#A fucking idiot clown
salsedine · 1 year
Me: I have a cold and I still feel awful, it's better if I stay home today and don't go to work
Brain: it's time to feel ✨so guilty✨about it :DD
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bougiebutchbitch · 9 months
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*circus music plays* fucking came for my throat
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1495-gauge · 2 months
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there's that fucked up three-eyed thing that lives in the woods. whose turn is it to chase it off again??
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
"the way the fandom portrays shanks when referring to shuggy is out of character and he has moved on" aha. aha. yeah. have you considered i like shanks to be a wet depressed cat who's pining for his childhood best friend
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impel-clown · 8 months
I have this HC where Crocodile and Mihawk realize that Buggy's wormed his way into both of their hearts when he actually makes them both laugh and they start looking forward to setting eyes on him all the time. What clinches it is when Shanks stops by and Crocodile and Mihawk both get protective and jealous because of the history Shanks shared with Buggy. Buggy just thinks his two "partners" are plotting to murder him.
Mihawk realized it first, that the clown had gone from an annoying, albeit useful, asset to someone he actually wants to spend time with. Crocodile of course, mocks him for this. Here he had thought the greatest swordsman had some taste, he is with Crocodile after all, but liking the clown? Really?? The guy making dicks out of balloons, that's a person Mihawk wants to be with? What a waste of time. But hey, it's the swordsman's life he can do what he wants with it.
And then it's two weeks later and Crocodile is storming into Mihawk's greenhouse, practically his own sandstorm because now he too has feelings for the clown! Oh sure if it was just sex he wanted, that would be one thing! Crocodile wouldn't even flinch if his feelings were just contained to wanting to fuck the "emperor" til he was begging, crying mess. But no! Here he is, a former warlord, wanting to get Buggy things so he can see the other man wear them, wants to hear the clown's stories and jokes because fuck if it doesn't spark something in him. Here he had thought his own tastes were above this! Being with the greatest swordsman in the world? Great! But add an honest to God Clown to that? No, just no! Meanwhile, Mihawk continues to water his tomatoes throughout the rant, only occasionally interrupting to remind Crocodile that if he harms his orchids, he'll have far bigger problems than a crush on a clown, Mihawk will make sure of it.
And for a while, that's that. They don't immediately make a move on Buggy, not ones to make some big grand gesture of feelings. Instead, they'll ease into. After all, they have time. So slowly, their bullying moves onto teasing (and still some bullying, but it's with care). Mihawk sometimes gifts him with fresh produce from his garden. Crocodile offers to train together. Hell, they even go and watch one of the shows he puts on with his crew! They couldn't be any more obvious about their affections.
(Buggy has no idea his feelings are reciprocated and just assumes these are all attempts on his life.)
And then Shanks comes strolling up to the island and Buggy makes the offhand comment that hey, he may loathe the red haired bastard, but at least he appreciates Buggy's company! It takes about thirty seconds of Crocodile and Mihawk sitting in silence after Buggy leaves to realize, that in fact, no they do not have all the time in the world, and that yes, they could have been more obvious with their affections.
The following few days are spent as Buggy's shadow, glaring daggers at Shanks and reminding him that Buggy is a Key component of the Cross Guild, and he can't just come waltzing in here demanding Buggy's attention, thank you very much.
Shanks, having immediately clocked this whole situation, just laughs.
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ishipmyotp · 27 days
Watching Metalocalypse clips where the band are all just acting like fucking idiots is so much more funny after Army of the Doomstar, because you remember that these men are canonical Gods in their world. They played with a defibrillator where it made them pee themselves. They "invented" time travel by putting plastic bags on their heads. Charles literally acts like a parent to them at times. The Charles moments like this in seasons 3 and 4 are also funny for this reason specifically because he knows they are gods at the center of a prophecy
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cassowariess · 4 months
Words I had to read with my own eyes today:
"Neil G*iman is complicit in multiple acts of genocide. "
Words used to mean things.
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lyril · 10 months
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CALVIN: I'm gonna miss that pier... and, being alive. And you, my friend. FELIX: Aww— CALVIN: Gotcha! FELIX: Ow! CALVIN: You owe me a thousand dollars. FELIX: Let's play for two — switch! I'm gonna miss you too, pal, I've always looked up to you— Got you! Poop it! Ah, God! CALVIN: Play for three? ...Gotcha! FELIX: Ow! I hope you suffocate first.
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rosie-kairi · 1 year
Whenever kingdom hearts 4 comes out and people start whining about how it doesn't make sense bc of all the story beats its directly building off of or references to khux or khdr (or even missing link) just tell them "guess the mobile games mattered after all :))". Those are your orders should you choose to except them.
