#ASSUMING zunesha knows
somftchilds · 9 months
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galapagos just needs to find zunesha and ask smh. her journey would start and end as soon as she found that fuckin elephant.
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charkyzombicorn · 3 months
Selkie au
What if we give law three selkie crew mates
Jean Bart, Shachi and that one random girl with no name (I’m going to give her the name Maura, because it means star of the sea)
Part of me kinda wants to make Law's entire crew selkies and he has no idea because he's so antisocial he just assumes selkie behaviors are just normal behaviors exhibited by the majority of the planet and he just has no friends outside his crew--
A solid 10% of the selkie population is hiding on the polar tang and no one knows except the selkies. It's not as bizzare as it sounds, selkies originated in the north blue and not as many crossed to the other blues, and when selkies find eachother they tend to stay together because the population is so small they aren't likely to find more selkies (The polar tang is a glaring exception but that's also because Law isn't exempt from the D clan's unimaginably weird luck). The polar tang is actually maybe the second or third largest selkie village (the one trailing Zunesha is the largest) also the selkies just kinda assume Law knows they're selkies but he just happens to be looking away every time they transform into seals and he's too awkward to ask why they all keep seal skins (he's considered getting one for himself to fit in but he doesn't know if it's a religious thing and he can do it wrong so he just never brings it up and neither do they)
He also doesn't want to admit he was never been a great intensivist and he doesn't know why he never gets sick when they all do or when he gets sick none of them do. He has a theory it has something to do with his amber lead maybe (to be fair it's more likely than everyone he knows being a secret selkie)
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dbphantom · 11 months
do you think when a zoan fruit user enters their awakened form it's a constant test of will, not just a one time thing? we saw in impel down if they're not prepared to awaken their fruits that they'll lose control to the animal's inherent nature
im asking because i'd like to make an animatic where a specific user starts losing control while in their awakened form because the fruit and the user de-synchronize due to a sudden emotional gut punch :)
mini essay + lots of manga spoilers below [wano act 3 + egghead]
im kind of obsessed with this exchange kaido has with luffy in 1046
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it's interrupted by zunesha talking about joyboy and while that's PROBABLY what we're meant to assume Kaido's asking (who are you. are you joyboy? or even: who are you, what type of zoan fruit do you have, what is this transformation??)
when we cut back to luffy yelling
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kaido says this
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and the line immediately after
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and im just saying... being a zoan fruit user himself with a crew full of zoan fruit users and a son who accidentally ate a zoan fruit, kaido PROBABLY knows about the dangers of awakening your fruit before you're ready to handle it
so him saying "glad to see you've still got that big mouth, straw hat" is more like... "I'm glad to see you're still you. here's what's happening to u rn, btw" since he already put 2 and 2 together that luffy's a zoan last chapter
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to immediately jump into "we call this an awakening" means that's probably what kaido had on his mind, right?! like he was wondering if luffy had lost himself to nika's will instead of aligning with it and that's why kaido kinda randomly asks who he is, THEN starts explaining what awakenings are once luffy confirms it's still him
after all, luffy's been acting a bit differently since he changed forms and kaido's definitely picked up on that (he's more carefree, he's just a goofy guy now)
im also kinda backing this up with non-canon stuff given the road/lode to laughtale chapters where, along with all the g5/nika doodles, are a bunch of notes where oda questions what the fallout will be from awakening
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[also interesting to note that oda seems to have 'scrapped' the idea that luffy's ability to bring people together was actually one of nika's powers all along. im happy to see that tbh i think he's just a charismatic guy]
and we've also seen that luffy struggles at least a little bit to control his new abilities in egghead
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like, yeah, luffy is kinda clowning on lucci during this fight, but he also barely has control to the point he can't be serious when atlas's life is on the line
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because he was taking things much more seriously before he transforms
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vs after chopper already told him to hurry up or atlas isn't going to make it
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[to be fair, you can argue he does get a lot more serious once the fighting's over and chopper urges him to hurry for the 2nd time
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but this is also right before he detransforms...]
so im just saying
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i'm gonna have fun with this :')
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wifeofkatakuri · 4 months
So I did some over analyzing to answer a question nobody asked.
What happened to Big Mom’s guys who were right outside Wano?
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Here’s the map from chapter 934
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And these pictures for reference
Since Both Luffy and Big Mom came from Whole Cake and washed up on Kuri we can assume they’re on the left of/behind Wano
Why is this important? Well because theory #1 is either Shanks, Zunesha, or the Wg got to them.
I don’t think this is the case for because all those guys were coming from the other side! We know Greenbull crossed through Udon to get to the outside of the flower capital where he fought the scabbards and I would assume that the other WG ships are coming the same way and Zunesha was also going that way. As for Shanks
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Just look at this the haki lightning stuff is clearly coming from behind him.
