#AAC Device Icon
faunet-library · 2 months
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Set: 11
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astraltrickster · 1 year
What frustrates me about disability advocacy is that...of all the people I've seen talk about it, 99% of them - even ones who are disabled themselves - have eventually proven that their support has limits. Really stupid and arbitrary ones, at that.
You support disabled people...but if you see an adult with a DIAPER BULGE in their pants in public it's ON SIGHT, get your kink out of my face! Actually, even if it's not a kink, that's still gross and, like, it's not like the diaper exists to CONTAIN waste, you're a biohazard! Just stay home!
You support disabled people...but, ugh, you're so sick of masks, they feel so icky, the CDC isn't advising them anymore so really how bad can it be, if you don't want to be permanently disabled even worse than you already are then why don't you just stay home forever?
You support disabled people...but if you see anyone using a non-conventional straw that someone's billed as "anti-aging" on TikTok you proudly declare that you'll smack them, because what do you mean it might be a motor control or sensory thing?
You support disabled people...but no one is REALLY so disabled that they can't manage their lights conventionally, clean their homes by themselves, or hold a pen for extended periods of time or at all; that's just something people make up as an excuse for Bad Tech and exploitative luxury services.
You support disabled people...but, god, control your by-definition-uncontrollable tics, they're SOOOO annoying and rude!
You support disabled people...but when someone stops masking or runs out of spoons and starts speaking in a choppy, hard-to-understand way, it's a joke.
You support disabled people...but AAC is, like, sooooo annoying and hard to understand, learn to talk like a normal person instead of pointing like a baby or whatever, geez.
You support disabled people...but you hate image descriptions and video transcriptions because they're, like, sooooo ugly and transcriptions SPOIL things. (Not to be confused with "frequently not having the spoons to translate images and videos into text, which is a skill; one which everyone should try to develop, but a skill nonetheless" - I get that, it happens to me, but if you take issue with OTHER people adding them to your posts for Aesthetic Reasons, you're...kind of a dick! I'm not sorry for saying it!)
You support disabled people...but you think teehee funny joke annotations are a much more valuable use of caption tracks than, you know, actual captions are.
You support disabled people...but you still concern-troll people with armchair diagnoses of heavily stigmatized disorders for harmless weirdness, or try to paint them as icons of some kind of horrible social ill.
You support disabled people...but you're still convinced that every asshole is mentally ill, probably A Narcissist, and what do you mean that's a loaded thing to call someone when a heavily stigmatized disorder is rudely misnamed as such too, isn't it easier to, like, change the name of the disorder throughout the whole system than it is to just stop using that word as your go-to Bad Person Pathologizing Word, which you definitely need? (Or worse, you see no problem with this clash because you're convinced it IS Bad Person Disorder...)
You support disabled people...but you see someone mumbling to themself on the bus and you get as far away from them as possible because it's "scary".
You support disabled people...but you constantly try to pull "gotcha"s about people telling you not to touch people's assistive devices.
You support disabled people...but someone being okay with their delusional disorder and talking about that is BAD and PROMOTING SELF-HARM.
You support disabled people...but your body positivity still focuses exclusively on "people can be healthy and fat at the same time!" as if people who ARE fat because of health issues and/or have health issues BECAUSE of their weight don't exist or deserve support.
You support disabled people...but you declare that advocates who want us all to have more access to things that improve your quality of life are the REAL ableists for acknowledging that those things that you currently can't do tend to improve quality of life.
You support disabled people...but your advocacy for yourself involves distancing yourself from people with more support needs than you.
You support disabled people...but you treat addiction of any kind, or use of anything with known addictive tendencies, as a moral failing.
You support disabled people...until the accommodations they need clash with your own, then it's not just a benign incompatibility that sucks just as much for them as it does for you; no, you are an innocent victim and they are a horrible ableist.
You support disabled people...until it's too inconvenient. Too weird. Too scary. Once that line is crossed, it's not a disability issue anymore, they're, conveniently, just a Bad Person.
It's fucking exhausting and I'm sick to death of it.
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disabled-sysboxes · 1 month
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[TEXT ID: this system uses an AAC device]
[IMG ID: an orange-yellow rectangular box with an AAC device icon to the left, and the text 'this system uses an AAC' to the right.]
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[TEXT ID: this system sometimes uses an AAC device]
[IMG ID: an orange-yellow rectangular box with an AAC device icon to the left, and the text 'this system sometimes uses an AAC device' to the right.]
Like & Reblog if you use!
