podcastpreacherman · 27 days
What If There Were Right
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christianityoriginal · 2 months
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#ransomforAdam #goodfriday By one man #Adam sin entered into the world, and so death passed upon all men. For since by one man came death, by one man #Christ also cometh the resurrection of the dead. Rom5:12, 1Cor15:21. Read more: ChristianityOriginal.com/Ransom
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Looking for that Blessed HOPE, and the glorious Appearing of The Great GOD and our Saviour JESUS CHRIST; - Titus 2:13 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him Jeremiah 17:7 Problem = Sin (Rom 3:23) Result = Eternal Hell (Luk 12:5) Solution = Jesus' substitutionary death, burial and resurrection (1Cor15:1-6)
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christophe76460 · 5 months
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ᴘᴀʀᴛɪᴇ 1
Nb. Toujours commencer par la repentance. (Si nous disons que nous n'avons pas de péché la vérité n'est point en nous) 1 Jean 1 :8
1️⃣🔥👉🏽 Père Céleste je reconnais que j'ai péché au-devant de toi par mes pensées, mes décisions, mes actions, mes paroles, mon comportement...
👉🏽Je te demande pardon
👉🏽 Oui Je plaide coupable PARDONNE MOI SEIGNEUR je t'en supplie.
Que ta grâce surabonde dans ma vie en ce jour.
👉🏽 Lave-moi dans le Sang précieux de JÉSUS CHRIST DE NAZARETH pour la remission de mes péchés, ma purification et ma justification
2️⃣🔥👉🏽Ô DIEU je te rend grâce, toi qui me donnes la victoire par mon Seigneur Jésus-Christ.
✅En cette nouvelle année accordes moi la victoire
👉 sur mes ennemis
👉dans mes projets
👉Dans ma famille
👉Dans mon ministère...
Au nom puissant de Jésus-Christ. (1cor15: 57)
3️⃣🔥👉Au nom puissant de Jésus-Christ, SEIGNEUR accordes moi la grâce de vaincre tous les obstacles en cette année.
👉 Renverse tous les plans maléfiques et tous programmations diaboliques faits contre moi, ma famille et ma Nation au nom puissant de Jésus-Christ de Nazareth.
4️⃣🔥👉 Seigneur accorde moi la grâce de triompher de ce monde ténébreux en cette nouvelle année.
👉Que je triomphe de la mort par la puissance du feu de Dieu
👉 Que je triomphe de la peur et des manipulations du monde au nom puissant de Jésus-Christ.
👉Que je triomphe dans tous les domaines de ma vie (financier, marital, matériel, spirituel...) Au nom de Jésus-Christ. (1jean5:4)
5️⃣🔥👉Ô DIEU chasses mes ennemis devant ma face afin que je puisse prendre possession en cette année
👉de mon pays,
👉de ma ville,
👉de mon village,
👉de mon quartier, de ma famille
👉De tout cequi m'appartient au nom puissant de Jésus-Christ
6️⃣🔥👉Toute arme forgée contre ma vie, ma famille, mon conjoint/ conjointe, mes enfants,
👉 mes projets, mes entreprises, mon commerce, ma maison, mon voyage en cette nouvelle année est nulle et sans effet au nom puissant de Jésus-Christ de Nazareth.
👉Je suis plus que vainqueur en Jésus-Christ dans tous ce que j'entreprendrai en cette année au nom puissant de Jésus-Christ de Nazareth. (Esaie 54:17)
7️⃣🔥👉Au nom puissant de Jésus-Christ, je viens réduire à néant 👉tous les plans de l'ennemi contre ma destinée prophétique
👉Toutes les paroles maléfiques, les imprécations, les incantation contre moi, ma famille et ma Nation au nom puissant de Jésus-Christ.
👉Divises les langues ô Dieu afin nos ennemis s'entretuent entre eux au nom de Jésus-Christ. (Psaumes 58:10)
🔥je me plonge dans le Sang de Jesus Christ de Nazareth moi et ma famille pour la protection.
🙏🏽je te dis Merci SEIGNEUR pour l'exaucement de ma prière
Par la foi, je recois l'exaucement à ma priere,
🙏🏽C'est au nom puissant de Jésus Christ de Nazareth que j'ai prié.
