#Adia williams
martinacatlover · 5 months
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Todd and Adia
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tgammsideblog · 5 months
Analysis on Scratch's past and human life in ¨The End¨
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After so much build up and teasing from previous episodes, we finally get to learn about Scratch's human life before the events of the series and how he became a ¨ghost¨ in the Season 2 finale and series finale as whole, ¨The End¨
The episode starts with the Mcgees hanging out in a Brighton festival. Scratch is talking to Geoff and suddenly has an idea of eating funnel cakes by possessing Brigton citizens who are waiting in the line. He is having fun eating them, going from one person to the other, until he possesses a human named Todd, who often appears as background character in plenty of episodes.
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When Scratch possesses Todd, he gets hit with flood of memories of Adia coming back to him. He is close to having a panic attack for the sudden flow of flashbacks and gets out from Todd's body, leaving him confused.
He goes to Molly and the others and tells them about this vision he had he thinks it was thanks to eating funnel cakes. Molly goes to help Scratch getting more funnel cakes to unlock more of his human memories while Ollie and Libby think there is something else going on that made Scratch get back some of his memories.
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The scene that follows is Molly and Scratch showing a presentation to the rest of the Mcgee family (Pete, Sharon and Darryl) who are skeptical when they are told about the funnel cakes. Molly and Scratch sing a song about how Scratch and Adia travelled around the world together and how his life was a ¨never ending parade¨. They were going on adventures together and went to a different place every day. Scratch suggests he didn't remember any of this stuff because ¨he had nothing to regret¨.
In the song sequence we see Adia as adult and Scratch in his ghost form. All the memories that are shown in the scene never have Scratch on his human form, only potrayed as his ghost self.
After they are done with their presentation, Pete and Sharon bring up that they still don't know how Scratch died. While they are discussing how he could have died, Darryl is looking for something on his phone. He shows to Scratch an adventure influencer called ¨Adia Williams¨ who Scratch recognizes as the Adia he knew from his human life.
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Molly finds a way to get a personal interview with Adia to ask her about Scratch. Adia remembers that he was her best friend when she used to live on Brighton and talks about how ¨Scratch¨ was a nickname she gave to him because he had an habit of scracthing his arm when he got nervous. She tells to Molly how they used to build planes and boats out of boxes and pretend they travel around the world. These games inspired Adia to become an adventure later in life.
Molly mentions that it must have been great to travel with Scratch around the world. Adia seems confused by this and explains that Scratch never came anywhere with her. She asked him many times but he always turned her down. Scratch's expression turns into a devastated upon learning he never went to those places he sang about earlier. Molly tries asking to Adia about Scratch's dead and she says that Scratch isn't dead before the interview cuts out.
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This scene puts many things into context. The song ¨My Life was Awesome¨ in reality was about games that Scratch and Adia used to play as kids and not real things that happened. Scratch never went to those places, he thought he did. In addition to this, it explains why Scratch is in the series usually connected to navy related things and why he didn't know how be a captain in ¨All Shark No Bite¨, that's because those things were based on these memories he had playing with Adia on a fake boat.
Molly and Scratch are left very confused with the interview. They are interrupted by Libby, Ollie and Geoff, who tell them the investigation they have been carrying out about Scratch getting some of his memories back. They asked June to look into Brighton's cameras from the festival that took place at the start of the episode. They watched footage of Scratch posessing people and eating funnel cakes until he tried posessing Todd and got expelled out. Molly doesn't get why Todd would unlock these memories and describes him as ¨having no soul¨ and Scratch answers with ¨because he is me¨.
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We get a song flashback sequence of Scratch narrating his life a human (Todd). He describes that in his life he never took risks and played it safe. He didn't have ¨adventures, stories nor romances¨ and stayed at home. He would make plans but cancel them. Because of his extreme anxieties, he would stay on himself, never trying out new things or making connections with others.
Adia would going on adventures and travel to different places while he would never tried anything. Adia would always try to invite Scratch to go with her but he always said ¨Maybe Next Time¨.
In the song we see Scratch feeling remorse for being always fearful. He says that he feels like ¨he wasted his whole life¨ for playing it safe and he ¨was so afraid of dying that he never lived a day¨.
