bharat-affairs · 4 months
Railway Group D 2024, Notification Pdf, 170000+ RRB Level 1 Vacancies
The Indian Railway Group D Recruitment 2024 Notification is expected to be released between January and March 2024, filling over 1.7 lakh positions for various Level – 1 posts across Indian Railways. The anticipated release date is February 2024, with the registration deadline in the 2nd week of March 2024. Due to the Indian Parliament election in March 2024, the notification might be released…
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every time there’s a donation for ao3 and i see how just INSANELY over the target goal it is… like we are NAWT living without this website fellas 🙏
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bombusbombus · 1 year
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gonzoclock · 6 months
Oh, you though Peter Pettigrew and the Ghost of Christmas James was an extremely, extremely loose retelling of a Muppet’s Christmas Carol? Well, you’d be correct. Until now, that is--
That’s right. We’re jumping movies. So, without further ado:
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Featuring: all the heist archetypes you know and love (okay, maybe not all of them); an adorable four year old Harry Potter that really is much too young to be brought along on a HEIST, but what can you do; James (enough said); Sirius (also enough said); Remus and Peter doing their best to wrangle the previously mentioned points on the list; fun cameos; and more!
Definitely no heartbreak, though! That would be absolutely absurd.
...I’m saving THAT for when we go back to A Marauder’s Christmas Carol :)
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waterdeepthroat · 8 months
since the gortash/orin/dark urge ot3 fic seems to be in the lead, i propose a ship name for the three of them:
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semperintrepida · 1 year
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crybaby-writings · 8 months
my favorite house in my father's home town is for sale and i want to buy it so bad 😭
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hawnks · 2 years
idk if this makes sense but ….. sometimes i feel like having a lot (relatively ajsjjdjdkd) of fic on my profile makes people think of me as more of an npc than a writer :’)
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striving-artist · 2 years
ok, one last post about the poll before I focus in on data again because a lot of folks have asked how they can help.
I am pretty good at excel, I am very good at googling, and I have some super skilled friends I can tap for help, but I'd like to avoid traumatizing my coworkers or mother with the specific entries.
For the sake of consistency, I want to do most/all of the interpretations myself, but if anyone wants to help with any of the following, hit me up:
data standardization (replacing all the versions of fic, fanfic, ao3, fandom, etc into "Fanfiction")
data expansion (converting and modifying entries so they can be processed by formulas)
Isolation and quarantine (finding the data lines that need a TON of extra interpretation by hand bc of write in clarifications)
excel formulas (lots of IF statements and totals and complex formulas across multiple sheets)
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color-palettes · 9 months
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Humidity Is Rising - Submitted by fastman27
#170000 #33061F #6E2287 #946EDB #BABEFF
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truetellsnigeria1 · 1 year
New York Offering $170,000 Per Year Job For Rat Killing Experts
New York Offering $170,000 Per Year Job For Rat Killing Experts
New York City is looking for a top-notch exterminator to help rid the city of its 18 million rats.   It was estimated in 2014 that for every person in New York there were two rats, meaning the vermin population now stands at approximately 18m.   The government of NYC is looking to hire a Director of Rodent Migration and are willing to pay up to $170,000 (£140,000) for the right…
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justcuriouspolls · 2 months
Note- a rarepair is essentially a ship that has a smaller fandom and/or is lesser known compared to more popular ships in a fandom
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odonatasims · 7 months
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здравствуйте :D
если кто обратил внимание на дом, в который мы вьехали в Честнате - ну это немножечко другой дом х) мне было неудобно и тесно играть за столько персонажей в том доме, поэтому да пока Джуди отсутствовала, а дети почти всё вемя тусовались у бабушки с дедушкой, Рохан действовал решительно и в качестве подарка для своей семьи и способа всех как-то обьединить и примирить преподнес новый дом ловко он это придумал на деньги Джуди, конечно х) но она и сама задумывалась об этом, и сделано тут всё больше под нее.