So this leaves a few options
They’re still there just fucking around
They went back to Whole Cake after hearing the shit that’s going down there
They’re dead
Most likely Oda just forgot about them and doesn’t care enough to bring them back into the story
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purplehairedwonder · 2 years
Chapter 1052: Choices Were Made
Oda made some... interesting choices in this chapter. Some make sense while others are just odd.
Odd choice #1
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Zunesha just... peaced out after finding out Momo was keeping the borders shut for now. Like, his entire purpose was to show up, tell Momo that Luffy is Joyboy, and then leave? Anticlimactic to say the least.
Then we return to the Gorosei wanting to capture Robin. The surviving member of CP0 says that is still on the table...
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And this feels somewhat ominous since Robin doesn’t appear in the chapter at all, but I assume Robin is off doing Poneglyph-related things and CP0 is just bluffing; after all, he stammers his response. Besides, we’ve already had a rescue Robin arc. With the final saga beginning after the month-long break, retreading old ground would be another odd choice.
Then we get the hacking of CP0′s signal. 
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My guess is that this is Ryokugyu, considering we see him nearing Wano at the end of the chapter. As to what he wants to talk to CP0 about... hm.
A Choice #1
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I don’t have much sympathy for Hawkins, but we get an interesting parallel with him and Apoo this chapter. Both Hawkins and Apoo betrayed Kid for Kaido, but Hawkins decided that one betrayal was enough and stuck with the consequences of his choices -- even though they’ve (I think? One Piece has took many fake deaths) led to his death.
Meanwhile, Apoo changes sides as easily as breathing, and he lives on to fight -- and leak information about the events on Wano -- another day.
Of course, this dynamic is also parallel to Drake, who is an undercover Marine. Allegiances are all over the place here! Drake’s fate is also left up in the air; he’s in bad shape, but I think his status as a member of SWORD means he has a role to play in the future.
Odd Choice #2
So, not only is Hawkins dead, but so are Ashura and Izo.
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Honestly, I call bullshit on this considering the condition Kiku and Kin’emon were in, yet those two are apparently fine? We also didn’t even see what happened with Izo or Kiku’s reaction, which is A Choice.  
I can see Oda wanting to show that there are stakes in the fight -- even the Worst Generation is being culled before the final battle -- but as of this point, we haven’t lost anyone the main characters have any particular attachment to.
Then again, Kin’emon may be foreshadowing something concerning:
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We know there is an admiral incoming -- though I question what a single admiral could do against a recovered fighting force that includes Luffy, Zoro, Law, Kid, Killer, Sanji, Yamato, Jinbei, the Scabbards, etc. -- and Robin has a target on her back, so it’s definitely worth being wary.
A Choice #2
I’m not even going to put pictures of the fanservice in. Just know my eyes rolled. 
The Momo gag stuff especially is just... it grosses me out.
Things I especially liked:
1. Adult Hiyori getting to dropkick adult* Momo. Some things never change.
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2. This panel:
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I love the look of the three ships side-by-side in the port.
Ships of three captains who I expect next chapter to be declared...
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*insert Kermit flailing gif*
Also, bounties! I am hype.
3. Law, always.
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This panel reminds me of Law’s first appearance in Wano when he was chilling in the hut.
Also, Bepo is so cute as he thinks about how high Law’s bounty might be now. He’s such a supportive bestie. 
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uchanekome · 2 years
A One Piece Theory *SPOILERS*
Okay soooo chapter 1043 happened and even before that I had gone down a rabbit hole of speculation about what the One Piece is why it made Roger laugh so hard he named the freaking island after it? Who was Joy Boy and how does Luffy’s Devil Fruit relate him? Who was the Sun God Nika? What is the Will of D? 
Well I did some digging (and by some I mean a LOT) and if what I speculate is true than it’s all this is connected by a single thread called Hinduism. Now I’m no expert on Hinduism but I did some reading on it and found some very interesting things. Hinduism is the most ancient religion on earth. And so naturally many myths have an origin in Hinduism much like the legend of Joyboy. Joyboy the spirit of music, is a myth that had it’s origin in india, africa and Haiti. The legend told of a smiling man who’s drums where the stuff of legend and his songs would spread hope of liberation to slaves. Jazz drum musicians would strive to be as good as Joyboy. 
In the chapter we hear mention from Zunesha about the “drums of liberation”  
This legend was actually derived from a Javanese story about a man, a king actually named Jayabaya/Joyoboyo or Nika. Here’s a link to the wikipidia all about him https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jayabaya
But to make a long story short the guy was an amazing ruler and his people prospered under him. But it’s hard to tell what was fact and fiction about him cause stories clamed he was one of Vishnu’s incarnations. (We’ll get into that later.) He also was some sort of prophet and foretold Japan’s occupation in WW2 and that the Javanese people would be saved eventually. He also somehow foretold that there would be cars and planes so there’s that. Anyways this guy apparently meditated so long he got supernatural powers. 
