#178 photographs
fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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Edward Steichen   The Luxembourg Bequest
a cura di  Michel Polfer and Gilles Zeimet
SilvanaEditoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2022, 464 pagine, 540  ill., cartonato, Inglese,  24,50 x 30 cm, ISBN  9788836651559
euro 60,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
In March 1985, the National Museum of Luxembourg unexpectedly received a generous bequest from the estate of Edward Steichen, the Luxembourg-born and world-renowned American photographer. The bequest comprises a total of 178 prints, including 175 photographs by Steichen himself that cover almost all aspects of his photographic oeuvre – from the pictorialist images of his early years to portraiture, fashion, advertising, landscapes, and family photographs.
For the first time, this extraordinary collection is presented in a comprehensive scholarly manner, with full-page illustrations of all 178 photographs. In addition, the publication includes six new essays by five authors that deal with questions of identification, techniques, and dating of the prints as well as their conservation and preservation. They examine the provenance and impact history of the collection and compare the significance of the Luxembourg donation with other bequests made at the same time to institutions in the United States and overseas. The significance of the astonishingly large number of family photographs in the Luxembourg bequest and Steichen’s special role as a mediator of Modernism between Europe and the New World are also explored.
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389 · 2 years
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"Desert Breath", 1997 Danai Stratou, Alexandra Stratou and Stella Konstantinidis A colossal work of art covering 100,000 square meters in the Eastern Sahara of Egypt. It consists of two interlocking logarithmic spirals of 178 cones and is visible from space. She followed the project with the seven great rivers of the Earth, which arose after she recorded with her photographic lens the "grey zones" covering a distance of 30,000 kilometers. From Belfast to Nicosia, Mitrovica, Kashmir, Palestine, Batme and Tijuana, she presented documentaries touching on extremely topical issues such as borders, walls, population movements, etc.
View on Google Earth at coordinates: 27°22'54.59"N, 33°37'48.46"E 
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empressofthewind · 2 months
Fun Facts About Mello:
He is the third youngest character in the series - a little less than 6 months younger than Sayu, and 50 days older than Matt.
His highest rated skill in Volume 13 is his initiative at a 10/10, equal with Misa, Watari and Gevanni. His second highest is his social skills, rated at a 9/10.
He died in a church in Karuizawa, a resort town about 170km (~106mi) out of Tokyo.
His first appearance in the manga is in chapter 59, and his last is in chapter 104 in a brief flashback sequence. He appears in a total of 24 chapters and 244 panels, excluding Linda's drawing of him, his photograph, and any official art separate from the plot. Factoring in all of that, he appears in 266 panels across 28 chapters.
He has his facial scar for 101 of the panels he appears in.
He makes the most appearances in chapters 70 and 77, appearing 27 times in each. Including the official art and the photograph of him, chapter 77 wins by a count of 1.
Of his 244 appearances, Mello can be seen eating chocolate in 88 of them, or 36% of his total screentime. With the inclusion of three panels in which the chocolate itself is not shown (panels of him with crumbs falling from his mouth, a crumpled wrapper in his hand and licking his gloves respectively), this rises to 37%.
The most panels of him eating chocolate take place in chapter 70, with a total of 22 panels showing the chocolate bar in some capacity.
The hand Mello uses to hold his chocolate bar frequently alternates, with 42 instances of him using his right hand and 40 with his left hand. In the other 6 panels, he has it hanging from between his teeth.
He typically bites off the corners first and demonstrates a fairly even split between the decision to bite off the right corner or the left corner, with a slight preference for the right. On one occasion, he chooses to lick the chocolate instead, and on two occasions, he breaks off a piece with his hands.
There are 178 total panels of Mello talking, including dialogue delivered over the phone and other conversations in which he is not visible. 19 of these panels include him talking with his mouth full.
He talks the most to Soichiro Yagami, with 57 panels involving dialogue from Mello directly addressed to him. The next highest is President David Hoope, with 19 panels, and a close third is Near, with 18 panels.
He specifically addresses only 4 of his mafia associates; Kal Snydar/Jack Neylon, Roy, Skyer and Jose. He only speaks directly to Rod Ross twice, and never addresses him by name.
Aside from the flashback in 104, the last person he can be seen talking to is Takada. His last words were "And I don't want to hear a peep, got it?"
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skippyv20 · 9 months
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Photo from the book, The Other Side of the CoinHi Skippy & Friends-Here is a part of this chapter: Our Own Monarch of the Glen, describing how this beautiful portrait came about. In the book on page 178 the author, Angela Kelly writes, “The day of the photo shoot arrived, and we awoke to heavy rain showers. Her Majesty said firmly that she was not going out on the moors in that weather-we would all be soaked through, and the rain would ruin the beautiful velvet, Thistle Robe. After a couple of hours, though, blue sky began to break through the grey clouds-the showers were passing. The Queen called for me and said, ‘If I do this, we go now.’
It was all hands-on deck. I alerted the others and helped The Queen to get ready. In her long gown, tiara and Thistle Robe, she got into the car, and I can only imagine what Her Majesty was thinking as she wrapped and tucked the robe around herself so that she could sit somewhat comfortably. Her face was a picture.
Paul and I followed Her Majesty in the car behind and it only took a short time to drive to the chosen location. Paul, Julian and I helped The Queen out of the car, ensuring that the long robe didn’t drag along the rough ground as she walked to the rock on which she was to stand. Some purple heather surrounded it but not quite enough - Paul and I quickly unearthed a few clumps, making sure to keep the soil around the roots, and placed them nearer to Her Majesty. The beautiful green robe was placed in such a way that it gave the impression of flowing down the grassy moors. Holding the Thistle hat, The Queen looked so elegant and regal. It was moving to see our Sovereign standing amid the stunning Highland scenery.
As Julian took his photographs, The Queen kept shooting pointed looks at me and Paul, as if to say, 'Have you seen the sky?’ It was getting darker by the minute. Eventually Julian was happy that he had the shot he wanted and, job done, we all bust into giggles of relief-even The Queen. Her Majesty removed her tiara and passed it to me with a look that said, 'Are you happy now?’, followed by a twinkle in her eye and a beaming smile. We packed up quickly, replanted the heather in its original position, jumped into our cars and the heavens opened as we headed back to the Castle.
Later that day when we were all in The Queen’s private rooms, it was clear that she thought the shoot had gone well: and with a grin, she said, 'I really enjoyed that!’ ”
This took place in 2010, photographed by Julian Calder on the Scottish moors, near Balmoral. The request asked if it would be possible for her to wear the Thistle Robe, the Vladimir Tiara as she stood in Scottish heather for a book called Keepers: The Ancient Offices of Britain.
It seems like yesterday when the double rainbows happened over London. Pilgrim
Thank you so much!  This is really beautiful!❤️
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aceredshirt13 · 2 years
Era-Adjusted TGAA Character Heights (via Basic Math and Attempted Guesswork)
Unlike the mainline AA games, most of the characters in TGAA aren't given heights - and the heights that are given to characters are completely insane. Granted, there's been plenty of argument about whether some characters in modern AA should have the heights as listed - whether some characters should be taller, or shorter, based on vibes and other things. However. None of them are as insane as Nuri simply REFUSING to acknowledge how much shorter the average Japanese man was in the 1890s as compared to now - and some of the British characters are a touch on the tall side as well. Without further ado, let's look at the canon heights, the real-life averages, and my altered heights as a result, as well as a small number of heights of characters not canonically given them that I just threw in to amuse myself.