(Reblogs can be private)
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spectrumgarden · 5 months
- About me, some links to my own posts I find more important, & short DNI under the read more -
My name is Jamie. I am 22. I use he/him or it/its. I am from Germany. I am queer & a relationship anarchist.
The piccrew used to make my icon
I am physically disabled but I will not discuss this on this blog. My physical disability blog is @painfordays. I have visible differences (large scars). I am brainweird / mad (I prefer this over "mentally ill") & I have tardive dyskenesia (tics).
I am medium / moderate support needs (MSN), on the lower end I believe. Current caretaker is my mother (she is being paid for this) I'm hoping I can get outside caretakers soon. My quite in depth post on support needs is here
I am living "by myself" but this actually just means in a small apartment above my mothers, so she can still be there at all times I might need help. I would not be able to do this without her so close by.
I am semiverbal (I have a post on that here) and I use a Novachat 8 device that I got through health insurance. I nearly exclusively (99%) use AAC with anyone who isnt close family or friends, though I frquently use it around them too. You can see glimpses of my pages here. It's common for my language skills to vary.
I had a loss in skills starting at maybe 14-15 years old and slowly progressing up until now. Before that I was LSN (low support needs) and often more verbal with more people. I am trying to find doctors who are knowledgeable about autistic catatonia & can assess me.
I dropped out of school at 17. I was in mainstream school and lucky to have very attentive & forgiving teachers for the first years. Later I was in an "integrative" class for a while & I spent some time in schools for mentally ill kids during psych hospital stays and day programs. I did not actually attend school a lot, starting in secondary school I mostly stayed at home and / or went home quickly after arriving, also did online school for a while because of struggle to attend in real life. I also had a 1-1 support worker for about a year before I dropped out. I am most likely starting to go to a sheltered disability workshop soon.
I like to drink & sometimes do drugs & I smoke cigarettes. I deserve the bodily autonomy to decide these things. I love tattoos & piercings & I dye my own hair. My main interests are The three investigators (die drei ???), music (especially 80s punk / newer bands with a similar sound, rock, indie and rap), sanrio, kidcore. Theres many smaller, fleeting interests I have and I'm currently collecting (mainly Hatsune Miku) figures!
My stim blog is @plushieboards
I am trying my best to answer comments and asks and DMs but it stresses me out and takes a lot of effort when it's more complex topics, so I might choose not to reply to yours, sorry.
Lastly, if you use the term "going nonverbal" I do not want you on my blog. If you are "transabled" I do not want you on my blog. If your blog features thinspo or heavily focuses on eating disorders in general, if it features pictures of selfharm, i do not want you on my blog.
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magz · 11 months
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Post Banner Image: Magz art of a black angel. Icon Image: Art by かめぱすた of Cirno the ice fairy as a Fumo plush. Edited with Disability Flag.
Introduction Post
Magz / Entropy. 👤
Mid-20s. Mixed Black. TME. Taken.
Mute / Non-Speaking / Non-Verbal*.
"Third World". Multiply Disabled. Pro-Palestine ��🇸.
About Page. | Links Page.
Support: Main Financial Stability Fund Post.
[hiatus] Art Livestreams, Wednesdays (sometimes) ~3:30pm AST - Youtube & Twitch.
For safety: Because of neuro-cognitive disability - will not spread personal donation posts from people we don't know / don't recognize / not vetted by others, anymore.
More Helpful Links And Resource Below.
