madnessnetwork · 2 months
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fizzytoo · 8 months
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a-wild-inky-boi · 1 year
Fuck all them holidays I'm celebrating what's really important and that's the 2nd anniversary of when I started playing A3
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...though this Sumi was just for fun and actually has no relation to that other than the fact that he was my first oshi and the first one I drew
I found this outfit in the lil photo thingy, thought it was cute and then used it as a testing ground 4 Even More Colorful Shading and Lineart Practice
Also the shoes look cool. big fan of those chonky boys!
I'll keep the sap to a minimum but it's honestly still crazy to me that I've had something that makes me want to draw so much that I've been drawing the silly little boys from it for two years now, let's see how the third year goes!
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villainanders · 7 months
I keep forgetting that I’m technically romancing astarion rn and getting jumpscared by him flirting with me
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darkgifted · 7 months
unfortunately for everyone, another act 2 meta on the way
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suitetarts · 5 months
haha gale is in danger
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rosykims · 8 months
love thinking about ocs-as-companions its gotta be one of my favourite genres of thought <3
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lecliss · 3 months
You know. Remembering that Nomura once said he envisioned Red being voiced by. Uh.... Matthew Mchonnhie....? Whoever the fuck, whatever the fuck, idc who it really was. Anyway, that's probably the reason why Red has always been given a deeper voice, but with the revelation that his normal voice is actually very childlike, I have to wonder, if it weren't for Nomura envisioning him sounding that way, might Red have always had a childish voice from the start then? Is this Square's way of correcting what they think might have actually been best for Red's character? 🤔🤔🤔
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yumenosakiacademy · 11 months
mom doesnt kno im solo nowadays so shes like "ur friends hav their lives put 2gethr n u dont! >:(" girlie theres no1 2 compare me 2 anymore. i won the game.
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Sword gays showdown, round 2 of bracket one
For Zoro:
Literally training to be the greatest swordsman in the world. Has a special three swords technique (one blade in each hand plus one with the handle held in his teeth). I haven't read the manga or watched the anime but the live action adaptation gives me extremely gay vibes and based on the fandom things I've seen I'm not the only one
bro uses three swords. has one in his mouth. dont ask how the HELL he manages that. one day he will be the worlds greatest swordsman....after he beats the current greatest for both the titles of greatest swordsman and fruitiest swordsman. he's dramatic as FUUUCK like bro what the hell. has homoerotic fights with the local twink like everyday. directionally challenged, can and will get lost in a paper bag, doesnt know left from right...he probably cant read, too. hes too silly ngl
First of all, im in like episode 250 and so far he hasnt been shown attracted to any woman at all during the whole show so far, not even when one changed clothes in the same room as him and this is anime so you know there were other characters with bloody noses and shit. With that out of the way he wields three swords at once [two in his hands, one is his goddamn mouth dude. Its cool af trust me.] When he was little he made a promise to his best friend that he'd be the best swordsman in the world. Later she died in a tragic accident and left her sword which he still uses today. He also carries a cursed sword but he overpowers the curse with a combination of skill and sheer luck. He got stuck in a chimney. While his crewmates sail their ship he takes naps. He learned how to cut through metal by fighting a guy who could turn his body into metal blades. That's metal. He refuses to fight this liberal marine officer because she looks like his childhood best friend and its just understandably really awkward for him. He's autistic. He's a he/him bisexual lesbian. He's a gay man. He's ace/aro. He's whatever you want him to be babey!!
he has 3 swords, wields one in his mouth sometimes, his dream is to be the greatest swordsman in the world
three swords and big aroace-spec gay vibes
He not only has a sword he has *three* swords. He's absolutely gay there's no way to see this man as straight. Also one time he licked his sword for no reason and that was really funny to me so I had to mention it
Look, this man thinks about three things: Swords, His Captain, and Booze. He’s on a quest to be the worlds greatest swordsman. The Live action has a scene where he declares his undying, unwavering loyalty to his captain WHILE reaffirming his promise to be the worlds greatest swordsman. At this point His dream and his Captain are so intertwined it’s crazy. Man is so sword-y he’s got three of them. When one of his swords broke he carried its empty scabbard until he was able to give it a SWORD FUNERAL. He hears a sword is cursed and takes that as a challenge. He will literally tell his swords off for “bad behavior” when they “act up” due to being straight up cursed. He tests one by throwing it in the air and sticking his arm out to see if it is so blood thirsty and ill tempered that it will cut him. Even though he’s literally the first mate if you ask him what his role is he’s going to answer Swordsman.