(This whole post isn't an in-depth mathematical analysis or anything. It's just all in good fun. And to imagine how much more entertaining some of the height differences between characters, especially across countries, would/should be. Yes, I'm talking about the Dance of Deduction.)
(Also, fair warning, this post is quite long.)
Canon Heights
As an American, I cannot mentally picture heights using centimeters alone, so I had to plug all these into a centimeters-to-feet-and-inches converter. Thus, I have included both the original heights as given by Nuri, and their heights in feet and inches, rounded to the nearest half-inch, for your international viewing pleasure.
Ryunosuke - 168 cm (5’6”)
Kazuma - 174 cm (5’8.5”)
Hosonaga - 178 cm (5’10”)
Susato - 153 cm (5’)
Herlock - 183 cm (6’)
Barok - 192 cm (6’3.5”)
Stronghart - 196 cm (6’5”)
Gina - 160 cm (5’3”)
Iris - 120 cm (3’11”)
(Feel free to skip all this if you’re not interested in how I came up with this. I don’t blame you lol)
Since average height is generally determined by birth year, for the purpose of this height chart, we’re operating by my assumption that TGAA Chronicles is set in the years of 1898-1899 (since it’s mentioned that the Great Exhibition is supposed to be the last hurrah of the nineteenth century, which suggests that it is almost but not quite 1900, and what better year to fit that description than the year literally right before 1900?). Yes, those dates are inconsistent with some aspects of actual history, such as Soseki’s period of study in Britain (which took place from 1900-1903), among other things like when Krakatoa erupted, when Darwin received the Copley medal, and when the Great Exhibition was actually held, but considering Menimemo and Gotts have portable instant cameras when those weren’t invented until the 1960s, and color photographs are inexplicably so easily available that they can be used day-of for crime scene photos (like that of Mason Milverton), I think dates are the least of our worries in whatever out-there alternate universe this takes place in. What this means is that Ryunosuke and Kazuma’s birth year can be assumed to be 1875, Susato’s to be 1882, Barok’s to be 1866, Herlock’s to be 1865, Hosonaga’s to be 1869, Gina’s to be in 1881, and Stronghart’s to be in 1846. (We already know Iris was born in 1889.)
For most of these adjusted heights, what I’m doing is taking the average modern height in both countries, and finding the difference between that and the Meiji/Victorian era height averages. Back then, the average height was 5’3” for Japanese male students born in 1875, 5’2” for Japanese male students born in 1869 (assuming Hosonaga attended university), 5’ for Japanese women born in 1882, and roughly 5’5.5” for British men born in 1865-66, as well as 1846. I could not for the life of me find any charts with specific dates giving height averages for adult women in the Victorian Era, but did find a post claiming the average female height in the era as a whole was 5’2”, so that’s what I’m going with for lack of a better option. And based on some recent height measurements listed on Wikipedia that cover a reasonable portion of the adult population, the current average adult height is 171.8 cm (5’7.5”) for Japanese men, 158.6 cm (5’2.5”) for Japanese women, 175.3 cm (5’9”) for English men, and 161.9 cm (5’3.5”) for English women (the averages in question only pertained to England and not the rest of the UK). This puts Herlock as tall, Barok as very tall, Stronghart as absurdly tall, and Susato and Gina as short and a bit short, respectively, when based on modern heights, as we can assume was perhaps Nuri’s metric. So these calculations are pretty easy: we just subtract 2.5 inches from Susato’s height (the difference between the current average of 5’2.5” and the past average of 5’), 5.5 inches from Hosonaga’s height, 3.5 inches from the heights of Herlock, Barok, and Stronghart, and 1.5 inches from Gina’s height.
But, you’re probably wondering why I didn’t include the heights of Japanese men born in Ryu and Kazuma’s year. Well, that’s because I had a slightly more fun way of determining that. You see, when Ryunosuke first climbs out of that suitcase he was shoved in on the SS Burya, Kazuma makes fun of him for being short - to the point that he suggests he’s barely even a real man. Now, aside from this being an honestly pretty mean thing to say, when compared to modern average heights for Japanese men, it’s also a little bit unreasonable as an insult. Being just an inch and a half shorter than average hardly warrants such a comment, especially from Kazuma, who would be only an inch taller than average. So I had to think that realistically, Ryu would be shorter than that. In order for Ryu to be considered short he’d have to fall well under it, while still having Kazuma be at least slightly taller than average. As a result, five inches have been chopped off both of their heights. So without further ado…
Era-Adjusted Heights
Once again, I am American, so I didn’t really know how to calculate this very well in centimeters. As a result, everything I’ve done has been knocked off in inches, then converted and rounded to the nearest half-centimeter.
Ryunosuke - 5’1” (155 cm)
Kazuma - 5’3.5” (161.5 cm)
Hosonaga - 5’4.5” (164 cm)
Susato - 4’7.5” (141 cm)
Herlock - 5’8.5” (174 cm)
Barok - 6’ (183 cm)
Stronghart - 6’1.5” (186.5 cm)
Gina - 5’1.5” (156 cm)
Iris - 3’11” (120 cm)
Only Iris’s height remains the same here because for one, it is remarkably difficult to find the average height of young Victorian girls, and two, kids grow at wildly different paces. She’s still far shorter than everyone else currently, so I suspect it’s just fine.
Heights I Guesstimated
Since none of these characters are given canon heights, for the sake of my sanity, these are not all individually calculated with each character’s birth year, and are thus just gained from comparisons with the adjusted heights of those other characters in the game.
From rough comparisons with Ryu and Barok in in-game photos:
Yujin - 5’3” (160 cm): Completely average dude.
Jigoku - 5’7” (170 cm): Pretty damn tall for his era, but not Stronghart/van Zieks tall for his era.
Klint - 6’1” (185.5 cm): The only man who could easily look Stronghart in the eye. Nice.
Gregson - 5’11” (180.5 cm): Didn’t realize he was this tall until I saw he was barely shorter than Barok.
From models in credits roughly compared to characters with adjusted canon heights (limited this to reasonably major characters):
Rei - 4’7” (139.5 cm): She’s just a teensy bit shorter than Susato.
Soseki - 4’6” (139.5 cm): I compared him to Hosonaga for this but the important thing is, HE’S SHORTER THAN SUSATO AND REI?? At first I thought he was the same height as Rei but then I remembered from a Twitter post discussing Soseki height that he looked taller because of his geta and IT’S TRUE IT’S LIKE AN EXTRA INCH. (For the record, I’d have given Soseki his real-life height, but I never managed to find it. I don’t imagine he was quite this short, however.)
Albert - 5’1” (155 cm): Oh my God, I didn’t know he was this much shorter than Barok. This is life-changing information. He’s 4.5 inches shorter than average. He’s way shorter than me.
Courtney - 5’10 (178 cm): Wow, she’s tall. More so than most of the men. Technically her model looks slightly taller compared to Gina than this, but it looks like she might be wearing heels when Gina is not, so I knocked her down a half-inch.
Maria - 5’1” (155 cm): Since her head is slightly tilted down in her base model, it looks like she’s probably about Gina’s height - but she’s also wearing heels like her mom, so I knocked her down a half-inch.
