fog, but it’s settled in the later parts of the day. Still present, still sticking to your skin, but manageable as day bleeds into night. Admittedly, you’re willing to put up with whatever weather you have to in order to spend this weekend with Austin—a surprise trip, somewhere he’s been wanting to take you for a while now because you’ve never been.
You feel like it’s been on your list for a long time but at the same time it’s always been just out of reach with nonstop schedules and sometimes not even a moment to breathe before you’re jumping from one project to another.
There’s this realization in the back of your head that if you don’t make time for things like this, it passes you by. You’re always waiting around for that one day where you can set aside responsibilities or get through one last thing on your checklist before it frees you up to enjoy something without concerns. But life isn’t like that, sometimes there are no perfect moments that fall into your lap—you have to figure out how to make your own.
Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy.
Passing right under the bridged awning, Magic Kingdom opens up in front of you, giving you a direct line of sight down Main Street to Cinderella’s Castle. Austin’s fingers are laced with yours, leading you into the park but letting you roll to a stop every so often to take everything in. It’s busy but not too much in the sense that it’s overwhelming or uncomfortable, a thrum of people enjoying their vacations with all the magic that a place like this can offer.
You expected to feel…you’re not sure, maybe too grown to be in a place like this, or that things would feel corny, silly, but it’s the exact opposite. You can’t stop yourself from feeling overwhelmed in a good way about the sights around you—the lights, the smells of sweets, the glow that seems to come from inside the shops as you walk past them, the way the castle sits in the distance against the backdrop of the pink sky.
“Are you gonna think I’m totally cliché for wanting a Mickey balloon?” You ask Austin, mostly kidding as you pass by a street vender. They’re the typical ones you’ve seen in advertisements or posts on social media—the clear circular balloon with the colored Mickey shape in the center.
“Nah, that’s a staple.” Austin grins, “I’ll get you one—we’ll snag a popcorn bucket too, think they’re shaped like Dumbo right now.”
You smile, stepping closer so you can wrap your arm around Austin’s, holding onto him as you two stroll down Main Street. “You know me well.”
He chuckles, leaning down to plant a kiss to your forehead, “I would hope so after seven years.”
Kinda hard to imagine that you’ve been dating for that long. Well, you suppose it’s nearer to five, you’ve known Austin for seven years. Your families have always been close, it just took a while to really see that there was something there between you two. A lot of wasted time, a lot of mistakes, but you suppose you can’t regret anything—not since it’s lead you here, quite literally, to a place so full of magic.
And sometimes that’s exactly how it feels to be with Austin: magical.
You’re not sure where you’re headed exactly—you didn’t grab a map because that felt silly, Austin knows where everything is. With your minimal amount of research, you know you want to ride the Tea Cups and the Haunted Mansion, but it doesn’t matter where you start out. From the castle you can either begin walking left towards Adventureland or right towards Tomorrowland. You kinda feel stuck, not sure where you want to go first, nearly tripping over the transit tracks in the cement.
Austin reaches out to steady you with a fond chuckle, “Did you get a good look at the castle?”
You raise your eyebrows, moving to step in front of him so you can. Your nose crinkles a little in confusion, “What, does it change colors or something?” You curl your hair around your ear, staring at the castle…waiting but, you’re not sure what you’re supposed to be looking for. You know that there’s a projection show on the castle later that night but it’s tied into fireworks. So what exactly…
“What am I looking for?” You turn to ask Austin a question but your breath sharply gathers in your chest as you realize that he’s kneeling—
He’s kneeling in front of you and pulling a ring box from his pocket.
“What are you doing?”
A laugh stumbles out of Austin’s chest as he widens his eyes just slightly, gesturing with one of his hands, “Tying my shoe—c’mon, it’s fairly obvious what I’m doin’.”
And you kinda envy how nonchalant he’s being about this when your heart is close to living in your throat, ricocheting against your ribcage as he holds a ring up a little higher, with purpose.
People around you stop and stare, some grabbing their cameras or begin taking videos, others just like to watch. You wonder how often this happens, people purposing at Disney…probably more often than you think. Part of you considers the fact that they might recognize Austin but all these thoughts go right out the window as he begins speaking.
It’s funny almost, how a park full of people suddenly fade into the rearview mirror, disappear in your peripherals, until all there is, is Austin.
He lets out a slow breath, smiling up at you—he seems to take in the moment, absorb it for everything it is. As you watch him, you’re surprised to see a bit of nervousness on the edges of his blue eyes. He has to know what you’re going to say, right? An answer to his question before he even has a chance to ask it?