Now after I read his Wikipedia article I decided to go to another...Vishnu’s. This was where things got interesting. Apparently whenever the world is threatened with evil, chaos, and destructive forces, Vishnu descends in the form of an avatar to return balance to it. This very much reminds me of Luffy. Whenever there is evil Luffy rights it. Not because of some god granted reason no Luffy just wants to help his friends...but wouldn’t someone like Luffy be the perfect avatar for Vishnu or in other words for Joy Boy? Vishnu’s avatars all had wills of their own. They all had their own goals and wants. But they always aligned with Vishnu’s core beliefs. General goodness, leadership, but most importantly the rights of the individual. Now in the current chapter Luffy seems to have awakened his devil fruit and with it Joy Boy. But what links Joy Boy to the Devil Fruit?
Well the Youtuber “Joy_Boy Theories” (link below) had a fascinating take on this. 
 He believes that Joy Boy’s spirit IS the devil inside Luffy’s devil fruit. And that Devil Fruit were created using souls from the ancient kingdom. The Shandorians believed souls of the dead resided in the trees. And we know Devil fruit are made from a special tree, than henceforth reincarnated into the nearest fruit after the original eater has died. Given the information we have it’s not hard to come to the conclusion JBT did. Still I think we can take this idea a bit farther. 
But first lets go back to the Hinduism aspect.
I always assumed that the Will of D was the will of the devil or something along those lines. After all they are the ones said to oppose the “gods” AKA the Celestial Dragons. However I think history has it backwards. Remember Doflamingo’s words at Marineford. “Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice! .” In Hinduism there is a rivalry between two factions, the Devas the Suras. The Devas are basically good gods while the Suras are evil demons. There’s always been a tug of war between the two over control. So if Vishnu is a Deva than maybe the Will of D is actually the Will of the Devas. The gods who existed before the false gods took their place. We know that they were gods because NikaAKAJoyBoyAKAJoyoboyoAKAVishnu was said to be a “Sun God” This terminology has never been used towards ANY of the good guys so far. The “Gods” in One Piece are usually selfish and cruel. But Nika was a symbol of good of hope and of liberation for the slaves. Slavery is something the “Gods” of One Piece the Celestial Dragons and by extension the mysterious Im actively participate in. Meaning there used to be a different set of gods. Gods who’s souls were trapped in a tree and who’s individual powers became the devil fruit.
Now I know what your thinking. “If they were gods how were they killed.” I personally think this has a connection to another aspect of the fight between the Hindu gods. Kshira Sagara AKA the ocean of milk. Which finally brings me to The One Piece TM. It’s my belief that PART of it not all of it, is another pirate legend one that is very well known. The fountain of youth. In Hindu belief Devas and Suras got their immortality from the ocean of milk. They each took turns churning it until it became amirita the elixir of immortality. But if it’s youth and not full immortality we can assume their bodies can be killed. For the fountain of youth to exist in One Piece and no one knows about it it would have to be a well guarded secret perhaps only Im knows about it. After all he seems very immortal. As for Roger, a man dying of an illness the One Piece having with it something he’s never cared about but the whole world would give their left arm and a leg for would be amusing. Of course he didn’t drink it cause like Ace he wasn’t interested in living forever, just living today was enough.
Well I’ve reached the end of my theory. Do yall think I’m way off or do you think I’m on to something here. IDK. But I did have fun with this.  
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catflowerqueen · 2 years
Regarding Zunesha... was his sentence to wander all of the world's seas, or just the New World's seas? Because if it is the former, then I'm imagining a scenario where he ends up wandering near Dawn Island at some point in Luffy's childhood--possibly even at the moment Luffy accidentally eats his fruit.
I mean--possibly nothing would happen other than everyone freaking out about the giant elephant, since Luffy wouldn't have Awakened or done anything for Zunesha to recognize him as Joyboy (since he saw and had Luffy wandering on his back all during the Zou arc and didn't comment on his devil fruit at all), but I could maybe see him sensing something special about the moment of consumption?
And even if not, I can see him accidentally kidnapping Luffy/the ASL trio just because they decided to go explore the city on top of the giant elephant, got distracted by the minks, and then didn't climb back off before Zunesha wandered away.
