ph03n1x-24 · 3 months
Hermitcraft :3
🐶 What hermits do you watch?
🐼 Who is one hermit you haven't watched yet but want to?
✨ Do you have any merch?
🐶mainly mumbo,but I’ve also been watching grian and gems! still need to catch up on scars too-
🐼100% false zedaph or ren,they all look like they are having such silly fun :3
✨I WISH i did…..only really blab to my frendos abt hc and i am,,,,,very awkward when it comes to asking for stuff-
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stealingpotatoes · 3 months
Merrin and Ventress react to learning that Anakin is responsible for the death of the Fanged God and Winged Goddess (Mortis twins and worshipped by the Dathomiri)
50% of clone wars is like "yeah anakin could kill a god" the other 50% is "he couldnt even stab a bagel correctly"
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daiwild · 6 months
humbly requesting Yellowjacket.. the stopwatch and spitfire content is so sparse im starving.. 🙏
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My fave silly fighters !!!!!
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It’s my birthday and no one’s given me Max Verstappen yet :(
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lunior-art · 13 days
Several question so I can learn more information (tm) about your obsession with this movie, since everyone's is different <3
So questions:
How did you find the movie?
Do you prefer Nigel or Alex? (I'm sorry to ask this since they're both bae but deep down we all have a favorite)
Favorite scene and favorite line?
-Sincerely, @fingerprint-insurance , citizen of the United States of @laurelwen
Get ready for the rant
1. from our favorite @theoryofwhatnow ‘s edit on tiktok. innocent little me found a Like Minds edit in the midst of Sandman edits and accidentally was sucked into a black hole of obsession. this also occurred during my school d&d session where my friend judged me HEAVILY
2. they really are both bae but Nigel. sorry guys i can’t escape the insane psycho twink syndrome however i do feel alex is more complex internally than Nigel. but i just really dig how tom sturridge looks
3. i think my favorite scene may be controversial but it’s when Nigel is found in bed with his mother (i’m NOT into incest i promise that isn’t why it’s my fav scene) Nigel just looks so scared and vulnerable in that scene. so much so that it shocked me when i first saw it. Nigel has always seemed calm and collected while always having something smart to say back but when his dad confronts him you can really see him. without the insane psycho part it truly seems like he’s just a kid. and of course my TRUE favorite part is when he sees alex rush in. you can clearly see how his shoulders relax as he says “Jack. You made it” while his voice breaks and he smiles a little (i’ve done this rant before but STILL)
Favorite line is “Well, I’m sorry, Jack, but you were the one who got inside my head”. this WHOLE time in alex’s perspective we are conditioned by him to believe that Nigel is the only freak. but THIS line completely flipped that for me and i realized. wait. in Nigel’s perspective, Alex would be such a freak as well (drugging him and trying to kill him should’ve been a clear indicator but i’m blind). anyway this specific line made me realize many things about their dynamic and that it’s not psycho x victim. nooo. it’s actually psycho x psycho and i love it
- sincerely, Lunior-art, recent inductee of the United States of @laurelwen
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dogtoling · 6 months
im doing recon and holy crap bluefin depot is DISGUSTING. LOOK HOW THEY MASSACRED MY BOY.
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fiddlepickdouglas · 17 days
Why do doctors rush people through questions? Why are the questions worded to seek a black or white answer when the truth is always more nuanced? Why do I only get to address one little thing at a time when there's actually several and they all affect each other?
(this is mostly rhetorical, but if someone has genuine answers I would appreciate them.)
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racingliners · 10 months
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@f1blrcreatorsfest week 3: music artist inspired
Alex Albon x Chasing Lights - The Saturdays
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eightstrikes · 1 year
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spaceratprodigy · 6 months
the universe really wants to do everything in its power to keep me from getting back to finishing my art priorities, huh
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risingsunresistance · 2 months
7, 14, 21, 28!