As time moved on, Scratch ¨became numb¨, in the sense he stopped caring about things. He became indifferent. Being always so consumed by his own fears made him incredible miserable that was ¨dead¨ on the inside. This went on for a long time until a moment he was talking with Adia by text phone and Adia didn't answer, indicating that they grew apart and, feeling like he lost one of the only things that brought joy to the emptiness of his life, his ghost part of him separated from his own body, probably with the desire that he didn't wish to feel anything anymore.
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Scratch says that his memories started to go as the years passed. Ollie and Libby explain that this is a common phenomenon with wraiths, which is what Scratch is. If a wraith ghost spends too much time away from their human body, they start to forget who they are.
Scratch answer to that that maybe he didn't remember anything because ¨there wasn't anything worth of remembering¨ and flies away, feeling emotionally devastated from learning about his human life.
This whole sequence put plenty of things in hindsight about Scratch's character.
First, that Adia is his unfinished business, as it was the desire of travel around the world with her that stayed with him to the point that as a ghost he went to Adia's house and stayed in the attic where they used to play games. It is one thing he dreamed of doing as human but never did because he was always too afraid of trying. This explains why he remembered Adia as kid and the time the hanged out together.
Second, that Scratch buried himself with work as human, a work that seemed to make him unhappy and miserable. This does give an idea of why he is so lazy as a ghost and why he never follows the rules. Maybe subconsciously he didn't wish to do anything of that because it made him remember of how miserable he felt as human or just couldn't bring himself to care as he used to.
Third, that it gaves some justification as for why Scratch shows childish traits as a ghost. While Scratch can be seen as a neurodivergent person based on things like his own anxieties and other traits, it is worth of noting that he went back to the place he used to play games with Adia as a kid. It's easy to assume based on this that his mind turned into one of a kid again or/and he wished to back to those days he was a kid.
On last point, Adia seems to be the only person that Scratch remembers of his human life. Part of this is because he avoided getting close to anyone to make true friendships or fall in love, but, the fact he never says anything about his family is quite telling. There are many things that hint that Scratch didn't have a good family as human in the show and this confirms the idea even further.
We don't know how Scratch's relationship with his family was. One thing that can be assumed is that they were likely neglectful or distant that didn't make Scratch worth of remembering them.
Scratch suppressed most of his human memories because he found his life too depressing to be worth of remembering. When he became a wraith he sort of created a new identity for himself, going by the name of ¨Scratch¨. The only thing he really seemed to hold on were his memories of Adia, mainly his childhood memories. This supports the idea that Scratch has a ¨double identity¨, one as human and other as wraith.
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After for searching for Scratch everywhere, Molly realizes that one place he could be is near what used to be his human house, Todd's house. Molly finds him sitting on the sidewalk across the street, looking at the house sadly.
He wonders what his life would have been like if he hadn't always play it safe and accepted Adia's invitation. Molly suggests that he could go ¨back to living¨ except this time he says yes. Scratch thinks of this for a moment and decides to pass. Molly stops him and tells him that he is still ¨playing safe¨ and how he is still afraid. Scratch answers to that that she should be afraid too since that as a wraith he forgot about his human life and he isn't sure what would happen if he becomes human again.
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Molly tells him that it is a risk, but ¨taking risks is what makes life worth of living¨ and that's how you know you are actually alive. Molly talks about how Scratch still ¨played it safe¨ when he became a ghost and he was scared of being hurt, getting rejected and being left behind. She tells him that that's how he used to be when she first met him but he isn't like that anymore, he has grown and he isn't afraid sharing himself with the world. She knows that is one thing he won't forget.
Scratch decides that Molly is right. The two say goodbye to each other and Scratch apologizes if he isn't able to remember her. Scratch rings Todd's bell house and waits for the door to open. Todd answers and Scratch goes to his body, becoming a human again. He smiles at Molly, with his eyes shining in gold light.
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There is apparently a short time skip that shows Scratch, now as human, preparing himself to going for a trip. He is wearing a new more colorful style than the one Todd was used to wear in the series. Different characters like Libby, Darryl, Sharon and Pete try stopping him in different ways to see if he remembers them, only for them to not recognize them and telling them that he has to go.
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Molly is in the bus station, Scratch sits besides her while he waits for the bus to arrive. He tells to Molly that he sold his house, quit his job and now he is going to see the world. He talks about different places he is going to visit. Molly is shown to be happy for Scratch finally being able to follow his life dream.
