ultravioletqueen 3 days
Si,lo lamento es un mal h谩bito馃槄
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Ahora que puse suficiente informaci贸n de evan toca hablar sobre pavel.
-su nombre completo es pavel robin kuznetsovich, padre ruso y madre griega.
-tiene 28 a帽os y mide 175cm,no es muy fuerte pero tampoco es un palo,solo se queja de no haber crecido tanto como evan.
-fue abandonado en la iglesia del abuelo de evan cuando ten铆a un a帽o(con nota y todo) y fue criado ah铆 desde entonces, llegando a ver a los de la iglesia como su familia.
-se cree que fue abandonado porque sus padres eran vagabundos o porque eran criminales,de todas formas nunca le importo a pavel porque nunca los intento contactar.
-siempre vio al se帽or lopez como una inspiraci贸n y una figura paterna, por lo que llegaba a tener ciertos comportamientos complacientes para ganarse su reconocimiento constantemente, incluso llegando a sentir celos de evan(aunque claro,esto era antes de saber que era el nieto del se帽or).
-pavel inicialmente ve铆a a evan como una responsabilidad que deb铆a tomar al ser mayor(aunque fuera por pocos a帽os),pero con el tiempo realmente lleg贸 a tenerle aprecio a evan y har铆a lo que sea para cuidarlo,aunque el llega a poner su ambici贸n por encima de la gente que supuestamente quiere
-pavel tuvo la mentalidad de protector debido a que sus profesores siempre le dec铆an que alg煤n d铆a ser铆a el cuidador de la iglesia y que era su responsabilidad como el mayor(de los ni帽os hu茅rfanos que estaban alli) de cuidar de todos quieran o no.
-esto provoc贸 que pavel tuviese la mentalidad de que el siempre tenga que estar en cargo y control de todo por el bien de los dem谩s, nunca pensando en sus propios deseos o aspiraciones que no est茅n relacionados con la iglesia.
-el se帽or lopez llego a preocuparse por esto, para remediarlo trato de juntarlo con otros chicos de su edad pero pavel siempre se mostr贸 reacio a la idea.
-pavel fue un alumno modelo, nunca se met铆a en problemas a no ser que fuera para proteger a evan o reportar un abuso de poder por parte de un profesor.
-debido a esto fue el primero al que evan acudi贸 por lo del acoso sexual de uno de los profesores, incluso si estaba esc茅ptico al inicio al final le termin贸 creyendo.
-estuvo visitando a evan al hospital despu茅s del incidnete de los chicos con el cutter.
-uno de los pastores le ense帽贸 sobre la existencia de los vampiros y otros seres sobrenaturales, a partir de ah铆 empezar铆a a entrenar para ser un cazador y proteger a la gente de las criaturas peligrosas.
-cuando alguien le preguntaba que hac铆a en los tiempos que entrenada respond铆a o que estaba tomando clases de defensa personal o que iba a cazar con algunos compa帽eros pastores.
-en alg煤n momento decidi贸 volverse pastor, probablemente lo hizo porque la iglesia es lo 煤nico que conoce 馃し
-cuando el se帽or lopez fue diagnosticado con alzheimer el y evan lo visitaron regularmente.
-al igual que evan pavel se deprimi贸 mucho con la noticia de la muerte del se帽or lopez,tambi茅n era su familia...
-como forma de lidiar con el duelo se enterr贸 en los deberes de la iglesia y en su entrenamiento como cazador, le funcion贸 y al mismo tiempo lo puso peor.
-a diferencia de evan su fe religiosa sigue siendo muy fuerte y vigorosa,aunque lo lleva a tener actitudes muy negativas para el o otros(como ser homofobico,tener pensamientos sexistas,etc).
-pavel es alguien normalmente muy tranquilo,pero que a la hora de matar alg煤n monstruo se vuelve un aut茅ntico cazador,fr铆o,con nula empatia a su presa y listo para matar.
-incluso si pavel es una persona que en s铆 no quiere lastimar a nadie sus m茅todos y forma de comportarse con los dem谩s no es muy buena,llegando a ser invasivo,controlador y hasta manipulador con los que considera sus amigos o familia.
-como dije antes el es un homosexual homofobico, se niega a admitir que su atracci贸n es normal y lo demoniza al m谩ximo, y demonizar cosas es algo que suele hacer cuando no quiere admitir que esta mal.