...Actually, in this scenario I wonder if Luffy, upon meeting Arlong for the first time, wouldn't just assume he was some kind of mink. Because, sure, minks seem to be constrained to mammalian animals... but do you really think Luffy would question that or actually be able to make that distinction and then use logic to realize it meant Arlong's species was different? (And does Arlong actually know what minks are? I don't think he actually knows what minks are. He'd probably still be insulted either way, but the initial moment of befuddlement at Luffy's question/general nonchalance might be funny. Especially if he makes a big deal about the fact that the sun is currently out).
He probably wouldn't find Chopper to be quite as novel, though, but he might be excited by the fact that he can transform without a full moon and that he has more than two forms. And then he would be impressed with his conviction and antics during the Wapol fight, like in canon, so the end result would still be him becoming the Straw Hats' doctor.
Actually--he would probably find Chopper even more comforting here, since he would remind him of his childhood on Zou.
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aka-ichigo · 2 years
there was so much in this chapter oh my god
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i love her so much go girl
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(and yamato’s so adorable - saying to oden’s son that he would be the one to lead the world to it’s dawn after he only died a few months ago for momonosuke makes me wanna cry)
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this page hurt me
i feel like it’s really showing how momonosuke’s trying so hard to become a responsible leader like his father was (WHO JUST DIED A FEW MONTHS AGO FOR HIM THAT FACT STILL HURTS ME) but just because he looks like an adult now he’s still a child, has no idea what he’s doing and is understandably terrified for him and (what he probably considers to be) his father’s country
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raizo finally managed to do it!!! but i’m very curious, what preparations?
i love that line ‘in this era even shinobi are free to choose… fukurokuju’
i’m assuming it means something about how ‘even in this era, shinobi can choose who they want to serve, instead of just following the shogun’
(but although i agree, i do feel like it accidentally ignores how the rest of wano have been suffering for 20 years while raizo etc only recently jumped in time - while he’s definitely been struggling, the rest of wano have been suffering under kaido for 20 years and it really makes you think about ashura’s comment before the war)
(unless i understood it wrong, then i’m just incorrect)
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hiyori’s great i love her
orochi, dying:
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(so cool)
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haha marineford parallels (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
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while i know zoro won’t die i’m worried for him
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also kaido joined rocks when he was 15??? and he was from a government or something facility??? no wonder why he’s fucked up
but yeah this was a great chapter i hope izou and zoro are okay
i really love how we focused on some wano characters here and i cant wait to see zunesha - imagine if zunesha was originally from wano
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ninhaoma-ya · 2 years
Chapter 1037 — Shuron hakke
It has been 84 years…
…and I completely forgot about the new chapter until now. Oh no.
But this was such a joy, I completely forgive myself!
Thanks to translator notes, I now know that the title can read “drunk dragon bagua” and “famous for booze”. Very fitting for the drunkest chapter in the whole saga so far.
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The guy challenging Orochi seems a bit more polished than other background figures. An homage that I don’t recognise, maybe?
Nice touch with the Toki-sculpture in the back, to go with the Oden-one seen in the beginning of the feast. Foreshadowing, mayhaps? The dawn is near, now that Toki appears?
Prediction: people will look up at the lights and not see a fairytale prince à la Tangled, but rather the terrific view of an island hovering over them. Fun and terror, just the thing to get your heart racing after a feast.
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Okay, this whole sequence is just pure gold. If I could, I’d just put it all here.So go! Go and read the chapter and rejoice at the total chaos. I’ll wait.
When Shanks stopped him before the Paramount War wasn’t a serious one-on-one fight then, just a “here, but no further”?
No wonder he’s been searching for self-destructive ways to end his life (like jumping from a cloud and crashing alliance negotiations) if he lives for the fight but can’t get anyone to fight him, the poor lizard.
And look! Just look at how happy he seems!
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And the movement! Although I have Views on the direction the art style has taken, I really enjoy the flow and movement in the last chapters, the easy lines of ink lending such energy to the page.
Also, I wonder what the snaps are.
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I love drunk Kaido and will choose my new icon accordingly.
Fights are usually the least enjoyable bit of One Piece for me, but this whole thing is done just beautifully.
This whole page for example is just pure beauty, even though I’ll focus on the left-hand side here:
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As far as I recall, Luffy hasn’t been much of a kicking man before, relying more on arm techniques. He’s not avoided kicks to the same extent Sanji refuses to use his hands in combat, but he does rely on his hands quite a bit. This could therefore be read as another way he’s evolved: his earlier hits didn’t quite make the mark but he evolves, and a kick in the face is never wrong.
And I have to give major points for hardness of technique as well. Do you know how hard it is to hit someone properly with a back-kick? It’s not a piece of cakewalk, I’ll tell you that.
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Reminds me a bit of Ulti’s headbutt from chapter 983, although with some Conqueror’s distancing going on (which we can see in the Ulti-panel, I just realised):
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But back to Kaido.