Send Magz An Anonymous Doodle Here
Organizational Tags (for find posts on magz blog)
magzdpc - Magz 'daily' poems challenge (if want participate)
reminder for magz: tumblr user "kyra45", for identify scams
Useful Posts on Magz Blog:
(work in progress)
Palestine Global Strike January 21 - 28 Masterpost
PaliPunk's Palestine MasterPost
Hussyknee's Palestine Masterpost
SulfurCosmos' "Preserving Gaza's Universities" - Archive Knowledge
LoveLetter2You's Learn Palestinian Arabic Masterpost - Language
DecolonizePalestine.com - Dedicated Debunk and Info Site
GazaESims.com - Donate E-Sims (connectivity)
ProtectPalestine.org - Palestine Activism Resources
#AltTextPalestine - Twitter hashtag for accessible Palestine posts
LetsTalkPalestine Instagram - Palestine Info Breakdown
"Eye On Palestine" LinkTree - Palestine News (can be graphic)
Boycott Divest Sanctions (BDS) - Official Global Boycott Info for Palestine
How To Archive For Palestine - Old Magz Guide (need update)
Samidoun.net's Calendar of Resistance - Pro-Palestine Protests
Palestine Film Index
Magz's "#Palestine" Tag
Customize, Backup, Fixes, QoL
Tumbr Backup Guide (Post 1) (Post 2)
Firefox Customization: Theme, Vertical Tab Sidebar, and Homepage
Fix Tumblr Dashboard Script (not Magz post)
ublock origin fix for youtube (not by magz) - Reddit post
general tumblr fixes - dashboard unfucker (not by magz)
navigate and find posts on tumblr (not by magz)
Digital Literacy, Digital Privacy, Tech
Computer and Technology Basics For Absolute Beginners
"The Art of Invisibility" - Stay Safe In Modern Age
General Digital Safety and Digital Literacy (not Magz post)
Free Curriculum for I.T., Programming, and Computer Science
Internet Privacy, Primer (need to be update)
DNS resolver: easy n free way boost privacy security
How to: Burning / writing DVDS, physical media
Web Dev
Neo-Cities Web Dev Primer (not by Magz. Gif Warning)
Web Dev Basics (not by Magz)
Web Dev Beginner (not by Magz)
Old Web Recreation (not by Magz)
Neo-Cities Accessibility Primer (not by Magz)
General Web Dev Accessibility (not by Magz)
basic web coding site (not by magz) https://progate.com
other than LinkTree for link page
Open Source, or Free Access / "Alternatives to"
Paywal Removal (not by Magz)
Mullvad Browser: Alternative To Incognito Mode
Magz Search Engine (Not Google. Temporarily unavailable/deleted. other public searxng instances until then)
Open Source Note Apps - Alternatives to "Notion"
Home Assistant - Open Source Alternative to Amazon Echo (not magz post)
Google Suite "Free" Alternatives
Free + Free Trial AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) Apps for Android Device
non-social media book tracking app / site: candlapp.com
alternatives to amazon book stuff (not by magz)
Alternative to pantone - amend
- Tips for Google Chrome users to Firefox n de-Google
Disability and Tips
Disabled Cooking and Eating (not by Magz)
Disabled Cooking Book (not by Magz)
Image Description Primer (not by Magz)
Psych Ward Alternatives: Peer Respite and Safer Hotlines List (not by Magz)
"Critical Thinking" Sheet - Transcribed (not by Magz)
Donate Your Voice For Disabled People - VocalID (Clarification Against Misinformation)
"The Long Covid Survival Guide" Book
"How to Adult" when no one taught you - Books
ADHD, Executive Dysfunction. "How to fix 'waiting mode'" (Transcribed)
"Pay the ADHD tax upfront" (not Magz post)
"The Half Year Reset: How to turn your year around" Guide (Transcribed)
Autism Terminology Masterpost (not by Magz)
The People's CDC - International Covid Information And Safety (not by Magz)
myalgic encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue, or ME/CFS. And "pacing" (not by Magz)
Grip toggle aid tool (not by Magz)
mental health - self-care assessment (not by magz)
Tip: easy general cleaner for metal and other material
Art & Crafts
Art References (not by Magz)
basics: draw mobility aids (not by Magz)
make plushie pattern from 3d model (not by magz) / site: https://plushify.net/
"The War on everyone" - Identify Modern Fascism
U.S. and U.K: Join the IWW union
History & Culture
1800s jewish books GDrive (not by magz)
history: sephardic and mizrahi jewish (not by magz)
111 notes · View notes
iheartfinalgirls · 6 months
My Choir Designs
-Design mostly based on Tiffany Tatreau’s Ocean
-Straight orange hair that will go insane in the humidity (She always wears her hair down, like nobody has seen her with her hair up. Constance saw her in a ponytail ONCE.)
-Wears glasses (She literally just looks like the nerd emoji.)
-Has buck teeth (She was supposed to get braces but her parents spent lots of the dental money on a new bong.)
-Freckles everywhere
-Iconic headband
-Acne that she’s desperately trying to treat
-Wears her uniform very neat with a red bowtie.
-Design mostly based on Kholby Wardell’s Noel
-Black hair (He cannot get it wet because he will literally just look like a wet cat)
-Black nail polish that always ends up chipping by the end of the day (He picks his nails).
-He has acne but tries to cover it with foundation.
-Foundation is the only makeup he will wear and he spends all morning trying to make it look less noticeable because he doesn’t want to get bullied.
