faretheeoscar · 6 days
Just an Anselm appreciation post
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vesper100 · 12 days
I just wanted to say that I love your monk OCs and would love to learn more about them! Is there anywhere online that you've posted stories/comics about them besides Tumblr?
Thank u so much!!! I post on insta too but nothing important that isn't already here... You can have some more doodles if you like them though ^_^
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sacredwhores · 21 days
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Wim Wenders - Anselm (2023)
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pacingmusings · 4 months
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Seen in 2023:
Anselm (Wim Wenders), 2023
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andguesswhat · 6 months
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ultravioletqueen · 3 months
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Lo prometido es deuda ¡hice una version de evan de threnody! Habrá muchas diferencias de lore con su contraparte de the vampair series,dicho esto hablemos de su lore:
Anselm nació de una familia normal, donde vivió feliz hasta sus diez años, hubo un incidente en el que su familia fue atacada por brujas malvadas, resultando en el siendo secuestrado por una bruja y que perdiera la memoria en el proceso,olvidando su identidad y quedando bajo el "cuidado"(mas bien cautiverio) de la bruja que lo robo de su vida.
Durante 9 años vivió con la bruja creyendo que era su madre(que incluso ella le habia cambiado el nombre a adan),sin embargo tras escuchar una conversación donde se dio a conocer la verdad el huyo de ella, terminando con el llendo a la aldea más lejana posible donde no lo pudieran encontrar.
El logro hacerse de una nueva vida al mismo tiempo que buscaba pistas de su pasado y sobre quien era en verdad, consiguió un trabajo como sanador gracias a las habilidades mágicas que había logrado aprender de la bruja que lo abducio, lleva 3 años desde que escapo de la bruja.
(Por cierto se que no están el dibujo pero anselm tiene dos acompañantes animales,un perro guardián llamado shuck(haciendo referencia a una criatura llamada black shuck) y un cuervo blanco llamado luna.)
su relación seguiría siendo igual de adorable, con artemis siendo el más dominante,serio y protector mientras anselm es el más pasivo,gentil y educado,son como charlie y vaggie hasta cierto punto y los amo con mi vida.
Se conocieron gracias a las conexiones que tenia la "madre" de anselm(cuando todavía le llamaba adan)con los grinvoes, lograron conectar gracias a sus infancias solitarias y juventudes duras, se entendieron muy bien y solían darse ciertas escapadas de vez en cuando a espaldas de sus "padres"(no me puedes convencer de que artemis no se escapaba aunque sea una vez a la semana de los grinvoe para tener un descanso de estos desgraciados),incluso es posible que artemis le haya ayudado a anselm a esconderse de su secuestradora cuando el descubrió la verdad sobre ser secuestrado de niño.
Anselm no es un brujo,solo sabe algo de magia sanadora y es un buen médico,mantiene una personalidad amable,servicial,optimista y gentil para los demás.
Anselm no es muy diferente a evan,solo que no tiene una ceguera total,solo parcial,fuera de eso sigue siendo el príncipe disney que todos amamos.
Tiene de pasatiempo leer sobre plantas y arquitectura,tocar instrumentos como el piano,coser y cocinar,es una persona muy multitarea gracias a todo el tiempo que ha estado solo.
Para su relación con artemis me inspire en el contenido de @seraphvie ,en serio amo sus publicaciones sobre artemis.
Edicion:olvidé mencionar a @m1ssm1
What was promised is a debt, I made a version of Evan from Threnody! There will be many differences in lore with its counterpart from the vampair series, that being said, let's talk about its lore:
Anselm was born to a normal family, where he lived happily until he was ten years old, there was an incident in which his family was attacked by evil witches, resulting in him being kidnapped by a witch and losing his memory in the process, forgetting his identity and remaining under the "care" (rather captivity) of the witch who stole him from his life.
For 9 years he lived with the witch believing that she was his mother (that she had even changed his name to Adam), however after listening to a conversation where the truth was revealed he fled from her, ending with him going to the village. as far away as possible where they couldn't find it.
He managed to make a new life for himself while searching for clues about his past and who he really was. He got a job as a healer thanks to the magical skills he had managed to learn from the witch who abducted him. It has been 3 years since he escaped.