He's dedicated his life to two things: becoming the greatest swordsman in the world and his captain, Luffy. 
He mastered the three sword style. Its his style. It would've been more swords but he could only fit one sword in each hand and one in his mouth. He wants to be the world's greatest swordsman, a deal he made with his childhood best frenemy (before she died falling down the stairs). He thought he was All That at the start and was almost completely decimated by the actual Worlds Greatest Swordsman. Now, after two years forced training with that guy, he's probably in the top tier no-doubt, and honestly could already be the best but we just don't know for sure yet. Also, did I mention: he's got the whole demon/devil imagery going on at times. And he has absolutely no sense of direction! plus is a total softie when it comes to Chopper and all the children who somehow gravitate towards him. And he loves naps!
One of the guy's main goals in life is to be the best sword fighter and he fights with three swords which I think is telling enough of his skill.
For Sayaka Miki:
my favourite scene is the one where Sayaka turns off all her pain receptors to battle the shadow witch, uncaring of the damage dealt to her body, because what is a body but a decaying vessel you must eventually abandon anyway? that was very depression of her <3 Also there’s that one time (in the rebellion movie) where Sayaka stabs herself on her own sword to release the witch that dwells within her. and then she immediately gets up to fight back to back with her girlfriend. that moment lives rent free in my head. Sayaka is so depression and I love her for it:)
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berensteinsmonster · 13 days
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To me an opposite Randy Radman is someone who is basically all work no play. He acts super serious all the time, and yet he stills builds giant whimsical inventions but denies theyre for fun. he enjoys his love for machines because they're his art
The reason I didn't make him a completely sad/depressed dude to be the opposite of Radman's happiness is because that's not all I see Randy as. I'm mirroring his party-animal trait only. Plus, this guy still needed to show his heroism in a way as a Cowwoy sheriff, so he wanted to build machineries to try and help people with them, especially the cow boys in the posse. Plus PLUS, steampunk fashion is dope as all hell and fun :3c
Brother Reynaldo is the opposite of Reynaldo the Brute. So you know, gentle guy. Total hippie. Smojkign that weed i mean chewing that straw. Can get on Rubeberg's nerves because of how carefree he is, but he wouldn't replace him for any other right hand.
Also gonna put it out here that all Cowwoy Sheriffs are usually crowned to be the next sheriff passed down by the chief before them. No one is getting dethroned because. you know. The Cowwoy Posse are good guys,
(part 2)
more hv au
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thenukacolachallenge · 7 months
some fun facts about Luis and André Peña(his VA)
(from the Nick Apostolides(Leon Kennedy VA) livestreams, because i think Luis is neato and i liked André's performance, especially for a first-time big VA gig!)