-He has hairy legs because he’s too scared to shave (He does everything he can to hide them)
-Wears his uniform neat with a black tie.
-Design mostly based on Chaz Duffy’s Mischa.
-REALLY REALLY REALLY dark blonde hair.
-Iconic backwards hat (He cannot enter a public space without it).
-Promise ring from Talia.
-He has stubble because he hardly ever shaves.
-He has lots of body hair in general. (He hit a growth spurt at an early age)
-Eye bags because he just doesn’t give a shit about sleeping.
-He is a bit muscular but also a bit chubby.
-Wears his uniform in an unorganized way, his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows and his top couple buttons are unbuttoned.
-Design mostly based on Scott Redmond and Yannick Robin Eike Mirko’s Ricky.
-Curly dark brown hair.
-They have noise-cancelling headphones that look like cat ears.
-Wears glasses
-Mostly uses a wheelchair because it makes communicating easier, whether it’s through ASL or through the AAC device.
-Speaking of their AAC device, it has stickers all over it, they’re mostly sci-fi themed, space themed, comic book themed, or cat themed.
-Wears their uniform pretty much the same way Noel does but they’ll occasionally wear the girls jumper under the sweater vest (They also always have cat hair on them, so they need to carry a lint roller in their school bag).
Jane Doe
-Design mostly based on Emily Rohm’s Jane Doe.
-Light blonde ringlets + a black headband with a little bow.(Just imagine the 2016 wig)
-The doll has a white lacy dress with a black ribbon around the waist and black buttons.
-Her face is completely white minus her pink cheeks. Her lips are red and small. Her eyes are big and completely black (Light doesn’t even reflect off of them).
-The separation between her head and neck is cracks.
-There are cracks that start from the corner of her mouth and end under her chin. These cracks allow her to move her mouth to speak (They look similar to a marionette’s mouth).
-Her body is curvy and looks like a corpse.
-Her white shirt is replaced with a white blouse with puffy sleeves that get tighter around her wrists + platform Mary jane’s
-6’0 (6’4 with platforms)
-Design mostly based on Lillian Castillo’s Constance.
-Coiled black hair that fades into purple at the end (She always plays around with her hairstyle, sometimes its in space buns, half-up half-down space buns, one big bun, or just down sometimes.)
-Wears pastel jewelry.
-Her glasses are rounder than Ocean’s and Ricky’s.
-Nails always painted in pastel colors.
-She just likes decorating herself in lots of pastel colors in general (when she gets pimples, she wears those smiley face pimple patches).
-She is plus-sized (if you draw Lillian’s Constance, draw her plus-sized for the love of god)
-Her shirt is buttoned up but she always forgets her tie.
-Design. Mostly based on Emily Rohm’s Penny.
-Really long brown hair (She hasn’t cut it since she was 14) usually done in twin braids + bangs obscuring her eyes.
-She wears goth jewelry that she always fidgets with (goth Penny is real TO ME).
-She secretly carries her doll in her backpack (Only the choir knows).
-She got pushed down the stairs a lot (before people started ignoring her) so she still has some injuries and bandages on her.
-Her body is curvy.
-She has hairy legs because she HATES how itchy her legs get after shaving.
-Again, her white shirt is replaced with a white blouse with puffy sleeves that get tighter around her wrists (the reason her shirt is different is because of her sensory issues) + platform Mary jane’s.
