cabinofimagines · 2 years
'the music was great'
It has been a long while since I've been to a concert, but I have been to concerts so yeah, I miss them. Anyways, as for the second request I did not state your gp, however it is a very musical thing to go to a concert so I hope this suffices.
Pairing: Jason Grace x reader Request: Hi! Can you write something (a headcanon, an imagine) with Jason Grace where him and the reader go to the concert of one of the reader's favourite bands and it's his first concert? Thanks❤️ /// Heyyy, I have a request. So a while back I asked for a cp and ship and I got the 'very musical child of Demeter' thingy and was shipped with Jason (don't know if you remember that) but I've been hung on that ship for the longest time now and I wonder if I could get a fluffy Jason x reader one shot for it. Also I hope it's possible to be tagged in it (if you could write it, of course) Have a nice day ☺✨ Word count: 740 Warnings: none!
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Jason was never really allowed to do anything youthful. He had never been to a prom or a music festival. Instead, he had been raised by wolves and Camp Jupiter. It wasn’t as if nothing happened in Camp Jupiter - but it has always been festivals, or small bands created by people he knew. This meant that when he accepted your request of going to a concert together, he was not sure what he was in for. You tried to give him the basics - you would leave early to stand in line so you would get a good place. First get merch, then run to the venue and enjoy the concert.
Seemed easy enough, and after waiting in the queue for a long time you finally entered the place. There were a lot of people, and Jason was getting slightly uncomfortable. His eyes shifted around trying to take everything in, but he was taken out of his spiraling mind by your hand grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the merch stand. He focused on your determined face, you having only one goal in mind. He breathed out feeling his heart pick up pace for a good reason now, and a soft smile forming on his face.
Having gotten a shirt you once again took the lead and led him right to the venue. Luckily there weren’t a lot of people yet and you had a good sight of the stage. You finally faced him, a big excited smile on your face. “I am so ready!!” you shouted over the sound of the people surrounding you, and you put on the merch you had just bought. “Look!” You gestured at your shirt and Jason shot you a smile, with some awkward thumbs up.
Something was off, you noticed. Jason seemed tense. When you asked him it was because you wanted to experience this with him, but also because without someone else you would not be allowed to go. You shot him a concerned gaze, aware that this was an unknown space for him.
“You alright?” you asked, “It’s fine if it is too much uh,” you hesitated, not wanting to leave now, “If you need we can always go outside?”
Jason was quick to shake his head, surprised at you noticing his uneasy mood.
“No, no! It’s just a lot, but I’ll be fine.” he sighed, “I’ve been through worse, could you just, uuh,” was this the light or was he blushing? “Could you maybe hold my hand? I don’t want to lose you in this crowd.”
You nodded slowly and grabbed his hand, squeezing it lightly. Jason seemed to relax, but there was little time to dwell on it now as the opening act entered the stage.
Somewhere in the middle of the main act Jason was no longer paying attention to the stage. The music was good - and he enjoyed the band in the beginning, but he made the mistake of looking at your face. You were screaming the lyrics, a smile on your face. The lights on your face made him take a short breath and for some reason his heart was beating fast. Your eyes reflected the lights of the show, your hand connected him directly to you.
Gods, he loved you so much, and he would go through any and all concerts you made him go to if it meant looking at you like this. The way you were unaware of the surroundings, yet so focused on the show. The way your smile got brighter with every song they played. He wished that this moment would be forever.
After the show Jason was glad when the cold air hit his face. He was unaware at how suffocating the crowd was during the concert and how tired he had gotten. You seemed to be on an adrenaline high from the concert as you dragged him out to a nearby bench. You both sat down and you bumped his shoulder.
"And did you enjoy yourself?" you asked him, looking at him hopeful. You really hoped he at least didn’t suffer through the concert for you. "Yeah, uh," he was at a loss for words, he was lost in your face, "the music was great."
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redswaberkez · 3 months
trend 'ur artstyle and ur evil artstyle' wont work on me bc my current style is literally evil counterpart of redswa from the past
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29.01.24 - 25.05.21🤨
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iwemu · 2 years
На самом деле мне грустно, у меня др сегодня. Уже прошло все празднование. Я так ждала, что мне напишет один чел...
Большенство людей, от которых я ждала поздравления даже не вспомнили обо мне
Я в такой депрессии
Давайте этого чела назовём "Е." Просто чтобы мне самой было легче, ахахахах
Этот человек мне был очень близок, но он ушёл от меня, так что я не могу его отпустить. Последний раз мы виделись 25.05.21
До осени переписывались, а потом он охладел ко мне. Мне было больно и сейчас тож не оч. В конце осени я записывала ему слезливые гски о том как скучаю, писала ему текста о том как скучаю и тп. По итогу всё пошло по жопе и мы норм не общались уже наверно год. Я так хотела поговорить с ним. Я уже знала, что напишу ему, когда Е. меня поздравит. Но этого не случилось...