McGilded - 4’8.5” (143.5 cm) : I wouldn’t say he’s a major character, per se, but did want to include him here because he’s one of the only characters whose height is talked about - he’s described as short even by the Japanese characters, enough so that his coat doesn’t even fit Gina. So I compared him to Herlock’s model height, and yeah, that sure tracks!
From absolutely nothing but height averages and the vibes I got, since they were not present in credits nor in any photos next to characters with established heights, but are important enough that they deserve heights anyway:
Genshin - 5’3” (160 cm): If we say that Genshin was 35 at the time of his death, then Genshin was born 21 years before Kazuma, so he would probably be slightly shorter than him given the upward trend of height over time. Completely average height for his country and era, just like Yujin. Extremely funny next to Klint’s tall ass, though.
Lady Baskerville - 5’7” (170 cm): I just thought it would be fun if she were pretty tall for her era. I want Iris to be tall. I NEED Iris to be tall. Because, listen, it would be super funny if the combined height of her huge parents meant she outgrew Herlock as an adult.
Fun Comparisons
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Herlock legally cannot perform a dance of deduction with anyone that comes up higher than his ears.
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Barok somehow towers over Ryu and Susato even more than he did before. If he was walking while looking straight ahead, he might not even see them. He probably could see Kazuma, but he also probably doesn’t want to.
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You thought BAROK was tall compared to these three? Honey, you’ve got another storm (maelstrom?) coming.
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Definitely never occurred to me how tall Gregson was until I looked at the picture of him with the van Zieks brothers again. Pretty good height to give Gina the head pats she deserves.
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Definitely had NO idea Albert was THIS short. Perfect height for Barok to just use his hair as a face pillow after a long day of university studying.
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the tall bestie and the two guys whose lives he’s going to ruin
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Nuri is a coward for not letting us have a ten-inch height difference between the pretty boy prosecutor and dead dilftective duo.
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Jigoku IS tall for his era. Just not if you’re a massive evil white man.
Source Charts
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Basically the only height chart about Japan I can find anywhere. I’ve assumed that the student height is college students, and thus hope I am correct.
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I used a different chart than this to get the height averages of the people in Herlock and Barok’s birth years, since this is ever so slightly different and much more general, but I can’t find that one anymore and this one is pretty close to what I determined, so I’ll at the very least include it.
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The only one I could find that went back far enough to include Stronghart. Even if it just gave me the same number anyway.
No idea if this is even true, but it is literally the only information I could find about the height of Victorian women.
And that’s it! Hope you enjoyed, because I spent way too much time on this, and feel free to use these heights for whatever if you want. If you didn’t enjoy, well, too bad, because I (mostly) did.
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whoslaurapalmer · 29 days
asoue but one of the lemonberry ice (your choice) dies before the fire
Kam Why Would You Break My Heart Like This!!!!!
it's not that i intended to pick lemony but lemony was the one i immediately had a thought for and i don't know if i have the thoughts to re-puzzle canon together with the absence of bea or bertrand before the fire, SO
well, right off the bat, the books aren't written. barely anyone knows he's really truly dead because they think he's already been dead for some time. lemony is not alive to set the story straight, he's not alive to mourn and remember his friends, he's not alive to help clear his name, he's not alive to reveal secrets about vfd. he's not alive to help babybea reunite with the baudelaires post-canon.
i think canon is different. i have an idea of how it goes but i am concerned it is, assuming too much about certain points. but. i think, if lemony dies for real before the fire, the kids are taken by vfd.
-we know the kids have been photographed (the end pg 107-108, carnivorous carnival pg 141). we know vfd photographs children before they are taken (unauto). we don't know the intended recipient of the photograph, but we know a 'quick-thinking waitress' shenanigans the photograph from being served in the restaurant and into the alley, where lemony is waiting. i think we can say the kids are being watched by vfd (by some form, some faction, of vfd) and that lemony intercepts this particular photograph taken of them. -what we don't know is why the kids weren't taken anytime before the start of the series. -we all also have different ideas of how involved b+b were in vfd after their marriage, but that passage from the end also reveals that beatrice is still involved in vfd work in some way, so let's say b+b were, at the least, Minorly Involved In Fragmentary Plot Machinations, But Definitely At A Distance From The Rest Of VFD. -maybe b+b are the buffer between vfd and their children. -or maybe it was lemony. -maybe vfd has still been watching the kids this whole entire time, just waiting. -maybe lemony has been, when he can, protecting the children from vfd and intercepting a majority of vfd's surveillance of them. -in canon, dewey suggests that the children were taken, just by olaf instead of vfd (penultimate peril pg 178-184). -and if lemony isn't there to intercept vfd's surveillance, maybe here they are taken by vfd instead of olaf.
-do the baudelaires still go to the guardians? hmmmm. -you can make a case that they could still meet monty, re: the debate about if peru was vfd-related, if monty's herpetological society involvement itself connects to vfd -but while we know josephine is in vfd, i have a harder time making a case that she's still involved in vfd at this point in canon. ike's death has shattered her in a way that i think she's hiding not just from the world but from vfd. -but the idea that vfd is shuffling them between the guardians like chaperones...........i DO like that (-mr poe, in the background, constantly trying to find these kids and just narrowly missing them every single time as vfd moves them around: my goodness, this is a problem.) -i don't think this means the kids are immediately like pro-vfd either though, like i think especially going into it when they're older, with sunny, keeps their 'is this a good organization?' moral wondering, even if they might have access to a little more information. -but i also like the idea of kit being their chaperone. -and they would definitely meet jacques as well -- he wouldn't be searching for them. -olaf, though, is definitely still after the kids, and it might even be easier for him to get closer to them, bc he knows how vfd works and the kids are in vfd. maybe even more deaths, bc olaf has Had It with vfd's involvement -oh, some disguise shenanigans, though. they're all using THE SAME DAMN DISGUISE KIT.
-how does it end..................... -i think penultimate peril is even more of a climax. even more, uh, peril. i'm not sure how though.
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noncompliantcyborg · 7 months
Let's Talk Sea Slugs: Rostanga pulchara
Rostanga pulchara is a small species of dorid nudibranch commonly found grazing on the red sponges that give it its color.
The adult below was 16mm long and 8mm wide, but they can grow to as large as 33mm long (Jensen et al 2018).
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Above - Adult Rostanga pulchara collected from Cattle Point Intertidal, San Juan Island by Babonis Lab, Summer 2022.
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Above - Closeups of Rostanga pulchara. Left - mantle showing the texture and shape of the tubercles. Center - gills. Right - rhinophore.
Along with size and color, a defining characteristic of the nudibranch is its uniquely shaped rhinophores (Jensen et al 2018). One is pictured above on the right.
A good way to find them in the wild is to look for the sponges that they eat. Two of these species are the velvety Clathria pennata and the "volcano-shaped" Acarnus erithacus (Jensen et al 2018). Both sponges are encrusting and highly pigmented.
The pigments from the sponge not only color the adult nudibranchs, but also their eggs (Jensen et al 2018). This can be seen in the early embryos below.
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Above - Rostanga pulchara embryos, 2-cell and 4-cell stages. Viewed on 6/21/2022 under 40x magnification. The center 2-cell embryo was 111 microns across.
A week and a half later, these embryos had developed close to the point of hatching.