(By the way, I know that the drawing is not there but Anselm has two animal companions, a guard dog called shuck (referring to a creature called black shuck) and a white crow called luna.)
The relationship with Artemis would still be just as adorable, with Artemis being the most dominant, serious and protective while Anselm is the most passive, gentle and polite, they are like Charlie and Vaggie to a certain extent. and I love them with my life.
They met thanks to the connections that Anselm's "mother" had (when she still called him Adam) with the grinvoes, they managed to connect thanks to their lonely childhoods and tough youths, they understood each other very well and used to take certain getaways from time to time to behind his "parents" backs(you can't convince me that Artemis didn't escape even once a week from the Grinvoe to get a break from these bastards), it's even possible that Artemis helped Anselm hide from his kidnapper when he discovered the truth about being kidnapped as a child.
Anselm is not a witch,he just knows some healing magic and is a good doctor, he maintains a kind, helpful, optimistic and gentle personality in work.
Anselm is not very different from Evan, he just doesn't have total blindness, only partial, apart from that he is still the Disney prince that we all love.
His hobbies are reading about plants and architecture, playing instruments like the piano, sewing and cooking, and he is a very multitasking person thanks to all the time he has been alone.
For his relationship with artemis i take inspiration of the posts of @seraphvie,i just love the content they do about artemis.
Edit:i forgot to tag @m1ssm1
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nosramus · 11 months
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mother... ?
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Best sibling relationships are when you have the same interests because the connection made when mutually complaining about how crappy anselm’s proof for god is is unmatched
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mandofury · 2 years
Feel free to use these as icons 🖤
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O Lord our God, grant us grace to desire Thee with our whole heart; that, so desiring, we may seek, and seeking find Thee; and so finding Thee may love Thee; and in loving Thee, may hate those sins from which Thou hast redeemed us.
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bakertoons · 8 months
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Commission for Anselm If you want a commission you can see the price chart and form at https://tinyurl.com/baker-comm
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vesper100 · 1 month
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Monk OC posting *nervously kicks pebble*
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havaforever · 6 months
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ANSELM - Réalisateur de films qui ont marqué leur époque (Les Ailes du désir, Paris Texas…), Wim Wenders produit aussi des documentaires, qui possèdent néanmoins l’ampleur artistique d’un film tant son style et sa personnalité les imprègnent.
Après le très réussi Pina (2011), consacré à la chorégraphe Pina Bausch, voici Anselm dédié au peintre et sculpteur Anselm Kiefer, et toujours en 3D. Les Parisiens et ceux qui se sont déplacés expressément pour l'évènement, ont pu voir son impressionnante œuvre au Grand Palais éphémère en décembre 2021, ses tableaux géants incrustés de matières, d’objets, de matériaux, diffusant une force hypnotique.
Avec Anselm on rentre dans le processus créatif et dans l’histoire de ce géant de l’art d’aujourd’hui, à travers ses différents ateliers en Allemagne puis en France (Barjac, Croissy), ce dernier si vaste qu’il s’y déplace en vélo ! À travers aussi les personnalités qui ont compté pour lui, notamment le poète Paul Celan et le plasticien Joseph Beuys.
Après des polémiques dans son pays natal (accusé de fascisme parce qu’il reprend les grands personnages utilisés par les nazis, il refuse la pose antifasciste), il commence à connaître le succès aux États-Unis, puis dans le monde, notamment en France. Incarné dans certaines scènes reconstituées par un enfant ou un jeune adulte, on le suit jusqu’à aujourd’hui en plein travail.
NOTE 15/20 - Tout en pudeur et en simplicité, le film de Wim Wenders laisse un doux sentiment poétique qui retrace anachroniquement le travail de cet artiste du temps. On visite le film comme une exposition. Performance de l’artiste à l’œuvre, contemplation et mouvement à rythme humain.
Un superbe moment de cinéma sur un créateur incontournable de notre époque.
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awardswatcherik · 6 months
'Kokomo City,' '20 Days in Mariupol,' '32 Sounds' Lead 2024 Cinema Eye Honors Nominations
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View On WordPress
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rileygreenfox · 1 year
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Icon for AnselmHare
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ultravioletqueen · 2 months
I love you too :)
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Edit:i forgot to tag @m1ssm1
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