UPDATE: NOW WITH TIMESTAMPS bc someone on the part two of this post asked about them lmfao
-André actually auditioned for the Spanish cops that escort Leon to Valdelobos originally, and went through several more auditions before landing the role of Luis Serra. for his first role on a big project like Resident Evil, that's incredibly impressive! (timestamp)
-Both Nick and André did motion capture for multiple enemies, including André calling his "best role" playing a dead body lmao. He and Nick also did mocap for the Verdugos, Salazar's bodyguards! (timestamp)
-Being that it was such a big role, he was very anxious about the game dropping, from the moment he got cast to the day it dropped. He even apparently asked Nick constantly if he had somehow been recast. (poor dude, as someone with anxiety issues and huge imposter syndrome, i feel for him!!!) Nick gives him a very sweet but stern pep talk about how he earned and deserved his role on stream too, it was a cute moment! (timestamp 1: André first mentioning his nerves) (timestamp 2: second mention of anxiety/Nick's pep talk to André)
-André is a big enough fan of the original to remember where all the treasure used to be! i love when people who are fans of a series get to work on it, dude. in addition, he was also very happy with the direction he was given, and felt that he was allowed to explore Luis as a more fleshed out character. (which he absolutely is, and i love it! Luis in the original was so strange and honestly off-putting imo. fucking ballistics lmao) (timestamp 1: first mention of André knowing a lot about RE4) (timestamp 2: more of André knowing the game) (timestamp 3: MORE of André knowing the game lmao) (there are a lot more than just these. dude is a FAN) (timestamp 4: André talking about direction and Luis)
-He refers to the bag Luis is stuffed into as a "Luis burrito", which is hilarious and adorable. (timestamp)
-(Also, not related to Luis, but Nick yells "YEET" when Leon gets tossed into the wall by Mendez, which is fucking hysterical) (timestamp)
-UPDATE: thank you to tumblr user @hamartia-grander for this detail that i completely missed originally! (timestamp)
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(transcript: I hope this okay for me to add, but he also said that in the first scene with Leon and Luis, Luis looks away as Mendéz injects Leon with la plaga because he couldn't watch another person be infected by something horrible he had a hand in creating. Which is easy to infer from that scene, but it was nice that it was a conscious decision on André's part, rather than aimless direction.)
-the first scene André and Nick filmed together was Luis and Leon chained up together! and the first line of Luis's that got revealed was when he said to Leon, "I guess you, me... picked the wrong spot to vacation, eh?" Apparently the mocap for this scene was also very awkward for André, which is totally understandable, considering Luis spends 90% of it getting jerked around by Leon or trying to dodge a Ganado without the use of his hands lol. (timestamp)
-André worked very hard to make sure that Luis's accent was as accurate to Spain's Spanish as it could be, which is awesome, especially for someone who doesn't naturally speak that particular dialect. GOOD ACTING, BABEY (timestamp)
-André owns a legitimate Red 9 gun, the weapon that Luis uses in the game. this is a unique gun bc it was manufactured during the first World War, and it's VERY expensive(they can go up to $10k, but André apparently got his for a great deal!). he also has MADE a copy of the RE4 tactical knife Leon uses, and there's a video up on his youtube channel! (timestamp)
-(not related to Luis, but André also mentioned he has adhd! same buddy!!!) (timestamp)
-OKAY NEW STREAM TIME! This begins part four of Nick's playthrough, and André is a guest once more. All the previous facts are from part one, which is the first one André guested on. According to Nick, André learned how to flip a lighter around his fingers just for Luis, which is awesome. (and he shows off by doing so in stream!!!) (timestamp)
-Ashley's VA, Genevieve Buechner, got asked about her reaction to Luis' infamous "ballistics" line and both her and André aren't sad to see it missing from the remake. André himself makes a comment about how this version of Luis is still flirty without coming across as "creepy" about it. (i find the ballistics line from the original annoying, and it was a huge part of why i didn't care for Luis in og re4, so i too am VERY glad it's gone) (timestamp)
-André jokes about Luis breaking the brake on the minecart: "I react so depressed, like.... 'Guess that's it, bro.' 'Hey man, I tried.'" He really does! it feels like a mix of sheepishness at breaking it in the first place, and just very, resigned and depressed lol. (timestamp)
-Sadly, because he hadn't played up to that point yet, he didn't watch Luis' death scene, and therefore didn't have much to say on it :c
-when the cast was asked what kind of pet each of their characters would have, André said Luis would be a cat person, and he'd probably specifically adopt a stray cat, probably one that "adopted" him first. I definitely agree! (timestamp)
i havent watched Nick's last vid in the series yet but this is long enough as it is! im planning on watching some of André's streams up on his personal channel, and some others where he's a guest in, and i may make a part 2 of this :D (update: i did, link at the top of the post lol)
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pinkpkmntrainer · 1 month
looking way too much into episode 2
ok, to start things off, pomni's dream. it was, in fact, a dream about abstraction. and may i just say that pomni's voice actor really did a good job in showing pomni's fear using her voice
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what ragatha says here is interesting, simply because it seems....out of character? she's being all sassy and stuff, so either pomni is a TERRIBLE judge of character, or....she thinks ragatha doesn't like her. which it would make sense for her to think that, considering she left her behind when kaufmo attacked.