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Unhatched veliger larvae, with visible shell anViewed on 7/1/2022 under 40X magnification. The center embryo measured at 125 microns across.
These nudibranchs, like many others, have a larval form called veligers. These veligers have shells and big ciliated lobes.
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Hatched veliger larvae. Viewed on 7/7/2022 under 40X magnification.
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Hatched veliger larvae from the same clutch of original eggs. Viewed on 7/13/2022 under 20X magnification. The larvae on the right was measured as 194 microns across the veler lobes and 178 micros from the top of the shell down to where the veler lobes exit the shell.
Personal lab notes and obervations.
Jensen et al. Beneath Pacific Tides. MolaMarine, 2018.
All photographs by JA Fields, do not repost without express written permission.
*If you appreciate the work I do, you can support me through sharing my work, tipping me, or buying my art prints or embroidery.*
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partisan-by-default · 3 months
A joint production of The Associated Press and PBS’ “Frontline,” statuettes were awarded to Chernov, producer and editor Michelle Mizner and producer Raney Aronson-Rath. The Oscar — and nomination — was a first for both Chernov, an AP video journalist, and the 178-year-old news organization. This was the third nomination and first win for “Frontline.”
Chernov, photographer Evgeniy Maloletka and producer Vasilisa Stepanenko arrived an hour before Russia began bombing the port city. Two weeks later, they were the last journalists working for an international outlet in the city, sending crucial dispatches to the outside world showing civilian casualties of all ages, the digging of mass graves, the bombing of a maternity hospital and the sheer extent of the devastation.
“This is the first Oscar in Ukrainian history, and I’m honored,” an emotional Chernov said. “Probably I will be the first director on this stage to say I wish I’d never made this film, I wish to be able to exchange this to Russia never attacking Ukraine.”
“We can make sure that the history record is set straight and the truth will prevail, and that the people of Mariupol, and those who have given their lives, will never be forgotten. Because cinema forms memories and memories form history.”
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ghostberriezzz · 11 months
all info i have on the drdt characters
i have no idea how to use tumblr help data is accurate for up to chapter 2 ep 11 This took an absolute absurd amount of time, i had to rewatch the whole thing multiple times to get all of this plus digging around the official website and finding secrets. plus for my non americans out there i converted the imperial stuff to metric too! :D
Teruko Tawaki:
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Quote: “I will survive this, no matter what!”
Talent: Ultimate Lucky Student Official Description: The protagonist. Despite having the Ultimate title of “Lucky Student, of her peers. it seems like the only luck Teruko has is bad luck. Accidents and misfortunes constantly plague Teruko and those around her. Despite this, she remains courageous and confident in her own abilities. Teruko has a natural inclination to be a bit distrustful”
Secret Quote: " it is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust no one at all." Mai Description: some years ago, she was searching for someone named ‘teruko tawaki.’ Secret: ? Received secret of: Rose Lacroix
Personal Weapon: Hunting knife
Height: 5'8" / 172.72 cm
Weight: 120 lbs / 54.43 kg
Chest: 36 in / 91.44 cm
Birthday: January 7th
Likes: Ocean breeze
Dislikes: Vehicles
Charles Cuevas:
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Quote: “Heh. It’s a waste of my time talking to an imbecile like you.”
Talent: Ultimate Chemist
Official Description: While there’s no doubt that the Ultimate Chemist is very educated and talented in the field of chemistry, Charles Cuevas has no qualms on using those facts to lord his intellectual superiority over others. He looks down upon those he views as less intelligent. On the flipside, Charles is easy to tease and often loses his cool if made fun of.
Secret Quote: "if you forgot it, then it probably wasn’t important to begin with. none of those memories should ever be kept anyway." Mai Description: a girl who loves her family. Secret: Your older brother died, but you don't remember him at all.
Received secret of: Eden Tobisa
Personal Weapon: Strychnine
Height: 5'9" / 175.26 cm
Weight: 151 lbs / 68.49 kg
Chest: 30 in / 76.20 cm
Birthday: September 5th
Likes: Coffee ice cream
Dislikes: Dogs
Rose Lacroix:
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Quote: “…What are we talking about? I wasn’t paying attention.”
Talent: Ultimate Art Forger
Official Description: As the Ultimate Art Forger, Rose Lacroix paints copies of famous masterpieces that are so realistic that they’re often mistaken for the real thing. She owes her forgery talent to her photographic memory. Despite this, Rose is very absent-minded and rarely pays attention to things. She’ll often zone out in the middle of a conversation, or worse, fall asleep.
Secret Quote: "in the end, the only thing i can do is watch my wretched life go on." Mai Description: she remembers everything that is important to others. Secret: You took on your talent to earn money for your family. But you've since put in them in a lifetime of debt.
Received secret of: Whit Young
Personal Weapon: Turpentine
Height: 5'4" / 162.56 cm
Weight: 121 lbs / 54.88 kg
Chest: 32 in / 81.28 cm
Birthday: November 29th
Likes: Sleeping
Dislikes: Conversation
Arturo Giles:
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Quote: “I only talk to attractive people, so you can get out of my sight.”
Talent: Ultimate Plastic Surgeon
Official Description: Arturo Giles is a Plastic Surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. He worships those who possess beauty, and shuns those who are “ugly,” an adjective that he applies to just about everyone. Arturo is rude, condescending, and has little value for others…unless you happen to be a gorgeous celebrity, in which case he’ll kiss up to you.
Secret Quote: "you hated them, but even that doesn’t justify what you did." Mai Description: a girl who sees the beauty in everyone. Secret: Your younger sister killed herself because of you. You should have never left.
Received secret of: Julia Rosales
Personal Weapon: Scalpel
Height: 6'3" / 190.50 cm
Weight: 178 lbs / 80.74 kg
Chest: 33 in / 83.82 cm
Birthday: May 1st
Likes: Tabloids
Dislikes: Unclean air
Levi Fontana:
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Quote: “I will do my utmost best to make sure that you all are safe.”
Talent: Ultimate Personal Stylist
Official Description: His appearance may be intimidating, but Levi Fontana has the innocuous talent of Personal Stylist. He has a serious nature and rarely displays strong emotions, but he takes care of his classmates and does his best to help them. Levi seems to have a dangerous past that he’s unwilling to talk about.
Secret Quote: " i always believed that a person is defined by their actions alone. but maybe that’s just a poor excuse for my heartlessness." Mai Description: a girl with a floral tattoo on her arm. Secret: ?
Received secret of: Arei Nageishi
Personal Weapon: Brass knuckles
Height: 6'1" / 185.42 cm
Weight: 205 lbs / 92.99 kg
Chest: 49 in / 124.46
Birthday: March 24th
Likes: Suckers (candy)
Dislikes: Unpredictable people
Whit Young:
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Quote: “Pfft, what’s wrong with a little joke every now and then?”
Talent: Ultimate Matchmaker
Official Description: It’s said that if you get the Ultimate Matchmaker to find you a romantic partner, you’re guaranteed to have a happy and stable relationship for life. Unfortunately for Whit Young, he seems to lack all luck when it comes to finding a relationship himself. Whit is seemingly unable to take any situation seriously. He’s always cracking jokes and making light of things.
Secret Quote: "we tend to idolize the dead." Mai Description: a girl with many friends. Secret: Your mother is dead. You always omit that truth.