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seth-e-brown-blog · 10 months
Hi, welcome to my blog! 🦉🌘🌄🇮🇱
My name is Seth Brown, and my number one desire is to grow in the first commandment, to love God with all of my heart soul mind and strength, and to proclaim the message of Jesus’ return with Biblical clarity. I believe that when the church grows in wholeheartedness for Jesus, even in the midst of intense trial, that will provoke many to see the beauty of Jesus and overcome offense at His leadership. (Psalm45:2)
Here’s some core convictions I have…
Man is by nature sinful and in need of redemption (Jer17:9)
Jesus (fully man and fully God) is the only way of salvation through His substitutionary death. No one comes to the Father but through Him. He was crucified under Pontius Pilate, and resurrected on the third day vindicating His victory over death. (John14:6, Gal2:20)
To be saved, we need to repent (turn away from sin), and be baptized in repentance (water) and the Spirit. (Acts2:38)
God’s Word, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, guides us into truth that transforms our understanding, giving us the mind of Christ. (1Cor2:10)
The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all in perfect unity together as three coequal distinct persons of the Godhead (trinity), and the gift of the Holy Spirit gives us deep relationship with the trinity. (John17:23)
The Holy Spirit empowers the church to operate in gifts that He sovereignly apportions. These gifts are meant for evangelism (proclaim God’s word), and to encourage the church. (1Cor12-14)
God has a plan to redeem the earth from sin. Jesus will return to Jerusalem (yes, the real place) to rule and reign as the Jewish king and messiah, and from Israel He will restore the Earth over 1,000 years. We are crucified with Christ and therefore raise with Him (resurrection of the dead), and get to participate in the Kingdom of God as coheirs. (Psalm2:6, Rev20:6, 1Cor15:54)
After the 1,000 years, the New Jerusalem will descend to the earth (heaven on earth) and the Father will dwell with us. Satan will be defeated, and eternity will begin. (Rev21)
I hold to a view of eschatology (end times) known as historic premillennialism. It’s historic because it’s the view of the early church, and it’s premillennial because Jesus returns before the 1,000 years. This means I do not believe in a pre-tribulation rapture, the commonly held belief that the church will be taken up into heaven before the tribulation period on the earth. I believe the church will go through this period with Israel, and that as the gentiles grow in wholeheartedness for Jesus it will provoke Israel to jealousy leading to mass revival even in the midst of intense pressures. The end times is a greater exodus, mirroring when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.
So that’s a lot right? Well, don’t worry. The Bible is a big book, and there’s a lot of deep stuff in there. But when we seek God with sincerity He will guide us into living understanding and transform our minds and hearts in the love of God.
For starters, I’d encourage you to pray this simple prayer asking for the Holy Spirit to give supernatural understanding.
“that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places,”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬-‭20‬ ‭ESV‬‬
No matter how far you’ve strayed, consider the nail pierced hands of Jesus as proof of His supernatural love towards you. No one gets to God by being good enough. You can’t earn it, so don’t even try. Just come to Him with all of your pain, trauma, brokenness, and shame, and watch what He does.
psst… I write poetry. https://www.tumblr.com/songs-from-the-moon
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troubledontlast1 · 4 years
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🔥Follow👉🏾@troubledontlast👈🏾on IG/Twitter/Snap for more🔥 Turn on Post Notification - Like - Comment - Share - Save #repost @couldbekalopsia ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ . . Follow: Subscribe to YouTube(in bio)👉🏾@my_daily_bible👈🏾 Subscribe to podcast(in bio)👉🏾@upliftpastcrossroads👈🏾 YouTube👉🏾@upliftwithdrj👈🏾 Fashion👉🏾@glamourmeetsgq👈🏾 . . 👤 Tag a friend who would like this page ⬇️ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #thebible #bible #wordofgod #wordofgodspeak #wordofgodspeaks #godspeaks #godspeaking #breathofgod #thebreathofgod #thebibleisalive #resurrection #resurrectionsunday #resurrectionday #resurrectionpower #resurrectedbodies #resurrectionhope #1cor15 #1corinthians15 #godmakesdeadthingscometolife #deadthingscometolife #deadthingscomealive #god #godpost #godposts #christian #christianity #christianpost #aliveinchrist #aliveingod (at Mount Juliet, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_tBPsNlHSl/?igshid=1k1quklarm0ff
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canaandreamicc · 4 years
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#1Cor15:57 #ThankGod #VictoryThroughChrist #DavidAbidoye #LaraAbidoye #EcstaticJoy #December2019 #CanaanDreamICC #portharcourt #nigeria (at Port Harcourt) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5rjh6YACVD/?igshid=mezs6cgp1675
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timelesspace · 4 years
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Hey there!