-6’0 (6’4 with platforms)
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the-kitty-hell-system · 11 months
♡✰ the kitty hell system
》 it/xe collectively (ask for alters pronouns) (BLACK EDIT, ART, AND STIMBOARD REQUESTS R OPEN!!) ♫ hii we are the kitty hell system! we are a c-did system. we are intersex and trans/nonbinary, along with being an arospec enbian lesbian we are bodily an adult, 18+, and are indigneous arab-blasian but are an italian immigrant! (on my black side i am nubian egyptian and maasai tribe. on my asian side i am chinese and indian.) we are sensorily, mentally/intelluctually, and physically disabled! please do note : our caregiver helps us type/talk EVERYTHING. we also use our aac device to help. she helps us understand things, if she isnt there for whatever reason, we may talk in ways people may not understand because on our own our communication is EXTREMELY bad due to our intelluctual disability and autism. we use a screenreader so we'd prefer if you put image ids. also PLEASE put a flash warning or bright color warning on shit. we have epilepsy. we r a furry and a lion therian with several fictionkins. ☾ we are a jazz studies major in university! on this blog we talk about yugioh, bendy and the ink machine/dark revival, amanda the adventurer, cookie run, disability, the lgbtq community, psychology, music/bands i like, poc/culture, team fortress 2, the lion king, coco by disney, inu yasha, five nights at freddies, art, undertale, welcome home, sanrio, webkinz, lps, animals, the muppets, sesame street, dolls/dollhouses, toys, puppets, hades, sparklecare hospital, aesthetics, etc. we are critical of our interests as well. we are emo and apart of cripplepunk. 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾 dni if... radqueer, radinclus, radexclus, support bi/pan/omni/lesbians/gays (lesbians who say they like men or gays who say they like women), support endogenic systems, pro-contact, support male lesbians or female gays, against nonbinary lesbians, against butch lesbians, against he/him or they/them lesbians, believe able bodied people can be in cripplepunk, believe in narc abuse/cluster b abuse, demonize any conditions, baby any conditions, below 15 years old, fetishize any conditions/races/sexualities/genders, misogynistic, ableist, homophobic, anti-semitic, racist, terfs, proshippers/pro-fic, south park fans, any mihoyo fans, toilet bound hanako kun fans, vivzie pop/helluva boss/hazbin hotel fans, killing stalking fans, idv fans, dsmp fans, ranfren fans, okegom fans, danganronpa fans, harry potter fans, yarichin bitch club fans, homestuck fans, transphobic, shtwt/edtwt, hetalia fans, fakeclaim people, fake disorders in general, transid, anti-neopronouns, anti-xenogenders, anti-kin/therian, thinks blackwashing is real/against black edits, whitewasher, uses slurs they cannot reclaim, intersexist, trump supporter, conserative, bigot, anti-furry, anti-educated self diagnosis, basic dni whateva, etc (srry for the long ass dni list, i keep seeing ppl break it despite its basic ass shit) i reclaim slurs, i will not tag the word queer, i also dont want able bodied people calling me a cripple or non-deformed ppl calling me deformed. thankyou. otherkin side blog : @lesbianvampiriclion stimboard side blog @deerstims banner by inky-trash. icon by me header + icon image IDS below!!
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chainlollipop · 1 year
lesbian, she/her
learned asl! mainly for ricky but also to get that language credit yk
gay as hell obvi, he/they
every variation of monique is just a different outfit for her duh!!!!
bi icon, he/him
temp tattoos that he swears up and down are real
Transfem, any pronouns but prefers she/they!!!
Knows asl bc that’s how they communicated with their parents. though she uses an aac device mostly!
how can she NOT be catgender
on top of that, xenogender hoarder
Any pronouns, unlabeled.
Nobody knows, she doesn’t seem to have a preference.
Love them tho <3
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faunet-library · 13 days
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Set: 84
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A List of Frequently Used Terms
So now you've decided you want to at least follow Girasol's adventures or even interact with her. Awesome! To make roleplay and/or reading simpler, here is a list of common technical terms that may be present in interactions.
SOAP note - clinical documentation that chronicles how a therapy session went, the performance of the client, any specific areas of note, and plans for future sessions. SOAP is an acronym for "Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan". They are used across the allied health professions, although not exclusively used.
Assessment, Diagnostic, or Evaluation - what it says on the tin; basically a diagnostic test run to diagnose a specific communication disorder (if possible).
PHI - Protected Health Information. Basically any of your private business relating to your health or personal information that you would generally not want strangers to have access to read. In our current times in the US, HIPAA is the law governing patients' rights and clinicians' responsibilities in the handling and management of PHI. I am currently establishing lore for the Federation and how that is all handled.
WNL - Within Normal Limits. This is an acronym designating that a patient or client's test results fall within the average expected test score range for people of their age, AGAB, and/or developmental level.
Assessment Report or Evaluation Report - a document presenting and interpreting the results of an evaluation. Will also include the case history/background/health history summary of the client.
Case History/Case History Form - A written document and/or form detailing the client's medical and developmental (if a child) history, in addition to a description of the presenting complaint or concern. This may include past test results such as audiograms, prior evaluation reports, and the like.
AAC - alternative augmentative communication. This is any method of communication that is not verbal and can be anything as low-tech as a printed grid at which the person points to communicate thoughts and desires, to as high-tech as a device that produces speech when the user simply looks at the desired icons and makes a sentence or phrase with them. There are all kinds of devices and modalities, and a wide variety of AAC users who use this form of communication for a myriad of reasons.
Audiogram - a visual representation of hearing test results. Depicts the level of hearing loss one has, if any.