First; look at how happy he is when Luffy blocks his bagua-hit with his hand. He has realised Luffy will counterattack and he is overjoyed!
He even says it straight out in the beginning of the chapter: he’s happy! He’s celebrating a great match!
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Both look quite beat. Wonder how long they’ll manage yet.
And then. I really hope Oda’ll tell us how Shanks died and Sabo got captured soon.
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If this is in reference to the gomu gomu-fruit I will be miffed.
Or wait… is it Zunesha that’s the specially named fruit-bearer?
Such a nice bit of continuity there, by the way! I just assumed Zunesha had continued on her ramble and the Mink warriors took another route to Wano, but looks like she carried them there! Must have been tall enough that they could just jump over, as well.
I give the chapter a cheer and a raunchy drinking song.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1043 - Initial Thoughts
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Ho boy what do we have now?
CP0 have intervened and now Luffy has been smacked down by Kaido, anger and denial sweeps, but now we must see the aftermath
Spoilers for the Chapter, Also Support the Official Release
Seems Whole Cake Island still hasn't repaired itself from the wedding, then again it's unclear just how much time has passed in Wano
And there's the aftermath, an angry Kaido and a wiped out Luffy, deflated an unconscious, the victory card goes to Kaido
Momo also says Luffy's 'voice' is gone, implying death
White Eye ain't even trying to run though, he's gone and accepted his fate
Destroying the ceiling with his blow, it's assumed that's the last we'll see of White-Eye, shame if it is
Oh hey there's Kawamatsu, looks like he's trying to also help people out of the fire, but without water it is difficult
Dragon Kaido has come down as well, demanding for Momonosuke to surrender and announcing that Luffy is dead
This of course kills morale, and Kaido's forces celebrate
Law seems to confirm the lost voice too, lamenting that they cannot oppose him
Chopper again though, believe in your captain like Nami does, she utterly refutes Kaido's statement
Literally coming out of hiding to step up to the Fish boy
Since her spirit won't break, Kaido goes to blast her but Marco blocks it
Kaido goes on his tirade though, as a result Onigashima will fall, everyone in Wano are his slaves, including women and children, they're expendable and this is the price of losing war
Kaido's crew also tries to pick off Law and Kid, but their crews fight back to protect them
Carrot and Neko are on the move too, looks like they'll help confront Kaido
Everyone's still fleeing the fire in the other rooms too, while Law and Kid are gonna fight with the last strength they have
Over to Momo and there's an argument over surrender between Yamato and Momo
Both know they can't do anything against him, but while Momo thinks surrendering will spare lives, Yamato knows too well that life of enslavement is not sparing lives
Instead she offers the only alternative: fight and die together
By the looks of things it's a sentiment shared by the alliance still, who continue to fight
Luffy's body lays limp, not unlike Zoro's was
But there's a sound coming from him, Luffy still stirs
Zunesha now hears something though, something he hasn't heard for 800 years
The Drums are playing, the drums of Liberation
Joy Boy has finally arrived, and Luffy's face grins with a tl of 'Nika'
Oda that bastard had to do it though, break next week
There has been an awakening
But an Awakening of what kind? I've seen a lot of theories circulating which seem plausible. Is Luffy awakening his Devil Fruit? or is Joy Boy's spirit possessing him?
There's a shout for the latter also because of the Ghost Piece theory, but there's also a matter of whether Joy Boy is actually the true or alternate name of his Devil Fruit (like what if it's the Nika Nika no Mi), or just inherited will, in fact Joy Boy may not even be an individual but a rally to keep fighting, to overcome even death. It could go so many directions, but personally I hope Luffy is still Luffy when he rises from the 'grave'. This is mostly my denial but also because despite the victory card I feel like Luffy not Joy Boy should be defeating Kaido, also I don't think Luffy is dead just like Zoro isn't dead, their 'voices' may have gone quiet but I'd hope it's more near-death, in Alabasta Zoro did note the quiet stillness of being close to death after all.
Props to Nami though for not faltering, Tama, Momo, Yamato and the samurai all believed it, no props for Chopper though, I said it the last time Kaido announced Luffy's 'death', Chopper believing it so quickly seems counterproductive to everything he's seen. I don't think a single Straw Hat but Chopper would believe an enemy telling them Luffy is dead, Usopp included because he's already proved that at Alabasta.
I do wonder if Oda's amassing the allies and Akazaya to Kaido just to have them hold their ground first, so everyone can witness Luffy/Joy Boy's return, but we do also have to consider that Izo, Zoro, Kiku, and Kin'emon are out of it, Raizo is close to being out of it too, haven't seen Killer in while too, not to mention how Orochi STILL isn't confirmed dead and Denjiro is still AWOL...