what scares you the most and why? - i dont have a normal Fun answer for this so instead you get a PREVIOUS fear. when i was little the playstation 2 error screen terrified me. like i would run out of the room crying bc i thought it was gonna blow up and kill me *&#@$*(%^&
what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do? - i answered this one but i have more answers, I Wanna Do This So Bad
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are you a spiritual person? - RELIGIOUS no SPIRITUAL yes, there is Something going on in the wider world but i dont have time for that rn i have a job KJFHDG
do you collect anything? - i also already answered this one but i do have another answer, i kinda collect clips :D you guys only really see what i post but i also have them all archived and sorted on my desktop. i love having large sorted archives of junk. i also have a "collection" of like 400 crunchy pictures of techno if you would count that as a collection
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waitineedaname · 2 months
OKAY SO. i think in mdzs there's someone named wei wuxan(?) who died and came back and its like a political drama with a big cast and weird sibling dynamics in the sense that 'hey you died and came back. wtf.' but also the sibling isn't aware they died and just thinks hes drunk(???) or smth.. also there's poly gay people. and someone's dad really really REALLY sucks so he's made sure to be much better to his kid. i think they're nobility? dressed so nice
it is incredible how much you managed to get right dlksjflksdjf it's sad that I thought I knew which terrible dad you were referring to, and then I realized you meant an entirely different dad, oh god there are too many terrible dads. also "just thinks hes drunk(???)" is making me lose my mind lksdjflksdj god I wish
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hella1975 · 6 months
"if i unviel another famous anon sender-" first of all im multiple i think i have 3 or 4 different anon titles.
second of all im friends with people who know you and i can not under any circumstances let them know that im nice. so i will forever be anonymous in all the ways that matter
third of all just joined :) (with a secondary stalking account ;) ) (you guys are too terrifying wtf)
third im famous??? ☹️🥲👉👈
FIFTH of all i read the comments on my last ask and now rori is making me feel safe and that in itself feels unsafe and im feeling very conflicted
you're famous to me bestie beloved <3
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sakura-code · 7 months
So how did Yuma become a member of the NDA was it during the nail man case or before what’s the story there
Okay, I’m not gonna lie, I actually struggled with this decision. I did originally thought it was going to be the Nail Man case because there are parallels to Yuma and being the Death Detective, but in truth, there is like too much already I would be putting into the Chapter 1 Remake, such as exploring the parallels between Yuma/The Death Detective and the Nail Man, exploring Yuma’s and Halara’s relationship, setting up Halara’s own character and story arc, and the reveal of Yuma’s time as a Peacekeeper.
Instead, I am going to do an original case where both Yuma and the NDA meet that is like a group mystery case (similar to Fubuki’s DLC but with the whole NDA) with Yuma joining in, allowing everyone to interact, work together, and set up the dynamic for the entire series. It feels like a better way to start off the main story and introduce all the characters in both the story and the AU.
I can’t specifically say what the story will be in details (mainly because I don’t know what it is right now), but I can say in major plot points is that Yuma and the NDA coincidentally end up investigating the same case (either through mysteries that intertwine together or just the same mystery overall), meet each other with maybe a bit of tension (strangers after all) and eventually agree to work together. Maybe a bit of Peacekeepers and Mystery Labyrinth as well. And after the experience together, Yakou decides to invite Yuma to join the Agency, having taken an interest in him for having heard rumors of him helping the people in Kamasaki District and for helping solve the case, which Yuma accepts in hope he could improve as a Detective.
And to explain why Yuma joins the NDA: Yuma will show skills of being a detective, but lacking street experience of being a detective, because beforehand, he had the Mystery Labyrinth and Makoto’s connections to help him solve mysteries. Now he is trying to solve mysteries without using them, but because he hasn’t solve mysteries like Detectives would usually do and doesn’t really have street experience, he is unable to truly show his Detective skills in the real world. After meeting the NDA and the Chief offers for him to join the Agency, he decides to accept the offer in hope to gain experiences as a Detective to learn to solve mysteries on his own.
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vermss · 5 months
if i my mind wasnt so deeply off that it would immediately manifest the thing as a constant debilitating lurking presence in my everyday life i think i would be super into john carpenters the thing (1982)
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zarithial · 8 months
hello there!
was gonna draw your drake but 5 minutes until my break is over so uhh
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have a cringe lizard
ah a lovely friend for me! Thank you pooka. picks it up with teeth and walks away
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