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я до последнего думала, что сделаю всё сама, просто чуть где-то перекрашу, переставлю и всё, но у меня лапки х) и на помощь пришел наш всеми любимый строительный фей Никита, который и создал всю эту нереальную красоту
не знаю, как, но у него всегда удается сделать ВОТ ИМЕННО ТО, ЧТО НУЖНО, а со мной было ой как сложно х) я сама не понимала, что хочу видеть в этом доме и сначала как раз тки долбала его с ремонтом старого, но в итоге сошлись на полной перестройке но в итоге получилась ТАКАЯ красота, что мне хочется здесь играть и играть, и даже переступить через себя и оставить наследника здесь жить х) у меня какой-то прикол, что все наследники обязательно куда-то сваливают и живут в совершенно других домах/квартирах и так вот из поколения в поколение место жительства постоянно меняется но этот дом покидать не хочется
здесь прекрасно всё, НО ДЕТСКИЕ приводят меня в такой просто восторг, это идеально ! моя благодарность и признательность просто не имеет границ /это четвертый дом для моих персонажей от Никиты и каждый буквально все лучше и лучше/
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устанавливаю дом, захожу в режим жизни за Джуди, еду домой и вижу это :D малыш, кто платит, тот и заказывает музыку
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лошади живы-здоровы и у них все замечательно! они даже еще не выросли
продолжаем восторги от дома
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переночевали и сегодня нас ждет очень важное событие! да, я специально вернулась именно в определенный промежуток времени х)
Джейден яростно контролирует действия мамы х)
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я балда и опять забыла заскринить плашки взросления, поэтому будут просто милые СеМеЙнЫе картиночки наши прекрасные наследники стали уже совсем большими, а ведь только родились, казалось бы D:
ну тут в принципе сразу понятно, кто наследник :D да и че уж, я особо не скрывала, это будет Джейден
мне ооочень нравится, какими они получились, хотя этот кас я делала в ватном больном состоянии, тогда еще и муж слёг и я кучу времени и сил убила на уход за ним /мне было куда легче, чем ему/ и уже вечером села за эти касы
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первая домашка в новой личной комнате! какая же Джуди молодец, я восхищаюсь ею, жили в какой-то халупе с комнатами размером с туалет, а в итоге вот, она смогла обеспечить детям более чем достойное проживание и кроме шуток, Никита не экономил когда строил дом, трей импортер говорит, что он стоит 170000 симолеонов, я ставила его без читов в режиме жизни и у нас даже осталось 12000 на счету! и это я еще артефакты не продала все эти деньги моя девочка заработала сама
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ну он однозначно находится на своем месте :D вместо винодельни в подвале сделали прям полноценную постройку, очень уютно смотрится там еще музыкальный проигрыватель есть, муж сказал, что надо джаз врубать и на удивление, вышла гармония
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Джуди жить не может без космоса, поэтому сразу же полетела к звездам
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глубокой ночью, когда все в доме уже спали /и даже лошади/, на кухне возникло это тело....
он, кстати, так сильно поправилась, я увидела в касе и офигела оно и понятно, с таким образом жизни, но все равно для меня неожиданно и непривычно даже интересно, каким он станет в итоге /он явно не из тех, кто будет заниматься спортом, поэтмоу трогать его фигуру я не буду/
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у зайчат сегодня первый день в школе 💔 надеюсь, что все пройдет хорошо
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а папаша ни на что не надеется, он просто рад, что все свалили, и можно спокойно заниматься вином отвечаю, он отсюда не выйдет больше
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не знаю, когда это добавили, но это ужасно мило!! и к слову, первый день у Джейдена прошел не очень, он принес смущённый мудлет( я забыла его заскринить Джульетта тоже принесла рисунок, но я неудачно его разместила и он теперь где-то между комнатой и крышей и его не видно и я не знаю, как его достать :D
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я постоянно пытаюсь развести их по своим комнатам, но они упорно делают домашку только на кухне вместе. ну и ладно, НЕ ХОТИТЕ ЭСТЕТИЧНО, как хотите.
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ну а моя любимая космоледи вернулась в свою стезю!