-tiene fobia a los fantasmas (son lo 煤nico que no puede destruir con armas),a los gusanos(debido a una broma de mal gusto que le hicieron en la escuela y termin贸 con par谩sitos) y a estar solo(siempre supo que sus padres lo abandonaron y teme que vuelva a pasar).
-sus hobbies son el ajedrez,la jardiner铆a y leer art铆culos religiosos,a diferencia de evan el no tiene mucho inter茅s en la m煤sica pero si se ha aprendido varios coros.
-literalmente vive en la iglesia(este tipo casi parece que tiene una obsesion), vive en la misma iglesia en la que creci贸.
-aparte de trabajar en bautizos o bodas en la iglesia tambi茅n suele trabajar en un programa de radio religioso.
-aprendi贸 braile por su cuenta para mandarle cartas a evan ya que ninguno de los dos es bueno con la tecnolog铆a.
-ha tenido varias novias pero todas lo dejaban al ver su verdadera personalidad.
-el odia los perros pero piensa que mar铆a(el perro guia de evan) es adorable.
-cuida de los gatos que viven en la iglesia y los lleva a refugios.
-es bisexual,aunque se niega a reconocerlo y dice ser 100% hetero.
-cree demasiado en los roles de g茅nero,por lo que siempre critica a los que no los cumplen.
-usa pistolas para matar vampiros y est谩 buscando a artemis y su gremio de vampiros.
Now that I've put enough information about Evan, it's time to talk about Pavel.
-His full name is Pavel Robin Kuznetsovich, Russian father and Greek mother.
-He is 28 years old and is 175cm tall, he is not very strong but he is not a stick either, he only complains about not having grown as big as Evan.
-He was abandoned at Evan's grandfather's church when he was one year old (with a note and everything) and was raised there ever since, coming to see those at the church as his family.
-It is believed that he was abandoned because his parents were homeless or because they were criminals, in any case Pavel never cared about him because he never tried to contact them.
-He always saw Mr. Lopez as an inspiration and a father figure, which is why he had certain complacent behaviors to constantly earn his recognition, even becoming jealous of Evan (although of course, this was before knowing that he was the grandson of the Sir).
-Pavel initially saw Evan as a responsibility that he had to take on as he was older (even if it was only for a few years), but over time he really came to appreciate Evan and would do whatever it took to take care of him, although he came to put his ambition into on top of the people he supposedly loves.
-Pavel had the protector mentality because his teachers always told him that one day he would be the caretaker of the church and that it was his responsibility as the eldest (of the orphan children who were there) to take care of everyone whether they wanted it or not.
-This caused Pavel to have the mentality that he always had to be in charge and control of everything for the good of others, never thinking about his own desires or aspirations that were not related to the church.
-Mr. Lopez became worried about this, to remedy it he tried to get him together with other boys his age but Pavel was always reluctant to the idea.
-Pavel was a model student, he never got into trouble unless it was to protect Evan or report an abuse of power by a teacher.
-Because of this, he was the first one Evan went to about the sexual harassment of one of the teachers, even if he was skeptical at first, he ended up believing him.
-He was visiting Evan at the hospital after the boys' incident with the cutter.
-one of the shepherds taught him about the existence of vampires and other supernatural beings, from there he would begin training to be a hunter and protect people from dangerous creatures.
-When someone asked him what he did when he was trained, he responded either that he was taking self-defense classes or that he was going hunting with some fellow shepherds.
-at some point he decided to become a pastor, he probably did it because the church is the only thing he knows 馃し
-When Mr. Lopez was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, he and Evan visited him regularly.
-Just like Evan Pavel was very depressed with the news of Mr. Lopez's death, he was also his family...
-As a way to deal with grief he buried himself in church duties and his training as a hunter, it worked for him and at the same time made it worse.
-Unlike Evan, his religious faith is still very strong and vigorous, although it leads him to have very negative attitudes toward himself or others (such as being homophobic, having sexist thoughts, etc.).
-Pavel is someone who is normally very calm, but when it comes to killing a monster he becomes a true hunter, cold, with no empathy for his prey and ready to kill.
-even if Pavel is a person who does not want to hurt anyone, his methods and way of behaving with others is not very good, becoming invasive, controlling and even manipulative with those he considers his friends or family.