I also don't expect him to be, but kinda hope White-Eye is alive, just because I really wanted him to be Luffy's relative, but imagine the scenes if there are multiple White-Eyes and that he's actually a mass produced Garp clone for the WG? Wouldn't that be wild?
But we have 2 weeks of hype and anxiety to potentially find out what comes next for Luffy, goddamn these breaks.
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One piece spoilers for chapter 1040 and theories under the break!
Holy shit I'm so PSYCHED to learn more about Joyboy and Zunesha, who was apparently his companion???
I bet that's why Luffy could hear Zunesha - we all theorise that Luffy is somehow Joyboy's reincarnation or something, like Shirahoshi is Poseidon's, right? However, that leaves the question why Zunesha wasn't responding to Luffy, and only to Momo, asking Momo for permission to stop walking and defend itself.
I got a theory about that. Well, less of a theory and more speculation and conclusions.
The existence of the apology ponegliff at Fishman Island implies that Joyboy could either read/write the language on the ponegliffs or had a friend who could.
The people who made the ponegliffs were the Kozuki Clan (who passed the knowledge of how to read them on through their descendents)
Therefore, we know that Joyboy either belonged to the Kozuki Clan or knew someone who did, and they were close enough and considered Joyboy to be important enough to make the Fishman Island Apology Ponegliff for him.
Zunesha was Joyboy's companion when it did that huge crime
As punishment for that crime, Zunesha is ordered to walk and cannot defend itself against attackers.
At some point the Minks settled atop Zunesha and were entrusted with the road ponegliff - one of the four more important ponegliffs - by the Kozuki Clan.
So this brings us two arguments why the Kozuki and Joyboy are connected. The next part is speculation.
Now, why does Zunesha ask Momo for permission to defend itself? I think the most logical conclusion would be that the Kozuki who was Joyboy's companion gave the order for Zunesha to keep walking, not Joyboy. So therefore only the descendant of the Kozuki Clan could give permission for an exception.
However, this only works if we assume that Luffy is Joyboy's heir (which is heavily implied in the manga). Otherwise, it could also have been Joyboy to give the order
So, fun question: what was the crime? Why didn't Joyboy give the order for the punishment - after all Zunesha was his companion. Could it be that Zunesha's crime lead to Joyboy dying?
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somftchilds · 9 months
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the chances of someone knowing about the anyagi are minimal at best. there's a reason galapagos's excuse of "being a mink" works so well, most people haven't even SEEN minks, and anyagi are animal leaning. not to mention the whole goat-form-thing that anyagi can morph into. that being said, there are a few reasons why a muse COULD know about the anyagi:
wano. anyagi sake has been known to pop up in wano over the years due to it being stored there when they were still around. it's highly sought after and there was a ton of it made. it's still rare, but way more likely in wano. not to mention wano and hoarfrost were allied, as long as it wasn't destroyed(looks at the beast pirates), documentation of the anyagi SHOULD still be around. that being said, it might be seen as myth or just stories, given it HAS been around 900 or so years since the anyagi were even around.
elbaf. hoarfrost was closest with the giants of elbaf. there is most definitely still documentation of them there. same thing applies that did with wano, it's likely chocked up to stories and myths, rather than reality. there is also anyagi sake here.
zunesha. straight up, zunesha was around when the anyagi were around. so uh. yeah. if it still remembers, zunesha will know they existed and probably knew a few of them.
hoarfrost. if your muse has somehow been to hoarfrost then they would know that SOMETHING lived there. hoarfrost's villages were burned down and destroyed, but there are still shambles and ruin of what was there. assuming it wasn't burned, there would be documentation there about the anyagi that lived.
ohara. ohara had many many books about the anyagi. a whole part of the anyagi's culture was visiting ohara to talk to the tree of knowledge. :') unfortunately ohara is. well.
charlottes. MAYBE. there might be one or two books on the anyagi in the library at the whole cake chateau. that being said this maybe is a BIG maybe.
eggman island. hey you know apparently vegapunk memorized everything in the ohara library so. he probably knows about them.
laugh tale. you know, there's probably something on them there. especially if the headcanon that the great kingdom was on laugh tale is true.
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tangsakura · 2 years
One Piece 1046 Reaction
More like best moments reaction
DO NOT INTERACT if you haven’t caught up with the manga, and/or an anime-only fan
The cover page shows that there are two intruders in Chocolat Town on Cacao Island. We don't know who it is, but I'm betting it's either the Blackbeard Pirates or Reiju and Ichiji. Blackbeard Pirates because Big Mom and majority of her children are not there; Reiju and Ichiji to save their brothers. I'm excited to find out in the next cover page story.
