nyktv · 1 year
Did you know I make music took? It’s true! (nykTV AudioWorks)
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memolinos · 1 year
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Hear my techno remix for Malizia's TEAR US APART and follow me for more music
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gvrll1k3r · 10 months
i picked up a bag of chips today and the thought the crunch of the bag material was the amen break. fucking christ.
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spicymiilk · 11 months
I was going to be updating two fics tomorrow but unfortunately I had the most appalling day health wise today and probably won’t be able to, unless ya’ll will settle for a short ass chapter of Crop Circles
On a completely separate totally unrelated note, passing out in a grocery store? I don’t recommend.
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snailmusic · 10 months
I’m gonna make an assumption based on your profile picture
You make slow moving music/j
Side note: I have listened to your music a handful of times, I just feel bored and wanted to spice a few things up.
the fastest song ive made was around 60 bpm so that cant be that slow /j
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b0ydyke · 1 month
oh i’m drunk biking home if that’s an option
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snowywisteria · 5 months
can someone tell me if it’s normal for my heart rate to skyrocket with any sort of activity while not eating? cuz i’ve been consistently at ~130bpm even from activities that aren’t straining
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lunarflare64 · 9 months
Reading a term you haven't heard of before and the context says its a corpse thing but the way context describes it also says that its familiar so you look it up and HA! ITS THE CORPSE VERSION OF ONE OF YOUR MEDICAL CONDITIONS! Hey buddy go for a jog or start dancing if the heart ain't fully kicking (or in this case only sometimes kicking) the movement will keep the blood moving around, pooling is a bitch to deal with when you're alive 🤣
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Her heart had about 180bpm before I cardioverted her with my lilfepak 10 defibrillator. It took only two shocks on a low level. Her heart is very accommodating. After the shock session her heart was about 50 bpm.
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389 · 7 months
GENRES: Bass, Breaks, Grime, Garage, Electro, Breakbeats, Hardcore, Jungle, Hard Techno, Breakcore, Throwbacks, Rave 130-180bpms
Di Barsotti - Can You Believe What Happen
Big Animal Theory - Give It Back
Enya, Alex Index - Only Time Edit
Fonzo - Bad Dreams
Daffy - Crooked
Yeke Sefl -Master v1
Christina Aguilera - Genie In A Bottle (Levi Mann Edit)
Levdrac - Best of me
ARTAN - Spencer Elmer She’s A 10 But... [DJ Jackum Edit]
Novelist x Mumdance - 1 Sec (Bushbaby Bootleg)
RANA - Baddadan Dub [airspace records]
Friend Within - RENEGADE MASTER (efan bootleg)
RUN (efan bootleg)
Lewis Aung - Check1
Bianca Oblivion & ONHELL - SINAIS SPICE (Oblivion Edit)
Bianca Oblivion & ONHELL - SINAIS GIRLS (Oblivion Edit)
Basement Jaxx, Joku - Where’s Your Head At
Benkins - Rock The Microphone
Drake - Daylight (borne Remix)
Eliza Rose & Interplanetary Criminal - B.O.T.A. (Baddest Of Them All) (Justus Edit) 
Seul Ensemble - The Ultimate Sex Track
SZG - Behind The Spirit And Soul
Omni Trio- Renegade Snares (Portway Re-Animation)
Yeah Yeah Yeahs, A-Trak - Heads Will Roll (Disaffected Bootleg)
Jamie McLellan - Generation Rave
Friend Within - Renegade Master (Tee Baghead Mix)
Lia Catreux - BAMBAM
Maté - Post Epidemic Boys
DJ Coraçãozinho - Sex on Bq
Toadmilk - Breaking Mind
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unicornsaures · 25 days
with marching band coming up(for me at least), id like to yap about my hcs for the gang if they were to be in a marching band..(exception of steve because i dont know his character well enough to make decent hcs for him😭)
-he would play a trumpet, he gives me major trumpet player vibes
-hes also not very good at playing it, he only joined because Soda did
-actually really good at marching
-either remembers all of his music or none of it
-he gets upset whenever the directors seperate brass and woodwind because soda plays a saxophone😕
-he would take football games very seriously
-NO extra playing in the stands
-fighting for his life every practice because marching at 180bpm and playing a trumpet takes a lot of air that he doesnt have
-thinks the uniforms are cool asf
-he almost died at band camp because he forgot water once
-Darry had to walk him off of the field
-Most hated section; percussion(dally hit him on the head with drumsticks once and he hasnt forgiven him)
-saxophone player !!