It’s been long time. Been tough lately.
But with the amount of grace that was supplied, getting through (even) just a day felt victorious.
Staying at home for about 72 days now...working remotely, binge watching movies and series, dragging myself to workout, reaching out to people online, trying baking on the side and even writing a song, all of these kept me productive. Yet i felt empty in between. And i just realized that,
You can be productive yet stay unmotivated.
Most of the time, we’re too busy being busy. We rush to get things done. We strive to stay on time. We tried so hard to acquire affirmations from people. That’s why we ended up feeling exhausted. #Burnout
We struggle so hard to reach goals. Our goals. But hey, life its not just about working, rushing, striving or even struggling. It’s more than life itself. It’s a profound experience of God’s love, grace and purpose!
Figure out that ‘why’. Keeping that at the back of your mind will help you embrace more of what you’re doing. Imagine doing something without knowing why you’re doing it, it’s kinda senseless right? And if its only for the fame, money and other wordly things...well, you’re just feeding the flesh.
I believe when God breathed on us, His purpose is His own ‘why’. He knew that all of His creations were made with purpose and that gave Him the feeling of fulfilment which allows Him to rest on the 7th day.
In the same way, making His purpose in our lives as our ‘why’ will give us that sense of fulfilment. That whether the outcome is good or bad, we know that He has a purpose. Yes, you have a God who can turn out bad to something good, isn’t that peaceful enough to know?
Remember that this kind of peace act as our heavenly motivation. It passes all understanding. The race of life is more than just achievements and timelines. Run the race well, my friend.
Embrace your flaws and weakness. Acknowledge failures and choose growth. And always remember that every work will not be in vain.
“...Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” -1COR15:58 NIV
Remember that whenever you look at yourself in a mirror, you’re looking at a purposeful creation.
P.s.// There’s more to life. Have it full!
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Resurrection Life
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xojules · 7 years
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Consider it as you would a seed. The planted seed cannot spring to life unless it first dies. The seed doesn’t look anything like the plant. A tree looks very different to a seed. Thus the body buried underground and the resurrected body will not be alike. So it is - this body we have now is physical, perishable and mortal, but the body to come will be alive, spiritual and immortal.  The First Adam received life from the dust of the earth, the Last Adam is a life-giving Spirit.
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christianityoriginal · 2 months
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*#jesusandadam #goodfriday* http://ChristianityOriginal.com/Ransom Jesus gave himself as Adam's ransom to rescue all of Adam from the inherited punishment of death [1Tim2:6]. Amen! *#Allmankind* - believers and non-believers, Christians, Muslims, Hindus and peoples of all faiths, agnostics and atheists, males, females and transgenders, seniors, adults and children, the rich, the middle-class and the poor, all humans of all races - every one of us - will be redeemed from death when Jesus returns [1Cor15:21-22]! They will reunite with their lost loved ones again! What will be the reward for those who truly follow Jesus in their present lives? They would get a *#specialsalvation* with the privilege to reign over the resurrected mankind with Jesus & teach them goodness in his 1000 year Kingdom [Rev2:26-27; 3:21; 20:6; Isa26:9].
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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L’Epouse, c’est l’Eglise militante et universelle de Jésus-Christ, revêtue de sa robe de mariée, en fin lin, et désormais unie, et liée à vie, à son divin époux, pour participer à son triomphe.
Cependant, d’autres recevront une récompense spéciale, non seulement parce qu’ils auront tout sacrifié par amour à cause de Christ, mais parce qu’ils auront travaillé pour Christ et son royaume. Ils seront alors dignes du festin des noces de l’Agneau, noces annoncées en Ap19 :7-8, « car les nonces de l’Agneau sont venues, et son épouse s’est préparée, et il lui a été donné de se revêtir d’un fin lin, éclatant, pur. Car le fin lin, ce sont les œuvres justes des saints ».