This list may be updated as more terms pop up on this blog and require clarification.
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lemonwellgreen · 2 years
How to Download "Pink Venom" by BLACKPINK Offline without Premium?
Ahead of their highly-anticipated second studio album, BORN PINK, BLACKPINK is enchanting with their charisma and talents on its pre-release single, “Pink Venom”. The song starts with a classic hip-hop beat, with the melody accompanied by traditional Korean instruments.
After listening to this song, do you want to own this song truly? The meaning of owning this song is not simply listening to the song or merely downloading it offline, but downloading and saving the song in a common format. Finally, you can play this song offline on any device, use it to make a CD, add background music to your video, and so on. Following a few steps below, you will learn how to download “Pink Venom” to an MP3/AAC/FLAC/WAV/AIFF format without Premium.
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Step 1: Download and Install AudiCable Music Recorder
Most popular music streaming platforms are displayed on the main interface of AudiCable. Choose the music streaming platform you want to launch. Then you're required to log in to your account.
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Step 2: Customize the Output Parameters
Tap the "Settings" icon on the top right corner. You can freely customize the output format, audio quality, and more download paths here. Then close the pop-up window to apply the changes.
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Step 3: Start Downloading "Pink Venom" to Local Files
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Step 4: Check Downloaded "Pink Venom" on Your Computer Folder
Click the "Recorded" tap and the "folder icon" behind a song, then you can quickly locate the downloads. Now you can freely play the songs on your PC or move to any media player without restrictions.
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digital-yell · 3 months
Hi, I’m Theo
I prefer he/him or it/its pronouns, I’m also a DID alter and mentally a teen I think? But physically we are 26.
Unlike most of our system, I am semiverbal. For me this includes struggling to speak out loud, and sometimes also struggling to express things in text. Please be patient with me when it comes to these things.
This is probably going to be a blog focused on disabilities. Having said, my system is disabled because of autism, and we have chronic pain and can’t always walk unassisted. I may also blog about AAC devices, which another alter and I are learning to use now.
My icon is a picrew, the artist who made it is Olibuki. My header seems to be by the Instagram artist the_cr0w_collective? But I’m having trouble confirming that for sure.
Icon ID: A picrew of Theo frowning and looking away. Theo has blonde and brown hair, wears a green scarf and coat, has a purple cane, and two pins on shirt. Pins are DID pride flag and heart pin that says “it” for it/its pronouns. END ID.
Header ID will be written soon, just changed header
My blog url and title are both references to the song Digital Silence by Peter McPoland
Please don’t interact with this blog if you identify as an endogenic system, or if you support those who identify that way. I also ask that people who hate all Minecraft YouTubers solely because of Dream don’t interact. I don’t like him either, but I am a fan of some other Minecraft YouTubers.
I may add to this list later, and I will block anyone who makes me uncomfortable.
0 notes
jhonlock · 6 months
Unraveling the Evolution of MP3: A Revolution in Music
The landscape of music consumption underwent a monumental shift with the introduction of the MP3 format. Born in the late 20th century, MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer III) emerged as a groundbreaking technology that revolutionized how we listen to and share music.
The inception of MP3 stemmed from the quest for efficient audio compression without significant loss in quality. Engineers sought to create a format that could condense large audio files into smaller sizes, facilitating easier storage and faster transmission over the internet.
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One of the defining features of MP3 lies in its compression algorithm, which employs perceptual coding to discard audio data that might not be perceived by the human ear. This ingenious method significantly reduces file sizes while maintaining a level of audio quality that remains pleasing to most listeners.
The widespread adoption of MP3 can be attributed to its compatibility with various devices and its role in the digital music revolution. MP3 players, like the iconic iPod, became synonymous with portable music, enabling users to carry thousands of songs in their pockets.
Moreover, the advent of peer-to-peer file sharing services like Napster and later, platforms like iTunes, further propelled the popularity of MP3. Suddenly, music enthusiasts had unprecedented access to an extensive catalog of songs, empowering them to curate their collections with ease.
However, despite its massive influence, MP3 hasn't been without controversy. Critics argued that its compression techniques sacrificed audio fidelity, leading to a compromise in sound quality. Audiophiles often preferred uncompressed formats like WAV or FLAC for a more authentic listening experience.
As technology continued to advance, newer formats like AAC and FLAC emerged, offering better compression without sacrificing as much quality. Streaming services also shifted towards these formats, providing subscribers with high-fidelity options, addressing the concerns about MP3's sound quality.