-he would be first chair because i said so
-WAY too lenient of a section leader but if you aint got your music memorized youre getting scolded
-really wants to be a drum major but he was never able to 'secure' the spot
-he fell a lot during his freshman year
-tries to teach ponyboy his music/drill spots as best as he can whenever pony gets confused
-not that serious about marching band, he's kinda doing it just because it sounded fun
-thought the uniforms made him look like shit(hes lying)
-remembers basically every show he did by heart
-really upset about quitting band when he dropped out
-Most hated section: Flutes/Piccs(Twobit rants about how much the section sucks)
-Drum major !!!
-he was like an overbearing parent to Soda and Pony during band camp(constantly checking if they had enough water breaks, ate enough each meal, etc)
-played the baritone in concert band and during his freshman year in marching band
-amazing at marching not so much marching and playing at the same time
-he didnt have enough time to practice at home so he only played during band and so his playing was mediocre
-drum major from sophomore to senior year
-he didnt mind the uniforms, he liked the normal uniforms better than drum major uniforms though
-HATED dally during marching band season. only during marching band season though
-director(s) loved him because the band actually listened to him
-got really upset when he graduated but the entire band said they were gonna miss him + the rest of the seniors so that makes it a bit better
-Most hated section: Percussion(Dally annoys him during MB season)
-Piccolo player.
-He thinks it sounds like a dog whistle and likes annoying Dally with it(he gets hit on the head with drum sticks)
-good at playing, bad at marching
-he has overall poor coordination from drinking so often
-his coverdowns suck
-god forbid he's backwards marching
-directors got onto him a lot about it he just couldnt fix his marching, he just sucked
-love/hate relationship w/ his section
-flutes n piccs gotta lot of drama overall, he just tried to ignore it
-(he started most of it)
-he's showed up drunk to a football game and he nearly got kicked out
-^darry had to talk the director out of kicking him out of the band
-annoys johnny all the time during practice considering he likes the clarinet section better
-Constant 'this one time at band camp..' jokes
-he adores the uniforms for some odd reason
-exclusively watches mickey mouse on his way to/from games and comps
-he complained a lot during band camp
-says hes going sober for the season every year(he lies every year)
-Most hated section: Flutes/Piccs(Its his own section, he just doesnt like the other people)(they dont like him either)(im not exaggerating this. flutes have the worst drama ever.)
-Takes marching band VERY seriously
-good distraction for him
-out of the house a lot because of practice
-he has to carpool to get back home basically everyday
-really good at marching, surprisingly
-soda was his marching band brother basically
-stayed as close as possible to dally during warm-up blocks
-liked talking about his music and drill to pony whenever practice ended
-dally told him he did good after a show once and hes never forgotten it
-really quiet during practice
-like pony, fighting for his life trying to get air he doesnt have during practice
-usually ends up talking to pony in the lot after football games
-doesnt really like wearing the uniforms but he thinks they look fine
-type of person to cry at championships
-LOVES stands tunes theyre so fun to him
-Most hated section: Trumpets(No hate to Pony, but theres too many.)