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Then we get to Luffy vs. Kaido, where Luffy is chilling and thinking about what he should name his attack from previous chapter. Kaido ask Luffy who he really is and Luffy declared that he is Luffy, the man who will be the King of the Pirates! Man I love how Oda dispelled the doubts about Luffy not being Luffy anymore since Joyboy or Nika has taken over him.
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And more fighting between them. LUFFYTUNES ANDABFOFNO
As Kaido has mentioned to Luffy in the middle of their fight, the castle is on fire. But man, he also acknowledged that his subordinates (I assumed he was implying the Lead Performers and Tobiroppo) has been defeated and he's the only one standing - to that think he would! Of course, Luffy left it to his allies and friends to extinguish the fire. And they continue their battle. I love Luffy's determination and trust, and the fact he didn't fall for Kaido's attempt to sway his mental state. Also I love how Kaido has admitted he's lost his subordinates and his castle - showing how much damage Luffy and the alliance have done to Onigashima and the beginning of the end.
Of course let us not forget Raizo. My man has been keeping a scroll full of water from Zunesha's bath and please the flashback on that day the Oden castle fell and his determination to be prepared in case a big fire happened again. Our Mizukage (forgot which Redditor had this idea of calling him mizukage ;--; let me know if y'all know and I can put them as credits) Hokage UmU. Don't forget Jinbei, too, who was responsible in spreading the water throughout the building.
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(I love the respect they have for each other, as well)
I love Yamato reprising the role of a mentor to Momonosuke, reminding him to create flame clouds because Kaido is almost at his utmost limit and this time around Onigashima will come falling down. I mean I couldn't blame Momonosuke since the fight between Luffy vs. Kaido has been so amazing and ridiculous, you can't keep your eyes away xD
And my most favorite page of this chapter as Yamato told Momonosuke that Onigashima is about to fall:
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Look at Luffy holding a thunderbolt while looking down at Kaido. He looks godly. THESE PANELS LOOK SO COOL ASDHFKDFJALDLADJLADJAD ODA YOU GOAT!
BONUS: Many readers, including me, have also noticed how Oda showed the vice-captains or #2's being carried by their crew. Please Bepo one was so funny xD And the one with Killer was adorable, how the crewmates would copy his laugh just to make it feel like he's not left out or anything of the like. The one with Zoro is concerning since he's at a very critical condition.
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Overall, the chapter was great. I hope next chapter will have Kaido's flashback or defeat. Luffy also has to rest.
Next week is chapter 1047. See you then.
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purplehairedwonder · 2 years
Chapter 1041: Spoilers, sweetie
First things first: I am here for Pudding punching Sanji’s brothers. Atta girl.
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I’m not typically one to theorize on the lore of the series, mostly because it’s still so vague that I’m satisfied with letting that part of the story play out, but I have to wonder if we’re getting some hints that Momo is Joyboy. He can talk to Zunesha and then we get this panel:
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That would be an interesting twist.
Also, it seems that Oden was anti-spoilers, tearing out the most important pages of his journal.
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I see on Reddit people thinking that the fact that these pages are gone from the journal are a point in favor of Yamato joining the Straw Hats since she wouldn’t be bringing those spoilers to the crew (and we know how Luffy feels about spoilers). However, Yamato’s reaction to Momo’s worry made me think the opposite:
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This expression Yamato makes me think that, along with having the Devil Fruit of the guardian deity of Wano, she might stay in Wano to help Momo rebuild and open the country.
Then we get Raizo being officially declared the victor in the ninja battle of the century. But what preparations is he talking about? 
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And could this be where Denjiro has been all this time? I assumed he was with Hiyori, but if that were the case, I would have expected to see him in this chapter.
My favorite part of the chapter is, of course, Hiyori, making her move on Orochi. Fuck him up, queen!
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It’s fitting that Hiyori wears her mask here because she spent twenty years wearing a mask as she hid behind the identity of Komurasaki, who, when we first met her, was portrayed as an aloof, greedy, and treacherous woman. But the one she was truly manipulating was Orochi. And she’s been biding her time for this moment.
Her finally revealing her identity is so satisfying.
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@ninhaoma-ya​​ has a great analysis of the lighting in this panel, noting the contrast of light on Hiyori and dark on Orochi. So good.
Then we’ve got Izo taking down one of the CP0 agents. 
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Whether this is Izo’s end or not remains to be seen, but his sacrifice fits one of the themes of this arc, which is the new generation taking the place of the old. The Whitebeard Pirates are remnants, their captain two years dead. They’re here to help the next generation rise.
And we have the shift of orders from capturing Robin to taking out Luffy. Does this mean Luffy’s fruit is the one the Elders were talking about previously? Honestly, I hope not. 
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I like Luffy having a silly fruit and being endlessly creative with a seemingly crappy power. The less “Chosen One” narrative the better in my view.