Les noces de l’Agneau, c’est l’occasion au cours de laquelle les rachetés présenteront leurs œuvres justes et bonnes à l’Agneau, comme les conviés à un mariage remettent des cadeaux aux mariés. Cette représentation des œuvres bonnes te justes se fera avant le Tribunal de Christ. Ces œuvres justes sont tous les actes posés et les actions menées par les saints lorsqu’ils étaient sur terre comme des voyageurs et étrangers, depuis leur conversion jusqu’au moment où ils sont enlevé de la terre pour être toujours avec le Seigneur Jésus.
« … et ainsi nous serons toujours avec le Seigneur. » (1Thes4 :17b)
« Or si quelqu’un bâtit sur ce fondement avec de l’or, de l’argent, des pierres précieuses, du bois, du foin, du chaume, l’œuvre de chacun sera manifestée ; car le jour la fera connaître, parce qu’elle se révélera dans le feu, et le feu éprouvera ce qu’est l’œuvre de chacun. Si l’œuvre bâtie par quelqu’un sur le fondement subsiste, il recevra une récompense. Si l’œuvre de quelqu’un est consumée, il perdra sa récompense ; pour lui, il sera sauvé, mais comme au travers du feu. » (1Cor3 :12-15)
C’est la raison pour laquelle il faut travailler pour Christ et son royaume, afin d’avoir non seulement part à ce festin des noces de l’Agneau, mais également de comparaitre devant le Tribunal de Christ pour recevoir ses récompenses.
Notre travail n’est pas gratuit, nous serons récompensés.
L’Eglise sera donc enlevée pour les Noces de l’Agneau et pour le Tribunal de Christ.
Tous n’auront pas les mêmes récompenses, prix ou couronnes. Et même, tenez-vous bien, certains n’auront rien du tout comme récompense, à part le salut, le fait d’être sauvé. C’est ce que l’Apôtre Paul tente de nous expliquer dans sa première épitre aux Corinthiens au chapitre 3 en ces termes :
« Ainsi mes frères bien-aimés, soyez fermes, inébranlables, travaillant de mieux en mieux à l’œuvre du Seigneur, sachant que votre travail ne sera pas vain dans le Seigneur. » (1Cor15 :58)
« Car il nous faut tous comparaitre devant le tribunal de Christ, afin que chacun reçoive selon le bien ou le mal qu’il aura fait, étant dans son corps. » (2Cor5 :10)
Pour cela il faut faire du bien, être riche en bonnes œuvres, avoir de la libéralité, de la générosité, etc. Conséquence de tout ceci : on s’amasse un trésor dans la banque céleste, où il n’y ni ver ni teigne, ni rouille, ni voleur. (Mat619, 20/Lc12 :23) (Fondement solide).
Le bienfait ajoutera un plus à notre salut.
Voilà pourquoi nous devons faire du bien, faire des œuvres en richesse ; la générosité, la libéralité, sont des actes et des investissements qui nous amassent un trésor inestimable dans la « banque » céleste où les vers ni la teigne ne rongent.
« Recommande-leur de faire du bien, d’être riches en bonnes œuvres, d’avoir de la libéralité, de la générosité, et de s’amasser ainsi pour l’avenir un trésor placé sur un fondement solide, afin de saisir la vie éternelle ! » (1Tim6 :18-19)
Aux noces de l’Agneau, nous présenterons nos œuvres bonnes et justes, tandis qu’au Tribunal de Christ, c’est le Christ qui récompense chacun en fonction de ses œuvres.