Received secret of: David Chiem
Personal Weapon: Stationary
Height: 5'6" / 167.64 cm
Weight: 142 lbs / 64.41kg
Chest: 31 in / 78.74 cm
Birthday: Febuary 15th
Likes: Puns
Dislikes: Valentine’s Day
Eden Tobisa:
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Quote: “I hope we all become good friends!”
Talent: Ultimate Clockmaker
Official Description: Peppy, diligent, and always punctual, Eden Tobisa is the cheerful Clockmaker. She has a bit of a tendency to overwork herself as she gets absorbed into her work sometimes. While it may seem that Eden is a tad on the emotional or naive side, in the end she’s still a regular girl who likes hanging out.
Secret Quote: "you can’t go back, no matter how hard you try." Mai Description: a girl who kept calling the number, even though no one picked it up. Secret: Ever since you kissed her, you were afraid your sexuality would ruin your friendships.
Received secret of: Arturo Giles
Personal Weapon: Wrench
Height: 5'2" / 157.48
Weight: 110 lbs / 49.90
Chest: 32 in / 81.28
Birthday: December 31st
Likes: Sweet foods
Dislikes: Bitter foods
Julia Rosales:
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Quote: “Tch, you’re so goddamn annoying.”
Talent: Ultimate Effects Artist
Official Description: Julia “J” Rosales specializes in theatrical special effects, and has worked on many famous plays and musicals throughout her life. She hates actors, believing that all actors are egotistical spotlight-hogs. While she tries to act tough, in truth she’s quite vulnerable on the inside.
Secret Quote: "Please don’t call me your daughter ever again." Mai Description: she kept it a secret, and told no one. Secret: You hide your name and birthright to pretend that you aren't the daughter of Mariabella Rosales.
Received secret of: Charles Cuevas
Personal Weapon: Universal Remote
Height: 5'7" / 170.18 cm
Weight: 139 lbs / 63.05
Chest: 37 in / 93.98 cm
Birthday: April 20th
Likes: Dark clothing
Dislikes: “Girly” things
Hu Jing:
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Quote: “Can you please try and act with a little more maturity?”
Talent: Ultimate Zither Player
Official Description: Hu Jing is an incredibly talented musician who specializes as the Ultimate Zither Player. It’s said that even a listening to a few minutes of one of her performances will bring tears to even the hardest of hearts. Hu possesses a very motherly personality, and does her best to maintain order in the group. At times, her nagging nature shows.
Secret Quote: "i want to pay for what i’ve done, but even then, i still want to live." Mai Description: a girl who wanted to keep everyone safe. Secret: ?
Received secret of: ?
Personal Weapon: Wire
Height: 5'10" / 177.80 cm
Weight: 150 lbs / 68.04 kg
Chest: 39 in / 99.06 cm
Birthday: April 12th
Likes: Daikon
Dislikes: Math
Nico Hakobyan:
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Quote: “A-ah…uhm…I’m sorry…please don’t shout at me.”
Talent: Ultimate Pet Therapist
Official Description: As the Ultimate Pet Therapist, Nico Hakobyan possesses an incredible synergy with animals and works with owners to address behavioral issues in their pets. Yet by spending so much time around animals, Nico may have forgotten how to act around humans. They are quite nervous around others and sometimes struggle to word things correctly.
Secret Quote: "why should i own up for the mistakes someone else made?" Mai Description: everyone confided in her. Secret: No one accepted you because of your identity. You were constantly mocked by your family, your peers, and everyone else.
Received secret of: Ace Markey
Personal Weapon: Laser pointer
Height: 5'5" / 165.10 cm
Weight: 132 lbs / 59.87 kg
Chest: 32 in / 81.28 cm
Birthday: December 19th
Likes: Cat-themed things
Dislikes: Bathtubs
Ace Markey:
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Quote: “The fuck, do you wanna fight? …Wait, shit, don’t actually come over here-!”
Talent: Ultimate Jockey
Official Description: Ace Markey is an incredible Jockey, having won dozens of awards for his jockeying abilities…and yet he completely detests the sport. Ace is incredibly aggressive and constantly lashing out at others, and yet at the same time is a massive coward. He’s all bark, no bite.
Secret Quote: "i don’t know what to do with myself anymore." Mai Description: a girl who had a bright future. Secret: Your body is falling apart, but you still refuse to eat.
Received secret of: Nico Hakobyan
Personal Weapon: Riding crop
Height: 5'5" / 165.10 cm
Weight: 117 lbs / 53.07 kg
Chest: 28 in / 71.12 cm
Birthday: October 31st
Likes: Mint
Dislikes: Meat
Arei Nageishi:
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Quote: “If I tell you a secret, will you promise to keep it?”
Talent: Ultimate Bowler
Official Description:
Secret Quote: "because thats what friends do." Mai Description: she doesn’t like it when her friends fight. Secret: Blackmail, rumors, lying, stealing, slander. You did everything you could to ruin your sisters' lives.
Received secret of: ?
Personal Weapon: Rope
Height: 5'7" / 170.18 cm Weight: 128 lbs /58.06 kg Chest: 33 in / 83.82 cm
Birthday: November 3rd Likes: Gossip Dislikes: Being ignored
Min Jeung:
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Quote: “Sorry, but could you please not disturb me? I’m trying to study right now.”
Talent: Ultimate Student
Official Description: Min Jeung is one of the top school performers in the nation, and as thus has rightfully earned the title of Ultimate Student. Her talents lie in her diligence at studying and her excellent memory. She is almost always seen quietly studying, never wasting a single opportunity to prep for school, and gets annoyed if she is distracted from this task.
Secret Quote: "i wanted to save you." Mai Description: an average girl with nothing special at all about her. Secret: ?
Received secret of: ?
Personal Weapon: Pen
Height: 5'8" / 172.72 cm Weight: 138 lbs / 62.60 kg Chest: 34 in / 86.36 cm
Birthday: July 10th Likes: Tarantulas Dislikes: Children
Alexander Matthews:
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Quote: “Screw the rules!”
Talent: Ultimate Rebel
Official Description: Loud in both voice and personality, Alexander “Xander” Matthews earned the title of Ultimate Rebel through his consistent tendency to go against the status quo and break the rules. Xander has a strong sense of morals, and is constantly trying to right the world’s wrongs. Don’t accuse him of being just a rule-breaking problem child, though. He gets worked up very easily.
Secret Quote: survivor guilt(n): feelings of guilt for having survived a catastrophe in which others died Mai Description: she couldn’t stand to do nothing. Secret: How can I even select what secret to be your motive? Just about everything you've done in your life is worth killing for. The killing game is all your fault.
Received secret of: ?
Personal Weapon: Pistol
Height: 6'0" / 182.88 cm Weight: 170 lbs / 77.11 kg Chest: 36 in / 91.44 cm
Birthday: June 15th Likes: Volunteering Dislikes: Unmotivated people
Veronika Grebenshchikova:
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Quote: “A killing game? Hmm, how interesting…”
Talent: Ultimate Horror Fanatic
Official Description: Veronika Grebenshchikova is in constant pursuit of the thrill of being scared, leading to an interest in horror fiction. Her intense consumption and studies of the horror genre have earned her the title of Ultimate Horror Fanatic. She is embarrassed about her tendency to get carried away when talking about horror.