The bus arrives and Molly tells him that no matter where he goes, he remembers the friends he made on Brighton. Scratch reassures that he will and maybe he will return one day to visit. Scratch uses the Molly catchphase ¨sweet baby corn¨ and ¨enhappifying¨, not sure where he got from. He finally says goodbye to Molly, calling her ¨Moll¨. Molly notices that he never told human Scratch her name, realizing that Scratch retained his some memories from when he was a wraith.
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The end credits have Scratch going to different places around the world, enjoying every moment. The final photo has him meeting with Adia hugging each other, which cuts to a painting of Molly and Scratch hugging. He is finally able to follow the life dream he always wanted, keeping himself the things he learned as wraith during the series.
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tornrose24 · 4 months
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More drawings featuring human!Scratch/Todd, with a few bonuses. I am having fun having the freedom of drawing Scratch as a living person with his canon appearance like you wouldn't believe.
-Some of the drawings are screenshot re-draws, or were in reference to certain moments. Can you figure out which ones? I will give you guys a freebie and say that the first hug drawing is from 'Home is where the haunt is.'
-I figured Jinx needed a human re-draw too, and I had her share the same ethnicity as her VA. I had trouble thinking of the right outfit for her, but the 'casual business suit' seemed to work.
-My 'what if' for a season 3 involved Scratch coming back to life, and someone mistaking him as Molly's dad during one of the times they needed to be together. I wanted to get that out of my system. (Also, the next time I ever draw Adia, she will look better).
-So about the random Wraith!Molly and Scratch drawing.... I just had this mental image of her wraith form appearing a bit more human-shapped. I've noticed that most ghosts in the show seem to be more than just a 'floating head with arms' compared to Scratch and I wanted to play with that. Like the more you lose your memories, the more your ghost body loses the shape and features you once had as a human. (I was actually TEMPTED to do a version of Scratch where his ghost form resembles his human form a little more, but it felt too weird, and the size difference was too cute to pass up.)
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killervelveteenrabbit · 4 months
"The Ghost and Molly McGee", Ten Years After
Molly’s ongoing work to improve the economic, cultural, and mental well-being of Brighton has earned her the love and respect of everyone in town, a few write-ups in statewide and national publications… and a full scholarship to the University of Iowa’s civil and environmental engineering program. She’s returned to Brighton, working for City Hall as assistant city planner (with her dad as her boss, which isn’t awkward at all, really) while earning her master’s online.
Molly wasn’t alone while she attended UI—Libby was her dormmate all four years that she was there. She earned a scholarship of her own, majoring in English. She also returned to Brighton after graduating, becoming a part-time reporter for the town newspaper while helping run her mother’s bookstore. All of this is in addition to her literary career. Matias, her father, took a second look at the fantasy novel she wrote and realized it was publication-worthy. It wasn’t a best seller, but the royalties from this and two other books Libby has written since let her live comfortably and pursue her passions in life. Her latest project is a series of books helping small children understand and live with the effects of divorce.
Molly and Ollie hit a rough patch after an admittedly stupid argument during their senior year of high school, and their two-month breakup proved just as hard on their respective families as it was on each other. They got back together just in time for graduation from Brighton High, only to part ways as Molly went to UI and Oliver headed for Iowa State. But they carried out a successful medium-distance relationship (it was only a two-hour drive between the two campuses).
Ollie has parlayed his experience as a researcher for his parents’ MeTube videos into a career as a freelance researcher for an assortment of psychological and medical foundations. While he travels all over the Midwest and occasionally beyond, he’s based out of Brighton… specifically, the rental house he shares with Molly. Ollie and Molly are practically married already, but their parents are eager for them to make it official. The couple are waiting a while to save enough money to stage the dream wedding and after-party they always wanted without breaking the bank.
Several years ago, an ill-advised deal involving a shipment of counterfeit designer smartwatches and the Uzbek mafia landed Darryl in hotter water than usual. He’s lucky all he got away with was lockdown in juvie until his 21st birthday… which got commuted to two hundred hours of community service and time served due to an unexpected (and slightly suspicious) governor’s pardon. At any rate, the whole debacle soured Darryl on similar schemes. He’s kept his nose clean since then, barring a few school detentions. He takes business courses at a local community college with plans to transfer to a four-year institution this fall. His current side hustle involves promotions and advertising for assorted boutiques and under-21 nightclubs that have popped up in Brighton's revitalized downtown.