-As I said before, he is a homophobic homosexual, he refuses to admit that his attraction is normal and demonizes it to the maximum, and demonizing things is something he usually does when he doesn't want to admit that it is wrong.
-He has a phobia of ghosts (they are the only thing he cannot destroy with weapons), of worms (due to a bad joke that was played on him at school and he ended up with parasites) and of being alone (he always knew that his parents left and fears it will happen again).
-His hobbies are chess, gardening and reading religious articles. Unlike Evan, he does not have much interest in music, but he has learned several choirs.
-He literally lives in the church (this guy almost seems like he has an obsession), he lives in the same church he grew up in.
-Apart from working on baptisms or church weddings, he also usually works on a religious radio program.
-He learned Braile on his own to send letters to Evan since neither of them are good with technology.
-He has had several girlfriends but they all left him when they saw his true personality.
-He hates dogs but thinks Maria (Evan's guide dog) is adorable.
-takes care of the cats that live in the church and takes them to shelters.
-He is bisexual, although he refuses to acknowledge it and claims to be 100% straight.
-believes too much in gender roles, so he always criticizes those who do not fulfill them.
-he use shotguns to kill vampires and is looking for artemis and his vampire guild
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ultravioletqueen 3 days
Me: the Requests will be delayed bc i have important things to do.
The important things to do:
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Me and My sister with Nicol谩s(out new Dog)! Isn't he hansome?
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ultravioletqueen 4 days
Se me ocurri贸 un headcanon de las exorcistas,se que no van a darles m谩s profundidad que simplemente ser unas mujeres sedientas de sangre(te maldigo vivienne medrano)pero quiero pensar que hay una raz贸n detr谩s de TANTA ira contra los pecadores(hazbin hotel falla en reconocer que los ganadores fueron lastimados por los pecadores,especialmente a las mujeres y ni帽os).
Mi headcanon es que las exorcistas del ej茅rcito de ad谩n fueron v铆ctimas de femicidio,y al adan darles la opci贸n de matar a sus victimarios ellas decidirian desquitarse lo m谩ximo posible,ya que siguen enojadas por su muerte,adem谩s 隆est谩n en el infierno por una raz贸n! 驴No? Ellos merecen eso,ellos las mataron primero,no pudieron defenderse en vida pero lo har谩n en la muerte.
Se que esto JAMAS se va a confirmar,pero me gusta pensar que hay una raz贸n tras todo ese enojo y desprecio a los pecadores,pero es solo mi opini贸n.
I came up with a headcanon for the exorcists, I know they're not going to give them any more depth than just being bloodthirsty women (I curse you vivienne medrano) but I want to think that there is a reason behind SO much anger against sinners (hazbin hotel fails in recognize that winners were hurt by sinners, especially women and children).
My headcanon is that the exorcists of Adam's army were victims of femicide, and when Adam gave them the option of killing their perpetrators, they would decide to get revenge even as much as possible, since they are still angry about their death, plus they are in hell for a reason ! No? They deserve that, they killed them first,they couldn't fight back in life but they will do it in death.
I know this will NEVER be confirmed, but I like to think that there is a reason behind all that anger and contempt for sinners, but it is just my opinion
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ultravioletqueen 4 days
Welp,artevan it is馃槡
Bueno,ser谩 artevan entonces馃槡
Dios mio tengo tantos nombres en mi cabeza para referirme al evan x artemis que simplemente voy a dejarlos por ac谩 y dejare que decidan cual es mejor:
My God, I have so many names in my head to refer to Evan x Artemis ship that I'm just going to leave them here and let you all decide which one is best:
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ultravioletqueen 5 days
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LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO! I dont have money to have a patreon so im late in knowing this馃槄 like so much people knew this BUT NOT ME
隆VAMOS JODEEEEER! no tengo dinero para pagar un patreon as铆 que estoy algo tarde en saber esto馃槄 osea,muchos ya sab铆an esto MENOS YO
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ultravioletqueen 6 days
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隆sali贸 nuevo cap铆tulo de threnody! 驴Que mejor forma de celebrar que dibujando a mi oc favorito de este fandom junto a su amorsito y padres?