Он обо мне вообще не вспоминает? Кем он меня считает? Я ему не нужна?
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rina-walker · 2 years
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Old arts 👉👈
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dreamings-free · 3 years
an UPDATED Pleased As / Pleasing™ timeline:
I received some more detailed information about the Pleasing domains, which I have weaved into the first timeline below. Updates are highlighted as this, with an indent.
22.04.21  “Pleasing” is registered as a trademark in both the UK and US for more than ten different products and services incl. sunglasses, clothing, makeup, hair, manicure, nail polish, diffusers, fragrance, handbags and online retail store services. Fandom discovers this 4/8/21
29.04.21 Eight different domains all containing the words “pleasing” and “nail” are registered by Fullstop:
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25.05.21  Please As Holdings Ltd is incorporated. Harry and his assistant Emma Spring are listed at directors. Erskine Records Ltd is listed as person with significant control with ownership of shares: 75% or more. According to the company profile the co. is in the business of “wholesale of perfume and cosmetics”. Fandom discovers this 28/5/21
22.06.21 Another 18 “pleasing” domains are registered, again by Fullstop. Where the first batch was focus nails only, this one seems to be covering both a brand and a project as well as the word “beauty” (but interestingly doesn’t mention clothing/apparel) :
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26.06.21  The domain pleasing.com is updated, which probably means this is the day ownership was transfered. (the original registration date was 1997-08-14 which was basically the birth of the www lol) The registrant is listed as “Fullstop Management”. Fandom discovers this 4/8/21
As you  can see above, the pleasing.com domain was registered later than the others, likely because it - unlike the other domains - was purchased from another owner (with a $20k range price tag, my source estimates).
13.07.21  Another seven “pleasing” domains are registered, this time for .biz and .world as well as country-specific extentions .mx (Mexico), .sk (Slovakia), .cz (Czech Republic), .at (Austria) and .gr (Greece):
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17.07.21  Harry is papped leaving LAX wearing a black hoodie with a printed “Pleasing” across the chest. The sweatshirt is nowhere to be found on the www.
make what you will off that..
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sleepsucks · 2 years
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liamnews · 3 years
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via louteasdale's Instagram Story - 25/05
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ohrlybunny · 3 years
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Onew from SHINee
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umi-no-onnanoko · 3 years
Da bambino o da bambina?
Aurora Leone, componente dei the Jackal, viene "cacciata" dalla partita del cuore perché in quanto donna doveva cenare al tavolo a loro riservato e avrebbe dovuto indossare la divisa della squadra unicamente restando seduta nelle tribune per dare spazio al resto dei componenti maschili delle due squadre.
Questo nonostante la ragazza abbia sostenuto che fosse proprio stato lo stesso direttore che voleva escluderla ad offrirle la possibilità di scendere in campo per giocare la partita che ha come scopo quello di raccogliere fondi per la ricerca e non certo di mettere in vetrina la squadra cantanti e quella dei campioni della ricerca.
Nessuna scusa è arrivata per la ragazza da chi ha realmente sbagliato,sono arrivate le scuse del capitano della squadra cantanti e da componenti di entrambe le squadre,ma per quanto sia stato importante il sostegno maschile non erano loro a dover smacchiare l'errore.
Sì sarebbe dovuto parlare di calcio, parlare di sportività, parlare di ricerca, di nuove cure,di nuove vittorie e di impegno sociale ed invece ci si ritrova a dover parlare di un altro spiacevole episodio di misoginia, che specifico, per chi non fosse a conoscenza del termine, non perché non si interessi all'argomento, ma perché magari ignora il significato dello stesso,consiste nell'atteggiamento di avversione o repulsione per la donna.
Ben inteso, non esiste unicamente questo sentimento discriminatorio degli uomini verso le donne, così come esiste la misoginia esiste misandria ovvero un atteggiamento di avversione o repulsione per l'uomo; tuttavia spesso si riscontrano molti più episodi del primo caso anche perché più "conosciuti".
Eppure ritengo che questi sentimenti abbiano una radice comune che affiora già dall'infanzia e dall'educazione che impartiamo ai bambini: in primis nel gioco noi iniziamo già a scremare le attività attribuibili al genere maschile da quelle femminili e viceversa, facciamo qualche breve esempio.
Se abbiamo una bambina avremmo a sua disposizione sostanzialmente tre tipologie di giochi più gettonati ovvero: le bambole, le Barbie, la cucina. Se prendiamo invece in analisi i maschietti vedremo: le automobili, il pallone e "giochi di lotta".