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but immediately after the dream sequence, we see ragatha come to check on pomni, showing actual interest in her and asking how she is. so she does actually like and care about pomni, or is at the very least she's doing a good job at pretending she does.
ragatha reassures pomni that there's no hard feelings, but it still doesn't look like pomni believes her. poor babey :(
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aww, he does like bugs! how cute!
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now we've got some religious imagery. caine is god, i guess.
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oh, and jax likes violence. i'll talk more about why i think that is once we get to the actual violence.
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the way he just rests his chin on gummigoo's back, that's so cute
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knives. that is all.
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what??? what the fuck is the figurine thing???
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aww look at him he's so silly when he's trying to be helpful
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ragatha has stuffing inside her confirmed
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existential crisis time
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hholy shit. no wonder goose said we weren't ready for him.
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her ass is NOT a handyman
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i love this whole scene. i wanna go in depth about it but there's not much i know how to say, i just like that she's trying to cheer him up
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also funny gummigoo screenshot
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seems like a pretty good time to talk about jax's desire for violence. this is still a video game, after all, and the way he's acting is pretty similar to how i sometimes play games; using it as a sort of "rage room" to destroy and vent my frustrations in. it would even be excusable if it weren't for the fact that the AIs are sentient.
now it's time to REALLY get talking
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silly man with his head in a bucket. he mentions caine here, specifically that they can ask him for help, and it wouldn't be a stretch to say he may have asked caine for help with things in the past. which, while not very important or significant, does create a cute mental image. goofy little ringmaster being helpful.
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what ragatha says here is SO important to her relationship with pomni. she thinks that pomni doesn't like her, while pomni thinks that ragatha doesn't like her. so they're basically stuck in a loop, a platonic "will they, won't they" where they both think the other hates them. this is the type of barrier that prevents a friendship from forming.
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kinger is unexpectedly very wise in this scene, and gives her some good advice. this is the reason i think that ragatha will attempt to pursue a friendship with our little jester later on, only for pomni to be skeptical because she thinks ragatha's just being nice. and pomni's fear of ragatha secretly hating her is going to end up being the only thing that stops them from being friends.
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it's also really sweet of her to immediately run up to her and check on her. i love these two :)
ok sorry for all the shipping propaganda let's get back to overanalyzing
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this is what i wanted to mention the most. even though the NPCs see caine as a god, he's a bit of a cruel one. he has no regard for their well-being and only really cares about the humans. but i don't actually think it's his fault. he's an AI and he's programmed to care for the humans, so that's his priority, not the NPCs.
caine is described as being a "rouge AI", but i don't think that's the case....yet. i think he's actually going to go rouge as the story progresses, and eventually realize how unforgiving he's being.
anyways, i still want to talk about some other theories i have. hopefully there's still room for a couple more pictures in this post.
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this line from jax in the pilot is my main base for this. obviously he's referring to the centipede he put in ragatha's room, but it's the fact that he says it right before he opens the door to reveal that kaufmo abstracted. no one in the circus knew he had abstracted until this point, nor did anyone mention seeing any signs that he was going crazy.
i think it's a hint. what's being insinuated here is that no one's going to know who will abstract next. there's no trick for for discovering the order they'll all abstract in, and there's no signs when it's going to happen.