Also, Drake is back up. Is he going to take out the other CP0 agent? That would be good; we’ve seen Luffy, Law, and Kid all get knocked down and get back up. Now it may be Drake’s turn. This also seems likely to fit into Hawkins’ 1% prediction.
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Meanwhile, Big Mom’s defeat is being felt around the island. I raised an eyebrow at Nami only mentioning Law while Luffy only mentioned Kid.
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Speaking of those two, Law is no longer upright. He admits he’s got nothing left. I really like Kid in this moment, though. He went from a doomed alliance and resulting cynicism to
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“Should we brace ourselves?”
We saw some growth from him when he willingly went after Big Mom to keep the two Emperors separated despite having a vendetta against Kaido, and we see another one here; despite the bickering between the two captains during the fight, he’s not talking about himself only.
Law continues to show his unwavering faith in his alliance -- he did his part, now it’s up to his partner to do his -- and I think seeing the strength of that alliance has been important to Kid.
Speaking of alliances, Kaido is depressed that his seems to have crumbled.
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And we get a brief flashback to Kaido meeting Big Mom for the first time. It seems he was quite young at the time.
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This seems like a prelude to a longer Kaido/Rocks Pirates flashback. I’m pretty meh at the prospect at the moment. Kaido has been the weakest part of Wano for me (especially after two arcs with such good villains in Doffy and Big Mom), but maybe learning more about him will help. Doffy and Big Mom were good villains even before their flashbacks, though, and Kaido is just... not even remotely interesting to me.
Lastly, I was glad to see Luffy returning to his righteous anger. His enjoyment of the fight was rubbing me the wrong way considering how Kaido has hurt people he cares for -- something he finds unforgiveable. 
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So the question remains whether Luffy and Kaido get the chance to finish their fight or if the World Government interrupts it. Most of the other plotlines are being tied up, and this is the biggest one left.
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purplehairedwonder · 2 years
Chapter 1046: Waterbending
So, this chapter makes a lot of narrative sense. We’re nearing the end of the raid; all the other fights have wrapped up, so we’re tying up loose ends as well as foreshadowing that Luffy’s fight is nearing its conclusion as well.
To start with, I’m still whatever about the lore Zunesha has going on.
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But it’s nice to see Luffy still being Luffy.
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I especially loved the moment where Luffy puts his trusts in his nakama. He knows how capable his people are, so he’s not going to worry about anything but doing his job: beating Kaido.
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And, to my delight, we get a quick flash of the Hearts -- the ones who aren’t with Law on the live floor, anyway.
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Poor Bepo. Polar bears are not made for heat. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen him have a hard time with it.
(Sorry guys, Law can barely stand, so you’re going to have to save yourselves.)
We also see Nami and Chopper, Brook and Robin, Apoo (what a cockroach), Sanji and the geisha, Usopp with Kin and Kiku, Franky with the still unconscious Zoro...
Side note: Where the hell is Denjiro? I assumed he was with Hiyori, but if that were the case, we should have seen him by now. My next thought was helping Raizo with his preparations, but that also doesn’t seem to be the case based on the rest of the chapter. So where is he?
Anyway, the core of the chapter feels straight out of Avatar: The Last Airbender as Raizo and Jimbei join forces to do some large scale waterbending to put out the raging fire.
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Also, because I’m apparently 12, the water takes an... unfortunate shape.
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Finally, the Momo/Yamato panels are telling us that the Luffy/Kaido fight is not going to last much longer. We’ve seen the toll Gear 5 is taking on Luffy’s body, so he can’t keep using that form much longer without serious cost. Meanwhile, Kaido is apparently at his limit as well. Hopefully, we’ll be wrapping that fight soon.
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Now it’s up to Momo to hold up Onigashima in an echo of the hour Oden held up his retainers while being boiled.
Also Momo, there’s a giant hole in the ground from Law’s final attack that you could probably put Onigashima into.
(Also, lol @ Chopper in the top panel.)
As for the cover story, I’ve seen some theories that this is Reiju and Ichiji, but Reiju’s cape has that butterfly shape, not the rectangular one we see here. 
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I’m going to throw out a wild theory: the Niji and Yonji we saw about to be experimented on are life-like cakes (I know you’ve see those videos of people cutting into cakes that look like very real objects) while this is the real Niji and Yonji. Pudding helped them escape and used her fruit to alter the witnesses’ memories.
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catflowerqueen · 2 years
So, assuming that all those leaks and spoilers about chapter 1044 are true...
...My question is whether or not Luffy and co. are even going to find out the true name of his Devil Fruit, and whether they are going to have any sort of reaction to the fact that they have two people on the crew who ate some version of the hito hito no mi.
I suppose Zunesha might know, as far as the first part goes... depends on the exact nature of Joy Boy, I guess.
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