Ciò perché tutti chi più e chi meno siamo stati abituati a vedere la bambina come una futura madre che quindi deve sapere accudire i propri bambini, una brava moglie e massaia; mente per quanto riguarda i bambini come futuri uomini che debbono essere forti per provvedere alle future esigenze famigliari e proteggere la famiglia e che devono essere atletici e lavoratori.
Questo perché siamo a nostra volta stati educati dai nostri genitori, che sono stati educati dai nostri nonni che loro volta sono stati educati dai loro genitori e così via, le scene che noi vediamo ora, l' ostinato etichettamento e i conseguenti atteggiamenti di pregiudizi e stereotipi non sono null'altro che lo specchio di queste ideologie che ancora vengono assorbite da noi e dai bambini come fossimo tutti delle enormi spugne imbevute di conoscenza.
Portiamo avanti questi preconcetti per anni e quindi: le bambine non possono giocare a calcio, non possono fare la lotta con i maschi, non possono saltare dai muretti; i bambini non possono giocare con la cucina,non possono portare a spasso un bambolotto nel passeggino, non possono danzare e potrei continuare.
Questo diventa poi un no alle ragazze che vogliono studiare medicina o giurisprudenza, diventa un no ai ragazzi che vogliono diventare dei grandi ballerini,diventa un no al diritto di voto per le donne, diventa un no per gli uomini di essere casalinghi e crescere i propri figli, diventa un no per una donna a partecipare ad una partita di pallone.
Torniamo sempre qui a dei no a dei no che né il bambino o la bambina di allora e di oggi capisce e diventa un no che nemmeno i grandi comprendono fino in fondo.
Perché un bambino non può essere libero di vestire di rosa, se gli piace quel colore, senza sentirsi dire che è gay o che è da femmine, perché una ragazza non può indossare un paio di pantaloni o una felpa senza sentirsi dire che è un maschiaccio o sicuramente deve essere autolesionista, perché un bambino o una bambina non possono entrare in un negozio di giocattoli e scegliere liberamente il gioco che più gli piace senza essere divisi in scaffali tutti rosa e scaffali tutti blu bombardati da figure che fanno vedere unicamente la femmina con in braccio il Cicciobello e unicamente il maschio con in mano il supereroe? Sono solo colori, solo vestiti, solo giocattoli dopotutto… ed invece no, no perché abbiamo permesso a delle idee di comandare sulle nostre menti e sui nostri cuori offuscando la vista ed il nostro raziocinio.
Non sono una nonna, una zia o una madre, ma sono certa che non impedirò mai a mio figlio di giocare con una bambola, né a mia figlia di rotolarsi nel fango dopo una partita a pallone, educherò entrambi al rispetto degli altri,ma prima di tutto di sé stessi, gli ricorderò ogni giorno di non discriminare qualcun'altra solo perché diverso da loro, di accettare che un amichetto possa voler giocare a cucinare invece che alle figurine oppure che un compagno di classe voglia fare danza classica.
Il primo passo per cambiare è educare e per educare in modo corretto ci devono essere persone di mente aperta,persone disposte anche ad ammettere i propri errori di giudizio.
Dobbiamo allontanare e estinguere misoginia e misandria con la cosa più forte che abbiamo, la gentilezza ed il rispetto.
Philip Mosley,per chi non lo conoscesse è il ballerino che ha ispirato il film di Billy Elliot,scopre la sua passione (e talento) per la danza classica e nonostante le ostilità del padre e del fratello non abbandona la sua passione diventando un ballerino eccezionale nonché étoile.
Mulan è una delle poche fanciulle Disney a non avere un uomo a non cercare il principe azzurro e a non sposarsi nel pur lieto finale. Il suo obiettivo è piuttosto quello di combattere per il suo paese. Ci riuscirà salvando così la Cina dall’invasione degli Unni.
Tootsie è attore di teatro, che non riesce ad ottenere una parte e si trova costretto, per poter lavorare, a travestirsi da donna e facendo enorme successo.
Sono solo tre esempi, uno reale e due di fantasia, di cosa significhi combattere per i propri sogni, essere etichettati perché uomini perché donne e non poter uscire dagli abiti che avevano voluto cucirgli addosso, ma io credo che la vera "moda", metaforicamente parlando, la detta proprio chi si distingue dalla massa per avere un abito diverso e chi ricorre a misandria e misoginia alla fine è uguale a milioni di altri.
Perciò scegliere quello che vi fa stare bene.
-umi-no-onnanoko (@umi-no-onnanoko )
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louisshomesharry · 3 years
25.05.21: recap
harry is MIA
louis is in London
sm posts: tweets
other: added dates in Australia
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sso-ly · 3 years
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Training Diary Introduction - FortuneChaser/Chase:
Fullname: FortuneChaser.