Nonetheless, the legacy of MP3 remains deeply entrenched in the history of digital music. Its impact on the democratization of music distribution and consumption cannot be overstated. It paved the way for a digital ecosystem where music became more accessible and portable than ever before.
In conclusion, the MP3 format stands as a testament to technological innovation in the realm of music. Its influence not only reshaped how we listen to music but also laid the groundwork for subsequent advancements in audio technology. While newer formats may have emerged, the MP3 will always hold a special place in the evolution of music consumption.
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smallnetbusiness · 6 months
How to add music to the Instagram story?
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Music is a crucial component that enhances the Instagram experience. You may fascinate readers and create more memorable content by giving your story the ideal soundtrack. You will be guided through the thrilling process of adding music to your Instagram stories by this tutorial. The days of silent tales are long gone! Including music in your story is now easier than ever thanks to Instagram. Let your imagination go wild, convey your stories more powerfully, and express yourself in ways that words cannot. Prepare to delve into the colorful realm of musical expression via your Instagram stories. how to add music to the Instagram stories. Let’s discuss. The appropriate music establishes the tone and atmosphere for your tale, whether you're discussing happy, adventurous, or introspective moments. Choose the ideal music to go with your images to enhance their effect. The harmonious combination of visuals and audio produces an engrossing story that stays in the thoughts of your audience. How to add music to an Instagram story? People may connect and elicit emotions via music in a special way. Your Instagram stories will be more engaging for your viewers if you include music. Increase the amount of engagement with your followers by igniting feelings in them that are in line with your content and building a closer connection. Recognizing Instagram's Musical Features Open Instagram and go to the story creation page to start your musical adventure. Search for the sticker icon, which is often located at the top of the display. Look for the Music Sticker among the sticker selections. Press the Music Sticker to unveil an abundance of music options for your narrative. You may look for certain songs, musicians, or genres using a search box. Explore this vast collection to find the ideal music for your story.  Examining the Music Library That Is Available There's music for every story on Instagram thanks to its diverse music collection. You may precisely control the tone of your tale with songs that are chart-topper or niche hits. Look through carefully chosen playlists, top songs, and up-and-coming performers to discover the perfect match for your images. You may listen to song previews with the Music Sticker before incorporating them into your narrative. You may adjust your choice using this option to make sure it perfectly fits the mood you want to portray. When the ideal music has been discovered, touch it to include it in your narrative. Watch out for our upcoming guide's next chapter, where we'll go into more detail on advanced music capabilities, customization choices, and advice on how to make the most of music in your Instagram stories. Prepare to discover the beat and bring your story to life! Including Audio from Your Device Add some unique flair to your Instagram story by adding some of your music. Tap the Music Sticker and choose 'My Music' to do this. Make sure your music files fit Instagram's requirements before continuing. Usually, supported file types are AAC and MP3. To guarantee seamless uploading, be aware of size restrictions and try to choose files that are both of good quality and fit within the platform's allotted file sizes. Open the Music Sticker in your Instagram story when it has been attached, then choose Spotify. You may go through the songs you've recently played or perform a song search. Easily connect with your followers on a common musical taste by sharing your taste in music. Let them listen to your current soundtrack. How to Write the Ideal Musical Tale? Make your narrative more engaging by ensuring that your images and audio are in perfect rhythm. Make sure the timing of your tale fits the beat of the chosen music, and think about the tone you want to portray. Try out several tempos and rhythms to get the ideal balance between sound and vision. You'll be well on your way to becoming an expert at incorporating music into your Instagram stories with these pointers. Await the last section of our tutorial, when we'll go into more complex strategies, interactive elements, and approaches to help your musical tales stand out from the rest on Instagram. Prepare to write a content symphony that speaks to your audience! Guidelines for Preserving a Coherent Story It's crucial to make sure that the storyline of a multitrack composition flows naturally from one musical part to the next. Observe these guidelines to preserve harmony: a. Consistent topic: Select music that complements your story's topic and tone. A recurring topic keeps your story coherent whether it's a joyful experience or a contemplative moment. b. Smooth Transitions: Pay close attention to where the songs transition into one another. Smoothly transition from one song's finish to the next's opening to prevent abrupt stops. The cut tool on Instagram is one of the editing tools that may assist in improving these transitions. c. loudness Control: Modify each track's loudness to preserve a harmony that enhances your images. Make sure that no song takes center stage so that your listeners may fully enjoy the subtleties of each piece of music. d. Narrative Pacing: Match the song's speed and intensity with the story's pacing. Employ softer melodies for more reflective times and quicker rhythms for scenarios that need more energy. The entire effect is enhanced by this synchronization. a. Storyboarding: Arrange your story beforehand, taking into account how each track will best move the plot. A well-planned storyboard facilitates the seamless blending of many recordings, averting a jumbled or perplexing listening experience. With the help of these suggestions, you can use music to draw viewers into your Instagram story and give it a multifaceted experience. When experimenting with different tracks, keep in mind that the secret is to find a balance that will both surprise and please your audience while letting your tale develop cohesively. Conchow to add music to instagram storylusion Using music in your Instagram narrative is a great way to boost your content in the ever-changing world of the platform. The symphony of engagement and connection that is produced by the harmony of pictures and audio is evident as we get to the end of our in-depth lesson on adding music to Instagram stories. Read the full article
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travelgadgetssitez · 1 year
How to put music on apple music
Apple Music is a popular streaming service that allows you to access a vast library of songs, albums, and playlists. While the platform offers an extensive collection of music, you may also have your own personal music collection that you want to add to Apple Music. In this article, we will guide you through the process of adding your music to Apple Music so that you can enjoy all your favorite songs in one place.