En la primera imagen est谩n los padres de anselm,que en la actualidad son una pareja jubilada y siguen muy enamorados,el tiempo que anselm vivi贸 con lady dervettel sus padres lo buscaron durante a帽os,pero debido a que morella es una experta en ocultar su paradero pensaron que a lo peor ella le hizo algo horrible a su hijo馃槬
Por suerte en alg煤n momento de la historia de anselm el logra reencontrarse con ellos(deber铆a dibujar ese reencuentro alg煤n dia)de forma muy emotiva(ya que pens贸 que como ya pasaron a帽os ya no lo iban a amar pero por suerte se equivoco).
En la segunda imagen se muestra a evan(de the vampair series) y anselm(threnody) en sus respectivos atuendos de boda,me imagino que ambos llevar铆an un ramo de rosas,aconito y botones dorados
Threnody pertenece a @m1ssm1
new episode of threnody is out! What better way to celebrate than by drawing my favorite oc from this fandom with his sweetheart and parents?
In the first image are Anselm's parents, who are currently a retired couple and are still very much in love. During the time Anselm lived with Lady Dervettel, his parents searched for him for years, but because Morella is an expert in hiding her whereabouts They thought that maybe she did something horrible to her son馃槬
Luckily at some point in Anselm's story he manages to meet them again (i should draw that reunion one day) in a very emotional way (since he thought that since years had passed they would no longer love him but luckily he was wrong).
The second image shows Evan (from the vampair series) and Anselm (Threnody) in their respective wedding outfits, I imagine they would both be carrying a bouquet of roses, aconite, and buttercups.
Threnody belongs to @m1ssm1
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ultravioletqueen 11 days
Dios mio tengo tantos nombres en mi cabeza para referirme al evan x artemis que simplemente voy a dejarlos por ac谩 y dejare que decidan cual es mejor:
My God, I have so many names in my head to refer to Evan x Artemis ship that I'm just going to leave them here and let you all decide which one is best:
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ultravioletqueen 16 days
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My baby evan and my baby juliete馃槡
this piccrew is cute so how about a little OC Tag game?
create a new post, share your oc, and tag others to try it out!
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no pressure tags: @certified-anakinfucker @purgetrooperfox @rexxdjarin @sleepingsun501 @ariadnes-red-thread @ner-runi @writingbylee
@thechaoticfanartist @enigmaticexplorer @kaminocasey
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ultravioletqueen 17 days
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Im okay with this(even if i am ace),i love his fashion sense and muisc taste,we could get along even if his personality can be way too intense to me(i am an introvert and parties and fights are hard to me),i consider it a 7/10馃憤
Doing one of these but with my mutuals after seeing this image on my dash today!!
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..Y'know he may be the god of war but.. I'm not mad. No, no not at all. :)
@xxgalacticambitionsxx @hatbox-apologist @ghostingyourass79 @kittieshauntedourfantasy @emerald194 @thatonerabbit @comical-icicle
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ultravioletqueen 23 days
Im freaking scared of this people,and what scares me the most is the people that support those DEGENERATES,THIS MAKES ME SICK
estoy jodidamente asustada de esta gente,y lo que me da m谩s miedo es la gente que apoya a esos DEGENERADOS,ESTO ME DA ASCO
im begging anyone who sees this post to prevent rapesexual, im begging you. no one will see this but if you do reblog to get the message out that these fuckers exist and dont deserve to exist heres the flag so you can know who to fucking block, report and tell to fuck off
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i dont want this to ruin the pride and help with self esteem of being lgbtq+ so a signal boost from larger accounts might be nice
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ultravioletqueen 25 days
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ultravioletqueen 27 days
So here is my idea for a potential sinner form design for Judas.
I was originally going to make him a simple goat like demon as goats are often seen as satanic compared to sheep (which works because Jesus is called The Lamb Of God) but thanks to an idea from @ultravioletqueen (who I recommend checking out) I decided to also give him some rat like features (she had the idea because he did betray Jesus).
Now that the main idea is out of the way time some more specifics.
His fur is red like fire and his robes are torn and black as smoke. He has a long tail like a rat with a tuft of fur on the end that is similar to the tail of a goat. He has the hoofs of a goat and the paws of a rat with claws of silver. Tightly around his neck is a noose that is Prehensile. His snout is long, his whiskers and goatee are scruffy and off his horns hangs a cracked halo that is black in colour. And since he betrayed Jesus with a kiss his lips have a black burn like marking.