Nickname: Chase.
Breed: Pintabian.
Sex: Male.
Lets get training
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cabinofimagines · 2 years
Poly!Lercy valentines day
Okay, so I didn't get right to it and this is a lot later than the request was send in, but who cares. Not me.
Pairing: Poly!Lercy x reader, Leo Valdez x reader x Percy Jackson Request: If this isn't late can I ask for hcs for spending valentine's Day with Lercy? Word count: 0.7k Warnings: none!
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Let’s start at the beginning, Leo is a hopeless romantic and Percy forgot.
Leo was just so excited to celebrate Valentines day with the two of you, he planned a date, got gifts, his eyes shone the whole week.
On the day itself, Leo sought Percy out first. ‘Hey, do you wanna come to the bunker with me?’ he asked, cutely nervous. ‘Sorry, got swords practice right now. Ask (Y/n), I’ll join you two later.’ ‘Oh,’ and a broken hearted look was on Leo’s face.
Leo just stood there for a minute, until he took a deep breath and went your way.
When you saw him you smiled brightly. You didn’t really plan anything, but the Aphrodite cabin was handing out roses so you grabbed one and looked for your boyfriends. So as you ran up to him, the sad look on his face threw you off.
Before you even reached him you asked him what was wrong.
‘Uh, Percy blew me off. I really wanted to hang with both of you.’ He softly said, as he rubbed his neck and shot you a pained smile.
‘Well, that’s stupid. I will get him over here.’ You angrily tried to walk away, until you felt Leo softly grab your wrist.
‘Don’t bother, He will join us later, if you want?’ his face melted your heart and you nodded. Then you remembered the rose.
‘It’s not much, but here! Happy Valentines, my love!’ you showed him the rose and the light returned to Leo’s eyes.
‘my corazoncito, thank you,’ He cradled the flower as if it was a baby, ‘Let’s go to the bunker!’ and he took you away.
Arriving at the bunker, you both settled down. Leo’s surprise was a full on movie theater (pillows to cuddle on on the floor, snacks and a projector on the wall. Fairy lights were strung up around the part of the bunker you were watching the movie in)
He also accounted for dinner for later, so you three didn’t have to leave the bunker.
Well, you two because Percy wasn’t there yet. He better had a good apology later.
While Leo and you were settling and cuddling away, Percy finished swords practice and went to take a shower before he would join you guys in the bunker. As he left the showers he noticed a big amount of roses around camp.
Oh no
Leo had asked him on a date on Valentines day and he shot him down, no no no
Scrambling to get his thoughts in line he realized he messed up bad time. Gods, you two were going to be so angry.
Percy figured it was better to face the music so he just made his way to the bunker.
‘Well, well, well. Look at who decided to show up.’ you said as soon as Percy was in your sight.
‘I’m sorry, I-’
‘You broke my boyfriend's heart and you’re sorry?’ you uttered out as you grabbed Leo closer. He let out a small huff of air when you pressed his face in your neck. Figuring it was for the best to go with the flow he put his arms around your neck and snuggled against you.
Percy almost cooed at the sight, however there was a bigger problem.
‘I forgot what date it was - I swear.’ he tried to reason and you glared at him.
‘Good thing for you that we’re broken up then.’ Leo and Percy let out a collective gasp, horror was on Percy’s face.
‘Wait - no please-’ he moved closer, climbing on top of the pillows.
‘Come back tomorrow when we’re dating again. Valentine's day is apparently only for me and Leo.’
At the sound of his name Leo loosened his grip and sent you a pout.
‘But what if I want Percy here?’ your glare softened at this, ‘please don’t break us up, he is here now?’
Percy nodded in agreement.
‘Please (Y/n), I love you two.’ you sighed.
‘Okay, but you plan Valentines next year.’ Percy nodded excitedly and joined your cuddle with Leo.
‘That’s mi amor.’ Leo mumbled as he pressed a soft kiss on your lips. When he moved away Percy immediately filled his place. ‘I’m sorry.’ he apologized against your lips.
Maybe Valentines day was a bit messy, but maybe that is the way it was supposed to be.
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romantic4mente · 3 years
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charlottemiddle11 · 3 years
Just wanna end it. I’m done. Kill me now; seriously. Crying constantly, feels like I’ve had my chest ripped apart, and the funny thing is... it was all my fault. Standard life of me; everything and everyone I meet/touch/have any connection with I ruin... ‘There’s something about you I can’t put my finger on’ yeah, I’m a fuck up in a cute disguise that will make you wish you’d never met me. I wish I’d never met me. Peace out ✌🏼
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mysuckyliferants · 3 years
i just have to fuck up everything
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dreamings-free · 3 years
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