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chacka-fan · 4 years
🎇A man that believes Jesus is the Father and the Son of God is dead and is no more asked " if the Son of God rose out of the grave. Then give bible chapter and verse of what nature did he consisted of flesh and blood or Spirit. Because the scriptures only mentions two types of nature's flesh and blood & Spirit according to 1COR15:40. Now if you say fesh and bones then you must produce scripture where flesh and bones is another nature. I'll be waiting for your answer with bible proof. 🔴Do you disagree or agree with the response he was given? 🎇Sir, "if the Son of God rose out of the grave? well here is your proof. The same{identical; not different}  Jesus rose out of the Grave according to Acts 1:11. The same{identical; not different}  Jesus means the Jesus according to Matthew 16:16 which reads "the Christ, the Son of the living God". The same{identical; not different}  Jesus is the SAME Jesus who is also called the Son of Man according to Matthew 24:30. The same{identical; not different}  Jesus is the Jesus we read about in Matthew 1:21, Matthew 1:23 and Matthew 16:16 and Acts 1:11 and Matthew 24:30. The question is what does the SAME{identical; not different}  Jesus represent today. The same{identical; not different}  Jesus represents the Resurrected Lamb of God. The same{identical; not different}  Jesus represents the LIVING Holy Temple of God. The SAME{identical; not different}  Jesus who is resurrected is at the Right Hand of God means the same Jesus that is called the LIVING Holy Temple of God. It is written that Heaven is God's throne, and the throne also means rest, and Heaven is Spirit. It is written that the Earth is God's footstool, so this would mean that Heaven and Earth are at the Right Hand of God. The same{identical; not different}  Jesus is the resurrected SAME IMAGE that God Almighty chooses to be ONE with today. The Son said, "if you have seen me", then you have "seen the Father" and this still applies even to us today. There is no blood in heaven, and the same Jesus was raised Fully Spirit, including Flesh that is fully spirit and Bones that are fully Spirit and we read this in Luke 24:39 simple...reading "as ye see me have". That same{identical; not different}  Jesus from the cross that is also called the Son of Man is a new creature and firstfruits of his kind that consist of Flesh and bone and spirit, and he is without blood because all blood was spilled at the cross for the sins of mankind in order that they may receive the Spirit of God. The Holy Ghost is the Father and Son as one as we read clearly in the Holy Scriptures that enter in at holy baptism. Here are the Father and Son as ONE explaining the process of the Holy Ghost entering in the believer upon faith. John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and {we} will come unto him, and make {our} abode with him. The "WE" and "OUR" means the Father and Son as ONE. And it is also written that those who have the Holy Ghost will also know according to Luke 17:21 when it reads to the believer, "for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you". Now here is the Father and Son as ONE confirming  the Lord our God is ONE Lord, Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me. It states behold I stand...and it states I will come into him...and therefore we also read Revelation 1:8 and  Isaiah 41:4 that confirm the Father and Son as ONE according to John 14:23. Revelation 1:8 reads I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty...and the Almighty is God alone. Isaiah 41:4 reads Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he. Your keywords are "WE and OUR" according to John 14:23, and your keyword is "I" according to Revelation 3:20 and your keyword in Revelation 1:8 is "WAS", "WHICH WAS", and "WHICH IS TO COME", rendering us the understanding in Isaiah 41:4 when we read "I the LORD, the "first", and {with} the "last"; "I am he" because we read the keyword" WITH". The "WITH" is referring to "I THE LORD" who said the key words "WE and OUR". This confirms that Jesus is not the Father and that the Son is not a separate true God beside the Father in heaven at this time, The Same{identical; not different} Jesus according to Acts 1:11 who "WAS" the earthly temple of God "IS" the same Jesus who is "NOW" the "LIVING" SPIRITUAL HOLY TEMPLE OF GOD. Jesus said "I and my Father are one" in his earthly temple according to John 10:30, and Revelation 21:22 tells us that they are "ONE" in HEAVEN even now and Isaiah 9:6 confirms it as well as Revelation 1:8 and Isaiah 41:4 and Isaiah 44:6. The Living Son of God is the LIVING HOLY TEMPLE OF GOD AND HIS GLORY which makes the Father and Son as "ONE" in Heaven even NOW. We need to learn how to read in the Spirit, It is written that Heaven is God's throne, and earth is God's footstool and that Heaven is at the right hand of God. So when we read that the Living Son of God is at the Right Hand of God then this means that the Resurrected Son{IMAGE} of Man who is One with the Father is the Living Holy Temple of God at the Right Hand making Him the True Godhead bodily of Heaven and Earth. When we read Revelation 21:22 And I saw no temple therein: for the "Lord God Almighty" and the "Lamb" are the temple of it. The word "ARE" is your keyword for Father and Son as ONE, and in Isaiah 9:6 the words "Everlasting Father" and "Prince of Peace" are the keywords for the Father and Son as ONE also. And in John 14:23 the keywords for the Father and Son as one are "WE" and "OUR" and this confirms Revelation 3:20 for HE who knocks at the door of mens hearts. Jesus said when "you see him", "we see the Father" because that same Jesus is Resurrected and at the Right Hand of God which would make Him True Lord and True God over all Heaven and Earth because the Father who is the Glory of the Son is ONE with that IMAGE today. When people say that the Son of God lives, this is very true, but not separate in Heaven beside God the Father, but as ONE through the Spirit and Glory of the Father. We read, Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD, and we read His name is the Lord Jesus Christ God Almighty and there is no other God besides Him according to Isaiah 45:5 and Deuteronomy 6:4. So why are you saying that the HOLY TEMPLE of GOD doesn't exist❓ My friend this should seriously clear things up. Take care. PS... If the Kingdom of God was like a 2 story house and God the Father lived on the second floor, how you going to get there is you say the first floor of the house doesn't exist? The first and second floor is ONE house. In order to enter the third heaven you must go through the second heaven, and Heaven is at the right hand of God. The Lord our God is ONE HOUSE and you say it doesn't exist when you say the Son of God is no more.