Sorry folks no backstory for this post but here is a picture for what I imagine is horns are like
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ultravioletqueen 28 days
Reblog if you are not a pedophile.
If everyone doesn鈥檛 reblog this, I鈥檓 unfollowing all of you.
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ultravioletqueen 1 month
Hace mucho tiempo que escucho canciones del musical de heathers y mi favorita de todas es "i say no" ya que es cuando ver贸nica reconoce que no hay nada que hacer con jd,reconoce que el no va a cambiar y que no vale la pena estar con alguien que la usa como excusa para hacer cosas malas,simplemente me encantan estas escenas en las que los personajes confrontan a sus parejas abusivas y reconocen que merecen algo mejor.
Ahora 煤ltimamente he vuelto a consumir contenido de she-ra y las princesas del poder y me doy cuenta de que ODIO EL CATRADORA Y TODO LO QUE TENGA QUE VER CON CATRA.
驴En que se relaciona esto con la canci贸n de heathers i say no? Simple,esta canci贸n es el ejemplo perfecto de como pudieron manejar la "relaci贸n" de catra y adora al final,catra es irredimible y adora merec铆a decirle sus verdades en la cara,solo dejar茅 la letra algo modificada para este escenario ideal que tengo de adora dejando a catra en el polvo por todo lo que le ha hecho pasar,no planeo traducir la letra al espa帽ol porque sino sonar铆a muy raro.
Para esto me inspire en los post de @spop-romanticizes-abuse y @anti-catradora-collection
I have been listening to songs from the Heathers musical for a long time and my favorite of all is "I Say No" since it is when Veronica recognizes that there is nothing to do with JD, she recognizes that he is not going to change and that he is not worth being around with someone who uses her as an excuse to do bad things, I just love these scenes where the characters confront their abusive partners and recognize that they deserve better.
Now lately I've been consuming She-Ra and the Princesses of Power content again and I realize that I HATE CATRAdora AND EVERYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH CATRA.
How does this relate to Heathers' song I Say No? Simple, this song is the perfect example of how they were able to handle Catra and Adora's "relationship" in the end, Catra is irredeemable and Adora deserved to tell her truths to her face, I will only leave the lyrics somewhat modified for this ideal scenario that I have for Adora Leaving Catra in the dust for everything she's put her through, I don't plan to translate the lyrics into Spanish because otherwise it would sound very strange.
I was inspired by the posts of @spop-romanticizes-abuse and @anti-catradora-collection
"You are a drug
You are a poison pill
I鈥檝e got to kick this habit now
Or else I never will
I hated the rush
When you would hold me close
And you will not be satisfied
Until I overdose
This is it
Hit the brake
I am finally awake
Let me be
Let me go
You need help
I can鈥檛 provide
I am not qualified
This troubled teen is getting clean
I say no"
"Adora, who else is gonna be-"
"No, no, no, no!
Don鈥檛 say a word
You speak and I cave in
You鈥檒l twist the truth again
And drill deep down beneath my skin
You said you鈥檇 change
And I believed in you
But you鈥檙e still using me to justify the harm you do
This is it
Hit the brake
Call it all my mistake
Long as you let me go
You need help
I can鈥檛 provide
I鈥檓 not your friend
You鈥檙e not mine
It鈥檚 not too late
I鈥檓 getting straight
I say no!
Blame your childhood, blame shadow weaber
Blame the life you never had
But hurting people? That鈥檚 your choice, nobody to blame
But I believe that love will win
And hate will earn you nothing in the end
This is the end!"
(Catra,pulling out her claws)
"But I love you!"
This is it!
I won鈥檛 cry
Starting now, I will try
To pay back
All the karma you owe!
Start again
Somewhere new
Far from monsters like you
So goodbye
'Cause now I'm
Saying no!
Just in time!
I say no!
Somehow I鈥檓 saying no!
Just say no!
I say no!
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ultravioletqueen 1 month
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ultravioletqueen 1 month
Reblog to tell zionists to fuck off your blog. If you say you aren't a zionist but still get offended then uhhh sorry hun but this is exactly for you <3
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ultravioletqueen 1 month
RIP. Aaron Bushnell I hope I can help spread your message like wildfire
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