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mossy-paws · 4 days
Juwgen weitnew? stupid idiot mothewfucking juwgein weitnew god damn foow book cowwecting dust eating wat owd bastawd shithead idiot avataw of the whowe biggest cwown in the ciwcus waughed out of town cowboy mothewfucking juwgein weitnew
stowp pinning me whewn i tawk abouwt juwgein weitenew i hate him so much why does he have so many fucked up books why did he decide tuwu fuck awound awnd find out juwst set thewm woose iws he dead iws he a bastawd man has such a viscewaw affect own me nowt even in the woom nevew seen thiws mans face awnd i know he has the wowwds shittiest beawd get away fwom me
if i wanted tuwu get intwo heaven awnd god said juwgein weitnews waiting inside i wouwd piss own gods feet fow the sowe puwpose of getting sent bawck down
if i have tuwu deaw with juwgein weitnew speaking owne wowd in pewson own voice in podcast nowt onwy wiww i cwose the tab i wiww dewete my bookmawk out of spite awnd have tuwu wewatch the entiwe sewies again fow the expewience of being abwe tuwu skip aww the times whewn he iws mentioned ow awive
i dont even know why i hate him so much. he cowwects books but i am juwst mad because i am angy
he bettew have sowme fucked up backstowy tuwu expwain thiws if hes juwst sowme wich shithead whos a fan of cweepypasta awnd wanted the iww vewsion iww gow ham
bettew have had a book make him kiww a man cuz if he didnt im going tuwu make him
episodes nowt even abouwt him. vaguewy mentioned whawt iws supposed tuwu maybe be hiws wibwawy awnd i wost iwt
whewe the fuck iws juwgein weitnew if hes stiww awive im going tuwu so deepwy wish he wasnt
cwusty owd man
iww punch weitnew awnd hiws sad fwaiw owd man twig bones wiww simpwy fwake apawt undew my epic huge meat fist awnd he wiww disintegwate untiw aww thats weft iws owne finaw book he kept own him at aww times simpwy titwed now uwu fucked up
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I’m sorry I HAD too
#Yes I did make this actually#worlds most smullosk coded post ever#…..#DUM IDIOT MAMMA JÄVLA JURGEN LEITNER JÄVLA DÅRBOK SAMLA DAMM ÄTA RÅTTA GAMMAL JÄVLA SKIT HUVUD IDIOT AVATAR AV HOREN#CIRKUS STÖRSTA CLOWN SKRATTADE UT UR STAN COWBOY MAMMA JÄVLA JURGEN LEITNER#SLUTA SNÄLLA MIG NÄR JAG PRAKAAR OM JURGEN LEITNER JAG HATAR HONOM SÅ MYCKET VARFÖR HAR HAN#SÅ MÅNGA JÄVLA BÖCKER VARFÖR BESTÄMDE HAN ATT JÄVLAS OCH TA REDA PÅ DET#BARA SLÄPP DEM ÄR HAN DÖD ÄR HAN EN JÄVLIG MAN HAR EN SÅ VISCERAL PÅVERKAN PÅ MIG INTE ENS I RUMMET HAR ALDRIG SETT DENNA MANS ANSIKTE OCH#JAG VET ATT HAN HAR VÄRLDENS SKÄVIGSTE SKÄGG KOM BORT FRÅN MIG#om jag ville komma in i himlen och gud sa att jurgen leitners väntade där inne skulle jag pissa på guds#fötter i det enda syftet att bli skickad ner igen.#jag måste ta itu med att jurgein leitner pratar ett ord personligen på röst i podcast#inte bara kommer jag att stänga fliken#jag kommer att radera mitt bokmärke på otrohet och måste se om hela serien igen för upplevelsen av#att kunna hoppa över alla gånger när han nämns eller lever#Jag vet inte ens varför jag hatar honom så mycket. han samlar på böcker men jag är bara arg för att jag är angy#det är bäst att han har en jävla bakgrundshistoria för att förklara detta om han bara är en rik skithuvud som är ett#fan av creepypasta och ville ha den irl-versionen ill go ham#BÄTTRE har haft en bok att få honom att döda en man för om han inte kommer att göra honom#paypal.com/IFuckingHateJurgeinLeitner#avsnitt inte ens om honom. nämnde vagt vad som kanske skulle vara hans bibliotek och jag förlorade det#var fan är jurgein leitner om han fortfarande lever#jag kommer så djupt önska att han inte var#knaprig gubbe#ill punch leitner och hans sorgliga sköra gubbkvistben kommer helt enkelt att flaga sönder under min episka enorma köttnäve och han#kommer att sönderfalla tills allt som återstår är en sista bok som han alltid höll om honom med enbart titeln#“Now You Fucked Up” på gammal jiddisch……#Jag andas inte och hyperventilerar just nu#Jag hoppas att det finns ett datum för när jurgen dog eller#kommer att dö så att jag kan göra det till en påminnelse på min telefon
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304wv66 · 2 months
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genuinely do not remember when i drew these and cannot check as i vaporized my old tumblr but i fully believe my Ralts Comforting A Dying Wally holy icons were on the same level as the pieta and also that they were where i peaked and it's all been downhill from there
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nerosdayinanime · 2 months
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back to the S.S. Piece Of Shit bc my good shit wont stop pressing c
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novaephemera · 9 months
simon: "i go to a rich fancy private school on scholarship coz i am That Smart!"
simon: "i stole prescription drugs from my estranged dad to illegally sell them, all so i can pay for private math tutoring to keep getting As!"
also simon (after making out one time with a boy he likes very much): "wanna cut class and go make out all day at my mom's house? ☺️"
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lazytechsupport · 9 months
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@staff good job dinguses, you removed the death-stare clown and it only took you 24 real-time hours to rename a fucking jpeg
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thislittlekumquat · 20 days
Makes me so sad to learn that people don't like Grell's little choir boy outfit. She kicked a child's ass and stole his clothes and the fit is fire. She's so mean I love her ❤️
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