June lives away from home, majoring at Drake University. But she remains Darryl’s best friend, the only person outside his family who’s consistently been there for him after his schemes blew up in his face—figuratively and almost literally; she was the one who detected that leak in the ammonium nitrate storage tank Darryl stashed out near the water tower. They even dated for a while before mutually acknowledging the situation was “weird” and deciding they were better off as friends. On a related note, maybe Esther shouldn’t have paid out all that money to have her wedding dress remade.
Pete and Sharon are still happily married. Pete takes great pride in the improvements he’s helped make for his adopted hometown of Brighton, and he’s especially flattered that his daughter is following in his footsteps. The town’s successes have become Pete’s successes—in the last ten years, he’s fixed up the family home and bought his first non-used car. He’s even dusted off his vinyl for a few gigs at some of the new clubs downtown. Meanwhile, Sharon offers painting classes at the local community center and retirement home. These days, she primarily uses her Gig Pig account to set up painting parties in and around town, sometimes as far out as Perfektborg.
The Chens’ enlightenment about the true nature of ghosts has led them to step away from their “Ghost Chaser Chens” MeTube channel. Ruben has had far more luck marketing his brand of small-batch root beer, now available in grocery and convenience stores all over the state. Recently, Esther inspired Ruben to introduce a “spiked” version flavored with Habanero peppers. Reception has been mixed.
Grandma Nin and her friend Patty are the self-described “Bad Girls of Brighton Hills”, but their adventures have proven more constructive than mischievous. They’ve organized concerts at the bandshell, joined the Senior Construction Crew on home-repair projects for needy families, and hosted a weekly potluck dinner/board game session in the home’s cafeteria. These dinners always feature Patty’s homemade gumbo—Nin helped her fine-tune the recipe so now it’s actually edible.
The McGees look forward to David and Emmie’s annual visits, a chance to catch up with family and connect with their heritage. The Thai lessons Molly took on Triolingo have helped her feel slightly more at ease when the Suksais come to call. Also, Sharon has tried practicing some Thai dishes, with Pete’s assistance and (critically) while Nin isn’t in the vicinity.
A year after Davenport’s closed its doors, the family rolled the dice and started a supermarket specializing in organic groceries, local produce, and hard-to-find foreign brands… items Bizmart couldn’t or wouldn’t accommodate. The gamble paid off, and Davenport's Turnip Patch sells and ships to customers across the region—yes, even to Perfektborg. (Sharon and Nin are frequent visitors since they carry Thai specialties like jackfruit, pandan extract, and even durian.) Andrea maintains the store’s computer systems but pointedly avoids appearing in advertising. She’s back on her socials, but not as an influencer. Her “Girl Code” series on MeTube provides tips and tricks for entry-level coding enthusiasts. The videos feature occasional cameos by her girlfriend Alina, who’s also taken an interest in the subject.
Three months after Scratch cast off his Chairman’s robes, they settled upon the recently departed spirit of a retired manager of an IRS branch office. Since then, the Ghost Council has basked in bureaucratic bliss, leaving the denizens of Ghost World alone and happy. Not long after Todd left, Molly conducted a séance and told Geoff what happened to Scratch. He realizes it will be a while before he sees his friend again, but at least he has Jeff to keep him company.
Todd and Adia have photographed wild horse herds in Montana, kayaked off the Antarctic Peninsula, biked through Croatia, snorkeled with manta rays in Hawaii, and helped refurbish a centuries-old mosque in Brunei… and that’s just in the last year! Their adventures included a meditation retreat in India where Todd astrally projected his spirit out of his body for a few minutes. He “came back” talking about a young lady back in Brighton who showed him how to live even though he was already “dead”. On their next swing back to the United States, Molly is the first person they plan to visit.
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theknucklehead · 2 months
When we see Scratch's flashbacks of when he was young hanging out with Adia talking about wanting to explore the world, I can't help but be reminded of Pixar's Up and how Carl and Ellie grew up and how she wanted to adventure to Paradise Falls.
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Todd Mortensen (human Scratch) even kinda looks a bit like Carl Fredricksen.
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And yes I tear up everytime I watch that movie.
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iowntheworldandyou · 18 days
Part 1
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cure-orchid · 2 months
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While doing the prompts for Mollie week, I had the urge to do some extra doodles of everyone’s favorite scrunkly ghost, Scratch!
One of the most likely ways for Scratch to make his return. XD
‘Unca Scach’ being the best uncle to his future swoopy-haired niece.