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zymissy · 5 years
When God Moves 💜 (2Peter 3:8)
'I didn't get everything done in one day either.' -God
This statement caught my attention when I saw it in one of the bookstore in Cubao. For some reason I stopped and reflect. Maybe because I'll be celebrating my birthday and I got to look back on what had happened and the things had change for the past 29 years. 😊
I have a moment to pause and reflect this morning in the prayer mountain in Antipolo with my friend. I really enjoyed the peaceful and quiet time with God and give thanks to Him. He let me try to remember my childhood memories up to the present then I started crying 😭. 'Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed' (1Cor15:51). For me it was a moment of repentance, embracing Christ love, giving thanks and praising God. A lot had happened, lots of lessons, lots of joyful and painful experience and lots of change (big change) that made me and mold me for who I am today. And just like that statement, God moves in so many ways during those years. Years of His faithfulness, years of His goodness and His love and I'm sure He will continue to show me the wonders of His great love and He will keep me as the apple of His eyes for the years to come. (Psalm17:7-8). He is just starting and definitely He will surely make everything done in my life in more years! 😊
Let us learn how to pause, relax, enjoy and trust God as He leads us to His good, pleasing and perfect will in our life. It is not a one day process but through the days/years surely, He will make us the person He wants and designed us to be.
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troubledontlast1 · 5 years
YOU DON’T GET WHAT YOU WANT. YOU GET WHAT YOU WORK FOR. #repost @lbjfactory Today I will do what others won’t, do tomorrow I can do what others can’t. #cant IT IS NOT THE MOUNTAIN WE CONQUER, BUT OURSELVES. #justdoit Work like there is someone working twenty-four hours a day to take it away from you. #will You can’t use prayer to replace laziness. #tomorrow What you do when no one is watching makes all the difference in your life. #focus GIVE EVERYTHING YOU GOT TO EVERYTHING YOU DO. #today You’ve got to keep working like you’ve just started. #present HOW YOU DO ANYTHING IS HOW YOU DO EVERYTHING. #future Stop getting distracted by things that have nothing to do with your goals. #dreams #goals IGNORE THE NOISE, FOCUS ON YOUR WORK. #nba You can’t have a million dollar dream with a minimum wage work ethic. #lebronjames Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work. #kingjames “The soul of a sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the soul of the diligent is fully satisfied.”- Prov13:4 #clevelandcavaliers THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR HARD WORK. #cleveland #motivation The harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing. #inspiration #losangeleslakers Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow. #lakers #losangeles When you focus on what you want, everything else falls away. #cavaliers #lakernation Starve your distractions. Feed your focus. #grind #hustle Focus on your goal. Don’t look in any direction but ahead. #work You don’t lead by telling others what to do. You lead by dominating your own pain, working harder than everyone else and setting an example so high that others are inspired to follow. #hardwork Life is short. Focus on what matters and let go of what doesn’t. #dedication “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them-yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.”- 1Cor15:10 #pain “Stand firm, and you will win life.”- Luke 21:19 #success “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”- Heb10:36 (at Mount Juliet, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bskiy7UlBLt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=oye9o4hs74lk
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Praise the Lord. "When this perishable body puts on imperishability, and this mortal body puts on immortality, then the saying that is written will be fulfilled: 'Death has been swallowed up in Victory!'" Thanks be to God, who gives us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1Cor15:54&56-57) God bless you.
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