Ensure Your Music is in a Compatible Format: Before adding your music to Apple Music, it's important to ensure that your music files are in a compatible format. Apple Music supports various audio formats, including MP3, AAC, ALAC, and WAV. If your music is in a different format, you may need to convert it using a media conversion tool or software.
Use iTunes on Your Computer: To add music to Apple Music, you'll need to use iTunes on your computer. If you don't have iTunes installed, you can download it from the Apple website (https://www.apple.com/itunes/download/). Once installed, open iTunes on your computer.
Import Your Music into iTunes: In iTunes, go to the "File" menu and select "Add File to Library" or "Add Folder to Library" depending on whether you want to import individual songs or an entire folder of music. Browse your computer's files to locate the music files or folder you want to add. Select the files/folder and click "Open" to import them into iTunes.
Organize Your Music in iTunes: Once your music is imported, you can organize it within iTunes. You can create playlists, categorize music by genre or artist, and add album artwork to enhance your listening experience. To create a playlist, click on the "+" icon in the bottom left corner of the iTunes window, give your playlist a name, and drag and drop the desired songs into the playlist.
Sync Your Music with Apple Music: To sync your music with Apple Music, connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer using a USB cable. In iTunes, select your device icon located near the top left corner. Under the "Settings" section, choose "Music" from the sidebar. Check the box next to "Sync Music" and select the specific playlists, artists, albums, or genres you want to sync. Finally, click on the "Apply" or "Sync" button to transfer your music to your device.
Access Your Music on Apple Music: After syncing, disconnect your device from your computer and open the Apple Music app on your iPhone or iPad. You should now see your added music available within the app. You can browse, search, and play your personal music collection alongside the streaming content provided by Apple Music.
Enable iCloud Music Library (Optional): If you want your added music to be accessible across all your Apple devices, you can enable iCloud Music Library. To do this, go to "Settings" on your device, tap your name at the top, select "iCloud," and then turn on "iCloud Music Library." This will sync your music library across all your devices logged in with the same Apple ID.
Adding your personal music collection to Apple Music allows you to consolidate your favorite songs and access them seamlessly alongside the extensive streaming library. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can import, organize, and sync your music with Apple Music, ensuring that all your beloved tracks are just a tap away on your Apple devices. Enjoy the convenience of having your own music collection and the vast selection offered by Apple Music in one unified platform.
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 1 year
With a Little Help from My Friends
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/XQ8StD4
by heckalecki
“Does he have to be so loud? Some of us are trying to enjoy our meals.” A nasally voice interrupted, bringing Steve crashing back to reality. Clint frowned, looking over at Bucky who was too busy sorting through the icons on his AAC device to notice. Sam was visibly tense, sharing a quick look with Steve.
The boys encounter ableism whilst enjoying a quiet lunch in their favorite restaurant. Bucky's friends stick up for him.
Words: 1339, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 31 of The Before, The During and The After
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson (Marvel)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI, Brain Injury, Brain Damage, Aphasia, Amputee Bucky Barnes, Disabled Bucky Barnes, Disabled Writer, Ableism, Protective Steve Rogers, Protective Sam Wilson, Domestic Avengers, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluffy Ending, Tenderness, Caretaking, Friendship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/XQ8StD4
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