Dana Snyder joke.
And another excuse to draw my design for ghost Adia.
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ladymiraclewings · 2 months
Todd Mortenson: I live outside the law. I am badass. I am a rebel. I am a fighter- Adia Williams: Calm down there, silly. It’s just a leather jacket.
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car9723-t · 5 months
After watching TGaMM finales, I came up with some ways to imagine post-canon materials or something to fill gaps. Some ideas being...
Ollie learned about Wraith when he became one because the Chairman's lobe chose him. Months later after becoming the next Chairman of the Ghost World, he couldn’t even recognize his body when he visited Brighton in needs of refreshing his knowledge about the human world (an adaptation of canceled S3 plots)
As Todd Mortenson, while Scratch couldn’t remember his life as a wraith, he occasionally found he memorized names like Molly and vocabularies like Enhappify. Having a longer time with Molly than others he met on the street triggered it. Being curious about it, he's willing to learn about her better (thus giving a stronger motivation to revisit Brighton someday)
While I'm not sure what I can do, Ghost Council needs an alternative candidate for their leader. Even when I made adaptation of S3 materials, we still see Ollie as a human in The End, meaning we still have room to imagine an ideal leader of Ghost World
Without Scratch as a ghost, we can imagine what they can do with a Ghost Shark, too. It also goes to Jinx(trapped in a Ghost Canister) and her followers(if had any on Ghost World besides Sobgoblins)
I think losing the Flow of Failed Phantoms means they got many things to solve in Ghost World. Remember Frightmares and Lord Doom they had to deal with? You can think of problems to solve without Scratch's presence as a ghost
Plus, after Jinx Vs. the Human World occurred, would it affect other humans in Brighton? Like changing perceptions about ghosts or such
Of course, you can do something out of humans too. Andrea, Libby'a Dad, Bizmart, teachers, you name it. You got rights to develop underused characters freely!
I found there are some rooms to imagine post-canon materials, or even something between Jinx Vs. the Human World and The End. It would be great if some people were exploring what they could do further.
Imagine one, and develop one as much as you want! Even though TGaMM is done, probably for good, we still can do something out of it. Some fanfics I encountered on Tumber are good proofs of it!
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backuparguelles · 4 months
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Carry them by HoneyFantasyMmm
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I wrote this after someone gave me the idea in some other work of mine. Still don’t know how many chapters it’s going to be, but no many. It’s like a role swap, but happens after the show, so it’s not a AU.
Kudos to  @toomanyhyperfixations for helping me with beta reading. Without them I couldn’t do this. Go check their stuff.
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Ghost and Molly McGee (Cartoon) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Molly McGee & Scratch (The Ghost And Molly McGee), Adia Williams & Todd "Scratch" Mortenson Characters: Scratch (The Ghost and Molly McGee), Adia (The Ghost and Molly McGee), Molly McGee (The Ghost and Molly McGee), Darryl McGee, Geoff (The Ghost and Molly McGee), Libby Stein-Torres Additional Tags: Family Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, My way to cope with tgamm finalle, don't know what else to tag Summary:
A year has passed since Todd life change. during that year he as been traveling, seeing the world, and living his life. He even reunited with Adia. But when Adia convinces him to visit Brighton for the Turnip Festival, tings took a dark turn as he sees himself having to help a ghost girl to go back to her body, while avoiding the ones responsible for separeted her in the first place. And he only has one week to do it.
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jackie-gremlin-ghost · 2 months
When I tell you figuring out how to properly wrap this all up was a nightmare, I mean it! So, a great big thank you to @tornrose24 for helping me figure out the ending!
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tgammsideblog · 5 months
¨My Life was Awesome¨ song
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tornrose24 · 3 months
For those of you who hated how I kept you in suspense and what I did to the characters, karma had a way of coming to haunt me in the release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. I don’t think I need to elaborate on that one (NO SPOILERS PLEASE!). Also, I was not expecting to give certain characters more attention than I intended for this fic.
And yes, I did watch parts of the charity stream and donated. ^_^
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netflix · 2 years
Cursed Image Scary Stories: The Midnight Club
The cast of The Midnight Club make up scary stories based on cursed images. You're welcome and we're sorry.
Featuring Posts From: @cursedimagedump, @images-that-are-only-cursed, & @teathattast
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bonobochick · 2 years
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The Midnight Club
...in the beginning and in the end  🕛
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