Secret Quote: "once something has been broken, it can never be pieced together in quite the same way again. the same goes for people." Mai Description: a girl who didn’t foresee the consequences. Secret: ?
Received secret of: ?
Personal Weapon: Horror collection
Height: 5'8" / 172.72 cm Weight: 145 lbs / 65.77 kg Chest: 37 in / 93.98 cm
Birthday: August 7th Likes: Skateboarding Dislikes: Boredom
David Chiem:
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Quote: “You can definitely achieve your dreams, I believe in you!”
Talent: Ultimate Inspirational Speaker
Official Description: David Chiem is a renowned Inspirational Speaker who has motivated many people through his uplifting speeches. As one would expect, David is a constantly optimistic personality who encourages those around him to keep on moving. His true personality may be more pessimistic and lazy than he lets on, according to some (unreliable) sources
Secret Quote: "i hate you, i hate you, i hate you. i wish you would just die." Mai Description: she forgives everyone. Secret: You exist to manipulate others. Everyone else exists to be taken advantage of.
Received secret of: Alexander Matthews
Personal Weapon: Megaphone
Height: 5'9" / 175.26 cm Weight: 152 lbs / 68.95 kg Chest: 32 in / 81.28
Birthday: August 9th Likes: Ready-make oatmeal Dislikes: Expensive things
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Quote: “I’m the most beloved character in the cast!”
Talent: “Ultimate TV Show Host”
Official Description: A strange robot with a television for a head. MonoTV claims to be the “Ultimate TV Show Host” who is in charge of an unheard of reality TV show called “Danganronpa: Despair Time.” Although it says it’s in charge, it seems to incompetent in most things. Also, claims to be a dog despite looking nothing like one.
Secret Quote: "her name is mai akasaki." Mai Description: it’s all your fault.
Height: 2'7" / 78.74 cm Weight: 25 lbs / 11.34 kg Chest: 16 in / 40.64 km
Birthday: January 0th Likes: Sponsorships Dislikes: Being bullied
Mai Akasaki:
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Quote: There’s a way for you to be happy.
Talent: Ultimate ???
Secret Quote: All you have to do is ask for my hand, and I’ll give it to you. Ask for my life, and I’ll give it to you as well. Don’t apologize for asking. I’ll give you my forgiveness too.
Height: 5'8" / 172.72 cm Weight: 124 lbs / 56.25 kg Chest: 30 in / 76.20 cm
Birthday: February 1st Likes: Phone charms Dislikes: Silence
Top 3... (for funnies and sillies)
tallest characters:
#1: arturo giles - 6'3" / 190.50 cm #2: levi fontana - 6'1" / 185.42 cm #3: alexander matthews - 6'0" / 182.88 cm
shortest characters:
#1: eden tobisa - 5'2" / 157.48 #2: rose lacroix - 5'4" / 162.56 cm #3: ace markey/nico hakobyan (tie) - 5'5" / 165.10 cm
heaviest characters:
#1: levi fontana - 205 lbs / 92.99 kg #2: arturo giles - 178 lbs / 80.74 kg #3: alexander matthews - 170 lbs / 77.11 kg
lightest characters:
#1: eden tobisa - 110 lbs / 49.90 #2: ace markey - 117 lbs / 53.07 kg #3: teruko tawaki - 120 lbs / 54.43 kg
biggest chests:
#1: levi fontana - 49 in / 124.46 #2: hu jing - 39 in / 99.06 cm #3: julia rosales - 37 in / 93.98 cm
smallest chests:
#1: ace markey - 28 in / 71.12 cm #2: charles cuevas/mai akasaki (tie) - 30 in / 76.20 cm #3: whit young - 31 in / 78.74 cm (these dont include monotv of course)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 8 months
Boris Becker Bankruptcy Bad Investments Nigerian Oil Ghana and Internet scrubbing: Just who is Misan Harriman? by u/Maleficent-Trifle940
Boris Becker, Bankruptcy, Bad Investments, Nigerian Oil, Ghana and Internet scrubbing: Just who is Misan Harriman? ​Misan Harriman, Lilly Becker, Boris Becker, Photo: Dafydd Jones: Dafjones.comWe've seen enough of his 'photography' to understand 'mild-mannered photographer' isn't really his 'jam'. Sinners familiar with his 'work' won't be surprised he only took up photography in 2019 when his wife gave him a camera for his 40th birthday.A search of the internet will almost exclusively turn up articles about Harriman's now well known connection to Meghan Markle and Harry, he also photographed Beatrice & Edo for their engagement announcement. You might catch wind of his 'groundbreaking' British Vogue cover or his 'photojournalism' of the BLM protests in Britain, perhaps even his involvement with Sistah Space (of the wildly inauthentically costumed and ill-mannered NgoziFulani fame). Maybe even his Disney photocall for real life small children or how Soho house occasionally promotes his work.But what the internet doesn't want you to read about Harriman seems far more interesting. Prior to his royal related re-invention, Harriman was previously described as a 'business partner' of Boris Becker. Such was Harriman's presence in Becker's life he was quoted saying "‘I’m like the other woman in his marriage’". Boris as you may know has run into some money difficulties over the past decade or so, including bankruptcy and losing most of his fortune, resulting in time in prison. In fact, despite their apparent closeness I could only find one photo of Boris & Misan together (above). Articles connecting the two either no longer exist/have had Harriman's name deleted/are behind a paywall.Curiously, Misan-pre-Meghan, is on the record chatting about Nigerian Oil here: Misan Harriman, The Mastermind Behind the Digital Platform What We Seee - Best blogs about lifestyle, #1 Fashion and lifestyle blogs (zezeonline.com) - amongst other things like his time as a club promoter and digital PR strategist. This is a rather curious connection as, wouldn't you know, it has been reported Boris Becker lost his $178 million fortune 'investing in Nigerian oil firms' - NZ Herald. According to Der Spiegel, "a Nigerian employee of Becker's "prepared a deal in which at least ten million dollars should be invested in Nigerian oil wells".Fellow Sinners, over to you. It's time for some serious sleuthing and an answer to the question: Who is Misan Harriman really? post link: https://ift.tt/tiPjl6q author: Maleficent-Trifle940 submitted: October 01, 2023 at 02:03PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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France will invest 13.3 billion euros in SCAF and Rafale by 2035
In total, all payment credits already allocated to these two programs reach 1.6 billion euros for SCAF and 11.7 billion euros for Rafale.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/13/2023 - 21:25 in Military
Behind the United States, France wants to maintain its leadership in combat aviation. That is why it will invest colossal amounts during the period 2023-2026 in the European SCAF program and Rafale.
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France is investing massively in its combat aviation to remain in the major leagues. Thus, the Future Air Combat System (SCAF) program, led by France, is gaining momentum. And this is very clearly seen at the budgetary level. This emblematic European program between Germany, Spain and France is also beginning to weigh on the budget of the French Ministry of the Armed Forces. Thus, over the four years of the period 2023-2026, the payment credits for the system of air combat systems of the future (combat planes, drones, weapons, combat cloud, etc.) reach 1.36 billion euros. In addition to 2026, the Ministry of the Armed Forces also plans to spend almost 300 million additional euros. Or 1.65 billion euros in total already budgeted.