-Percussion - bass drum
-he used to be a snare but he broke 2 of them and the directors gave up
-really irresponsible when it comes to memorizing his music
-he remembers half of the show and just wings it for the rest
-comes up behind people and hits them in the head with drum sticks
-he doesnt even know why hes in band
-he complains about practice every day(who doesnt tbh)
-suffering at band camp
-pale bitch burned so badly its not even funny
-worst mischief during band camp and football games
-annoying the fuck out of darry during water breaks
-Sylvia is in colorguard so its really awkward whenever they see each other
-actually decent at marching
-he just doesnt take it seriously
-he hates stands tunes with a burning passion
-he has to tie his hair up to put on his hat and twobit makes fun of him for having a 'man bun'
-he touched the feathers of a plume with his hands once and darry yelled at him
-hates the uniforms but is convinced he looks good in it(he doesnt)
-Most hated section: Mellophones(He has beef w/ one of the guys who plays one)
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newestmusic · 2 years
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mylittlepump · 10 months
yesterday I could literally feel my heart pounding at almost 180bpm during a late night conversation with the girl I love the most. we were discussing how kinky we were, cause we're really open about both our kinks and stuff, and of course she brought up my cardiophilia thingy (cause she's probably the only person on earth who knows) and GOSHHHHH 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
when I tell you I was getting so excited by just seeing her talking about it, she wasn't physically there to watch obviously, and thank God we were texting, but I could feel my whole chest vibrate with each and every heartbeat, for almost half an hour or even more. I sometimes notice that she mentions something heart related to see my reaction, or she already anticipates my excitement towards it, in a really teasing/seductive way, idk it just drives me fucking crazy. she didn't even say anything sexually arousing in our convo yesterday but she just makes me so happy and I feel finally free to talk to someone who cares about me this deeply. I think I love her way too much. and she doesn't know I do, not in thaaaat way.
I wish my little reckless heart didn't fall in love that uncontrollably tho, now it's starting to beat fast again lol. I think I love being in love, my heart knows it all too well. <3
pd.: we're not even dating or anything, which makes this actually kinda painful because I don't know what to do to get over her, (as far as I know, she says she's straight, but when we're alone I swear to god I FEEL things that make me think she's not that straight 😭 I'm so confused tbh), but every little thing she does just turns me into a pink glittery puddle of love and I fall even harder for her :,) I think I'll just enjoy the ride while I can and let my little heart do its thing hehe
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kragehund-est · 7 minutes
today i was at the zoo, and was reminded of the fact that no matter how well kept the place is or how much the zoo emphasizes respect for the animals, the public is full of shrieking hooligans who feel entitled to harass animals for entertainment. i was also reminded that of all the things that make me angry on this earth, i can keep my patience for almost anything except disrespect towards animals.
that is, i scolded some people who were yelling and clapping to get the attention of some meerkats, and told off a mom to keep her kids under control and leave the peacocks tf alone. and i felt my heart rate spike up to 180bpm both times.
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niallsdaya · 1 year
The fact that I can watch them (fans) dance and jump around the place at 170BMP to a song that’s about anxiety…It’s a really cool thing in my head...I don’t know whether that’s messed up or not...
I’m writing for myself but I know who I’m talking to... My fans, I know what they’re into...I read their stuff online every day.
We all have these panicky moments where you feel like it’s all crumbling! You're constantly telling yourself ‘I’ll be alright’ to calm yourself down....I wanted to put that into a song.
It’s very fast, with that kind of anxious…I was like I wanna get the actual feeling across which is fast heartbeat, crazy thoughts, at 180BPM, so that’s you’re gonna hear on Friday.
I wrote it from my point of view and from helping, and talking to friends who are going through this, basically telling them I’ll be there for them when it melts down.
NIALL HORAN speaking about “Meltdown” from his third album The Show.
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wetcatspellcaster · 22 days
Oh my god.... Maybe I'm stupid, for not picking up on this earlier, but I just realized... Every time astarion comes close to Rosalie, or touches her, and her heartbeat ratchets up to 180bpm....he thought she was SCARED of him 😭. Stop. My stupid idiot babies. No, my good sir, she just has a terminal case of horny brain
I mean, I think if he'd maybe paid a little more attention to other indicating factors, he could've worked it out :') but yes.
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