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rotary-supercollider · 5 months
Guy going up the stairs in front of you slightly slower than you 3600 dead 170000 injured
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itsgerges · 7 months
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Best Greetings
Planet Diameter Equation
The Paper tests and analyzes The Planet Diameter Equation (my 4th equation)
The Equation defines each planet diameter and proves it's created as a function in the planet rotation period and velocity – let's introduce the equation in following-
Planet Diameter Equation (v1/v2)= (s/r)= I
v = Planet Velocity                                                          
r = Planet Diameter
s= Planet Rotation Periods Number In Its Orbital Period
I= Planet Orbital Inclination        (example, 1.8 degrees be produced as a rate 1.8)
v2, s, r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet
The planet (v1) is defined by test the minimum error 
Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity
Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity
Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity
Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity
Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity (As Earth)
Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity
Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter)
(The Equation works from The Earth To Pluto) (the discussion explains the reason)
Neptune Equation (89143 /49528) = 9.7/ 5.4 =1.8               
89143                   = Neptune rotation periods number in Neptune orbital period
49528 km   = Neptune diameter
9.7 km/s      = Saturn velocity
5.4 km/s      = Neptune velocity
59800 days = Neptune orbital period (and Neptune rotation period =16.1 hours)
1.8 degrees = Neptune Orbital Inclination
Planet Diameter Equation Importance
The Planet Diameter Equation produces many useful results but the major one is (The Change In The Solar System Classical Vision)- shortly- the equation forces use to accept a new vision about the solar system creation and motion- let's summarize this vision ideas in following…
The Planet Creation Data Is Defined Based On Exact Equations- this is a simple idea
The airplane manufacturer needs exact equations to define this airplane length, width, weight and all dimensions otherwise this airplane can't fly safely
The planet creation data is similar to that- the planet diameter, mass, density and all creation data should be defined based on exact equations otherwise this planet can't move safely- clearly – the idea is a simple one –
No one believes in it- Why?
Because- the physics Book tells- the planet is created by random process and the planet data are effected by historical events- let's use an example-
Jupiter diameter = 142984 km because it's created by random process and effected by historical factors and be = 142984 km by chance and if this diameter be 170000 km that has no effect on Jupiter motion theory- for that – Jupiter motion theory doesn't know why Jupiter diameter is =142984 km
This analysis is a crucial one- because- it causes to remove the source of knowledge 
By that- the planets data is available for everyone but no one can use it-No one knows Why Mars diameter = 6792 km or why its rotation period is 24.6 hours- why Venus orbital inclination =3.4 degrees – the data is available but useless because every one believes by heart that – the data is created by random and no geometrical reason was found behind its creation.
That shows the massive importance of My Planet Diameter Equation- 
The equation tells – The planet diameter is created based on a geometrical rule and by an exact equation-
Means- Jupiter original diameter is created as (142984 km) by a geometrical reason and the diameter isn't changed by any historical effect- and still be 142984 km without change. 
What did I do to find this equation?
I have put the planets diameters in front of me and tried to find one rule controls all of them and found this equation-
Means- I used the data in place to neglect it for the idea tells (The Data Is Created By Random Process Without Any Geometrical Reason And They Are Useless)
Also this is noticeable- the book tells (The Data Is Created By Random) but no one tried to prove or disprove this idea-
The idea is more deep- because it tells– The Matter Dimensions Are Defined Based On Geometrical Reasons  
It's not only for planets diameters- it's the matter dimensions generally are produced by geometrical rules – that tells us – the planet diameter equation can help to answer the question (what's the matter?) or (how is the matter created?)
Now we realized, the planet diameter is created based on a geometrical rule – but the classical vision has many other wrong ideas- again- the planet diameter equation can help here also –
The next idea to examine tells (The Matter Is Motionless By Nature)  
This idea creates the mass gravity concept- and – the mass gravity become the matter motion reason since four hundreds years!
No Planet Moves By The Sun Gravity- Newton is wrong- because-the planet moves by the force caused its creation- means- the planet creation and motion are done by the same one force otherwise this planet would be broken by effect of 2 forces on it- also – the mass gravity itself can't cause any motion- because – any motion produces energy and from what source to pay this motion energy- that would necessitate to decrease the mass itself by the motion energy value- it's not correct – the mass gravity connects two masses together- as a lorry and its trailer- if one mass moves the other will move with it but the motor is outer reason and not the mass gravity.