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Signed in December 2022, the contract for phase 1B of the SCAF, whose value reaches more than 3 billion euros equally financed between Germany, Spain and France, has an approximate duration of 36 months. The current work concerns the development of a technological demonstration program aimed at bringing innovative capabilities in the field of combat aviation. To this amount are added national investments from France. Thus, the main commitments planned for 2024 for the SCAF concern investments in the technical direction centers of the Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) and the national work in support of the demonstration program.
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While waiting for the commissioning of the SCAF program beyond 2045, France continues to invest massively in Rafale. There are 6.4 billion euros, including 128 million for the nEUROn (UCAV) recently released from the naphthalene under the military programming law 2024-2030, during the period 2023-2026. The Ministry of the Armed Forces has also budgeted payment credits in the amount of 5.36 billion euros in addition to 2026. This represents a total of 11.76 billion euros, which will partially end up in the coffers of Rafale's main contractor, Dassault Aviation, which will then redistribute to the 400 companies working in this crucial program for France, including Thales and Safran. This figure includes economic increases due to inflation.
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Of this total, France continues to finance the Rafale F4 (2.27 billion euros), whose standard qualification 4.2 delayed one year (2025 instead of 2024). This version will make it possible to face evolving threats in more contested engagement contexts, notably improving connected collaborative combat capabilities. The Ministry of the Armed Forces begins the reinforcement of the Rafale F5 program (111.9 million euros) at the budget level with, in 2024, the continuation of work related to the RBE2 XG radar and risk reduction studies. But most of these budgeted credits refer to payments on the delivery of Rafale, 13 copies of which will be delivered in 2023 and then in 2024. This represents a total of 8.5 billion, including 3.7 billion during the period 2023-2026.
The ministry is currently negotiating with Dassault Aviation a new Rafale order for the French Air Force, which should be announced by the end of this year (42 units). The future LPM foresees a Rafale (Air + Maritime) fleet of 178 aircraft by the end of 2030 and 225 aircraft by 2035.
Source: La Tribune
Tags: Armée de l'air - French Air Force/French Air ForceMilitary AviationDassault RafaleSCAF
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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letsgethaunted · 1 month
Episode 178: The Deepest Dive on The Jeffrey Epstein Conspiracy, PART 3 *IS LIVE*!
Image 01: Prince Andrew visiting convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in 2011 because he is “too honorable” to break their friendship over the phone. Image 02: Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, getting her toes “sucked” on vacation by her financier while married to Prince Andrew. Image 03: The Daily Mirror, a Maxwell family publication, broke the royal scandal first. Image 04: A note allegedly written by Princess Diana in her handwriting on her stationary to her then butler, Paul Burrell, foretelling a planned car accident. The evidence was dismissed by critics despite numerous verified letters by Diana which matched. Image 05: Bill Clinton gaslights the nation into thinking he didn’t have an affair. Image 06: The painting “Parsing Bill” by Ryan-Klied hung in Epstein’s home. The painting depicts Clinton in the blue dress that was labeled as “an insurance policy” and used as evidence to prove Clinton had an affair. Image 07: Bill Gates was allegedly threatened by Epstein over email regarding his alleged affair with Russian bridge player, Mila Antonova. Around the time of the alleged affair, Mila was photographed with alleged Kremlin spy, Anna Chapman. Image 08: Conspiracy theorists claim that Epstein is alive and the body pulled from Epstein’s cell was not Epstein. Image 09: Some people even claim Epstein is a 300 year old vampire, and that perhaps Andrew Jackson and Jeffrey Epstein are the same person. Image 10: In January of 2024, former Fox News host Megyn Kelly claimed we might hear from Epstein directly this year. What do you guys think? Is Epstein alive?
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amysteryspot · 1 year
I can't help but also ask for #10 and either John or Tommy. I immediately think John but gosh I could see someone doing it to Tommy, too.
Pairing: John Shelby x Reader
Warnings: cheating (non explict); swearing; reader is bisexual; modern!AU; angst
Word Count: 178
Prompt: 10. I don't play anymore, I went through your phone and called the girls in your DMs and took all them home.
A/N: Ginger, anything for you. I chose John for this one, but as you said, it totally suits Tommy too. Maybe I'll do one for him later if you want.
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“Love, I can explain.” He pleads with you, trying to reach out for your hand but you take a step back. “It was just a mistake.”
“The first time you did it was a mistake, after that they were choices and from what I know you had a lot of choices.” Taking a deep breath you continue.
“It isn’t like that, I swear.” You know he is getting desperate.
“No, John. I don’t play anymore.” You said getting up from your seat and throwing him a couple of photos. “I went through your phone and called the girls in your DMs and took all them home.”
Watching him go through the photographs in shock, you realized John certainly didn’t expect that behavior from you, his always faithful and loyal girlfriend. But you were tired of people laughing at your expense.
"It's over, John.” You finally say. “Now you're as free as a bird to do whatever the hell you want.” With that you take your coat and purse to leave behind the only man you've ever loved.
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tilbageidanmark · 1 day
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Movies I watched this week (#178):
2 X Wojciech Jerzy Has + 2 X Bruno Schulz:
🍿 Bruno Schulz, "The Polish Kafka", is regarded as 'one of the finest Polish prose stylists of the 20th century'. Before being killed by the Gestapo in 1942, he published only 2 small works. Both were adapted to the cinema later on.
The Hourglass Sanatorium (1973) is a wild surrealist interpretation of Schulz's stories. An acclaimed masterpiece of Borgesian proportions, but where the magical realism is of the Eastern European type, played by poor Shtetl-Jews. A dark, decrepit nightmare, covered with spiderwebs, years before Terry Gilliam ploughed through the same insanities. Schrodinger time-shifts, mysterious doppelgängers, grotesque wax mannequins and lots of sensuality among the ruins. It's a heady, bizarro work of mythological unease. And the final dream scenes connect the story to the holocaust and the annihilation of this world, taking place in graveyards and on the shocking deportation lines. It's Heavy!
🍿 Accordion, Jerzy Has's first short, was how I discovered him. A wordless, bleak fable from 1947, about a son of a poor shoemaker who dreams about buying a used 'Harmonia'.
🍿 Street of Crocodiles on the other hand, the second Bruno Schulz adaptation, was a let down. Dark British stop-animation puppetry, wordless, confusing and in dirty back alleys. An experimental mood piece in a Jan Švankmajer style, but without the charm. M'eh. 1/10.
(Meanwhile I am listening to the music score for Kieślowski's Three Colors: Blue.)
Six by Sondheim, a 2013 documentary and my introduction to composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim. Absolutely beautiful! (And I loved his Ethel Merman / Loretta Young anecdote...) 8/10.
I have to start searching for his full repertoire. (Or at least I should re-visit 'Marriage Story' one more time...)
2 by female directors:
🍿 On May 9, 1954, two days before the start of 'La Pointe Courte', her first feature film, Agnès Varda took a photograph of a naked man, a boy named Ulysse and a dead goat on the beach of Calais. (Photo Above). In 1983, she recreated that experience in the documentary Ulysse, an evocative reflection about the time machine of memory, history and art. It’s my 15th Varda film, and was as good as the best of them - 9/10. [*Female Director*].
🍿 Possibly in Michigan (1983) an avant-garde horror musical about cannibalism, a feminist revenge fantasy. Two women shopping for perfume at a department store, are being stalked by a masked serial killer. Artsy and disturbing. A complete review here. [*Female Director*].