“There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t want to spend every single moment of it with you—so the last thing I’d want to do is waste any more time. Y/N, will you marry me?”
You can’t stop the grin from breaking out on your face, nodding quickly as you take a step towards him, “Are you kidding me?” You laugh, “Of course.”
Austin slips the ring on your finger and wraps his arms around you, picking you up in a half-spinning hug. A laugh leaves your chest, tilting your head down to kiss him, the world swirling back into focus when he sets you down. Some people are clapping, others passing by and actually wishing you both congratulations—you don’t even realize you’ve got tears slipping down your cheeks until Austin is cupping your face, his thumbs brushing over the bone.
Looking down at your hand, you almost don’t believe it, even when you take a long gaze at the diamond sparkling back up at you. A wet laugh leaves your lips, sniffling as you wipe your cheek, “This is definitely a lot better than the Mickey balloon.” You tease, looking up at him.
Austin smirks, leaning down to press another series of kisses to your lips. “Well the popcorn bucket is still to come, so—” He throws back, to which you shake your head with a fond smile and wrap your arms around his waist.
You think about the moment, drawing your fingers along the back of his neck to playfully tug him down into one final kiss, trying to think about how you’re going to tell this story to your friends, family.
What other word can you use to describe it other than magic?
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sjw-publishings · 2 years
No Homo Bruh
A mini sequel to Stay Straight Babe
“Love you Babe~”
Robin Prescott kissed his boyfriend Brendan Gaye. The two lovers were glad to live together during this isolation period, as they embraced each other lovingly without the need for restraint.
Robin was the more ‘less flamboyant’ of the couple. Dressed in a plain shirt and sweatpants, pretty casual brunette next door kind of look, always dominating his boyfriend...though sometimes he does wish for the opposite to happen...
Brendan, well his pink tank top and booty jeans shorts. Honey, that fabulous pink hair screams ‘I have a boyfriend’ anytime of the day. Lips painted cherry red, and makeup that his boyfriend ironically always get entranced with...ah well, easier for his lover to follow his instructions. Maybe one day he could somehow convince Robin to act more desperate and hunkier? Hahaha! Yeah right!
Though it is kinda stressful coming up ways to be sassy. But hey, what he lacks in muscle, he’s got his Wit! And speaking of Wit!
“Get yourself prepared, its going to be a cat fight! Hehe~!”
Brendan strutted to his room, giving a couple of winks to his boyfriend before shutting the door. They needed to be prepared...for the most exotic time of their lives...
“Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten too much of those delicacies...”
But of course, speaking of exotic. They had just finished some overseas Asian delicacies advertised to be nearby where they lived. The orders came earlier and both lovers feasted on it like the best thing they ever had in their lives.
No idea why it was so good...but they probably shouldn’t have overate...
Lifting up his shirt, Robin felt the rough grooves and rumbling from below. Hot salsa like the special chilli that he just can’t get enough of! But mmm, despite the rumbling...he only thought of the delicious exotic delicacies from earlier.
Rubbing his abdominals, its almost as if the food was a huge ‘ON’ as those Abs clenched in delight, taking on a dark tanned hue as the spicy hot peppers rose up six pillars of muscle below, shifting belly rubs to admiration as he...really worked hard on those, didn’t he?
The rumbling...somehow went upward? Inaudible growling as he felt the spice pressing against his flat chest. Pumping firm air like a hot air balloon, as he rubbed and...
He tossed away his shirt, giving free reign to his palms to massage those growing balloons. Gotta rub...gotta treat right. Nipples jutting outward with every touch, solidifying two bowling balls like the sport which he always competed with his boyfriend at...
And...came in second. Tch.
But whatever! He was still hot? Both figuratively and literally! Thank God he went shirtless, or the room’s gonna die of heat cause he’s around. Y’know, cause he’s hot. Who said his boyfriend makes all the remarks?
Doing quick back twists on the couch like a warm up. Rotating as the dark tan flowed across his shoulders. Broadening up, widening up, like a real man would, not some Beta.
“Ain’t a Beta...”
Light growls rumbled his vocal chords, twisting his shoulder blades with satisfying waves as his height towered over 6ft 2, smirking as his wide back overtook the sofa.
“Only an alpha...”
Growls continued, as a more aggressive and masculine tone began brewing. Bringing his arms upward, stretching to the ends of the couch selfishly, he had a huge muscular bod, had to display it...specially that hot tan he got from Asia.
