cisthoughtcrime · 1 year
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orchardsimian · 7 months
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goofygargoyle · 2 years
I've been constantly talking about moving into the same apartment building as friend
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ketchup0-0 · 26 days
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What I did today
Woke up at 650am and stayed up for abt 2 hours then fell back asleep till 1pm
Then I tidied up my room a bit (like taking some dishes out and making my bed) then got in a bath at 130, I used this bath bomb and it was so cute it made me feel all fluffy. It even had this little cow paper thing inside it, I was rlly confused but it was cute
At 240 I got out of the bath and dried my hair and brushed my teeth
Then till 515 I lazed around till I had to go out to get food
I got back home at 540 and ate some of the store bought sushi! It was good, then I laid in bed again till 820
After that I got up to go do school work till 950 and now I’m in bed!!
My life is so eventful and I’m definitely not going crazy by the day
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carrickbender · 1 year
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I had to take a quick trip east of the mountains last night as I had a 650am meeting at the company where we are doing our Lean green belt work. So I stopped in North Bend, aka Twin Peaks, grabbed some stuff for Henry, and zoomed over the pass. I've kinda got a lead foot, but 5-10 over on I-90 is 80mph, so Gert just zoomed along nicely.
I went to the wrong hotel, but was rewarded by meeting a sweet doggo. Talk about a highly qualified front desk agent!!!
I took the chance last night to do homework in peace. But the noise of having a Henry was sorely missed...
The walk this morning was interesting, but we found the bottleneck pretty quickly. And it's a doozie. It will be interesting to see their commitment to 5S principles, because they seem to think it just means keeping things clean. Reality? It may be clean, but a clusterf@#k is still a clusterf@#k, just cleaner. Thankfully they are super nice folks, and wanting change, so we shall see...
Costco stop on the way home, and now I'm trying to get a restless 4 y.o. into bed. If it's not one battle, it's another. It's just that some battles are cuter than others.
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reavenedges-lies · 2 years
Good morning all. It's seems to be a miracle kind of day. It's 650am and I'm awake after getting 8 hours of sleep
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Hey why are you banoopy posting at 650am? You alright?
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in my brain like this the moment I wake up
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imprensamercosul · 4 months
Asalto tipo comando se registró en distribuidora de pollos en Ciudad del Este
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En comunicación con Radio Uno 650 AM, el Crío. Ángel Reyes, Jefe de Prevención y Seguridad de Alto Paraná, indicó que alrededor de las 02:00 de la madrugada de este viernes, se registró un asalto tipo comando en Ciudad del Este, en un local de distribución de pollos cuando 4 personas descendieron de un automóvil y redujeron al gerente del comercio. «Ocurrió aproximadamente a las 02:00 en un conocido local que se encuentra en el km 4, hacia el área 01», afirmó.
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Asalto tipo comando en Ciudad del Este. Foto: Captura de Pantalla. Según lo que se observa en las cámaras de seguridad del local comercial estos hombres estaban armadas, encubiertas con ‘kepis’, tapabocas e incluso tenían guantes. Delincuentes se llevaron la suma de G. 25 millones El gerente del lugar llegó en ese horario y por lo que contó a la Policía este grupo ya lo estaba esperando cuando él se disponía a abrir el local, lo redujeron, lo llevaron hasta la parte administrativa y lo obligaron a abrir la caja registradora para apoderarse de la suma de G. 25 millones, también se llevaron una escopeta, un arma corta perteneciente al guardia y posteriormente se dieron a la fuga. Presumen que una quinta persona quedó al mando del vehículo de los malvivientes. «En el momento en que se disponían a cargar los camiones para el reparto del día, llegó un vehículo de donde descendieron 4 personas, redujeron al guardia y se llevaron aproximadamente G. 25 millones, una escopeta y un arma corta que le pertenecía al guardia. Se presume que una quinta persona quedó al mando del vehículo. No tenemos registrado ninguna persona herida», aseguró el comisario. Según el gerente del local, la actividad de la distribuidora inicia a las 03:00, él fue un poco más temprano y un dato llamativo es la ausencia del custodio que suele estar al inicio de la actividad en el lugar, todos estos elementos ya están siendo investigados por la Policía. #LOÚLTIMO🔴| Asalto tipo comando en Ciudad del Este 📞En comunicación con el Crío. Ángel Reyes, Jefe de Prevención y Seguridad de Alto Paraná. 🔴EN VIVO: https://t.co/OBr6dQ1F4I 📲WhatsApp: (0976) 650-650. 🎙️@robertoperezpy, @poharoysa#PPpy | #650AM pic.twitter.com/2k0oIZ7v8N — Radio Uno 650 AM (@UNO650AM) January 19, 2024 Fuente de esta noticia Diario El Trece Paraguay Read the full article
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goheels07 · 1 year
Two weeks ago today Jessica sullivan met her maker at 650am I miss u baby I love u my life feel like it's over
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mybpdnme · 2 years
Okay self. Let's make a plan:
Sleep by 12am, showered, moisturized, medicated, and clothes picked
Awake by 5am, put afternoon workout clothes downstairs, bullshit until 645am
Out the door by 650am, work by 715am
715am get coffee, ice water, and set belongings down
730am clock-in, walk around, or set up classroom until 750am
750am pick up student and start the day
250pm drive home
315pm Supernatural
350pm shower and nap
6pm bullshit
10pm Supernatural. Bullshit. Shower.
12am do it all again
Sounds like a good plan
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650am in the sauna. Was up at 5 or 530 and swam. In Philadelphia, feeling trapped and alone. I can't handle love. I can handle love. Need to be cool and grateful. Maybe time to stop smoking weed again for a while. Grateful for the shared spirit animating all, terrified by the gaping may of degradation and entropy-common as it may be in this realm. Be cool, stay cool
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onmimynd · 3 years
yea, u deserve a good day, i miss your cuddles. our feet naked and entanged..
i have been blessed to know you as i have, i want self happiness for u
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lauraepartain · 6 years
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Eric Marcum of Route 650 and 650AM WSM
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akascow · 3 years
atsumu but he dramatically says IM QUITTING THIS TEAM UGH everytime he misses a spike or someone mildly inconveniences him because hes a lil bitch
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ubassembly · 5 years
pokemon honey pokemon coffin
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ajokeformur-ray · 2 years
It's my day off work today but I still have to go in because I gotta do one of my mandatory weekly covid tests (I do four a week) so I'm doing an almost two hour commute for a five minute task I don't get paid for.
I'm grateful for the free covid tests and the peace of mind it brings me and I don't mind travelling in just for it, though it's an inconvenience I recognise my privilege in this situation, but I'm also wearing a mask of Joker's smile because I'm tired and cannot be bothered at 650am to smile at strangers, not just because of the time it is but but I sacrificed my morning coffee to make sure I made the bus pffft 🤣💀
I should be home by 830am so I can have my full study day as planned hhhhhh might watch Joker later too... it's been three days and that's too looooong🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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