The Browning Version, a British public school drama from 1951. Michael Redgrave gave a tremendous performance as a repressed and meek teacher, isolated and unloved. His contemptuous wife has an affair with a coworker, his nickname by his pupils is 'Himmler of the Fifth Ward', and on his last day of his last term, he's denied his pension. It's a story of failure and heartbreak.
Benoît Magimel X 3:
🍿 "...La Salope…… La Salope.... La Salooope..."
Magimel made his debut performance as a 12 year old delinquent in the quirky comedy Life Is a Long Quiet River, which tackled the question of Nature vs. Nurture in a wry and unexpected way. 2 babies get swapped at the hospital out of spite. One belongs to a rich family, the other to a poor one.
I never heard of it before, didn't know what to expect - and enjoyed it very much. 7/10.
🍿 The Bridesmaid, my 11th Amour Fou thriller by Claude Chabrol, made 6 years before his death. It started effortlessly and smooth, and was a delight to watch. But then Magimel meets and falls hopelessly in love with an enigmatic, 'unusual' woman, who's also a compulsive liar and a psychotic nutcase, and the rest just didn't work out. 3/10.
🍿 In Putain de Porte from 1994, 4 guys, including very young Vincent Cassel, Mathieu Kassovitz, and Magimel try to crash a party they were not invited to. M'eh.
3 by Dutch Bert Haanstra:
🍿 Glass, a short documentary from 1958, and the first Oscar win for The Netherlands. A highly-satisfying jazzy poem with terrific score, performed by The Pim Jacobs Quintet. My best film of the week - 10/10.
🍿 Zoo, made 3 years later, is similarly wonderful. Filmed with hidden camera, it draws parallels between the animals at the zoo and the many visitors who come to observe them, but really, behave in exactly the same ways. 9/10.
🍿 Fanfare was another successful comedy which he directed in 1958, and one which for decades, was “the most popular of all Dutch films”. It's a charming low-brow entertainment [what the Danes call 'Folkekomedie'] about a musical feud in a small touristy village. Its bucolic country all the way: Cows in the meadows, beer steins in the coffee hall, love in the haystacks, a trombone band, the whole nine yards. The only things missing were Gouda cheese wheels, wooden clogs and stork nests.
2 with Anne Miller:
🍿 I'm getting more and more enamored with old-fashioned musicals, especially from the technicolor era, and all the ones with Fred Astaire. He was such a happy dancer! Easter parade is a Pygmalion story with the usual power imbalance: He's 49, and Judy Garland is 26. But they were so wonderful! Ann Miller, (as was her custom I guess), played the the third wheel to their romance.
🍿 I think that Room Service was the only Marx Brothers comedy I haven't seen before. Their best comedies were masterpieces, but the weak ones were pitiful. The whole plot was about the three of them not able to pay their hotel bill, so basically it was "based on a true story". Ann Miller and young Lucille Ball served as background decorations. Jumpin' butterballs! 2/10.
My friend Simon is going through the classic works of Russian literature (Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Etc.), and is currently heavy into Nikolai Gogol. So in sympathy I tried watching the 1926 silent Soviet version of The Overcoat. Unfortunately, I couldn't finish it.
2 juvenile comedies by Steve Pink:
🍿 "Excuse me, Miss, what color is Michael Jackson?"
In the opening scene of the gross-out guy comedy Hot Tub Time Machine, Craig Robinson pulls out a BMW key out of a dog's ass. Right off the bat, you know if this screwball time-machine story is for you. With ‘method actor’ Rob Corddry playing a raging asshole, (which he seems to be doing very well), and naked cameo of Megan Calvet-Draper. Raunchy but funny in parts. 7/10.
🍿 I shouldn't have tried to follow it up with his trashy teenage comedy Accepted. Jonah Hill, a year before 'Superbad', with about 100 lb. more, young Blake Lively, angry Lewis Blake and Dr. Frederick Chilton get together 1/2 a star (out of 10). For the rest, I could barely stay for half an hour, before having to turn it off. it was "Super Bad"!...
New discovery - The brilliant shorts of Arthur Lipsett!
🍿 Arthur Lipsett was a visionary Canadian avant-garde artist, who suffered from schizophrenia, and who eventually killed himself. His 1963 montage film 21-87 was a tremendous collage of discarded snippets found on the editing floor of the National Board Of Canada where he worked as an editor. 10/10.
🍿 Very nice, very nice, his very first film from 1961, was just as unique. It was nominated for an Oscar, and was adored by Stanley Kubrick, who subsequently offered Lipsett a job as the editor of the trailer for 'Dr. Strangelove'. Another 10/10.
🍿 Free Fall (1964) was even darker and more chaotic, with definite hints of psychosis. He had a brilliant sense of juxtaposition and collage, both sights and sounds.
"You made me the happiest juvenile delinquent in Baltimore!..."
First watch: John Waters’ most mainstream attempt Cry-Baby, a 1950's 'Squares vs. Hill-billies' teen rebel musical. Elvis + Grease + Rebel without a cause with Tracy Lords and Willem Dafoe and Iggy Pop and Joe Dallesandro. 3/10.
“Back to the salt mines…”
James Bond No. 2, From Russia with love, before the series got ts footing. With blond villain Robert Shaw, and primitive levels of intrigues and suspense. Best producer fruit-name still goes to Albert R. Broccoli. 3/10.
More random bunch of acclaimed 10-minute shorts:
🍿 In the Darkness of Time, J-L Godard's 2002 collage of poetic images, juxtaposed into a mosaic of concepts: love, art, memory, death, humanity, destruction and cinema. He really was 'un poète' first and foremost.
🍿 René Laloux 1964 visual essay, Dead Times. A sardonic, surrealistic poem about Man's inherit need to kill everything around him. Like 'La Planète sauvage', the drawings are by Roland Topol, and the music is similar.
🍿 When the Day Breaks, another National Board of Canada Oscar nominated short, from 1999, about a humanoid pig who witnesses the accidental death of a humanoid rooster. 8/10. [*Female Director*].
🍿 Inspiration (1949), my second film by Czechoslovakian Karel Zeman (after ‘Invention for destruction’). A stop motion tale of a glass ballerina and a glass clown, the type of little figurines that used to be so popular then.
🍿 I think this is the closest to how the footage looked (2012) is an artsy but touchy Israeli short. A young man remembers the actual last day in the life of his mother, and how his father by mistake erased the video he had taken of her that last day.
🍿 Bluebeard, a fantastic 1901 film by Georges Méliès, about the serial killer and his eighth wife.
🍿Litany of Happy People (1971), my first by Slovenian Karpo Godina, of the Yugoslav 'Black Wave' cinematic movement. Experimental hippy documentary about the various minority ethnicities in some village.
🍿 Cathedral (1971), one of the earliest gay films that came after Stonewall. A poetic love session between three beautiful guys in a shrine of sheets, which eventually turns into a cathedral. Not for me, but okay…
🍿 Once Upon a Time there Lived a Dog, a 1982 Soviet folk tale about a dog and a wolf.
James Payne, curator of the channel 'Great Art Explained' gave a 51 min. exploration of Hieronymus Bosch's The Garden of Earthly Delights. A fascinating run-down, worth watching together with the detailed 'De tuin der lusten' project and Wikipedia. 8/10.
(My complete movie list is here).
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sonnwehr · 2 months
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