Oh man...was Asia great! Met a couple of bros who were just his style. Working out regularly with HUGE GAINS. Flexing his biceps shamelessly, tanned and HOT, like his Bros, though he was hotter of course.
Posing powerfully, getting up the couch and heading to open space, tan spreading downwards with every step. Dropping away the girly swishes in favour of a masculine swagger, with those thick juicy glutes in those sweatpants.
Like a mornin’ routine.
He was a fitness jock, envisioning his firm lips alongside them bicep curls. Man was he delicious. Remembering those sweet chicks spanking his hard butt and complementing him, tracing his bodybuilder muscles with such admiration and...
What...he was Bi?
Yeah...and they were HOT. Nothing wrong with that right? Sides, flirting with that chick on the takeout phone line saved Trobin Prascott tons of bucks considering he just came back from overseas.
He was dating a dude, yeah. But he was a total ladies man through and through. THRUSTing his manhood, he cannot wait until he could start going clubbing again to start pounding some ladies. Dominating a gay guy over and over has been getting boring...
Speaking of gayness...
Giving a couple of firm grabs to his butt, smirking as his hole refused to take in his middle digit. A man like him doesn’t get penetrated, he does the POKING…poking around for more of that take out of course. He was still an alpha, and an alpha’s gotta eat.
Gotta have more...
His mouth hollered instinctively, before tossing the empty food takeout to the trash can. That ‘two-headed snake’, or whatever insult he yelled just now, ate all the rest of the take out.
It was hard enough he was away from Asia and cannot revisit due to work. But that was the last of the takeout. A man’s gotta eat. Fight, Eat, and POUND PUSSEH!
Tossing his body on the couch, spreading his legs wide as he whipped out his manhood and JERK! JERK! JERK! You-FAGGOT YOU CANNOT EAT LIKE SOME-
“Is everything fine hun?”
Responding instantly, disrespecting his boy...boy, his faggot roommate from across the closed door. He doesn’t give two craps to being nice to that Homo, he’s a FAAACKIN muscle man. He ought to act like one.
His mouth continued to splutter foreign vulgarities and insults, which only intensified the throbbing with every forceful tug. Sweatpants darkening into a dark compression, accentuating his frame with the wiggling of his musky, size 16s.
He was such a MAN. Rude and coarse, vocal chords echoing that deep frightening bass that sends shivers down to his enemies while rocking that impenetrable masculinity he knows his ladies love him for.
As for the men interested…WHAT?-
With that hollering command, immediate photos of loving times PUNCHED away into multitude combinations of beautiful babes, self portraits,and overall power and masculinity of wrestling and workout trophies he ever so prides on.
Posing an uncontrollable FLEX, a bodybuilder’s arrogance out of his incredible bod and good looks. Barking out a loud guffaw, his jaw sharpened and squared out as the manly dustings of dark raven facial hair generously coated his chin.
BZZT, like a razor arrogantly trimming off down the slides of his ear, all the way down to his neck. Masculine clean-cut roughness styled the Malaysian-Indian man with a short gelled top and front, a prominent contrast to his loud and boisterous personality. But he loved his style, cause-
Bathed in foreign customs, the man tugged his hard on furiously, nostrils flaring down a quick trail of his moustache lined above his lips, tasting the remnants of that sweet spicy salsa on those thick lips, before flashing those arrogant curry-stained pearly whites.
Brows furrowing with thick dark strips, eyes narrowing in a mixture disgust and cockiness, a Kampung champion like himself ain’t a PANSY and will never be one, how STOOPID do they think he is to ask-
Are you Gay? ARE YOU GAY?
Troy Praveen bellowed a loud Beastly roar, letting out his coconut juices like the MAN he is, a huge messy douchebag…that was what he was….
That’s FAAAACKIN right, he settles fights with his FISTS.
His faggy roommate was in for a FIGHT, and he’s gonna get everything down on camera. And of course, you might be thinkin’, two men wrestling one another is really GAY, how will that impress the chicks?
Brotha…all he gotta say is-
“No Homo Bruh.”
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fatguarddog · 2 months
Opinion on helium / air inflation?
I only ask bc one of my top ideas is being blown up blimp sized for either business advertisement or to be walked down the street like a overfilled parade balloon. It’s a good compromise between needing to be immobile due to sheer size and being a spectacle for a larger audience
Neutral I suppose! I can definitely see the appeal, but for me the eroticism of being inflated is partially to do with being filled with some heavy and sloshy I could feel moving inside me or weighing me down, give my body a similarly sloshy/wobbly feeling as opposed to something taught and air-filled
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