(edit: i just remembered that kinger mentioned him acting weird but sshhhhhh it's still a good theory ok)
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as for the void, when caine realizes pomni wandered out there, he mentions that she'll get "totally spoiled". i think this means that looking into the void gives you visions of the future, and that pomni knows how the show is going to end; she knows all the surprises and twists, too. it would explain why she looked so angrily at caine (possibly now knows about how little he cares for the NPCs), and also why she seems so lost in thought right at the end.
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but hey, that's just a theory
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touyubesposts · 1 year
Things that mean different things in my different fandoms:
For Thomas it's a happy learning moment
For Mark it's angst time with a possibility of death
For Jack it's just a scary, scary death
2.Dark sides:
For Thomas, it's Virgil, Remus, and Janus
For Mark, it's Dark (The original dark side)
For Jack, it's Anti (The original glitch bitch)
For Thomas, it's Roman and an opportunity
For Mark, it's ‘Actor Mark’ and Manipulation
For Jack, it's what he has to do to fake cry during his projects, have you seen that?! I was stunned! Speechless!
Thomas’s most severe problem with loops is fruit
Mark is trapped in literal time loops and space tears in the fabric of the universe
Jack is stuck in ‘Fucking circles’ doing things ‘over and over’
Thomas, very calmly, goes through his choices in every episode with each of his sides
Mark doesn’t really get a choice, but you do! You get many choices
Jack really has no choice and is stuck in the middle of whatever the fuck Anti and IRIS are doing
Thomas’s 5 year anniversary babey!
Mark’s universe just has Wilford asking some questions
Jack, please, give Chase a break! He’s just a boy!
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etherealspacejelly · 5 months
whats it like being a grownup??
honestly? its been a blast so far!
once i turned 18 the first things i did were change my name legally and get myself on the wait list for gender services. its been 2 years now and every day i am a step closer!
i had a job for a while and made hella money and was able to buy a bunch of cool stuff that i wanted and i still have a bunch of it left over that i am saving to get top surgery
i moved out of my mums house! that has been Unreal in improving my mental health. i had no idea how much living with my parents was getting me down until i was out of there. i am now in full control of my time, my body, and my space.
a strange side effect is that teenagers seem so Young now. when you are 14 you feel so grown up and you think you look and act like an adult but then suddenly you are 20 and looking at all the 14 year olds like My God These Are Children. but like. not in a "you shouldnt have autonomy and i dont respect you" way, more like "why is no one protecting you from The Horrors??? why is no one loving you and supporting you and telling you you're doing great??? why would anyone be mean to these kids!!"
and just because you're an adult doesn't mean you have to grow up lol. i still sleep with plushies in my bed and have fnaf posters up on my walls. just because you have to do your own food shopping and laundry doesnt mean you cant also play in the park with your friends.
you have so much life ahead of you. it doesnt end when you turn 18. yeah some stuff sucks but some stuff Always sucks thats life under capitalism babey! you gotta find the little joys. remind yourself of how far you've come and how much better things are. being a grown up is about freedom. its about autonomy. its about being In Control. and yeah that means you gotta keep your flesh prison alive and clean but it also means you get to spend your time however you want! and thats awesome
and it also means you get to look out for the kids the way you wish grown ups would have looked out for you. :)
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asexualsoup · 11 months
Wait wait wait
I'm literally half asleep and we only have half the episode out but
Parallels between Vanishing Act and Murderous Mask:
1. Cassandra Kanagawa
2. All Important Item locked in a supposedly unbreakable case
3. Solvin crimes on a set of some kind (stage play versus tv shows)
4. Discussions about the integrity and social importance of the act of making art while working in an exploitative capitalist environment
5. Juno almost dies (though that's every ep)
6. Noir detective themes and tropes babey
7. And Juno thinkin about Nureyev A LOT more than he knows he should be
Can't wait for the next half of Vanishing Act to come out so I can see if there's more. Also I probably missed some anyway.
Been thinking a lot about Kabert's use of ring structure in the Junoverse and so it makes sense that they'll reference season one a lot this season
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