This refutation is not necessary- where the urgent question asks (Why Is The Matter Motionless By Nature? Who proved this idea?)- the matter is created from a movable energy and moves with it by nature- the mass gravity doesn't cause any motion in the universe. 
Let's answer (What's The Matter?)
The matter and space are created from the same one energy- and - If we suppose the space is similar to the sea of water, the matter be similar to a whirlpool or a vortex found on the sea page- means- the matter is a geometrical design distinguish from the space- as the whirlpool, it's created from the sea water but it has a distinguish picture from the sea waves picture
The whirlpool (vortex) is carried by the waves motion- similar to that- the matter is carried by its original energy and moves by it- No Mass gravity is required for the matter motion- means- the matter is movable by nature.
The whirlpool dimensions are defined by the sea water motion features- for example- we have a whirlpool its diameter is (2 meters)- this diameter is defined by the sea water motion velocity, the amount of the water and other motion features- by that- the water motion analysis explains how the whirlpool dimensions are created
Also- the whirlpool is created but the creation requirements are needed every day- means- even if this whirlpool is found since years it can be changed immediately if the water motion features are changed- means- the whirlpool creation process is NOT a historical one.
Also - the matter is similar to a creature muscle, the muscle is found based on the blood motion and without this motion the muscle can be changed or removed.
Similar to that- the matter is created based on a moving energy, if this motion is changed the matter dimensions will be changed also-
The previous matter definition is suitable for Lorentz transformation, where it was noticeable that Einstein had used 2 equations only of  Lorentz transformation (time and distance) for the space-time geometry and neglected the mass equation as it would be not found- where Lorentz 3 equations are created based on the same concept and by similar experiments- Einstein had neglected the mass equation (Not For Any Physical Reason) but for his own bias, believing that, the matter is found (regardless any motion), here my planet diameter equation proves the matter is created depending on the motion features which enable to put the mass value on a coordinate with the space-time geometry
What's The Major Idea I Try To Explain In This Discussion?
Example- Saturn diameter 12536 km, its mass 568 x 1024 kg, its orbital distance 1433 million km, its orbital period 10747 solar days, its orbital inclination 2.5 degrees, its axial tilt 26.7 degrees.
This data can tell us how Saturn is created and how its motion is done and what's its motion effect on the other planets- the neglect of the planets data removed the source of knowledge and left us with the imaginary ideas – let's use example for explanation
Example- The planet diameter equation proves the planet diameter is created based on its orbital incantation- NOW- Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus (I prove that in point no.**) and Mars had migrated from its original orbit – BUT- Mars diameter is created in its original orbit and depended on its original orbital inclination- and – after Mars Migration its orbital inclination is changed but its diameter equation still show the original orbital inclination because the diameter is created based on it
Shortly – the planet data is similar to the Creature Genes and can help to discover how this planet is created and how its motion is done
Thanks a lot
Please read
Physics Nobel Prize For Imaginary Ideas!
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department-  Physics & Mathematics  Faculty 
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
Curriculum Vitae                 https://www.academia.edu/s/b88b0ecb7c
E-mail                            [email protected], [email protected]
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ORCID                          https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1041-7147
Facebook                       https://www.facebook.com/gergis.tawadrous
VK                                 https://vk.com/id696655587
Tumblr                           https://www.tumblr.com/blog/itsgerges 
Researcherid                   https://publons.com/researcher/3510834/gerges-tawadrous/
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List of publications         http://vixra.org/author/gerges_francis_tawdrous
Slideshare                             https://www.slideshare.net/Gergesfrancis
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brothersonahotelbed · 5 months
what the y don't tell you about enrolling in college is that the college actually hates your guts so bad and they want to make you jump through approximately 170000 hoops in order to attend school there and you actually end up doing more work trying to sort everything out with admissions than you actually do ATTENDING CLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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